r THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING," OCTOBER -20," 1923 ! t ft I ' NORWICH UNION I FIB- IN8U BANCS SOCIETY W. H. Barghardt, j. k : Iiildul Agent 171 Stat St. MONEY TO LOAN On ttut Eatala I , 'i. rota, i L-..I f 8 M AUTOMOBILES 1 AUTO REPAIEIlia WE IK)N'T OFFER F.XOVSES WE don t have to. because we inikt rood. 11 Wkfi all others fail roan ta Jack Dor- ir ai otor ifceya ir , - I w 9. 1 1 omiLCTf ni street. ;i 20 AUTO TOPS Now Is thd Time To get a new top on jthat esr for winter. W. K. Grunert. 35 State St. i J Opposite L . t National Btok. 20 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO LITE BiTTElT 8KBVICE la - VHIU. A. .Itttl AlaMt 6i6B I i OtaitWaV Boayiw wi a j-', as - - . work, Feiria B'. 1 80S. 418 , Coert . - , ; 4 K. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES a tartar and ewarator work; 1T1 Boa to -. . Ilsma.ercial if IQIATOB FENDER REPAIRS ' KAPIATOR9 PKNDKRS. BODIES d or repaired. J. (j Bair, 849 Ferry ' T1KS AifD ACCESSORIES , ; L'SKO PARTS 1-8 to t 1 OFF. MIRE'S A at Wrecking- Ho a a; 424 MarU Oeaimercial. Phoa 686. - : TRACT OSS a n HAAG A 00. 444 fCBUT ST. I Phoa 110. Clctrae tractors. Oliver lav gteaBta. - : 'i BICYCLES and REPAIRING! ),...', BICTCLE AMP MSPAntnro 1-eflT" - BAMBPEM DATTON BICT . le sad yoeiriag 867 Coart. ; BUSINESS CARDS AMBULANCB SERVICE BALEM AMBULANCE 8ERV10B paea M; 17 . Liberty. ARCHITECTS ncEEUAX A BT RUBLE, REGISTERED Afekilaeta. 6 BaaB i; utaatrt CAATET AJTO V0 WEAVMO tALKM OARPRT CLJtABlIlO AND , riufl Ra Works Rag and fhiff ngm - aay aiM without MtBt. Now MttraiMa Mad to order. 014 t trataai raaadev rsthn rtMTfttod. I bar ail kiada of old caneU for flmff i ' rura. 1 Wllbr etroot. Pkoae IS4. Oue P; Zwiekor. Prop. , CEDOR SWXEP8 CHIB8ET SWEEP INQ TORN A OB cieeaiaf- Conaeilmaa. Raj U. Paras " rr fwware eowpaay. CSXS2S1 PHTIICIAJI JR. U T. DIOK CUBES ANT KNOWM diMae. X51 a Hit St. Fkoaa 18. CHIROPODISTS ia a. r. bcott. osxdoatb ha Uaaei TJaivarsHy Seloaeos. Chiea. Maeeale Toaiplo. Phoao 640. DR. WILLiARS CORNS, CALLOUSES, , iarreva aalia; ail foot troablo. PMe Co. Cl. CSQXOPXACTOXS PR. BCOTT A SCHOPIELD. P. S. C. Cbirepractara, 414-10 D. B. Baak Bid. rT Paoae 7t res. RS-B. . , - PR. ehmiosd, txs Oregon blpo. GX&S2XM AXD Cms j-s.4K t,uMMB Aiv a ai Batta elMed sad proaaod. fl.60. Suit. anARit . .J iwmmmAA K Am s. ieeri. r'nono ibob ccs'ui.rara EvaiBXERS IV1U OOSSCLTiHa, CONETRUOTION ; CoavtrBctiig Eagiaoar. Barreja, aatl , -mstea. Jm. h. Haot. tit Ortgoa Blt. Pheao TT. i rtXJGLEUt PHTAICIANS -v -l' - f MABsmo healinq dr. a. i rrsatt. Aeato tad cbronU . diaoaaoa Phoae TgQ. - 405 H. Connorcial. PADO STORES H ' KEIMEYEB "JUST PROGS," i . i. A . - : " voatsioreiai. faome in. ; ELECTEICOANS ALE EUCCTEia CO. ; MASONIC bsUdiaf. .Paoa 100. tuEcraio rirruRB amp supply I Ca. Pteaa 194. 3 . Ubwrty. ,,4CIiU rUSJitB, ELECTRICIAN X Hwm wiring j boar or eoatrset. K Jsta furnUed. Pboa 080. 414 Coart CI ; H14'8 ELECT RIO SHOP BLEO vekia repairing, aomUMtUf ''nam? Cwf- P"" d. PZNAN0XA1. H SAT! 5000 PWVATB MONET . ? '"' Property. AJfDERSOH A RUPERT i ' Oregoa bidg. L0AS3 UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM farai pre party. ReaerA Do f Pa.y, 71 fourth Blreoi. Port m Or. , PARK LOANS - AT PER CENT aa Vb PER CENT AXDERSOM A RUPERT Cn BlUg. Baloas, Or. 4i I . 'ARM LOANS i"4.4 anonat per eoat. ! '. . 10 yaara. with fmU MPrieat arifiiegea oaUra WiUaa -t tip ealloy. . v 1 " ... BWEINS A ROBERTS ' 1 ,8 Ort BUtg Bale.. Oragws . i "41 J, ROBERTS. CUT LOAMS. ' " rataa, : , .. oaat. MB Rate Baak of Oessasoreo 1 ... ?8 '-OANS LOANS e!!L?,w, yw '" r elty loan, boat wle fioaa.: if need a loaa. see 'iL'JZL, y . r-":' always hav takers. . O. W. fai; Progo bUg. 4RM LOANS w LEfl- INTEREST. u,. eonmiuiam. ProtM-ta odrarmty. City toaaa. lowaat V. . ?B,k,r taataltaoata. . pro-pay r ; ' f olate. J. o. BitTnaad, roe . i Ladd A R..h ' 7 A GOOD ROOM BUSINESS CARDS I FLORISTS COT fLUWKKs, WKOUtMU UUUVKlB funeral wreathe, e'ero'atioae. O. P. : Sraithaapt, floriai. fit N. Uborty. Kone 8Ml. . i FRA TERN Alt UYA1. OKA NOB MUKJTE J ArK)N I. EE Momoriel No. K30 nteeta la Odd Pel Iowa' ball e a r y first, t k I r d and fifth Taeaday of the at oath. AU 1 FObTERAL directors 8ALEM MOKTUAKT, FUNERAL IHRRO ore. lift Canter i Phone 1A54 FURNACES SEAUKOVE FOR FURNACES PIPE aad pipe lees; 1S 8. 13th St. Phone i rURNITUB-B STORES HESB PCRNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for loss saoa.y. B7 Coart I'boa 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second band furnltare; 171 N. Commerrtal' i JUNR JUBK WE BUT AND 8EIX. FURNITURE, tool, and Jaak. ; 976 North Commer cial. Pboao S68. ' LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, tit 8. Liberty etroot. ' Pboaa 15. Oidast Urgoet boat, j EaUbUabod 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Qaality work: prompt eerrlee; 1164 Broaiwar Pboao 165. MACHINE SHOr THB CROSS AUTOMATIC ! ELECTRIC Hteaaa boilers, veleaaisers and tab plate. Perry i 0. CampbelL tlT N Llborty. ? t. KEDICAS MOUNTAIN BALM COUQH REMEDY Phono 51 T W t 1 NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS UK. A. SLAUOHTER ACUTE AND rbronle diaeaaoe; 415 Or ego a Bldg Phone 110. ' i NURSERY STOCKS FRUITLANU NUKSKRY COMPLETE liaa traea. Offire; 161 & 14tk St. Pkon lltOM. f COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL f raits, eras men ta. Capital City Nor - aery Oo., 416 Oregoa Bldg, Phoeo 75. FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Paarey Broa lit 8tate. . . OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORK goa Bldg. Roaaia SOI to 104. ' ' GLASSES PITTED DT THB BOW OP tieal C B25 Stat atreet, oppeaito Idd A Buk Bilk. "Us Qaallty praeea Sbar-oaa." . PAPERHANOrNO AND PAINTZNG PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUSE daooratiag, paper kaaging. Uatlag, aL. Relisbl werkaaa. i---- :....-- , TEN CENT KALSOMININX IN BEAUT1 fnl colors; $1 do a roe as. Max O. Baraa. 179 N. ComeaereiaL PHTSXCXAM Or PHTSZOTHERAPHT DR. JACKSON. .DOCTOR OF PHY8I otbarapy, treata all ailmeats, womea's - troubles especially. 165 N. Coasaareial artrt. Phone 1091. PLUMBING 5 PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phono 1397 J. Shop 117 Uaioa " ettet.- A. L. Godfrey. PTJBXIO ACCOUKTAim PRANK BV KELLOGG. PUBLIC AO eoaataat, aystama, bookkeeping, arie. awditinr 118 Oreroa Bldg. ) SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE rfaa f all klada remared. OeapeeU cleaned. Pboaa 167 or 1007J. SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE ! (SUC eaasor to Naal i Scarangar) Garbage aad rafaaa of all kiada rauorod by th : BBoatb. Raaaoaabla.rataa. j Pbaaaa: - Offf 539: residence 058. SECOND BAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING .IN CLOTH lag aad shoe. Best prieaa paid. Cap ital Bzchaag; 841 . North Caaasareiat ' Pboaa 1368-W. : ;-; - ALJCM - BARGAIN, HOUSB BUYS AND soils second hand furaitare, tool aad ak: 820 N. Commercial Pboaa 491. STOVES AND STOVB REPATETNO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED : 40 yeara xpriae. ' Depot Natloaal ' feaca, six 26 to 28 la. high. Paiata, , ail aad araithrm, ate, loraabarry aad ' bap books. 8alm Peaea aad Stora Worka. S50 Coart t treat. Pboaa 124. TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Oaatral Stag Terminal, - Saloa, Oregon BALEM-EUGENB Learea Salasa T:15 a. au; 9:15 a. as.; 11:15 a. at.; 1:15 p. as.; 1:15 p at.: 1:15 p as.; T:t0 p. as.: to Corvallla Jy. ' PARKER'S STAGS. UES i. W. Parker, General Manager Oaatral State Terminal Salem. Oregoa. . SALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Saleta, Central Stota Taraitaal: 7 a. a.; 11 a. as.; 5 p. as Leave Silvertoa New Staad: 8 a. .J 1 p. m; 6 p. an. Haleia Indepoadenra-Moansonth UlTlatoa: Ibarra Salem. Ceatral EUga Tarmiaal: r a. a.; a .; 11:10 a. am.; 8:10 p. as. 5:10 p aa -I ! Monmootb, Moaasaatk Hatal: 8:15 a. aa.i 1 p. .; t:lt p. as. eea IadpadB; BTr Htal: 6:80 a am.; 0:5O a. am.; 1:15 p. aa. 4 p. S:0 p. am. ; faraa Central Bug Tarmiaal, SaUm, tar Pallaa at: ' ' - - 7 a. aa.: 11:1 ; t:10 p am. Utm Gail HoteL Dalla. at ' 5 a. as.; 1 p. am.; 6:15 p. aa. rYa nka raaaaetioaa t 8Jaa ta all parta of tha nay, t EJitra trips by p- poiatmeaL : : ' - - j AR"FR. General Maaaarr VARIETY STORES BALAM VARIETY STORE CHINA . war, glaaswara, toys, aotioaa, aad mil- WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. 0U1. 801 8oatk.Comrei Tea per eat dUeaaat oa domtla flat rataa paid ia adraaea. Na ddartioaa fr sba w r aae ewoe oatos water is skat yoa pramJaae. TENANT I. COAL FOR SALE WHY WOOD! Try our high grade coal. Sit your tint and money. No wood splitting lunger, hotter fire. rait 1855. HILLMAN FUEL CO. - Bmadwsv and Hood. 013-tf FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS APARTMENT CLOSE IN. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, 825. Call Mrs. Berg. 1051W. 021E. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS FOR rent at 555 Marion St. Two rooms $22. Phone 1524. 021E. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. 891 NO Commercial. HOUSEB FOR RENT FIVE ROOM i MODERN dwelling at 727 South Twelfth St. $25 a month. Phone 23, or rail Statesman bosiness office. o20tf FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE AT 1703 Broadway. liaa garage. $20 a month. Call Statesman buaineaa - of " t ice or phone 23. i o20tf. WILL RENT MY SEVEN ROOM FCR nished house at 9ti0 Mill street. Phone ?H4J or call. Evenings only. Edna Purdy. C21K. FOR RENT 6 ROOM HOUSE CLOSE in, range, gas plate, lineoleum on kitchen, ahades etc. Adalti only. Call 1550 during business hours, or see owner at 267 N. High. St.: 021. FOR RENT NINE ROOM HOUSE, 771 N. Cottage St. Full baneoieot, farnaca. sleeping porch, etc. $50 per month. In quire Statesman Business office. Phone 23. 07. ROOMS FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED room. 218 N. Liberty. Hot and rold water, over Brewer's Drag store. Call after 5 o'clock. ; 020. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Phone 1960W. O20 FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND leeplng room Leonard Hotel, 154 N. Front Street. - PRINTED CARDS. 8IZB 14" BY 7". wording "Furaished Room a." price 10 . eau each. StaUsmaa Baslaeea .Of fie. Omnad Floor. IFOR RENT UNFURNISHEDI HOUSES FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE. CALL W. A. Listoa. phone 1321 or 1092. OZO". ROOMS FOR RENT VERY PLEASANT ROOM with heat. 790 N. Church St. Phone 2041M. , 025K. FOR RENT-Miscellaneousl TEAM TO LET OUT FOR THEIR KEEP ing. - John E. Brophy, Ladd A Buah " Baak. Pboaa 61F12. 021 FOR RENT HOUSES, APART ; mnta, rooms, garasea. Room and board. Gertrude J. M. Page, Q17-tf FOR RENT TYPEWRITERS 8PECIAL 8TTJDENT! RATE FOR TYPB writers. Four months . $10. Under wood Typewriter Co, 800 Masonic BM. 0-tf f FOR SALE Miscellaneous 1 APPLES FOR SALE PHONE 97F12 before 9 a. m, or after 6 p. aa. Geo. W. . Thompson, west of. Keiser arhool. ) : - , : o23e. FOR BALE CHEAP FIFTY HOR8E power water wheel. Blsckstnith forge : and bellow. Also carriage for rent. See W. Fennel 303 N. Liberty 8L -, . !' !.;:.;.. 025. 1921 WALNUTS, 15e, PER LB. POP corn lOe per lb. J. H. Wright, phone 1F11. 1 . 024 HERE YOU ARE! NEW FRESH WJIE-TA-LON at your grocers. Two pound package, 25c. : ' O20E. FOR SALE ONE FIFTY HORSE POW . cr Erie engino; on 70-hors power - boiler; foar thousand feet oak lamber. One pattern lathe; wood handles; one power drill; one six-foot Trevor lathe, folly, shafting, tile, iron roofing.' One iollStone Dowel machine Phone 1476R Addrea P. O. Box 482. . . -021 r'OR SALE HEX CAFE. JN RED dins, Cnlifornia. Two booth, two table, aeven stools. Equip ment one year old. Dtalng $40 i per day. $450. ; O20E. Best Buys f . Have a cash customer for a 6 or 7 room bungalow. For aale, two garages and re pair shops. For aale, grocery buaineaa ' In Salem. For aale, 2 good dairy cowa and team and harneaa-$150 for all. Socolofsky, Realtor ; l SO State. - .M6tf. A GASOLINE MOTOR AND JACK, . practically new,. Also a pump. W. W. Walker. 308 N. 24th St. K13 MILK COW AND TWO CALVES FOR sale. 1500 Black walnut trees, cheap tor qutca aaie. w. jl. bhiwi. xwuw Now 8. 0.23 FOR SALE CONCORD GRAPES. Prt. 1135W. ! 0.22 Beautiful Oregon Rose Aad elevea other Or goa songs together witb a fine eoilortioa of patriotla songs, acred aongs aad many old time favor lta ALL FOB 25. F (Special price a qaaatlty late) Eapaeiany adaptable for school eemmea Ity or bom singing. Bead far Western Songster 76 paga bow la it third editioa Pahhahed by - - OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Commrcisl 8t. : Salaam. Or. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 eeata a bandl. CIrealatioa dapartmeat : Oregoa 8tstma. ; ; PRINTED CARD.-. SIZE ta" BY 7 wordiag "For Sal. Eaqnira at." Price 10 eaata each. Stateaavaa Baaiaaw Offiea, Groaad Floor VETCH AND OATS SEED. FOR . W. M. Meier. Root 8. soar SALE. Ftasor atfin Phnn. 7MFI2 BIRDS. FLOWERS AND PETS FLAKE'S PETLAND. BIRDS. FLOWERS Pets.- 273 Stat tf. FARM PAPER IP YOU WANT TO GET THB BEST farm paper; send 15a to tha Pacific ' HeaiMtead, Balem, Oregoa for a fbrea 'I maatb' trial aabseriprioa. MaHi thla ad. SHOULD Classified Section rhono 23 AdvortlHlng Dcftt. CLASSIFIED ADVKRTIHKM ENT9 . Rata par word : Per Insertion Thro Insertion 2 ! ' l FOR SALE-Miscellaneous FARM PAPER POULTRY M EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for apecial three oaoatba' trial for the best and oldest journal in th west. Th articlea and advertise ment are of ep-cial interest to the poultry ! breeders of the Northwest Nurtbwret Poultry Journal. 211 Oom nvil rret Wa'em Ontein : I LIVESTOCK TEAM OF liKLT.lAN.S, WEHJHT 3400. ' W. A. Taylor, Macleay. I'hone 38F24. 023. FOR SALE DARK BAY ORCHARD team and harness, weight about 22i0 pounds. ' See ut at once. Socolofsky. Phniie 970. OI8 tf. HELP WANTED AQBMTS SELL MAU18UN "BETTER 'MADE" ' SHIRTS direct from our factory to wearer. No capital or experience re quired. Enaily sold. - Big profit. Write for FREE SAMPLES. MADISON 'MILLS. 6AS Rroadwav. New. York. FEMAU3 WOMEN WANTED TO WORK IS AP pies at Sarr Fruit Products "o., Mon day, October 21, at 8 a. m. Corner Church and Mill streets. Phone 439. ; o24 WANTED WOMEN TO WORK ON applea. i Northwest Canning Co. MALE AND FEMALE VAATKi) 4- MEN AND WOMEN TO take firm paper subscriptions. A good proposition to tbe right peopl. Ad dress th Pacific Homestead. Statesman Bide.. Salem. Or. INSURANCE INSURE YOUR OFFICE FURNITRE with the : Oregon Fire Relief Ass'n. 'Low rates; Sjtandley A Foley, Agents. Phone 847. I o20 Ladies Wearing Apparel j DRESSMAKING MRS. 0. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING tsmping. buttons. Room 10, over MO Ur 'a store. Pboaa 117. - PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7)&". wording "Dressmaking"; . prte 10 eent each.- Statesman Buaineaa Offie OwmiiiiI Ftooe. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE H EMSTITOHING pleatiag. buttons, stamping and weedte work: 828 Oreron bldg. Phone 879 LADIES TAXLOaUjTG D. H. KOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Court St. W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING. ; long ooata and svita. Room 7, MeCor ' aaek Bldg. j. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST AN I.r H. C. TRACTOR TOOL box and contents. Phone 105F4. A. B. W. Hughes. Reward. o23 LOST JAP CAPE FUR, BETWEEN Aurora and Oervaii, on highway. Re- ward. E. I 4'rver, Donald, Ore. f i ... o23 LOST TWO BRINDLE BULL ! DOGS, male and female. Reward. : Phone 31F3. i 021 UST GOLD i KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA : key. Finder pleaae call Constance Small at lOT. 791 8. Church.- O20. r MUSICAL Instruments 1 A COURSE IN BUSINESS i PIANO . playiag. Popular ayaeepatad standard music- Semi-claaaica aad ballade; 12 ' lessens. Waurmaa Piaa Sckoel, M- : Cnraark W ig. PIAa'O tuners EDWAJtDaWELP EXPERIENCED PI aa tuner. Leave order Will'a Maaic Stor. afXISIO STORES SHERMAN. CLAY OO PIANOS- Steiaways. Duo-Art aad otkera. Moora'l Musi Hoaie. 415 Coart atreet, , WILEY B. ALLEN CO, PIANOS AND phonographs. 619 Court street. GEO. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machine, sheet masie. ; aad piano studio. Repairing pboao t grapba aad- aewiag machines ; 482 ' Stetov Salaam. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A NEW . Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Farai tnr Co.. Mneie Pert. PERSONAL I GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMON ial paper pablished. FREE for stamp. ' CORRESPONDENT. Toledo. Ohio. Ntt. I REAL ESTATE City FOR SALE SACRIFICE Owner noo-resideat. Must sell bis modern 5 room hnagslow at 1490 Sag inaw street, $800 down. Price only 2800; or will rent for $30 to re liable party. See Childs A Bechtel, 540 State street. , ; 20tf ? ' ; EASY BUY - !."-. Four room house and two lots. Price fi30; -$155 rash: balance $5 per aao. Payments' begin March 1, 1924. SO acres. 48 olow land. 6 room house, barn aad chicken bouse. Two wells. Near R. R. station, 34 miles to towa. Price ' $5250;. $200 dowa. balance 7 or 8 rears. 6 per cent. J. A, MILLS, 331H State St. o21tf NEVE T .On week 'sis Insertions) . On mouth . J 8a ...20c His aiontba' contract per oto...15e .12 niouiha' eotitract, per mo 12 MialniaiB for any advettiaaraent 25 REAL ESTATE City j FOR SALE 4 ROOM HOUSE AND IXT MtxlOO. Inquire owner, 235 W. Wil son St. J o23 FOR RENT $45, modern bungalow, 8 rooms. $'), modern bungalow 5 rooms. 1f 25, modern bungalow. 6 rooms. iit.V niodcru liunnalow; 5 rooma, $J5, modern bunicalowl, 7 roomt. FOR RENT FURNISHED,,' $35, cozy cottage, 5 rooms, 1610 State Ktreet, with garage, $37.50. Also fur nis lit-) apartment. Warehouse busi ness district, $30. See" t'HILDS AND HECHTEL 540 Stste St. o20tf ATTKACT1VK HOME, CHEAT Lo cation, $9000. j 8 room house, modern and business location, $11000. ttractive home, $16000. Corner, well located, $11,000. Corner, good houso business loca tion, $10,000. ' GEKTRLTDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage St. 017-tfi PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7V' -wording " Rooma to Rent," price 10 cent: each. Statesman Buaineaa Of fie. Ground Floor, j Best Buys and Exchanges 5 room modern bungalow, 1 block from car line $2160; easy terms. 5 room modern bungalow with sleep Ing porch, full cemented basement garage, paved street, k block to . car line, $3750; half cash, balance , terms. 'i ? room semi-bungalow type, mod ern,; In good condition, double ga rage, paved atreeLi car line, i'u quick eale, $3800. 7 acres new 6 room bungalow, barn. coop. Best soil. Exchange for residence In Salem, price $4500. 7 room modern bungalow, ' paved stre-et, exchange for acreage. Price $4500. Garage, repair shop and filling sta tion, bet location; at fair price. Grocery atore doing! good business, located in Salem, must be sold at once, Socolofsky, J Realtor, 341 State St. "017tf. BEAUTIFUL STRICTLY MODERN 8 room i bungalow, new! hardwood floors, excellent lot, variety 1 of fruit, garage, paved street in east Salem, $5500. 5 room bungalow, new and modern, fire place, garage, large corner lot. paved . both sides, for quick sal $3600. 5 room bungalow, fireplace, part base ment,! new and on paved atreet. $2800. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. j 216 Oregon Bldg. 0.12-tf. SMALL! HOUSE IN NORTH SALEM. close to car,, for sal for $1400, and I owner will take light car aad $150 as . first payment. Balance like real. 1 BECKE A HENDRICKS . F U. S. Bank Bldg. 07-tt DON'T PAY ANY MORE RENT UNTIL you see some of the homes we bsv -listed at fair prices and terms like rent. : On 5 room Cottage at $2000 Has, bath, hot w a t r, paving, . etc. Term $300 down.) balaace $20 a month. Many others all sixes, prices aad locations. Come ia. 1 i BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg 07 tf. VACANT HOUSES 10 ROOM AT 771 N. Cottage, $5500; 2240 18. Church $3450; 250 Wilson, $5006. Any of . 'these homes eaa bo boufht on reason able terms and the prices are right. ! BECKE A HENDRICKS i U. S. Bank Bldg. , 07 tf. , f BUSINESS IS GOOD FOR SALE NEW 4 ROOM; BUNG A low. Good construction. Near school and streetcar. Easy terms, j New 5 room bungalow. Fall i basement, fireplace, well conttraetad. Only $3450. Very easy terms, i RICH L. RE1M ANN Realtor. 229 Oregon Bldg. i Res. Ph. 1025D . . Ph. 1011 O.S-tf. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7" jwordinji "For Reat," prloa 10.enU each. Statasmaa Busiaeaa Offiea, oa Ground Floor. I SALE OR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE FOR SOMETHING INT OR near Salem, a bungalow ia Fresno. Calif, C. Hnddleatou, General Deliv ery, 'Salem, Oregon. o23. FOR 8 A LB OR EXCHANGE fClesr 10 acre oranaje grove; full besring, mile to Porterville. Want Willamette Valley. Oregon, CLEAR, or nearly sol Submit. John Rain. Hsnford, Calif. 1 o26 I REAL ESTATE FARMS SPECIAL r To exchange, 80 acres, partly clear ed, family orchard, fair buildings. On main road.' Will trade for small tract Bear Salem. - 5 room plastered home and acre In North Salem. Good buy for $1700; with $100 down and $20 per month. 3 nice large, furnished rooms for rent, $20 per month. I THOMASON, 331 Vi State St. o20 SACRIFICE' OFFER FOR lO DAYS 560 acres Lineola County stock and dairy ranch, including about $1000 ha) and grain. Good improvements. $17, 000. ' A. C. BOHRNSTEDT. Realtor. 407 Masonic Temple. Salem. Or. Q.4 tf FARMS FOR RENT FOR RENT FARM. 285 ACRES, 120 in cultivation; balance in pasture and timber. Address. C. P. Kodpers, route S. ho 64. Snlem O20. REAL ESTATE Suburban) FOR SALE IMPROVED OR 1 UNIM proved suburban property., Phone Jfilenn L. Adams. i o26e. a RENT OR BUY 1 WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD war and furniture. Beet price paia TUB CAPITAL HARD WAR! 2 A Fl RMTtTBB CO.! $84 N. Commercial fit. Pboaa 041 f TRANSFER HAULING 1 TBAjrSFBJt-BtrLEiav WE MOV. 8TORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Oar specialty la plan aad fnraitare amoving. W ale make enaa ' ; try trip. Wa handle th beat eaal aa wood. Call aa pa for price, W givt goad aiaasar. good qaality I aad goad aarvica. Larmar Traaafet Co. Pboaa $( R WANT FOR A HE ROOM TRANSFER HAULING TRANSFER HAULING MOVING AND hi figure, pboaa 686 : 8TORAGE 976 North -RE A SON A CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 State St. Phone 938. DiaUibettng. for warding and etorag ar specialty. Uel one vatoa i f USED CARS FOR SALE ) l'8ED CAR BARGAINS 1921 Chevrolet touring $325.00 1919 Chevrolet touring, cord tires' new top, ; .$175.00 i . FORDS , 1923 Ford touring, cord tires shocks i .$385.00 1920 coupe, '- $200 worth extrss 350.00 rrd touring, stromberg carburetor cord tires .....$ 135.00 1917 Ford touring i $85.00 1910 Ford roadster $75.00 CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T 349 N. Commercial. o20tf Two Baby Oyerlands.- both late mod eta, one can scarcely t be told from a new car: both at about half their real worth. Oleson Auto Exchange, 173 8. Liberty. Phone 06. . o20 1923 MODEL. FORD COUPE LIKE new.- Call at Oleson'a garage. 023 u Ford; Coupes 192a model, wire wheels. 5 good tires 2 spotlights, Tiffsny parking light, rear view mirror, rain swiper, motor meter and cross bsr. Side and back curtains, foot feed, speedometer, dash light, apecisl switches, etc. - A Gen nine bargain for 350. Phone 1599M or 22. - CHEVROLET USED CAR DEPT. i 349 N. Commercial 8t, i USED CARS PRICED TO SELL. Ford bug ... $60.00 ttood Maxwell ............ .$100.00 Chevrolet touring ........ .,$125.00 Mitchell touring r. . . .. .$175.00 Nash touring $300.00 Paige touring ..$350.00 Overland sedan $550.00 Elgin touring ....$450.00 Hupmobil touring $495.90 Dodge touring .............. 495.00 Essex touring .$550.00 (W charge no brokerage) -a F, W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 N. Commercial St. OU-tt.' GOOD 'USED OARS - GINGRICH MO tor Co.. 871 Coart. Used Cars . 1921 Chevrolet, lots ofa extras ..$325.00 1920 Chevrolet touring. A snap $200.00 1919 Chevrolet touring, new wheels cord tires, new top ... $173.00 1 Fords 1923 Ford ' touring, shocks, cord tires, new; about 15O0 miles, $385.00. 1920 Ford coupe, new wheels; about $200 worth extras, $350.00 1917 Ford touring, a bargain at $75:00 1915 Ford touring, rune good, $45. CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T.'i 849 N. Commercial St. USED-FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHOR 1ZED FORD DEALER 1 1915, Touring $65.01 1916 Touring . : $90.04 1917 Touring i..,.. $135.04 1919 Touring $225.04 1920 Touring . . $385.04 1920 Roadster , .6250.04 1922 Coup, new paiat , 9425.04 1923 Coupe $500.00 1921 Sedan . , .$435.00 1922- Sedan $545.00 - All cars guaranteed to be ia good run ning; order. ; Liberal Term Open Sundays VALLEY MOTOR CO. . 260 No. High Phoa 1995 : Ot-tt FOR SALE ' 1920 Dodge sedan A-l shape $900. 1921 Ford touring $300. 1921 8tudebaker apecial Muring $700. 1919 Dodre tonring $450. i BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. f WANTED Miscellaneous 1 RECEIVE i MATERNITY CASES AND Stork Nest 1259 8. Librty Phoa 1029 J. i EATON A i EATON, practical hatter formerly O. B. Ellsworth estahlishmeat First class hst work of all kinds. 191 N. Commercial. j WANTED DAILY NEWSPAPER SUB seriptioa I solicitor. Apply boa D 91 Statesman. ! ; CEMENT CONTRACTORS t FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 48. N. Summer street. Phono 674-J. i WOOD FOR SALE ) MILL WOOD FOR SALE PROMPT delivery.; Green and dry Phone 108F3. i. i 021. BEST GRADE OF WOOD -4 foot; 16 Inch green mill wood. ' 4 foot dry mill wood. 4 foot and 16 inch second growth. FRED E. WELLS, 280 S. Church Phone 1543 06-tf. FOR SALE 16-IN OH OLD FIB AN 8 ' aeeond growth 4-foot aad oak. Phon 19F3. M. D. May field. WOOD SAW' PROMPT AND CAREFUL service with wood ssw. Phope 10HF3. N19 PUBLIC NOTICES J NOTJCB Notice is hereby given that a road 'district meeting will be held at Fellers Warehouse, Fellers Sta tion, in Road District No. 3, in Marion County, Oregon, on Satur day, the 3rd day of November, 1923, at1 2:00 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of levying' an ad ditional tax for road purposes in said district. W. II. DOWNING. O-13-20-27. County Judge. XOTICK " Notice ; ia hereby given that a road district meeting will be h'-I at Belle Pass! school house, in Road District "No. 8, -n Marion CioiiBtr. Oreron. on Saturday, tha 3rd day ! of - NovembeV, 1923. , at 2:00 o'clock p. m., for. the pur pose of levying an additional tax for road purposes In said District. W. H. DOWNING. O-13-20-27. County Judge. 5 I --r' 1 r PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Notice la hereby given that :i road district meeting will be held at Noble school house, In Road District No. 12, In Marion County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 3rd day of November, 1923. at 7:00 o'clock p. m., for the purpose. of levying an additional tax for road pur poses in said District. v W, H. DOWNING, I O-13-20-27. County Judge. NOTICE Notice . Is .hereby, given that a road district-meeting will be hold at Porter's school house. In Road District No; 14, In Marion County. Oregon, on Saturday, the 3rd day of November, 1923, at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. for tbe purpose of levying an additional tax for road purpo ses In said district. - W. H. DOWNING. O-13-20-27. , . County Judge. r Notice Is hereby given that a road district meeting will be lield at Pleasant View school bouse, In Road District No. 15 M, In Marlon County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 3rd day of November, .1923, at 2:00 o'clock p. m.. for the pur pose of levying an additional tax for road, purposes In said District. W H. DOWNING, 0-13x20-27, -County Judge. NOTICK . . ' .;- : Notice , (s hereby given that h road district' meeting will be held at North Howell Grange hall. In Road District No. 16, In Marion County. Oregon, on Saturday, the 3rd day of November," 1923, at 1:00 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of levying an additional tax for road purposes in said District. W. II. DOWNING. 0-1 3-2 0-2 t.l County Judge. xoncB Notice Is hereby given that road district meeting will be heU at Oak Ridge school bouse, if Road District No. 22, in Marioi County Oregon, on "Saturday, th 3rd day of November, 1923, itl 1:00 o'clock p. in., for the pur pose of levying an additional ta? for road purposes In said District . W. H. DOWNING, O-13-20-27. County Judg NOTICE - r "' - . .. ii Notice Is hereby given that t road district meeting' will be heU at Union Hill school house, ii Road District No. 23, in Marlon County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 3rd ;day, of ' November, 1923, "at 1:30 o'clock, p. m., for the pur pose of levying an additional tax tor road purposes In said District. W. II. DOWNING, V O-13-20-27. CountyJudge. ; NOTICE , ' y .V: Notice Is 'hereby giYen that a road district meeting will be '"Id at Joe Heuberger's hop house, in Road District No. 24, In Marion County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 3rd day of November,' 1923, at 2:00 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of levying an -additional tax for road purposes In said Distrct. . W. II. DOWNING, O-13-20-27. County Judgr. ; , NOTICE ',' . - ' ." Notice Is hereby given that a road district meeting will- be nld at Patrick Brantley's residence. 1 mi. S. of Aumsville. in Road DIs trlct No. 25. in Marion County. Oregon, on Saturday, the. 3rd day of November. 1923, a 2:00 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of levying an additional' tax for road pur poses In said District. W. H. DOWNING, , S O-13-20-27. County Judga. . XOTICK Notice Is hereby given that road district meeting will be. held at Fern Ridge Bchool house, in Road District No. 33, In Marlon County, Oregon, oh Saturday, the 3rd day of November, 1923, at 2:00 o'clock' p. m.,-for the pur pose of levying an additional tax forsroad purposes In said District. W. H. DOWNING, O-13-20-27. County Judg3. NOTICE TO CERIHTORS No. 583G In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County-of Marion. '; ' , In the matter of the . Estate of HORATIO FOSTER, Deceased. The above-entitled : court had appointed the undersigned. J. D. Welch, administrator of the es tate of Horatio L. Foster, de ceased.. AH persons haying claims against the said estate are re quired to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date hereof, to the administrator, at the office of Oregon Statesman. In the city of Salem, in said, county and state. .-. Dated and, first published, Sep tember 29, 1923. , - . Date of last publication Oc tober 27. 1923. J. D. WELCH. Administrator. GLENN E, HDSTED. Attorney for Administrator, Portland, Ore ion. : P.UBLIC NOTICES j V NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice la hereby given that the undersigned . haa - filed In. the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Marion hla duly verified, final account as ex ecutor of the estate of J. N. Led ger wood, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, tbe 29th day of October, 1923. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the time, and the county court room in the County-Court House, in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as the. place for hearing said final account and; all objctlona there to. . Dated at Salem. OreRon, this 28th day of September, 1923. EDWARD I FANDRICH, Executor of; the Estate of J. N. Iedger wood. Deceased. A. O. Condlt and Ronald C. Clov er Attorneys for tbe executor. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL j PROPERTY t Notice Is hereby grvpn that the undersigned, under and. by virtue of an order, of sale heretofore duly made and entered of record in the county court of the State of Oregon.; for Vthe County of Mar ion, in the matter of the estate of Henry Pascoe, deceased, said or der being" made on tbe 18th day of September, 1923, will as ad ministrator of the estate of said decedent, cell at private sale, for cash In hand on the day of sale, all of the right, title' and Interest of the estate of said decedent in and to the; following described real property, to-wlt J Lot Number three (3) In Block-Number Twelve (12) in Englewood addition to tbe city of Salem, Marion county, Oregon, as sald lot is shown and designated on the plat of said addition, now on file and of record in the office of Recorder of Conveyances for ' Marion county. State of Ore- gon. ; That said sale will be made at the of. ice of Condit & Glover, Room 203. Oregon Building. In the City if Salem. In Marlon county. Oregon, on and after Mon day, the 22nd day of October, 1923, at the hour of ten o'clock of said day, and bids will be re ceived by the undersigned up to the hour of said sale. ' . " - Dated at Salem, Oregon, thla 18th day of September, 1923; " ; RONALD C. GLOVER. : AdmInbtrator of tb estate of Henry Pasooe, deceased. CaDMIXISTRATOU'S NOTICT3 ' Notice la hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed administrator of the Estate ot Michael O'Neill, deceased, by or der of the County Court of thi State 'of Oregon for Marion Coun ty, oni the 13th day of August 1923, and he has duly tjuallfie, as suck, administrator; and thai all persons having claims against eald estate are requested to pre sent their respective claims, duly verified, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned administrator at his office, 341 State Street; Balem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. , Dated this 25th day of Septem ber, 1923. j -JOHN BAYNE. Administrator of the Estate of Michael O'Neill, ' Deceased. XtlTICK OF ASSESSMENT VOlt COST OF IMPROVINO SOUTH SIXTEENTH i STREET FROM " FERRY STREET TO TRADE STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the city of Salem. Oregon, will, at or afcont 7:30 o'clock p. m., on the Sth day of November,, 1923 or at tbe game jour at any subsequent meeting of. the Common Council thereaf ter In the council chambers of the city hill In Salem Oregon, pro ceed to assess upon each lot or part ' thereof Its proportionate share of - the; cost of Improving 3outhj Sixteenth street from the touth line of Ferry street to the north line of MMl street. All persona interested In the said assessment are hereby noti fied to appear at said time and place before'; the said common council-and present their objec tions. , If, any they have, to aalA assessment and apply to said com mon council to equalize their pro portionate share of said assess ment. ; -;- - i " - ' ; By order of the Common Qoun cil the 15th day of October, 1923. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date ot first publication hereof is Oct. 20. 1923. NEW CORPORATIONS ; Articles ? of i Incorporation were filed yesterday by . the Western Life Extension bureau, having its headquarters In Portland, The capitalization Is $25,000 and the incorporators are R. M. Erwln, J. O. Robb and Samuel Weil. Articles also were filed by the Prairie Cityj. Placer Mining com pany of Prairie City, capitalized at $35,000. The Incorporators are R. C. Reese j J. C. Howell and A. M. Lilly. .. ; A permit to operate in Oregon was issued to the Women's Board of Foreign Missions of the Pres byterian church In the United States of America. Flora A. Gos. of Portland Is attorney-in-fact for Oregon." The board haa head quarters lln ".New York City. Notice jof is decrease In capital ization from! $50,000 to $25,000 was filed by the Columbia Plaster Wall Board company. It Isn't so much what yon tay as what others say you say. that keeps you In hot water. - eseo awaaiBa aa