J. THE OREGON STATESMANASALEM; OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1923 n'l vrtca UNION tb iksubancb society ' W. H. Barghardt. -It. pldUt At n BUU 8L T . MONEY 70 LOAN . oa Real fct , : ; f i ford ' . obTles I ATTBET ACT EIXOTKICIA ;. FSSTOUTE B ATT E T 8KY1CI mitten, Expert battery eleatrieal .firri. Brae. Paaaa 1808. 418 - jj BiETON KIDS BATTERIES tartar aad aaaerater wrk; Sooth ; 1 C?1I- iatjiatob febdeb repairs VDUTOEa finders. Bonus repaired. J. O. Batr. 949 Terry f TIXEI ABB .ACCESSORIES PARTS t OFF. MIKE'S A-maerelsL ' PbBe TRACTORS i. A a HAAG OO. 444 F E B T ST. pteee 3o. cmum vmwi, uam.w- ipsots. - - - BlCYCLESandREPMRlNGl - BXCTOXXB ABB BSP AIRING UfiynE. RAM 8P-EN DAYTON BIOT earn sad repairing: 887 OMrt. BUSINESS CARDS AMSTJLAjrCB SEBVI0B S A L B M AMBULANCE 8ERTICB phone 666: 171 B. IsbortT.; ' ARCHITECTS FREEMAN 8TBUBLE. REGISTERED Architects. 810 Buk af Oeasmeree - Building. ' - - ' CARPET ABD BTJCJ WBATXBO IALEM OABPBT CLEANING AND Fluff Bs Works Bag aed flaft rugs wevea Bay else Without HaVI ew mattraeaaa made to order. Old met- tTsaasa ia4. ' rttkm reaovsted. I bar ail kiada at eld aarpata toy flsff V ruga. 18 Wllbaa street. Paaaa 514. Otto r. I1M. rrop. CHIMB J!T nnniurr awinplHO r U B H A O B eleeniug. F. Oeuaeilasea. Bay U Fera. er Hrdwsrs cornpsny. 0HZBE8B FH7SZOXAB DR. it. T. DICK OU BIS ANT KNOWS diaeaea. 158 8. High 8t.. Phone SMS CHZBOFOOZSTB DR. a F. SCOTT. GRADUATE MA tfMat UmJaity Seteaeaav Ckteac. Maaaato Tanpla. FfcoM 640. DR. JK11AAAU3 CORNS. OAUiOUSBS. luim salta: all feat tramal. Prtea : Khaa C. Pkoaa 1. CRXBOFBAOTOBB DRS. SOOTT A SOBOFIBXD, F S. 0. . Chiropractor. 414-10 U. 8. Baak Bid. Fkaaa 7j raa. a24-R. , tR, REDMOXD. 2 OBXOOB BLDO. pv less. ' 4 ;. cixajtczs AXB trrrxs ftALBU CUBAN ERS 1KB DTIHS - , Satta etoaaad aa4 praaaad. 91.50. Buita tpaacad aa4 praad. 50a. CIS 8. Cowl. 7 Pkoaa 1S0S COKSUlTIKa EBOXBXZBB I Y,"'HVIU CO N SULTl O, CONCTRUCTIQN CaaaUmeUac Eaaiaaar. Barraya. aaU- aiatoa. Jan. B. Baat, Orajaa t : . BM. Pboaa T75. DBUOXXSS FKTSIClAJrS MAtiNKTIO - BJLALIKO DR. Fraata. Aeatoi aaA aaraato - Phaaa 780. 495 M. Oeaaiareial BBX7a STORES I X. KXIMKTEB 'JUOT DRO0S, 17S B. CoancreiaL Paaaa 107. SXJB07BICZABS BAUEM EUECTBIO CO. MASONIC btiMUiL . Phoaa ltOO. J ::i '-if. KUECTR10 FCXTURB A K D SUPPLY Ce. Paaaa 1084. 828 K. Ubarty. ARCHIE FLEENEB, BLECTRICIAB Baaaa wtoSa j War ar eaatraei. Ea bMtaa faraiahad. Paaaa 000. 414 ' r Cwih St. i-; ; : ' -; v"' -' HAttK'S-AXCTKIO SHOP ELEO trie! mackina - rcpalrtag, ooatrnatiag 6.17 Coart. Paaaa 488. - . i rrsAirciAj. ; . WE. HAVE f 5000 PRIVATE MONET to .tana aa farm pro party. -! ANDERSON RUfl ERT r.'40T Orego bldg. 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE STSTEB aa ty ar farm pro port y. Raaarra Da poait eoiapaay. 72 Faarih Straot, Part Uaa. Of.. - ' ' h FARM LOANS AT 6 PER CENT aad ; 6 FEB CENT ANDERSON A RUPERT Oragaa Bldg 8a lam. Ora. FARM LOANS Iaanmaea maaoy, aay amoaa 6 par .aont for' 8. IT. 10. or 80 yoara. with fat. propayatont prirUagaa aatlra WUlam ato aallay. HAWKINS ROBERTS - toft Oragaa Bldg Salam. Oragaa HAWkllBS A ROBERTS. CITT LOANS. ." ..buMiittav :;' !' xr:,- t?: r!.: t -sv GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS ftft . par aaak 80S Salaam Bank af Oommare LOANS LOANS LOANS I aa mak yoar I ana. ar city to an a, boat aarriea giraa. 11 yoa aaad a loaa, aar ao; aad U yea hora aaaaoy to Piaea. aao mut I always baaa tokara. G. W Laflaat 'Oragaa bldg. FARM LOANS LESS IBTBREST ajarar Uaa aa aommiaaloa. Pratoew : agaitait adramity. City loaaa. towaa' ratoa, monthly taatallmaata. pra-aay aoat pririUgot. 3. C BWrmnad, roaa I add m Roab bank FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS , raaaral wrcaUa. dnrasatioaa.. : O. F Brattkaapt. flari!. 128 W. Ubarty 1 baa 80. .. . . . -r" ' J,---. FBATEBBAB OTAL ORA NOB LODGE JASON LEE Mantorial No. SS0 maota la Odd Fal mw ban a vary ft rat. tblr-d aad ; ftb Taaaday ..af. . tha m aath. All rtrSTEBAX. DXBXCTOBB SALT J MOSTOART. FUNERAL DIREO .- tori. 219 Caatar. Phoaa 1656. " ' It Is Cheaper Wait For BUSINESS CARDS I rUBBACZS seagrovb roa furnaces pip u4 pipeleee; 198 B. lta St. PUm rtrXMXTUBB BT0BZS JIE8B FURNITURE CO. QOAUT1 farnJtura for Jaaa mnij. 878 Coart Paaaa 464. ; .-. ; , ; .i PEOPLE'S F0RNITDRB STORE MEW aad aaeaad aaad faraitara; 871 N. Oaotiaarrial. i ';'.(-. . JTTBX xon WB BUT AND SELX, FURNITURE, toela, aad Jaak. 078 Borta Oaawaar- Fbaaa 586. UIQBDRIZS 8ALEM LAUNDRT OOMPAHT. 816 8. Ubarty atraaA, Phoaa 15. Oldaas larcaaa baaV Eatabliahad I860. C A PIT Ali CITT STEAM LA.UNDRT Quality work; prompt aarrUa; 1164 Broadway Paoaa 165. ' j ' XACHXBB SHOr THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC iStaaat aaitora. valeaaUara aad taaa plataa. Parry a Oampball. SIT B. Ubarty. MXDI0AS MOUNTAIN BALM OODQH BEMEDT Paaaa SIT-W.? - -I MT7SIO INSTRUCTOR MRS. STUART PARKE, INSTRUCTOR in fiano and Voic. kudiio bcoooi Maaie. 2415 Haael Ava. Phono 1851M ' ' O.10 BATTJBOFATHZ0 FHTSICXABS DRA. 'SLAUOHTEB ACUTE AND ehraala . oiaoaaaa 418 Oragoa atiag. Pbaaa HO. ! ' VURSEBT STOCKS FRUITLAND NURSERT COMPLETE lia troaa. Offiea 161 8V lta Bt. Phono 1140M. . u 1 COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruit, raamaata. Oopital City Mar aary Ca 436 Oragaa Bldg Paaaa 75. FRUIT. BUT AND SHADB TREES Poarer Broo.. 887 Staaa. OPTICIANS M0RRI8 OPTICAL OOMPAHT ORE- (oa Bldg. Room 801 to 804. V. . GLASSES FITTED BY rtlB BOW OP tiai Co 885 Btara atroat. appaaito Lad4 . A Bak Bank. "Uaa QaaUty Pra Shwr-waa " OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. U MERCER OSTEOPATHH phyaielaa aad aargaaa, XlrkavlU gradaata. 404-405 U. S. Natioaal Baal BIHi. Pboa. offtra ra 614. PAPEBHABOZBa ABB PAZBTZVO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB UOC8E daooratiac pa par aaagiag, MaUag. aU. Rliahlo workmaa. j TEN CENT KALSOMININB IB BKAUTI fal color; $1 daaa a room. Maa O. Bataa. 179 B. Comasarelal. rgJSICIAB.OT.PHTSIOTTCXEAPHT DR. JACKSON.; DOCTOR OF PHTSI otBrap7. traata an aiimaata, woman a tranblaa aapaeiaUy. 865 N. Commareial wlrwt. Phono 1001. v PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COM work. Phono 13S7-J. Shop 187 Union a. u. woatrey. PUELI0 ACCOUBTABTS FRANK R. KELLOGG. PUBLIC Ac countant, ayatoma, bookkaepiag. aaraico. ninm in vrragon nat- SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS . GARBAGE. rafaa of all ktada ramoTad. OaapoaU claaaad. Paoaa 167 or 1007J.; iOOa SCAVENGER SERVICE (8UC- . eauor to Baal Seayaagar) Garbaga aad rafata at all kind ramorod bj-tba month. Roaaoaablo rata. ' Paoaa OffHo 620; roaidaneo 9056. STOVES ABB STOTB BEPAZBZBG STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yaar' ' axpariaar. Dapot Natioaal faaea. (ixoa 86 to 88 in. biga. Palata, ails aad aarniabaa. ate logaabarry aa bop book. Balaam Faaea aad Stova Warka. 850 Coar rrot..i Phono, 14 SXC0TD HAND GOODS WANTED KTERYTHINO IB CLOTH tag aad aboaa. Boat prieaa paid.' Cap ital Eacbaaga; 843 North Coamaratal Paoaa 1868-W. ? SECOBB HAND GOODS HALEM BARGAIN HOU8E BUYS AND aslla aeeead bead faraitara, tool aad Hakr 820 N Commareial. Phone 498 VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glassware, toys, aotiaaa, aad mil Uaarr. I ' " WATEB 3ALEM WATER, LIGHT ' POWER CO. Offiea. 601 Saatb Coaimercisl St. Taa par eaat diaceant aa domastis flat rataa paid ia advance. Na dedaetiaaa far absaaea ar aay eanaa aalasa water is shot aff year pramhtaa. f j ' 0" j I11 : 1 J !, j f fT STiWA cj ' jj ' W J .- BBU ' .,,., . 6 ' ' ' " i. . to Advertise Some One To "Drop In" BUSINESS CARDS TEANSPOBTATIOB CENTRA It MOTOR BUB LINE . OaaUal 8tafa Terminal. Balatn, Orafaa Uaavaa Balam 7:15 a. a.; 8:15 a. am.; 11:15 a. m.; 1:16 p. m.; 8:15 a at.; 5:1ft p at.; 7:80 p. at.: to Corralll aalj. PARKER'S STAGS LINES J. W. Parkar. Geaoral Maaage Caatra 8taU Terminal Salam. Oragaa, SALEM 8ILVERTON DIVISION Laaras Salam, Cantrai 8Uta Tarmlaal; ; 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.; 6 p. m Laaaaa BiWarton Naw Staad: S a, m.t X p. m; 6 p. am. Salem-Iadapaadanea-Moamaath Dirlaioa: LaaTea Salam. Cantrai Btaga Tarmiaalt 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 8:10 p. am. .. 5:10 am - t.aaraa Maamontb, Monmoatb Ho tail 8:15 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 8:15 p. am. Laaaaa ladapeadaaca, Baavar Hotal: 6:80 a m.; 9:50 a. am.; 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m.; 6:80 p. m. Laavaa C antral Btaga TarmlaaL flalam. far Dallaa at: Tlb.; 11:10 a. at; 6:10 p am. LaaTea Gail HotoL Dallaa, at 8 a. m.; 1 p. am.; 6:15 p. am. i Wa mak eaaaaetlaa at Salam to all part af tha 'allay. Extra trips by ap pointment. J W. PARKER. Gaaoral Vaaarar COAL FOR SALE r 1 j WHY WOOD! 4 Try our high grado coal. 8aa yonr tirao and money, tto wood aplitting longer. hotter fire. Call .1855. HILLMAN r'Uii CO, Broadway and Hood. - Ol 3 -t t FOR RENT FURNISHED 1 APARTMENTS FOR KENT 8 ROOM AND BATH FUR- aished spartment, 545 Court St. Phone 1057. ' . 0.13 ROOM FRONT APARTMENT FCR aished or unfurnished.- Ground floor. 411 N. Summer. Phone 630. . 0.13. NICELY FURNISHED APARTMENT. close - in. No children. . References required Ask at 277 North Liberty Bt. 0.16 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE, $25. Alsa apartment, 822.50, at 555 Mar lon St. . Phone 1051W or 1524. 0.14. FOR RENT S ROOM FURNISHED apartment, private bath, sleeping porch. Adults. 852 N. 12th. Alao basement spartment, unfurnished, 4 room, prints aath. south exposure, out ids entrance.: - . . : 0.14 FURNISHED APARTMENT, 892 N, : 0.13. Summer. . FOB ' RENT APARTMENT. al NO .. Commerrisl. , BO ABB AND BOOM BOARD .AND ROOM OR BOARD BY week at YWCA Pbona 1015 0.16. KOUSBS- FOR RENT FCRNI8HED HOifSK IN- quire 245 8. Winter. ihone 499, be-i- tweea 7 aad 10 a. am. , 0.13 MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE FOR rent, H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. O.IS MODERN 7 ROOMED HOUSE, OARAGE. Possession 15th. ,160 8. 15th, aesr Btate. . i. ,i : .. j U.14W FOR RENT NINE ROOM HOUSE,. 771 N. Cottace St. rail basement, furnace, slneo'in porch, etc. 850 iter month. Ia- - quire Stateamaa Baaiaesa office. Pbonj 2.1. 07 ZOOMS FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOMS. 194 8. Cottage. . 0.1E, TOR RENT' APARTMENTS AND sleeping roams Leonard Hotel. SS4 B , Front Street. -. . - f . PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BT T4" wording "Furnisbsd Rooms." price 10 easts each. Statesman Basis oaa Of '-- Grouad Flow TO LET : FOR RENT APARTMENTS 755 FER- ry Bt. 0.1S. IFOR RENT UNFURNISHEDI HOUSES 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, 830; ( - roam, bunxalow 835: 6 room bouse 845 Gertrude 3. M. Psre. O.lS-tf. BOOMS ONE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM reasonable. 1173 N. 4th. Phona 2O80M ' 0.16E FOR RENT Miscellaneous j FOR RENT 92 ACRE RANCH. For rent 6 room house. For rent, '5 room furnished spartment. For rent. 80 sere pasture for ssssoa HOCOLOFSKY. Realtor. S4t State St. OB.tf. FOB BEST TYPEWBITEBS SPECIAL 8TUDENT BATE FOR TYPE writers. Four months 810. Under wood Typewriter Co, S0O Mssonic Bldr 04-tf Classified Ads in The Statesman Bring Results TODD Ground a Spare Room Classified Section Phone 23 Advertising Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ' Rata par 1 ward : Par laaortioa i Tbraa lasartion 8s 6a FOR SALE Miscellaneous ) BEES AND HONEY Beekeeping pays. Instruction book ' let free Denby Spearer Apiaries, Haw- telle. Calif. . 0.14 FOR 8ALE SLIGHTLY USED UNI- eraal Combination rangea. - Will give . terma if desired. Call 941. Marquardt. i . 0.14E. JUST A FEW MORE DAYS TO GET ; thoao grape for Jaice and jelly. Viala yards, three miles north ia Polk Coon. ? ty. Bring your boaea. O.ia MILK COW AND TWO CALVES FOR sale. 1500 Black walnnt treea, cheap for quick aale. WJ A. Shalton, Route -. No. 8. ( -, ' - j-. i . - , 0.23 FOR 8 ALE CONCORD GRAPES. PH. 11S5W. 1 i 0.22' ! Beautiful Oregon Rose Aad eleven ether Oragaa aoaga together with fine eaileetioa af patriotic aoaga, sse red aoag aad many old-time farar- ttee . ' i ' ALL FOB SSe.1 ' ! CBpoeial prieaa la aaaatlty lota). Especially adaptable for school oommnn- j ; Ity ar bom ainging. Bead for ' Western Songster i 76 page aew in Its third edttioa , li Pablisbad by ! OBEGOB TEACHERS M0NTHLT SIS B. Commercial St - Balaam. Ora. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS s 10 eenta a bundle. CircuIsUoa departsmaat Oragoa Ststeemsa. PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7" wording "For Sale, Kaquire at." Price 10 casta each. Stateamaa Baslaaa Office, Ground Floor. VETCH AND OATS SEED- FOR SALE. W. M. Meier, Route 8, aear Fiaser Station. Phone 78F18. 1 ' - ) BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PET " FLAKE'S PETLAND. BIRDS, FLOWERS Pets. 273 Stste tt. FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN. SEND EIGHT TWO eaat stamps far special tbraa moaths' trial (or tha bast aad eldest journal la the wast. The artielea aad advertise ments are of special tatoreet to the poultry breeders of tha Northwest. Northweat Poultry Journal. 811 Oom meresnl a treat. Salaam, Oragoa. IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper. ! send ! 15e to the Paclfie Hoaieataad, Salem, Oregon tor a three months' trial ssbaeriptiea. Maattea tbia ad .' ' , I - HELP WANTED --u i s a XdAXB WANTED MAN ON FRUIT Phone 4F4. RANCH 0.14E rent or hire. MALE ABB FEMALB WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO tske fsrm paper i Subscription. A good prepeertioa to tae rign people, ai dreae the Pacific Honaatead. Stateamaa HMC Halem. re. ' f Ladies Wearing Apparel 1 a i i ' ' a DRESSMAEXNG MRS. a R. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stsmping. buttons Room 10. ovor Mil ler's store,,: Phone 117. ; PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7 1" wording "Drsssmakiag" ; prioe 10 eate each. , ' Ssatoamaa Baalaoaa Office Ground Floor.: ' ' HEMS TIT CHXVO SALEM ELITE H E M 8X1 T O H I NO ; pleating, bet tons, stsinplng aad aeedle : wors; sva -wreron mag. rsone i LADIES TATLOaOBQ D. H. MOSHEX TAILOR - FOB MEN ! and womea. 674 Court St. W. J MAYER LADIES TAILORING, long coats aad aaita. aaek Bldg. I Room 7. MoCor-. ( LOST! AND FOUND j ' LOST LOST BETWEEN STAGE TERMINAL and Rick re U, black traveling bag- "0 ' reward. ' Phone Wm. tbddelL Jr.. Hon 1 mouth, r ! ; 0.19. LOST ' SMALL BROWN LEATHER Durae in Chemeketa street esr contain : ing silver and keys. Pbon 2071R. i i : :.i . ..!. 0.13" 1X)ST PHI SIGMA PI FRATERNITY pin. Smalt pin with gold letters on red background, man. Reward. Return to States. O.is Floor Next. For Rent and Rent It Than It Is and Rent It Oaa waak (l taaartioas) On month -...;... - la .80a Six moaths' eoatract par ma, , 15a 12 montha eoatraet, par ma 12a Miaimaam tor aay adTatUsamaat 85 f MUSICALlnstruments'l A COURSE IN BUSINESS ' PIANO alarinc. Poanlar sraeoDsted etaadard musie. Semi-claeale and ballads; 18 lossoaa. Wstermaa Paaaa Bokeal. Me- " Cornack Bill. ' ' PlAaTO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI ane taaar. Leave orders Win's Maalr Store. BTUSIO STORES SHERMAN,. 'CLAY CO, PIANOS . . Steinway. ' Duo-Art aad ethers. Moore's Musis House, 416 Coart street, s WILEY B. ALLEN CO- i PIANOS AND , phonographs. . 619. Court street. GEO. O. WILL PIANOS, PHONO- , graphs, sewing machinea, ah eat masia. aad piapo Mediae. ; Repairing phono graphs aad sowing marhlaea; . 483 SUta, Salem, , : TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO "FOB A MEW Victor or Braaewiekv H. L. Stiff Faral tare Co Moaie Dept. PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMON- ial paper published. FREE for stamp. tUKKCSrUMUGNT, Toledo, Ohm. Mtt- GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. . Free for stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo, Okie. REAL ESTATE City 6 ROOM HOUSE, 81800; 5 ROOM house S26UO: 9 roomi house 12. 0OO: 3 room house 8H;-4 room; house : 11800. Gertrude J. M. Psge. 0.13tf TWO LARGE LOTS,! LARGE HOUSE IS now on buaineas urooertv. 85000. Oth- 1 -business locations ; with attraeuve homes located right, at all ' kinds of prices Gertrude J. M. Psge. . 0.13 tf. . SPECIAL - ' Nest little 5 room modern plastered '' borne, nice lot with garsge. Good buy for 32500. Terms. Six room house. 2 nice lots on psved i street aad csr line. ; fsvement psia. 8284)0: . tarmB. - ''.!- 25 scfes with good improvements; ' 12 acre in bearing fruit and -berries. , Only 3 miles east af Salem. Trade for Sslem or i Portland aronerty. Lot bsrgsin for 8175 with 825 down and f 10 per month.. , . Ls. . . . ' THOIf A SON . 831 Bute St. . O.VStt BEAUTIFUL STRICTLY MODERN , 6 j room bungalow, . new asrdwooa floors. 'excellent lot, variety at fruit, garsge, . raved street, in east , Salem. - 85500. 5 room bungslow, new and modern, fire- 1 place, garage, large corner lot; paved beh aidea. for ouick ssle 83600. room bungslow, fireplace, part base ment, new and on- psved street.' szauu. WINNIE PETTY JOHX. Realtor. 216 Oregon -Bldg. 0.12-tf. TAKE YOUR ( PICK Partial list of nouses that ara extra- good burs. Prices on si! bsve beea re duced far a quick deal aad immediate possesa ion - on most of them, " 65500 strictly modern in every wsy, 8 room,' two-story bungalow. . S290O. modern 5 room house, bsse- ment. furnace. Only S50O down. $1-800, good house, ; 6 rooms, lots, f 300 down. . ' 81 650, good 6 roomf house for quick desl to close an estate. 840. beautiful lot oa Capitol street. Swell district. , i $225. fine lot just off Capitol, street. Keel snsp. , f'HTOiR A RECHTEL- - 640 Stste St. 0.18-tL MfinrRN HOME i 7 rooms well located near ear line ia South Salem. Price 84750; $3000' cash down. . ' W TT. tlRARENHOKsT at UU. a , . 275 8tata St. 05 tf. SMALL HOUSE IN NORTH SALEM, close to csr. for sals for S1400. ana owner will tske ltgbt car aad 8150 as t : first psyment. Bslsnce like rent. ' BECKE A HENDRICKS ; U. 8. Bank Bldg. 07 tL A n, UUA 1 rs.Aaiavaii uoi u.iiuig Touring you see eoim iiated at fai aee aoraa oi in nouoa wo ' rent. One 5 room Cottage at $2000 Has, bsth, hot water., paviag, etc. Terms $300 down, bslsnce $20 ' a month. Msny others ali sises, prices . sua iocs! ion. i.Dm in. . BECKE A HENDRICKS C. 8. Bsnk Bldg. 07 tf. SNAP . Good 4 room plsstered bouse with toilet. electric lishts. wood bouae and garage with two fine lota on .corner. Price $1400; $500 down and $15 per month. tor bargains. n. i W. H. GRABENHORST k CO. 275 State St. OS-tf. r a rt a vrnrt tiArora i n OAHU A ttt 1AVA11 iltVDr --, aauvaa em a earn N. Cottage, $5500; 2240 8. Churcli 1 $3450: 250 Wilsop, $5000 Aay iof sneaa oomoa can vm imiiuk able terras snd the prices are right. BECKK A HENDRICKS U. 8. Baak Bldg. . 07-tf. - Use the Class Page F REALjESTATiE City a , . . i i ; , Tbey maka a specialty of baatiag real real eitate bargain. Hsre ara a faw snaps. - .. .. : i, BUSINESS IS GOOD ' ' FOR SALE N KW , 4 ROOM BUNGA- low. Good' eonatraetlon. ' Near school and atroetear. Easy terms. - k . I Now 5 rooat buagslow. Fall basamsat. fireplace. well constructed. Oaly 93450. Very easy terms. K1UH Ia KKiHAMt, KaaltAT. 229 Orecon Bldr. I Res. Ph. 1025D , Ph. 1013 : . O.S-tf. PRINTED CAJRDSSIZB " BT TH".! (nf 6 Ifjta BaMt waWabab 1 A amaadif 1 rardiag "For Beat. price 10 oonts - each. Stateamaa Busiaase Office, aa Groaad Floor.' - PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY TIA". waroiag -iMoai to ataat," price ia cents each. Stateamsa - Baalaeaa Of fie. Ormiad Flnaif . - ' 8 ELL OB TRADE - SELL OR TRADE EUGENE PROP- erty for Salem property Reaident apartment houae. income 675 per month beaides ownera apartment, eaat aide lo cation, 3 blocka from Willamette . St., 'prime condition, modern throughout. Alao 80 acres finest river losm en Pseific highwsy. 11 miles from Eugene, good 5 room boose. barn, silo, with bouse, tool house, chicken houses etc. Ali ia aplendid condition and a money msker. Equipped for dsiry. Will trade separate ar both, for good Salem property. For particulars see .Mr. Mar quardt at ii. L. etiff .Furniture eom pany. Q.13E. f REAL ESTATE FARMS ! a r . I si li 1 BBnusnaBBaaBSBBBsnnnnntSB SO ACRES, STOCK RANCH. FAIR house, good bsra. . Running water. Spring, water. .8 or 4 aerea cleared; about 40 seres creek bottom, a ft milea to B. R.- ststion. 1800. Will trsde for city property. Mime value. Bee J. A Mills. 331 Vs Stste. 0.13 tf 80 ACRES CLOSE TO SCHOOL. TRAN8- oortation. Good timber. 4J2500.- Ad dress C245. South 15th. Salem. 0.13 SACRIFICE OFFER FOB 10 DATS 560 acres Lincoln County stock aad dairy ranch. Including aboat 810OO hs) sua grata. ; uooa improvouonw. n, OOO. v A. C. BOHRNSTEDT. Rssltor. 407 Ussonie Temple. Salem. Or. 0.4 tf. Bf'sT BUYS AND EXCHANGES 20 acres bearing walnuts and filberts. for income. ' .30 acres .bearing commercial , sppTss and nuta. for income. 5 acres with fsir Improvements. lor residence.- -i 2 acres la Suttor county. California, for Salem residence Grocers business 'end building ia good loestioa.' Mast be sold st oaee. SOCOLOFSKY. Realtor. 341 State St. OO tf. TO RENT OR BUY ) wanted everything IN bard wsra aad furaitura. Beat prieaa psW THB CAPITAL HARDWAXB - , FURNITURE CO. 8S W Commercial St. Paaaa transferhauling TSVAJf BTEZ-HAUIXa w MOVING AND STORAGE REASON A bla flgat 976 North Commoraial phoaa 58S CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 886 State St. Phone 938. Diatributlag. for warding aad storage aar specialty. Gal aur ratea ;. -: w rmru DrAD a nm enlB MOrTS a " " w. - . hold goods. Oar apaeialty Is plane aa furnlture moving. We also snaka aoaa try trips. Wa fcaadle the' beat eeel aa wood. Call ea as tor price. W gin goad measure, good oaality aad goec serrlea. Larssar Traasfer Co. Fnea f USED CARS FOR SALE 1 FORD SNAPS . 1917 roadster , l5.oo 1916 , touring $95.00 1923 tourinc. - slmoat new 8400.00 PHSVHOLKT USED CAR DEP'T. : S49 N. Commercial St. 0.12 tf USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHOR I ZEE FORD DEALER 1915 Tourinr ' 865.00 1916 Touring - $90.00 Touring $is5.oo -liSrXX ioon Tourinr T simoo 1920 ' Roadatar 1922 Coupe, aew paint 1923 Coupe 1921 Sedaa 1922 Sedan $425.00 500 oa MJ5.DO All care guaranteed to be ia good run nine order Liberal Terma upea Buna ays VALLEY MOTOR CO. 260 No. High Phone 1995 Good Maxwell bargain 100.00 8150.00 Chevrolet touring Mitchell 8175.00 Nssh Paige : ; 825O.O0 stsr I tnJ-. isooioo 5505?l T"1"" t," i . ,,T , i , '"""" I " r". w. rr.iTiJimji wo. ,219 N. Commercial os-tf. Story by OCTAVUS ROY COHEN Illustrations To I USED CARS FOR SALE 1 ' FOR SALE .-. 1920 Dodge sadaa A-l ahaps f00. : 1021 Ford tearing 830O. - - 1921 Stndebaker special touring 8700. 1919 Dodra tearing 8450. BUN(.MI.1.LE MUTUK UM. GOOD USED OARS - OINGBJCM to tor Co.. 871 Coart. WANTED Miscellaneous 1 WANTED-PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN a oa approved city property. Seven per coat interest. W. A. lOatoa. r : I U.14 I WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND heaters, and ranges. H. L. Stiff Furni ture CO. IU4E. RECEIVE MATERNITY CASES 1 ANB Stork Nest. 1259 8. Liberty. Pbea 1029 J. -.-. ... .;: : .. - WANTED RELIABLE MAN WANTS farm 50-50 ar will rent. Address D31 Ststesman. v--".-1. O.iS EATON A EATON, practical hsttera formerly C. B. Ellsworth estabUshmeat First .class bst work of sll kinds. 891 N. Commercial. . , - t WANTED DAILY - NEWSPAPER SUB seriptioa solicitor. Apply bos D 97. Stateamaa CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT . 4. N.. Summer street. Phone 474-J: - CONTRACT CARPENTER CARPENTER, BUILDER, , REMODEL. ing anywhere. Katimstes. ' rrssk E. Wsv. 1395 N. 2 1st. 161SJ. 0.13 7 WOOD FOR SALE A FEW CORDS OP NICE OAK WOOD for sale. Is ' being . delivered now. Phone 254 or ,623 at once. 0.14. t BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 foot;-16 inch green milt wood. 4 foot dry mi IK wood. f J ' FRED - E. WELLS. 380 8. Cbarch Phone 1541. ' .06-tf FOR SALE 16-INCH OLD FIR ANS second growth 4 foot and oak Paaaa tF. V. D MavfieM V PUBLIC NOTICES i NOTICE! Notice Is hereby given that have impounded the following de scribed dogs in compliance with I Ordinance No. 1404. Iiuvtl- ; nn I . .. . wane lusiB npus. . one prown fe male dog, white ring around neck and . half of. head white. I One brown male dog, leather collar on. The above -described dogs will be killed If not redeemed by owners. I on or before. October 13th, 1923, is provided In said Ordinance. , W. S. LOW, v i --' V Street Commissioner. H&i:jh:ocu 8, 1923. 0.13 NOTICE TO CERDITORS In the County Court ot the .State of Oregon, for the County of Marion.':' 'j: :;r. In the f; matter of the Estate of HORATIO L. FOSTER, Deceased. The above-entitled " court' has appointed the undersigned.' J. D. Welch, administrator of the es tate -of Horatio L. Poster, de- I A i A II 1 I ueviug ciuib against tn.e said estate are re quired to present them, with the pro pfce r vouchers, within .six months from the date hereof, to the Administrator, at the - office of Oregon Statesman, In , the city of ; Salem, in eald county and state, Dated and first published, Sep- I tember 29, 1923. i Date of last publication Oc tober 27. 1923. J. D. WELCH, Administrator GLENN E. HUSTED, Attorney for Administrator, ' Portland, Ore gon. J "NOTICE OP JPINAIs . ? . SETTLEMENT f " Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, has filed" in the County Court of the State of Ore- gon for the County ot Marlon his Idulr verified final account as ex i ecutor ot tne estate or j. . Liea- j gerwood, deceased, and that said . . tt- Mnnifaw Ki a 9Qth aay or uciooer, xaj, at tae uuur of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the time, and the county court room in the County Court House. In Salem, Marion County. Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections there- I tO. 1 Dated at Salem. Oregon, this J2lnXXl2oth day of September, 1923 EDWARD PANDRICH, Executor ot the Estate ot J. N. Ledger- I wnnH TWasaan IA. O. Condlt and Ronald CGlov- , er. Attorneys for the executor. by H. WESTON TAYLOR ,- PUBLIC NOTICES ADJflNISTRATOR'S NOTICC : Notice Is hereby gtven that tha nnderalsned was duly appointed administrator of the Estate ot Michael O'Neill, deceased, by or der ot the County' Court of tht State ot Oregon for Marion Court, ty. on the 13th day of August, 1923, and he has duly qualified aa such administrator;, and thai all persona having claims against said estate are requested to pre sent their res pec tire claims, duly verified, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned administrator at his office, 341 State Street, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 25th day of Septem ber, 1923. ' JOHN BAYNE, Administrator of the Estate of Michael O'Neill, Deceased. -i NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL) Y PROPERTY ' . -. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, under and by virtue of ' an order ; of sale heretofore duly made and entered of record in the county eonrt ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Mar ion, in the matter of the estate of Henry Pascoe, deceased, said or der being made on the 18th day of September, 1923, will as. ad ministrator : ot the estate of said decedent, sell at private sale, tor cash in hand on the day of sale. air of: the right, title and Interest of. the estate, of said decedent in and ' to the - following described real property, to-wU: -' Lot Number 'three (3) la Block Number . Twelve (12) . in Englewood addition to the city Of, Salem, Marlon county, , Oregon, as said lot Is shown -and designated on the plat . . of said addition, now on file ' and of record in the office ot i Recorder -of Conveyances for , Marlon county. State ot Ore- eon- '.: '. . . ( ; '' .That said sale will be made at the . of .ice of Condlt tt Glover, Room 203. Oregon Building, la the City ; of Salem, in Marion county, Oregon, on and after Mon day, .the 2,2nd day of October, 1923, at the hour of ten o'clock of said day, and bids will be re ceived by the undersigned up to the hour ot said sale. , Dated at Salem, Oregon, tfcl3 18th day of September. 1923. - , RONALD C. GLOVER. Admlna?trator of th estate cf Henry Pascoe. deceased. I: SALEM MARKETS 0EAXN AND HAT No. 8 wkeat No 8 red wkeat. aacked Ckeat bay .$13 & $18 ? f Oat -bay Clover bay. baled $18 (J i Price euoted . are W botes ale sod srines rajived by farmers. Ke r prices are gives, eteept ss noted : ..EGGS, BUTTER. EwTT.i-AT Creamery batter - .....4a A - Butterfat. delivered i, , . Bilk, per cwt 1- Egra, aeleeta , - StaBdsrda i ., . .in... ..... ,. i - 1 Palleta . . - ; ' ' - POULTRY Breilere , ., ..18 V Heevy heaa , , , Medium .-, - .,, : 11 J i FORK, MUTTON AND ZZZI Hogs, top 150-225 lbs. cwt ,.. M.' HegS. top. 225-275. cwt ...f 'i: Bogs. top. 825 275, ewl j t; Light tows cwt 1 .C i Rough bus vy. , .. 04 O 04 1' Top veal, dress ea 07 O 07) Top steer- ; 05 O .n Cow hi o Top lamb Heavy lamba -08 11 OBABGES Bread Sank 1st TalsBcUs-t Bonded' Dfferiag: S16'a' aad larger 850'a aad smaller .f5.;j APPLES Cooking. Oragoa grown, $1.50 Q $2.03 Graveaataiaa per box $2.71 ... . LEMONS LaffIngwen EEE" ail aisee. eaae 9.l BEW BUNCHED VEGETABLES - All priced by tha deaan bus ekes. Beets, Csrrot . . , ,,, ... 51 Radishes, leag or raaad 316 and larger , 41 -5.o0 $1.50 GraveastoiSk, per box INSERT FRUITS Beets, r Carrots-sad Oaivua- 50 4H 81.03 Kadishes snd Psrslojr romstoes, bom grown, box- Head lettuce.- local, crates ..z.v:5 Egg plant, Pr erato -$2.M1 New potstoes. New Oregon, cwt $1.73 Boll peppers, per lb. . . 0 l Unions. Walla Walla outdoor. ew $2.50 Summer equsib .... w t l.'S Pumpkias, -crated,' lb. -'3 Osbbage. local, cratad, lb.- . US Elbertas from Yakima aad Tits Quoting: i -Par box- .,7;,. j ." .i , 6 box lots i- ,. i ... . , Dslles. 81 0(1 95 10 bos lots 9 5 25 or more .- ...... .. 85 , A few Crawforda sad other varieti tmtmm 1. a avail. 1,1 a, mm ia ilifia. B.ArltL . BAETLETT PBAES Standard hoaea. ner box t2.2i , - PLUMS Per 4 basket erato , . $L5t . CANTALOUPES "UangsJow Brsod Turlotk's best. Offsriag: Stsudsrd Crates '...,. ,.$2.M Pony era taa S3.0 Flat Crates -u-;.. ...!. 1 . Yakima' Rocky Ferda stsndsrd crates . .. 2.B .- Yakima BarreU Gems the pish mest variety, stsndsrd crates..? 2.7! i WATERMELONS Either long or roand variety, per -' eteodard erate . . : $ 2 . Tl 4 PEBSIAf AIULOBS r?rated. per lb, fc. C ICE CBEAM iLCrrs Crated, per. lb. : CI -. CASABAS Crated.' per lb. . ,. , .0 - HOKEYXEWS Crated, per lb. . ; ; .Xs -'.-.' -.' BANANAS -, "Red Card" fancy fruit. Quoting crated, per In. .. HUCEXEBERRIXS Per lb. BLACK2EBEIES llli .15 Selling today -$1.50 ..$2.00 FRESH no a Par flat box , APPLES -Fsnev Callforaia Gravsasteiaa: 'r .125 larger $2.75 ..2. 1 150-13S 168-176 Choir Oregon GraveBsteias: 125 Urgwr - -. 150-1S8 . ..,.,... $2.5 5 I2.' ....$1.75 168-175 Oregon Grsvensteia,' faced aad fiile-i, - per box $1.1? Cobbing varieties, Gregoe grown, per box . tl.50 to t2."J CZAR APPLES . Ia apple boxes .- , ,. - $1.83 C-ATU Vslsrs In In s. per ib. -. fl Tokays, 4 fcii?fet rrstea " 'Ihonipsoa it-. -'-,3, 4 basket tru'.vj .