Every Flight During Fair Week tord 1 MONDAY AND TUESDAY Osvcld'a Tea Sercaiadsrs, a wonderful combination WEDNESDAY AND TRIDAY . TH Travelers, theylre hard to beat. V.v - ;.;" SATURDAY, V ' j ' . , The Best Program Ever at" 4 THE D?Ar.llJANP Don't REss This! : E. H. BURRELL Electrical Parts for all makes of cars 23 IJcrth Ili-h Street Telephone 203 TODAY AIVFHE FAIR PROGRAM . -; . . . .r . --. BAIXMV GOVERNOR'S AND CIVIC OB QAMUAUOJTS A ; ' ' :" 'Forenoon, , 8:00 Judging coutiaued in all department. 9:00 Judging of lion in Industrial .Club barns by girl "and boy.' - 10:00 Open air concert by Veterans' Fife and Dran Corp. 10:15 Canning demonstration by girla of Industrial clubs ia Educational ' ' building. . - . ' ' I 10 :30 Concert by band from Stat TrainH ing School for. Boys ia-Educational! . boiUStng. "" i . ; ' - ' 1 1 :00 gpoeial Ore awn program in main and itorinm, finder auspice of State Child Welfare Commission, Stat Parent Teacher4 Association and , Oregon? Council-of National Motion Picture Kcaame. - . , ' r F. E. SHAFER'S Luggage Harness - Leathar Goods. " " - ? &5 Yr. Experience. 170 S. Com'l. 11:30 Open air program by I -a Grande band, official state fair band, nnder airectioa of Andrew Loney. : .1 Afternoon t -. ' 1 ?00 Informal talk on art ia art depart .. nient, covering special subject, v 1 l:30--Racing program oa-"Lone' Osk" track, featuring musie by La Grand band, official ststo fair band.- -Mrs. , A. L. Richardson of La Grande and ' Miss Lena .Bella . Tartar of Salem will sing, accompanied by band. 2:00 Concert by Chemawa Indian Training " Scnool band iu main, pavillion. - . . V gai.jsles mjs PROPERTY Against another man's skill. That is what the car owner: dees when he takes higcar into a re pair shop. ' V "Play safe J betting only on the most effi cient shop you can find. ', 1 5 :. ...... " m . - T-??-- T : 444 ornmercial TODAY AT HIE FAIR PROGRAM 4 (Continued) 7 2 :00 Special .Oregon program, in . main auditorium, under auspices of -Stat .Child Welfare. .Commission, Bute 'Parent-Teacher Association and Ora; - ran Council tot National Motion Pic-.' i-Ttur Leagna. '. ", t . 2:laenCaaaing - demonstration in Ednea- . "tional building by girla of Industrial ' clubs. : ,i 2:30 Indoor concert by band . of State .. . .Training School for Boys in Educa , ' tional building. SrOO Open air concert by Veterans' Fife "erad. Irrum Corp a. . . f 4:00 Viewing of general exhibits. 5 :QO--CarniTal along midway. , ' : Tenlnz t:30 -Open air concert by La Orande bapd, ' nnder direction of Andrew Loney. Newcornb's Tire Shop Vulcanizing. ' Goodrich Tires. ' 171 So High St. ; : a 7 . 7:00 Concert by Schubert ' Octette, under direction of Minneta Magers ia mala " auditorium. r i 7:30 Horse show in stadium. Musie by la Grande Municipal band. -8:0O MoTing pictures, descriptive of Ore roa out-of-doors and , hydro-electrio developmeat, put on '- by -Portland '. . K 'l way; Sdght V Power company, ia . . Main auditorium.! i : 8 :00 Annual taeetincr of members of Ore-: : oa Purebred Livestock association, " ia Christian' church ' restaurant. ... :00 Carnival along midway. . i ' . Sea the Stutl!:r.!:-: j ; ;. . at tho Fr-ir N ; During the:firct ccven monlli z of 1923 Studebaher produce J and sold more cars than during the entire year ; of 1 922. ' WH-Yr?'-' - . ' MARION AUTpr02ILi: CZ - ' Salem's Largest Garc2 Phone 362 0---.zt I!tttl " OPEN DAY AND NIGHT . Eat With- MRS. -OLX.aG 1 At. .Tho Fair Ground 3 . cosiE ONCq you 0:::: AGA::r' . Located cn Mafa Sidewalk to LOOK FOR THE CJAFETEHIA CIGIH Short .Orders. SoftDrinlic. Sr-Iv:"