THE OREGON STATESiANt SAMCM. OREGON FRIDAY. MORNING; NOVEMBER 2, 1023- t to r .. m f r L II J 4 NORWICH UNION FIRS INSURANCE 800IXTT W H. Borghardt. Jr. Xeeideet ltal 871 State St. MONEY TO LOAN Oh Ral Rat ate ' T. K. K)RI) LeW H.h Beak) '" AUTOMOBILES 1 AUTO BEFAXSXXQ 8F.RVICE ANY PLACE; ANT TIME. NO job toe email; do job too hard. Jack Doerfer Motor Repair, 410 8. Com mercial St. ' n2 TBY LAN HAM OARAGE FOR FIRST class auto repairing. New location, 1610 N. Commercial St. Phone 890. STORAGE. GREASING. TOWINO. nltl AUTO TOPS OH, YESMIIE NICE TOPS THAT YOU see on ao many ear in Salem, all com from W. E. Gruoert'a ahop. When you are ready to put on a new top I will pay yon to go down to 256 State St. and talk to him. n2 BATTERT AXV 6LECTR1CLUI PRESTO LITE B ATTEST SERVICE V .ttatiom. Export battery and electrical work. Ferris Bree, Phone 180S. 418 Coort. K. O. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES tartar and generator work ; 171 Sontfa ' Coeinsrcial " . j . RADIATOR FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES wad mr ropaired. J. O. Bair. 849 Perry TIRES AND ACCESSORIES U8ED PARTS 1-8 to U OFF. MIKE'S Alia Wrecking Hon a ; 434 North OommweiaL Phono 528.- ...- : TRACTORS . ; Jl".- A O. HAAS CO, 444 FERRY ST. Pheae 210. Clatrao tractors. Oliver im plements. ?B!CYCLES and REPAIRING! BICYCLES AND REPAIRINCI 'ImsTD E. RAMSTTEN DAYTON BICY 0 and roreirinr: 887 Heart. YOU HAVE SOMETHING THAT YOU CAN! NOT USEHE CLASS ADS WILL FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN USE IT ATI A PROFIT TO i BOTH. M0 WtEUmiE IN THESE COLUMNS. BUSINESS CARDS . I FINANCIAL JOV ERNM EN V LOANS ON FARMS 8 per cent. 808, Salem Bank of Oommeree LOANS ! LOANS LOANS I can make your farm or city loans, beat eerrice given.. If yea seed a loan, see . me; and if yon have money to place, see me I always have taker. O. W. t.flee. nin bids' FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDINO BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. 0. F. Breithaupt, florist, 128 N. Liberty 'hone 8l. r 1 : BUSINESS CARDS VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETT STORE CHINA ware, glassware, toys, notiona. and millinery. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. . Office, 801 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domeetie flat ratea paid in advance. No deductions for absence or any cause anlees water t ehflt off vine nrwmlsM .... i PRATE RN Ai OYAL ORAKGB LODGE JASON LEE Memorial No. S30 meeta in Odd Fel Iowa' hail every first, third and fifth i Tnesday of ths m oath. All Orangemen welcome. I I FURNACES SE AG ROVE f FOR FURNACES SIBLI ' roe Flpelesi 883. , 1165 Ferry St Phone 885W. o24tf Y FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIRK0 tors, 210 Center. Phone 1656. FURNTTURB STORES ilESE FURXITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for leas money. ' 871 Ooart Phone 46A PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW ad ; second hand furniture; 871 N "WmwtrriaJ ' FUNK TOms BUY AND toola, . and) Junk. eiaL - Phoee 588. BEIX. FURNITURE. 975 North Oommer- i LATTNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 810 B Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest best Established 1889. . ' BUSINESS CARDS 1 ' AU3ULANCB SERVICE ' m i i 8 A L B M AMBULANCE 8ERVICX - Pheae 666; 178 8. Uberty. .- ; AeUiHIIEUTS j. . iii . FREEMAN J STRUBLX. REGISTERED Arcaiteeta. 510 Beak of Commerce . Betiding. ' ' j BUSINESS DIRECTORY I NEWSDEALERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM--SALEM agent Gas Hixson. Phone 1067 J. Of-i j f ice phone 939. d2- y CARPET AND RUO WBAVTNQ ALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Bag Works Rag and flaxT rnfi wevea ahy else witheot aeams. ' New attrsassa made to arder. Old saaV I tries as remada. Feathers reaevatod. I T bar all kinds ef aid earpete for Outt , mga. 191 and Wilbur streets. Pfcama : i4. one r. z wicker,, Pro- - CHHOTET SWEEPS - I 1 1 . . CHIMNEY SWEEPING F U B N A O X , cleaning. T. Gaaaeiims. Bay Lt,Farm - r ttaraware company. ,. to 1 " 1 , CU1HB8B 7HYSICIAX . ' DR. 1 T. DICK CURES ANT KNOWS disease. 151 8 High 81 Phone 289. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 11264 ; BroaJwa Phone 165. MAC HUTS SHor 1 THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam hoilere, vnlcaaisera . and tube platea. Perry O Campbell. 817 H Uberty. ; : if MEDICA& MOUNTAIN BALM OOCGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chroaia T diaeaaea; 415 Oregoa Bldg Phone lid. , NURSERY : STOCKS COMPLETE r LINE FRUIT AND NUT trees. Fruit land nursery, office - 544 Ferry. Phone 199 or 1140M. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fmits, oraameats. Capital C:ty Nur sery 00., 420 ureros uidi. mono 70 FRUIT. NUT AND - SHADE TREES Pesrey Brae. 28T State. , OPTICIANS - MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE (on Bldg. Rooms 801 to 804. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW . OF tical Co,! 825 State an eet, opposite Lodd I Bush Bank. a,Uaa Onmlin PAPERHANGING AND PADfTTNa CmXOPODZSTS PR. 8. P. SCOTT." GRADUATE BA tieoal University Sciences, . Chicago. MaaenlejrempleJP CHIROPRACTORS PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR H0U8E decorating, paper hanging, tinting, eU. Beusbie workman., , , . TEN CENT KALSOMININX IN BEAUTT- ful aolors; gl done a room. Max O Bursa. 179 N. Commercial. r 8.1 a Bldg DBS. SCOTT SCHO FIELD. P. S. Chiropractere. 414-19 U. 8. Bank Phone 87; raa. 828 R. IR. REDMOND. 929 OREGON BLDG. Phone 1689. ' CLEAVERS AND DTXXS BALEM CLEANERS AND DT IBB Bsito cloaaod and proaaed, $10. Baits sponged and pressed. 50a. , Cl 8. Com'L , S 1 Phono 1968 ; J COVSUX.TZHO I ENGINEERS 4 VIL,, CONSULTING. CONCTBUCTION Coaitrneting Engineer. Surveys, esti mates. Jno. 1L Keef. 819 Or ago a Bldg. : Phone 775. . DRUGLEBS PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DR. I . Fraats. Aento aad ehroaie Idi Phono 780., 495 N. Commercial. DRUGSTORES ' WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS." 175 N. CommerciaL phono 167. ELECTRICIANS , , - BALEM ELECTRIG CO. MASONIC hoildiag. Phono 1200. - ELECTRIC FIXTURE AMD- SUPPLY Co. Phono 1984. 829 Jf. Liberty. AKCU1B FLEE5ER, ' ELECTRICIAN j Henao wiring hy hour or contract. Es : timates furaiahed. Phone 980.. '414 '. Coort Bt v - . 1 UAUK'B ELECT RIO SHOP XLXO Uieal machine repalnag. oontractlag I 87 vonrt. Fhono 488. .1 FTNAJTCIAL PHYSZCZAM OF FHYBIOTHBRAPHY DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF PHY8I- etherspy, treats all ailments, women s troubles eepecially. 245 N. Commercial actreet. Phono 1091. PLUMBING ' . PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phono 1397-J. Shop 127 Union tret. A. L. Godfrey. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FRANK R. KELLOGG. PUBLIC AO- eoontaat, systoma, bookkeeping, service, auditing- 218 Oregon Bldg. f SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. refuse of all kinds removed. Cespoel cleaned.. Phone 167 or 1007 J. sSOOS 8CAVENOER SERVICE (Suc cessor to I Neat Scavenger) Garbage and refuse of all kinda removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Phonos: Office 529; residence 2068.' STOVES AND 8T0VX REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years'! experience. Depot National feme, aisea 26 to 28 in. high. Paints, oils and varnishes. . etc., logaaborry and bop hooka. ; Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court ftroet. Phono 124. 1 COAL FOR SALE M W 1 1 11 1 a a WHY WOOD I Try oar high grade coal. Save your time and money. No wood splitting1 longer,' hotter fire. Call 1855. HILLMAN FUEL CO. - Broadway and Hood. OlS-tf FOR RENT FURNISHED j BaBnanBaxaaBsaBsaHaaen For rent after November 1, newly papered, modern except heat. Light, water and phone free, very reasonable. 410 Oregon Bldg. o27tf. APARTMENTS f FOR RKXT CLOSE IN THREE ROOM furnished apartment, first floor. 104J t. (.'ommercial. 1'faone llt8J. n'Je Classified . Section Phone 23 Advertising Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS i Rate per word : Per Insertion . Three insertions - 2e So I 'One week (six insertions) One month : 8e 20c Six months' contract per mo. 15c 12 months' contract, per mo 12e Minimum for ahy advertisement 25c FOR SALE Miscellaneous FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO OtT THE BEST . farm paper,- send 15a to .the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months trial subscription. Mention thia ad. j j : ' ' 1 r POCLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com merrj! street. Salem. Oregon. FOR. RENT NOVEMBER 9. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, furnace heat. 545 Court St. Phone 1057. nl FOR RENT FURNISHED APART ment, 3 rooms, free heat, light, water , and telephone. 592 N. Summer. Phone 1078. n3e FOB RENT APARTMENTS. 891 NO Commercial. r . FLATS '"t , FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED five room flat, at 666 Ferry St. 95 a month. Call there, or phone S3, or call at Statesman business office. o25tf BOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE Phone 2056 J. FOR BENT FOR RENT NINE ROOM HOUSE. 771 N. Cottage St. Full basement, furnace. sleeping porch, etc. 850 per month. I qaire fetsteamsn Business office. Phone 83. - 07 2ooac FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS first floor, convenient. Phono 1508J 243 N. 14th. n3e FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping rooms Leonard Hotel, 254 N. Front Street. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 1ft". wording f Famished Rooms," price 10 cents 'each. 8tsieamaa Business Of fire. Ground Floor. FOR RENT UNFURNISHEDI APARTMENTS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED. DOWN town apartment. See W. A. Cummingt at Spaulding Logging Co. Phone 1830. . n3 HOUSES ONE-HALF DUPLEX HOUSE WITH GA- rage. ew, modern, f 40 or 4a. 951 North Winter. n4 FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE, close in. Inquire 680 Mill St. n2 FOR RENT 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE at 2000 State St. - WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 216 Oregon. Bid;. nl-tf FOR RENT 3 ROOM HOUSE, EVERY- thmg clean, in nice abape. Give man work whoi rents house. Commercial Cider Works. n7 FOR RENT FIVE ; ROOM MODERN dwelling at 727 South Twelfth St. 92p a month. Phone 23, or call Statesman buainesa office. o20tf FOR RENT Miscellaneous! FOR RENT STORE ROOM ON STATE St. J. II. Lauterman, Hotel Argo. n2tf FOB KENT TYPE WRITERS SPECIAL STUDENT RATE FOR TYPE writers. Four months 910. Under wood Typewriter Co, 300 Msaon-ir Bldg . 0-tf POULTRY 1 ! Why Delay? Place your order v for 1924 chicks witb, the White Hatchery, the hatchery with a reputation for good chicks. Safe arrival, full count guaranteed. Mem ber of Accredited Hatcheries Sonoma Coonty. "A" and "AA"ii stock. Price right. Send for, catalog. WHITE IMTOHERY, Petnlumaj Calif. o28tt Jm HELP WANTED SELL MADISON "BETTER MADE SHIRTS direct from our factory : I wearer. No capital or experience re quired. Easily sold. Big profits. Write lot r'KEE 8AMFLG3. : MADISOK, MILLS 508 Broad wav. i New York FEMALE I ELDpCRLY WOMAN TO DO LIGHT housework and care for child during day. 1'hone 263. ' ; n2 COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER WANT- ed; .Permanent position. Apply Statesman business office. nltf MALE AND FEMALE WANTED CANVASSER. APPLY Pattern dept.. Miller Merc. Co, after :SO. j j n; WASTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good proposition to tne ncnt oeoolo. Aa . dress the Paeifie Homestead, Statesman Bldg.. Salem. Or. MALE 3 YOUNG MEN. WITH SALES ABILITY wjo. to- take orders in city.--! Call 2a7 N Liberty after 5 p. m. ' n4' Ladies Wearing Apparel j DRESSMAKING MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttons. Ream: 10. ever Mil ler'e, store. Phone 11T. ' , j PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY woraing --xressmsKmg"; pries if seats each. Statesman Business Offiet Wmnml Floor J I HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE H EM STITCH I NG pleating, buttons, stamping and needl. Wor: 32" Oregon bldg. Phone 879 LADIES TATLOnINO D U. MOSHER TAILOR FOB and women. 474 Court! St. ME V- J. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING long coats sad a nit a. Room 7, MoCor iftark Bldg I I' LOST AND FOUND FOUND FOR SALE Miscellaneous 1 OR SALE TEAM OF HORSES. J1AR- ,ness. ery cheaply, tall 970. n2tf -ALL SIZES. SA Pbone 81K11. n4 50 PIGH FOR 8ALE- lem Cheebe factory. FOR SALE TEAM AND WAGON; 2 7-foot" cross-cut saws; 6 hay forks. Phone 1786W4. n3 . , 1 DRIED PRUNES FANCY PETTTES 8c. lb., old crop Italians 5c. R. V. Ohm art, Salenf, Oregon. Phone - 108F31. n3 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7 wording "For Sale, Enquire at. Prica 10 centa each. Statesman Bosiaeae Office. Ground Floor BIRD IK CAME TO MY HOME, 1193 Market bt. ovner may have same by laentnying dog and paying for this ad vertiaement. ' - n2e LOST LOST iPAIIt BLACK KIM MED SPEC f tarles in downtown district. Barrett, 1743 Ferry. Phone 1417J. uSe STRAYED SMALL PUP WITH BLACK i body, brown spots oven eye, brown logs and chest. Finder - v'ease call ) 1233J. ,j ; n2 IAST BLACK VELVET! ! SCARF ON ; State street car vr near; State street, j Agate stick pin on urarf. Mrs. li. L. f Kteee,. Tall 1 Hi.lW. Reward. n-t I MUSICAL Instruments! 4 COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO j playing. Popular syncopated standard j j music. Semi clsssl-s and ballads;! 12 easeua. ninus nmum ocdosl ase SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUY8 AND sells second hand furniture, tool aad jnnk; 820 N. CommerciaL Phoao 492. WE HAVE 95000 PRIVATE MONEY to Mas oo farm property. ANDERSON RUPERT . - -; 0T Oregoa bldg. 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM oa city or farm property. Reserve Do posit company, 72 Fourth Street, Port - lead. Ot. . i- . V: - ' ' FARM LOANS Is sumacs money, any amoaat S per eent. for S. T. 10., or ,20. year, with fU prepoyment piivilegaa entire Winam .. stto valley. .' - HAWKINS .ROBERTS O 205 Oregon Bldg Salem. OrogoaV B1WKIN8 ROBERTS. CITY LOANS loweel ratea. FARM LOANS f AT PER CENT aad ': FEB CENT i ANDERSON BTTfCBT f Oregon Bldg 8alam. Ore. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- lag and ahooa. Best prices psiA Cap ital Exchange; t42 North Commercial Phone 1868-W.' TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central Ssge Terminal. Salem, Oregon SALEM EUGENE Leaves Salem 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a. m.; 1:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. ; 9:15 p m.; ;15 p m.; 7:80 p. m.: to Corvallia only. r A B M LOANS LEdS INTEREST. loagor time, mm oommiasioa. Protects against adversity. City leaaa. lowest rates, moothly lastatrmeota, pre pay ment r vi'egee. J. C. Slegtaoad, room - Uii a a2t bank. - 1 PARKER'S BrAGZ 1.INE8 J. W. farker. General Manager Central State Terminal Ssless. Ore go a. SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Loaves Salem, Central Suta Termiaal; 7 a. m.; -11 s. m.; S p, as " lMvee Rilvervn .News Stand: 8 a. m. ; 1 p. m; 6 p. as. Satlea iBdependMce-Maofnouth Divlaioa: 4eave Salem. Central Ptsge Terminal: I a. m.: m.; '11 to a. ca.: 9:10 p. m. - 5:10 p m leaves Monmuutb. Mvbnwath Hotel : i 8:15 a. m.;. T p. m.; V6:1S p. at. Leaves Independem-o. Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. at. i f 4 p.M.i 1:31 pi n. .-r-5:. Lesves Central rHage Termiaal. Salem, for Dallas atfj ''-- " t a. m.; 11:10 s. a; :10 p. am. Loaves Gail Hotel. Delist, st : , - 8 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. au Wo make roaneetiuaa XnUo ail peris of the valley. .Extra trips by ap polntmnt, ." " '- - .-' ' - - -: -J. W. PAKKEfl, -Gttisral Maaager. APl'lxES-97K12. -2.-c, 75c. $1 BOX. Geo. F, Thompson. PHON8 n4e Beautiful Oregon Rose And eleven other O r m son eonga Sogotber with a fine collection of patriotic songs sacred songs sad many old-time favor itea ' ALL FOR 25e. (Special prices la qaaatlty lota) Especially adaptable for school eommua tty or home atoning. Bead for Western Songster T6 parea now ta its third ediUoa Published tty OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial 81 Salem. Ore. COLLIE IOG FOR South 12th street. SALE, $15. 152 V, n3 CnrnxcYc BUg. MUSIC STORES SHERMAN. CLAY CO.. PIANOS i Steiawaya, Duo-Art and others. Moors' r , Muaia House. 415 Court street. I 1 titU. O WILL PIAN'OS. PHONO j graphs; aewing machines,; ah eet mnslc. and piano studies. Repairing phono f graphs sad aewing machines; . 432 State, Sslem. . ; TRADE YOCB OLD PIANO FOB A NEW : Victor or Brunswick. II. L. Stiff Fumi ' rare C.n Mnsie Dent. I PZAKO TUNERS EDWARD WELP v EXPERIENCED Pl , aao tuner. Leava orders j Will's Maai Store. ! t MUSICAL Instruments PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 1KL" wording "Rooms to Rent," price 10 ! cents each. Statesman Buainesa Of I fice. Ground Floor. BEST BUYS IN A HOME Only one block from "city hall, two oiocKs irom Miller a department store Not a new house, but a good 6 room nouse, newly remodeled tnrougnout. both inside and out. It is conaidered really business property.. For a quic deal will take the price of resident property. Price . 95500; good terms 82000 RUXGALOW SNAP ' The beat buy in . town. . Trades ' Two modern resident properties Salem for Portland property. SOME GOOD FARM BARGAINS see some of our choice residence lots, 8175 and up. HOUSES FOR RENT To sell, "rent, buy or exchange your property satisiactoriiy see CHILDS A BECHTEL 540 State St. nl-tf FOR 8 ALE FINE HOME GROWN IM proved Cathbert raspberry plants. Mrs. . Jessie C. Jones, Kt. 2, Gervais, Ore ' ftoa. Phone 3F12. a4 APPLES. DELIVERED SPITZENBERG Baldwin, small VsnderpooL 75c per box 3 boxes for 82. Ward K. Richardson. 2:95 N. Front. Phone 491. o31-n2. APPLES DELIVERED SPITZENBERG. Baldwin, i small Vanderpool, 75c per box; 3 for $2.. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 N. Front. Phone 434. -o2s-31-nJ. Af GASOLINE MOTOR AND JACK, practically new. Also a pump. W. W. Walker. 308 N. 24th St. s N13 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 cents a handle. Cireulatioa departmoat Ore go Btateemaa :-r -l BIRDS. FLOWERS AMD PETS PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST M ATRIMON ial paner pnbltKhed. FREE for stamp, j COKKKSPOVDEN'T. Toledo. Ohio. N 1 REAL ESTATEt-City I 10 ROOM APARTMENT ilOUSK. 2 5 rovm apartments, one furui&hed. very close in, income fK per month ; will sell ao you ran make 12 ',i per cent oa your invmwnent. See me at ouce. Socolofsky 341 SUto St. -, i .2tf -- PRINTED CARDS. 81ZR 14" BY 7)1". wording "For Boat." price 10 cents FLAKE'S PETLA NO. BIRDS, FLOWERJ o.e-m,a unnni yitica. oa Pels, 273 State j .... !- t- 'U uroaan g-ioor. .: r ; I'l ? WE SELL SO AS TO. SELL AGAIN For Sale 6 room bungalow, strictly modern, hardwood floors, garage, lot 75x150. Near Capitol St. A bargain at i3znu. " S 5 room bungalow, basement, garage, South Salem, fine view. ' Price only JiTO. i.ay terms. 4 room bungalow, -basement, garage, lot 50x137. Just off Capitol. Price only S22a0 and very easy terms. RICH L. REIMANN Realtor Office phone 1013 Residesce Phono 726R. 229 Oregon Bldg. . o28tf. CHOICE INVESTMENTS Down town business lot immediately ei ot city nail. wnere Christian Science church now stands. Must be sold at once. 97500. unoice residence lot, 107 feet on L'apitol street $3j00. eight room bouse, northeast corner of Cottage and Ferry. 86500. Ton room house 324 North Capitol, l.ot 78x137 and east end of lot im mediately north joining on alley ;f li.uuu. Beautiful home on Court atreet, fae mg tjapitoi. . WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor !., 216 Oregon Bldg. o28tf FOR SALE FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW , corner lot, 82500. A good six room house $1800. Strictly modern - home ! close to business district 96500. Fine ! lot near the state house, suitable for home or fists, $2500. 240 acre farm j on ' rock road, good buildings, well I watered, suitable for stock dairy. $55 I per acre. 30 acre ranch, river bottom land, $2500. Will take part city prop- : erty. Mouse ror rent F. L. Wood. 341 1 State t. o27tf BARGAINS! Seven room bouse, modern, close to school. Garage, chicken house, bun gitow style. $500 cash; terms on bal ance. Nine room house close in, modern, paved streets, garage, close to Marion square, a blocks from business cen ter. $5000; good terms, $1500 down. Seversl good lots in good locations at almost your own price from, $300 ana up. and up. 410 Orezon Bldg. o27tf. REAL ESTATE FARMS HERE'S ONE 153 acres. 60 acres grub oak timber. 3Vi miles of Dallas, lVx miles to R. R. switch, 2000 cords wood. 10 acres plow land, balance stump, pasture, Fenced. Enough wood to pay for place. $M0O0; $1000 down; $500 a year. J. A. MILLS, 331 Va State St. o25tf GOOD BUYS 20 acre tract located 1 l-i miles from Gervais, 4 room house, . barn, mostly all in gram, price $2300. 68 acre farm located near Falls City buildings. Will consider house and lot in Salem as part payment. Price $6000. 320 acre ranch located 10 miles south of Salem and lis miles off main facitic highway. Buildings, 8u acrea of good grain or fruit land, 15,000 cords of standing fir timber.' Wit con sider trading for small acreage or city property. 1'rice a per acre. i 200 acre ranch located 6 miles from Salem, lOO acres cultivated land, bal ance timber and pasture, running water and springs. Will consider part trade. Price 81Z.00O. 200 acre dairy farm located in Coos county, 11 room bouse, barns, silo, all machinery,, )0 cows, some hogs, sheep and chickens. Will consider some trade. Price $16,000. $b50'down buys acre tract close to carline, good gravel road, small ga rage lioue, chicken house. Mostly in timber. ' Located south Salem. Will consider good lot for equity. Price $2500. Well improved 0 acre fruit farm. Mostly all in fruit, prunes, walnuts, loganberries, some cherries. Two set of buildings. Good road, close to high way. 4 miles from Salem. Will con sider good house as part payment. Price $!.",00. This place is offered below value. "-203 acre farm located 7 miles from Salem. Nearly all cutivated. Good average farm buildings. Will consider smaller acreage as part payment. This is good grain or fruit land. Price $100 per acre. 60 acre dairy- farm located on Tur ner road. 1 mile south of 25th street. All cultivated. 6 room house, barn, milk house. Price $12,600. Terma on Vr'. IL GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 273 Stata fit. i27ef. SPECIAL To exchange nice home place of 25 acres, in bearing fruit. Good build ings. Only 3 miles esst of Salem, on good road. Want larger farm or Salem or Portland property.; 5 room house. A good buy for $1500 with $150 down. THOMASON y 331, State St. o31tf 000 ACRE FARM, WOULD RAISE splendid garden truck, flax. grain, dairy farm. Splendidly located for auli vision. At a great bargain today. Jrtrud( J. M. Page. o31tf 'REAL ESTATE Suburban srjBURBAX HOME GOOD SIX ROO'M house, newly painted, 2 acres land, poultry bouse and. woodshed. Some fruit , and berries. On Wallace road Only one mile from Salem business dis trict. $3,200. i A. BOIIRNSTEDT v 4U7 Masonic Temple,' Salem. Oongnn. , ositl i Classified Ads in The - Statesman Bring Results TO RENT OR BUY 1 WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furniture. Best prices pais THH CAPITAL HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial a. Phoae 941 I TRANSFER HAULING j TRAKSFBR-HAULIMO WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our,specialty is piano an furniture moving. We alto make eoua try trips. We handle the beat coal ens wood. Call oa ua for pricea. We givt . good measure, good quality and gooc , service. Larmr Transfer Co. Phone 931 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 220 SUte St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty.. Go our rates ' TRUCKING OB TRANSFER TRUCKING AND MOVING $1.50 PER hour. 1645W. . V 6 I USED CARS FOR SALE 1 1U29 FORD TOURING. FIRST CLASS condition, good rubber, $325. 157 S. Commercial. n2 Special Today ! Ford touring. 1922 motor block, was thoroughly overhauled this summer 'afi is in A-1 shape. Good tires; 2 spares. Has battery' lights, dimmers, dash light, speedometer, etc. If sold today, $75 ' VllfcV KUhKT LiSKO UAK DEP'T. -349 N. Commercial St. nl PUBLIC NOTICES XOTICE OP FINAL. SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court , of the State ot Oregon Tor the County - of Marion,' his duly verified Final Account, as ad ministrator with the will, annexed, of the estate of Tamar Dancy, de ceased, and that said Court has fixed. Monday, the 2Cth day of November, 1923. at the .hour of ten o'clock a. m; of eaid day as the time, and the County Court room in the county court house, in Salem, in Marion county. Ore-, gon, as the place for hearing said Final Account and al objections thereto. r . i -.. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 26tb day of October, 1923. WILLIAM H. DANCY, Administrator, with the will an nexed, of the estate jot Tamar Dancy, deceased. ' -" A. O. Condit & Ronald C. Glover, Attorneys for Administrator, Salem. Oregon. ; - o27-n2-J-16-23 Bradley, Milton ci. school 6.11 OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 173 S. Liberty ! Phone t60 GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH MO tor Co, 219 State. . i nl-tf USED CARS PRICED TO SELL Ford Touring .. $90.00 Maxwell touring .' $90.00 Chevrolet touring . $125.00 Mitchell touring - $175.00 Paige touring ..$350.00 Overland aedan ..$550.00 Hupmobile touring $495.00 Dodge touring ... ; $495.00 Essex touring $ 550.00 Wo have others for you to select irom. uorat in and look them over, i F. W. PETTYJOHN Co. 219 North Commercial street Salem. Or. o28tf I'SFD pnen rins ronu, r AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1913 touring touring 1917 touring 1918 touring 1919 touring iiu touring .1915 roadster 1920 roadster 1922 coupe Chew paint) iu;j coupe $50.00 855 no -.$125.00 -.8100.00 .$225.O0 $235.00 $110.00 $250.00 $425.00 $495.00 1921 sedan . $375.00 1922 sedan (new paint) .$425.00 1920 truck . $235.00 AH cars guaranteed to bo in good running order. Liberal terms. Open evenings and Sunday t ? VALLEY MOTOR CO. 260 No. High. Phono' 1995 o27tf. FOR SALE 1920 Dodge sedan A l shape $900. 1921 ForH liiii.inw linn 1.921 Stndebaker special touring 9700 loin T J A a m a- . ROVFRTiryY.K MOTOR CO WANTED Miscellaneous I SEWING BY THE DAY. PHONE 1786J2. ! . B6 RECEIVE MATERNITY CASES AND Mor Kest. 1259 -8. Liberty. Phont 1029 J. . EATON A EATON. practical hatton formerly C. B. Ellsworth exUblishment First class hat work of aU kinda. 291 N.; Commercial. CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 43. N.i Simmer street Phone 674-J EMPLOYMENT WANTED .PLACE FOR SCHOOL GIRL to i work, for room and board. Phono 522R. b4. WANTED GIRL WANTS HOUSE- work. fhone 1961. n3e WANTED MARRIED MAN WANTS ork on farm. Gilbert Tinsley. Phone 1524 B3 USED TRUCKS WASTED FdRD TRUCK. 219 STATE. n8 WOOD FOR SALE FOR SALE BALM SLAB WOOD, FINE to, mix with other wood. 4 and 8 ft. lengths. $3.25 cord. 12 in. .per load of cord, $1. v Phone 1177. FIR AND HARDWOOD. 1645W. 6 WOOD SAW PROMPT AXD CAREFUL service 'with . wood saw. 1'hone 108F3. N19 XOTICE OF FIXALi SETTLE , MEXT j '. f Notice is hereuy given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court- of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, his duly verified Final Account as ad ministrator of the estate of John Dancy, deceased, and that said court' has i fixed Monday, the 26th day of 1 November, 1923, at . the hour of ten. o'clock a. m. of said day as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House in Salem, in Marion Coun ty, Oregon, as the place for hear ing said Final Account and all ob jections thereto.. ;-."!'; J; Dated at . Salem, Oregon, this 26th day of October, 1923. WILLIAM II. , DANCY ' Administrator of. the. state of John Dancy, deceased. A. O. jOondit & .Ronald C. Glover, Attorneys fbr Administrator. , Salem. Oregon : o27-n2-9-16-23 COMMISSIONERS' COURT (Continued from yesterday.) BEST, GRADE OF WOOD 4 foot; 16 inch green mill wood. 4 foot dry mill wood. 4 i foot and 16 inch second growth. FRED E. WELLS, 280 8. Chnreh. Phone 1542 06-tf. FOR 8AI.E 16-INCH OLD FIB 4KB s-cond growth 4-foov and oak. Phoas 19F3 M. T. MarfinTd NEW CORPORATIONS Articles of incorporation v'ere filed here yesterday by the Tur- pcnola Products company of St. Helens, which proposes to engage n the manufacture" of turpentine. The incorporators are C. W. Bil flnger, C. W. Millerand John L. Storla, and the capitalization 13 50,000. ,. A permit to sell bonds in the sum of $500,000 was issued to the Mountain States Power company, which has its headquarters at Al bany. ,. Alfalfa or cicver in western Orecon mar be pastured off or rliped late to avoid spread of the disease1 stem rot. '. .- . . Manegre. J.. elisor .. . . Manegre, Peter, juror Murphy, J.' C, do . . . Rector, Maud, do i .. . . Davidson.- John, Ido . . Raymond, Fred, do . Bunnlng, C, do Anderson. Carl, witness , . ' Marqueth, E, "W., dp. i ; . . . Osborne; Catherine, do . . . McKeen. Bill, do ....... Gearin, Mrs. Anna, do . . . k State vs. Wiiloughby et al Kuntz, P. J., justice !.-. . DeLong, W; E.. constable Coroner's Acconnt Ridgon. Lloyd T., making inquest death of Mrs. Octaria' Kearns RidgorvJ Lloyd . T., inquest death of Myrtle I. Hitch- man . . . J .1. .... . . Ridgon, Lloyd T.V inquest death of William Hardy Ridgon. Lloyd T.,. inquest death of Frank SLElmo Ridgon, Lloyd T inquest death of Eli Davidson & M. L. Cole J;.: . . ... Ridgon. Lloyd T., inquest death of Joseph A. Cat erer - . . . . ........... Ridgon. Lloyd T.. ' Inquest death of Inei Isaac Rigdon,. Lloyd T.." inquest death of Ray Mills .... Smith, Henry, constable Barrett, .Blanche F., re porting inquest .... White, O. V.. Juror '. . . . , Klecker. W, F.. do ...... Smith. Goo; A.," dp . . . . . . Lesley, Frank,' do ..... . Keech. George,- do '.". ...... Korinek. G. F., do ... Brewer. Dr. C. H., witness Mills. c. do .... . . . . Sandnv... John Jr da.."." Spaniol. Joe, do ... .... , Roy. Mrs.. Anna, do . . . . Roy. E., do ... . ..... Smith. W. II., do Stamp. Miss Norma do . . Stamp. Miss Mary, do .. BelL E. J.,- do J : . . . . Rlgdon. Lloyd T.. making inquest of Alice. Inon Mclntyre. Ora F report- , ing 'inquest .1 Vickers. P.. G.. juror l . . . Mclntyre. G. .IT:, do ...... Millar, W. C. do .... . V Mills, S. C. do I . . Broyles, Z.. do i . . ... . . " Hanlon. James, do .-. . . Wolf, Dr. Osmar, Iv.i wit- ; 1 XiC3SI ..- j t t : j., Lenon, A. R., do ,:-.'.. Houston. Victor- M,. do . . Paulsen, Stockton, do . . . r: . Feeble '3IindefI Account Miller's, felt , slippers .for Louise Abfams Milter's, clothing for Vio - let Perry . . .1 . . i . . Miller's, clothing for Ruth 5.40 1.2Q 1.40 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.20 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 9.10 5.50 Salem care 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 8.D0 -9.00 ' 5.00 11.80 7.20 16.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0C 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 i 1.50 1.50 1.50 12.20 S.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 il.OO 1.00 1.00 1.50 l.Si. 1.50 4.50 2.90 ,39.97 .... V.. ';.... Greenbaum. o r Henry- 35.J5 Howard Rostein & clothing f Steincomb . School Supt. Office Baillie, W. . II.."- casV ad . vanced account repairs for., car . ....... . . . Fulkerson. Mary L,, trav eling expense li.: Fulkerson. Mary L. cash advanced for stamps and envelopes . ; -. . . r . i. . . Fulkerson. Mary L., cash advanced account; extra clerk hire, boys and girls ' exhibit at fair . . . i. . Gill. -Co.; The J. J. par- " cei jnsi scaio .y Hart. R. L.. helper. line, school survey Herbert" Green , Co., ling machine ....-.. ,.7j Kraps Co., the J. J.i report " cards, etc. li-.Ji..V. 124. 0 Lee,. Henrys jsignr frame . . . .9.00 mak- r- o . stap- 61.30 48.45 50.00 72.16 48.00,' 8.66 17.00 - auDDliea . . Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co.. ine, services- . . . . . A Pat ton Bros.r paper. .... Pomeroy & Keener, medals Reid. Cora E.. C6. truant officer J ...... . Rodarers Paper Cb., paper Fruit Inspector Account Van Trump. S. HL fruit in- Bpector . ... . I ... 125.00 Poor Airount ; - Clark, Frank. C jsupt. Co. poor farm .... t Fry. Daniel J.;1 prescrip tions, etc., Co patients Hall. C..N-. acct,iburlal of Joseph Caterer Hammond Lbr. 'Co.. gro ceries for; Nellie Wach ter . . . . ..... Klinger & Baumtn. gro cerles for Eliz. Imfield Lebold t & Co.. groceriea for Mowery family,. . McCormick M. J gro ceries for Mrs. Chas. . Jeaudoin . . .. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., The, telephone serfices . ... Pickens & Haynjes. grocer lea for McAfee family. Rigdon & Son. W. T.. bur ial of David Wright. . . Roth Grocery Co.. grocer ies Tor F. Mokley . .... Salem Deaconess Hospital, care! for Edward Keyes . Salem Deaconess Hospital, ; care" for Andrew Camp- todlj. i 4 o Salem rDeaconegs Hospital. carq for Mrs.jLlzzie How-, ard !....... Salem Deaconess Hospital, care! for E. A. Mack ... Salem Deaconess Hospital. care; for G. A. Hodgman Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Miss Katie Schirmer J . . . .... .. Salem. Deaconefs Hospital, care1 for Fred Baker . . . Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for D. B. Wright. . Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for J. W. Kentwell Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Charles Jami son i i Deaconess Hospital, for Miss Do.rris Stone .Salem I Deaconess Hospital, f care fof Martin Steele Salem Deaconess Hospital, care forjW. W. Johnston Shrode, D:' L., groceries for i Mrs, Northcutt ....... Terhaar Drug . Co., pre-.' i scriptions.' etc.,' for Mrs. T Joe Imfield ........... Terwilliger Funeral Home, burial of Arthur Ryder Tschida, John. Beet. In Jury received while in em-" loy of Marion County. Van De.Wiele, D. L., gro ceries for Mrs. J, H. Smith ............. . Webb & Clongh Co,, bur ial of James W. Cantwell Wolf, Osmar K., M. D., pre scriptions & treatments for Mrs. Chas. Jealdoln & Fred Nagle ...... i i ; Jail Account Bower, O. D., :- board for "prisoners . . .......... Jorgensen. Ira, weld, door hinge ... . .Y. ....... I ! v Tar Rebate" Watson, J. M Sr., rebate of taxes White, Merton O.. do.... Do ft Fund Caplinger. JV Jrvine, acct. sheep killed ...... .. . Miller, Geo. G., acct. sheep killed .... .Disallowed Allowed i Deputy Sheriff Moore, H. M., salary and expenses of deputy sher iff ...... ... Xash.iE. A. ewes & lambs . killed by dogs . . . . Rowland Printing Co., in dex cards . . . . ...... Standard Oil Co., gas. ac count, deputy "sheriff . . Zorn. "Henry account Iambs killed . V.. . . j Mai Fair Capital. Ice .and' Storage Co., fruit and pears on exhibit . . .... .... Farmer. Hd w. Co., Ray L., nails, and tacks ... . . . Orecon ! Statesman, print " ing placard , . . ...... Penney Co., J. C, gauze, tape, etc., for decora tion . . . .. . '. Rodgers Paper Co., paper Roth .Grocery Co., fruit, ' etc. on exhibition .... Upjohn, Mrs. Lois, flowers i on exhibition ,-. . . . . . White & Sons, D. A-, coti : ton bavs Bushey, Mrs. Wm. ing exhibitions, ; county booth ... .... . Cernik. M. J., fruit on ex hibition ...... ...... Craig, R. W., hops on ex hibition ...... . . . ". . . Hayden, Gus, corn on exhi bition r. ". a .... . Jerman, Mrs., Ada, help installing exhibitions. . Lafol.ett. A. M., apples on i exhibition Parmenter, Charles taking down county exhibits. . Rinholt, Amal, vegetables cn exhibition - . . . . .... Taylor. Alfred, work in county; exhibits vege tables, etc. ... .. . .... Taylor Ed.r taking down Marion county exhibits Taylor, Leona help Install ing booth ...... .. Yada, J. M. Wakada, E, T.v celery. lettuce, etc. on exhibition ....- Young, W. C, apples, etc. on exhibition ........ Taylor, W. A., putting in Marion county exhibit at state fair, etc. . . Indemnity . for Slauahter eased Cattle King: H. G.. indemnity . . 10.00 Tax Knpfrvlsinij Comm. Patton Bros., paper and ' envelopes .... .... -. 2.25 Court House and Poor Continued Mayfield, M. D.. bilance dne on contract to haul ' wood . . . . . . ........ 417.60 Advert iHinjr, Salem Chamber ot Com- ' meirce membership due3 50.00 RexiMtratton and KlcrHmti Cont'd Boyer, U. G., cash advanc ed for stamps ....... 15.00 Justice Court it r vs Wells v i "Continued - DeLong, W, E., constable 14.70 16.40 2.60 15.75 15.00 14.78 189.86 16.15 35.00 25.00 15.00 18.81 is; 0 3.85 13.78 35.00 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.W 37.50 37.50 87.50 16.25 20.00 3.75 1.00 17.50 1.23 -90 20.25 25.00 35.00 26.32 35.00 7.00 341.60 5.0 40.01 35.81 7.0 12.00 28.00 87.8S 20.0C 3.7f 20.00 141.00 install-Marion .90 1.40 5.00 9. 2D 42.96 5.00 1.20 46.00 24.35 1 5.00 2.00 14.00 10.50 4.00 1.50 51.00 2.00 40.00 14.00 18.00 128.60 of Dis-