The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 16, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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ed for "Metro ? under 'the personal
supervision of "Max'Gifaf. :
Oregda 1
Girl of the. Gotten
West '.?'"
The Fog
n - ,,.,-. MuslcalUomedy
Passing Parage Co.
inruis galore predominate ia
"The Valley of Lost Souls' the
unga theater. . i, : ;,',:. .
It Is ifull of rted blooded action
mystery and -romance with a capi
tal "K" which Is bound to inake it
one of . the; most interesting and
'worthwhile pictures ever shown In
v the Hligh. -
, Telling a story of the bravery of
a member of the Canadian Mount-
-ed Police 'In' his efforts toi diseov-
eif 'the identity or the "gttost" of
the Valleyof Lost Souls, and tfius
feolve lhe rranrder of the (brother
of the girl he loves, It is receiving
a 'cordial reception from jfans1 at
all performances. - j
'Valfey of Lost Souls" will con
, tinu'to be the aUraction'ot the
Blighr for two days;."- t r -
ah roaas. leaa lo uie Oregon
theater next Week ;iatsejitwni
have as Its feature attraction an
other ki4' story by -Booth Tar
klngton. It is "Penrod and! Sam,"
and It, was directed' for Flrst'Na-J
nonai Dy wuuanx ueaua.lno.j This
pictuce- hu3 meC withSsensatlonal
" succel'kli: the&ieriwlier; it has
play J t'q te,v and 1 1 iaidvt
have' an apiealthatTis1imUecl t
. no age or' ilasaJ
"Penrodand Sam abounds in
lrresltlble humor, -which lis inter
spersed'' with- pathos. which helps
to mak,the ,ilsvfr-reaIiyt human
portrayal bf 'the lteOt irW Am
erica hbf. 'T -ifi i f f f i r-
. . Penrod and his "gan;" cavort
from ine' nllrthf nl adventure "to
another. First off the bat they
stage a mfmle wartbenyfhey In
itiate th ' neighborhood -"sissy"
n6ne tob gently Into their secret
society: they follow Jfite up with
a "mamuth circus and in general
get .on the nerves" of thfeirelders
, Benny; Alexanders portrayal of.
the character" of Penrod Is without
doubt the best work "Jthat this
yduBg-nrUSt has ever doneforthe
screen : He la'a natural actor and
can draw tears and evoke laughter
with facility that is uncanny. Joe
Butterworth.'who Is Sam. is equal
ly well cast. Other popular aoreen
kiddies in the picture are Buddy
Messinger, Newton Hall, Gertrude
Meshi tiger, Joe McCray and Gene
Jackson. ' ' ' ' " j. " "
; "Penrpil and Sam" takes one
skipping hack over the years to
childhood days, bringing to life
fond memories of the period when
one was carefree and joyous. -
Nathan Forged as played- by
Cullen Landls in The Fog." at the
Ljoeriy tneaier, is jusi sucn a
youth as Kipling must have 'had In
mind when Jio. : wrote . "If" one
who could meet every emergency.
And htere are plenty of things, to
stand up against a scheming, hy
pocritical father, poverty, blasted
love affairs, disallusionment and
misrepresentations that kept the
sensitive boy in a maze of fog un
til he found the Ideal love of which
he dreamed. Nathan Forge is one
of the best character studies we
have ever seen on the screen, and
he is portrayed by Cullen Landis
with fine sympathy and restraint.
Mildred Harris gives a beautiful
interpretation of a difficult role.
as Madelaine Theddon, the ' girl
whose love was , the light that
pierced? through the fog of Nath
an's life and brought him happi
ness. ' j '..-.- ;
The whole cast was ,1 selected
with rare judgment. Each player
n this amazingly fascinating pho
toplay lives his part and the re
sult is'a co-ordination of the high
est types pf creeri ; acting. ' The
cast includes, such notable players
as Louise Fazenda, Ethel Wales,
Louise Drehser, Marjorle Prevost,
Ann May. Ralph' Lewis, David But
ler, FrrokrCurrier and Edward
Phillips "r :. j s
We can't remember ' when we
have sat through J a -more absorb
ing!' picture, j. The unusual story
by William Dudley Pelley is pack
ed with adventure, thrills, pathos
and emotional appeal. - Incident Is
pyed on incident in rapid-fire fash
ion rignt up to me powerful ell
max. These Incidents are pleas
ingly unified by the masterly di
rection of Paul Powell. '
The story was adapted by H. H
Van Loan. The scenario was pre
pared by Winifred Dunn. Tbe pho
tography is the work of John R.
Arnold. The picture was produc
Adventurers, soldiers of for
tune," fugitives" from -justice,- and
gold hunters in search of their re
spective 'goalsall the motley and
dregs of civilization . beside its
finest representatives -pass and
repass in the tense drama of the
north land, "Where the North He
glns," scheduled for a four days'
run at the Oregon theater as the
feature attraction starting Friday
night. ; j , ; -
This Warner Brothers clashic of
the screen was filmed In northern
California, In a wild region rarely
visited by "mortals. To the mak
ing of it was brougirri cast of
players all of whom are acquaint
ed with the rude life of frontier
men and women. Claire Adams.
called the gamest actress In the
movies, a skilled horsewoman;
Walter McGrail, -who has prospect
ed in Alaska; Fred Huntley, who
has knocked all over; the world
and had a life of rich adventure:
Pat i Hartigan, Myrtle Owen and
Charles Stevens. , i "l
"Where the North Begins" is
the story of the fight for a girl's
hand fought to the bitter end and
without mincing, by two protag
onists, Shad Galloway, the tyran
nical factor of a Hudson Bay trad
ing post, and Gabriel Dupre, the
French-Canadian trapper Who is
her betrothed. t
Multiplicity of Accidents Re
. li ported to , Authorities
Over Week-end ?"
Salem Men PuX Over
Achievement That Will
Boost Poultry Industry
M:U S-i:C A t
4 k ' -r- '
New - Show 'New Music, - Singing, Dancing
Two Salem men are the inven
tors and "builders of a new incu
bator; which they and their neigh-
bora have- been quietly; testing ou
me past season and when gave
unusual satisfaction, hatching In
some Instances up to 90 per cent
of all fertile eggs. The invenfors
are E. E. andf C. A. Brink, who
live on a farm near Salem and
who have named their new incu
bator "Nearest to: Nature." ! Some
of the claims for the new machine
are; j Even, easily controlled tem
peratu re, plenty of fresh air and
mblsture, economy In operatiov
and double construction of egg
chamber. ;
The Brink brothers are looking
about Salem with a view to secur
ing a suitable building in which to
install their incubator manufac
turing plant and begin the manu
facture and introduction of their
new: incubator, which they antici
pate wQl become at once popular
with poultry raisers, at leaat after
an Investigation of the merits of
thsTnew 'machine and a -test of
Its wonderful high per; cent of
batches . .. ; , ,
With, a little ' encouragement
this concern might easily grow in
a short time into a large and val
uable manufacturing institution in
Salem. Is . "
Wo man can serve two masters
so why 'be a bigamist?
Slippery pavement ' caused six
persons to receive minor injuries
and brought grief to an Unknown
number of' motorists over the
week-end. , .
' Six received cuts and bruises
Sunday nlsht in various aatorao
bile accidents in or near Salem,
according to reports made to the
police. - T. J. O'Keefe, 340 Leslie,
went into the ditch near Aurora,
receiving a bruised arm; Mrs
Herman A. Brunt, , WTest Salem,
received a cut arm when the ma
chine in which she was riding col
lided with a farmer's wagon; hit
ting a parked car on the highway
south of Salem brought bruises
to MIsa Ksther Canfiold. Salem;
Donald Grant, Ocean Park, Cal..
had several of his teeth knocked
out and. his father, L. A. Grant,
received onuses and, cuts near
Aurora when their machine met
one driven by W. S. Ievan. 1220
Chemeketa. Mrs. Nellie Burns,
route 2, WestlSaleni, was riding
north on - the Pacific highway
when her car collided with a
truck. She received a broken
Four automobiles came togeth
er near Jefferson Saturday n?ght
ana inougn no one was injured,
the cars were badly damaged.
The type of car knowa as a "bug"
was on the pavement ' when a
truck attempted to pass, only ttf
meet with another car.' A fourjth
machine njled Into the mass. Lo
cal men were called to clear away
the wreckage, and spent several
hours in the rain. A. bonfire- was
built and weiners served. ' On; the
way back to Salem an overturned
sedan was passed, - the occupants
asleep, waiting for morning.
While many of the accidents
were reported to . the police a
number were not. . 'Several cars
wer noticed in the ditch between
Salem and Woodburn Sunday
night, and it is believed others
also came to grief. '
" Nemo Self-Reducing No. '333
Is a teal bargain J It has a low top
and medium skirt. Made in dur
able pirJc or white coutil; sites'
' 4 to 36 and costs only $3.00.
If yoi- detlc can't cet it, send name. d
drejs, size and $i. M e'll send the corset.
Nemo Hrien3ci'Fahion Institute
'20 . 16th St.. New York (Dept. S." Q
number of individuals engaged in
the; automotive transportation
business, it is said, who believe
that this method-would be cheap
er than the present one. So far
no ? organization' is pushing the
While one proposal that has
been mentioned would provide
that any excess in the insurance
fund above the necessities of the
business would Iro into the' state
highway construction program,
there is another: proposal which
would have the insurance prem
iums cut down in accordance with
the size of this fund'. The latter
plan would have the state at the
start charge about as much for
the insurance ais do the private
companies now, ! and then reduce
the cost as the created fund made
a reduction possible. ' ;
It is said that automotive car
rier operators i complain that
charges made upon them by the
insurance compainies are unreas
onabiy high. Those operating in
Portland, or between Portland
and other plaoesj are required to
pay higher rates; because of the
added risk due J.o congested traf
fiC. ; : !
r - - i si, i ; : l i
"Vls i ?vtV - - rt vc h 5 in ,
A short circuit igniting gasolene vapor in a test room of the bureau of standards at Washing:
ton, D. C-, caused an explosion which shattered ten inch walls of concrete, hurled automobiles and
heavy airplane motors into the pir and buried ten employees-under the debris, A student, "Logan
L. Lauer of Salem. Ohio, was kiUod. r : : j .... . ..' ; . ;
(Continued from page 1.)
mw m STATE
1 1
Automotive Carrier Operat-
. ors May Put BilLBei,'.
fore . Legislature ,
When the 1925 session of the
legislature rolls around it is
probable that one" of 'ttie bills in
troduced will provide that the
state insure automotive freight
and passenger vehicles instead, of
inaKiug it necessary for them to
take out liability Insurance; In
some company. , :The state insur-
ance plan is' favored I by a large
An old fogy is I a man who be
lieves he knows! better than some
old maid welfare: worker how to
raise his own children.
Deacon Boggs was looking very
glum. You see, he prayed to the
Lord to deliver him from tempta
tion when he went to the city, and
the Lord did. i ' -
Harmless Means
' of Reducing Fat
Many fat people i fear ordinary
means for reducinir their weicht
H-re is an extra ordinary method.
Kxtraordinary because while per
fectly harmless no dieting. xercis.
or diterusting- presses and salves are
neceasarv. Marmnli Tt-nf-r irf ien
Tablets are made exactly in accord
ance .with the famous Marmola. Pre
scription. You reduce steadily and
easily, with no ill effects. Procure
them from' your drue-erlst at one
dollar for a case or send price di-
drastic. It is mild".' -
Amerman. .Marcus I was op
posed to this bill before tonight
but my wife said I had to vote for
it or I could not come home, so,
you, see I am between the devil
and the deep blue sea. -
Alderman Rosebraugh At the
Tisk of disagreeing; with Mr. Pat-
ton, the cinders cannot all be
eliminated. We must work with
tlje men from these Industries, I
am not opposed to a proper ordi
nance. '
Alderman Simeral This hits
me hard. It's hitting me in my
business. Alderman Patton says
that when! this or that was the
case leeway would be granted,
let's have an ordinance
Edmund G; Anderson, .Once
On All-Northwest Foot-
ball TcamiVVictini' ;
A motion by attorney Tor' Gover
nor J, CWalton to quash a grat!
Jury called to investigate allege ',
misuse of state funds by the gov
ernor was stricken from the rec-
accidentally shot and killed by SiT in ill
r nr p Va?ner' ! Ch"les : that was prohibited previously
Under, Portland, near Corval is nf,wMrM,.. , '
which ear'v Sunday morning . .Anderson eictS-, r
fTbe goyernor'a motion declared
. The finnting season was not
without its tragedy, for ione death
marked the .opening day when Ed
mund G. (Pete) Anderson, all
northwest center for ( the OAC
football team for three years, was
Alleged", .Misuse "of Sta'
Funds to he Investigated
T' .h - .1 lllnhn m - t - - - . .
111 UMUIlUUia k
is t .
would be enforced, this would not i,vea ai aioany..
be enforced. , " . . . of the jocai sportsmen that the srahd Jurv was under ti
Pawr (Ynnanv Amisni I ieit oaiem. as early as 3 o clock (inmin9i!nn r ka it., xr, tr,
MavOr Geisv Ynn Irnnv whpr in order- to .be. in -the field at SUn- Ln'itTia'rt
I stand on this question. I have nse' or at fhe time the .sun .was pose df JnaicUng biml r
worked for three or four Months I suPP3ed to rise. Albany was the A resolution .introduced in the
on this question. I do not wish OI acuviea, tnei parties lowSr house of the state legislature
to be personal, bujt I do not feel hating east in the Knox Butte this afternoon, calling for an in!
that the manager of the Oregon f.ountry and . over toward, Corval- TOStIgatlon: of all' house member,
Pulp, & Paper company has given Iis; as s '"tner dowh the to determine whether they belong-
;ratlon. He even 11fa r-r' w t' ea to the Ku Klui Klan, was tab
becoming peeved at uXa Philomath was also led after three minutes discussion.,
s made to his cin- . '"' ' i Suspension of the rule was ne6'
"V "uuft bpurismeniepsary tp expedite the action
varied but nearly all returned The hous wa3 iQ 8IoQ Q y
with birds, some of the Individu-I mfTi - .
ais Dagging tne limit for one day.
A few parties , reported ' having
bagged the limit of "bob whitel"
or quail: Guns banged away all '
proper cooperation. He even
said he was
the objections
ders. I do not believe the Ore
gon Pulp & Paper company has
taken the proper action to elimi
nate the cinders.
ine special . committee will
meet in the council chambers
persons including the public are
invited to attend.
I'urvine Electeil
valley, while a few hunters were
to be heard In the district north I
of Salem, including the Tualatin I
Thp Old Days,
ThP Onlrl nwv
Xfte pays of '49
Belasco gave it to the stage;
Caruso immortalized it in
: opera; the book is famous in
- literature. - -
i )
f 1 1 1 1 ,
mm. ,feiw
And What a Cast . , ' 1
Covered Wagon) ; SYLVIA BREAMERT
j m--
Ellis Purvine was. elected by vaiw
me tuuucu 10 nil ine vacancy
caused by the resignation of A.i H
Moore from the fourth ward
Mr.. Purvine's name was petition
ed for by 84 residents of ; the
wara. j. w. Moore was the sec
ond candidate
The bid of the Ladd & Bush
bank for street Improvement
bonds to the amount of J.f$0,-
yvh.a, was accepted by the coun
cil, it being the , highest received.
ne condition of the. dump groiua
in .Englewood was the subject of
discussion, and jt was deferred to
the street commission . for action
4 T - " . - -
.juerman suter . aaid that the
diphtheria cases in the district
were being laid to the condition Le jvozer
of the1 dump pile. Alderman Sin,- . ' ' accept the
eral, who is also a member of tb
scnooi' Doard, said that while
there were now only X& cases of
diphtheria in that district, there
were said to have been 27 at one
time during the summer.
scnooi started ; the fact became
known for the first time.
Taiigenian Get License
TV ia . . .
tuuiitu . voiea to grant a
Regular "Prices '
sChas. W. Hawley
; r at the ?
'.I ... - mi ...'-J
I Special Services Held Sun- '
day at Methodist and ;
; Christian Churches-
' ' . . .
Complying with a request of the '
Anti-;8aloon league and the WCTU
that churches of the state present
pleaa "for law enforcement
Governor and Secretary, of I j - fa fehm chBrcl,ea deroted
btate tC; I ake Over this cause. There ;ere the court
Adult Blind School sre?t .Christian church, and' tha
e irst Methodist chnrch.
At fhe First Methodist nimiv
Governor nir RJthe evening service 'was elvea
of Staio xii s n.i rover t the cause with John L.
a. umauuj -
newt adult V' cuul"'.01 Htatesman.'
school for the blind from the conr " " B"asf. At tne close
tractors" and decide on. several iUB CfVcea res0iutloofc presented
matters ponpprninir uy A A-- was adopted, coni-
. ...v.wtfc-
ment of the Institution. The most I VUULU ifly-yrombition law and
important, subject -coming un for B "s enforcement. - The
decision Is , whether adult blind, ua6rl oted unanimously '
-"- I 4 1 X 1 it. . , m . IbUDULJ I Jt IT! T Iin A Ti f1DA 1 1
U-T ixiuii luose, wisnmg to. learn I .V ,ouu iraBUB
trades at the school, shall h If"" lue V- in His address
cepted as inmates: i - il "raay nrgea church people to
Secretary It. . Goodin of the Ior the enforcement of the
license to Harry Tangeman to on- . , . 1 eI"F an a spe.
erate ,a hotpl frnnorr, D, k r. "-i comnuuee mat made a study
. o me vuiiii ji.i . .. . . .-, I At II
mercial hotel. It was onnosed bv "Vu,uons ai "le'scliooi: soonUn
AHdrmnn v- , I aicer it was established, will mit I -
. .iicuuciULli. UPflrEH I . ' '
Thompson and Marcus. rwiin tne board members. 1
several montns ago there, was
tion was extended to Mrs. A N . inat J- -Myers, superiu
nushfoT. her long service on'the lfnent the school, expected to
Salem park board. I "Ul income a teacher in
Will Visit w,m c: l. ine scnooi, so that a sunerinten
The bill to clan . tha aent wun eyesight could be: an-!
license fee to $25. a reduction ?Pmiea- In question may be
from $100 which, was In effect 1.5 ?nsea. at tne meeting today.
during fair week, was approved.
L 8th amendment and the irarrl-
son drug act.v 5 - -
At . the Court Street Christian
a law enforcement was
preached by the pastor. Rey, R. I.
Putnam, at the morning service.
Mildred Harris, Cullen Eandis,
f Louise Fazendi Ralph Lewis
' The story of k a love that
bridged continents oceans
! and life itself."
The council was invited to so
with the committee to riew the
proposed - water site next Sundav.
Oct. 21. The trip- will be made
in automobiles and will take the
entire day ? It will be postponed
in case or ram.
id: IBB
MEET Oiil OCT. 23
u The openIni,':j;na'pf the. Y.MCA
budget drive , win e . sounded at
noon today, when six' team cap
tains and . 10.. . workers on each
team , will meet for lunch at the
YMCA. The amount sought this
year, is approximatelv th m 9
Another ; Good Card at Ar- "1. 1 V i: -w: x- st
a - ...... i r w
SEATTLE.- Oct. r 15. Twentv
iour members-; of the' motorship
Kecnecott,i which was . wrecked
after grounding last week on Gra
ham Island of the. Queen: Char
lotte Island group, arrived nere
today. . .
- i
BOSTON", Oct. 15. Two men
were shot and a total of five cap
tured 'rwhen ' police opened fire
with a rfot gun in a midnight raid
oa what -was declared to "be
burglars - nest in the? heart of life
;city-i'.'--. i. ...r. . .j
mory Announced by
iviaicnmaKer burns
Paul BtiiTis, tnatbamaker
Seneral, camnaJirn mTiroi
Those taking part . In the drive
expect to -go .over the ,top" In
three days, an intensive 'rather,
than prolonged campaign havlng?
been Outlined;" For. the nt
fn ' woven
the Salem boxing com missloni an- . " 1 I, Be participating in th
nounces another smoker - at i the i ,nan?ai campaign.
armory for Tuesday nleht. Ocf et "3."eea! amaed . Into six dis-
for each of tha ;
In which Phil Ravp. f c.i-" wun team
" - "tui win I rllf Hrla
tough boy from Portland who thS WlUJmeet every noon
meets all comers and goes out af- ajjuZ 7" ?d rePrt Progress
ter others. The main bout will go tfae day? ,
six rohnds.. The card will bea nPtS 0'-the si teams are
biS; one with several nth0, " c- ai"es Joseph H. Albert r
boys uWehod-for .T4 5l. IbIn- -Aan, Kafoary.- T M.
- wicaoisoa. :