Tin: onrGO!! statesman, saleiiv Oregon Wednesday horning, October s, il. . - NORWICH TJNION ran insurance society W. H. Bargkardt, Jr. Besidsni Agaai 171 SUM St MONEY TO LOAN V -Oa Reel Estate .. ; r T. K- FORD ; ! ' Over Ladd t Baik BukV j, AUTOMOBILES ) AUTO BEF AIRING Auto Repairing Wi ars 'equipped to give you immediate service. Jack Doerfer Motor ' Repair, 410 8. Commercial. I AUTO TOPS ' Auto Tops The leading, .top shop of the Willamette Yalley invitee jaa to c&H and gat an ee timate en a r top. - W. E. GK.UNERT TOP SHOP Q3. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO-LITE B A T T K B T SERVICE Station. Export battery and electrical , work. - Forria Broe, Pkoao 1808. 418 Court X v.v,Y'.-v ''- B, D. BARTON. EXIDE BATTERIES atartor sad gaaorator work; 171 Soata Comiwan lal , EAOIATOX IXSSEX REP AIM -RADIATORS TENDERS, B O D I X 8 tado or ropairad. J O. Balr. 14 Parry . TISEa ABO ACCES80BXZS " USED FARTS 1-S to 1-3 OFF. KIKE'S Aato Wroeklag Hoaao; 434 North t; "-CnaoriaL Pkoao 838. TBACTOXS A a HAAS A OO, 444 FXBBT ST. Pkoao 310. Clotrao traetara. OUrar ln plofaaiita. ' B I CYCLES and R EPAI Rl NG BICTCLES ABTA SBPAXBZBa im)TD E. BAMSDTN DATTOS BIOT ;. Vb aad ropatriBg: 8t Ooort. :--- BUSINESS CARDS ARCHITECTS rSEMAB A STBUBLE. REGISTERED ArekitoetB, 610 Baak of Ooaiaioroa ' BailNa ' ' ; ' cAKPri abt Ktra wbatsto BALEM CABPKT CLEASISa-ASD Fluff Bag Worka Bag aad fluff rg waraa any alio witkowt bobbm. Now BBttraaaoa aado to ordar. Old aat traaaoa remada. Faathara ranoTatod. I bay all kiada of old aarpate fr fiaff . rngm. IS aad Wilbur ttraoU. PkoB !18A Quo' 9. Ewifkor. Proa. ' CHHSSXT rwxEP C-ilMSET SWEEPISG FUBMAOB alaaniag. F. Cocnoilmaa. Bay la., Farm- ' r- Hwrdwara- rnmtHiBy. - CLEAXXXB ASS STEXS II.LEM C LEASERS A SO DTEB8 Bait claaaad aad praoaad, $10. Sulta spoagod aad praaaad. 60. : t- 8. Oow'L ' Pkoao 188 i : , j wmm a COKSTTXTOfO EBOnrEXBS ! vrU COX3ULTISO, OOSCTBUOTIOB Coaatrsetiog Eagiaaor. Sarvays, Mtl maUa. Jao. H. Kaaf. SIS OragOB .' BM PknBa TTS. I - -: CBUO STORES . WM. KEIMETEB "JUST DBD08., 17.1 K. Commercial. Pkoao 1ST: - BLEOTBICXAJia A.LEM ELECTBJO CO. MASOSIC bolRllBg. PkB ISOO4 r ! tLECTBIO FIXTURE AMD SUPPLY Ca.' Pkoao 1834. S3S W. Uborty.. , ARCHIE FLEES ER, ELECTBICIAM Hoaao vlrinc kr boar or aoatraet. Ea- timatea farniahad. Pboao 880. '414 , Coart R : . ' : J - p r , III LAS' 8 ELECTKIO SUOP - El-EO tncal . aaaokiao repairing, coa trading 83T Coart, Pkoao 488. FINAHCIAb I HATE A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS to tavoat in a amatl koaaat to goodneaa buaiaesa in Salom or' amaU towa ia Valley. WU1 . bo in Salom antit tko 10th. 1 Gio partiealara Xirat latter. D28. Stateamaa. - 1 OS. HATE A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS to iaveat ia a amaU aaaeat to goodneaa bntiaaaa ' ia Saloat or small towa 1: Valley. Will bo in Salem until tka lOtk. Diva particulars first letter liofatnson. Oregon aldg. . : .. 03. TF! ' HATE- fSOOO " PRITATE MOSET to wan oa farm property. - ANDERSON A RUPERT '.; 407 Oregoa bldg. 6 LOANS UNDER KE8EBTK SYSTEM : oa eity or farm property. Boaervo Do posit company.. 72 Foartk Stroot. Port " load, Ot. - .. : : . - FARM LOANS AT 8 PER -SNT aad 6 PEk CENT ; ANDERSON A RUPERT Oregoa Bid. Salem. Ore. FARM LOANS tasaraace- aony, any a mo ant 8 per aoat. for ft. T. 10. or 80 yaara, witb fall 7 prepaymeat prirUogoB entire-. WiUam otta valley. HAWKINS A ROBERTS . 305 Oregoa Bldg,' Salem, Oregoa HAWKINS A ROBERTA CITY LOANS. lowest rates. , , .;.!.,. GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 61 per eeas. sua oaiam ttaac 01 Usajaa - LOANS LOANS LOANS I caa make year farm or eity loans, beat aerrieo givea. If yea need a ioaa, aee me; aad if yea kee aveaey to place, . ne I always kavo Uksra. O. W. Lsnsr. oregoa bide. FARM LOAK8- LESS INTEREST longer tima. bo commission. Protect eeat adTeraity " City laatis. loweat ratas. ' asoatkty : installments, pre-par meat pHvilcrea. J. a SiegmaBd. room 3. orer lsdil Hask hank. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral WTeatbs, deeofBtioaa. C F. "";T :citJtsu-t, flomt, 129 . N. Ubarty $n m m-ciassified - BUSINESS CARDS J FBAYEKNAIs OYAL ORANGE LODGB JASON :UI Memorial No. 530 mata Is Odd' Fsl lows hall' very first. klr,aad 1 tk Tuesday of ths ' m satk. : All ' Oranromoa v-elceme "f-i furntturb store oHesi furniture oo. quality furniture for hu.Mh;. 878 Oaart Phone 464. , v , . PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORK NEW aed second Band furaiknre; 271 N. r Commercial. FURNACES 8EAGROVE FOB FURNACES PIPE . and prpeloss: 198 8. 12tk 81. Pkoae jxnrs . jossc WI BUT AND 8KI-L FUBNITUBE. toola, and junk, i 978 North Oeaemor- eiat Phone .' ; laundries SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. SIS S Liborcy streek . Pkone 25. Oldest ' largest boat. , EatabHaked 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDBY, Quality work; prompt torrlea; 164 Broadway Pkoae IBs. , VCACHXBTB IHOr THE CROSS AUTOMATIC v ELECTRIC SteaTB boilers, TulcaBiiers sad, tuke plates. ; Perry 0. - Campbell, 417 M. Uborty. ; - , 1 : "1 SfBSIOAA MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Pfcoas 517-W. V i BTURSERY STOCKS FBUm-AXD NtTRSERT COMPLETE lino troea. Of rico lea ' B 14tB - Mt. Pkoao 1140MU f COMPLETE LIKE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamanta. Capital City war aery Co.. 428 OragOB Bldg Pkoao 76. FRUIT. BUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Broa, 137 State. , . f . PAPERHANQIKO AND PAZBTZNO j PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUSE deeoratiagv paper hanging, Untiag. et. Reliable workman. TEN CENT. KALSOMININK IN BEAUTI- fnl eo tors; $1 does g tooaa. , Max O. BurBO.178 H. Commercial. PLUktBIva PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL Work. Pkoao 189T-J. Skew 187 Uaioa street. A. u. uooirey, SCAVBKdEBS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. refuse of ail kiada romored. Oeepoola eleaaod. Pkoao 187 or 1007J , S003 SCATENGEB 8EBTIC1 r-SUC- peasor to , Seal BeBTengar J Garbage aad refuse of an kinds ramorad by tka e aBoatk. Boasoasblo rates.' Pkonea : , Offlse 528; wAbco 8068. ' : w -.? SXCOND HANS GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE. BUYS AND sells aeooad kaad furniture, iool and junk; 820 N. CommereUV Pkoao 402. WANTED ETERYTHINQ EN OlOTH- ing and skooa. ; Best priees paid. Cap ital Exchange; ;842 Nortk OommerciaJ Pkone 1368-W. k - . '-? STOTZS ABO 8T0VB BPAtBXNa STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' - experience. Depot Natioaa fence, slses 88 to 28 in. kigk. Paiata, Us aad varnishes, etc., loganberry aad bob koeks. Salem - Fence aad Stors Works. 250 Court street , Pkono J84. TRAJtSPO RT ATION- : CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central Stags Terminal. Salom, Oregoa SALEM EUGENE Leaves Salem T:1S av as.; 8:15 a. m.; 11:15 a. as.; 1:15 p. nv; 8:15 p a. 5:16 p as.; T:SO p. m.: to Oorrallia only. PARKEB'S ySTAGB LINES- ' v J. W. Parker, Genera! Manage ".. Contra I State Terminal Saleei, Oragwa. , SALEM-8ILVERT0N DIVISION Losvos Salem. ; Central State TeTmlnaJr . ; 7 a. nut 11 a. bs.1 . 5--'"",8 --s.. Coseos Sihrertoa News 8taad: f: : it a 1 n 1 n.W! I Leaves Salem, Central Stage Termiealv 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 8:1 p. 1 , : 5 :10 p an . - -Leaves Monmouth, ' Moamoutk Hotel i : 8;15 a. m.; 1 p. m. ; 8:15 p. aW Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:80 s m.; 9:59 a. Ba.; las p. sn. 4 p. m.; 8:80 p. m. f .v, . v Jesvas Central Stage Terminal, Salem, for Dallas at: v 7 a. mi: 11:10 a. mr 5:10 s am. Leaves Gall Hotel. Dallas, at ' . . 8 a. m.: 1 p. m.; 8:15 p. as. L Wo . make eoBaeetiona at Salom to all : parts of tko valley. Extra trips by ap ' poiatmeat, y J. W. PARKER. General Maaagar. WATEB SALEM WATEB, LIGHT POWER OO. Office, 801 Soutk Oommerelal 8C Tea - per cent discount oa domostio flat rates paid In advance. No dtdnetions for abaenee or any eaaae aloas water ; ia skat off your promises. - TEMPUS TODD Not Unanimous. .,'1 ' ' . " "y' ( W Vrf ' 1 ' - ClllCi60 TO BETTcAGOAJ?) , ' v,6ft. (H , ; IcotUx wHKHSArsvoutSAivTHLsiMq- " ; S J, -r : : f D,D Yot TLL ';- r"s ' ' ' ' " ' , ' - :'.'.- ... - ' . ,::vi.. .. .. '..' -'.: ' :.... :'. f - - v . .,.:' -., f . 1 - . n . , , . . , . ...... - , ; - - I BUSINESS CARDS . I m s vaexett; STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glaaawara. toys. aoUous, aad mil liner. ' '- ' ' - FOR RENT FURNISHED ; AFAXTMBHTS FOR BENT 5 ROOM APABTMEBT; bath, toilet, elettrw light, aasleptng poruk. Lights, water and phono free. Call at 410 Oregoa bldg. , I FOB BENT f FURNISHED APART, menu Conrenient, 8 rooms. gound floor.' Reasonable. 1755 H. Com . mercial. ; " .;,;".. "-' ' ? '- : : FOR , RENT rTHREE ROOM FUR aished apartment; corner- Mill, and High ets. ; also V room dwellmr and garage. Iaa G. Mortals. Phone 759. NEATLY FURNISHED ,' APARTMENT, - '293 ' N. Summer, i : - FOR - RENT APARTMENTS, : 891. NO. Commoreial : I .r . . FLATS FOR RENT FIVE ROOM MODERN flat, furnished, st 864 Ferry St. 845 a month. . Call at that addresa, or phone -; 773M, or at Statetmau business ofice, or. -pkoao 23. v t -; -1 HOUSES FOR RENT 4 ROOM SEMI-MODERN . furnished bungalow to adulta only. - Rent $35 per month in sdrsare or will lease for 6, months st a slightly rednred figure. , Enquire "Valley Grill" this week. i U 03. MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE FOR rent. H. L. Stiff 1 Furniture Co. OS. A NEATLY FINISHED 7 ROOM MOD- era house oa. 14 tk SL, cali at 1820 Court. St:-..--i-v -.! .i-i i a r FOR RENT DESIRABLE BUNGA- low, six rooms.. Close in. Inquire 1335 State St. '' - t - FOR RENT STRICTLY MODERN 8 room houxe, furnished. . 86O N. Church. THREE ROOM HOUSE, PARTLY PUR- nubed. 1 144 North Cotuge. mmmmmmmmmmmomammmms ROObCA '' FOR BENT TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. f 10 per month, j 1245 Madiaoa. 04. BOARD AND ROOM WITH TWO 8IN- gle beds. 830 per month. 1499 Court St. - - . - ... 07. FOB RENT SUITE OF FRONT BOOMS in the Bush Breyman Block.; Hot water heat: Inquire at room 22 Brey man Block. OS STUDENTS ATTENTION t LABGB sleeping porch witk dressing aad study room. Also board 830 per month. 1499 Court St. 07. FOR RENT NICE FURNISHED BOOM . to lady school teacher. Breakfast if preferred. Terms reasonable. .850 N. 13th St. Pkono 682J. SLEEPING ROOM CLOSE Marion street, r. IN, i 103 F0B BENT MODERN rooms. Pkoao 83AJ. SLEEPING FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND. . aleeping rooms. Leonard Hotel, 854 N. rf: Front Streek " - s: u,- PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 714", wording "Furnished Booms, priee 10 .4 cents' each. SUtenus BQiiaoaa Of fieo. Ground Floor. IFOR RENT UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS ' FOB RENT IMMEDIATELY, i BEAU : tiful aix room unfurnished apartment 1 facing State House and Willamette eampua. Unusual bargain. Beat refer ences required. Phono 838 or 1455 R. FOR . : RENT SIX-ROOM UNFUR- niahed apartment, ' 840. Furnished house, Nortk Fifth. The Square Deal Realty Company, 202. V. 8. Bank. Phono 470 i . . 03 ligkt, water and telephone. Neat and : clean, electric range. - Adulta only Phone 1078, 853 NT 8u mmer. HOUSES :S 1. FOR RENT FOUR ROOM HOUSE WITH , rsnge. Call 798 N. 14th. - 03, HOUSE FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR tale. IB04 11 Liberty St. - 04 fPOB BENT HOUSE, t BOOMS. GA- rage, rent 835 per month. Enquiro 870 ' ' ; HOUSES FOR RENT . 833,'Kew house, 8 rooms oa Cherry Ave. f SO. house, 6 rooms, on 15th street, near - Marion.'" a ' ' $30. house, 8 roomsT" 8axinaw stroot. South Salom. i : 840, furnished -, cottage, garage. State atreet. 835. furnished kouse, 8 rooms, barn. Ssg- tnsw street. CHILDS A BECHTEL -540 State St. , 640 State St, tf FOR RENT-Miscellaneousj PIAB08 NEW PIANO FOB BENT 86 FEB MO. H 1... Mf Furniture Oe. - Classified Ads irrThe Statesman Bring Results Classified Section - I'hono 2.1 Advertising Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rata par' word: Par Insertion - , , , , TWee iasertioBs . 2s 6e f FOR SALE Miscellaneous 1 A PISE MALE SHEPHERD. 7 MONTHS JMisa-oioagm, oe a, vapitoi ni. j f ' , ' r. 'V'. ! 0.3 DIRT FORM CORNER LINCOLN; AND High St.; For hauling ; phone 1446. FOIt SALE ALMOST NEW REED Wicker baby buggy. Reasonable. 653 N. HiKh. 0.5 : : ; FOR SALE TERRIER PUP. CALL 04 431 B. Cottage St., after 4:30 HIGH-BRED GERMAN POLICE PUP- pies for sale. Riverside Beach. George Brenner.- Phono 56F8. ,: , . ' r 0.4 FOR SALE PIANO, (BAUMEISTER Mfg ,) rood condition, 260 N.j 15th St.. Phono 1679W.1 i FOB SALE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRIT- r. , Good condition, Phono ?098R. T1453 Court. ' - , ' 3 GOING AWAY A REGISTERED AIR aaie dog to be givea to any one. Phone at 7 P. M. 48F23. i - VETCH AND OATS SEED FOR SALE. W. M. Meier, Route 3, near Finser Station. Phone 78F12. ,: . ... it , , , 1 111 FOR SALE KITCHEN CABINET. Phone 1352W. , FOR SALE LARGE REMINGTON typewriter. Good bargain. ; Phono J36 M. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE " BY T1A," - wording '.'For Sale. Enquire at." Priee ' : 10 coats sack. Stateamaa Boat boss - Office, Grooad Floor ; i Beautiful Oregon Rose Aad eleven other Org goa songs together witk a fine collection wt patciotw aongs. - a acred songs and many eld-time taver ; ltas .-' . . (Special pricea a fuaatity lots) Especially adaptable for sckool eemmaa- ity or kome singlag. , Send for ! . ::- Western Songster : 76 pages bow ta its third edition ' Published ky ' i' OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY ' 315 8. Oommerelal 8k Salem, Ore. FOR SALE1 LUDWIG PIANO. 819R. . Pkono FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 ; cents bundle. Clreulstio department -' Oreswa RtateamaB. BIRDS. FLOWERS AND PETS FLAKE'S PETLAND. BIRDS, FLOWERS Pets. 273 State tf. BUSINESS FOB SALE LOOK- BUYERS! SATE COMMISSION I 88 i room modern apartment house lease and furnishings: white brick, clean and clearing about 8400 monthly, i 812.000: ; part cash; or will take good mortgages t or good form to $7000, Pkone E6192. - Gnwer Do LeClair Apts, Portlands : Cor. Williams and Russell. FARM PAPER 1 POULTBYMEN BEND EIGHT TWO i cent stamps for' special three months' ; ferial for tko beat aad oldest jonrael ia ; tbs week Tka articles sad advertiso- - menu are of special interest to tke ' poultry breeders of tko Northwest, j Northwest Poultry JoaraaL 211 Ooav . merciai street, Salem, Oregon. ' IF ' YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm, paper, send 15o to the Pacific Homestead, Salom. Oregoa for a three montha' trial subacription. . Moatioa thia ad. " i: " '' : j:; : ; livestock: t - FOR SALE SIXTEEN HEAD OF . registered yearling Shropshire ewes. Frank Schaap, Pratum, Oregon 08 PURE BRED SHROPSHIRE RANM AND lambs for sale. Everett Morley, Shaw, Oregon, Phone 22F11. FOR 8ALE CHEAP. 1 GOOD SADDLE pony, work horse, cream separator; also heifer 8 months old- Pkono 1792W1. 1 YOUNG BLACK - TEAM, WEIGHT about 2700. New wagon and harness; . 1 new . spring-tooth harrow; 1 new ' Oliver plough. Also 9 small tools.' Bar gain. Call before noon today. Phono 1110J. . - .-.; f t FOR SALE FRESH COW& 776 S. 12TH. FOR SALE Young milk cow and some furniture. Call evenings. Phone 76F6 POULTRY h FOR SALE RHODE ISLAND BED cockerels. Robin strain. Mrs. Pow ers, route 5, Box 80. J ; OS. FOR SALE 55 8. : C WHITE LEG korn pullets, $1.25 each,, also rubber -' tired Buggy and oats aprouvter. O. A. J0owonteiJBx23aJni4V Classified Ads in The Statesman Bring Results t-iwii m One week (sis' insertions) . Be One montk ; -4 20e Bis months' 'contract par mo k15c 12 moBtka.' eoauaet,. per mo. 12c Minimum for any advortiaemont 25s HELP WANTED ) AGENTS SELL MADISON "BETTER MADE" SHIRTS direct from .oar factory to wearer. No eapltal 01 experience re quired. Easily sold. Big profits. Write for FREE SAMPLES. MADISON MILLS. 603 Broadway. New York. CONTRACT CARPENTER WANTED CARPENTER TQ CONTRACT carpenter work, only small houses. Ma terial furnished, work for fall and win ter. ' State experience nnd wken avail able. Address C-B. care Statesman. FEMALE GIRL FOR COOKING AND i HOC8E work, stay home nights. References ' required. Box D24 Stateamaa. , MALE . .. MEN WITH TEAMS OR TRUCK' TO haul ISO 4-ords of wood.. John H Scott. Pkono 254 or 622. 1 04. WANTED - MAN ON FRUIT RANCH , Keat or hire.' Pkono 4F4. i , WANTED 10 MEN TO WORK IN THE drier - in West Salem, v- Cunningham Fruit Co. ! MALE AND FEMALE WANTED 3 SHAKERS. 8 PICKERS. . camp house accommodationnj , W. F. Campbell Pkone 12F11. j i " PRUNE PICKERS WANTED. PRES cott Orchard, 2 hi miles in Polk eoua ty. Pkono 1937J. t , WANTED MEN AND WOMEN , TO " take farm paper subscriptions. A good proposition 1 to tko ! rigkt people. Ad ,aresa the Pacific Homestead, Statesman Bldg. Salom. Or. , TEAMS WANTED, TEAMS TO 17fh and Court, i HAUL DIRT, Ladies Wearing Apparel SPIKELLA CORSETS SOLD BY ALICE A. Miles. 451 Nortk 21st. Phose 1902J. i HBM8T1TUMUI O SALEM ELITE H EM STITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work; 828 Oregon bldg. Phone 270. DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14 BY TA", wording '"Dressmaking"; pries 10 onto esch. Statesman Baaiaeas Office urouna rioor. MBS. O. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping buttons. Room 10, over Mil tor a store. Phono 117 LADLES TAILOauMO W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING, long coata aad auita. Boom 7, MoCor- aack Bldg, 1 , D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN aad women. -474 Court 8k - - INSURANCE GET YOUR LIABILITY AND PROP erty; Damage insurance 'on your auto from JStandley .. r'oley. . lxw rates and wound protection Phone 847 Q3 l y LOST AND FOUND MST FEMALE AIRDALE AT FAIRGROUND. Black eurley hair. Finder call 1036W -"-:.. : 'f - i 04 LOST ' BEAVER NECKPIECE AT fairgrounds yesterday Mads up by West Far Co. Reward finder.. Please csll 1821J. 1 MUSICAL Instruments j A C O H BSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syaoopatod standard asusie. Semi-elaasics and ballads; 12 , lessens. Waterman Piano School, Mo- Cornsck Bllg. FOB 8ALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY piano left witk as to solL Pries, 82 OO; terms. H. L. Stiff Furniture OA, Mb sis departmenk PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI aao tuner. Leave orders Will's Masie Store. . -: - - PHONOQBAPH KXPAZSTJia EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonographs. Jay Bailey, Moore's Ma sio House - . ..- f 1 . MUSIC STORES , AfUSIO STORES. SHERMAN, CLAY A CO, I PIANOS Bteinways, Duo Art and others. Moore's Musie House. 415 -Court sUeek . ' WILEY B. ALLEN CO, PIANOS AND phonographs. . 619 Court streek GEO. a WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines,! sheet music, , .and piano stadias. Repairing phono graphs ' snd aewisg machines; 482 Suto, Sslom. . ! TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Feral . tore Cn Mosle Dept. i ' - PERSONAL MARRY PRIVATE. PERSONAL i 8ER vice. Pratt, Box J648, Washington, D. a , i..- , i GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL . paper published. Free for stamp; Cor . raapoadant. Toledo. Ohio. ii 1 MARRY IF LONELY; MOST SUCCESS f ul "Home Maker" ; hnndreda rich ; strictly confidential r reliable: years of experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club." Mrs. Nash, Box 658, Oakland, California. ' " - w- - ' - i I PROFESSIONAL : 1 ' , i . . , a AMBULANCE SERVICE SALE M AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 686: 178 8. I ibertv. DRUGLE8S FHYSXOXANS MAGNETIO HEALING ! DR. A. L FraBts. Acute sad ebronls dissasss - Pkoao 780. 495 N. Commercial. CHINESE PHT8ICIAN DR. U T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN diaeeae. 158 8. Higk St. Pkono 888. OXXBO FBAOTOBS TittA. SCOTT A 8CHOFIELD. P. , 8. O. Chiropractors. 414 19 U. 8. Baak Bldg, Paoaa 87; res. 828 R. DR.- REDMOND. 828 OREGON BLDG. Phae I6SB. I- - v.-. CHIROPODISTS DR. ' 8. F. SCOTT, GRADUATE MA tioasM Ualveraity Scioacea, Ckiesga. Maaoais Temple, Pkoao 640. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS, . CALLOUSES, iagrowa Bails; ail foot troublo. Price Shoe Co. Pkoao 618. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIRXO tors, 210 Center. Pkoao 1656. NATUROPATHIC PHTSJ CLANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AKD ckroaie di seen as; 415 Oregoa Pidg. Pkoao 118. i OPTICIAKS ' MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORAV goa, Bldg. Booms 801 to 804, - GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tieal Co, 825 Stats streek opposite Ladd Bask Baak,;"Uss Quality ? Prsvsa Skar-oas. 08TEOPATH30 PHTSZCXANS DR. W. L, MERCER OSTEOPATHIi pky'sieiaa aad aurgeea. Kirksviilt graduate, 404-405 U. 8. NaUoaal Baal Bldg. Pkoao. office 818; rea, 614. FHT8ICIAM OF PHT830THXRAFHT DR. JACKSON. DOCTOR OF PHY8I otherspy, treats all ailmeats, Women's . troubles especially. 265 N. Commercial aetreet. Phone 1(101 PUBUO ACCOUNTANTS FRANK B, KELLOGG, PUBLIC A0 eountaak systems, bookkeeping, aervice, ditinjOreronBjdg I. REAL ESTATE City LARGE HOME CLOSE TO 8CHOOL8. .. Modern, furnace, etc Large east front lot. Priee $5500: terms like rent. BECKE A HENDRICKS ' U. S. Bank Bldg. 03. FOR SALE 6 ROOM HOUSE, MODERN except kasemenk; 249 N. 15th St. See owner. -03. LARGE HOUSE, 5 LARGE LOTS. PRICE $4000. Terms like rent.. : Quick posses- - aion. Beautiful trees, fruit,, berries, grapes, view and everything. This 'is . ideal large, family home. Soutk. Btl'M! ' ft HlCMUKlCKt U. a Bank Bldg OS. BARGAIN - For Sale 1 acre, with: 4 room house, good water, $550. COMPTON REAL ESTATE . 469 SUte Sk 03 ti. SETEN IS LUCKY WE HATE SETEN new bungalows thia morning, st Priced $3150 to $6500; $500 dowa takes say of three, reasonable terms on bal ance. Immediate possession oa four. Start now on a brand new kome and your troubles are over for a long time. ' Pkoao us. W like to Sell good homes. BECKE HENDRICKS . ' U. S. Bank Bldg. 03. BUNGALOW SNAP Owner writes ns to sell ker modera bun galow of 5 rooms, basement, furnace, stationary wask tabs, electricity, bstk, esst front. Immediste possession. Only $500 down. Price $2900; reduced - from $3100 for a quirk deal. See CHILDS A BECHTEL 540 State Sk 1 i 03-tf. Story by OCTAVUS ROY CX5HEN : Illustrations mm j REAL ESTATE City --- " iSNAPI SNAPt 8NAPI1; 8840 buys the best let in tko Best residence district ta-eity4 r .: ing across the street at ' $2000. Aet quick if you want ik Seo Ckilde A Becntet, .aao niaie o. uwj. , - JUST READ THIS THRU AS YOU drive out Nortk Capitol street yon will notice that lots -are for- ssle and sell ing at $1200 to $200. Most of -these arei-SOxlOO. Right done in at Capi tol and E. atreeta we had a lot cut in price yesterday from $1250 to$850. 'litis lot is SO feet deeper and 6 feet wider thaa the 50x100. ' Iti is also perfect grade, beat soil, fine district and has bearing fruit trees at back. This lot ia 65x150. paving paid. Perfect i title. Abstract up. to datel end is away below . the market at $850. If yoa want tke best residence lot bar gain in Salem shoot today. ! BECKE A HENDRICKS . U. 8. Bank Bldg. t . 03. $1700 SEMI MODERN, LOT 120x120. and 240 lin. fk cemoat aidewalk. New vacant. Easy terms. D27, Statesmsn. . . . : 03. FOR SALE 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGA tmA in9.5 K. Ganitol Sk Price. 862O0: terms. W. H. Graben-, fcorst Co.. 275 Stats Sk .A- SNAP --- : r- ' 6 room kouse and barn, corner lot, $1200. - Small payment down ; kalanco easy . terms. W. A. Liaton. 484 Charek 8 5 ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN, $2800. 5 room boose good location, $2600. i 5 room house corner lot, trees, $250 4 room new house, basement, $2500 5 room new house, paved atreet. $3200, 1 room bouse paved atreet, $1850. - $300 down. 9 room house close in, $1950. , 1 5 room kouse close in, $4200. ' . i . T room sew house, oak floor. $5800., 8 room house, attractive corner, $7200, 5 room house. Oak streek $3300. - ' 9 room house. Marion St, $3800. , ' ' 5 room house, attractive corner, every thing to your kearts content, $4200. 5 room bouse, paved streek bssement, . $39O0. ' .. . - - - ' ' - - - ;. 1 : Other kouses, farms and lots for sale and trade by -GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE ' 493 Ji. cottage Bk . t!8T TFttVS . 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, BASEMENT, OAJ rage, well built in, $3000; $300 cask $25 a month will handle thia. 6 room cottare. close ia oa paved streek good plumbing, garage. $2100; $300 cash and $25 a month.. T room bouse oa State streek modern conveniences, garage'. $5UO cash and - - $25 a month. i WINNIE PETTYJOHN, . Realtor . 216 Oregoa Bldg.' BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 20 acres, 8 Italian pre nes, 8 berriea, 3 timber, all good walant land. Two room ouso, 8 miles oak $2650;. $350 cash alance 5 years at 6 per eenk 0 ACRES; OO CLEARED; ALL GOOD fruit or, nat land, 4 mile from railroad station. 875 per acre, 14 cash, balance .to enit. ACRES BEARING ENGLISH WAL- : ants aad filAerts oa paved road - 9 , miles from town, $15000. $5000 cask. ii.jee to snit. 1 rtEtjUtAL MODERN SALEM BESI a mm to.. exchange for acraage. t Socolofsky, Realtor . -:f " ' 841 State 8k . . ' -:.:r - EAST BUT - - 5 Ti'ViTX HOUSE, TOILET. SINK. ILEO ki lights. $1500; $200 down, f IS 4VieMV:ln r I.A&GE LOT, 50x150 feet, oast front, kaa a garage which could bo made into temporary kome.- Priee $700 850 rfiu sown, balance 10 par month. .'. V g 1, ill- MM., . . 3 . a.jiun,sttl SMMBI. ' f' - HOME AND INCOME ' 870OO. cloae ia modera kome, witk two apartments. Worth looking up. Snap. - mm uwntm, &mu .OtatO OS. TMkS"j VnPD nmn nnimif - " ...... . vu.i ijwiu x , i ; r OWN HOME IF NOT, GET THIS ONE. "w a room oangaiow, nasoment, lot som irutt trees. Good lo cation, near erkeol. Only $2200. A few hundred dollars down, balance like - reak -. - . - Smw 4 room bungalow, basemenk Close to sckool aad streetcar.' Priee $2500. Cask S300?' ikMlftMA llbm wam. Nice 10 acre track Tory good so'il. Fine iruis. uom ia near Gardearoad. A kig bargaia for $4200. Good terms, j RICH U RE I MANN, Realtor Pkono 1013; Rea. Phone 1025&, f 229 Oregoa Bldg. v f FOR SALE BY OWNER, DO -YOU need a noma for 'winter, close ia, aoar sekeoL bosiaees center; also kouse and lot four hoice lots oa 20th aad Center, cement aidewalk, pavement ia and paid . ror. mce, aeoo np. Small paymeot j-. oown ; terms. . x-nene 417M, between GOOD ; BUYS 6-ROOM BUNGALOW with basement sad fireplace, gsrsga. Price 23000. Terms. . - . ' 10 ACRES ON GARDEN ROAD. ALL cuiiivatea, wiu exenange lor Bouse ia Salem. Price, $2000. 110-ACRES OF GOOD FARM LAND. LO- , eated ; nine miles cask - Thia is our Price, $55 per acre. : ' . 6 ROOM MODERN HOME. LOCATED 4 blocks ouk irice, gasoo; $20O0 dowa. -KOOM. CUMPLJSTKLT MODERN BUN galow on State 8kr Price, $6500; $3, ' OOO down. - . - 1 v.Tww linu aw nitrrn Pronei modern plumbing and ligkts; small basement, east front Price, $3875, Terms. " " ! WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. W. H. Grabenkorst A Co, realtors, 275 8Uto V Bt, u. a. uanx Blag. . : LOOK l "L t --; Beat buy in Salem oa 'State street "5 room house, large kk 80 feet frontage. All kinde of fine fniik Price $1900. . THOMASON. 831 StaU "Sk ! : ' Another Emergency ;' People will leara after a time that whea - we advertise a property as a bargain - or give at reason 'that will make one, . it -proves so." ..- M . : t - -A good 5 room baagalow, Biodera, witk bssement. east ' front, paved street, close to -car. Quite desirable; 1 easy payments, $3850, for -a limited i imo. oeO wm. r ieming, oai. tnato Bk - by H. WESTON TAYLOR - -.REAL ESTATE Cily j They make a specialty of hunting real real estste bargains. ? Hsrssrs a snaps. '- ' .: ' '- FEINTED CARDS, 8I2E 14" BY ti" wording r-ro Jtoas. r" " sack, Stalosmaa Buslaesa Office, a a Grouai tut. . PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY Ti", wordiag "Roe ma : to Reak" prlc l'J t costs sacs- Stateamaa Buaiaaas Of ; fieo. Grooad Floor. ; . .. aaafi nrrvft NEW BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS. M0DERS la every way, oa corner 1880 sTckurek street, $4750 $p0 Fine erosk lot witk 128 foot froatage o i i ; t.i aonnn . g room bungalow at 1543 Court Streek Prica geoiw; nan casu wwb. New bnagslow", 5 rooms, completely mod- , era. at a-O .wtisoa atreew ouuuu , Torma - New anfiniaked bouse witk corner , lot. Fries for quick sale, $675.00. 8 room completely modera kome with lot . VWAS-ir.. 1- l,k ' S79SO. 5 room completely saodera bungalow, . .no, v . i'..li. I two years oia, v. streek Price $6200; 8200 down. We write fire Insurance. " W. 1 H. Orabenhorst A Co., Real tore . 375 State streek U 8. Baak bldg. .1 -1 : : . Ground floor f REAL; ESTATE FARMS 1 ' 11 I'M A! 'MECHANIC! NOW TOU CAN guess what kind of a farmer Z am, so I'm going to trade my 100 acres of A-l soil all ia cultivation and equip- - ped witk teams, implements, cows, hogs, ebiekena. for city property. I have Baked Robiason in Oregon Bldg to handle the deal. Call kirn; 737. 03. FOR SALE TEN ACRES ALL CLEAR, about 100 ' bearing fruit trees, four room cottage, good bam. ban kouses, woodshed, and store kouse. Located aix miles from Salem on paved high way, . 3, 000. Yea; we have kouses for sale, some very low la prica and easy terms. . Also soma choice lota. Farm for , rank Six room kousa for rent. F. Lv Wood, 841 State Sk TWO GOOD DAIRY RANCHES FOR ssls reasoaskle. -Smaller places aecept .. ad as part paymsak FIRE. LIFE," AUTO AND INDEMNITY . insurance. " - A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Templk Salem, Or. FARMS, HOUSES, LOTS FOR SALE or trade. By Gertrude J. M. Page, Gold- oa Rule Realty Co, 492 N. Cottage. FOR SALE 161 ACRES 0. MILES N. . E. Salem. Abeat 40 acres ia cultivation, soma timber, -rtt stump pasture. Uoou dairy farm. Buildings. 2 acrea itrsw berries, soma loganberries. Half mile ! School, good road, mail route, $10,000. j 'Terms. Consider offer machinery, stock, ' Will rent to reliable farmer. F. K. Rape, owner. Wood barn, Oregon. Oa highway, near Arch. - - FARMS FOR BENT FOR RENT ONE 20 ACRE AND OS! I 17 acre place, 2 miles esst cf Salem aa paved road, Pkoao 221' 5. . 86O ACRE FARM AT PARK EH 8TA i tioa. Seven an ilea aoutk of Indepen dence.- Write or call Mrs. A. K. lior ton, 888 7tk Sk. Independence. Pkone 712.' TO RENT OR BUY WANTED EVERYTHING IN HA EX' wars sad farairara. Best prtet fail ; THB CAPITAL HARDWAIJ A FURNITURE CO. 285 -N. Commercial Sk Pkwe 041 transfer hauling I TBAJf 8TTB-TT kTTL&& MOvTNO AND ; klo . figures, paoaa 588. STORAGE RXAXONA 875 NorU Oommeralal, CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 22! SUte Sk Pkoas 838, Distributing, for- warding gad storsga our specialty. Caf .' aar rates t. WB MOTE. STORE AND CHIP HOUSJ keld goods. Our specialty is plana en furniture moving. We also make coun try tripe. Wa kaadle tka boat coal ana ' wood. Call oa aa for price. We giv good measure, good quality and good !- service. Uarmcr Transfer Co. I bone .USED CARS FOR SALE SALEM'S USED CAR CENTER Oleaoa Auto Exchange, 173 S. Libert v. Pkone 688. . . . . Q, Good MaxVell bargaia Chevrolet - touring . Mitchell -. .Z.... Paige Star . lOO.Or .. 150.1). 175.0t f-, i . -V,v f '250. 00 ..$350.l $4S0.(). SMin in Dodge Overland - Sedan f"'"" Gardner touring' ; .$700.0i 4; 1 We charge ao brokerage) - .F. , W-, PETTYJOHN Co, " 818 N. Commercial 03 tf. . v USED CARS. PRICED TO- SELL 1021 Chevrolet Touring A.i saonm 1920 Chevrolet Tearing , $225 ( 1818 Chevrolet Touring 1 $ 125.0 1919 Harley-Davidson - motorcycle - , electrically equipped $ T5.03 ; .CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T. 848 N, Commercial Sk tf. WE CAN USE A FEW MORE GOOr . light cars. If yoa fcsve a ear to se. that yoa arc Willing to sell fr a reason -Sbla prief bring them to Osesoa Aat Lxckaaga, . 173 8. Liberty or Phon 660. , , - , " 8aannnnTammBBBnanTmn i 32'-- -' ' rJ-L a : r FOR SALE. 1921 DODGE! TOURIV , mts of extras, perfect condition 87: . Inquire Valley Motor Co. Phon 1995, 260 NIIigh. - 1921 HUPMOBILB WITH A KZ guarantee, $775, on easy terms, t B. Giagrick Motor Co, 871 Court Et J'20 Dodge sedaa, A-l condition 8900. 1923 Dodge touring fully equipped, ru; 8000 miles $850. 1921 Dodge delivery $600. . 1918 Dodge touring, looks fine. $375: . terms. BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. GOOD USED OARS - GINGRICH II. tor Co.. tit Court. WANTED-Miscellaneous WANTED $3000 AND $3000 ON TXT.: ' claas residence security, 7. , W. A . Liston, Agenk C. EATON Jk EATON, practical katter formerly C B, Ellsworth establish First clsss hat work of all kinds, i. N. Commercial, WANTED DAILY NEWSPAPK3 t seriptioa solicitor. , Apply box D Uts Statesmsa ClattiHel I i