-X.IS TOE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31. 1923 V CITY Hallowe'en Celebration-' i Last night the Sanation Army hall u niled with a happy. Jolly crowd of young folic. A real Hal lowe'en celebration was. on and the costumes were considered treat by the children. Ducking lor apples, playing the games that go with the festiTttles, and a real cut-up was the order of. the day. The Salvation Army Sunday school was having Ita annual celebration and they surely did celebrate. Candles, cakes, nuts and all the other goodies that go with hal lowa'en were there. 4- Apples, 75c Pr Rox Several varieties. Phone 1937J o31 . , . . . . Another Letter t' , The public 'service 'commission t received another Communica tion from the Luther Water com pany, near 'Portland In which it Js stated that the company has never Intended to deprive its cus tomers of water, but that notice Jerely,was served upon them to, see what conld "be done about their taking over the system. The pat rons complained to the commis sion that the service was about to be cut: off by. the company, and the company claimed that of the 71 users 25 per cent were delin quent in their .payments. Come Out and Hear The Paramount Orchestra at Dreamland Hallowe'en dance Wed nesday. Oct. '31.' Ladies free.- o31. 'f .f"'r - - New Track' Asked- The Southern Pacific company has appliedTto the-; public service j commission' for' "authority to con-1 struct an additional track; across a county ,s road about 3400 feet south of its station building at Halsey, Linn county. ' Slightly Defective Virgin Wool - blankets. ' Regular $12 value. 17.76 pair. en Mills Store., r : Bishop's Wool- w : o31 Information Wanted ) E, D. Simpson 1006 West Mc carty street, Jefferson City, Mo., writes The Statesman that any in formation as to the address or whereabouts -of James T. Nerri son will be greatly appreciated by he former. Dr. Burns The Cuboid Foot Specialist will , demonstrate to you free of charge how to "remove the cause of your - Bunions, corns and calouses, pains and : itches In "your, feet, ankles, legs and back. Then you51 won't have any: bunions, corns or cal- . ouses. . Be sure and come in this weelu ; 3. C." Penney ' Co. n2 West Salem Properties Sold V r. Two. Weit Salem properties have changed hands recently, N. . J, Langille, a recent arrival from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Buy ing a three-room house and two lot from A. C. Keller at a con sideration of 850. W. H. Alen baugh, a newcomer from Amity, baa purchased a new three-room bungalow from C A. Robertson, located In the Klngwood Park ad- Equitable Savings & Loan Association Portland. Oregon. Harry G. Keeney. Representative, SOI Masonic Bids. Phone 1846 413 Orsgoa Baili'iaa- - TaUpfcoaa 4S7 The Seaver. Bell Insurance Agency . General Insurance t .... ., BlUy". BH- TraakWsfmr BEATRICE SHELTON t : Tmchfr ot Piano wa, ttars. rrk, a. set lata Store Your Primes at Fry's Warehouse 35c per ton per month . in earloaip lots ' HYDRO-ELECTRIC rHERAPEUTIC INSTITUTE .. (Formerly Dr. scnenaa j ; 219 & Cottage St. rHONE - - - - 1182 Calm Axabubaee Servic , ' Day and Nisht . m . PHONE 666 17S S. Liberty St. Calem Oregom "V -For Gifts That Last; ?1 ; Dtamoa9J AlLJLy Qewalry ' v- and Eilrerware -( -v, Pboae 1253. Salem, Oregoa 1 r r - " ' i LADD & BUSH . r Established 1868 . I J 1 1 i Gczard Ber.Mng Dcsbsss ' l Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. xa Xi - ).' - P NEWS IN dition. The deals were handled through the W. H. Grabenhorst company. Vonng Men ! " Can double present earnings by preparing for foreign trade In spare time. State age, experience and phone for interview. D 35, Statesman. I i o31 Building Xearlng Completio: i "Work on the new 'building be ing erected at Liberty and Court for Adolph &, Waters is nearing completion, and is expected to be ready for occupancy by Novem ber 15. Nelson; 4b Hunt will occupy the corner, with a general drug business.' j Both men were formerly connected with the Cap ital Drug store Other tenants will be announced shortly by the owners of the property. ' Bny That Oriental Rag Now. On display at Hamilton's. n2. . M :. , Will Hold Pair The Three Link club is going to hold a "county fair" next Satur day, Nor. 3 In the IOOF hall on High street. A good time is ex pected. There will be vaudeville in afternoon at 2:30 and 7:30. A cafeteria dinner will be served at noon. Vhe public is Invited to at tend. I Slightly Defective Virgin- Wool blankets. Regular 112 value, $7.75 pair. Bishop's Wool en Mills Store. 31 Licenses Issued , Marriage licenses issued yester day were for S. C. Sattenberg and Velma Cline,both of Gervais; uari uckacherer and Faustina Engel, both of Stayton, and O.' W. Noyes and Ida Johnsqn both of Wood burn. : I i Always 1 8alem . Dr. Mark S. Skiff is not movmg away rrom saiem, ana aoes not intend to move away as is being reported. His dental offices are ocated at 306 jMasonic building. Phone 511. nl Will Probated i The will of Martin Kohn, Ger vais, was admitted to probate yes terday. Antal Daniel is adminis trator and appraisers 1 appointed are Minnie Siegmund, Alois Tang ier and G. T. Wadsworth. SUichtly Defective Ylrgl Wool blankets. ; Regular $12 value, $7.75 pair. Bishop's Wool en Mills Store.! . , . 031 Debate Propoeed ' Robert Notson, Willamette uni versity manager of forenslcs, has received - an offer from Michigan Agricultural college asking for a contest with the Cardinal and Gold orafors : here next spring. The Michigan Aggies are said to have an enviable reputation among the debaters of the middle west and the Willamette team is anxious to add its scalp to the long list of other victories, won last year. ( A letter stating that the local men will welcome such a meet and pro posing definite arrangements will go out within the next few days. Notson stated yesterday. To Introduce Our The first 10 suits or ; raincoats at actual cost; Suits, extra pair pants, 23.50, up. 44! State street. Room 2. American wool en Mills Tailor. ; o31-n3-4 PUnd Guilty in Assault- Plea ofi auntr to a charge of assault and battery was made In police ' court yesterday afternoon by W. J. Faulkner, r an' employ at the caper mill. The attack was made upon Ben Kentleberg, an other employe. Judge Poulsen took the case under advisement and will pass sentence today, r See Window Display At Hamilton's of genuine Ori ental Chinese rugs. 3- J n2 ELMA WELLER , PiASisy Teas pm4etloa tbroafk lf4ra Wl(ht Relaztia. t Donning System : Tor r Mind axiom Tm 1851 BtmUt 695 N. Liberty St. OSTEOPATHY The Original and Genuine Spin al Adjustment Treatment. Skill full, Painless i Adjustment that geta results. ; ' DR. L. C MARSHALL ; Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon 223 Oregon Bldg. . 1 60S XX. B. Vatloaat Sank BaOatag Paaas 859 Km. rheae 46SJ DR. B. H. WHITE Ostsspatikis Pfiydeiaa aaA Bargsoa Xlaettsals WmgaotU and TrsatstaBl - Dr. Abnuas MaUad.) Salem . . . Orecon BRIEF Rotary Club Hosts Tonight With President Suzzalo of the University of Washington as the principal speaker, plans have been completed for the entertainment at 6:15 o'clock dinner at the Mar ion hotel thijS evening by the Sa lem Rotary club to 149 teachers in the city schools. Badges of ad mittance have been is8uedto each teacher, and no one will be per mitted to enter the dining room unless ; wearing the badge. Teach ers will be called for, by members of the club at 6 o o'clock, and will be returned home after the din ner, jpiaces will be set for about 225 persons. President Suzzalo will speak at' the high school this afternoon shortly after his arrival in the city at 3 o'clock. Slightly Defective Vlrgli Wool blankets. Regular $12 value. $7.75 pair. Bishop's Wool en Mills Store. o31 George Cndwell, Jr., Arriv Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cad well are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son October 29 at the Deaconess hospital. The new arrival has been named George E. Jr. , Mr. Cadwell is con nected with the Anderson & Brown sporting goods store, i IJmp In and Walk Out Meet Dr. Burns, coast to coast foot specialist, in our shoe depart ment this week. J. C. Penney Co. . n2 Tourfct I Fares Announced East and west bound summer tourist fares in transcontinental passenger association territory , for the season of 1924 will be sub stantially the same as authorized during ? 1923. Dates of sale and final limit will be announced later. Yes We Build Radio Sets I To your order, but we prefer to sell you . a radlola already built. Salem Electric Co., F. S. Barton. Phone 1200. o31 Hotel Has Chimney Fire- Fire i and smoke pouring from a chimney at the Cherry XJity hotel created! a. little excitement about o'clock Tuesday afternoon. No alarm was turned in, and the fire soon burned Itself out. Limp; in And Walk Out Meet Dr. Burns, and bis nation ally known patent,' Cuboid Foot Relief, j in our shoe department this Week. J. C. Penney Co. n2 Multiple Listing Slated Discussion of multiple listing will occupy the Thursday noon meeting of the Maripn-Polk coun ty realtors' association at Its reg ular luncheon "at the Marion ho tel. The executive committee has many things to present at ? this time, v : There will be no outside speaker at the meeting. Hallowe'en Carnival Dance i Independence -armory, Oct. 31. Music by Travellers' orchestra. . i ; , o31e Building Permits Issned According to building permits Issued yesterday. Dr. F. X.! Beech ler will build a story and a-half frame dwelling at 1540 Court, to cost $6,000. Mrs. A. N. Gilbert was given permission to erect hollow tile garage for $350 at 366 Chemeketa. jvi -t . , Slightly Defective Virgin ? Wool blankets. Regular $12 value,i$7.76 pair. Bishop's Wool en Mills Store. 1 31 IWW Geta Five Days , When Charles Darby, bearer of IWW 1 literature and carrying card in the same organization, ap peared before Police Judge Poul sen Tuesday afternoon he was sen fenced to serve five days in jail. He will not spend the time in Idle ness.; it was stated at the Btatlon, but will go to work today at the citr dumn srrounds. Darby was arrested by Officer Edwards and charged with vagrancy. Genuine Chinese Oriental -Rugs at Hamilton's. Spanldine to Enlarge Plant- About $20,600 will be spent in enlarging and improving the plan Ing mill at the Spaulding Logging company plant, according to pres ent plans, announced Tuesday by Charles K. Spaulding. f The plant DIED SH ANA HAN Thomas' Shanahan died at a local hospital October 30, age 65 years. Survived by one sister. Mrs. Julia Gray. Cas pen, "Colo., one brother. John Shanahan.' Rising Sun. Idaho. Body at the Webb funeral par lors. Funeral announcements later. ' Webb & Clough , LcarJlss Fcscr&l : Directcrs . . Expert Exabalmers Rigdon & Son's IIOIITUAIIY ' Uncyrslirl Strrls has received a general overhaul ing at an expense of $10,000, pre paratory to the start of a night shift Thursday. When this is In operation about' 250 men will be given employment In Salenf. Accidents Are Reported : : Grace Babcock. 749 North Com mercial, was driving her automo bile away from the curb near the state house yesterday when it was struck by another car, she j com plained to the police. The run ning board and -fenders were' dam aged. John R. Sites, 1156 Court street, skidded on the Pacific highway near Salem and struck another automobile driven (by a man named LaFlemme, he report ed . to the police. Both automo biles were damaged In the collls Ion. . , . , Just On Left Of the three . brgalns offered last week. A close in -6 room mod ern, with fine corner lot paved. Fruit, close to banks. Invalid: own er must go to California. Sale pre ferred. If not rent at $35. Sell $3500. Easy terms. See j Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. i o31 Filipino to Speak Sunday ; : "The Story of My Conversion and the Needs of My Countrymen" will be the topic upon which Sin forosa O. Padilla of Manila will speak before ' members of the Live Wire class at Leslie Metho dist church at 9:45 o'clock Sun day morning. Mr. Padilla is . a student at both Kimball School of Theology and Willamette univers ity, f . - i. Do Not Buy si Radio : . ; Until you have tried the "Ra dlola." We are, sole agents for those high grade receivers : made by the Radio C0rporation of Am erica. They are guaranteed by them and by us. We make them work to your entire satisfaction. Let us demonstrate in your own home. No obligation. Salem Electric Co. Masonic Temple. Phone 1200. i I Q31. 'T L PERSONALS I. R. Smith went to Portland yesterday. vr- ' j-, Robert LaRue, who Is now con nected with the new J. C. Penney store at Silverton. will move his family to that city today. , E.- P. Rowley, editor of the Tur ner Tribune, was a Salem visitor yesterday. ' 4 .' " L L. M. Mills, new manager of the Terminal hotel, is visiting his fam ily in Portland; i ! r Guy Smith was a Portland bus iness visitor Tuesday. BITS FOR BREAKFAST? Talking about a boom ? !- "W "W There is a filbert boom on in the . Salem district. . See. Slogan pages tomorrow. And if you have anything of value on filberts. please inform the Slogan editor today. . f H S There is a very busy crowd over at the Salem Fruit Union build ing of the. Oregon. Growers Co operative association receiving and grading and ; sorting and packing walnuts. It looks like a mountain of walnuts. Ana. tne best walnuts grown In the wide, wide world, x The Filipinos - do not want to become a part of the United States according to one of their half baked but leading politicians. What they want is the protection of the United States, and a free hand to do whatever they please, however foolish. If congress does not .give that country an act, amounting to a constitution, de fining the places where they "get oft at," and making it plain enough for the dullest Filipino to understand, it will be most dere lict in its duties. H The concrete spaces on the east side of the Salem postof flee have been increased in size In the past few days. ' There will be more room for the patrons, especially those who come and goj in auto mobiles. Many people can rem ember, just a tew years ago, when the postoffice building was erect ed, that it was the general opin ion that It was too large that Salem would never growl up to It. Salem has passed it, and there, is an addition; and Salem will keep On passing it, and there will have to be more room provided.. Cinder Ordinance Again Considered Last Night . The special' cinder ordinance committee of the city council held another meeting last night to con sider pro and con the ordinance introduced by Alderman: Patt on at a recent meeting of the council and a substitute ordinance which it has been proposed to introduce Members of the committee are Al derman Dancy. Patton and Ralph Thompson. ' ; Another regular meeting of the city council will not be held until next Monday and since the last one 'two weeks ago two special committee meetings hare been held on the cinder ordinance, one of which was open to the public Those specially opposed to the so-called cinder ordinance claim that it is too drastic and should be toned down, while i Alderman Patton i who introduced it insists that it is just what is needed ta curb what has become admittedly LIST List of Awards for Corn Show and Industrial Ex- hibit Ready Soon Printing of the premium list for the annual Polk-Marion 'County Corn Show and Industrial Exhibit to be held in the S alem armory November 22, 23 and 24, is now well under way and will be ready fpr distribution within a few days. Every teacher in the two coun ties will ; be supplied with, a few copies for children to take home to parents who are Interested in com growing. . Prominent speakers and a' good program for each evening of the show are promised. Special or chestra music will be heard each night between 7 and 9 o'clock. Efforts i are being made to ob tain a number of community ex hibits by cooperation between the Marion County Community fed eration and the Chamber of Com merce. Last year three commun ities, Salem Heights, Brush Col lege and Liberty had displays and others are 'sought this year. In connection! with the corn show and industrial exhibits ' a prominent j place will be devoted to boys and girls' club members. Prizes are offered to boys for the " best 10 ears of yellow dent corn. First, $5;j second, $3; third $2 and. fourth, a ribbon. Similar prizes will be made for the best 10 ears of other corn," and to the girls for the best loaf of bread. . T t D OH TOP OF ROCKIES Big Game Away Up in the Teton Range South of . the Yellowstone Park Rev. U.; S. Crowder is back In Salem after a hunting, trip, at the very top pf the Rockies and mighty glad to get back. He left Cheyenne, Wyoming, last Wednes day night in 20 inches of snow, and still snowing. s Mr. Crowder and wife came to Salem to live last August, after purchasing a j couple of pieces of property here. Soon after his ar rival there ho bought the. Gilbert house at 116 Marion street, and that is their home. Their daugh ter is a student of Willamette uni versity. ' Before coming to Salem Mr; Crowder had been pastor of PREMIUM b e mm SALEM MATJ HUiflS : . .'S-;v-.'.- Large: A Fine Table Linens by the Yard Selected flax yarns only are used in their construction. Beautiful de signs also perfectly plain linen 72 inches ,' wide. : s - : - i ' ' ' , ' j PRICED, YA11U . . $2.59, $2.75 $2.98, $3.50, $3.98, $4.25 the First Methodist church at Evanston, Wyoming, andwhlle in that region he had become inter ested In a hunting lodge, together with three other men; . This hunt ing place Is 50 miles south of the Yellowstone park, in the Teton range of the Rockies, within sight of the Grand Teton, nearly 14, -000 feet high; j Mr. Crowder had bagged a 600 pound elk up there last year, and he went back a little while ago for another big game hunt. The party had to go by auto 225 miles, and then with pack horses 501 rmiles. Mr. Crowder himself got no elk, but his party got three, and two bears. : In a district, right around the very backbone of the ' continent, at the summit of the Teton range of the Rockies, 80. by. 70 miles in extent, there are saidt to be as many as 16,000 elk. . , In the time since Mr. Crowder has become familiar with and in terested in Salem, he has become a genuine Salem booster. If ev ery one did as much in spreading the fame of the capital city as he does, things would be fairly booming here. . ,": It is. estimated that every nor mal child is equipped with enough spare parts to net a surgeon $125. Another excellent . way to in crease your earnings during your spare hours is to get outdoors and play. ; . ' - It Is in .retirement that one feels the preciousness of genius and friendship as one hears best in the silence of the night the sound of the sea, or the song of the night ingale. ' ,--! TTNDIGESTION 11 eaoM bloattne fiur pains that crowd tba hear eonrtlpatlon. : Ahy taU rtGf mad cwafert ia ; CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS I No griping -no nausea only 25 cents I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I PORTtBNT (FURNISHED AP artment with bath, light, water and phone free. Adults. 446 Union. Phone 580M. ! FOR SALE FRONT AND BACK fenders of a Ford; bug top and side curtains.-. Sell together or separately. 2370 Myrtle Ave. t. nl ROOM BUNGALOW - CORNER lot, double garage; and inside lot all for $2800; cash. t c ft room bungalow, east 'front, basement, furnace, garage, for $4000. h- v ": j: Furnished! modern large home close in, at a bargain to day!. ;T . ( : .: "I 'I Splendid location fori sorority; fraternity rooming and board ing house. "Gertrude J. M. Page; 492 N. Cottage St. o31ef Now Ready Showing For Thanksgiving A New Precedent in Linen Values is goins Established Here This Gomihg Month ....I-frS You Cannot AfTord to Mis? Colored Table Damask ! Imported From Belgium i ! I I ! Guaranteed fast i color r Select designs. You will appreciate these splendid values. They will' always look attractive no matter how many times you launder them. Size 59x59 Priced ; j ! at ...........i..J $3.48, .$3.98, $4.45 Size 62x62 Priced at .....L.L$6.98 Size 63x63 Priced at .....:-.'-S5.45 Size 62x72 Priced at .. 1.$7J50 Size 63x79 Priced at i:....$6.98 . also Napkins to Match. YOUR MAIL' '- ORDERS Receive careful attention We prrpay the post age j or exprrwi within a : radiu of a bund red ' miles. ' ; - '! COMING TODAY Show at Grand Promises More Kick Than Pre Pro hibition Grape Juice "The Cat and the Canary" by John ; Wlllard will . come to the Grand tonight. This Is the latest of the popular thrill plays, and it is said, by playgoers who have seen it to 'rank with 'The' Bat" and "The 13th Chair." It this craze of the public for thrill plays continues some ingenious individ ual will be marketing a shock ab sorber for use in the theater. The mystery Play will make.it profit able. However in "The Cat. and the Canary" the author, it Is said, has provided a self-starting shock absorber in the form of natural comedy both, in lines: and situa tions. When the nervee become so tense it seems only a scream can give for relief, along comes a fun ny line or out pops a comical sit uation and the shriek is strangled but there are two places in the course of the play where the aud ience almost invariably does shriek the warning. ' despite the laugh made shock absorbers. The way to maie sure that it is a drug store is to step outside and look at the sign again. YOUR EYES : Need ' Our Attention . . .. Lets Get Together MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 801 5 OREGON BLDG. Oregon's ; Largest Optical Institution Phone 230 for 'Appoint menta. v Balem, Oregon Fine CD of After looking them ovier examining thera closely you, will readily admit that they are the best linen values you have seen in many a day. ! Make Your Selections Now While the Assortment of Patterns and Qualities. I ! are at their Best This, Unusual Opportunity Good Quality Tablecloths This offering will prove of in terest to those accustomed to using linen table cloth, unhemmed, hand somely patterned . with beautiful lustrous finish. (Size 45x45 Priced j at -...--.....-.-$4.50, $6.50, $6.95 Size 54x54 Priced at .... .......$8.75 Size 68x68 Priced at $4.95 & $9.50 Size 70x70 Priced at $7.50 & $14.00 Size 70x90 Priced at $7.98 & $15.00 Napkins at a ' dozen $6.98, $70, $10.00, $15.00 - . i - Salem Store, 466 State St. The office stenographer says there is -no 'excitement about get-: ing a woman's husband unless it is some other wuaian's husband. . Aching. burning feet? MENTHOLATUM quickly relic and refreshes. SHIRTS We are selling a brand bf shirts that retail the world over for $5.00 to $6.00. : They ; are backed by liberal guarantee both by factory and us. to in troduce we will sell them for $2.25 Cpitl Exc....-3 342 N. Coxninercial Phone 1368-W. Values from " 75c to $2.50 ; Your Choice. for j 50c , .... . .-- - - - DRUG ST0? Penslar Store 135 N. Com'L Phono 197 to be n i Portland Silk Shop, 383 Aider SL LineiniG a nuisance. 't