THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON I .f NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY ' W. H. Berghardt Jr. Resides Agest $71 Butt Bt, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2G, 1023 MONEY 70 LOAN ; o r.iitu "" Jd4 4) iiKth Panki AUTOMOBILES 1 AUTO REPAIBINO tr , Thank You r'"T rar patronage. It ia only through ! i Pm,ronare of jrott and your neigh ! Mr that wa hare become tba busiest n B. auto repair shop in Sslem; : upcrTor Motor Kensir. AUTO TOPS 4 WV TrfTG. I . .. J I lv ;"' """ - Our Work Satisfies ato top work 256 State At BOeaeao wo do tbe of any shop la WALTER E. GRUN BATTERY AMD EUCTKXCZAS PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Wtatiom. Export battery oad electrical -work. Tarrie Bre. Pboae 1608. 448 Court . ,:.-. - '-, . , , B. D. BARTON EXIDS BATTERIES etarter aad coawrator work: 171 Soath RAUXATOB ft IX2TDEB REPAIRS RADIATORS FXNDXKS, BO DIB 8 saad or repaired. J. O. Balr. 849 Perry TXRSS AJTD ACCESSORIES USED PARTS ,$ to 11 OFF. MIKE'S Aato Wreekiag Hsaaa; 434 North CnwimorelaL Phone 62 ' . TRACTORS .' 4 M . a A. . . . V n W am. v v.. aaau bv (taat ri. Phott 10. CUum tnetort. OUtm la- . plementa. ' BICYCLESand REPAIRING! BaBaaoaaaaooaaaoaoaMMaaaBni Bxcrczxa and xxpaixo I LAaTD E. f a,s and RAM8DEN DATTOhf BIOT repoirtnr: SSf Ooorv.. l BUSINESS CARDS ARCHITECTS rsriMAS 8TRUBLX, REGISTERED Architects, 610 Bask of Osmstarcs AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER I. E. TALBOTT. THE 1;wajW fnnlhiM suit f n anlaa f - seetloaeer. J03 U. 8. Bssk Bid Ptss 470 for aale date. 1 OARPST AMD BUO WZATZXO fiALEK CARPET C LEA SI 5 O AXT Plnff Bos Worka Raj and fluff raga wsrea so alia witliont tetoa. Kaw 'aiattroaaca tnada to erdar Ol tnsV ftroaaoa raaado. Poathora reoorato. 1 boy all kiada of old earpoto for flaff -rg. aa'i VTilbat treeta. Pfceae 11154 Otto r. zwirker, rrop WHEN YQUi WANTj TO GET THE WNTS, YOU WANT TO GET, JSE THE STESMAN r . BUSINESS CARDS ) r&ORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS fonerar wratha.v daeoatioaa. O. P. ' Broithaopt. floriat, 134 ' N. Uborty. Pboae SSO. PRA TURN All LOTA1. ORANOE LOIXTE JASOX UEE UemarUI No. 580 Beets Is Odd Pel : t Iowa.' salt Trf tint, tklrd sad tint Taaeaay o ; tne b onto. a Oranrenea walooaae. FOR RENT FURNISHED O. i FOR RENT DURIXO PAIR WEEK. OR ler next two month, anall oifiee dovnitairt nc blork from Commercial and State atrrta. I reserve- email itor- w apace. P. O. Boa 128. APAETKEKTS FURNISHED AND TJNPTTRNISHED : apartment btbiiboio ai in Drown, cm ma Morphy Brown. Pfaone 931 , or PURE ACES SEAOROVB FOR FCREACXS PIPE and vtpeleaa; IBS a. 13i Bt. Pkoae sssw. '-', xcra romtt WE BUT AND BE!X rURXITUXS, tools, and Jaak. T HorU eiaL Pkoae SSS. f ZJkTTHDEXES SALESf LAUNDBT OOMPANT, S10 8. Uborty itraet. Psosa IS. Oldaat Urgaav seat. EatablUKed 1888. CAPITAL CITY , STEAM LAUKDRT Qoolity work: proaipt aorrieot UM Brood way rim IAS. HAxmm shop THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam boilera, . Tuleaalsera ssd take - plotoa. Porrr Or OompboO. SIT H Uborty. ' I&XDX0A& MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Pbooo S1T-W. HURSERY STOCKS FRUITLAND NURSERY COMPLETE : . line troea. Office : 161 B. 14ts St. Pkono 1140M. COM PL.ETK LINE TREES SMALL. fralta, oroameata. Capital City Nor- , aery Co, 436 Oregoa mas- rsoss 7. FRUIT. NUT .AND 8 HADE TREES Parr nroa 38T State. PAPERBAJI OZKO AJTD r AXXTXEO P1XONS GLENN ADAMS FOR BOUSE itooritiat, ptpr k8B(lag, tlatiag, U. Reliable workmaa. ' taN UaiNT K.Al.aOMllMM IS MBAUT1- fal. aolora; 81 dooe s roost., Mas O. Bores. 17 N. CommorelaL PLUMBIEO PLUMBING REPA I KINfl AND COIL work. Phono I37 J. Shop 137 Ualoa trxt. A. f Oofry t. SCAVENGERS 8ALEM SCAVENGERS' GARBAGE. :. rofuae of all kiada removed. Oeapeela cleaned. Pkoae 161 or 1007 J. . ' SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (Su coaaor to Veal Seaaarr) Gar bora aad rasaa of all kinds removed by tee -moat. - Reasoaable rates. Paoaes; Of fine SS9: roaldaoeo SOSS. SECOXD HAJTD. OOOPS . SALEM. BARGAIN JBQUSK BUY8 AN , seiia seeosa ntna iwrsusrs, tool sne jnsk; 320 X . t Commercial. Psoas 403. WANTED E VEBYTHIXQ IN Ol OTfT . lag aad abeoa. '.- Boat priooa paid. Cap Hal Xschangov 843 North CemmoroioJ Pkoae 1S68-W. ' i STOVES AND STOVB RCTATRTNO 4 . L CHXBOIEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING 9 U R N A O E cleanm. V tooaenmaa. u. x arw r or iiaHwere iwyttt. i ,ti .. CLEANERS AND DYERS . SALEM CLEANERS AND D Y E B S - Saite cloaaod aad preeaed. 81.60. : Saita sposgod asd preeaed. 80a. CONSULTING ENGINEERS tlVIL. CONSULTING. OONSTRUCTION Coaatrmetiar Engineer. Sarvera. oeii- matoa. J no. H. Neei. 818 , Oregon Rid. Pboae TT5. DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS,' 175 N. Commercial Pkoae 167. SLECTRICXAHa BALEM ELECT RIO CO. MASONIC . baiMIiH. Phosa 1300. .; t, t ELECT RIO FIXTURE AND SUPPLY v Cc Pkoae 194. 32S N. Liberty. AJtCUIS FLESNER. ELECTRICIAN Ilouae wiring by soar or contract. Ea timatoa farsiahed.1 Psoas 960, .414 Court St ; MALIK'S ELECT RIO 8HOP ELEO trieal aaaohiao ropalrlag, eostraotiag 837 Court. Fboaa 488. rTNANCIAl. WE HAVE 85000 PRIVATE MONEY to loan wo farm property. - . ANDERSON RUPERT 40? Orogoa bld - - - - 1 LOANS UNDER RESERVE 8TSTEM os city or farm property. Roearre Do , ' 1 posit company, 73 fourth Btroot, Port I I lead. Of. ; ' . : " 1 . . ! FARM LOANS ' ' ' " At PER CENT ssd !-f PER CENT' ;" 1 tt'.l ANDERSON RUPERT f Oragos Bldgu. Soloam, -Ore. 1 ' FARM LOANS Isearsdeo aaoney. ssy amount S par seat. ; for S. T. 10. or SO yoara. wHfc fall ' prt-payaaent frirliogsa osuiro WlUaaa- sit TSlley. ' , -HAWKIN9 A ROBERTS , . , SOS Oreoo.BldaT Saioaa. Orocoa"' UAWK1NJ ROBERTS. CITY LOANS. , lowest -rates.'.- - ..-''.- GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 8V& j per cent. 80S 8eleaa Bank of Commerce X)AN8 LOANS LOANS I can make your farm or city loan, boat ' service g!vn. If you oeod loaa. see roe-d If yea bare money to plac. are mo l olwaya have Ukera. G. W. Il.aflar. Orero bids. . riRUL OA N S LESS INTEREST. Vlonjer timo. a eommlasion." Protect agaioat adversity. City loaaa, loweat rate, monthly linstallmeota,- pre-pay-. r'ni prlviletre. 3 C SiejrmnBd, room 'a. over Ladd S 'Bosk Peak. "- ' FVENTTURB STORES GIESB FTJi-VlTURE CO. OOALtTT f oral tore for loao aaoooy. STS Ooort I'bons 404. r ..PLE"3 FUkiMTURB STORK NEW -1 -it baad urnitare; 371 K. STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED ' 40 years' arperieaea. Depot Natioaal fraee, (isee 36 to 36 is. kigs. Paiata. ' oils aad varnishes, ete (scan berry end bop hooka. ; Salem Feajee aad Store Works. 350 Ooart street Pheas 134. 1 " 1 I 11 TRARSPORTATZOM V ..CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINK ' Central 8 to go TermiBoL Salem, Oragoa , -. SALEM-EUGENE - Leovee Belam 7 :15 a. as.; S:1S a. as.; 11:16 s. at.; 1:16: p.. an.; 8:16 p aa.; S:1S p .; 7:80 p. m.: to Oorrsnia esiy. PARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker, Geaoral Masagor Central State Terminal --t, Salem, Oregon. 8ALEM-8ILVERTON DIVISION Leave Salem, Central State Terminal; 7 a. m.; 11 s. a.; f p. st Leovee Sirrortoa Nawe Stand: ' 8 a. an.: 1 p. m; 6 p. as. Salem-lDdepeadenco-Moamoatk Dirlsisst Leave Salsm, CestrsI fitscs Tanslsslt T av as.; S a. ns. 11:10 a. m.; 8:10 p. am. . 6:10 p ns Leeree Monmonth, Monmoeth Hotel: .6:15 a. m.; 1 p.. m. ; 6:15 p. sv i Lsarca Indtpendence, Beaver HeUl: - 8:80 i s.; 9:50 s. as.; 1:18 p. m.' '. 4 p. tn.r 6:0 p. m. Leaves Coatral Stage TamUaal. Saleaa, for Delia at: t - 7 s. m.: 11:10 s. si: B:10 p sv Lesvea Gall HoteL Dal U. at 8 s. sa.; X p. sa.; 6:18 p. m. W make eesaeetioss at Bales to all porta of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment, - J W. PARKER. General Masagor. NEATLY FURNISHED APARTMENT. 2V4 , - Bommer. j t ; -. f HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. - z. a or rooms, close in. 511 Mitt Bt, Phone 137J. --.--F,.. . FOR RENT FURNSIIED APARTMENT .at the La Valley apartment hens 818 ortb t!om k . FOB : RENT THREE ROOM FUR . niihed apartment, corner Mi1, sod High at.: also 6 room dwei and ' garage. Ivan u. Mortainu PSoiS. X. FOR RENT 5 ROOM APARTMENT: - bath, toOet. oleetrie light, end sleeping porch. . Ligbts, water aad pboae free. can at 4io urefos. stag. FOB RENT APARTMENTS, 691 NO (Vimmerrlat " M ; S BOARD AX9 ROOM ROOM AND BOARD IN C00 BLOCK, Marios St. . . ROOM AND BOARD IN AN ATTRAC tive borne. Good cook. Inquire 493 N. Cottage St. . . IXATS FOR RENT FIVE ROOM MODERN ' flat forniahed. at 664 Ferry St. 945 a month. Call at that address, or phono f or as miiiwh ice, or piwn, sea. BOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT IN fine ' residence location close to basi nets center, near street' car. . afodoro - conveniences. . Call 751J. . . . - - . THREE BOOM HOUSE, PARTLY FUR . Sitbed. 1144 North Cottage. . . HAVE TWO SMALL PLACES FOR : rent oa loar terms to people who want ' to raise berries, nats and fruit. Young married people preferred, A. C. B01IRX8TEDT, Bealtor 407.Maaoaie Temple Salem, Ore. ROOKS ROOM8,81 PER NIGHT. 2093M. 833 Water St SLEEPING ROOM CLOSE IN, 103 Marion etreet. ; FOR RENT TWO LIGHT H0U6E kepiag room. Garage. 110 Division. COZY ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY. i Reasonable1 rate. 809 North .21st ot. , Pboae 913 J. i - ONE " HOUSEKEEPING ROOM AND kitchenette, furaace heat Phone 1378-R. . :. r . PLEASANT FURNISHED HEATED roocn zor two goauomoau x-none ii-n. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. osivojeiuf rvs vasaj 84SS SB fh v BBsjeop mvoioa Phon 1878-R. - . , FOR RENT MODERN SLEEPING rooms. PhOno 836J. rOR RENT APARTMENTS AND aleoping rooms Leonard HoteL 354 N. Front Street, V-. PRINTED CARDS, 8IZE 14" BY TVs", wording "Furaiaked Rooms." price 10 ' ewoto oaeh. Btntosmsn Bostaeea Of t fleo. Orooad Floori - T IFOR RENT. UNFURNISHEDI FOR RENT FOUR AND FIVE ROOM : aafarniahed - apartments. Nine room tvrrane clone in. Adults. 48 Center. ' FOR RENT-Miscellarieoust FLAM OS NEW PIANO FOB RENT 86 FEB MO. i H. Stiff Poraitnre Co. - FOR SALE-Miscellaneous j Sm--Btamff8smrat-- VETCH AND 0AT8 8EED FOR SALE. W. M. Meier, Route S. sear tinier Station. Phone tK12. FOR SALE FIRST CLASS "MONARCH range. Inquire Kimball College Tuesay. . Wednesday, Thursday er Friday. John xecpuvu. FOR SALE GROCERY BUSINE8S IN rood location, in Balem. Price aoeo- lately right Most bo sold at once. Socolofaky, 341 Bute. : VARTXTT. STOEEJ SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA--ware, glassware, toya. ootioaa, aad mil-linere. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office, 801 South Commercial St Tea - per rent discount os domestic flat ratea paid to odvaaeo. No dodoetioaa for shsenro or any .eaaao aloae water . It shut off your premises. AUTO TRUNKS GREATLY REDCC- ed. Attend piy iaggare aai. stas u. Buren, 179 N. .Cem'L " ' i SACKS! SACKS 1 POTATOES AND grain sacks, Willamette Bargain bouse : 975 N. Commercial. .Phone 583 , TRUNKS AS LOW AS 83.90; MATTING suit cases 319S; Leather Traveling bars 84.95; Wardrobe trunk 919.75; : Fiber aoiteaaea - 6 l.SO i -Three quarter aiso (stodeot) tranka." extra strong and good looking. 17.0. alas O. Bo ren, 179 N. Com'l ' FOR SALE KITCHEN ' CABINET. i, Phone- -1352W,. . , , ; 7. ; . , REGULAR 83.50 BAS8INETTS. . NOW selling at SI. OS. Babr gatee, bal.y I pena, jumper. go-carte. AU eheapeat i sera. Mas O. Buren 179 N. Com'l. : Classified Section ' ' ! Phono 23 -Advertising Dcfit : . ; j- ' - - . . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ', Rate per word: 9mm UurttA, Tsres isaertloas So , 6 One week (alz insertions) .... una moata - 80 -20e Sis moatha' contract noi atvam eoniraci, per ma i lt Minimum for any advertikemeat 25e MUSIC STORES I FOR SALE Miscellaneous TOR SALE LARGE REMINGTON typewriter. ' Good bargain.- Phone T38-M. - " . ' PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY TU : wording '.'For Sale. Enquire at" Prior 10 eeate each. Statoamaa Basinea . Office, Grsnad Floor. Beautiful Oregon Rose And alovoa ether Ore goat Boars together with a fine eo.lertioa of patriotic aongo. acred songs and maay eld-time favor ite ,1 " ALL FOR 35a. Special priros Is quantity lots) Especially adaptable for aekeol eemmua tty or homo ainging. Send for f- ; f - - - . . . - " Western Songster - TS psares now rn Its third editios . ; PubUahod by . ' OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY ; 315 8. Commercial St Balem, Or. FOR SALE LUDWIO PIANO. S1SR. : Phone BEAUTIFUL NEW AX MINSTER RCG8 -. Bert in Balem for the price. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Co'. ALL STEEL ARMY COTS $1.00. CAN . vaa army cote 63.95. . Mas O. Buren, ' 17S N. Com'l. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 casta 9 bundle. Circalatios department Oregoa 8ttemt BIRDS, FLOWERS AMD PETS PARROT 8PECIAL TILL 8EPTEM v ber 1. we will sell yoaag haad-ralsed Panama parrot for only 919.60. , Every- one guaranteed to leara to talk. Flake's Petlsnd. Salem. Oregos. BUSINESS FOR SALE LOOK BUYKRS! SAVE COMMISSION! 66 . room modern apartment house lease and furnishings; white brick, clean and clearing about 4O0 monthly. $12,000; part cash: or will take good mortgagee or good farm to 97000. Phone K619J. Onwcr le LoClair Apta., Portland. Cor. Williams and Russell. FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN 'SEND EIGHT TWO . cent stamps for epoeial throe moatha' trial for the boat and oldest Journal tn the wast The article aad advertise . Mmnta am M mwl.l I n t.r.,1 A eb- i Mult, t naitre mt 1 tba Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 311 Com naorelal street Salem. " Oregon. ' IP YOU WANT TO GET I THE BES1 farm paper.- send; 15e o tko Pacifi . , Homestead. .Bslem. Oregon for s three , aooatBs', trlsl aabcTij.tion. Uastitfa thie ad. IVrVESTOCS FOR SALE CHEAP, 1 GOOD SADDLE pony, work horse, cream separator; also heifer 8 moatha old. Phone 1792WL FOR SALE ONE SPAN OF - HORSE8 harness: and, wagon. 3 mile north ol Independence oa Salem road. Joseph in 1 Robbina. ; - - . -. . . I YOUNG BLACK TEAM. . WEIGHT about 2700. New wagon and bnraeaa: 1 new spring-tooth harrow; 1 new Oliver plough. Also am a 11 tools. Bar rain. Call tbeforo nooa today. Phone 1110J. .' : i ; FOR SALE FRESH COW8. 776 S. 12TH FOR SALE Young milk cow and some Titmitore. call eveninrs. kbobo to o. I HELP WANTED AGENTS SET.L af ADISON -"BETTER MIDI" SHIRTS direct from oar factory to wearer. No capital or experience' re qnired. Easily sold. Big profits. Write for FREE SAMPLES. MADISON MTT.TJt 60S Broadway. New York. FEMALE GIRL FOR! COOKING AND HOUSE- , work, stay home nights. References required. Bos D24 Statesman. WANTED FIVE EXPERIENCED waitresses; steady employment. Gray Belle. MALE MAN WANTED TO WORK IN PRUNE orchard at once. 95F8. WANTED MAN ON FRUIT RANCD Rent or hire. Phone 4F4. , WANTED 10 MEN TO WORK IN THE drier in West Salem. Cunningham f ruit Co. . ? , -t :: ' WANTED 15 LABORERS AT FEEBLE Minded Institution . for oxeavatina-. oabree.- honra. &Oo per boor. Franchell Pareliua, contractors. HELP WANTED j MALE AND FXMALS WANTED PRUNE PICKERS. PHONE 1S4, Darby's Drug Store. PRUNE PICKERS WANTED. PRES. eott Orchard, iVj miles in Polk coun ty. Phone 1937J. HOP PICKERS WANTED BELL HOP yard. -Truck will leave. public market; State and Commercial, street, J00 a.m. daily.-returning 5:30 p.m. Bring yonr lunch; finest hope, seventy eonta per bos. two weoka picking. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscription. A good proposition to- th right people. Ad are tbe Pacific Homestead, Statesman ld. Selem. Or.- - WANTED, TEAMS TO HAUL DIRT, 17th and Court. ' INSURANCE LET US WRITE YOUR AUTO - OR track inanranee next time it expiree. Wo render efficient aervieo at very . low ratea. Standloy. aV Foley. Ageota. Bmti Bank bldr. ' Ladies Wearing Apparel 8PIRELLA CORSETS SOLD BY ALICE A. Mile. 431 North 31at Phone 1903J. - HEM8TTT0HXNO 8ALEM ELITE H EM8TIT0HI NO : pleatiag, buttons, stsmping aad needle work: S36 Oregon bldg. Phone 87 DRSSSMAXXNO PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7' wording "Dresamsking" price 10 eonto each. Statoamaa Business Of floe Oroond Floor. : ; MRS. O. E. MIIJ.ER HBMSTITCHING : atamping. buttons. Room 10. over Mil ler e atom. Phone 117. ' LADIES TAXLOaUHO W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING. ' long ooata aad suit. Room 7, MeCor--: sack' Bklg. t.-.t- -i - C D. H. MO&HEK TAILOR FOB MEN : and women. 474 Coart 8t LOST ANO FOUND LOST 1XST-AN ALPHA PHI i ALPHA SO rority pin. Phong 1717. 1 LOST GOLD FOB, BEARING MASON $t emblem. Reword. W. H. Henderson, Htatosman office. ' ', .- LOST BLACK i AND WHITE POINTER Bird 'dog, 2 1-2 inch leather collar. , Phono 680 J or 36Q. MUSIC STORES WILEY a ALLEN CO, PIANOS AND phonographs. 519 Court itreet. GEO. O. WILL PIANOS, ' PHONO graphs. aewins. machine, sheet masie, sad piano studio.. Repairing phono graphs aad sewing ' maehines; 433 State. Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fural rare Oo Masie Dept. PERSONAL DECIDEDLY PRETTY GIRT. WORTH , S33.O0O will marry. Clab Bos '1022, Wichita,' Kansas. - 1 .- -.. - - j GET MARRIED BEST MATKIM0N1AI . paper published. Fro for stamp. Cor respondent Toledo. Ohio, MARRY BUSINESS GIRL 27. WORTH S73.O00. Widow 48, $86,000. Girl 19, 640,000. Write for desriptiona aad photos. Katherine, Box 223, Lo An geles, Cal I REAL ESTATE City 1 FOR SALE 7 room. house aad 'good furniture, 1 east front, paved street, gerage. GERTRl'DK J. M. PAGE, 493 N Cottage 8t. i -Golden Rule Realty Co. FOR SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE WITH ' fireplace, aloeping porch, garage, large lot on pavement bearing fruit trees, close in, completely furnished. 65,000. A few small bouses at from $675 up. 10 acre tract for rent Also 8 acre tract. 60 acre dairy farm for sale easy terms, close to Salem, on paved road. 7 acre chicken ranch close in, 34000. If yoa want to buy, sell, trade or rent, see F. L. Wood. 841 State St MARRY IF LONELY; MOST SUCCESS ful "Home Maker": hundreds rich; . strictly confidential ; reliable; years of experience; descriptions free. "The Srccessfol Club," Mrs. Nash, Boa 556. Oakland, California. ' - PROFESSIONAL : AMBULANCE SERVICE SALEM AMBULANCE 8ERVICX Phone SSSr 17S 8. f tbortv. CHINESE PHTSICXAJf DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY; KNOWN diaeaa. 183 a High St Phono 93 CHXROPRACTORS DRS. 8COTT Sj 8CHOFIELD. P. 8. C . Chiropractor. 414-19 U. 8. Baak Bldg Phone 87; ra. 828-R. OR. REDMOND. 838 OREGON BLDG. Pbene laSS. . : CHIROPODISTS DR. 8. r. SCOTT. GRADUATI MA tioaal University Bcieacee. Chiesg Maaoal Temple. aboae 640. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS, CALLOUSES ingrowa aails; all toot trouble. Price Shoo Co. Phone 616. DRtGLESS PHYSICIANS MAGNETIO HEALING DR. A. 1 Praata. Acuta aad ehronier diaoaaoa Phone 780. 495 N. Commercial mmnmmanmnamnmmmBBI FUNERAL DIRECTORS . SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIEEf tor. 310 Center. Phone 1S56.1 ' MATUROPATHIO PHTSICIAJTS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ' ACUTE ' AND ; chronic 'diseases; 415 Oregoa Bldg Phone HO. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE - gon Bldg. Room 801 to 304. GLASSES FITTED, BY THE BOW OP . tical Co. 325. State 'troet Opposite . Ladd A Bath Baak. 'Cae . Qualit) Proven Shur-on.H , , - OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS LOST LADIES HAND BAG ON STATE or Iligh .Bta., containing valuable pa i par Return to - Statoamaa and receive i tf-award. -.. .-,.-,:.-... . -'n- LOST AN . ALPHA . PHI. SORORITY pin. Phone 1717. '. ; tX8T ELGIN WRIST WATCH IS busine part of town. Sept 20.. Phone 49L , 3 . i LOST IN SALEM. 8EPT. 6, Jack, yel- low shepherd, black markinga on face. License No. 1174. Reward. Phone 4SF21. MUSICAL Instruments C0UR8E IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular ayneopated standard annate. Somi-elaasiea and ballade ; IS lessens. Waterman Piano School, lie Coraack 3Hsv - - r..- FOB s SALS . GOOD -USED MAHOGANY piano left with sa to call. Price 3200; terms. " H. L. Stiff Fumitare Cw Mu sic department ' PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI. ane tuser. Leave orders Will's Masie " 'Store. - - s - PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonographs, day Bailey. Moore'e Ms- sio Houae . - 1 "' I MUSIC STORES I 6XUSI0 STORES SHERMAN. CLAY CO, PIANOS . Steiaways. Doo-Art awd othora. Hears Musi Houae. 415 Court street DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC physicisa aad Bargees. Kirfcavilh graduate. 404-405 G. 8. Natioaal Baal ' -Bldg. Phone, office 919; re, 61V, DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phrslcia and 'Surgeon. 403-404 Or gon Bldg. Phones, office 1894; roe PHTSTCIAJT OP PHTSIOTHERAPHY DR. JACKSON. DOCTOR OP PHYSI otherapy, treats all ailments, women 'a . troubles especially. 866 N. Commercial actreet. Phone 1091. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FRANK R. KELLOGG. PUBLIC A0 countant, systems, bookkeeping, aerviee, anditinr 1S Oreron B Id r. - t REAb ESTATB-City 1 Robinson See him for' those, rood deala la real dences, farm property and acreage. Oregon Bldg.. . v , : ',.;..,,., BARGAIN FOR SALE 2 or 3 imall komes. Prices $550 to 31175. ... , COMPTON REAL ESTATE ' 469 State St s s REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 room house and acre In berries, 93500. 4 room house $200 down. - 6 room bung-alow $500 down. 7 room house 8300 down. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, f vi 492 N. Cottage St DOES YOUR HAND CONTROL YOUR OWN HOME IP NOT. GET THIS ONE. New 5 room bungalow, basement, lot 50x130. some fruit trees. Good lo cation, near varhooi. -Only 82200. A , few hundred dollars down, balance like rent - . 7 . New 4 room bungalow basement. Close to . school and streetcar. Price f2500. Cash 8300; balance like rent Nice lo a-re tract Very good soil Fin . fruit - Close in near Gardenroad. A big bargain for 94200. ' Good terms. RICH L. REIMANV. Realtor . Alinii. lOl.l- Km : Plmii, lO'JSR. 1 229 Oregoa Bids. ' ; I - LOOK! Beat, buy ia Salem oa State street 6 room house, large lot, 80 feet frontage. : All kinds of fine fruit Price 81900. V down.-.- . .... . THOMASON, 331V, State St ' . MUST BE SOLD . 1 5 Beautiful ' Modern Bungalow S To ho sold at once, at real aaerlfic - priees, as owners are ail away. All va- - rant, immediate possession. 1 i 12800, 5 rooms, real snap. . - ' ' ,', f 2900 6' rooms, worth the money. ! ' saiou, a roma, basement furnace. ! $3500j 5 rooms, atrictly modern, close ia, ' BEST BUYS IN CITY ; 45500 strictly moders well built 8 room bungalow, basement, furneoe, fireplace garage. Would be cheap at 75O0. 1650. rood home. S rooms. Mast bo sold to close on estate. $1000; rosy 4 room bunralow. See CinLDS t BECIITEL, 640 state st :: REAL ESTATEFARMS j FOR SALE 161 ACIS.ES 9 MILES N. E. Salem. Abeot 40 scree in cultiva' on, some timber, rent ntump pasture, dooil dairy farm. Buildinga. 3 acres vtraw berries, some loganberries. Half mAo Kehaol, good road, mail route, $10,0to. Tcrrae. Conaider offer machinery, ato k. .Will, rent to- reliable farmer. K. K. Rsne, owner, Wood uurn, Oregon, ,0s b'rhway, iiesr Sreh. f TO RENT OH BUY I WANTED EVERYTHING t 11AHU 'ware ead furaltart. Beat prto paid TUB CAPITAL HARDWA&h. ' FURNITURE CO. 385 N. Commercial St PVeoo 94 f TRANSFER HAULING I TRAJfSrEX-SAUlNuaw' MOVING AND STORAGE KEAS-05A. , bl : figure. 975 North Cossmerael. ". pbeae 668 -' Another Emergency : People will leara after n time that when we advertise a property as a barraia or give reaaoa that will make one, It. prove to. A good 5 room bungalow, modern, with . baaement. east front paved atreet, etoae to ear. Quito desirable; easy payments, $2850, for a limited time See Wa, Fleming- 841 State St. , BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES T MAM niAitVt. hll,.lAM A for Portland property. 7 acres, well Improved. - new bunralow, barn, some fruit clone in. will eacbnnee for city property. Price 84SOO. f 15 acre bearing - prune and cbrry or- ensra. want city or ranch property to 817.000; balance - crop psjmenti. Price 835,000. , !v.. f IOO0, buys a grocery slock and lease. Want a S1500, $16O0, $2000 aad $.. 600 loan. , . . , ' Socolofsky. Realtor - ' 811 BUt, rhono 070. They make a specialty of hunting real real eatate bargain. Here ar a few snap. 11 ROOM IIOU8E, C1X1SS IN. WITH . two apartments, modsra coaveaieaeea, 93500. .- . , 6 room modern horn on State atreet, 100 feet front a buy st $5250. 6 room bungalow, paved street garage, $2500. Beautiful moders horns st ' 740 S. Com mercial street, garage, $5775. 5 Winnie Pettyjohn ' . ' Realtor V 316 Oregoa. bldg. GOOD BUYS B ROOM BUNGALOW with i basement .and - fireplace, . garage. Price $3000. Term. , 10 ACRES ON GARDEN ROAD, ALL cultivated,-will exchange for houae ia , Salem.. Price, $2000. tlO-ACRES OF GOOD FARM" LAND. LO- , .cated nine aniies east, .This , ia . youy ) .oppoi-ira:tyio .ouy1,n.o; j ouy rignt. Price, $55 per acre. i J- 8 R00M MODERN HOME, LOCATED 4 block out Price, $6500; $2000 down. 6- ROOM COMPLETELY MODERN BUN ; gaiow oa State St Price. $6300; $2. - OOO down. - v 7- ROOM HOME CN PAVED STREET; moders plumbing and lights; small basement, east front Price, $3675. ' Term. - ... . -f - - ' WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. W. H. , Grabenhorst Co.. realtors, S75 Stat Stv U. S. Bank Bldg.. FOR 8ALE 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGA : low, located at 1025 - N. Cnpitol St. Price, 662O0; terms. W. U. Grabea , horst h Co., 275 State St. - , SPECIAL -,. 5 ROOM PLASTERED HOU8E, BATH, . toilet, . alec trio - lights, .4 lota, 33650, : with 2 1-2 lota, 33100; with 1 1-2 lot, i 82750; 8500. balance like rent; poa ' aeasion Sept 24. J. A. Mills, 831 13 ' State. .... : PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BT 71". wording "Room to Best," pries 10 cents each. Ststesmas Basis Of fice. Groand Floor. FOR SALE BY-OWNER. DO YOU need a home for winter, close in, near school, business "Center ; also house and lot four hoice lota oh 20th aad Center, cement sidewalk,' pavement in and paid for. Price, $60a up. Small payment down; terms. Phoao 417M, between 8 and 12. . : ; A l PRINTED CARDS. 8IZB 14" BY 7 V.". wordlaa ' "For Rest" price 16 eeeta - each. Statoamaa Baaiaeaa Of flee, on Grossd Floor. . .GOOD BUYS NEW BUNGALOW.' & ROOMS. MODERN ia every wsy, on Corner located' at 1880 8. Church atreet .64750; $1500 : down.:- : ? -. ' Fine creek tot with 123 foot frontage os Creek, "Price $2000. 6 room bungalow- at 1543- Court atreet Price $6000; half cash down. -New buhgVew, 5 rooms, completely mod- em. st 390 Wiiaoa atreet ' $t&0O. Tarns. . -.- . ;'': New unfinished house with earner lot Price for quick sale, $675.00. 8 mom completely modern home with lot 100x109 oa creek. $7350. 5 room completely ' modern bungalow. two years old. at 1025 X. Capital atreet Price SS200r SSSOO down. - Wo write fire . iasamaee. - ' W. H. Grabenhorst h Co., . Realtors 27S 6taU street, U & Bank bldg. Gronnd floor 1 R e a d the Classified . Ads. 7EMPUS TODD Worse Than Death. Story by OCTAVUS ROY COHEN .illustrations by H. WESTON TAYLOR . , i, s ii nit ana, a, w nai in i, - i - . - i. ft ' - .. - 4- ,r "' - . - '.l ' ' -' " . " I SM&LW 15 30RRY 7MAT I5t? AV r0fSTfHTf?lPlv5 1 2 ll,m, rv. 'rt fobo UFAU JuST 5wVfcv5AKCl ' " , " . t i TT) " V-Sli . . -- - I ... Xghi TODt- OTHt?tteSa? SOMBTHM "IF&RIBLE SHUAHtOVLO COrvt AtrVt HPof'LFS. J juCK iwTclMm'HAT . A VfZl AH' GIT SAVB0 $J iCVrNptuT ?7s tikM ' -y c Wo bove an eaeellent line of oaed cara, both fours and sixes, for yoar lnpw tioa. Oleson Auto Exchange, 17a t Liberty. Phone 66(3. GOOD U8ED CARS - 'JI.VUKIUH Li ter Co.. 371 Coart ; USED CARS PRICED TO SELL Maxwell Touring . $ I on On 1919 Chevrolet ,...,' .-...15. ' Mitchell Touring 175 i Maxwell Touring . .-.-.1250 !- lodge Touring .. ... ") .' 1933 Gardner Tournig TOO. j Many Othera for you to select from. Come in aad look them. over. We char no brokerage. - F. W. Pettyioha Co, N. Commercial St 5 1 USED CARS 1921 Chev. touring . r" 1920 Chev. tourin :.... 2 1 t. j 1921 Baby Grand Chev. :.'o ,oi 1920 Ford touring.. ......... , $250 . 1917 Ford touring .'. linnr i Roo Speed wagon, good tires ........350.0 7 Phone H or 1752M CHEVROLKT U8tn CAR DEP'T. . '349 N. Com 'I. , FOR BALE. 1921 DODGE TOCKT" . lots of extras, perfect condition 7.. . : Inquire VUey Motor Co. I'boa 1995. 260 NJIih. 1921 HUPMOBILE WITH A KE'V ruaraotee. $775.. on easy teru.a. ' B. Gingrich Motor Co.. 371 Court I FOR SALE CHSVROf "V T ar. . just overhauled 'inrre i t'res Have no room, muat sell 123 Vorth Church Pt - - rWANTELT Misce!!anc:i:: WASTED PLACE FOR HIGH L girl to work while go-ng to echo 'Good reliable girl. Phone J87rfV, . WANTEp LOAN OF $2000; 1 U mortgage fsrm property, for fuil f ticulara write L. R. T. cars I. a. WANTED TO BUT 20 HEAD C Shropshire sheep. Call 2 Ft' WANTED DAILY NEWSPAPER f . scriptioa eolicitor. . Apply box D H Statoamaa. EATON A EATON., prseticsl htu , formerly C B. Ellsworth establinm- . , First etas bst work, of all kinds, i 1 ' N. Commercial. ' PAINTING, VARNISHING, K ALSO Ml - jng. etc. r. w. bnsrpe. i-none nai SALEM CLEANERS AND DTEHS - Suits cleaned and ..pressed $1.50 Prompt and off icieat . aarvie. Fkuss 1668. . . WE ARE EIIIPP1NO POTATOES NO ' and raa a lereral cars if fully tt tared; send, is sample. Mangia Crci. Phoao 91Tw WANTED ONE IIOK8K POWER ASO "tor. Phone 1914. CEMENT C0NTEACTCZ3 r-.w'i street FOR CEMENT . . N.' Snmmr RK CALL AT 4-J fhnne 74 J. CHIMNEY SWEEP OREGON CHIMNEY 8WEKP IMVl i trough and. furnace cleaning. 1'bon 191- .! EMPLOTMXNT WANTED WOMAN WANTS IiOlsi: work, in snail family. So wasuitg. t':i at 6U5 North loth. RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WANTS WIN ter position. . Has had experience " rsrsro, drives -any maks sf car or trnrk. - Anythinr considered so I ran . continue Uuivrrsity course next year Best references. Statesman. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MANY Wil lamette and other student are caliinf .upoa aa to assist ia finding part ti employment and plaeoo w hers they csa . work for room aad board. If yoa . seed competent help of any kind phont $77, Employment Department Tba Lit Wirea Clas. RECEIVE MATERNITY CASES AM) Stork Neat 1259 8. Liberty. Pbons I029-J. - ' TO LET TEAM TO LET OCT FOR THEIR keeping Phone oiF12 or s'e John t i. - i -aa a n...k ii ... i. TRADE TRAIK WtWBHtW, FOR A VOTOn cycle.' rord or cord wood. 1134 1.'. Front rt. K. I.. I'nffin. WOOD SAWING WIMlll RAWINO fllONF, t2T lt. : WOOD FOR SALE : rBesl Grado of Wood ,'4 foot and IS lark mill wool. 4 foot aah dry mill woed. 4 fnot aad la lack old Prompt delivery and reo..nb! j Fred E. ,VVell. 230 fl. Church. Th. i; TOR A E 16 INCH Oi l) riH - second growlh 4 font oo I i , , I8F3. iL D. l!sjf:e'.d. . K f f Si CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER CO 324 Stat St. Phono 9S. Diatribe ting, for warding aad storage our apeeialty. Get ' 6or rata . .- -j , WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP House hold goods. ! Our specialty Is ptano an4 , furniture moving.. We also make eoua " try tripe. We handle tbe boar eoal and wood. Call os sa for prices. We g good measure, good quality and goo.! , ' service. Larmey Transfer Co Phone r USED CARS FOR SALE j 1920 Dodge, sedan. A-1 condition $900. 1923 Dodge touring fully equipped, run 3000 milea 650. . 1921 Dodge delivery 9600. ; 1918 Dodge touring, looks ' fine. , $37S ; terms. BONESTEELE MOTOR CO.