The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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state treasury yesterday
recelred another payment of the
tecond naif sUte taxes from Mult
BoBn county. The amount was
250,000, making a total of $350.
000 now paid on the second half.
waiwon10'" total second half
Payment is $1,157,502.68. The
total second halt to be recelred
from U counties will be $3,408,-
118.6S. I . ,
Tbe Balloon
Dance at Dream-
' land Saturday night. Ladies Free.
Patient Deported-. j'-'5 ; -v
Four patients , of Uhe state in
line hospital whose 'homes are in
otner . states were repatriated by
being sent to) their own 4 states
yesterday. ; Tjiey were: , Frank
Lawler, sent to Phoenix, Arts.;
perciTal Whitehead, sent to San
Aatonio. Texas ; George (Bobet,
tent to Oakland. . Cal.; and Doro
thy Rlgfi. sent to Berkeley, Cal.
Albert Parsons,; who was com
mitted from Marlon county March
23 of this year, died at the hos
pital yesterday. He had no rela
tires of record at the hospital. ;
Mrs. Dolph against Lennons. Inc.
which was heard by the supreme
court yesterday. The property is
now occupied by a women's ap
parel establishment known as the
8weet 16 Shop, j Mrs. Dolph leased
it to Lennons March 10. 1919, for
10 years at a rental of $1800 a
month. They assigned the lease
to A. J. Lennon and Charles Berg
and they sub-let it to the Sweet
16 company for $2500 a month.
Mrs. Dolph claims that a condition
of the original lease was that the
Lennons must confine the property
to their own use J She won in the
lower court. M 4
Speeder I Former Wrestler
Onral A. (Si) Simola, Portland,
is charged with speeding in a com
plaint filed in the j justiee court
yesterday. , Simola, better known
as "Si." is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Oregon and member
of the Tarsity wrestling team.
Used Department.
In our basement i
Furniture Co.
Fall Opening. ; . r 1
Candy Day Saturday, October
13. "Make Somebody Happy."
The Spa. ' ri ! 0.12.
For Sal
A splendid j home, a large lot,
creek at rear; fruit, 6-room bun
galow, f nil basement, furnace.
Urge sleeping! porch at 1575 Che
meketa. PhoneI1145.- " j ol2
p.,- .. ; , y . , ;.j . - .
An acute shortage of refriger
ator cars Is reported to the pub
lic serried commission yby a the
Oreson-Wahlngtol lUfl pad is &
Karigation company ontV whose
lines 12ft car are wanted and only
2t were placed l yesterday.' On
the Southern rj Pacific company
there were orders for 29 cars and
17 were placed. v , ? ; ' ' :
For irnrsery.Stock ,
Phone W.i C Franklin at the
Tallp farm, 62F14, it in needJof
trait , and - ornamental . nursery
stock of any kind. He represents
tie Salem Narsery company, 428
Oregon BldgJA;L ..V..V.0.18B.
AH Are Farm
For the first time In the history
it the Marion county court, it Is
fceUeTedf thft : rentlre -court. con
listing of the county Judge and
L" two-,'eomjnteionerr,''i made
1 1 cf real dirt larmers. "All ,wete
L:1 ontarms,! befcanie 'farmer
mi are farmers still. Judge W.
4L - Downing- has m large- farm . in
lie Waldo j Hills r Commissioner
J. T. Hunt farms In the Sublimity
lljtrict. and Commissioner ; Jim
Smith In the St. Paal district. V-
Ilradzraarters For-- 4 1 -
; ?: Eras,' AntlqueBlack Andirons,
'screens, spark-guards and sets. '
. IL L. Stiff Fnrnlture Co. 0.12.
. "Lease Case "Up " "
Lsases on .. property of Mrs.
Ellxa C Dolph on Broadway, Port
land, are Involved In the. case of
Injured at Football
v Jim Lu per, 10; son of J. R. Lu
per, state engineer, fractured his
left wrist yesterday while play
ing f ootballr-; Another player
kicked young Luper on the wrist
in a scrimmage. The family lives
at 1 25 South ! Eighteenth street,
Salem. ' : j .
Hawkins & Roberta .
City loans; lowest rates. 02 tf.
Theater Has New Orehes'ra -
The Grand theater's new. six-
piece orchestra is now providing
music for the patrons of the play
house and ;has one of the finest
musical libraries in the state. Sne-
cill t mualo i will be' provided ? for
each of the filmsK with a feature
number by the orchestra each eve
ning. . With the addition of this
orchestra, the Grand Is placed In
apposition tci compare , favorably
with other northwest theaters.
Members ol fhe orchestra are Mrs.
Rath 'Galgano, piano; A. F. Cal
gano, violin i Miss Naomi Whalen.
violin obligato; J. D. Bebee, cello;
Mark Renne, drums, and Dessart,
clarinet. . ; f - j '
Women and Girls'
Felt hats, in big clean-up sale.
Saturday special. $1.00. Miller's
Subway store, j , ol2
Wright Pays Police Fine
Carrol Wright was fined $10
for being drunk : in police court
yesterday afternoon. He was ar
rested ai the Stage terminal early
Thursday morning by Officer Ol-
.'itl.-.f '
Go bad think of Fieener. ol2
L. Stiff
. - '
Wrant Bark From Trip j1
Mr.-and Mrs. Jerry Wyant have
returned 1 from a week's visit in
Independence and another week
spent with relatives in the coun
try. Since his operation about
two 'months ago Mr. Wyant has
steadily improved, and was; able
to visit former friends among the
linotype men ; at The Statesman
office last night. Mr. Wyant is
one of the best known linotype
operators on the Pacific coast, and
recently received much publicity
when a rubber glove was taken
from his abdomen during an oper
ation at a local hospital. Mr. and
Mrs. Wyant have been making
their home with Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Vibbert, 1120 South Commer
cial, since May. Their home ad
dress is in San Francisco. H Mr.
Wyant has been requested to talk
at the printers' banquet on "Old
Times" next Sunday evening.:
For Trees and Stocks- :
W. C. Franklin; at the Tulip
farm.1 ' Phone 52 Fl 4, is repres
enting the: .SALEM NURSERY
COMPANY In this section and will
take care of your, needs in nur
sery stock, both fruit and orna
mental for fall planting. O.I8E.
' Celebrates National Candy Day
Saturday, October- 13, by placing
on" sale a pound package of our
candies at 49c. "Make Somebody
Happy." 012. '
Final Hearing; Set
The date for final hearing in
the estate of Armanellie Barnett
has been set for November 194 Ad
ministrators for the. estate ; are
Florence Adkina and Edward L.
Lemon. i
Bulbs For Spring Blooming
: Plant Hyacinths, Tulips, Nar
cissus and 'Crocus now. See win--dow
display. C. F. Breithaupt,
Florist, 123 N. Liberty. ( 0.13K.
Kirkpatrfck Speaks . ; .f;
iter. Blaine E. Kirkpatrick, pa
r of the First Methodist church.
wis the speaker yesterday at the
Willamejtte chapel services. His
address was an "The Old Time
Religion." . Yesterday a seat was
signed: to each student in the
iversity and from now on school
officials, will record absences
from the daily chapel service.
Those absent more, than a desig
nated number of I times are) re-'
quired to answer before, the uni
versity, president.
Appraisers Named
Appraisers tor the estate of Eli
Davidson were named yesterday.
They are C. M. Smith, Western
Houghton and Wes Stevens.
Paving Practically Completed
The season's paving program
has been j practically completed.
Jim Culver, county roadmaster,
said yesterday. Only one paving
plant, that in Salem, is operating
and this is chiefly to furnish "hot
stuff" for patching the Pacific
highway and the Silverton road.
Grading Is being rushed on a
three-fourths of a mile stretch
near the Junk place, on the Salem
Macleay road. This will be com
pleted in about two weeks.
Buying Horses r
Nils Bereenzann. once a mem
ber'of the bodyguard of the king
of Sweden and a member of the
Royal Swedish Dragoons, is here
for a few days looking for blooded
horses for the string owned by
Mrs. Edna ! Cudahy-Brown, some
Whose horses were seen at .the
horse show here during the state
fair. . He will search throughout
the northwest and then go into
Canada. He is at the Bllsh.
Saturday Is Bargain Day
In Miller's Subway store. Choice
of three dozen autumn felt hats.
in clean-up sale at $1.00, next Sat
urday. ol2.
Hardware Firm Moring Monday
, ( After being forced , to tempor
ary quarters as a result of a fire
some months ago, the Doughton
& Marcus hardware dealers will
move back into their. -original lo
cation ' at : 292 North Commercial
street, Monday. Fireproof ; walla
have been built and a modern
front nearly completed, according
to Fred Erixon. who has charge
of the remodeling, f The corner
property,: occupied : by Quacken
bush, wilt be remodeled as soon
as that firm 'finds another loca
tion. The property, 'Js owned by
Ben Maxwell, who is attending the
University of Oregon.
-When tsw IJfat-
TbJeres Are Still AcUve
Two , more -Salem men have been
victimized by thieves. Frank My
ers, manager of The Spa. reported
to the police that a spare tire and
rim J had 'been stolen from.; his
automobile while It was parked at
High and Court Wednesday night.
A robe ; was i stolen ; from his car
which was parked at 670 Mill. P.
N. Andresen, route 9, complained
to the police. .
; Smoke Shop
Next Door BUgh Hotel
Uagaitnes, Films,. Candies,
crjars. Cigarettes, Soft Drinks'.
TTs make the best Milk Shake
!i the City for 10c !'
412 Oreroa BoUdia
TaUpaoB 457
lit Seavey, Ikfl Insorance
Agency ,
: General .Insurance .
i frsak Wagsr
Teachfr of Piano -
.1 '7
i.m Was, Tkara.
, fSMM as. - -
l . BMtdMM
' IIa TrU, Sat.
-'!;. -TaM 12 . -
Ctcro r Youri cPnmes
; -at Fry's Warehouse ; TI
35c per ton per month ' j "
1 in carload lots
(Formerly Dr. Schenks)
219 Sv Cottage St;
f JONS -,
Fcr " Gifts That 1 Last
Eiamoad. vatches, Jev
rhoB 12SS. Salecn, Oregom
r:,!i Ambalance Senrlea I
Day and NIsht
PHONE 656, - "
17S 8. liberty Bt.
Calena 7 Oregosi
Electronic Reactions of Abrams
Dr. White; 506 U. S. Bank bldg.
Albany Pleases Kiwanian
Albany provided one of the fin
est banquets they ! had ever at
tended, according to a doxen Sa
lem Klwanians who visited the
Linn county city Wednesday to
consider a! charter for that city.
They were! met by an equal num
ber of Albany men and given a
banquet in tne round taoie room
of the HotelAlbany. Salem men
making the! trip were Dr. H. E.
Morris. Allan Carson. C. E. Albln,
Fred Erixon. N. D. Elliott. Oliver
Myers, Scoitt Pager Harwood Hall,
Alfred Vick. Ed Schunke. W. W.
Chad wick and Judge J. I. Rand
$1.25 PER REAM
for 1. P. Paper, and a free
pencil with every order.
It comes cheaper by the
ream. " t v ' ' ' " '
. . , .12th and Center. ' '"..f
prodaetioa thronfh Modara
Weight Relxti-
Dannlns System
t"r roaaIioa
Fiona 1SS1
Sta4 605 K. Litfrty Bt.
' The Original and Genuine Spin
al Adjustment Treatment. Sklll
rnii Painless Adjustment that
get results.
Osteopathic FhysldaK and
1 Surseos)
ma rhmmni Rids. Salem.
I BOt V. . Vatloaal Baak BalUias
I raaaa sss ' Xm. Fbom SSSJ
OMMpaUis raralciaa aa4 SargMSt
I SlsetroaM ZMaBMt aa4 TraatataeS
; , Ot. Akraam MaUsC
I ' 1 j I t a '
r. . 1
- EsUbllshed 1868' 1
7 General Ban!dj Duxbcxi
ClXica nrs frca 10 a. in. to 3 p. as
Firer Deparfaaaent. Called f . .
An ".unidentified automobile
driveT, dashed u p - to the i tin sta
tion at 10:45 o'clock last night
with word .that some sheds at the
State prison were on fire. The
department answered the alarm
and found that the only fire in the
vicinity came from the brick kilns.'
and that. the. unidentified man had
evidently become excited when
he saw the blaze. i , ,. '
Women and Girls' v k
Felt hats. In big clean-up sale.
Saturday special, f 1.00. Miller's
Subway store. olz
Reckless Driving Charged .
Reckless driving is charged
against Lewks Tanzer. 435 North
Seventeenth street. He was ar
rested by Officer Edwards early
last night and cited to appear in
police court at 1 o'clock this af
ternoon. . . t
Electrical Fixtures
Fieener Electric Co.
Boundary Meetlng , f ,
The county boundary board will
meet today . at the Bridge Creek
school. The county surveyor twill
also meet with the board. Final
decision on the proposed change of
school boundary will be made at
some future time. ;
Just Received Today ,W
A . large shipment of coats at
very reasonable prices. Call and
see them soon at Mrs. H. P. Stlth.
333 State.: . 0.13E
Bicycle Rider Arrested 5
Riding a bicycle on the sidewalk
is a risky thing now that the po
lice department has declared war
upon it. j A rider in front of
headquarters has absolutely no
show. It was learned yesterday af
ternoon by Roy Wilson, 1825
North Commercial, when he was
arrested by Officer Edwards. Wil
son was f cited to appear after
school this afternoon.
More Diphtheria
A total of seven cases of diph
theria s have been reported from
the EngleWood district of Salem,
and there has been one death, ac
cording to Dr. C. E. Cashatt, city
health officer. Two new cases are
from the same home: One of the
sick boys is at the home of neigh
bors, his father having died re
cently and his mother now being
ill In a hospital.
Saturday: Is Bargain Day
In Miller's Subway store. Choice
of three 'dozen autumn felt hats,
In clean-up sale at $1.00, next Sat
urday, j - o!2.
The Spa .
Celebrates National Candy Day
Saturday, October 13, by placing
on sale a pound package of our
candies at 49c. ."Make Somebody
Happy." 012. '
Believe Couple ElopeO
Police have wired north and
south in an effort to locate Mar
tha Wilson, 16, 1020 South Com
mercial, and Elmer Nell, 21, who
are believed to ne on their way
south. Police at Vancouyer were
notified as well as southern Ore
gon points. They are believed to
be traveling by automobile,
For Ugh " Bulbs-
See1 Fieener.
Don RandaU R,ick In City
Don Randall, a graduate ot ia
lem high school in 1914, Is spend
ing a few days in the city, his first
Tisit home in the last year. To
inwlnr his sraduation from the
University of Oregon, he was ad
mitted to the bar and is "now an
attorney at Pendleton. Things
are rather quiet in his part ot the
state at present, Randall said. He
noted the great amount of build
ing in the city and said after the
narrow streets of other places, he
was almost - afraid to venture
across the broad thoroughfares' in,
j ;
Modern Furnished-
House for rent. H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co. 1 . 0.12
Visiting Schools i
Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, county su
perintendent of schools," was visit
ing schools near .Stayton yester
day. , W. Bailee, rural school
supervisor, is also visiting schools
and distributing library books to
the various districts. I j
Final Account Filed n
Final account In : the estate of
John Julius Ulrich was filed yes
terday. ; ' " ' ' j i ';
Imlah Fruit Farm
Apples and peaches
Phone 52F11.
tor sale.
! 0.13
The funeral of John Wolff, who
died Wednesday, will be held this
morning at the Catholic church,
at , 10, o'clock.: Rev. J.: R.nBnck
will officiate and Webb Funeral
parlors' have charge of arrange
ments. '
Webb & Clough
Leading FcncraJ
Expert EmbalraerB
Rigdon & Son's
Schenck Wins A'erdict
The Jury yesterday brought in
a verdict for the defendant.. C. 3.
Schenck, In the case of Engle vs
Schenck. Adanf Engle asked dam
ages of 1276.96 which he claimed
was still due him for work mor
ing and remodeling the old Brey
man building which formerly stood
at Church and State street C J
Schenck , had ? filed a cross-corn
plaint! and asked for .damges ot
11678 in a counter tlaim. The
jury, denied the damages, while
giving the verdict to tne deiena
ant.; - . - t -,
Fall Oiienlne
Candy Day Saturday. ; October
13. T Make Somebody Happy.'-
The Spa. ; u.xa
: r, - -i
Van Kotcn Wins Case)
George Van Koten. a black
smith ot Marlon county, received
a favorable verdict from, the Jury
in a case against the state Indus
trial accident commission yester
day. i A rock crushing firm took
Van Koten to its plant to make
some repairs, and while doing so
be was' Injured. He put In
claim "for compensation but the
commission turned it down on the
grounds that he was not an em
ploye of the company, but was an
independent contractor, f Van uo
ten contended that since he wa
working under the direction ot the
foreman he was entitled to com
pensation. , This was upheld r
. it, t
tne eoun. i ne bb wiii i ay
pealed to the supreme court.
- ' j.
Fall Opening , i '
i Candy i Day Saturday, October
13. ' "Make Somebody Happy."
Shoulder Injured
'i William LukinbeaL who lives on
route 9. suffered severe shoulder
bruises Wednesday while he was
at work on a prune dryer on th
Frank Crawford farm in Polk
county. He slipped and fell from
a scaffoldbo; which he was work
Ing. j
: , . . . ; i
The Ki
Celebrates National Candy Day
Saturday. October, 13t by placing
on ! sale a pound package ot . our
candles at 49c. - "Make Somebody
Statistical Man II
"For the purpose of compiling
state and federal prison statistics
for the United States department
of labor, Stanley J. Tracy, special
agent far the bureau of labor
statistics, is in the ; city.: , Mr.
Tracy has just completed a survey
of the pulp and paper plants in
Washington and Oregon. These
statistics are being gathered all.
over- the United States, he said,
and will' be completed in about
six . months. From Salem Mr.
Tracy will go to Folsom and San
Quentin prisons in California.
Though a Utah man, Mr. Tracy is
a graduate of an eastern univers
ity and makes his headquarters at
Washington, D. C. He expects to
be admitted to the bar next year,
and return to the coast to prac
tice. , 1
Does This Interest Yon? T
If you are looking for a, Job, or
If you need to employ help, use
the city free employment bureau
tt the YMCA. 02 tf.
Rough Road Ahead
'Brother Elks who are aware of
the rough journey before Max
Page, exalted ruler, are express
ing words of cheer since it became
known yesterday that he would
Your Every Use
Better Values
Better Styles
The Mans Shop
Duds for Men
be a victim of the 40 & 8 wrecking
crew t" the Dallas ceremonial
Friday night, Oct. 19. ! .While Mr.
Page's application for membership
was received some time ago, he
has not yet been initiated into the
organization. Other Salem men
who have come forward and of
fered themselves'as a sacrifice for
the "Roman holiday? and who will
be turned over to the steam roller
gang at Dallas are Lyle J. Page,
Clifford W. Brown, James B.
Young and Karl E. Hinges.! t
V?r:1B0Y! -':
Same Orchestra Ctotnins
Big Dance SaL Oct 13
Hear Kirhaw'a Serena-
ders direct from the
Winter, Garden, Portland
Music With Pep.
Everybody Welcome
(Continued on page 8) ,
l Here is a special that will be appreciated by all
who know vahfea.. The famous No-Seam Hot
Water bottle which sells rejrularly at $1.50, will
be offered tomorrow at L..i..,...u. ..89c
One of our best offers of the season A full pound
jar of cold cream that sells regularly at $1.00.
Special for Saturday, 69c. ' .
::. , AVoIpert & Quisenbeny ;
Phone 276 ; 1 p Bank of Commerce Bldj.'
i "I
Nor can it be comfortable without the right kind of heating facilities.
WHY struggle through tKe (winter with a leak
shift heater... Come in and see our display. 1 Here you'll
find a heater that meets your very requirements from the
. less expensive air tight heater' to the newest and finest
i makes for wood or coal. f
All of them guaranteed to give abundant heat. Easy to
clean economical to operate, sturdy in construction, add
cheerfulness and a feeling of comfort in the home.
... ia
Eventually you'll buy .
.V-?-. ' .:. v:;:.;:-. ';:!-' f-f
Universal Pipeless FurriaceS
' and eliminate
A if,' A. ! jl i
-- ------ , - - t -,.-.
. " ' - - ' i -
Let us help you solve your heating problems
. .v.
""r - k-:-:":::-:-ik-v
1 1
tin. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUillili ill lit ihliiiii.iiiiii... mi ,mi
Happy." Oil." .
j -.:.. '.' !. fi '