The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 20, 1923, Page 9, Image 9

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Broom handles, mop ban
die, paper plugs, tent' tog
Clea. all kinds of hardwood
handle, manufactured by
the-. .... m t .
,fl'WMMM'"M"M'MM'aM,sMi,isisssis vwviuii - - w-m. ". '
I , owpgo l; I ri TH tt tt tt tI T o , a m tat thv irno.nn rt
V -
1 '-.
" j-
- .c
i it :
' i
Oregon Wood
Products Co.
- West Salem
: Obt Vatfcod:
Th But Oaly" Ooopwatloa
i CEpild City
Corcperatfre deanery
A bob profit organisation ewaod
ntiroly by U dairy smb. Olvo
a trial. , .-.
Maaafaetnran of Buttoreap Batter
"Al you Gram"
PIMM 199
137 8. Coia'l SC
Treachery of the sea and air
.'were the main factors in the
wreck of seven of Uncle Sam's
sea hornets, destroyers of the '
" Pacific fleet, which pitched at .
twenty knots on the jagged
rocks of La Honda, seventy
five , miles north of Santa Bar-
bara Saturday night, according ,
to the belief of naval experts.
Twenty-two lives and' seven
warships paid the toll. Pour
'hoars previously the Pacific
Mail liner Cuba had piled up on
San' Miguel Island, thirty-five
. miles away, and the "air was
filled with radio messages tell
ing of her plight and directing
the work of rescue. The upper ' .
picture 'shows Point Arguello
lighthouse and navy radio sta- 1
tion. near which seven war ves
sels were wrecked" on a', reef.
The map shows the location of
San Miguel Island, scene of the
accident;. ""'n'"" "'.." i
Fruit Men, Grain Men and
General Farmers .Will See !
i Much to Interest Them
- ' 111 I - n...nn.
' ' ; s - r --; C - i i ' s - I- . ; : 1 : . v - ,
Fill 0? SI
AT 0
y l ;ross juiiiuatiuu u& vic&vu
"? big three sweet .cherries Royal
: Ann. BIng and Lamberts and
t leading filbert- varieties inclnd
: Ing the. Barcelona, wilr be shown
i rraDhlcally and by -charts Jn the
experiment station exhibit at the
crzzi- - "
Dates of Slogans in Daily Statesman
(In Twice-a-Week Statesman Followinf Day).
Loganberries. Oet. I.
Prune. Oct, JS. ,
Dairying. Oct It.
Flax,' Oct. 21.
Filberts, Not. 1. ;
Walnuts, Not. ,
Strawberries, Nor.' If.
Apples, Nor. 21. ,
Raspberries,. Not. B0a .
Mint, December T.
Great cows, etc.. Dee IB,
Blackberries. Dee. 21.
Cherries, Dee. 2t.
Pears, Jan. 4, 1122.
Gooseberries, Jan. 11.
Corn, Jan. 12.
Celery. Jan. IS.
Spinach, etc.; Feb. 1.
Onions, etc, Feb. S, v
Potatoes. etei Feb. 15.
Bees,; Feb. 22. v -Poultry
and pet stock. Mar. 1.
Goats, March 8.
Beans, etc., March IS.
Paved highways. March 22.
Broccoli, etc., March 2
Silos, etc, April 5. ', "-,
Legumes, April 12.'
Asparagus, etc, April II.
Grapes, etc, April 2f.
etate fair. The varieties that in
crease 'production of these most
profitably will be listed, .
... Reseeding of thousands of acres
of wheat damaged by liquid treat
ment for smut will be passed in
to history as a result of the gen
eral adoption of the copper car
bonate dust method; by Oregon
growers. ; The new treatment does
away entirely and absolutely with
poor stands and devitalized plants
due to J liquid smut ; treatment.
One-fourth less seed is used with
the dust, many tons of which will
be used this fall. - Both' material
and method will be shown in the
exhibit.' '."-" v ; ' '.
How advancement in ). agricul
ture and '" horticulture has been
marked' and often . determined by
economic entomology control ot
. I
'j'"!' " I J'IXL
I IW M..J .tlli.ii-. ..i.i.i.i.. .il..iJI.IHMMiM..j J..HWI1WyMfih faMmuMMH
ill XJi M
i Hv ' - . X' !
w - '..'K j
- p .
Drug garden. May -1. ;
8ugar beets, sorghum.
May 10.
Water powers. May IT.
Irrigation, May 24,
Mining. May 21.
Land, irrigation, etc, June T.
De hydration, June 14.
Hops, cabbage, etc, June 21, :
Wholesaling and I o b b 1 b g
June 22. .
. Cucumbers, ete July f.
Hogs, July 12. r
City beautiful, etc., July It.
Schools, etc, July 21.
Sheep, Aug. 2.
National advertising, Aug, f .
Seeds, etc, Aug, 1C.
Livestock, Aug. 22.
Automotive Industry, Aug. 20.
Grain and grain products,
Sept. - - '
Manufacturing, Sept. 12
Woodworking, etc, Sept. 20,
Paper mills, etc, Sept.: 27.
(Back copies of the Thursday
edition of the Dally ; Oregon
Statesman are on hand. They are
for sale at 10 cents each, mailed
to any address. Current cop
ies, 6c.) .
U. S. Inspected
Insect pests will appear in the
display. Such, devastating pests
as earwig, prune rot borer, cod
ling moth and grasshopper, that
canbe effectively controlled, will
be shown, also some more slippery
ravagers such as prune thrips, al
falfa weevil; and onion magot.
that have so far defied the traps
and- poisons and preventives of
the scientists and growers.
The many potato diseases that
annually cut a million bushtls
from the Oregon output and low
er the quality of much of the re
maining crop are slowly yielding
to the control measures . studied
and developed at the experiment
station. A display of the more
important diseases and the con
trol measures used to check them
will be in the station section.
i, Oregon pears especially of the
early picking lose 1 per cent in
weight each day when allowed to
stand in the orchard or packing
shed. If provided with high" hu
midity the Joss is reduce to prac
tically i nothing Right handling
will be emphasized in the exhibit.
Cooperation Is tne strongest
human force in world construc
tion. The aillea used it to win
the war. As the hopes of the
American farmers In their econo
mic struggle to obtain Xor them
selves a fair profit for the nrod-
acta which they raise on their
Salem should have more wood working
Because the raw materials and the wa
ter powers are here.
Salem should have a big furniture fac
tory. l-r" . , " V
There are many kinds of the favorite
woods that are needed in furniture mak
ing, close by or cheaply available.
"The home demands require great sup
plies of furniture- j
And just across the Pacific is a market
represented by two-thirds of the whole
human race. I
There are. hundreds' of different lines of
wood working that could be developed,
and ought to be developed, in Salem.
There is rib more promising field of de
velopment for Salem and the whole Salem
district. ( ' 4
farms, it has obtained the official
recognition of the president of
the United States, it bears the
stamp of approval of the secretary J
of agriculture, it has won the en
dorsement of the secretary ot
commerce and of the -joint agri
culture committee of the senate
and house of representatives in
their report to those bodies.
It Is backed fey the American
Farm Bureau federation and
other leading organizations' of
farmers throughout the country.
Bankers have enough faith in the
various cooperatives to lend them
in the whole millions ot dollars,
while they would not lend a cent
without the stabilizing infuence
of cooperative marketing, .Intel
ligently used, it is an almost Irre
sistible force. Sunsweet Stand
ard. ; ,
It Has Been Going for 25
Years, and Goes Stronger
..V As the Years Pass
The A. M. Hansen sash and
door factory, at the corner of
Church and Mill streets, has been
doing business in Salem for 25
years', and it has been growing
steadily larger In its operations.
. ; A M. ; Hansen, its proprietor,
has worked -early and late and
has built up a large and well es
tablished business. He now em
ploys 28 to 39 people, and the fac
tory ; uses some . 75,000 feet of
lumber a month. .
t Mr. Hansen is just now; taking
a vacation, one of the few he has
enjoyed from his strenuous work,
and, accompanied by Mrs. Han
sen, is traveling in California.
Some Day it" Will Be Bigger
and better Than it Was
Before the Fire
Salem had a flourishing handle
factory, on the west side of ' the
river. In West Salem. This1 fac
tory was destroyed by fire a few
weeks ago. ':.
But preparations are being
made to resume business, and
probably on the east side - in
Salem proper. The Oregon WoOd
Products company is the name of
the corporation, and the factory
when it , was destroyed was em
ploying 19 people, and doing a
flourishing business, and a grow
ing one.
Broom handles - were being
shipped , in car lots to the big
eastern cities, and cores for add
ing machine paper were being
made, and there were . plans for
extending the line to ax and pick
and hoe and other handles,4 and
other specialties. -:.
The trade that had been estab
lished - was too valuable ah ' asset
to the company to be lost or neg
lected, and there will be a re
sumption of manufacturing (as
soon as possible. ' . -t
( Some day, - the- proposed new
factory will be larger and better
equipped and will" turn outfc
larger volume of products than
the old one that was burned. 1
i - J
Pioneer Lumber Co. of Val
ley Sells Holdings to New
Firm, Now in Charge
It has just been announced that
on July 23rd of this year a deal
was culminated whereby the firm
known as the West Salem Lumber
company became the J.' W. Cope
land yards. .The transfer Includ
ed all buildings, stock and equip
ment owned and controlled by the
West Salem company."
'" Mr. O: K. Cavenah of Colorado,
has-assumed hi -duties as mana
ger .-and is at the present time
engaged' In getting the stock and
equipment in readiness for the
most efficient serving of the public-
j .... . -
The yards of the company are
as modern as any in the valley,
and are completely, equipped with
all the latest labor saving devices
for-handling the lumber with a
minimum of effort, from the time
that it is loaded on the cars un
til it Is delivered, to the customer.
- All sorts of building materials
are' handled, including shingles,
laths, sash and doors, and finish
ing lumber.
The Wonder Is Thaf the Use
of Eggs Is Not Very Much
. Larger Than it Is
The nutritive value of eegs is"
often referred to in print and pri
vate j ' conversation. The exact
facts and figures will interest
many, -and .help lit securing a
larger market for eggs. The fol
lowing quoted paragraph is from
the curent number of a poultry
"Scientists have declared that
if an analysis were made of the
average hen's egg, it would be
found that about 12 per cent; of
it is shell, 58 per cent white and
30 per cent yolk. The shell con
sists almost entirely of carbonate
of lime. The white of egg is
composed of 85.7 per cent of wa
ter, 12.6 per cent of protein, .25
per cent of fat and .59 per cent
of mineraf water. The egg yolk
is composed ot 50.9 per cent of
water, 16.2 per cent of protein,
31.75 per cent of fat, .13 per cent
of non-nitrogenous matter and
1.0.9 per cent of 'mineral matter."
The Class
,i They Will Pay You
' Weil V. .
Valley Motor (Co
260 North High' Street
Boost Thia Community
by AiTcrtlalnx on the Slosad
DID YOU KNOW That the Salem district has the largest
supply of pulp wood in the world; that there is standing
timber in this district that, with the development of the
idle water powers near by, will make of Salem the Grand
Rapids of Oregon; that wood working plants of many kinds
are bound to come here, on account of the nearness of the !
raw materials and the cheapness of the power to drive the
machinery to change them into manufactured products;
that Salem has made a ' good start in wood using
plants, but it is only a start, and there is a wide and rich ,
field for enterprising men in this city and district?
From, these figures' it will be
seen that the ' yolk is the most
nourishing part of the -egg. - The
most important of mineral mat
ters present are phosphoric, acid,
lime . and iron, i The richness in
the yolk of an egg in fat and lime
salts, and in organic compound of
phosphorus and iron makes It a
particularly .'valuable food.. for in
fants. When to these considera
tions, we allow that there is prac
tically no waste to eggs except
the shell; that cost of time and
labor in their", preparation is im
material, that no matter how pre
pared, provided fresh laid, they
are palatable and. satisfying, the
surprise is not that eggs are pop
ular among all classes of people,
but that , their use is not much
greater than it is.
An Expert. Writes of Incu
bators and Brooders; ;
Rules for Brooding
In modern poultry culture the
incubator and the sheet-iron mo
ther have certainly usurped the
place ot the mother hen. No large
plant resorts to the natural way
of replacing its flocks; that is now
a function of modern methods in
poultry farming. And if the sheet
iron mother is handled properly
she will be found quite as safe as
the hen in rearing chicks. One
thing 'is quite certain, a brooder
never distributes insects among
the chicks, unless brought in by
some other agency. - It is always
warm, and, being stationery, the
uncomfortable chick " soon learns
where to find creature comfort.
Chicks that escape being over
heated or chilled keep "coming
up" under intelligent brooder
care, and, as ' for economy, one
brooder, will raise more chicks, "if
propertly handled, than any giv
en number of hens. " .
H. R. Lewis, in his "Productive
Poultry Husbandry," summarizes
the essentials for the successful
brooding of chicks as follows: "A
clean, easy accessible,' well venti
lated, hover partially darkened, to
which the chicks may have free
access at any time to warm un
quickly; a well ventilated, lighted
and moderately warm' compart
ment whicft wiL provide exercise
room for the young chicks, also
a placej? for them to stay when
the brooder run is cool and they
Manuals, School Helps and
Your order will be given
PROMPT attention
The J. J.-Kraps
Kent S. Kraps, Mgr. ,
i i Box 90
Salem, j ..' . Oregon
Realize the
Phone 1S35
do not need the high temperature
under the hover; ' at brooder run
or pen protected; from storms, sun
and wind. and enclosed within the
brooder house itself, and an out
side yard for tuse- in pleasant
weather, providing range and, a
place for growing green fed." "
Irrigation Conference
In Portland Next Sunday
' Governor Pierce, State Engin
eer Rhea Luper and C. G. Hobson,
an engineer formerly employed by
the reclamation service and who
has aided the governor in Irriga
tion matters,, will meet in Port
land Sunday .with D. W. Davis, di
rector of the United States re
clamation service, at which time
the governor will urge more irri
gation, for Oregon through- fede
ral aid. Governor Pierce says he
feels 'that Oregon never has got
ten Its rightful share of irrigation
funds from the government.. Var
ious Oregon projects will be dis
cussed during the parley. , -
OUR diplomatic, po
lite services meet :
with public approval. '
The beautiful dignity ;
that characterises the " .
accomplishment of
this organization is a
symbol ot respectful ,
regard. .
Webb -A Clongh Co.
409 Court St Sain. Psoas U(
1 1 -- 1 ii i
Mext Week's Smm
A Licensed Lady Embalmer
to care tor women and
' children is a necessity in
all funeral homes. We are
. the .only ones furnishing
such service.
Funeral Home
. 7T ChemekeC St.
Phone T24 ' Salem, Oregom
- Salem ought to have a large addiU;
number of wood working plants. .
deserve the support of
everyone who wishes ;
to Inculcate high prln-'
ctples ot manhood Into , -the
youth of oar land.
This spaee paid for by
Thlelsem Jk Rahm .
....... -
Buttercup j;
Ice Greain Co.
P. M, GREGORY, llzf.
240 t South . Commercial I t.
SALOI- ; i
SEDilll "
Bcusjfetl Uzlzi Cc.
- i
184 S. Coml St. rhone?
Auto JLUectric Work
CD. BAHT&7 i
171 8. Commercial EU T
Groceries. Fruits. Candles,
Cigars and Tobaccos .
" ' ' I ,
Phone 424, P. O. Box C73
Cor. Trade and Ill'a
The Largest zzd '
Complete Hostelry ia
Oregon Out of Pcrtlr J
dmcer fhu::
co;:pm ;
Dri-scJ Firlt Pcclicp
221 S. nigh EL, Ea2era,!c.'.
Always in the market
dried fruiti of ill klLfj
To look after yonr heat
ing, plants and see that it ii
in good order, or if yoa are
going to need a new one.
j This . Is the; aj projrUta
time totuy it!
theo r.L bahti
164 S. Coml St.,
Carefully Grown Cai i ' .
Selected Carefully Vatl.t
Will Cite Satisfaction U t'
: Planter i
- SALEL! Kun-nr
t', ; . co::?Ainr
423 Oropron Uulhi: :
nioxn 1-C3
Additions! Salesmen