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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1923)
. i- ! THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1923 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF : Cbrmawa Regtatrattou Galalnjc Slowly but surely the registra tion at ' the . Cbemawa Indian scbool Is increasing. - Superinten dent Harwood Hall said yesterday. At present there are more than 900' Indian children and young people registered. These repre sent nearly all of ' the western tribes, and. some lot those in Alas ka. 'I $49.30 la the Talk of tlem " See page ad In this Issue. Millers. - Planning a Rale John Vandervelt of Forest Grove was in conference . with E. A. ; Rhoten yesterday planning a Jersey sale on November 22. -. Linn Scoot Executive Quit. y. Resignation of Harold L. Cook, scout executive for Linn county, has been handed In ; to take effect at the completion of a financial drlre now in progress. Cook for- -onerly llred In . Salem before lo cating In Albany. He has been In his present position , for a little . over a year. ; . .- ., Wanted at Once A lire agent for Salem to handle the Fire Paralyser Extinguisher. The latest thing In Fire Protec tion." Retails at f 2,i with . steel brackets. Money proposition for " a hustler. For particulars call on or address D.' E. G user or J. J. Davenport. 110-S. Watter St., Sil Terton, Or. J 01.. la the Talk of SaI I See page ad In. this Issue. Millers. The Public Is Invited to Attend A free lecture on Christian Science, by Mary G. Ewlng, C. S. 1b Chicago. Member lot the board of membership of The Mother Church, - the First Church of Christ, Scientist of Boston, Mass. At the Grand theater.' Salem, on Monday. Oct. 22, 1922, at 8:00 -o'clock p. m. - 1 ... o21e Bay Quality First f. Ten want the "best that the modistes art can give. ' We have as array of gowns and dresses that will please the most critical. Daily arrivals keep our stock up to the mutate. The French Shop 115 N High St. ! -"-'I oiO 1 Speeders Pay Fines ; Three speeders paid 15 each in the police court yesterday. Those who paid ' the fines were H. C. Kayser. Portland J. O. Hanson, sad L. Grayblll. !315 South Fif teenth, - The latter two were ar rested Wednesday. - I GuQd Dan i ;i .Tonight. Armory, tickets 55 ol9e cents. Radio Sets ' j - , "Tor the home. Wo are agents for the Radlolaa and the Maglvox. Oar sets are guiarftttteed. Lt us pot one in on trial. Salem Elec- trie- Co. - Masonic Temple. Ol 8. Salem Smoke ' Shop Next Door Bligh. Hotel . Magazines J Films, Candies, We make the best Milk Shake I la the City tar loe. -TSY OUR HIKES ROOT BEER J 413 Orroa Bttlltta . TaUpfeoaa. 457 The Seayey, Bell Insurance "tr,--f- r: Agency J General Insurance : "Billy" Ball Fruk Wsfsr BEATRICE SHELTON ,ri Teacher of Piano BTUDIOS aV BVaw W W. H . rim r- FaM 12SS Store fYour Prunes ; at Ery's "Warehouse 35c per ton per month -. ; in 1 carload lots HYDRO-ELECTRIC 1HERAPEUTIC INSTITUTE C Formerly pr. Schenks jr 249 8. Cottage St. PHONE! - - 1182 For iGifts That Last HARTMAM BROS. uuoada. Watches. Jewt Watches, Jewelry I and Silverware Phone 1253. Salens, Oregoa ; L r Qalert Axabulanee Service Day and Nijht :PH0FJE 666 ' . 17 8. Liberty 8. .- . cirego f LADD & BUSH i BANICERS ; , j .-Established 1868 ! Gtscral B&slos; Bcslsexs , 1 ' Olfics Ilcurs froa 10 a. xs. to 3 p. xa, i Spare Tire Stolen While his automobile was park ed at State and High streets early Wednesday evening some one stole a spare tire and rim. A. C. Nelson, 241 North Cottage, reported to the police yesterday. Hello! Listen a Minute Your grocer ; now has a fresh supply of WHE-TA-LON. Sweet and pure. ! O20E. To Every Woman Desiring to cultivate and pro serve her beauty. Miller's Beauty Parlor offers special facial mas sage which , will assist the woman who would present to the critical ( eye a complexion mat snows in telligent care! and attention. For appointment phone 1047. , ol9 Jewelry "Salesman" Released Because he aroused the sus picion of a police officer by offers to sell jewelry, Aleji E. Olson was arrested In the vicinity of the S. P. station Tuesday night and held for investigation. . He was re leased yesterday with instructions not to include Salem upon his fu ture Itinerary. " Wanted;.!';'"'" ' 'Experienced cashier and candy girl. The Spa. Adv. 021. Free! Free! Free . . Dancing at Dreamland, Satur day, Oct. 20.! ; o20. Attend Training School 1 The .first district training school for Sunday school teachers was held this week at Hayesville and Aumsville. The attendance was considered good for the stormy night. Twenty were in at tendance ' from seven schools at Hayesville while 15 attended the Aumsville school. Date Xut Fudge Week-end surprise special 39c. pound. Regular 75c quality. The Spa. O.20. A Bargai Good physician's chair, nearly new. can at liso soutn UDerty and see It. I o23. Committee to Meet lr A general committee for . the Capital to Capital celebration to be held here next week, will meet today noon j for luncheon at the Spa. ' The members of the com mittee are J. C. Perry, C. E- Wil son, W. M. Hamilton. R. O. Snell- Ing, i John Carson, Rov Shields, Fred Erixoa. ' A.'-N Pierce, Dan Burns, -George Arbuckle, W. B. Mott, Sam Kozer and Dr. H. E. Morris. . Features for the observa tion of the highway opening to be celebrated at that time, will be discussed, f v Big Sale t ' On all hats, Friday and Satur day. Larsen Millinery, 429 Court. o20e. . 1 ' . . Do Not Buy a Radio Until you ave tried the "Ra- dlola," We are. sole agents for those high grade receivers made by the Radio Corporation of Am erica. They are guaranteed toy them and by us. We make them work to your entire satisfaction. Let ns demonstrate in your own home. No obligation. Salem Electric Co. Masonic -Temple. Phone 1200. OS1. Only the Besrj Is Cheap "" We' are showing many French suggestions for the wintry days on .Friday, Saturday and Monday. Complete new shipment Just ar rived. " The French Shop, 115 N, Illrh. ... I ' 20 IMPERIAL CANDIES Chocolates 60c Per Lb. Chocolate Coated Mints, :Extra Fine. Little Lady Store 12th and Center - ELM A WELLER ; , ' r PIAK1ST . , Too prooetioa tfcreofa Jiadi Weight RaUxatio. -Dunning System Tot ' reaadatiea t Ffeoa 1SS1 gtSo 685 Mk. Liberty St. OSTEOPATHY ; The Original and Genuine Spin al Adlnstment Treatment. ' Skill full. Painless Adjustment that gets results. DR. Lc C MARSHALL ' Osteopathic Physician and ! : Surceon ," fi2ft Oreson Bld2. J ' Salem. SO XT. a. VsUoaal Baak BaOatag Vaa SSS Ka. TaM 4SSJ DR. B.H. WHITE OrtMpstsic rayskaaa sad ftargssa Electronic 2iagaetls sad TrMtsuBt (Dt. Asrsau Metaed.l . Salem !:'' Oretm Daughter Critically 111 Fred W. Jobelman, night clerk at the Bligh hotel, was called to Portland again last night by the critical illness of his daughter, Violet. She underwent an opera tion at St. Vincent's hospital this week. It was said by physicians in charge that if she lived until 4 o'clock this morrting she bad a chance for recovery. $40.50 Is the Talk of tylem See page ad in this issue. Millers. Free! Free! Free Dancing at Dreamland, day. Oct. 20. Satur 02 0. Broadcast Programs- Saturdays, 5c. Salem Electric 1 ol9 Co., Masonic Temple. Default Order Signed Judge Kelly yesterday signed an order of default m the case of H. Williston Jr. against N. Foleff, alias N. Fatett. Hawkins & Roberts City loans; lowest rates. 02 tf. This Is Dress Week We have some beautiful, dresses of the latest mode. You will be delighted with their individuality and quality. The French Shop, 115 N. High. o20 Girl Committed Evelyn Graham, 14, was com mitted to ; . the girls' industrial school yesterday. Iter mother placed a charge of : Incorrigibility against the girl. i:i - Wanted , M. -j "t i I Experienced cashier and candy girl. The Spa, Adv. 021. I Modern Furnished House For rent. H. 1 Stiff Furniture Co. I 019. Does This Interest You? H i If you are looking for a job, or If you need to employ help, use the city free employment bureau it the YMCA. : ! - f 02 tf. $49,50 Is the Talk of Snl See page ad in this issue. Millers. Car Shortage Grows . The Southern Pacific company reports to the state public service commission a shortage of 410 closed, and 13 open cars on its lines In Oregon, and the .Union Pacific system reports a shortage of 70 refrigerator cars. I Bird Dog for Sale E. B. Flake273 State St. OlS. Eight-Piece Orcbestra- Tq furnish music for Guild ol9e dance. ' . To Plan Celeoratloi The various , committees ap pointed to have charge of the Pa cific highway celebration here on October 25 will meet today at noon' at the Gray Bella to discuss details. All of ' the civic bodies have made their appointments and the work from this time forward will be on the details. Everything indicates a big meeting. Don't Forget The Annual Penitentiary show commencing October 23 to 27 in clusive. ' A lauah. a second for 60 cents. 023E. A Bargain A good 5-room bungalow with basement . at" $2850,, easy, pay ments, open until the 2ath only, or will rent It for the winter at $30 a month: paved street, east front and close to main car line. in a good district. I say this is a bargain. Win". Fleming, 341 State St,' Act quickly. o21 Visits Schools .. Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, superin tendent of 'schools, was visiting schools in the Union Hill vicinity yesterday. ' . ; For Rent r Seven room t furnished house, 960 Mill St. Day phone, 1763; evening, 284-d. Home evenings only. Edna Purdy. o21e Portland Telephone Quartet Special attraction at Guild riin ' Armorv. tonight. I ol9e Family Appl Buy direct from the Prescott apple orchard. ' Hand picked ap ples, 75 cents per box,' Bring boxes. 2 1-2 miles in Polk coun- tr. Oak Grove road! 019 Don't Forget The Annual Penitentiary show commencing October 23 to 27 In clnslve. A laugh a second for 50 cenis. 023E. ' ' f . S49JSO Is the Talk of Siile See page ad in this issue. Millers Webb & Clougb Leading Fcncr&l Directors Expert Embalmers Rigdon & Sorts MORTUARY. , Pomona Grange Meets Saturday An all-day celebration j will te held Saturday at Macleay by Po mona grange, with a picnic dinner to- be served at noon. Following the dinner, addresses will be given by Governor Walter H. Pierce and John L. Brady, editor j of" The Statesman. j Coat Days Here Friday. Saturday and j Monday are coat days, and we offer -for your -inspection a magnificent showing of the latest in winter coats. The French Shop, 115 N. High St., ' i o20 Date Not Fudge Week-end surprise special 39c. a pound. x Regular 75c The Spa. O.20.- quality. $40.50 Im the Talk of Sjalem See page ad In this issue, Millerj. Prisoner Escapee , Abe Rusteln, a trusty of the state penitentiary, escaped yester day afternoon from the Hynes brothers' farm where he was pick ing potatoes. R us ten was received September 15, 1920, from Mult nomah county to serve seven years, for a statutory 'offense, j He has been a trusty for several months, according. to Warden Dklrymple. He is of Russian birth and is a teamster by profession. ! Rustein is 29 years old. weighs 142 pound3, is 5 feet 6 1-8 Inches tall, of light complexion, has light blue eyes and black hair. Seven j or eight men are' looking for him. For Sale j Two black walnut bedroom sets, large dresser, very massive and old style. Call at 445 Chemeketa street. j 019E Free!: Free! - ' j ' " 4 Public lecture In Derby hall (upstairs), Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Subject, "Allj Nations Marching to Armegedonj but Mil lions Now Living Will Never Die." - i ol9 I PERSONALS Harry Howe, employed at the Webb funeral parlors is In Brownsville on a hunting trip. R. C. Bacon. 575 Court street, is recovering; from a recent oper ation , at a local hospital. Li R. Furgy, Monmouth orch ardlst, was reported out! of danger yesterday following several days' illness with pneumonia! Sam Manning Is reported to be improving from a slight stroke of paralysis. . j William H. Gahlsdbrf was a Portland business visitor Thurs-' day. i " v' v 1 . Mrs. Ira Collins left last night for Garfield, Wash., where sjie was called by the serious illness of her mother. j s , r- : -; ' Forest fire threatened Pasa dena, California. Why! will these hunters blaze their trails? - More sport news. Seattle man' poked his wife in the eye. " Judge got her as an eye witness.! SPECIALS. FOil THE . : WEEK STARTING TOMORROW . if2 F REE With Peter give a Painting Book. It's just the thing that babe will enjoy. '. And Peter Rabbit Powder is the softest, most velvety - baby powder any mother could wish. Regular price 25c. Special this week, 23c. j BABY BIBS ' Dozens of pure rubber bibs in ' colored and fancy colored designs. Will save laundry on baby's little dresses. Special; Price, 23c. CENTRAL PHARMACY ) Woolpert & Quisenberry Phone 276 j Bank of Commerce Bldg. in Junk the We will I buy anything you have in the way of junk old furniture, rags, paper, rubber, etc. Highest, cash prices paid. - . CAPITAL JUNK AND BARGAIN HOUSE i H. Steinbock, Prop. House of a million and One Bargains Phone 398 215 Center Street ER SET OF TEETH IS Set Found in Terminal Hotel Mate to One piscoyered , in Jheatre k Tis false, 'tis fatee, ( The. janitor cried, !' Aa li the chair ' The plate he spied. Only ; the most amazing of co ipcidences could have' called forth this sudden burst ef poetry cer tainly the prospects of a cold and damp winter with needv of many cords of wood do not .evoke the muse. i But when for the second time within a week a eet of false teeth is found alone in the city without visible means of support some thing must be done to protect the women and children, for who knows whether the teeth are vici ous or not? Perhaps the set of false teeth, evidently constructed for the fix ed or upper jaw was seeking its mate, a fine specimen of the den tal craft for the lower or 'wag ging portion of the jaw, which was found earlier in the week.- The second set was found hid ing in a corner of a chair in the lobby of the Terminal .hotel yes terday, ready to snap at the man, woman or child who was unfor tunate enough to recline thereon. The first set was skulking, in the Liberty theater Monday. Tls false, 'tis false. The1 teeth replied. Ita cold out here We want Inside.. Freshman Y Club Formed At Silverton Last Night A Freshman Y club was organ ized last '-night at Silverton by Edwin Socolofeky, . county secre tary of the Hi-Y ' organization. Frank Milliken, formerly of Sa lem and now in business in Sil verton, is the leader of the club. Members of the club signing up the first night were Norman Eastman. William Welch, Delmer Brown, Lowell Brown, Dale Blair. Merl Larson Clayton Benson Ted Rutherford, Charles Drake, Mar lon Green, Owen Haacey, Frances Wood, Melvln Bell Lawrence Car. penter George , Lovett, Charles Hartley, The club will meet each Wed nesday evening in the library. This la the third year a fresh man club has been organized in Silverton. ' . 1 OUR STOMACH cause bad breath, ruir pains, coated tongue aad belching. AlmmytSmintkfim CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS SwMtca ysar stesMca aad WraatS saly 25 Hi Things for the 7 little folks at prices that warrant your attention. , . every purchase this . week of Rabbit baby powder we will Peter . Rabbit Picture Story :1l e 2 HI FOUND S5 BITS FOR BREAKFAST 1 . w Another fair fall day. a S The eorn Is In the shock, but the frost is not yet on the pump kin. It Is late this year. mm I By the way. the Salem district has produced some wonderful corn this year; as fine as the best of the famous corn sections. The In dependence and Salem corn shows will have great exhibits. They will be .worth seeing. Marion and Polk counties! are beaded for first and second places among the counties of the north west in corn ' production, If they have not already arrived. j If you are among the few who are not familiar with the re' suits obtained from using Calumet, try it - learn the difference between the results that come from using a perfect leavener and those that are experienced .when us -ing unreliable brands. ' i ., : . . - To follow the dirons'bnl the Calumet label is to invite sue cess. You must not use as much as your do of many other kinds. You know Cal-' umet has greater leavening strength than s many other brands it goes farther makes more bakings the last spoonful is '!. as good as the first." lAd--y-': ' EVERY INGREDIENT USED- OFFICIALLY APPROVED BY Galea a1 titaco Our Is a Joy to Behold ! WOMEN are simply enraptured with our brilliant array of Autumn Low Shoe Fashions. t An almost limit less variety of patterns, colors and combinations in Strap, Sandal and Laced effects to glorify the feminine foot. - And what we wish most to impress on the woman of moderate means is that with all the subtle coquetry of our styles they are well within, the limits , of the modern purse. . - Prices 6.95 to $9.50 . One of the big points In favor of the purchase by the school dis trict of the four vacant blocks on Capitol street Is the fact that, by cutting a - roadway under the Southern Pacifie track, they will be connected with the playgrounds of the Salem school district. V Horse ran-away in Dallas, Tex., and the news was telegraphed all over the country. Showing how fast we are traveling away from the old days. Time was, just a F Bttmr TJtmn a Afnefamf tlmmtmr coming a matter of fact iii this country Years ago. the woman r who had success on bake day was rare. Now, most anyone can be proud of their baking,- theyoun bride, the school-girl andalL: ing Powder, has made all this nos- dblOfit is sitting on the pantry shelf inmillionsof ' of baking success- "the real jreason for uniform and wholesome food ao much as that bS Fall-Style Display Good Hose to Match Your ... - , . . Corner State and Liberty Next to little while back,. when Salem ha i its daily, runaway team and Sa lem was much smaller then. .Have rou seen such a thing lakiy"? -" , Some one sugrect? that the I'a' tlmore preacher who says u young-people should Le taught tj make love might get a lht5e pre liminary experience leucine utuLs to swim. "a But some of the popular are not as bad as they are sung. For Coughs and Colds, Head ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism and All Aches and Pains . - ALL DRUGGISTS r 35cand6Sc, jars and tubes Hospital ix. $3.00 1. Le economy 5alc ApovadcanofJ Calnmat coa I tahfaI116ox.) 4 fxyvnlcn comet ia 12 os canst ' Instead cf 16( oa aa&a Be aura yoa tt a -pound when if Tog want iu' . -f- -. . ! ' , " " U. S. FOOD AUTHORTrnn any othcrJjrcnC Shoes Wool worth's ?