TIIE OREGON STATES?.! AN. SALEM. OREfiON SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER CO, 1023 -- i G0S8EF- r.MCI! ' i "our ccts VaadeTllle, road it Gibson ' la "Dead Game." C.ILGOJf . . :n:!cs cf. Women 'Salomr Jane.': . GRAND , L Toft Boiled.! . motion pictures of Monte r : , its Casino and Terrace and t cf Cote de Aiare, with i ;l :3 cf its cast ia the scenes, e r 3 f,tu:ri of the Cosmopolitan I : : "re. "ZiemJea of Women." dl- Tf 1 ty Alan CroEland rrom ! Iiiacx'a latest noTel. which c; ; a TV'ctk'8 ensasement at V -. r . r:a tLcater last nlsht. The el , tooSc the entire 'company ! - t ;;:f!era where six weeks v . ) E,ei-t on these scenes. ' They srj :;3-n::icent in their beanty. r L-2 tie gorgeous palace and Ml' i tits, designed ty Joseph V, -., fmoui Viennese artist, in t li Prince - ilichael . Lnblnoff, I in wastrel, stages gorgeous : ri nade' vivid hy many bean t ; 1 cnea and tlshly colored T! 3' action of the atory begins tt Lullaoffa palace In Moscow in as J ends la Monte Carlo in : lc. TLa plot deals with the rrlaca, played by Lionel :z:, and his regeneration, e. 1 ,. :th that of Alicia. Duchess E s,ctei ty Alma Itnbens, ltr:v :i vrar r :rvice and self sacrl- ; TLa .d!:-olute prl-ce gives I Ir. : :rrjr.;r3 erse cf t!3 finest i crtitl- j: ha act It with 1 is.t and sardonic realism : r.utens also gives an elo- t performance- even more r r at'; than her actinr in "Hu :.: fir porting cast, i t Tcl.o da Cordota, c; .: -tte. vnnian II Thoxnp- s : . i th Hushes. Wllllan Col : r.. :?ro ITaJeroTiI and Detty , rt,. T, 'itla assistance. : r Alaa Crc&IanJ has han- L'3 material In workmanlike a and ha drawn from the .rcl a tightly constructed, z.i coherent picture i n-DYea swiftly to its thril r-- :Ia?'?a. - There are two ; r?al'.ti3 fights one,, the " ; i rirrymote and Paul - iu::i la a snowstorm. r " ? ) c',1t t hand to hand con ' ti c n the nrlnce and - r.;: red,- More spec - ' r f' -;t3 It would be dlffl- s ,(" -cover in any photoplay At : tier. "Enemies of Worn- - ia a r'iCture that will enter f 9-1 ttrlll. It rewards the t . Zi uay i-IctorCrbeau- 1 ; it d33 the emotions with ; s tlramatlc story. - - , ; this clerer trio succeed in getting. Mr. Dereaux is an accomplished and extremely versatile entertain er doing a number of different Iles of work and doing all of them well, tfut featuring his, Yen triloqulal poweri through the medium of "Joe," the dummy, at the WCTU for sale, the receipts going toward the chlldrens heme near Corrallis. Wsffl2 Batter Used In rh-l : Display Is 75 GaIIons Approximately 75 gallons of waffle - batter was serred. to vis itors at the Crown flour exhibit In the pavilion, according to Mrs. L. A. Humphrey, in charge. The greatest amount -consumed was Wednesday, when waffles repre senting - 25 gallons were served. In addition to the waffles an aver, age of 18 gallons of cereals was dispensed, besides numerous cakes and hot rolls. - . 1 Mrs. Humphrey was assisted by six other women, two of whom are her daughters. he has been engaged in demonstration work and in holding cooking classes over the northwest. Her classes f have numbered as high as 2500 c. c Ta "as li array, dainty Metro r, x,t29 newest picture, "The ' a E -.ll." will be seen at the a theater next Tuesday la J the innovation of the now ' ,r "railo af pearanca" ' by ' r:rr:i Etars are intlnate t' :;r audlcce3 thsnsh ' 1 ly thousands of miles. I In this way. : : Unrray one day received ;.r; ;r.t request frora arCleve l ty.'itcr to come to that city I x: " 3 a rersonal appearance in lion with her notable pro "The Trench Doll.' " " I ". z t. t' at t!-e tasy in New :': fty, Hurray ccsceived , . l.a of rnakics her : ... I t:: irar.ee by radio. Arrar;enests were forthwith '3 r'.th a leading New York .. .icastlsg station, the Cleve I teatrr apprised of the mat tla everlns when all 3 c: !;rtat!y seated la the 3 C!:velanl house. Hiss Mur r ri'-ael her message. Her r:'.-d' with a pulchrltudi ? f :. A c . -al to her personal r'rf". Che was no more I ty the microphone than r-.ctlaa t''Clrre camera. ...v 3 tl :a Z 'Jss Hurray's radio :r:r,c9tss been used by. many I tar's and is becoming in- 'f i opular. "Tl ; I rcch Doll" was adapted t! 3 tcrceby Frances Marlon i thd Er'.Ish- adaptation o! - Trercli play by A. II. Thomas. a nobert Z. Leonard presen ' : t-rouzh I retro and Is spon I ty Tirrany Productions, of :; .'-. Leonard is dlrector--1 t : !L II. Ilofrmsn gene - 3 " a e r. , ; la prollcr t and Jerry r.oss. : 1:j a-i 1-at. ly iroduced singing and t :cly vehicle. -These r artists are recent re i th i caslcal comedy I 1 iva Just closed with a Lst V.'altx company, ry F.r;s Is a western boy : r-i lorn and raised In tut the call of v a too strong and he : : -vias the l y's part . ? I - WiJow." and 1 - ' -i crrir: 1 with t- ;isr. successes on !:Ua Ho?h, a daiatr - inimitable perso . :! j cf rp?. I roves ' r ! :r fun-: :ailns j r today. Slack and'Curiey, a clever pair of blackface artists. In a novel ana original' offering built for laughing purposes only.VTbis ve hicle. "Jail a la Carte, should prove a solid laughing hit with its , clever satire on modem' jail life, and the comforts of home. Mr. Slack has for. the past three years presented this offering over the Keith and Orpheum circuits and this Is the first time they have played Is the west, at the Bligh today, .-.f ; '; ;-.!. Curt G alio way . presents "Last of the 400" which is a comedy hobo act of the highest type with a big surprise opening, and best material in songs, parodies and 'talk, with special scenery. -His monologue is most 1 entertaining, containing,, as It does, so many really laughable experiences of a tramp. At the Bligh today. fouhtii sessio;j ' OF LEAGUE BIS Satisfaction Expressed by Delegates with Work Dono in Month' Time ' birth to Washington, Lincoln, .Wil son and Harding that people which represent as powerful a moral and material force in the world which for that very reason cannot, although it has not rati fied - the ; covenant, refuse - the league its valuable assistance." GENEVA, Sept.' 29.- (By the Associated Press.) -After a ses sion of month ' Anrnv vhlih thai period of the Greece-Italian crisis had been passed through to a final resolution of the difficulty, the fourth assembly of the league of nations adjourned today in an at mosphere of satisfaction among the delegates for the achievements of the session and firm hope in greater accomplishments in the future..'- -i-'.' It was made entirely clear by the speakers at the final session that, the hope of the future was pinned largely .on collaboration by the United ; States, whenever It could be obtained, with the con structive plans of the league, even if the day should never come when America will be actually found among the members. - Dr. Cosme de la Torrlente of Cuba, president of - the assembly. In an eloquent valedictory address, took -America from the subconscious thoughts of the delegates of the world organi sation and placed her in definite form before them by declaring that her old was vastly important for the future of mankind: Spontaneous applause rang through the great auditorium as Dr.- Torrlente spoke thus of the United States, and it 'broke out anew when the Cuban statesman, aiming to show that he did not despair of eventual American 'ad herence, gave voice to this senti ment: . . "I hope that once an agreement Is reached regarding the way, and manner of their cooperation with our work, we shall be able to wel come the representatives of that SEATTLE llEfflilG ; HELD BV LEADERS Charges; of Insubordination ' . Being Investigated by . . Executive Council ; . but officially. ' Members of the executive; council declared that : nothing - would "be made public ' until a determination of the case was reached. . It was sard: official ly that William M.yShort, presi dent of the- . Washington . State Federation of Xabor was present I and . that , Charles W. Doyle, ex in the "role of prosecutlhg witness ecu live secretary; James Duncan, dais of the Seattle body testified fn answer to the charges .made. A great mass of documentary evi dence was introduced Including the records and minutes of the Seattle organization for 'several years past it was said. It was also said .that the witnesses for the defense had contended in an swer to the charge that the coun cil had sent Hulett M. Wells ( as a delegate at the Red Interna tion- fiavy DirigibJs Flight Because of Storm Warning LAKEHURST, N. J., Sept. 29. Postponement of the flight of the navy dirigible ZR-1 to St. Louis to morrow, -was announced tonight after storm warnings had been re- national Itelegate and otherj offl- al at Mcscow. Russia; that Wells celved from the Mississippi valley. bad gone there only as an obser ver. T t If weather . coudltluuH m able on iionJay the l! attempt the Journey, It aa Opposltes attract, tut a who 1 kes to eat meats shou!! er'marry a vegetarian. Once they said "Oh, thlj sudden," but now they E.iy yes." Read the ClassiHcJ PORTLAND, 'Or.; Sept 29.--Hearingr of charges of Insubor dination and '' radicalism against the Seattle jentral , labor council was begun today before the ex ecutive council of the American Federation . of Labor here. After four and a half hours of charges', counter charges -and denials be hind -closed .doors the - hearing adjourned until Sunday afternoon. Details of what took place at the hearing today were not given women in one class , , Cakes and rolls were made for great American nation which gave t:Y:aOn3l3i2iitSai0c'i.S Special Mail Order Announcement MAIL OHDEnS FILLED IN ORDER OF RECEIPT '! i .n . ! w.rt jrjp, awrmtMMS L 1 r VI,. h n W-:.a-afU"l jlwuu'j" TJ-. T-it HTgT - sW : n-OCf n r i r -1 i nn n u' 'LTD LTTj u u .U U u i W f-sj - w 33" rP Price3 Sl.CD to S2J50 Pins Tax - PUELIO SEAT SALE - f 1 1 n i m n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii n m rA - n P wJ U UUbl W )jigX0)ff ' )MID) (gkfllcS BIG , Vaudeville NEAL HART ' - . . IN.. . V "THE TRAIL OF . NO RETURN" COMEDY TOO SCHOOL TOGS FOE STODEi : i u For Young Men that want the most snappy styles for school vcar. 7 You will find it a pleasure. to select those NEW FALL duds here with Better Styles - Better Values Better Service V Hundreds of Suits and Overcoats to choose from Popul Showing .00 : v,. J -. ;':V ,- , l ' - . - y - . -flu : X : v:v v .' J ;". t. r , r f . . . . ,.j . - I ' . ' . i j 1. t . ''. ' 1 J ,- .-' . 7- ' x- Others $40 $45 $50 Exam boat's in all POPULAR STYLES $12.50. to $37.50 in all styles and c .: rs 03.50 to CI LCD Let us fehow yo it iaia 4 X v , - Corduroys and Y.'t. i ' C3.75 toC-.C3 Every pair guarantc tw that look auJ wear L 1 3 1 CM Every Nov Stylo an:! See Our Lnrro $2.00 02.50 and Oar Personal Guarantee of Your Complete Satisfaction at All SEE OUR WINDOWS. . TEie . Rdciim'o SI:. Wm. A. ZoscI SAL - DUDS FOR MEN 416 State . . - 3 . .. f v L I B EMTY rMrerarprflrMHrarararararrraTarrrarrraraTaBBBBBBBBK h n C-kw Lf Another Bifj : Out-door Drama . filmed in the j V Bis Redwoods of California v From the Famous Story liy X BRET I-IARTE 'i1' V A Wonderful Cast ur 3 J ACQUELiriE LO G AN GEORGE FAWGETT MAURICE FLYNN It's a V.izry cf-t?is ricrrcr West ml Made by ' t!:s Prr !; rtr c T ' e IV U j vj j l .,',,) u 1 u u t , . ,. X y - r n i f t f ' r t i t. Continuous Today 2-11 p. m. li II A W L E Y j at the -WurUtzer ; , V et VICCtlTG c2cco )oatJg2 nJ With V 'X x , r - ti v Tne. mad revels in the palace - o ( Ruuit'a richest Prince the gambling halls of Mon te Carlo the' red rev- ' olution la Petrograd - the attack of the Cos Backs. You wilt see all ' this and more "I n Ibanez's greatest story magnificientljr , pro duced with an all star cant. Photographed In Paris, Nice and the Ulveria. m s ' i Last Time Tc: Continuous 2-11 P. T.2. Don't Mies! "SOFT BOILED" A A Great ; - Comedy Special . J with ' "1 r r-1 r - ' I ' ! Y . r.nd l .h HORSE 1' 7rT; ?