The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 07, 1923, Page 9, Image 9

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Autos, Society, Clubs, General Nevo
- ;
and Classified -
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i . .
150 Light Sixes Leave Fac
tory to Fill Orders of Deal
ers Who are in a Hurry
On Thursday, September 20,
150 ears were driven, from the
South Bend factory of the Stude
baker corporation to .fill retail
orders of Studebaker " dealers.
This was the largest drive-away
Ask th em ito
clliow youii a Gar
1. ContinentalRedSealMotor
2. Timken Axles withTimken
bearings ' l '
3. Single Plate Disc Clutch
4. Duiant Tubular Backbone
. acts as a; trus$,! making f
i frame rigid
5. SjMcer Universal Joints U
6. Warner Transmission and
:-i7. OiV Gear Pump assuring
; constant efficient circulation
t through cam-shaft and
til! .
Roadster $443
F. 0. 8. Umumg, Micttf U
The World's Lowest Priced 3-Speed,
Fully Equipped Motor Car
F. G. DELANO w Salem, Ore. A. L E0FF
Associate Dealers: .
Allen Droa, SHverton Grand Rond Garage,
leter Dcidrkh. SUyton TCew Grand Ronde
J. W. Derkley. "Woodbum M. J. CDonnell,
Dallaa Garageii Y11 Independence"
Bervtce Garage, Bft.'Anel GraHam lbiath
C II. Ernst, St, Paul v Momnoath ti
i - ' ' ' ' " ' v .j.-. -- - - ' x' i" '
ever held by Studetakr at this
season of the yeaf
- These - cars - were y 1 9 3 4 Model
LightSixes and included the full
range of body styles roadsters,
touring ears, coupfoadsters and
sedans. The long line of cars
made an im pressive spectacle as
they passed through the streets
of South "Bend and crowds gath.
ered along the; route to admire
the1 attractive lines of the new
Such an unusual drive-away
was possible by the contin
uous, large demand for Stude
baker cars from all sections of the
country. All plants are running
at Capacity in ani effort to. meet
this' demand.
i I
vrWlT 1 M
:: Coupe $580
;- ;;:'J'H!'':'.Vf V :
; IS,.. - '
i i
Overland Champion
; New Closed Model Is Beautiful AU-Family Car with
Wonderful Utility Qualifications
At last th farmer has ben given
a closed !ar of superior flnlsh lneld
and outBtd. that b can utilU for
Tarlourt farm jobs and "chores' wltn
tb arne ebeerf ul abandon aa ho doea
bis open tourinr car. , - ,
.Thoocanda of farmers have ex
pressed the opinion that they .would
Cladlr ttae clored cara tf tber could
preM tbem Into practical work and
Set out of thorn th ammo all-around
aerrico the tourisr car provides.,
This haa been the farmer's winning
artrumeot for tbe touring car over the
cloaed car for aomo yeara and it is
admittedly a reasonable one. Prac
tical service on the farm means the
hauling of grain and other material
of a highly "epillable nature. A load
of bran or shorts for instance leaves
a car reaembling the Interior of a
feed grinding room. Whole grain, de
spite every precaution, will persist in
"creeping" oat of the bags and scat
ter to every corner and crevice of the
car. - , ,
8ummlng op "practical service" for
the farmer means the haulage of
milk u, live poultry, root crop a,
' cans ft kerosene, machinery oil,
booaenold supplies, garden toots. Im
plement part, rolls of belting- and a
long list of every conceivable sort of
; usable material on the burn from wire
fencing to aa occasional live calf.
No wonder the t armor hesitated' to
1 Invest hi money in a closed car. But
now the wonder ceases with the ad
vent of the new Overland cloaed ear.
fittingly named the Champion, for the
rood and logical reason that at I CSS it
loads the world In closed car values
and "champions the cause i of too
farmer in every respect.
- This new - model, having aa many
personalities as a South American
Chameleon, can proadly claim the dis
tinction of being called "America's
' moat versatile ear" for In Introducing
the Champion Willy-Overland haa
succeeded in bunging ont something
absolutely novel and radically unique;
Endowment and Loan Fund
Opposed By PE0 Women
SEATTLE, WaA Oct. 6. A
concerted drive to raise the $1.-
000,000 endowment and loan fund
hich constitutes the major. phil
STILL goixig strong after 18,000 miles on
heavy stages over tire-eating mountain
roads is one of a thousand examples of the
superiority of C-T-C tires.. They won't sMd, -either.
Come in and take a look at them.
We want you to place at least one C. T. C. Cord Tire on your car on
our highest personal recommendation. This remarkable tire", will
do the rest. " : ; - ; '. , ,
Columbia Tire Corporation
5 ; "'Factory Branch
: . 477 Court Street. j "
dmltb and WatkinsV' Federal Tire Service; VIrk Brothers; Ira
, i Jorgensen; Other, Dealers Throoghont the Country.
- -V- n .r- 08 .
, Is Farmer's Friend
In fact, a type of motor car that the
farmer has long wished for and now
has. It -is probably the moat extra- .
ordinarily useful car for the farmer
that haa ever been produced, with an
all-steel body built on a standard
Overland chassis cradled on the fa
mous Triplex springa and powered
with the larger Overland engine. Ex
clusive features, utilities and econo
mies mark this model as a remarkably
convenient car. warranted to give the
utmoat in cloaed car benefits to the
farmer.! j
In the Champion, the rear seat and
upholstery is entirely removable, pro
viding afty cubic feet of clear carry
ing space. Apart from this, both front
and rear seats quickly adjust forward
and backward. The front seat adjusts
to three positions so that a tall driver
can move it back to drive without leg
cramp and a short driver can move It
forward so as to reach the pedals
without stretching. The rear seat can
be adjusted backward so that rear
seat passengers will not be crowded
when the front seat ts moved back.
;i Another clever feature of this car
: and characteristic of the unusual
foresight In design, is the arrange
- went of : both - front and rear' seats
: which with the upholstery can ho en
tirely removed and made up Into a
luxurious bed In the car. occupying
the whole length and width of the car.
What a boon to the farmer and his
family who want to spend the nleht
away from home on a little hunting
laonc .
But this does not end the many
amazing advantages Included In the
Champion and perhaps the most out
standing superiority from the farm
er's viewpoint is the fifty cubic feet
of space obtainable in the car by re
moving the rear seat with the up
holstery. This arrangement leaves an
absolutely clear carrying space cap
able of real service to the farmer who
can load his tools, bags of fodder,
produce, and so Carta, lata the. car
anthropic work of the PEO Sis
terhood, was voted down at the
final sessions of the 25th bien
nial convention of the order here
today. The fund proposal, how
ever, was endorsed and many
members contributed large sums
at the meeting. ; i
. rr
through the wide rear door, with the
natisfactlon of knowing that the car
can be thoroughly cleaned out later
and the rear seat installed for pas
senger trips. The long grain Spanish
upholstery is washable and wearable,
to say nothing of being comfortable.
- Then on the back of the car , is a
commodious trunk of ample propor
tions with a warranted lock, in which
there is plenty of room for personal
effects ha traveling or shopping in
Plans for the library to be built
at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, will be
submitted at the next convention,
the delegates unanimously decided
today. i
The convention adjo.'rnvVl to
day and the delegates wi.l return
to their homes tonight and tomor
row. Filipino Legislators May
Return to Native Dress
MANILA, Sept. 1. (By-Mail),
Restoration of the colorful na
tive ""barons" as the attire of
Filipino legislators, is proposed
in a resolution submitted by Rep
resentative Rafael Villaneuva in
the house of representatives.
sr ' . . i :
kmsMk i Ivir
High: St. at Trade .'.
Z i i iM I rur i iii iT i iini I r i
-'VV v
The Champion is solidly built with
that thoroughness of work man h in
characteristic of all Willys-Overland.
products. ! The unusually clever gen
eral utility points of this-exceptional
car are the result of Ions and oarfitl
study on the part of the designers.
viiu iia.ii in imnu at ail times the
farmer and his particular nreds. and
for this reason the Champion will
have a strong appeal to the man liv
ing away Xroui the metropolitan cen
ters. Heretofore native lawmakers have
sported fhe approved American
dressj but many believe It would
be more patriotic to return to the
original fashion of the Philippines.
The "barong" is la shirt-like
garment, with a narrow neck-band
and takes the place of both shirt
and coat. Worn outside the belt
of the trousers, it gives Americans
the impression that j the wearer
had dressed ' hastily and neglected
to tuck his shirt. into his trousers.
Representative Villaneuva's re
solution, recommending a. boycott
of foreign apparel, affects wo
men's dress as well, land bans all
evening gowns made "of imported
materials. .
vlJPPW'WeVvsyWiiSaSi. W f '
J Z ."M-:v., t
Will Take Care of All Neces
sitie&Claim of Makers of
Well Know Automobile
In perfecting the present Gard
ner braking! system, brakes "have
been designed that are serviceable
and, dependable beyond the- aver
age -adequate for all necessities
- convenience and safety of 'the
driver. . -' ' '. ' .' 'I;- ,- ;;"..
- . . . i I'-
200 Square Incites Breaklns
Surface . '
There are no more r e 1 i a b 1 e
brakes on any car. Besides, they
are simple In design, free of com
plicated mechanism, which means
a lot to the owner in mainte
nance and adjustment cost.j With
200 square j Jnches f of braking
surface there 1b one square inch oi
braking Surface for everyr 1? H
pounds of. car weight. There is
no ' more use . for Having a car' all
brakes than' all motor, 'or all
something else. It Is. the - bal
anced value; that ..counts, j r- :
Efficiency of Four-Vhl Brakes
In Ioubt . I
The development of the four,
wheel brake ds undoubtedly creat
ing a lot of Interest and, i under
A CaSr the '
Womeii Like
r I tir, easily
f . and brake,
sfc aa TTT " w
lever, the hand
tyfe lever release, and the rear
; ..- vision mirror afford ah ease and '
convenience in operating the'
- Gardner sedan tha especially
appeals to the women folks.
- The wide; deep seats, the open
car, ventilation for driving in
warm weather. Perfection heater
'. for protection in cold weather,
.; metal sun visor, satin window
shades,: and -dome light, contrib
ute to f their' comfort.
.The outside : body finish, in
v: CranetSimplex Duotone, the
luxurious blue cut velvet up
, holstery, and the inside . body
. hardware of Colonial design in
' silver finish lend that . atmos- .
phere f of distinctiveness which
the; average woman so ardently
desires and appreciates -
U9 N. Commercial St.
certain conditions, such, has a
great deal of "merit.
The Gardner Motor , ; Company
is i now -and has - been for some
time experimenting with such a
braking - system, and ' whenever
one fs found thai Is applicable
'practical - and not dangerous
for. a car In Gardner size and
type, It will " be adopted. . Mean
while, here is a thought to keep
in mind. , The majority of auto
mobile accidents are front-end col
lisions. Usually the front wheels
pay the price in Buch collisions
Four-wheel brakes form a very
intimate part of the front wheel
construction, ' which means . that
In case of any . accident to (Is
front wheels this more or less
complicated, brake system on the
front 'wheels 4 is sure to be simi
larly affected, and the cost of re
pair and replacement .very mater
ially increased. : .
Silverton F-our-Lr'arnDS
Officers fcr fJev Terms
; SILVERTON, Or., ."Oct.. 5.
(Special to The Statesman) Tt a
Silverton 4-L. association held its
regular election of , of fleers ."Wed-.
nesday night with the 'Jlollowlns
results: ; Chairman, John Elder;
vice chairman, George To we: sec
retary, Robert Scott; 'local con
ference committee, T. -Sanderson,
chairman; S. Sammuelson and
Lewis Xarson. This is one of tte
prominent ' organizations at - 11
verton. .
operated clutch
the lonef sluftine
- m . .
brake with spoon "
1 i
mm iiiiisaaiiaaaasaaaaasssssBMasMsasMs. m. Bu.l. ....hms- Jmm , wn' " .