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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1923)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON - SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEr.IBirft CO, 1023 EastAfrlcan'FcIxs Ikli'i not . I i-7 la th I-i Tanganyika territory.' formerly Cerinaa East Africa.- Uoaa, Uop-i fr.:i trj elephants. -nesscs, fia f - - f i . . . . t -vipers the pasaa natlveVand R Ga U the UiaSSITieQ AOS witchcraft, rracticei by, the wild V.xe cf tie" Hosii '-district, cssi::snnaBy..;i.e!ple3 i infanta, to Seat-to death annually. ',It is Vtsy to. take Ueasyjtfter you' have found' somebody to take It'' from. - " " ' " Win 1 in 1 1 1 I J Ccr. CL:ie r.r.J liberty (Next to Wcclwcrth's) (T ' - m '"J T ' t J v.;. ":-V'8 calls for "Today style ihoea cloaely modelled upon the real lines of the foot. ;ilany. Wopea hare found treat comfort and. happiness la Cantilever Shoe. You Cr will .like" them, too,', because t they look , so , well and - h Y resirai&u a saoes.. are v cacse thero is-no crowning of the toes, no pressure, no. ( , ... 1' Y.'e. modelled upon the- lines -of yoarowa foct-and the flex- 'iilsqarch -plTes ;the highest decree, or freedom..,- -Tia'Zreeioaof the mas- clea to-, exercise, and, - keep a t to a g ... i aaf eiaar da yous, 'aairst :fere ale arches. ,'The. tree clrcaUtloa helss to keep yoaf feet cool la summer, for' feet swell froni restrict ed cfrcuU'tlea,, . .... - ,-; ..Graceful la' - appearance, well mde,' of. tine leathers. CantlleTer Ehoea . ttIU ..1to you eccsc recall serrice anil foot cnfcrt "Which you "will arreclate. :iex- r hest-Ji, .14. ---1- a - 1 ' a 'TOw'c',-.,r';'' I "4 ; G. CrG. CiiCio! ;ii ail Last Note Will Be Burned at . LtJncheon Scheduled for Monday. ; ;;. The chamber of commerce does not owe a dollar. This freedom from debt will be -celebrated at the; first regular dinner tor the ran .wnica win be lten at 12 o'clock oa Monday. . -The seren patriotic citizens who came to the rescue of the clab'oa September 7, J1921 y algnlnR a note for $2, 600 hare been Invited to be gaesta of the club on. the dinner, occasion; when the cancelled note will be exhibited by President J. C. Per ry and then burned. The aeTen men. who helped out and who wilj be honored are J. "William Cham, hers,' Wm. -Gahlsderf George- Put nam, Geo. -P. Griffith, B. E. Sis son. Luther-T.- Chapin, IV O. Snel- 11ns; and Wm." McGIlchrtat. Jr. In addition to the1 note burning there -will be three ' minute talks from the directors-when each will be asked to. tell briefly what his department has ben doing.-- - I that would tickle . the palate of a kins is to be found at Schaefers, and so healttif ul too not ;a harmful thins in them. - - , . ' .'- " i ' . 133 N. CcmmcrcL:! 'THE WILD JBULL tOF THE - PALIPAS TALID. 1? 1 i s 5! , ;; r ' ; -Remarkable photo shows Lois Firpo of the Argentine ainking to the earivaaaa refciee Johnoj, -v fatal ount the second round. xDempsey's terrifle punches" brought down' the chaBenger after one of the most spectacular h eaTTweight contests In years, This will be the' first; luncheon of the fall and the -members are urged to start In early reserving this hour every Monday ; for. din ing, with fellow members of the organization. " 1 R e a d the Classified Ads: 'ItEALTV UXCirANGES j 'Reported By j' Union Abstract Company j O, K. Lvis a wf. to ChM. Unxlekar a wf n. 1. a. kit 10, capital prk add 6lm. $10. . j, t-i. tmory A. Sharp- A wf. to Tlaeant K. Diax. Its. a, 4. blk. 5, olwood add, Salem.'- ft0 V - - ' ' - - ' Wm. Ih. Cumnins, to Edith L Stow. prt fellc 8. Boatliweat Add. JSalem, Orepoa $1. Minni L. Trnllinrer to Frnlc Corey and wife, sart B. H. Boabey cl. No. 47-5-1 W, 10O. i -v-- ... v.-1 CUra K. Uulkar to Wm. P. Malkey, part octioa, 8.-T.. 9.' Salem, fl.. . ' ' A U Beasnter and wif to Liji X Brlerr part bJk, 6 '6rtt EaleaflO. ii. Yonmr to P. Lafty and irio lot 4. fcllcr 10 Boisea 2nd additioa to Salem. $o. - . . . H. A Harria and wife to Adam Enjel, lot 1. . blk S. . FarrJaa Urora aoouuta, Baeim. a 10. Ul m lit .a . . ... j TO PLAY SAM Falrjmjs - Stage - Celebrity to Mliay Uranq I heater ;: rV 'Soon v r v t 'A theatrical; eTent of .great im portance will J be - thV coming en gagement of the Julian El tinge and TomT Brjpwn Blaek and White Revue of. 192 4 which comes to the Grand theater Wednesday. Octcn ber 10. The Black arid White Re vue is a musical entertainment of th most mpdern type, possessing those ingredients of beauty, "danc ing, tunefulness, mirth and the p.. a. HoaWna .and ,Ua to v. R. p-1 newest - costumlc - creations which Sart nd wie.- '1-3 interest in part lot! 3 ad, 4. Stock 1; XHBaid. ore.. ' Xaaey Ann Pari to John Daria, 20 acres ia J. Martin e! 71-7-SW, 20O. ' .; J.'B- Ijobold and wife to Xargaret L bold. 20 acre in E. v Kim ley cL section 1 0-8-3 W: S10. ' s J. B. Ivobodl and irif to . Varfarei ! bH,. 40 acraa in H. Taylor el.,. No. 68 S10... ' ' ' 'J "Wilson et al tc S. C; Wilson, part of block 62. North Salem, $10. E. B. Grabenhorst mad wife to K. W, Kile,-part of lot 10, ll, 12, blk. 18, Catrmooat aark -add. to Saleo, S01. . , v. xi. nronraeoo o . jr. mxl oh S; Walkera'add to Salem, $10. E. V, Strona and wife to L. B. El- mora 'and hnsband.- Jo tsT. 8. Stroar A Ri-rnt Trsrtr S1250. '- make ; for , a successful entertain- ment. Pleaty of nimble toei will be In evidence '-and .several fun makers of ' unusual : importance; headed byj Lew "Dockstader, will provide the laughs for the patrons of the Grand theater. , In. addition to, the Six Brown Brothers, world famed, saxaphoalsts, " Julian El Unge and Tom Brown have added to their revue . this ., season; .'the; largest saxophone ; band ever on tour.' The lovers of jazz will find something to their liking in ' this entertainment aa the revue cari ries its own Orchestra :of-many symphonic-Jaza players. J -si - Seats for the 4 Julian Eltlnse and Tohx Brown Black and White! Revue of 1924 will ber available at the Grand box office on Saturday, October 5 -.-.r;!-. :-- : l- PORTLAND' UARICETS ' Korea. Wheat, blnetem baart, soft white; September Sl-05; October, xnoTember 11.04. Western white, September $1.03 j October, - November $1.04. - Hard winter, September, October, November, $1.01. Northern spring, September.. . October, $1.01; November $1. Western red Sep tomber $1; October S1.01; November $1. " .. - . OATS- . No. 2 white feed. September, Oetobetf $29.50: No2 tray.. September $28. Oct. ober, November $27.50. 1 No. "S. 48 posnda. September, -October October, November, $"28.50. No. Hitni vollow' shloment.' Sen-J tenner V37.0U: Qctooar 9T: November $35.50. - , - - . - . . nui run, October, November $2. Uaiu.efc'.iljLi.iJi; i'iLDEiiEi.;:ij Papyrus- With Colors of Great Britain Arrives on American Spi! I: BERLIN. Sept. 29.-r-(By The Associated Press. ) Parliament ary leaders believe that ' Chancel lor StressmSnn's ability -to 'keep the coalition intact depends whol ly on the measure and promptness with which, he succeeds in rettlag Germany's foreign affairs disen tangled, now that he has made an , '.:' m 4t r ft V O)- r NOW Is the time to have the car pafcnted-'for Fall and Wln 'ter use HERE is' the place to' have it done. Superb workmanship -rlus refined. . aristocratic. . distinc tive cOU5r schemes and the fin est qusallty paints and var nishes insure genuinely satis factory work, j RELIANCE ; AUTO PAINTING CO. 219 State, - Corner Front "''PHONE" 37 rc" .i: ' Unleci t: 1 ( r itioa t3 , r ::b.stag e t 1' itivj procf t. t 1 . tloa cf . the forr: ' 1 will be .ouchi..:.-.l '" tho qtrrst.'aa r.t C l-zty la tLo r.".lr - :: epeeiy- cl-riilc.-.t : j ia tte crSaloa ct s leaders ia likely, to of awkward defer a. - The more we !." Hal, the mcro t a placli d'Ar . EVERY wtti . j enroll la ty. of. this ech' 1 : shoull put It. c . ; t er. Wtea r : i proper .'pra:t: A edge you caa : 11 Our tall term I lay. mmi Mm FISIS EGG The FUlXEGG BASTOT i3 sure Yrhcn r: EGGTRODUCEU is kept ccr..i. - -before, your Jiens' and pull ct3 .1 j ' ,.",' j t (.j - . .. i . Fisher'a Egg Producer is a c::l r ! turo the . proper - protein element for er? rroi acti strong in .feather making material -ani ir abundance of easily dieested -protein. Costs less than yon. can j.rofitaV.y " ; !"''' : ' 'For sale by WHITE D. A. piioxe ieo - I. ,1 I ... v ". r '-",7 J ' ' . ' J A . - - -.- . . . t ... ., ' . 4 fflp'1'''' . 4 ; ' . i i C 3 HIS IS WEDGEWOOD RANGE WEEK." Wc Lave c:i display in our vcct window all the ; latest decina in W cdjjevood Rancca and Heaters. Travel dnyv.'Iicre in tLi vecV-go from houc2 to horns to home in country or city, and wherever coo!:nj and baking are done with the least fuel c::pcnc2 and the moct satisfactory results,; there, almcctjnvariably, you will find a Wecigewood " . " - . - 1 ... ' v .. . , ; . . R. "'?"'""" - . . " . " " '". '.-1 , ' r ' ..,.. .... i . , ... r . , Ever Lincc 1 832 the Ye'devood Stove corn-p-ny have been mailing dependable merchandise ctrivin to fnI:o better fsh3.". Here yoii will, find the utmcct in der:n-:H ccnetructicn and fin-i-h-ycu'll find quality, in every detail that ma!ie3 for better baking-better and lonrrer and more' cat- it? REE WITH EVERY RAN&E SOLD durin; this tactory demonstration,, Jour rcnoicu c4 - . . . . . .".." f ' ' ' .,.-' - - L ' ? is ... ... 4 . f A - f . , . either one 1 5 Piece 'Gereal Set or 32 Piece Set of Dishes. All you "progressive houcewivec, here': a chance to learn 'the secret3 of iperfect bakin ; breakfast breads, pastries, cakes, tender and j-::c--roastsverythirirjf; see. the conveniences and ad Vantages of the newest Wcdewood Rance beautiful enamel and nickel finishes, rust prccf oven linings so easy to keep clean! There will be a special demonstration here all this week; Lc ts of clever new ideas. " Be sure to come. ia 1fi-C--v' 1 r 1 ' I ! 1 -' icfrxtcry eerviec. V I'iMrs. Bel!e de Grsrs L-cIr cf rccicj c :;- m m ' a ' . 'plains ovca icr.:;,4.raiurcj, ir.e rrc; :.: 3 tion of meals, recipes for mctr:, f ! , I Tcsretatlcs. cilel:, LrcLTt lr: ..." 1 t 3 . i f- 1 1 - 1 it "1 w.J V w w a. a. .