The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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,, - -1 V- .,..-, Hi1'" 1 .' II r . . .
By BETTI KESSI; Phone lOfr.
The membem-1 of ; the Sweet
.Briar club were entertained at
the home of Mrs. C; Chaffee
Wednesday afternoon.' for-the f irsf
business meeting of -the-3 season
Mrs. McCall was elected presi
dent. VMrs.Vc.rC.TPare;:Tlce pres-
ldent, and Mrs. O. C Chaffee aa
secretary-treasurer, lilt. iRalph
Allen was invited' ta become a
member of the club which Is com
posed - of womeallving - on the
Wallace road, h ;
In "outlining, th plans tor the
coming season. Hhe club voted
that their best efforts be devoted
to work for the1 Children's farm
home near Corrallis. v It la possi-i
hie that most of the sewing which
is done during the club hours will
be applied on articles for .the
home.- Mrs, O. A. Koyes was a
special guest; for the (meeting; and
assist ed lire. C half oe later In , the
af ternoon when she " served a
lunch'; - . , .
' .; iv.-:;v-; iUyv
After the brief business net-
$25, $37.50
fJBcttet Styles
1 Dcd3. fcrrHlca
Ing ot. the White Shrine , which
met Tuesday, evening In the Ma
sonic, rooms. Mrs. P...E. Shafer
entertained the members, with ,an
illustrated talk concerning, .her
recent . visit ta New Zeland. The
elides were of unusual beauty and
merit, and "were very instructive
as well as being, most effective in
illustrating the Informal . talk,
While - on her trip ; this summer.
Mrs. Shafer bought ..these .pictures
especially: for the Shrine. . "
" : t: 1 . i , r s-" v; J- .i ' T
r Complimenting Mrs." Rose Qib?
son. a recent , bride, Mrs. Carl
Chapler. - Mrs... Fred ' Gibson. M rs.
Lee Gibson and Mrs. L. D. Gibson
were joint hostesses for a miscel
laneous shower given at the home
of Mrs.-iL. P. Gibson, Tuesday
evening.. An autumnal decorative
effect was achieved by baskets of
bright salvia placed .about the liv- i
In g room where the stairway was
screened by twinlngs of varl-col-ered
myrtle vines. During the
eyening the bride ;recei ved many
lovely and useful gifts from the
guests. Little Miss Beatrice and
Misa Josephine Evans assisted the
hostesses . in serving. .Those who
enjoyed the evening were, Mrs.
Burch, ; Mrs. J Duncan, Mrs. W. N
Savage, Mrs- George Savage, Stel
la Bridges, Mrs. Frank Evans and
two daughters, Beatrice and Jose,
phine, Mrs. Vernon South wick,
Mary , Walte, Mrs. C. C. Chaffee,
Mrs. Sarah Patrick. Adella . Chap
ler, Mable Jtougie,,' Margaret Coo
per, MrsGeorge Hng.-Nellie Tay
lor Mrs. James Imlah, Mrs.
Frank Wilson, .Mrs. Hoscoe Clarke
Mrs.. Elmer Smitb.'Lucllle Jaskos
kt, Irma Simmons,, Mrs. A. M. Pat
tick; and Mrs. E. A. Mali. J
:'. . -.- it- ;- -:
Ik honor of her husband's birth
day. Mrs Carey Martin entertaln-
ttmr Thmm m Mwutmr flmtm
For Coughs and Colds, Head-t
ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism
and All Aches and Pains .
35c and 65c; jars and tubes
Hospital alas, $3.0 :. o
ed Saturday . evening - with a six
o'clock supper at the Martin home
on South' Liberty street. The at
tractive , table was centered by a
basket of large lavendar chrys-
anthemums,. Later Carey . Martin
Jr. brought a large candle-lit birth
day cake - Into . the dining room
which Frances Martin , cut ' and
served to the guests. Covers were
aid for Dr. and Mrs. B. ,L. Stee
ves'Mr. and Mrs. Ivan G. Martin
Judge and Mrs. Lawrence T. Har
ris, Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Overman
of Portland, Mrft and .Mrs. Carey
Martin and Carey, Jr., with Miss.
Frances Martin and Miss Lenora
Smith serving. , '.-.. ?
, ' Alfred Creeswell of Los Angeles
is visiting at the home of bis sis
ter; Mrs. M. A. Bellinger J This
Is Mr. Cresswell's first visit to
Salem since h moved to Tacom
in 1888, and he is having a hap
py time renewing hie old acquain
tances and visiting the old famil
iar . nlaces. - Dr.- G rover C. Bel-!
linger is a nephew ; of Mr.- Cress-
well. - r
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hopkins
motored to . Salem Wednesday to I
spend the day visiting with
friends. Mr. and .Mrs. Hopkins
moved to Portland a short time
ago after having lived here for
over two years. "
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. '. Baker of
Mill City, stopped In Salem for a
hnr vfalt with Mr. &nd M ra.. M.
M. Magee,' on thebr way to iPort- j
land Saturday. Mr. Baker is tne
manaepr of the Hammond Lum
ber company store in Mill City.
Thirty-six memers of YoncarOj
the young married men and wo
men's class of the First Methodist
church, met ; Tuesday evening at
the home of Mrs. G. W. Day on
Chemeketa street, for a business
session and social hour. , This be
ing the first' meeting of the sea
son, election of "of fleers for the
year was in order.; Mrs. . Ray
White was chosen to till the of
fice of president. Mrs. C. W. Boe-
ischen is to be vice president, and
Mrs. s. Metson, secretaryr-
The remainder of ' the evening
was spent socially at games and
conversation, ; light refreshments
being served later on. The hos
tess was i assisted by Mrs. . G rover
Bellinger; Mrs. F. L. Utter, and
Mrs; Robert Boardman.
The ; superintendent of the
cradle rollrf together wtth ,the
workers ' of ? the First Methodist
Episcopal church; are entertaining
the mothers and babies tomorrow
afternoon from 2:S0 to 4:20 in
the ' church parlors. ,The super
intendent is Mrs. H. F. Shanks,
and the workers are Mrs.- A. E.
Hale,' Mrs. J. Talbott, Mrs. F. Mil
ler, Mrs.. J. Bennetts, Mrs. Walter
Lehman and Mrs. Grace Lehman.
V 1 I I''
4 ..
j- , . ( . .... ,
.7 A SB EON Si
... , . . .
; rfi,t .; it x f
! ? Interestingly Moderate
Prices i .
October is the-Month When Many
l - Vcd Dresses Are: Purchased.: We
Wc'Id Advise You to Ccine in And
i3 elect Yours While Assortments and
sizes cxejcomplete , '
t -
Drczzzz that are correct for shopping-,
Lzzzbzzzzr traveling and street wear.
' ' We describe just a few?bf the many we have
'All W col Poiret .Twill ? Dress
' 'navy.Dlue V' ' - .
k Simple of line, r well tailored and 1
-xichlyr: embroidered - is this remark- !
v able ' dress of excellent wearing' all
wool Poiret" Twill. A conventional i
scroll . design is embroidered down I
front and 'back. The stylish wide-
- sleeves, have a row of buttons with
Ail wool soiret i wiir Lress
Navy Blue
' Everything about this - dress says
new and ."exclusive for it is a copy
of, an imported model and yet very
inexpensive! Smartly tailored in
.straight lines, the large- flowing
sleeves are richly embroidered in red.
V three rows of silk embroidery. Not ij rose and antique gold in quaint de-:
only, the material but also the cm- r;: sign. Long Vestee effect with turn
naroidery.and design makes it an un- back reveres; richly embroidered. A
' t X. Al. 9 - . V ! . f" a A . A 1 J A
string wide sash ties in the front.
All Wool Poiret Twill Dress
. j usual, value at this price. .
t AD Wool Poiret TwiU Dress
rt;r-;- ;j $24.75
Hand embroidery of heavy wool in Unusual smartness of line is crat- v
'''greyf.and.vred combination, very ar-j - ed by application of rows of fancy
-" tisticon this dress of excellent qual- ; black silk braid on the sides panels. ;
ity of all 'wool Poiret Twill,: panels of; J A touch of style is found in the con- ...
v box pleating, attached below to beltf trasting color .of Henna Duetyn Ves- 1
of larg& 'embroidered triangles form-; . tee and lacing upon the slashed i -t
: mL pockets Graceful slenderizinsr ' flared sleeves.- k Appear inir on the : .
4 lines. The workmanship is partic- i "sleeves -is. aif artistic touch of fancy
Receive- prompt and careful
attention. . We pay the post
age or express within a radius
of a hundred, miles.
463 Sta.U t.M'.,.
Portland SilkShcrv.
383 Alder St, ,
Mrs. P. S. Anwnsen waa hostess
to the ThHrsday Kensington club
yesterday afternoon at her home
on North Capitol street. This was
the first meeting of the club this
fall and ;tae greater part of the
social hour - was spent" at fancy-
work and visiting. '
I A short business session was
held, during which the following
6f fleers were chosen for the year:
President, Mrs. Henry Morris, Tiee
president. Mrs. K. N. Kafoury.
secretary treasurer, Mrs.- Herbert
frauser, press reporter, Mrs. Anu4-
son. . . j . - " .
I Mrs. Elmo Crandall and Mrs. T.
I. Harris were guests of the club
during the' afternoon. I '
The following! members were
resent : Mrs. I Prank Powers,
Mrs. I. M. Donghton. Mrs. Henry
Morris. Mrs. K. N, Kafoury, Mrs.
Herbert Ha user land Mrs. Otto
Wilson. ' ' i , . . t
By j ANB 'HILL.')
The, Thursday; afternoon club
commenced.' the club year Tester
day afternoon when the 'members
were entertained i at the home of
Mts. Walter K. Spaulding on
Court street ; Assisting : Mrs,
Spaulding 'during the afternoon
were Mrs. John Albert and Mrs
W. B." Kirkr. ' Y r if !" -l : r : 7:
Upon request of the members
of the - club, Mrs. B. 7T. Meyers
gaTe an Interesting resume of her
summer imp through the east,
which- took her through Callfor
nia to New jTorki and from there
through the New England '' states
up Into Canada. !
Mrs. Paul ' Wallace was the
guest of the club for the after
noon. Chatting' ' and a general
gooa time made tne afternoon en
joyable to lererf i one. ' Refresh
ments " werei'.V serted" before" the
party disbanded. ,c - U 4 ,
Mrs. G. H. Burnett was chosen
to act as president this year rand
Mrs. W. E. Kirk will be secretary
treasurer.':' f;.,:. , . i7t f uV.
1 - Mrs. Henry J. Bean, asslatedby,
Mrs. C P. Bishop, will be hostess
to the club at her hom- for the
next meeting which will be No-'
ember. 9. ai-'i'iiyJ'r'. i-j..
: Those of us, who have average
figures are truly blessed, for our
problem is much less complicated.
But don't let's consider the class
dismissed! 1 V
Whar are'' we doing with those
figures?-' Do we always stand Just
as correctly as we did Just' now
wbenr w were being snneaeured?
Or do we betray our taylor by har
lng him' fit aa upright-downright
customer-who promptly slouches
as soon as - she gets home, and
breaks the 'beautiful ' line "of-her
suit over the bust, and -makes her
collar- stick out in the back? -
Do we stand with one hip up
and one . hip down, like a weary
dray horse? ' Even4 Helen' of Troy
couldn't look ldvely In Hhat posi
tion -orf the equally bad one we
assume when we poke our necks
out like so many humpbacked tur
tles. We all know how to stand.
But do we do it? Left practice
for even 1 single week and . see
the difference it makes.
But first, let's be sure our fall
from grace hasn't been due to the
wrong . corset, or slouching often
comes from sheer weariness, and,
6b, what weariness creeps into our
very; hones under the, maddening
pressure of 'a; corset that chooses
our favorite nerve - on which to
fit too soon! Did we get th cor
rect slze: in the first place?. The
comfortable length? - The right
ureight? .Did we have the corset
laced correctly? Are the garterB
adjusted as they - should be? .
Very few of u are Ideal Aver
age. There Is . always a bit . or
coaxing to be idone -a little eras
lng, a subtly, straightened line, i
comfortable support. . with re-
remarkably few bones and no un
due - restraint,', the - proper corset
designed for the average figure
brings it gently but surely to its
Ideal . perfection. and , eternally
guards 'you from the injustice of
looking older than you are. -Madam,
How Do You Move? .
i Lithesomeness and . grace of
movement are intimately tied up
with this matter of standing cor
rectly and wearing the right cor
set; No woman can be truly beau-
tiful or even charming, unless
she's lovely when , she walks,
when she bends her head and lis
tens to you, when she plays the
piano, when she dances, or sits ph
he floor with her kiddies,-or sews
a seam. : Nerve tension: expresses
itself lit Jerks.; 'And, Just here,
let us say that irritability prevents
many an otherwise . goodiooaing
woman from ever being classed as
such, -. ; : .1
- And the wrong corset may have
almost' as much to d6 "lttt' lrri
lability as the wrong -creed! : ;
Stand'correctly. Movet w rhyth
mically. So far." so good." That
advice applies' to the whole group;
and - to all the groups, ', too i But
what half ire? wear when!w do
it? ' ; . i,.: .i;.S V':."-,,,,
Tlic Fashion Tar iwle. t4iez.Mol- -Let
each of us . "average fig
ures" go offstage and get her fa
vorite afternoon dress and come
back earing It. Maybe It wasn't
made this year. Perhaps it's a
three-year-old ; gown we liked so
much we just can't bear to give It
Why did we like It? . V
Gertrude says. "I like mine be
cause the brue Is just a bit deep
er than my eyes. It makes them
look wonderful. Ted said, so."
Jkne says, "I like mine because
that drapery,, over the hips con
ceals the Inch that oughtn't to be
there nobody knows whether it's
, t -
Mrs. C. E .iBarhonr arriTed'home
Wednesday evening,, from Port
land after attending" grand lodge,
Pythian , Sisters, aa representative
of Centralis, temple of Salem
A Dollar I Saved t la a Dollar
Earned -and here it it
Regulation O. D. Wool
; ' Army shirts 4 . . . .
Spruce Div. Wool shirts 92.19
Army Rubber Boots, sizes -
II and 12 S2.60
Army lace top) artlcs . .915
Marine Work Pants, heavy .
wool . . ......... ..SJ35
Men's Rubbers New-Stock u
Roll edge . . - . . . . . .MlJtS
lien's One Buckle Arties $2.15
Army leather Jerkins with
; ! heavy wool sleeves ...175
All Wool Brown Coat
Sweaters ...... 4 .. ... S5.25
Heavy Wool Stag Shirts .97. OS
Leather Puttees to 96.00
Water repellent shirts and ' - '
pants ....$3.45- Bd S4J$0
Army Overcoats ....... 3U7S
Special for Saturday, Oct.
13, only, 7 bars, toilet soap
ior L ....JZ5c
IMediArciy Seres
. 230 Sbi Commercial St.
In the Marion Hotel Bld.
The Marlorf LawTerfce Bible
fclasa-njet at tbe.home of MrV and
Mrs W, D. Smith on Tuesday eve
ning fbr lhe? regular busfsess and
social evenlhgV About1; 6 (K; mem
tjers were present,. Following tne
business t meeting a social, hour
was enjoyed,'- after" whlchf Mrs.-
R.; Scbram, Mrs. E. Merrill,' Mrs.
T.'Helsler Mrs. 3: A. Wheelright
and Miss. Emma' Rodgers assisted
Hhe hostess In serving delicious re-.
freshments. 4- ,
During 'the evening Dr. Blatch
ford, gave several readings,' and
Miss Grace Elizabeth Smith sang
"Jest Her Way. and "September.
Miss Mary E. FIndley, religious
educational director of the First
Methodist Episcopal churchy wa3
present and outlined some of the
work planned for the. ensuing
ye'." ' v' j'';? - iV-- , ' ' . -r -
The Federated clubs.' of Salem
will' meet this evening In , the
Chamber of Commerce rooms at
7: 30. Plans for the year will be
outlined. The part the federation
will take-in the highway dedica
tion of October 25. will also be
discussed. v ,: . '
The Salem Woman's club' will
meet' for an Important business
session Saturday, 'afternoon at
2:30 o'clockf in the club house.
The executive board will meet at
2 o'clock' for the half hour pre
ceding the regular meeting.' . v
The Woman's ! Missionary, eoc-
ety of the First Christian church
will meet ". in the 1 church' par lors
this" 'afternoon at the hoar of
' This feed Is. now lower than mill fees and other dairy feeds'
Offered by other dealers and Is a very good buy at present values
as it wilj advance very shortly." . f
1 i
Place your, order at once-In order to secure the lowest price
of the season as we 'have only limited amount to offer at this"'
t price. Price, Ex Warehouse, ,
$28.00 per ton
i. This dairy feed Is as. good and better than most, dealers -ask
'from 5.00 to'. 18.00' per ton mora for. '.v.
Z Di A. White & S6ns
f SOI State St. -Phone ieo.! s Balehl, Qrt. i
' ' , t. ZZ;--- . c'i V." "...
.'uV -:
hip or frock I" t
- Marion'- saysr "I - liken mlntr be
cause that neck-ltnenhides those;
mean littfe collaTf bone and1 yet
shows my neck to 5 advantage
and it'aa nice neck? H I do say
If myseir" .-. I ' ":., .
; Cynthia. says. "I. Hke1 mine be
cause It's sq clever. in, the line it
takes over the bust. I need to be
careful just there, even If I did
reduce 20 pounds to get back . in
to the 'average' group." -j
Norma says, I lik mine be
cause it's-so simple. , I don't. be
lieve I have- a single real flgure
defect; and , this dress 1 follows
every line I haveand doesn't muss
up the effect with trimming."
: And. yet, how many of us will
remember these little personal
reasons , when we go to get the
next dress? Wouldn't we have
been 'much better dressed ;
past If we'd - paid" a- little- lesj
tension to changing- modes,
colors, and the desire to 1.
something differential all'cc
and more attention to reprod
lng, In. some way or other, l
point that . had made last yea:
frocks a success? Surely, we rr
be up-to-date, and yet rememl
the especially , becoming way
presenting i ourselves. ;
i Try on all. your .old' dres
and criticize them before you r
a new one. Form- the habit.
mentally trying on the cloti
you. see in fashion magazines,
the streets, in the shops. I .
them on your friends they wot';
know! -and tell yourself . wh
you think , of the result. Yoa .
be surprised to see how mi '
you'll ' learn.' "
- Ladies' wearing Apparel-:
at the pm&m eisu iwiE
1 ;.
Coats and '-Capes Direct cm- tri
Fash f on htersi wl 1 1 b c Foiuri el; H c i
at: Prices: that aie within: Reach5 o
t -
; 7 ; MM.
I 1 III I 11 IB
. llf
Yoa wilT find most ' erery- style or material in
light or dark shades,
plain or for triciiacd cc-t3
and capes made- of
, VelourJ Normandyv
stfch coatiirsrscas Ikslivb,. I
Amorlaines Polo Cloths," ;
(e. Prices Rutt Exceedingly Low-at
,.t m . - yi y,; ... ..... ,
m m a . . - as a. - - - i
Ana voncsnifl SiiK-Lined coats tnaPAre r ZST-ytv i
Worth Up to $75.00 at . . . ... fO-fc"!
Another Sensation in TO
Fortunate indeed is the woman who attends trie sale erent to- JijO-
uwi.wiii v dw nw viiuvac Hum a wieciion so exanisiie. SO Al. -JJ
r inimitable ! And every hat in this group wilTbe sold' at the
sensational low price of
It- I i L. . 1
,And Don't .orgel to Tal Adrantage at the Greatest Grocery Bsrsaln b-Salea
We are ingotitof the gi-oce business
- .n
I -
I 1
. u ' tt."i A