The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 30, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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    By BETTI KESSt. Pbone.106
uver 400 formal invitations
were sent out' yesterday to the
alumni of Willamette university
urging ; them to return to their
alma mater November 9, 10, and
1 1 for the first annual home-com
ing La the history of the school
Alter weeks of concentrated la
bour, ills Elaine Oberg of Port
land, and her 40 helpers u on the
homecoming committee have an
nounced the complete program for
the three' days.
- Registration for the visiting
alumni under the management of
the Woman's. Athletic association,
will, take place in ; the Chresto
rooms of Waller hall .Friday and
Saturday mornings. All men reg
istered in the university will take
part in the big campus cleanup
Friday afternoon.. In, the evening
the "W," club will entertain over
SO of the old letter men at a 6:15
banfuet in the .Chresto rooms of
Waller, hall. At 8 o'clock Friday
evening the frosh will set, ablaze
the bonfire on sweetland ," field
around which the MV" -club will
lead the rally for the game of the
next day. , ' '. ...
. , The dedication of the new gym
nasium will Jake place at 1 o'clock
Saturday afternoon, and at the
same time the new walk leading
to the, gymnasium, which is the
gift of. the freshman class, will
also be - dedicatedrv"At 2:30 on
weetland field the Bearcats t will
meet in ; the big struggle for aa-.
premaey over the Sons of Marcus:
Both men and women among the
visiting alumni will be entertain
ed at tea in; the society rooms of
Waller hall, under the auspices
of the Woman's Athletic associa
tion during the hours of 4:30 to
5:30. Saturday evening ' will be
given over to the big homecoming
social which will take the form
of an old fashioned county fair.
The, many special side-shows, the
clowns and the various alluring
stunts, planned for the evening
promise to make It a memorable
event. . .. -. ' ' i,
. The alumni will be entertained
at dinner Sunday at the various
fraternities, sororities and at Lu
sanne hall, and from three to five
..'Nemo SeJf-Reducins 'No. 333
is a real bargain. Ic has a low top .
! and rnediuiD klrt. Made in dur
bte Ipiuk or white coutil; sizes
Mto36 and cost only $3.00. '
1 P dle an't rt k. tond nam. J-
Urew. i atui iX tend the concc
? Nemo ItTfieolc. Fashion 1nrit '
V30JE. 60 St, New York (Dept. 8.; Q)
i - J . If
' , ' , M '
I - u
- - . f -
during the afternoon, informal
calling hoursi Will ne held in all
the living organizations on the
campus. - . j n ; :-' ,L'' s i
A party is being planned in
Portland, by members of . the
Portland alumni association, Fri
day, evening, Nov. 2, at which an
effort will be made to get suffi
cient .signatures to charter a7 spe
cial train for, the weekend. Com
mittees will meet all trains to con
duct the visitors to their" places
of residence, f Soliciting of rooms
will begin next week. j
: A special six page issue of, the
Collegian will appear Friday, end
an effort Is being, made to induce
the business men of Salem to have
special window-displays for the
occasion. AH fraternities and o-
rorities will ihave festive deco
rations for the weekend.
Following is. the Homecoming.
committee to which due ' credit
will be given for the. successful
homecoming: ; Manager, Miss El
aine Oberg, Portland ; publicity,
Mover, Itosebuirg; . James Caugh-
Robert Notson. Heppner; Esther
Ian, Ellensburg, 1 Wash; Mary
Wells, ' Portland. r Entertainment
Jenelle Vandervort, Salem; Le
land Chapin, Wolf Creek; Harold
Fearing, Portland; Margaret
Gates. - The Dalles. ; Eats, Alma
Wells, Independence; Eva Led bet
ter, Olicel; Ruth Hewitt Portland?
Francis Ellis.f Salem r 'Percy Ham
mond, Salem. Decorations, Caro
line Stober, J Portland ; ; Dwlght
Findley, Salem; Dorothy Owen,
Portland. Music, Lowell Berken
dorf , Portland ; Kathleen La Rout,
Salem. ' Receiving committee. Or
lo GJllet, Tangent; George Oliver,
Fomeroy Wash.; Donald Lock
wood, Portland; Paur Sherwood,
Salem; Lloyd ' Thompson, 'Port
land; Alice Wells, Portland; Irene
Walker, Eugene; Mable Davis, St.
Helens; ' Llla Geyer,; IWenatchee;
Wash.; Stunts, Frederick Arpke,
Salem, chairman.
The members of the Willamette
Valley Professional; Photograph
er's association met In "McMinn
yille' Saturday evening,' ' October
27, t the'Tmllinger studio. A
dinner was' served at 7 o'clock, af
ter which a business meeting was
held In the studio. Besides the
regular order of business an elec
tion of officers, was. held. " Those
appointed to office for the fol
lowing year were: president, Mrs.
Parker,' Salem; vice - president.
Miss. Kathryn Gunnell, Salem;
Miss Minnie Trallinger, McMinn
ville. ' The next' meeting will be
In Salem at 'the Parker 'studio,
January 12," at 6:30.
Those attending ; from Salem
were: Mr. j and Mrs. Theodore
Green, Mrs. N.; E. - Gunnell, Miss
Kathryn Gunnell. Mrs. L. Shrode,
B.- B. Robb and Mr. Parker. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Compton
and two daughters, Eddy and Hal
He, are leaving the first of the
Do Not Neglect
i l " : - .'
Dr. Hayssen's EUREKA
been used and recommended by
physicians and sufferers' since
1888. It causes no 'inconven
ience and is painless and stain
less to the skin. Sold here by
your druggists. Free booklet
upon request. '
and; Silk Dresses
j Choose, from an assortment of
75 Dresses. All new models of Gan-:
ton Crepes, Satins and. Poiret Twills. '
Extra Special
; Each- '
Gale ck
. Commercial
week for Lone Beach, Cal., to
join their daughter.' Joan.
Among the recent pledges to
Xi Sigma Pi, national honorary
forestry fraternity, at the' Oregon
Agricultural ; college V is James
Mielke of Stayton. a junior In the
school of forestry. Qualifications
for membership In the fraternity
are actual experience in forestry
work, good' scholarship and acti
vity. in the school of forestry, and
in the forestry club. , -r
v.'---' : .r r ' - - '
.In order, to. insure a good num
ber and: variety of articles for the
bazaar to ibe held in November the
ladies of St.; Joseph's parish will
sponsor a number of showers to
which r each woman will donate
one, or more special articles. The
first of these series will be in the
form of an ? "apron shower." at
the. home of Mrs. T. M, Barr, 185
North Fourteenth street this af
ternoon at 2:30. ;The - following
Tuesday, November "fh, at the
same hour a f'fish pond" shower
will be given at the home of MrsJ
A. A. Mickel, 495- N. Liberty. Mrs.
E. Eckerlin, 605 N. Liberty will
be hostess for ;the third and last
shower on Tuesday November 13,
for the fancy Work booth.
35- '
The home of Jodge John iZ
Rand and Mrs; Hand was the
scene of an attractive wedding,
Thursday, when -Miss eilbretta .
Hyde of Baker, .became the wife
of William A. Graham Of - Portr
land. Father JR. Buck read the
ceremony in the presence of only
a few . intimate friends f and . rela
tives. . The bride who is the niece ;
of Mrs. Rand, is the daughter of
Charles F,, Hyde, prominent Jaw-
yer of Baker.. - ;,: "i . ' s j
; Following the ceremony, M r s.
Rand served a wedding dinner to
the guests, after which the young
couple left . for a trip to Seattle
and other northern points. ; They
will make their home in Los An
geles.; Guests for .the wedding and
dinner "were. Judge ..; and Mrs.
Rand, Edith Wheeler,' Mrs. Pack
wood, of: Salem, .and from Port
land.'Mr. and Mrs. William Light
ner and children, Joan Hyde, Mrs.
King,' Pauline Graham, Mrs. Har
ley Weir. ' i "; ;
:fM ' :':--'' '-"'4tj- i I
: , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Panlsen mo
tored to Independence last eve
ning to .be the guests at a bridge
party at which Mr. : and Mrs. A.
L. Keeney will be hosts. .
';- , , T '
" The Adolynk Bridge club en
joyed an afternoon of bridge
Thursday , at the home of , Mrs.
Earl (Paulsen. Two tables" were
In play during the afternoon, the
honors 'going to Mrs, Armin Berr
ger, Mrs. Clifford Townsend, Mrs.
Howard Rex, Mrs. Earl Dane, and
Mrs. Jesse George. . . After the
cards the hostess served a dainty
tea. In which were carried out the
Hallowe'en motif in menu, and
decorations. 1 A number of friends
of . the hostess called during the
tea hour. Mrs. Oscar Zellar na
invited the, club to her home for
the next meeting. ;
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
W. B. Albright ; entertained the
Carnation club at -her home on
North Commercial street. Needlei-
work and chatting passed the re
mainder of the afternoon after
the short business session. The
club meets every two weeks and
the next meeting will be held In
McCornack hall wKh Mrs.Bailey
and Mrs. Emil Aufranca a host-
arid Court Sts.
esses. Those present were Mrs.
Emil Aufrance, Mrs.. Elmer -White.
Mrs. Ace Eoff, Mrs. Geo. Scbults,
Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Dan Collins Mrs.
O. . T--VIesko, Mrs. Frank Riech
ler, Mrs. ' Minnie Patterson . and
Mra. Mark High. The guests were
Mrs. Jess Shepherd, ' Mrs. Geo.
Skeels and Miss Hanna McKIllap
or Portland. 'Miss McKIllap is
spending the ' week with Mrs. Al
i.. . . "
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hunter were
hosts Friday evening at a pretty
birthday dinner party for the
pleasure of their daughter, Macyle
who spent the week end at her
home. Miss Hunter lis a student
at tne University of Oregon this
year. .. ' : ! ...
The members of the Golden
Hour luncheon club met. sat the
home of Mrs. II. W. BreU between
the hours of 1:30 and 4;30, on
Thursday for their regular lunch
eon and social afternoon. Mrs. J.
R. Pentberton assisted the hostess.
For ,the next" meeting , the club
will be entertained by Mrs. Allan
J. Cleveland.' 4 ; . : . i '
Judge P. H. D'Arcy and Miss
Theresa D'Arcy attended the ban
quet and meeting, of the Oregon
Historical society which was held
Saturday afternoon In f the office
of the Municipal - auditorium in
Portland. At this meetink Judge
D'Arcy wrho is a life member of
the society, was elected director
for the next four years. Sunday
afternoon Judge.D'Arcy and Miss
DArcy attended the exercises at
the Mountain : View cemetery in
Oregon City, at which thej monu
ment; was dedicated to Peter
Skene Ogden, the noted pioneer
and explorer, who saved a number
of. children and other individuals
from a horrible death; at the
Whitman massacre in the' early
Oregon days. t Three! survivors of
the massacre, were present! at . the
exercises Sunday.
'.'.: .
.If"' - -'
. At a charming party Sunday af
ternoon at her home at j Brooks
Mrs. Ellen Aspinwall announced
the engagement of her daughter,
Helen. . to Earl T. Busselle, Jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bus
selle of 1254 Court street. The
rooms were attractively' decorated
with large bouquets - of white
chrysanthemums . and lavendar
cosmos. The secret of the en
gagement was enclosed in, small
ribbon tied notes attached to, the
place , cards at" the tea table
around which covers were placed
tor the following nine maids and
matrons:, . Mrs. E. T. Busselle,
Mrs. Norman . Kenny, Mrs.-: Ruth
Ginn, Miss Cora Nlst, Miss PJ.ll
dred Welch, Miss Georgelle Will
son Miss Lucy Beck, and the
bride-elect and her mother.
Although the exact date for the
wedding has not yet been . deter
mined it will be an event of the
near future. . v j
The fcride elect i$ well known
among the younger set ofj Salem,
having spent the greater part of
her life here. She was graduat
ed from the Salem hlgb school
with the class of 1922. Mr. Bus
selle is one of the proprietors of
the Song. Shop where he has been
In business since is graduation
from the high school here . in
A novel dinner was served by
Martha and Margaret Leaven
worth at their home, 805 Cross,
to -girl friends from Willamette
university Friday evening. The
dinner was termed a "Jiggs" din
ner, and was featured with corn
ed beef and cabbage, the jfavorite
menu of the well-known Mr.
Jiggs. Besides the two hostesses
covers were laid, for the Misses
Laura Pemberton, Mabel 1-Currie,
Helen Cnrrie. Alice Falk and Her-
mina Klaus; . ; .
;r- - ; -
An attractive wedding becurred
on Oct. 20, at the home of Mr.
and - Mrs. B. E. Wadsworth of
1045 Arnold street, Portland when
their - daughter Miss Agnes C.
Wadsworth (became ) the bride of
Carl V. Booth, son I of Mr. and
Mrs, G. F. Booth of 1T21 Cheme
keta street, Salem. The Impress
ive ring ceremony was read by the
Rev. Mr. Gallegar of - Portland.,
The bride is a graduate of the
state normal and has been a very
successful teacher. The groom Is
well known in Salem where he
has a host of friends. 1 j r
Mr. and Mrs. Booth will be at
home to their friends, at Hood
River, after a few. weeks.
; 'A.: "'v - ,;! :;'.': :
t ,- Concerning . colon If one ' has
eyes of no particular color, hair
that is of no decided shade, and a
colorless complexion one must de
pend , upon . colorful : clothes to
bring out. one's personality. Let
the vivid - person wear the drab
shades. " Colorless persons are us
ually, prettier, in pastel shades than
In vivid ones. The pale iashblond
for Instance, is always lovely in
nile green, shell,' pink and orchid.
Many t people believe. that all
blondes look . decidedly faded In
black as it gives pallor to the face
and seems to accentuate lines.
Golden blondes withivivid color-
fog, and dark haired women with'
ivory complexions wear black well.
Sallow skinned persons should be
ware of black or white or the com
bination of these two. r ;
. , Auburn : haired women are at
their, best, in deep bines, reddish
browns, black and white. There
la a theory that all red-haired wo
men look well in, green but If the
hair is too red one is apt to have
a "port and starboard effect as.
the , contrast' between fed - - and
green Is too distinct. Hair that is
slightly -auburn, - however, can
stand - certain bottle 1 greens ' and
bluish ereena - nlcnlv
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Bove.. ac
companied by Miss -Dorothea Cord-
ley and Miss Marian s Bauer mo
tored from CorvalHa Saturday to
enjoy the Atiyeh exhibit of orien
tal rugs at the Gilbert Studio &
Craft shop. Mr. and. Mrs. Bovee
already own some lovely speci
mens' of rugs and added one more
to their collection by purchasing
a Zula Sultana antique from the
Atiyeh display. Miss L. M Haw
ley; of McMinnville also purchased
one of. the small Iran moderns.
Because of the increased interest
in the exhibit, Mr. Atiyeh will re
main in Salem to show his rugs
today and perhaps until Wednes
day evening.
Special effort will be made this
year through the health centers of
the county to prevent epidemic
among the. school children by spe
cial examination of the children
and instruction to the parents as
to the care of the children during
the cold, wet' part ot the winter,
Clinics will be held four times
during the schoolyear In , the
towns of Woodburn. Mill City.
Stayton, Stlverton and 'Jefferson,
and the regular monthly, clinic for
Salem and the surrounding small
towns , and country districts will
be maintained as formerly, It is
hoped that the parents will take
advantage of the free services of
fered v by the best specialists of
Salem to have their little ones
examined for any physical defect.
It is through services of the clinic,
that many a little one ; has been
saved from a life of physical weak
ness which aa a rule leads to an
early death or perhaps a deficient
mental capacity. ;,
; -; ; j-s ' .
It is hoped that through the
sale of Red Cross Christmas seals
this year, , sufficient, commission
will "be . made to add a visiting
nurse to the Marion county health
association staff. It -will be un
derstood that. 95 per cent of the
money accrued from the sale of
seals In the county will -remain in
the county to be applied to the
public , health department., Last
year 1 13,0 3 9 -worth of seals were
sold,' netting a commission of 1401
on the 30 per cent basis, to stay in
the county. -This year it is hoped
that enough wfll be sold to war
rant the 55 per cent, which will
bring nearly $1000 to the county.
The seal sale will be managed
through the woman's clubs' of each
of ' the health I centers,; and will
b'csl.n the first of December.
; ' '.;-'. ; - ',
Dr. and Mrs. Ross Weimer and
son, Philip, motored from Pendle
ton for a short visit . with Dr.
Weimer's parents, Mr. ! and Mrs.
E. R. , Weimer t of l. East Center
street. Mrs. E. R. Weimer ac
companied them on the return trip
to the inland city where they will
be present at the opening of Dr.
Weimer's ; beautiful new home.
They will remain in Pendleton for
an Indefinite period. ,
The Natonal Association of Re
tail Clothiers i says there will be
little change In men's pants this
season. But why rub it in? 1
III . . '
J . i
' ' !
1 "
; .
! .
1 1
; H 'V:
! - .
' . ' ', , '
;. ... : ' . ,::.;,... -i - V
Regular $145 Worsted Wilton Rugs 9x12,
now ...,....... ...J....$115.00
Regular $135 Worsted Wilton Rugs 9x12,
now L .... ;.$108.00
Regular $120 Worsted Wilton Rugs 9x12,
now $96.00
Regular $95 Wool Wilton Rugs 9x12, -
now ,. $76.00
Regular $85.00 Wool Wilton Rugs 9x12,
now .. ...... l.....'$68.00
Regular $52.50 WrooI Velvet Rugs 9x12,
now .......L-..,....l, ..$41.50
Regular $60 Axminster Rugs 9x12,
now .... J....i;.$48.00
All 9x12 Rugs can
340 Court St
i i i i .
The World! Widl Guiid of the
Baptist church will hold a "pot
luck" supper at 6 o'clock, Thurs
day at the church. -A younger
chapter of the Guild will, be Initi
ated, and a representative from
the national Woman's. Baptist Mis
sion society Will speak to the
girls. Culld j girls will : wear
White middles and dark skirts, as
a uniform during the evening.
. : . :. I ' . i
.. ".."K . .. i.,' ..-,-. ..-.j -f . ... !.. '
The Salem union of the WCTU
will hold the regular meeting; in
the club rooms on the corner! of
Commercial and Ferry streets this
afternoon at - 2:30. MrsSat-ah
Oliver .will give '. a report of the
state convention 'lield in The
Dalles the first week of October.
A report of the national conven
tion which took place in Colum
bus. Ohio, the first week of Sep
tember, will also be read.
- i ,. i - - i : . , , . .. - -4
' ' Loyalty Luncheons, planned j as
the outstanding fall activity of jthe
Woman's Continuation campaign
of the . Northern i Baptist' conven
tion,- are starting in 85 cities of
the union. Salem is One of the
cities chosen as a center with Nov.
1. the date.. Mrs. G. Ed., Ross is
the chairman In : charge , of ar
rangements. -! ".':.! ')-. ;'.."
.,.;:::i:vt::vi.;.:;:,.: ;
The Marion County Health (as
sociation will hold the second
children's clinic of the fall Wed
nesday iaftersoon.' October 31,!' in
the Chamber of. Commerce rooms.
beginning ; at, ,1 :30. Mothers , are.
asked jto register their children
Immediately by calling Mrs. E.; E.
Fishjfr at 261. . .
The woman's missionary soci
ety . of i the First Presbyterian
will meet Friday after-
rro'on in
the church parlors for; its
annual 1 praise meeting. Hostesses
will be Mrs. D. , A. Hodge. Mrs.
Glen L Adkms and Mrs. W. A.
Rosenbraugh. ! j
. . j
On Wednesday afternoon t h e
south division of the woman's aid
society I of the Presbyterian
church i will meet at the home of
Mrs. A. F.. Marcus. At the same
time the northwest division will
meet with Mrs. J. P. Frizzell,
A special meeting of the High
land parent teacher - association
will be held this evening at 8:30
at. the J Highland school. George
Hug, P M. Gregory, and Mr. Gahl
sdorf will give short ; talks con
cerning the coming high school
election. .-" j ; ';, ' -' j . ;
: -A - , '-' v
The East side division of the
woman's aid society of the First
Pjresbyterian i church will meet
this afternoon with Mrs. W. H.
Steusloff. i
) l i ,
Ms. Bertha Junk Darby will
be hostess this evening for the
Willamette chapter of the West
minster guild at her home at
679 North Cottage street. ' I
' : . ; ":! T ""-''.; . - .. '
Next -Thursday . afternoon j at
2:30 the Trio sewing club will
meet in McCornack hall. The man
aging committee of St. Monica's
Altar society, will have charge of
,WE have gdnevthru our entire stock of rugs and marked
them at suecial oricea for
you an excellent opportunity to replace that worn rug or pos
sibly it would be policy to put the one, which is now in the
living room, in the spare room and brighten up the living room
with a new one. We don't talk much, about low prices but in
this special offering we are able to give you our high quality
material at a very moderate cost. '
be matched with small rugs; or even larger sizes up to 13-Gxl5
tholsewlng. All the ladles of St.
Joseph's parish are invited to as
sist In this sewing. The, elevator
will run from;2:30 to 3 o'clock
for the accommodations, of, those
attending. ; ,. - ,
The Junior club of the First
Congregational church will meet
Thursday, afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. John J, Rob
erts. As this, is to be the first
meeting of the fall work for the
year will be discussed and out
lined. ;
The Piety. Hill club will meet
at the home of Mrs. Ed. Hartley,
Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs.
J. T. Whittig will assist the host
ess during the afternoon. . . j .
,.a- hjoWilqa.
The Brdge clttb will .. hold . a
rummage sale in the new store
room of the H. L. Stiff Furniture
store, on Thursday Friday and
Saturday of . this week, the pro
ceeds of which will go to increase
the fund for the furnishing of the
reception room irt the new Salem
hospital. Friends of the club who
have articles5 to give to the, sale
are asked to notify any members
of the club and the articles ; will
be called for immediately. Mem
bers of the club are: V Mrs. Henry
A Special
From Today to Friday, inclusive :
We offer a National Bob Curl A Marcel and a
Hair Dress All for 1
a ten dav 1o Tha attnrAa
Regular $50 Axminster
now ....,......i.
Regular $40 Axminster
Regular $32.50 Tapestry
now ...ji.... ;....,.....$26.C0
Regular $23.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs 9x12,
Regular $49 Klear Flax Rugs 9x12,
Regular$18.00.Wool Fiber Rugs 9x12,
Regular $14 Rag Rugs 9x12, now
Meyers. Mr. James Dubc ury.
Mrs Frederick Lamport. ir
William Walton Mrs. o.
Locke,' Mrs. T. A. Livesley, n
Dan Fry, Jr., Mrs. David Hj.
Mrs.: T. C. Smith, Jr., Mrs. Ceor.
Rodgers, jMrs. John McNary.
WARWICK, Eng., Oct. 2T
labor party today nominated
Countess of Warwick as its v
date for the seat Iri the hou
commons of the . Leaginton t
ion of . Warwickshire, made vr
by the promotion of Sir r
Pollock to become : master c;
rolls. The countess, who Is I
62nd year." has ? been fan at
Socialist for many years.
We Pay CasOc
Forniitre Tc:L
Capital l Hardwc: 3
& Furniture Cc.
.; Best Prices Paid
285 N. Coral St.
Phone 947
Price on
Rugs 9x12,
......j .. ..........
Rugs 9x12
Brussels Rugs 9x12.
Salem, Ore,