FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1923 wicb CHI OH INSURANCE BOCTJCTT ROOMS? ? ! HOMES?; .-"iREAeES WOOD FOR SALE i B. Bsrghsrdt, Jr. a iM) S71 State 8k. NEY TO LOAN THEY'RE ALiL TO BE HAD HERE THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON ' J BOARD TATE? Best Grade of Vood - 4 foot and IS Inch mill wood. ' 4 foal ash dry mill od. " : 4 foot sad 19 la. fc eld ftr. "' " Prompt" delivery aad 'reaseaahle price Oa Reel r.atai . t r. k rouu, . t.'4-t 3 Hh. Hank I i; - r; 1 1 OMOBILES I REPAIRIRQ i .Repairing C 4 to gift yon immediate U orfer Motor Repair, terciai. j. ...... Wanted A esr ia "br- can't make . If you're on" ob your kaads here's '"Ia' rksa to see if we ran mitt rood. Ch- ERrEK 1IUTUK REPAIR O 8. -wroercial OS AUTO TOPS Our Reputation ' Of bsing tbe best top shop ia the Wil lisana valley i spreading. Thia ia tbewa) fey the number of eara coming In from ether Mvb. especially to hava M tia top- .. W. X. ORt'NERT TOP SHOP . I- i 256 8taU St. 05. AKD KXXOTWCXAK PRESTO UTI B4TTI8T 8ERVICE Start.' Expert battery aad electrical ', wort. Ferria Breew Peeae 1803. 41 Can.. ? i-. B, D. BARTON EXIDK BATTERIES v. ittrvt end generator work; 171 Soalh ,' Cam a f trlATOm FENDER RETAXBS- RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES aai at repaired. J. 0. Balr. S4t Parry AND ACCESSORIES CBED PAS.T3 I to 11 OPP. MIES' 8 Aaa Wmkiae Hoaaa; 434 Nortb CoiasMreisl. Pboao BS. - T1ACT0RS A a HA A 7 CO, 444 PEBBY ST. : rboao Slw. Oatra tractors. Oil ear Ua ! ploaMata. t , BlCYCtES End BEPAlRlNGj SZCTCXSS AT3 mEPAXXXVO LrTD S. XHZ?ZX DAYTON BICY . at aad rowalriaet T Oaart. : BUSINESS CARDS fSXEKAN BTKCBLK, KaXHBTEKKO Arckitocta. old. Baak . of . 0 m t a Baiidtat. - ' ' - ' ' CAtfSI ATP ITJO WEAYIXO flLXM CABPKT CLEANING t AND Tiaa Bog VaiJtt Eg bad fluff rags aay aU wilkoat aaaaia. Haw aiattraaaaa mtil to wroft - C44 traaaaa reavad. T tkara raaovatod. I bay aU kimda of old earpata for flatf raga. 11 t-4 TTKbar otroota. . Paaaa lis. Otto p, Evicko. Prop. v: if . CHIMNEY 8WI if Cleaning. P. Co -k : ; er VnrAwT t- CLSAXXZ3 UBN AOS am. Bay Ia Pi DTEXS bALEM CLEANET.3 a: .j DIJBI- Saita a!aaao4 aad jt I. flO. Saita ipoared as.4 jrt,.d, 80a. bt$ 8. Coai'L . - Pbooo ! . cosruLTnra ESSiKysss WYIL. COS8ULTINO, CQNCTRUOTION Coaatraetiag Eagiaoar. Barvaya. aati atoa., Jao. H. Hoaf, lt . Oragoa Bid. Pboaa 778. SEDO STOEZS V1L XEIMEYXB JUST DBUOS," ITS, N. CoaaaBordal. Pboaa 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC balldiag.. Pkaaa 1100. . j ELECTRIC riXTU&S AND SUPPLY Ca. Pkaaa 1934. 123 X, J-Jbarty. ARCHIE PLEENES, ELECTRICIAN Boaaa wlriag by boar a ooatraot. Ea- tiauktaa faraiabad, Pbaaa 90. 414 Coart St ' HAUK'S ELECTRIO SHOP XLEO trleal ataekiaa repairing, coatraetiag 7 Cavt. Pboao 48a. rniAjrciAir WE HA YE $8000 PRIVATE MONEY ' I leaa oa f ana property. i ANDERSON RUPERT 407 Orogoa bldg. - LOANS UNDER MESEBTB SYSTEM a city at farm pro party. Roeerre Do paait eempaay, 72 Foartb S treat. Port - lama. Ot... - ;;. : ABM LOANS AX S FEB CENT aa4 " t PEB CENT Anderson a bttpebt Oragaa Bldgw Balaaa, Ora. PABM LOANS Zaaaraaaa aaaaay, aay aaaaaat par aaat. for ft. T. 10. or 30 yoaxa. wit tall prapayaioat rtilaga aatira WUlaaa atta allay. :. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS SOI Oragoa Bldg, Salaam. Oragaa BAWXISg ROBERTS. CITY LOANS. ' lawaat ratoa. ; GOTERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS Sk par aaat. 80S Saloat Baak ai Co at more LOANS LOANS LOANS X aaa aiaka year farm or city loaaa, boat ervioa givoa. If yea need a taaa, aae ato; aad if yoa baa moaey to place. eo ao I alwara bara takars. , .' Laflar. Oragoa bldg. 'ABM LOAN S LESS INTEREST barer tioia. ao eoaamiaaloa. Protaow raiaat advaratty. City loaaa, lowoa rataa. atoatkly iaatanmoata. t prlrilagee. J. O. Siegmaaa, t arer Ladd k Baak baakv , r&ORXSTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOOQUETr faaaral wreatba. 4aoatloaa. C. Arolthaapt. floriat. 133 . N. Liberty - iMtue ao. ' FRATEENA& OYAL O BANGS LODGE JASON LEE MeaMrial No. SO aaoeta I Odd Pel bwa baU every firet. tblrd aad .tb Taoaday of - tba m oata. 'All rUENTTtrBB STORES rURNITtrRB CO. QUA LIT 7 faraitaro for loaa aaoaiy. 873 Coart Pboaa 484.- PKOPLE'S PCRX1TLRE STORE NEW 'and acnd baad faraltarar 971 N ' we are. HtllM. 414 a- c BUSINESS CARDS furnaces 4EAGROVB PUB ; FURNACES PIPE And plpeleae; 198 B. 12th Bt. Peeae tW t ', ' Jim jumk rm BUT ! AND tool, and junk. ? iaL Phoae Ct. SELL fCKNITCRE. 76 North Ooi LAV N DRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 819 8. Liberty street, Pboao 25. Oldest '; largeat boat. Established 1BS. CAPITAL. OITT STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 1364 Broadway Pkoao 165. MACHINE SHOr THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECT RIO Steam boilers, . vulesalssra - and tab plates. Parry a Campbell, lit 8 IJberty. i - - . ' i MXDIOAS MOUNTAIN BALM OOUOH Pboao 517-W. i REMEDY- NUBSEBT STOCKS PRUITLAND NURSERY COMPLETE lino trees. Offieo , 101 & 14th Bi. Pboao 1140M. , COMPLETE LINE TREES SHALL fruita, oraamaata. Capital City Nor aery Co.. 42 Orogoa Bldg Pboa 78. PRU1T. NUT AND 8HADE TREES Paarey Braav. 337 Buta. L PAPERHANQINQ AND P AXHTXXQ PHONE GLENN i ADAMS FOB HOUSE decorating, paper banging, tinting. aU. Reliable workman. : 1 TEN CENT KAL80MININM IN BEAUTI- fal oolora; fl dooa a rooaa. Max O. Buraa. 179 N. CoBuaoreial. j., PXtUXBIVO PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. : Pboao 137 J. gkop 127 UaWa treet A. L. Godfrey. - ' SCA VENDERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. refnaa of all klada raaovad. Oeapoole eleaaod. ! Pboaa 107 or 1007 J. , , SOOa 8CA VENUES SERVICE (8CC- eeaaor ta - Baal ' Sea? anger) Garbage and refnaa of all kinda remarad by tba atoata.; ' Boaaoaablo r a t a a. Pbaaaa : Of flaa 829 ; roaidearo 9068. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOU8B BUYS AND Bella aoooad band furniture, tool and jnak; 830 N. CommeroinL Pboaa 493 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH lag aad abooa. Beat prieaa paid. Cap ltal Escbaago; 343 Nortb CommereiaJ Pboaa 13S8-W. - ; STOVES AND STOVB BXP AIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yaara ; . eiporieaeo. Depot National fence, aizoa 33 .ta 28 ia. bigb. Paiata aila aad. varaiabea, etc., loganberry aad bop hooka. Salem Fence aad Stove Warka. 350 Oonrt a treat. - Pboao 134 TRANSPORT ATIObT CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINK Central Stage Terminal, Salonm, Oragaa . j - SALEM- EUGENE - Laavoa Baleat 7:18 a. m.; 9:15 a. an 11:15 a. rm.; 1:15 p. m.; S:1S p m. 15 p m.; 7:80 p. m.: U Corrallla aaly PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker,' Geaeral Maaagor Caatral State Terminal Salam, Oragoa. : SALEM 8ILVERT0N DIVISION Leeree Salem, Caatral SUta Tarmiaal T a. aa.1- 11 av m.i 5 p. n Laavaa Silver ton Newe Stand: 8 a. m.: 1 p. m; p. m. Saletn-Iadependeneo-Monmoatk DtrlaJaa Laavaa Salem. Caatral Stage Terminal: 7 a. ta.; 3 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 3:10 p. m. 5:10 p m J l-oaTea Moamonta, Moamoatb Hotal: 3:15 a. m.; 1 p. a; S:15 p. av. Laavoa Independenca, Beaver Hotal: 8:30 a m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. 4 P. m.: 8:30 p, m. Loavaa Caatral 8taga Terminal, Balaam, lee DaUaa at: ' ! . 7 a. av; 11:10 a. m; 5:10 p m. Leavea Gall HoUL Dallaa, at .8 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 0:13 p. m.- Wa make coaaoetioaa t Salam to all parte of tko valley. Extra tripa by ap- pointmenti :A ' - J. W. PARKER. Ocoeral Maaagor, VARIETY STORES SALEM ! VARIETY 8TORB CHINA i war, glaaaware. toys, aotiona, aad mil Unary.. . ( i WATEB 8ALEM WATER. LIGHT POWEB CO. Offieo. 801 South Commercial St. Taa per eaat diaeeunt aa domes tie flat : rates paid ia advance. No dedaetioaa tor absence er aay aaaaa aalaas water la abut aft veer pvomktaa: COAL FOR SALE ? PHONE 1855 ' : 814.75 Peerless It ah. I Besver Hill . 411.75 I . J Use coal for economy aad i Convenience. TZZFXm BROADWAY A HOOD HTLLM AN FUEL COMPANY O.Stf TEMPUS 1'ODD Entirely; f VASSoH'-VbwOFR 15 MY CAR tn' I5E HEAHV3 FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS FCRNISHED APARTMENT? ADULTS 2a N. Summer. ; - i r 5 Q7. NICELY : FURNISH ED POUR ROOM s O.O. apartment. Pbooa S07J. FOR RENT 3 ROOM APARTMENT light, water and telephone. Neat and clean, electric range. Adulta a I y. Phone 1078. S9J N. Summer. : O.6. FOR RENT 5 ROOM APARTMENT: bath, toilet, electric light, aad aloeping porch, i Lighta, water and phono free. Call at 410 Orogoa bldg. ., , FOR RENT Fl'RNISHED APARTMENT downataira. -Privato bath. 1133 Court St. Pbona 385M. - O.6. FOR RENT THREE ROOM FUR- niahed apartment, corner Mill - and High ata. ; also 5 room dwelling and garage. , Ivan G. Mortaia. Pbona 759. NEATLY FURNISHED Summer. APARTMENT, 293 N. FOR. RENT APARTMENTS, 891 NO. Commercial. , . FLATS' , FOR RENT FIVE ROOM . MODERN flat, furniahed. at 664 Ferry St. 345 a month.; Call at that, addreaa, or phone 773M, or at Statesmaa buaiaaag ofiea, or phone 33. HOUSES HOUSE AND APARTMENT FOR RENT. MODERN FURNISHED HOU8E L. Stiff Furniture Co. FOR OS. rent. H. A NEATLY FINISHED 7 ROOM MOD- rn bouaa oa 14tb SL, call at 1620 Court St FOR RENT DESIRABLE BUNGA- low, ais room a. Close in. : Inquire 1335 State St. FOR BENT STRICTLY MODERN 6 room houae, furniahed. 860 N. Church. THREE ROOM HOU8E. PARTLY FUR- niahed. 1144 North Cottace. 200XB BOARD AND ROOM WITH TWO 8IN- yle beda. $30 per month. 1499 Court St. . r 07. FOR BENT SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS ia the Buah-Breymaa Block. Hot wntcr hat. Inquire at room 33 Brey- maa Block. .. . 05 STUDENTS ATTENTION t LA ROB Bleeping porch with ' dreaaiag . aad tndy room. Also board 930 per month. 1499 Court 8L 07. SLEEPING ROOM CLOSE IN, 103 Marion street. FOR RENT MODERN SLEEPING rooms, , Pbona 836J. . FOR BENT APABTMBNT8 AND Bleeping room a Leonard Hotel. 364 N. 1 Front Street. Jr i : ' : PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7". wording "Faraiabed Booms." price 10 , eeata each. Sutoamaa Basiaaaa Of fieo. Gronad Floor. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED) APARTMENTS FOR RENT IMMEDIATELY. : BEAU' : tiful I aiz room unfurnished apartment facing State fioase aad Willamette campus. Unusual bargain. Beet refer ' encea required. Phono 838 or , 1455R. 05 j FOR SALE Miscellaneous 1 FOR SALE SOrt PULLETS AT 31.25 each.: 270. yearling bans, 90c O. 8. Springer, route 6. Bos 66 A. : 0.5" FOR SALE MILLINERY 8TOOX AND fixtures in email town. Good business. All -new stock. W : A. Ltston, . Agents. FOR 8 A LE CARROTS. . 38 TON AT ranch. Two milea eaat of Brooks. You furniah sacks. R. A. Harris, route "9. . . O.ll FOR SALE CHEAP JOHN DEERE tractor, gang and Sampson 12-20 sieve rr id tractor. Will take one horse in trade, Vt mile aaat Witsel achool. 07 DIRT FORM CORNER UNCOIL AND Hich St. For hauling phono 1446. OS FOR SALE ALMOST NEW j REED Wicker babv burrv. Reasonable. 65 N High. f a5 FOR 8ALE PIANO, (BAUMEISTER Mfg., ) good condition. 360 M. lata St.. Phono 1679W. s FOR SALE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRIT er. ' Good conditioa. Pboao 8098R. 1453 Court. X GOING AWAY A REGISTERED AIR dale dog to be given to any one. Pboaa at T M. 48FZ3.i Beautiful Oregon Rose Aad oleven other Ora go songs together wltb a fine eoileetioa of pstriotla soags. : a acred soags aad many, ald-tima favar- ttes i ALL FOB 35a. (Speelal prices la qsaatlty Iota) Especially adaptable for school eommi ity or borne singing, i Send far 1 Western Songster TO pages bow ia Its tkird aditiea , ! Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 315 8. Commercial St. Salom. Ora. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 eeata a baadla. Oreutstlsa da parts ant Oregon Statesmaa. : GoSHAMlGhTf. (7 ITS (&n A iT Classified Phone S53 ifjvertlsing Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rate. Per Insertion per word : Se 6s Three insertions FOR SALE Miscellaneous PRINTED CARDS, j SIZE IS" BY 7" wording "Fur Sale, Enquire at." Price 10 cent a each, i Statoamaa Bnataeaa Office, Ground Floor FOR 8 ALE KITCHEN CABINET. Phone 1S53W. FOR SALE - LARGE REMINGTON Good bargain. Phono typewriter. 736-M. VETCH AND OATS SEED FOR SALE. W. M. Meier, Route 3, near Fmier Station. Phone 78F12. BIRDS. FLO WEES AND PET FLAKE'S PETLAND. BIRDS. FLOWERS Peta. 873 State tf. BUSINESS FOB SALE ; . LOOK BUYERS! SAVE COMMISSION 1 66 room modern apartment bouse lease and furniahings: white brick, clean and clearing about 3400 moathly. 3 1 2,000; part cash; or will take good mortgages or good farm to $70O0. Phone E6192. Onwer Do LeClair Apta., Portland. Cor. Williama aad RuaaelL : FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN - BEND EIGHT TWO seat atampa tor; special three months' trial for the beat aad oldest jouraal ia tba west. The articles aad advertise meats are of special interest to the poultry breedera of the Northwest. Northweat Poultry Jouraal. 311 Com mereial a tree t, Salem. Oregon. : IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial ; aabscriptioa. MsbUob tbia ad. ! ' :- LIVESTOCK FOR ! 8 ALE LEWELLYN SETTER, 3 yeara old, trained Phone 846. 06 FOB SALE SIXTEEN HEAD OF registered yearling Shropshire ewes. Frank Schaap. Pratnm, Oregon OS FOR SALE CHEAP, 1 GOOD SADDLE pony, work horse, eresm separator; also beifer 8 months old. Phone 1783W1. YOUNG BLACK TEAM, WEIGHT about 2700. New wagon and harness; 1 new spring-tooth harrow ; 1 now Oliver plough. Also email tools. - Bar rain. Call before noon tod a v. Phone FOR SALE FRESH COWS. 776 8. 12TH. FOR SALE Youag milk cow sad some furniture. Call eveninrs. Phone 76F6. I HELP WANTED ) AGENTS Setter" 8 ELL 'MADISON . "BETTER MADE' SHIRTS direct from oar factory - t wearer.' No capital or experience re quired. Essily sold. Big profits. Writi for FREE SAMPLES. MADlSOr MILf.8. 503 Broadway. New York. FEMALE GIRL FOR COOKING f AND HOC8E work, stsy koms nights. Reference reqnired. Bos D24 Slstesman. WANTED A BOY FOR MORNING route in eastern part of city. Splendid onportumty lor ambitious boy to set atart in business. Apply circulation Manager, Oregon Statesman 05. WANTED MAN ON FRUIT RANCH ' Rent or hire. Phone 4F4. .E. WANTED 10 MEN TO WORK IN THF drier ia West Salem. Cunningham rruit tjo. XAXB AND FXMAXB PRUNE PICKERS WANTED. PRE8 eott Orchard, 2 V milea ia Polk eouo ty. Phone 1937 J. j WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. ' A good - proposition to the ; right people. , Ad dress the Pacif ie Homestead. Statesmaa - BMr Hslem. Or. TEAbfS WANTED. TEAMS TO 17th and Court. HAUL DIRT, Ladies Wearing Apparel 8PIRELLA CORSETS SOLD BY ALICE A. Miles. 451 North Slat. Pboao 1902J. t ; HEMSTTTCHINO ! SALEM ELITE H EMSTITCHI NO - plestiag, buttons, stamping sad aeedle work: HZ lreron bids. Phone S79. DRESSMAKXNa PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY TU" wording "Dressmsklng" ; ; price ' 10 cents seh. Btetesmsa Basiaaaa Office Ground Floor. . i Efficient. TSAiPuS-LooK AJ Yo'CAR I AlAiT UOT AViXtrf IN IT Section One week ( six Insertions) i 8e One month . ,. j 20 Six months' contract par mo. j,., 15s 12 man the' contract, per mo..12e Minimum for any advortiaemeat 25c ' 1 t . - - ! Ladies' Wearing Apparel 1 DRESSMAKING MRS. 0. K. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, battons. Room 10, ever MU- ler'a ato re. Pbona 117. -n-- LADIES TAXLOnMNO j W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING. long enata aad aaita. Room 7. MeCor aack Bldg. , i D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and womea. 474 Court St. MUSICAL Instruments j A C O U B 8 B IN BUSINESS PIANO playing.! Popular ay noopated standard music. Semi-elsssics and ballads; 12 lessens. Waterman Piaao School. Mc Corasck BUg. . PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI aae tuner. Leave orders Will's Maalr 8tora. i ' . . PHONOGRAPH REP AIRING EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonographs. Jay Bsilsy, Moers's Ma sis' Hoase ! ! brosio SToiuea SHERMAN. CLAY CO, PIANOS Steinwaya, Duo-Art and others. Moore's Masia House. 415 Court street. WILEY B. ALLEN CO, PIANOS AND phono graphs. - 519 Coart street. GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet masie, sad piano atadies. Repairing phono graphs and , sewing machintee; 483 State, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff FmraJ tare Co, Mnaie Dept. 1 PERSONAL MARRY PRIVATE. PERSONAL BER 1648, Washington, vice. Pratt, Bos D. C. GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published.' Free for Stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo. Ohio.- ' 1 ' PROFESSIONAL AMBUUkNCB SEBVTCB 1 A L B M AMBULANCE 8ERVI0B : Phone 666: 173 8. liberty, i DBUGLESS PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DB. i . Frsnts. A eats sad ehronla dii Phone 780. 495 N- Oommoreisl. CHINESS PHYSICIAN R. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWb V disease. -153 8. High St. Phone 383. CHIROPODISTS j R. 8. F. SCOTT, GRADUATE HA t ttoaal University Sciences. Chicago r, Msaoale Temple. Pboaa 649. tt. WILLIAMS CORNS, CALLOUSES ingrown aaila; all foot trouble. Price Shoe Co. Pboao 610. ' ! CHIROPRACTORS ORS. SCOTT ft 8CHOFIELD, P. 8. 0 Chiropractors. 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg Pbaaa 87; raa. 828-R. , - OR. REDMOND, Pbona 1638. 838 OREGON BLDG, FUNERAL .DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIBXO tors, 310 Center. Phone 1658. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. A. SLAUGHTER ' ACUT1 AND chronic diaeasea; 415 Oragoa Bldg Phone 110. f OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE- goa Bldg. Booma 301 to 804. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co, 325 8tata street, oppealu Lsdd ft Burb Bank. "Use Quality Pvwvea Rbnr-ons " ) OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. U MERCER OSTEOPATHIA physieiaa and sargeoa. I Kirks vllk graduate, 404-405 U. 8, National Baal Bldg. Pboae. office 919; raa, 614. r 1 PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIAN OF PHYSIOTH ERAPH Y DR. JACKSON,' DOCTOR OF PHY8I- etherapy,; treats all ailments, women a troubles especially. 365 N. Oommoreisl s-treet. Phone 1091. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FRANK K. KELLOGG, PUBLIO AO couatant, systems, oookkeepiug. aet vice, nditinr tl Oreroo Bids. I REAL ESTATE City SNAP ' " 1 (iood 4 room plastered Ijouse with toilet, electric light,- wood house and garage with two fine lota oa corner. r"rtce $1400: 3500 down and $15 per month. for . bargains, see as. ; 275 Stste St. OS tf. ROOM ; HOUSE SPLENDID j LOOA tioa L. . i 82600 5 room bouse corner lot. treea ... 250 5 room hoiiae, paved street $300 down. 9 room bouse close in .$1950 5 room house rloae in modern ..$200 GERTRUUE J. M. FAUK. ! 492 N. Cottage OS-tf. BARGAIN Good two room house with two lots. Price 1900; 9135 down bslsnco 310 per month. Int. 6. W. H. GRABEXHORST ft CO. , 275 State St. 07 LOOK, AT THIS ONE 9840 buya one of the Iarrest and best lots on Capitol street, nesr "E." street. 55x150 feet to alley. Beat residence dis trict in the city. Lota across the street hsve sold for 91500 to 32000. - Priced for this week only. Art quick. See CHILD3 ft BECHTEL, 540 State St. MODERN nOME 7 rooms well located near ear line ia Sonth Salem. Price 84750: S3000 caah down. - f W. H. GRABEXHORST ft CO. i j 275 State St. 05-tf. SNAP -. i New fonr room bungalow a Richmond just completed. Price 32100 cash. W. 11. G KABKS HOiUST ft CO. . i 275 State St. 07 JU8T LISTED SOME REAL HOUSE BARGAINS.: 93800 modern houae. 8 rooms, i S40O0 modern houae 8 rooms. . i 94800 modern houae 8 rooms. 5500 modern house 8 rooms, i $6000 modern house 9 rooms. . The shove houses sre all large, well built. Most of them with basement, fur nace, fireplace, built-ina. i These are nil good buya and well located If yoa are in the market for S good, house rneap, von will find them st CHILDS ft BECH TEL' S 610 Stats 8t. RUiLmvn LOTS ' I Ota of them on Center St. nesr N. 14th St. Price 370O to S900 with pave ment and sidewalks paid. W. H. GRABEXHORST ft CO. i 275 State St. OT BUSINESS IS GOOD FOR SALE NEW 4 -, ROOM BUNGA low. Good construction. Near school snd streetcsr. Essy terms. New- 5 room bntuc alow. Full basement. fireplace, well constructed. Only 33450. i Very easv terms. - RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor. : 229 Oreson Bids-. Res. Ph. 1025D Ph. 1013 O.S-tf. BARGAIN For Sale 1 sere, with 4 room hoase. gooa water, saaw. .-- -j . COMrTUS KAb ESTATE ; 469 Stats St. ' OS-U. FOR SALE 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGA- low, ' located at 1025 N. Capitol St. Price, 30200; terms, w. u. Uraben korat ft Co, 275 State St. - Ttiev m V . m atiMialtv nf hnntlna1 W4l real eststs oargaina. . uere are a is snsps. : f EASY TERMS 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. BASEMENT. GA rase, well built in, fsooo; asoo casa 825 a month will bandle this. 8 room eottsgaj close ia oa paved a treat. . good plumbing, garage, f2luo; fauu : caah and 9i a month. 7 room honaa on State street, modern ' conveniences, garage. , f 50O cash aad ' 325 Jt ! month. ' WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Heal tor 316 Oregoa Bldg. -BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 20 acres, 3 Italian prunes, 3 berriea. S : timber, all good walnnt -land. Two room house, 8 miles eat. 2650; 9850 cash ' " balance &V years st 6 per cant 150 ACRES; 90 CLEARED; ALL GOOD fruit or aut land, 4 mile from railroad atation. 375 per acre, i 4 easb, bslanes to suit. f 20 ACRES BEARING ENGLISH . WAL- nts and filberta on paved road milea from town, 815000. 35000 caah. balance to Butt. - SEVERAL MODERN SALEM RES I deneea to exchange for acreage. ; Socolofsky, Realtor : 341 8Utd 81. 1 LOOKI Best bay la Salem oa State a tract room house, large lot, 80 feet frontage. , Ail kinds of fins fruit. Pries 31900. i down.' - i TUOMA80N, 331 Stste 8t EASY BUY s pviif Trnrrair tv-vt i yt ot w t vn trie lights. $1300; $200 dowa, $15 month. , LARGE LOT, 50x150 feet, east front. ass a garage which could be made into ' temporary home. Price $700; $50 or $100 down, balance 10 par month. 4. A. AtlUB, 831 Vk OtSte St. ;,- PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7 wording "For Rent." prise 10 cent a each. Statesmaa Basiaaaa Office, aa Gronad Floor. PRINTED CARDS. 8IEE 14" BY 7". wording "Room a to Real," prise 10 eeata each. Statesmaa Business Of -flee. Ground Floor . i Classified Ads in The Statesman Brjng-Results Story by OCTAVUS ROY COH3N lllusiratlons by K WESTON TAYLOft' - - Jsj PAvv6- Gout IT T Kbiy Z3! vfiveR SHoolo HAve puT HO '- J5iSaiL5f aF-5TAt oat TUtS EEEfBz. 11 REAL ESTATE FARMS 1, 8ACRIFICE OFFER FOR 10( DAYS 5o0 acres Lincoln - County stork sad dsiry ranch, including about glOOO bay and gran. t Good improvements. 17,- OOO. ;., j. ' ..: !- -,. - j; A. C. BOHRNSTEDT. Resltor. . 407 Msaonic Temple, Salem, .Or. 0.4 tf. FOR SALE k TEN ACRES ALL CLEAR, shout. 100 I bearing fruit trees, four room ' cottage, good barn, ben koasea, woodshed, and store, bouse. - Located six miles from Salem oa paved high way, 83.000. Yea; we have houses for aale. some very : low In price sad eaay terma. - Also some choice lots. Farm for rent. Six room house for rent. F. L. Wood. 341 State 8 L FOR SALE 101 ACRES 9 MILES N K. Salem. About 40 acres in ealtivatioa, some timber, rest stump pasture. Good dairy farm. i Buildings. 2 acres straw berries, some loganberries. - Half mil School, good road, mail route. $10,000. Terms. Consider off er machinery, stork. Will rent to reliable farmer. F. E. Rape, owner, WoodUura, Oregoa. ' Oa ii i to way, near Arch FARMS FOR RENT FARM FOR, RENT IMPROVED VAL- ley, rood town, high school, good build ings. 70 acres, 15 miles of Salem. Box 584. .Klamath Falls, Oregon. t 0.6 300 ACRE FARM AT PARKER 8TA- tion. Seven miles south of lndepB denre. Write or cell Mrs. A. E. Hor ton, 388 7th St.. Independence. , Phone 712. TO RENT OR BUY 1 WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD : wars sad furniture. Best pi lose paW THB CAPITAL HARDWARB : i FURNITURE CO. 38S N. Commercial St. Pbemo 941 TRANSFER HAULING 1 TnUNSFEsVHAULiJim . MOVING AND ble . figurea. pboae 588 BTORAQE REASON A 975 North Conuaereial CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 23S . State 8t. Pboae 933. Distribating. for wsrding sad storage oar apeeialty. Oat ' -ear rates ,;f;-.k . -- - i v.. WK MOVE. STOKE AND SIUP HOUSE bold, goods..' Our specialty is plane aa4 . furniturs moving. Wa also maka asaa try trips. Wa ksadU tba' best eesl aad -: wood. Call oa aa for prieaa. Wa giv good measure, good quality aad goes' aerrteo. usraser Trnasrer Co. nest est used cars for sale FOR SALE STUDEBAKER SPECIAL six, before t Saturday aignt, so.iu .Phone -423 07 1919 CHEVROLET ROADSTER 'Tbia is an exceptions! buy. for $165 witn easy terma. s CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T 349 N. Commercial OStf. WE. HAVE . SEVERAItJ.EXCEPTION AL . bsrgsins ia used cats, that, it will pay ' 'you to inspect. Among them yea will find a car lor every taste and parse. Oleacm Aato-Exchange. 173 8 Liberty ; Pboae 666. f -:' -. i . .? OS, (Toed Maxwell ' bsrgsls' , Chevrolet . tearing - . ... ... Mitchell , 4- Nash i Psigs . u, $ 100.00 ..$150.00 ..$175.00 $250.00 ..$350.00 Stsr ,$450.00 Dodgs -Z SMHI.IHI $650.00 $700.00 Overland .Sedan Gardner touriar (We charre no brokeraga) F. W. PETTYJOHN : Oa. ,. 219 N. Commareial OS tf. FOR SALE, 1921 DODGE TOURING lots of extras, perfect condition $675. Inquire Vslley Motor , Co. - Pbona 1995, 260 K. High. ; 1921 HUPMOBILX WITH A NEW ..guarantee. $775, oa eaay. terma. O B. Gingrich,, Motor Co, 371 Court St. GOOD USED -CARS GINGRICH MO te fW.. 371 Court. " ' . '. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED $2000 AND $3000 ON FIRST 1 class, I'M. W. A. Lis ton. Agsnt. - f -. , OS. EATON ft EATON, praetUsI ' hstters. formerly C B. saiswertb estabuabmeat First clasa bat work of all kinds. 391 N. Commercial. .. WANTED DAILY NEWSPAPER SUB seriptioa solicitor. ' Apply boa D 97. Statesmsa. , . i . , WANTED TO BUY 20 -HEAD OF Shropshire shsep. CslL 3F4.. ,-. - WANTED ONE HORSE POWER MO tor. ' Phone HH. - -- . CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT' WORK CALL AT 43. N. Summer street. Pboae 674-J. EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE STENOGRAPHER WISH es position. Phone 911. . : , 07 WANTED YOUR PATRONAGE. MRS Adaitt. AH kinds of ladies work, pairing and new. 352 North 12th. RECEIVE MATERNITY CASE8 AND Stork Neat. 1359 8. Liberty. PheM 1029-J. !;. .. ; 1 WANTEDr-WOBK TRUCK DRIVING, Prefer work -town.. Rslisbla. steady. : Furnish references. .If yoa need good msn. phone 1128W, 06. Fred E. Wella. 28 H. Church. Ph. 1542 FUK aA K'-leviNCH OLD FIB AN 9 aecond growth 4 four aad oak. Pboet lM n Msf.Ht I SALEM MARKETS GRAIN A HAY No. 3 wheat a : $12 Q til No 3 rtd wheat, sacked Chest bsy Oat bay -$12 Mi $11 Clover . hay, baled i. $1$ fc $U Prices quoted are wboieeale and aq trice ' revived -by farmera. .No ratal prices -are given, exevpt ea - noted : - EOOS. BUTTER. BUTTERFAT Creamery Latter -.... .4 ft 49 Butterfat, delivered ., 41 Bilk, per cwt - 2 2S Egss, selects -: , -, 29 Standards v ,- ; , . ? Puilcla , ....... ., , x 3 POULTRY Broilers .' Heavy baas .18 O it If Medium HQ 11 PORK, MUTTON AMD BEEF Hogs, top 150-325 lbs, cwt U$8.7 Hogs, top, 325-375. ewt -.. , ..$3.21 Hogs. top. 225-375, cwt $5 & Light sews ewt , , .. , , 4.o Roaga heavy, . i04 Q .04 U Tap raaL dressM ,07 Q 07 li rosvsteers Cows OS .04 -03V4 "4 ..., or Top lambs Hssvy lambs : " - ' ' . n U . i OBAXGEB - -"Boaded'f . Bread Sunk 1st Valencia Offeriag: ' . 316'a and; ,, '; ' " $ 2 50 'a aad smaller $4.s. '. APPLES , Cook lag. Oregoa grown. $l.SO Q $2.00 r" Oravenateina per bos .. $2.71 , LEMONS s Laffingwen "EER" all ai. eaae $9.51 ,, KZW BUNCHED VEGETABLES All priced by the desea buaebee. Beets. Carrots. - ' ' ' 5f Radiahee; long er reasd ...41 no i sua larger $5.oO Graven steina, per bes .$1.50 INSERT FRUITS Beefs, Carrots ad Onieni.. ... 50 40 .$1.(0 ..$2.25 $2.50 Rsdiskss snd Parsley Tomatoes, boms grown, box. Head) . lettuce, local, crates Kgg plaet, per erste New potatoes. New Oregon, ewt $ 1.7 Bell peppers, per -lb. , . 01 Oniona. Walla Walla outdoor, ewt $2.50 Summer aquash . .$ 1.2 5 Pumpkins, crated, ,L -. 01 Cabbage, local,' crated, lb, . ..03 PEACHES . -Elbertss from : Yskima and Tba . Dalle. Quoting: , . . .f- . Per box 7? ..; "' ti no , box lots -.. ., ..; o 10 box tots k..6!) .25 or more .. .. 85 A few. Crawfordi sad other varieties may be - avsilsble at prevailing market. BARTLETT PEARS . SUadardTboxea, per box , ... ..$2.2 5 PLUMS Per 4 basket crate $1.1 CANTALOUPES . "Bnhgalevr" Brand Tnrlock's best. - Offering: rf' - : . Standard CraUs ;.....- $2.53 - Pony crates 32. on Flat Crates i--. .l.....$l.i: 5 Yakima- Rocky Fords standard crates - , fl.Sd Yakima Burrell Gems the pink meat variety, standard crates..? 2.75 , WATERMELONS . Either long or ropad variety, per standard crate .. ".$1 71 . PERSIAN MELONS Crated, per lb. . . ICB CZEAM MELONS Crated, per lb . s CASABAS .01 Crated, per Ta:... H0NZYDEW8 Crated, per, lb. . - ' , .. ' M BANANAS - "Red Cord" faacy fruit. k QaoUag crated, per lh, 11 Yj . HUCSXEBEREIES .... Per lb. 1 15 ' ' BLACKBERXIES Selling, today . -,- - . FRESH FIGS Per fist bos . y . ' " - APPLES - Fsney California Gravensteias: 125 larger . 150-138 -- 163-175: , Choice Oregon Graveosteins: v!25 larger , , . - ' r, 150-138 - , , , (1.50 -$2.00 -$2.75 -32.50 2.2 5 81.7S 163-175 Oregon U ravens teina, faced aad filled, per bos j u - i $1.1 J Cooking varieties, Oregoa grew a, per bos $1.50 to f 2.C3 .CRAB APPLES . la apple boxes : . . et ) GRAPES Malagas la lugs, per lb. . ' v r a Tokays. 4-baaket crates rbompaoa seedless, 4-basVet cratea$1.0 GROUND CHERRIES Per lb. l... y . : . 1 5 . 1 Ns egeuntes - rotnatoes: From The Dalles aad Resebarg. 2 -layer boxes .$2:1 .$ H 1 I 42 -i California, lug be sea , ' - ' Two layei boaaa Pickling cucumbers: ..... ' Nw 1. sma'l aise. la boxes, Ib x. ntaiaa nu, per ib.. .0 No.3. large or dill siae, par Ib 03 Caa aupply all sradea ia aacka at la r lb., leaa. - - -"r ew. celery, aer bunch --L. as 91 la Greea beans, . per lb. . . .,, - 09 Green cora, dos. 23$k 0 19H Oabbage, local, ' erated, lb. , f Head lettaee, local, era tea $1.60 (s i 61 Egg plant- nee lh t New potatoea. New Dragons, ewt. $1.71 Bell swears. .' pee lh. ... , , in Greea peas, home grown, per lb09 Cucumbers: -. - Ths Dalles, outdoor ' Onions. Walls Wlla oatdeer cwt. Parsley sad ' , 71 -$2.04 4 . 'i .-"4 Potatoes ' faktma Betted ' geme, aer ewt 9t . Oregoa-. Wkites. per ewt w- f 1 .2 1 - CRANBERRIES Early blacks, 1923 crop, per 1-3 barrel box 33.50 SACKED VEG ST AEXX S New Yakima earrota. per sack ; 42 CJ All Sack Vegetables 1 per lb. higl.4 araea desired la leaa tbaa ssok lots New beets, per ssck f - 1 Yskima rutabagas, per sack I PORTLAND MARKETS : I PORTLAND," Or, Ocl. 8- Orsin fa tares : Wheat, blues tern and baart, Ono K. si m- si . v October 91.04; : December $1.04. Hsrd winter,- oetoosr, uecemner 91.01. North ern aprinr. October, December $1 West ern red, October $1.01 : December' $1. .- OATS -Na. 3 "while feed, October, December $30. New. 2 grT. October. December m. CORJf No. 3 eastern yellow shipment Octo ber $38; December $37. Mill run, Octo ber $24.50; Deccmner $24.25. dARLEY No. 2, 46-pound October $3010- Pec ember 30; 44 pound October 830. Lcc emher $29.50. . . T Note Sales 10,000 bushels - western white wheat ' November delivery a 1.044. ' . . , Tbe. quickest way to acii: wisdom Is - to 3fudy tie L" ona ha lcqnlred ! - , Democrscy: A land r pie confuse lndepen-erc i til manners.- Com asarcial. ' v . -