TOE OREGOKTATESlIAKSALiar; OTIKGON- - - ....... rsA ri i ill ia y Tin r im i imi ; nirm jf r urn . - r ; ;awica union f-1 INSURANCE SOCIKTT . V. B. Burgkerdt, Jr. t. j l A gen . 871 Btato BL ; f.ONEY TO LOAN j"-' Oa Real Estate ' ' . t. k. rotu . (w, I erfl A l-yl, Banal f CSS. - ' "AUTOMOBILES ) AUTO REPAIBINO BBisa on your used car and let it repair right the first time. JACK DOF.RFER MOTOR REPAIR 410 8. Commercial 0 t Auto Repairing We ere equipped ta give tm immediate .service. Jack Doerfcr . Motor Repair, CI" P. AUTO TOPS Just Right ' When w pat a top - ok year car you may rt assared that the Job vit don right beore it left our shop. - 4. - W. E. GRUNERT 25 State St.- Opposite: U. 8. Bank Bide. BATTERY AJTD ELEOTSXCXA PRESTO LITE BiTT CRT SERVICE Slatioa. r Expert battery aad electrical work. Ferrie Brea. Phoae 1808. 418 a Coarl, .. - ; 5 . L D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES tartar aaA for tor work ; 171 Boath Commercial RADIATOR 7XVDEB REP AXES r RADIATORS . FENDERS, BODIES mAoo or rtptiiM. . v. pair. a jiitt -rax Ajro accessories USED PARTS 1 to 11 or P. HIKE'S Aato Wrecking Hitt; North CoinstereiaL Phono 888. TRACTOR AC HA AO A CO 444 P C R R T ST. pbeee 110. Clotrao tractors. OUvsr im- I sUnmUl - ' f BICYCLES and REPAIRING jXuTO B. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICT bo a) ropslrlag; 887 Court. 1 BUSINESS CARDSiiir ARCHITECTS iRZrAS A.BTRUBLE, REGISTERED , Arebitoeta. S10 Baak of 0r CXZPET AJTD RXTO WZATTVO 1LE"4 O A. R P ET CLEANING AMD flu.; Ea Work Raf a ad Half rr :' oay is withoat ooaJBa. Now aa:trM sada to ordor. Old ut traase rcaada. PoaUora roAOTatod. 1 ' kar all kiada of old earpota for flaff ran- 1H " wnlmT atraaU. PkM !tit Out P. Xwlekary Prop. . C2XKXET SWEEPS' CHIJCMT 8 WEEPING fUBHiOI cl"n. P. OoaaaUaaaa. Ray I Pana- IALXU CLEAKERS AND DYERS- f a 4 eloaaod aad praaood. IM9,. x fast j ipoarod aad praaaad. KOo. t - 121$ S. CoaVt. Pkoaa 1IW :r7x.Txxa zsazaxEss ttltU. C0X3CLTINO. CONCTRCCTION Ccatratiag Eaflaaar. , Burraya. aU mt'.a. Jaa. H. Noat,. Sit Oragaa r . Pbooa tT5.--' ERUO STOKES VI H. K El MITER JCST ; DROOS,' ITS N. Comaioreial. Pkoaa 14T. ZZXOTEXCZAJrS SAL ! E1JECTEI0 CO. MABONIO at. Pkoaa 1300. 'XII :t2I0 riXTUBJB AID SUPPLY Ca. Fkaaa 1SS4. S23 M. Llbarty. ' AI. :' .3 PLEENER. ELEOTRIGLUf ' L.ct wirtDg ky kar r eaatraai. Ea j t. ut fmraiakad. Pkoao 0, 414 I ' Ceart fit , . r ' -. ! : vi HALli a electrjo SHOP ELEO '; trir 1 1 aiaekiaa rrpalriag. aaatractUg I T Oomrt. Pkoaa 4M. pnrurciAi. HAVE $5000 PRIVATE MONEY U wan oa farm property. ANDERSON A RUPERT 407 Oragom kldc f LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM s city or (am pro party. Roaorra Da r I eompaay. 73 Paortk 8troat, Pari PAR3C LOAira ". ; AT PER CENT aad K PER CENT ANDERSON RUPERT Orofoa Bid a. Salaaa, Or. PARM LOANS ' Xanraaea taaaoy, aay aaaoaat S par ooat. Ir ft. T. 10, or SO paara, witk fall -' fr paraioat priTilagaa aatlra . WULua a raUay. " :i itt : I . HAWXT59 S0BEST8 1 -tOS Orofoa Bld, Balaam, Orapaa - I UAinUNS A ROBERTS. CITY . LOANS, ' Mvoct rataa. --.m . . OOVEIUf MENT LOANS OH PARMS aft .. par coat, SOS Salaaa Baak af Ooounaro LOAKS . irtAHS LOANS X caa aiaka year farm or city Isaaa, boot aerriee firoaU If yoa aood a loo a, aao aad tf yoa kar moaey to plaea, ; t asa I always hare takora. ; O. W., Oragoa bug. - i ; j f" P A a M LOAMS LESS INTEREST . -Mater time, ae . eemaUaslea, Protoeta ;aiat adraraity. I City loaaa, low I rata, ateattUy laatattateata, pre-pay aunt, pririUyoa. J. C. 'Siafiaaad, X. or Ladd A Baak kaok. nvORXSTS . CUT PLOWE&S, WEDDING BOUQUET . raaaral arreatka, doeoratloaa. C P Rroitkaapt, floriat. 17 V. Liberty r .0TAL ORANGE LODGE JASON LEX Iowa ban eVery first, tklrd aad (ttb Taoaday of th as aatk. All - iraaroaMe woloeaaa rUENTTUEE STORES 1 "ilESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY J faraitara for leaa Baeaxy. S7S Oodrt :l Pbeaa 46A - ? r I PEOPLE'S PURN1TLRB STORE NEW - aorvaai aiaa nniwni r wnmri-tal ruuAczs . ; bzaz-lovz. rrrsAcra pipe at.1 pipeleea; 1S & 12tb fcw Pkeaa : mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 BUSINESS CARDS j Ton romm WE BUY AND j SELL PURNITURE. toola, aad Jaak. 1 91 1 North Oasaaaer eUL Pkeaa 68. LAU NDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 1 a Libarty atreot. Pboae SS. Oldort ' ' lor-" best. , EstabUsbad 18. - CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 1S4 BroaJway Pkoaa lft5. -" - ' MCACHXXB IHOr THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC , Bteass kellera. raleaalsara aad take pUtoa. Parr CaaapbeU. SIT M. Liberty. . ' i MEDI0A6 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Pboae B1T-W. ; i NURSERY STOCKS PRUITLAND NUR8ERY COMPLETE lire treee. Office 181 & 14tk BL ul... 1 ft .nu 1 1 COMPLETE LINK I TREES SMALL fraits, oraameataJ Capital City Mnr eery Oo 434 Orocea Bld, Phone 76. PRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Paarey Brea ttT Bute. PAPEXBAKOXKO AND rAXVYXMO PHONE GLENN ADAMS POR HOU8E dcooratiag. paper eaaciag, tlatiag. eU. Reliable workman. : TEN CENT KAL8OMININM IN BEAUT1 ful eelere: VI deee a reoaa. bias O. ' Baraa. 170 V. OoaaaeerciaJ. PLUMBXHO PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL ; work. Pkeae 13T-J. Shop 1ST Uaiea etroet. 4. u, woafroy. ? SOAYXMOEKS SALEM r SCAVENGERS - GARBAGE, refaae of all kiada removed. Cos peel eloaaod. Phono 1ST or 1007J. SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (8UC- eaaaer ta Neat Scavenger) Oarbaf Aad refaae of alt kiada raaeved ky the aaoata. Reaaoaable rataa. - Pbeaea : Of flee 680 : reaidoaee 068. 7 ; SECOND HAND OOOD8 SALEM BARGAIN : HOUSE- BUYS AND aella aeeoad band faraitare, tool aad junk; 820 M. Coaaaaorelat. Pkeaa 40S. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH lag and shoe. : Boat prices paid. Cap. ital Ezehaaco; S4S North . Cemaaereial Pkeaa 1368-W. , j. STOVES AND STOVB XEPAXXXXa STOTES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yearaV experieaee.' Depot NaUoaal 1 feaee. aisea SO ta SS in. kigk. Palate, eila aad varaiahe. ete loganberry aad hop hooka. Salaaa -Peace aad Steve Works, 380 Co art atreot. Pkeae IK TRAMSPORTATIOB-' CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central Stage Terminal. Salesa, Oregoa 1 SALEM EUGENE ,-. r Leavea Salem TilS a, m.; 0:1$ a. bj 11:1S a. au; 1:15 p. au; 8:18 p aa.; 9:15 p as.; 7:80 p. bli to Corral Ua eaty. v PARKER'S STAGE LINES " ' ? 1, W. Parker General Manager Central State Terminal .Salem, Oregoa SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Laarea Salem. Central State Taraiaal; " . "T a. m.; It a.'m.; ft p. at ' . Leavea SUvartoa Nwa Stand: a. an. : p. a; 4 p. am.' ;. Seleas-Iadepeadeaee-MennaeaU DlviaSen : Leavea Baleas, Central Stag- Terminal; 7 a. m.; nm.; 11:10 a. an,; S:10 p. an. . ! S:10 p at t -JAaves Monmonth, Monetae tk Hotel: I:1S a. a.; 1 p. m.; 8:1ft p. m Leav Iadepondsnce, Beaver Hotel: ,-.t S:80 a sa.; tt50 a. at.J 1:15 p. sb; ' ; 4 p. at,; 6:S0 p. at.,., i , Leavea Central Stage TermiaaL Salem, fa Dallae at: - - t f - , - .'i.. .,,; ' 7 a. m.; llrio a. at; 6:10 p an. Leavea Gail Hotel. Dallna, at - .. S a, as.; 1 p. at.; 6:18 p. a. Wa make eeaaeetieaa at Baleas ta all porta of the valley, i Extra tripe ky ap-- poiataaeaA " ; - ' f v - J. W. PARKER, General Manager. AXXXTT STOEEX SALEM VARIETY ' STORE CHINA were. glaaaware, teya, no tie nn, and mil Unary. -' I n4 ' .. . fAXXB- 8ALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Of flea, 801 Soatk Commercial St, Tea ; per eeat - dieeeeat ea desaeetla fiat rates paid la advance. Ne dedaetleaa tor ebeeaea or aay eaeae aniens water la abet off year prom lee. COAUFOR SALE ) C -- ; PHONE 1855 " Peerleaa ITtahL. L.814.75 Beaver HiU ..J. -.4U.75 , 1 Use coal - tor , eronomy aad . ? Convenience. BROADWAY HOOD HTI,LMAN rVEU COMPANY O.Stf Classified Ads In The -Statesman Bring Results TEMPUS TODD 1 -BOARD?'-' HOMES?.! : REAL RESTATE? -THEY'RE ALL TO BE HAD HERE ' FOR RENT FURNISHED I APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT S-ADULTS 292 N. Summer. - y i, : ..- 07. NICELY FURNISHED FOUR ROOM apartment. Pkoaa 667J. O.fl. FOR RENT 3 ROOM APARTMENT light, water aad telephone. Moat and dean, eioetric range. Aeulta 1 a 1 y. Phone 1078. S.4 N. Summer; nnmp CIA FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT - downstairs. Private bath. 1133 . Court " St. Pboae 885M. ... : O.6. POR RENT APARTMENTS, 001 MO. ' Commercial. - FLATS FOR RENT FIVE ROOM "! MODERN flat, furaiahed, at 884 Perry St. 845 a month. Call at that addreas, or phone 778M, or at BUUamaa bnaiaeag of ice, or phono 23. HOUSES A NEATLY FINISHED 7 ROOM MOD era bouse oa 14th 8t, call at 1820 ' Court St... -- - . i , - . FOR RENT DESIRABLE: BUNGA low, aix room a. Close in. Inquire 1335 State St. j FOR BENT STRICTLY MODERN 8 room nonao. inrniahed. 800 N. Churek. THREE BOOM HOUSE, PARTLY PUR wiahed. 1144 North Cottage. ROOMA POR RF.NT "SMALL TWO ROOM FUR- nisnea nouae, gaa. Uae of garage if deeirod. Call 1620 Court St. 05-tf. BOARD AND ROOM WITH! TWO SIN- gie neoa. f jo per month. 1 1480 Court 8. i : , I . : i 07 STUDENTS ATTENTION I LARGS aleepiag porch with dreealng aad . study room. Also board 630 per month. 1480 Court St, ; ; i 07. SLEEPING ROOM CLOSE IN, 108 . Marion street. . , (: j FOR RENT MODERN i SLEEPING rooms. Pboae 886J. I FOB RENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping room. Leonard Hotel, S54 N. front Street. : "(! -., . PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 744.". wording 'Furaiahed Roema." price 10 v" aaek. Stateeataa Baalaaaa Of fice. Greuad Floor. t FORRENT-Misceiianeousl P1AMOB FOR RENT REASONABLE A GOOD piano for 8 months or longer. ; Owner going to California. ' Mra. A. W. Buelt 2045 State. Phone 1051. - OO. POR RENT TYPEWRITERS SPECIAL STUDENT RATE POR TYPE writera. Four month a SIO. Under , wood - Typewriter Co 800 -" Masonic Bldg. 0tf FOR SALE Miscellaneous 1 OWNER GOING AWAY HOUSE POR rent. Furniture for aaloj,' 555 N. 15th " etreet or taejnire nt- 440- State.-. 07, FOR SAL-MILLINERY STOCK AND fixture ia small town. Good business. All new stock. W A. Listoa, Agenta. j -: - A ; :..:.,-..( O.0. ; FOR SALE CARROTS. 88 TON AT - ranch. Two mllee eaat of Brooks. Yoa f furnish sacks. R. A. Harris, route 9. :' . O.H FOR SALE CHEAP JOHN DEERE tractor, gang aad Bampaoa 12-20 sieve grip tractor. Will take one home ia trade 4 mile eaat Witael acbool. 07 POR SALE PIANO, (BAUMEI8TER ' Mfg..) good condition, . 260 M. 15th St.. Phono 1879W. : '-, , FOR SALE UNDERWOOD TTPEWRIT er. Good eonditioa. Phone 2098R. 1458 Court. r , - '..-; v GOING IWAT-rA REGISTERED AIR dale dog to be given to any ana. Pboae at 7 P. M. 48F23r : ' : r Beautiful Oregon ose' 1; Aad elevea other Ore goa aoaga tegetber with a fine collection of patriotic aoaga. sacred aoaga aad aaaay old time faver- Ited i i .' ;."',."" f"." J'V. - : ALL FOB SSe. ; (Special prices la a.aaat!ty lets) ,1 Especially adaptable for eehoel eemmaa Ity ar home slaglag. Bead far t . , Western Songster' T8 pagea aow ia Its third editloa Pabliahed ky ' OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS 8. Oaamereial 8C Salaaa. Ore. FOB 8 ALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 cnta a bundle. Clreulatiea department "'Oregoa Rtatme .'"" PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BT tU" . wording "Per Sale, Enquire at," Price ' ' 10 eeata eaeh. :. 8tateasaaa Basin ess ..- Office, Ground Floor v" FOR SALE KITCHEN CABINET. Phone 1852W. ' FOR SALE LARGE REMINGTON typewriter. Good . bargain. Pboae ' 736-M. ; VETCH AND OATS SEED FOR 8 ALE W. M. Meier, Route 8, aear Finser BIRDS. FLOWERS AMD PET FLAKE'S PETLAND." BIRDS, FLOWERS Pets. "273-8Ute tf. - It Certainly Is. - . . , Classified Section - ' Phone S3 Advertising Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - Rate per word j Per Inaertiun Three insert iona Ss 5c I FOR'SALE Miscellaneous BUSINESS POR BALE LOOK BUYERS! 8AVB COMMISSION! 66 room uodttra apartment bouse leaae ' and furntabuigs; waite brie a, clean ana clearing about 8400 monthly. gl'.OOO; : part cash ; or will take good mortgage or good farm to 670OO. Phone E6192. ; Onwer Do LeClair Apta.; 'Portland. ' Cor. Williams and Riisaell. ' ' BU8INE8S OPPOBTUNTTIES FOR SALE BLACK8MITH SHOP AND H- outfit with small house. 45. COMPTON- REAL ESTATE ' 469 State St. FARM PAPEX POULTRY II EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent atampa for apoeinl three moatha' '' trial for 'the beat aad eldest journal la the west, . The articles aad advertiae meata are of special Intereet to the - poultry kreedera of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry JoarnaU 211 Com mereial atreot, Salem. Oregon. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST ' farm paper, aend ,15 to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregoa for a three moatha trial aabacriptloa. Meatioa thia ad. . . LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LEWELLYN SETTER. 3 year eld, trained Phdne 846. 06 lne FOR SALE SIXTEEN HEAD ' OF registered . yearling , Shropshire awes. Frank Schaap, Pratam, Oregon OS FOR SALE CHEAP, I GOOD SADDLE pony, work borae. cream separator: alee heifer 8 moatha eld. Phone 1792W1. 1 YOUNG BLACK TEAM. WEIGHT ' about 2700. New wagon aad harness; I new spring-tooth barrow; 1 new ; Oliver plough. Also small tools. Bar- gain. . Call before noon today. Phone lllOJ. ,, - FOR SALE FRESH COWS. 776 S. 13TH. FOR ' SALE Youag milk cow and some femitwro. Csll eveninrs. Phone T8F6. . HELP WANTED AGENTS SELL MADISON "BETTER MADE" ' SHIRTS direct from our factory ; to 'wearer. No capital or experience re quired Easily sold. Big profits. Writ for FREE SAMPLES MADISON MILLS. 60S Broadway. New York. .1- rXVALE WOMAN OP TACT, SINCERITY .OP purpose and pleasing personality- fo as sume management of business in a lem. One operating own car ebrefer red. 'Addresa L. E. H care Statesman. . . 07. GIRL FOR COOKING AND HOUSE - work, atay home nights. Refsrenees required. Bor D24 Statesman.- WANTED MAN ON FRUIT RANCH Rent or hire. Phone 4F4. WANTED .10 MEN TO WORK IN TBI" drier ia. West Salem. Cuaninghaa Frolt "Co. f MALE AND FEMALE PRUNE PICKERS WANTED. PRE8 , ieott Orchard, 2 miles ia Polk eoua ty. Pb-pne 1937J. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO ."take farm paper aubacriptiena. A good i proposition to the right people. Ad 'dress the Pacific Homeateed, Steteamae : Ride. Salem. Or. ' -- - TEA1C8 WANTED. TEAMS TO HAUL DIRT, ' 17th and Court. INSURANCE LET, THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF IN , sure your automobile. Very reaaonable ratea Standley Foley, Agents. Bush V Bank Bldg. , ' Q6 Ladies Wearing Apparel 8PIRELLA CORSETS SOLD BY ALICE A. Milea, . 451 North 2 let, Phoae ' 1902J. --' - .. HEM8TITCH1N G SALEM ELITE H EMSTITOHING . pleating, buttons, stamping aad need 1 work; 628 Oregon bldg. Phone 879. DRXSBMAXrjro MRS. 0. ft MILLER HEMSTITCHING ' atampiag. buttona. Room 10, over Mil ler's store. Phono 117.? PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7". wording "Dressmaking"; price 10 -aats eacb. Butesmaa Business Office .Ground Floor. ... tsd ' One week (aix laaertlone) 8s One month -20c ' Six moatha eon tr art per mo.. .15 12 months contract, per at. .12 Minimum for aay advrtiamat 25 Ladies' Wearing Apparel LADIES TATLOatXNO W. 3. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING, - long eoata aad suite, - Room 7. MoCW aaek Bldg. .. . . J D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Ooort Ht j LOST AND FOUND 8TRAYED STRAYED SEPTEMBER 29, A SMALL bay mare, white stripe in face. "H" en right hip. 'Also on front leg. Notify me . by mail. Mrs. Clark, route 0, Box 896 Salem. 09 I MUSICAL Instruments l A COURSE IN BUSINESS . PIANO playing.. Popular ayaeopated ataadard muaie. Semi-classics aad ballads; ' IS leeseaa. Wetermaa Piano School, lie Coraack Bldg.,, :'.."( - PIANO TUNER8 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI : aao tuner. Leave orders Will's Maaie ; Store. - --- - 5 - - - : ' - i ' -n - ' PHONOGRAPH REP AIXXNa EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phono graphs. Jay Bailey, Moore's Me '.ale. House t, - '.'..' '"' .. T -:"'- KU8IO STORES SHERMAN. CLAY OO PI AN OB : : BUiaways, Duo-Art aad other. Moore's , Musi House. 415 Court atreot, ; : WILEY B. ALLEN CO, PIANOS AND phonographs.' 619 Court street,' .-. . GEO. 0. , WILL PIANOS, PHONO arapbs, sewing maeklnea, akeet music aad piano studies. Repairing phono graphs aad aewiag maehieea; I , ; : SUte, Salem.. , . r' 481 TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Branswick. H, L. Stiff Parni tore Co.. Musle Dept. j n PERSONAL MARRY PRIVATE,. PERSONAL 8ER. vise.- Pratt, Bos " 1848, Washington, -d.j a - - ... . GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL - paper published. Free for stomp. Oor , resanndent. Toledo. Obht J f PROFESSIONAL B AMBUXANCB service A L E M AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 66; 173 B. Liberty. J ' DRUOLE88 PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DRvj A. I - Fraats. Acute had '' chronic r diseases Phone 780.-. 495 N. Commercial. CHXHESB PHY8ICLUI R. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St, Pkoaa 283. CHXROPODXST8 .: I DR. B. , P. SCOTT, GRADUATE HA tional Uai versity 8cieorea, Chicago ! Maaonl Temple. tbone 649. .:.. .. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS. OALLOU8ES. ' ingrown nails; all -foot trouble.' Price 8boe Co. Pboaa 610. ' ; iw -- CHIROPRACTORS ORS. SCOTT A SCHOFIELD, t P. 8. O Ckiropraetera. 414-19 C. B.Baak Bldg .-Pkoae 87; res., 82 8-R, j , DR. REDMOND, SSS OREGON BLDG. ,;pboe 1638. v . a).-.',.- rUXERAX. DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY.' FUNERAL. DIBXO tors. S10 Center. Phone 1656. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE goa Bldg. Booms 801 to 864. - . - GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tieal Co, 825 State atreot, opposite ' Udd Bulk Baak. VUse Quality Pnvew RharHine 08TEOPATHXO PHTBXCXAJtrS DR. W l. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC physieiaa and sargeoa. Kirksvillt graduate. 404-405 U. 8. National Baal Bldg. Phone, office 919; reaM 614. ; 1 PROFESSIONAL MATUEOPATUIO PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic 1 diaeaeos; 418 Oregoa Bldg. - Ph-oae 110.1 . .- PHYSICIAN OP PHY8I0THEBAPHY DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OP PHYSI etherspy, treats all ailments, women's - trouble especially. 265 N. Commercial ctr. Phoae 1091. - PUBLIC AOOOtrXTAMTS FRANK R. KELLOGG. PUBLIC AO constant, systems, bookkeeping, aorvice, nditine 213 Oregon Bldg. ' I REAL ESTATE City l HAVE, S2000 TO LEND ON OO0D farm or city security; - - i . WINNIE PETTYJOHN . Realtor ' -" i-' 216 Oregon Bldg. - i : 06. BEST HOUSE BUY I 1 LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! . - ' Good house 6 rooms., new snd - not' quite completed, with 5 extra large lots. Only small payment down; balance like rent. . Priced reduced for a few daya to 81500 - - i - !' - SOME GOOD BU8INE8S CHANCES i 1 Ooaf ectionary. Oood business Store with living rooms. Stork fixtures. Good business. - ! --- 4 TRADES - v Modem heme in Salem, trade for Port land residence. ' Give ' n good desl. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME I ' With two acres, beet of soil, all kinds of bearing fruit and berries. Price 84500. Another one of 2 'A acres. Price 3250. , CHILDS A BECHTEL 540 State St. 06tf. 8NAP Good 4 room plastered house with toilet, electric lights, wood house and ; garage with two fine lota on corner. Price $1400; $500 down and: 15 per month. For bargaina, see as. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. f . 275 State St. OS tf. 5 ROOM HOUSE SPLENDID LOOA- tion ... ; - -S2600 5 room bouse corner -lot,! trees , 2500 5 room house, paved street C30O down. 9 room bouae close in . . 61950 5 room house close ia modem $4200 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE i - i . ! 492 N. Cottage 05-tf. BARGAIN Good two room bonse with two lots. Price S900 ; 8135 down balance 810 per month. Int. 65f;. t 1 . W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. ! 275 State Ht. i 07 MODERN HOME . f : ' T 1 rooms well located near car line in Month Salem. Price 8750; $3000 cssh down. 4 ' '''".'.). - W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.! 1 i 275 8tato St. OS tf. SNAP New four room bungalow in Richmond Just completed. Price 82100 cash. W. 11. GRABENHORST A CO. . , :- "... u 275 State St. , - . : 07 BUILDING LOTS : Lota of them on Center St. near N, 14th St, Price 8700 to $900 with pave ment and sidewalks psid. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, 275 State St. . ' . ; . .-I 07 BUSINESS IS GOOD FOR BALE NEW 4 ROOM BUNGA low. Good eonstrnetioa. Near school and atreetcar. Easy terms. New 5 room bungalow. Fall basement. : fireplace, -well . . conatraeted. . j Only ' $3450. Very eaey terms. .1 - RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor. ' ' 229 Oregon Bldg. Res. Ph 1025D Ph. 101S " O.S-tf. FOR 8 ALE 5-ROOM MODERN BUN OA low, located at 1025 N. Capitol St. Price, $6200 ; terms. W. , H. Grab an ' korst A Co.. S75 Stato St, ' ;- . . They make a specialty of hunting real real -estate bargains. Here are a few snaps., j . '.-: : -'-' -: 1 -. i ''"' '' ' BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES . 20 acres, 8 Italian prunes, 2 berries. 2 timber, all good walnut land. Two room ' house, 8 miles out, $2850; 8350 cash balance 5 years at 6 per cent, ' 150 ACRES; 90 CLEARED; ALL GOOD fruit or nut land, 4 'mile from railroad : st st ion. 875 per acre, '4 cash, balance - to suit. - . SO ACRES BEARING . ENGLISH WAL- nut a and filberts on paved road S - miles from town, 845000. $5000 cask, balance to salt. SEVERAL MODERN' SALEM RESI denees to exehsage for acreage. . Socolofsky, Realtor - 841 State Bt LOOKI !''-. : .'-' Beat bay In Salem oa State street. S . room house, largo lot. 80 feet frontage. All kiada of fine fruit. Price $1900. - down. "- - - i THOMASON. 331V State 8. Ti t r. EASy BUY,"--- -5 ROOM HOUSE, TOILET, SINK, ELEO- trie lights. -81500; ,$200 down, $13 . month. - LARGE LOT. : 50x150 feet, east, front, ' has a'garage which could be made into temporary home. ; Price $700 ; $50 or $100 down, balance 10 per month. J. A. Mills, 831 State St,: -, i $ PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT tlA". wording "For Rent," price 10 coats each. Bteteamaa Baaiaeea Of fiea, oa Groond- Floor, i -1 - . -;v- PRINTED CARD 8, SIZE 14" BY 7". . wording "Rooma to Rent, price 10 r cants - each. ' Statesman Bualasae Of fle, Oeonnd Floor ; , t f REAL ESTATE FARMS 1 FOR SALE TEN ACRES ALL CLEAR, about 100 bearing fruit trees, four room cottage, good barn, kea houses, woodshed, and store house. Located aix miles from Hal em on paved high way, $3,000. i Yea; we - have hooaea for sale, some very low In price and easy terms. ' Also some choice lots. Farm for rent. Six room house for rent. F. L. Wood. 841 State St Story by OCTAVUS ROY COHEN, Illustrations by H. WESTON TAYLOR 1 1 V I REAL ESTATE FARMS I SACRIFICE OFFER FOR 10 DAYS 660 arres Lincoln County stock and dairy ranch, including about $1000 bsy " and grain. Uuod improvements. $17, ' A. C- BOHR?STEDT, Realtor. ? i 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. 0.4 If. FOR SALE 101 ACRES 9 MILES N E. Salem. About 40 seres ia cultivation, ' some timber, reat stump pasture. Uoed dairy farm. Buildings. 2 acres straw berries, some loganberries. ' Half mile School, good road, mail route, $10,000. Terms. Consider offer machinery, stork. Will reat ; to reliable farmer. P. K. Rape, owner. Wood burn, ; Oregoa, On : highway, near Arch. f FARMS FOR RENT FARM FOR. RENT IMPROVED VAL ley, good town, high school, good bnild - iugs. 70 acres, 15 mi)ea of Salens. - Box 584, , Klamath Fella, Oregon. . O.fl 360 ACRE FARM AT PARKER STA . tion. Seven utiles south of Indepen dence. Write or call Mrs. A. E. llor ton, 388 7th St,,- Independence. Phone ; 712. ' ' ... TO RENT OR BUY I WANTED EVEKYTHINO IN HARD f ware and furniture. Boat -prteaa pai TUB CAPITAL HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. f ' 2M5 Comeieroisl St: ' ' Phoe 041 TRANSFER HAULING TRANSPER-EAULsjiw' MOVING AND f STORAGE KEA BON A i ble ' flgurea. i 97ft North Oommerelal '' pkoaa 888 ' j- - ' CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO S28 State St, Pboae 988. Diatributiag, for warding aad storage our oaeclalty. Get i our rates - -j j ; ir : WB MOVE. STORE AND SHIP BOU8E hold gooda. Our apecialty ia piano aa : furniture moving. . Wo also make eoaa , try trips. We handle the best coal aad , wood. Call lea aa for price. Wa girt good measure, good quality vaad good ' eervice. Larmer Transfer Co. Pboae 98t USED CARS FOR SALE ) aBBmBevaamamsBaKaBm FOR SALE ,' ... - .' i V ,- 1920 Dodge sedan A-l shape $900. 1921 Ford! touring $300. 1921 Studebaker. special touring - $700. 1919 Dodge touring 6450. ; BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. USED CHEVROLETS 1921 , Chevrolet Al , ..$325.00 1920 Chevrolet Tour . .... $225.00 1919 Chevrolet Rds. $165.00 1919 Chevrolet Tour. ;$15O.0O Ford Coupe,: la to '20 - L8S50.00 CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T. . 349 N. Commercial 06-tf. THE BEST LINE OP USED CARS IN Salem Oleson Auto Exchsage, 173 8. Liberty, f Phone 666. , . 06. FOR SALE STUDERAKER ' SPECIAL six, before Saturday night, $650. Phone 423 ,' . ? 07 Good Maxwell bargain Chevrolet f touring . . Mitchell -I- , $100.00 ,,.$ 1 50.OO -..$175.00 . $-250.00 $350.00 ...$450.00 $500.00 $650.00 Nash v. Paige - Tf" Star Dodge ,.4. Overland Sedan Gardner touring 1 .B7O0.00 (We charge no brokerage) P. W. PETTYJOHN Co. "' " i 219 Commercial OS-tf. FOR 8 ALE, 1921 DODGE - TOURING lota of! extras, perfect eonditioa $675. Inquire -Valley Motor - Co., - Pheat loon eitn to tt:k Ulflfl,. . ... .... ...... 1921 HUPMOBILB" ' .WITH ' A' ' NEW guarantee, $775v on easy terms. O. B. Gingrich 1 Motor Co, 871 Court St. GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH MO . toe if.. 71 Court i fWANTED-MiscelIaneous1 WANTED 2 TO 4 ACRES IMPROVED. 6 roosn house,' wster. on- paved rnmd near .Salem. D-27. Statesman. 08. BATON! A EATON. practical batters formerly C. B. Ellsworth estobliskmest. First elsss fast work of all kinds. 291 " N. Commercial. . -. wanted Daily newspaper sub- ecriptioa eolicitor. ., Apply box D 91 ;" Stateamaa. - WANTED TO ' BUY 20 HEAD OF Shropshire abeep. Call SF4j WANTED ONE HORSE POWER MO tor. t Phone 191. - - E KPLO YMENT EXPERIENCE- KTENOORAPHER WISH ,s position. Phone Oil. I 07, RECEIVE MATERNITY CA8ES AN . Stork Nest. 1259 8. Liberty. Pkeat 1929-J. .- -'...;,.,- -j.-. :; WANTED WOKK TRUCK DRIVING. Prefer work town. Reliable.' ateady. Furnish references. If van need eood I " 1 ,tn,up - rm K .-.-man, pneoi jo, w. 1 I WANTED Miscellaneous CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CAtL AT 43. N. Hitiamee. street Phona 7 J. nousca I wsnt listings on new buugalows. Hsve s client waiting for good new fie rooia buarniow,- not ever $- Hj ia price. w WINNIE PKTTYJOHX v ' . Realtor 216 Oreroa Bide Ot WOOD FOR SALE - BEST GRADE OP WOOD 4 fool; 16 inch green mill wood. 4 foot dry mill wood. FRED E. WELLS, 280 8. Chnrrh. Phone 1542. . -.-'... Oa tf. FOR SALE 16-fNCa lt.U FIK AN a ond growth 4 foot and oak Them lOPrt M It Msrftl4 PUBLIC NOTICES - ; NOTICK TO CKRIUTOR3 ' No. 5836 . , ' Jnthe County Court of the State of Oregon, for the ; County of Marion., . -In the matter of the Estate of HORATIO L, FOSTER. Deceased. The above-entitled court has appointed the undersigned, J. D. Welch, administrator of the es tate of Horatio I Foster, de ceased. All persons having; claims against the said estate are re quired to present them, with the p r o p e r , vouchers, within six months, from the date hereof, to the administrator, at the office of Oregon Statesman, in the city of : Salem, in said county and state, ; - ,V - . Dated and first published, Sep tember 29, )923. Date of last publication, Oc tober 27. 1923. . J. D. WELCH, Administrator. GLENN E. HUSTED, Attorney for Administrator, Portland, Ore . gon, NOTICE OF FINAL ! SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby .given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Ore. gon for the County of Marlon hi duly verified final, account as ex ecutor of the estate of J. N. Led gerwood, deceased, and that saJJ Count has fixed Monday, the 23 th day of October, 1923, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day aj the time, and the county court room in the County Court House, in Salem.' Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final accouht and alt objections there to. . , Dated at Salem, Oregon, tbii 28th day of September, 1923. EDWARD FANDRICILj Executor of the Estate of J. U. Ia;1z-'- wood. Deceased. A. O. Condit and Ronald C. Clar ... er. Attorneys for the executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICi: - Notice is hereby given that t.? undersigned was duly appoi;.:: 1 administrator of the Estate c Michael O'Neill, deceased, ty cr der of the County Court cf t!.f State of Oregon for Marion Coun ty, on the 13th day of Auiust, 1923, and he has duly Quali:is j as such administrator; and thst all persons having claims against said estate are requested to rre sent their respective claims, duly verified, with proper vouchers, ta the undersigned administrator tt his office, 341 State Street, Salen, Oregon, within six months frori the date of this notice. A Dated this 25th day of Septem ber, 1923. JOHN BATNE. Administrator oi the Estate of Michael O'Neill. Deceased. ... - ' "NOTICE OF SALE OP RCAL ' PROPERTY - ' "Notice Is hereby given that tL undersigned, under and by virtu a of an order of sale heretofor? duly -made and entered of record in the county court of the State cf Oregon, for the County of Mar lon, in the matter of the estate cf Henry . Paacoe, deceased, said or der being made 'on the 18th day of September. 1923, will as ad ministrator of the estate of said decedent, cell at private sale, for cash in hand on the day of sals, all of the right, title and interest of the estate of said decedent in and to the following described real property, to-wlt: , Lot Number three (3) ia - Block Number Twelve (12) . -' In Englewood addition to the city of Salem, Marion county, Oregon,, as said lot-Is shown -.' and- designated on the plat . of said addition, now on file . and of record in the office of Recorder of Conveyances for ; Marlon county,-State of Ore '': gon. That said sale will be made at the office of Condit fb Clover, Room 203, - Oregon Building, - in the City of Salem, 1a. Marlon county, Oregon, on and after Mon day, the 22nd day of October. 1923V at the hour of ten o'clock of said day, and bids will be re ceived by the undersigned up to the hour eff said sale. - Dated at Salem, Oregon,' thiJ ISth day of September. 1923. RONALD C. GLOVER, Administrator of th estate cf Henry Paseoe. deceased. PORTLAND F.1ARKETS PORTLAND. Or.. Oct. 5. Grain fn tures: Whest. bloestem snt bxsrt (VtA- ber 8I.04: Novemher 8l.0. Hoft whi western white,. October, November tl.'tt Hsrtl winter October, "sevetulier ft.'-1. Northern spring October 81.01; Nove m ber 8 102. Western red, October S1.0J; November f 1.0. . . . ujsb 'No. 2 wbitefeed. October. N'oveml-cr 811.50. No. 2 grsy October, Novemli 830. - .. - BAEXET -Xe. S '48 pounds, Oetnber. Karen ' - 831.50; 44 pounds, Ortober, Noreu 831.-. CORN No. 2 eestern yellnw shipment. C her $40; November S38.S0. .No. 8 t November 37.60. ' Jlill-rua, Urtober. oremtjer "f .l.; ' i:ay Hay tan eh an gal.