THE OREGON' STATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 20. 1923 B. J. HENDRICKS ' President ; CARLE ABRXMS ;: - - Secretary - Issued Dally Except Monday by . ' ' f THE 'STATESMAN. PUBLISHING COMPANY : ' si: " 215 8. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon ' (Portland Office, 723 Board of Trade Building. Phone Beacon lltS) ' MKMJJKR OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - s , ; The Associated Presc is exclusively entitled to the use tor publi cation of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks John L. Brady Frank Jaskoskl TELEPHONES: Business Office News Department Circulation Office Society Editor Job Department -! ; Catered at the Postof flea in Salem, FOR A CHEATER WOOD Salem is a wood working center. Taking into account the f ''per mill and saw mills here and in the other cities and towns Li the Salem district, a very large wood . working business centers here ' -' '"' - ., j ': . . . : ij Jiut it . should .be stilljarger. : ', -? js :!;-. 1:14: y ; . , 1 - , - Salem should have a great 'furniture factory. News print paper mills arid specialty paper mills ought tp be located here: We iiave the raw materials, and. we have this available cheap water power. .-r-'-t -. 'J Vy 1 1 John H. Lewis, then Stile Engineer, in the official " Oregon Almanac," in 1915 wrote these words: . ; Approximately 20,000,000 horsepower, or one-third of all the undeveloped wterjfeower in the United States, is located in the Columbia river basin." i , . t; , , Some one has recently said that half the water power of 'the. .United5 States; is in thethree. Pacific Coast states, Wash ington, Oregon and California. .. 1 . L m . R. VI Another authority says one-fif tK of the standing timber of the United States is in Oregon. ; V ; ! 1 - Still another, that the timber", supplies of ; the region east T?th6 Rocky mountains -will he 'exhausted in 12 years j that ftvery manufacturing concern, even" a steel plant, must have i.omeTwood, for. crates and: boxes; that on the average 25 per ( enVotHhe.raw 'materials of manufacturing plants' is wood. 4 ; The head of the. forestry, department of the United States government, Col. Vm. B. Greeley,' said during a recent Visit to this state that the lumbering industries ;will in ten years " e ten times as large as they -are now. ' f ... " r So many things are working together tor, 'greater and more Tpe.edy (development of our wood" working industries For manufacturing plants will have to come where the raw Materials may be had; and the great bulk of the timber on this continent ispri the western slope in Alaska,; British Columbia, ..Tashington, Oregon,: Calif ornia and the Pacific coast of Mexico. Add to all this the fact that three-quarters of the popula tion of the. world is just across the Pacific ocean ; joined to our rhores rather than separated Iron them, considered -in terms cf cheap water transportation- s s -.p ''UH1 And add to all this the fact tEat coal and. other fuels are growing constantly -scarcer and higher in price, and that the re 5t field of the immediate and distant future. t for, I bydro Jectric engineering and investments is along this coast- t And the dulleit of us ough to see visions of a great future Vor. ,tha .Paciffe .Coast atates- v . ' :vx';v.l ;.cV.- 1 Salem is the' center of tf gTeat part of Oregon's Immense tlraber supply, in the foothills and upper slopes of the Coast :ace and the Cascades, and along the banks of the . Willa And it i j all Howfi grade to Salem. ; Jr. With the intelligent reforestation program that is being orked vout, ' Salem should be permanently a great1 and ever increasing wood working center, It should be the Grand ""apids of aQregon - -V y-" v - ' ; - ; I --- - - " " , 1 '! DOST KNOTV,n "I dia't know." three simple rords spoken carelessly by hun reds of folk erery day, are spok 1 sorrowfully and with the aw jlnesa ot despair, by others less f srtunate. I don't know" is the .earing sigh ot the wingnilngled flatterers , young and old, who cpulate' the Institutions for the veak ' And it is the sob of those .fho surrounded" by love, permit Ccnisslres to sink to lower .levels. li one knows or will know the irr'raamotiTe v which., lures, the young girl and. matron alike from ',th safety ot the home. In years ot effort taking4 care ot thoe caught in the weV or trying to straighten those who Incline away from- the narrow 'path, officers hare had only one answer, to her i uery of "Why hare you done this." It is "I don't know. r i la it a fact that tbese victims do 'not: know? " Have they gone their course In such a way that they have not realised their tendency until they touched bottom? One thing'la certain, aI the girls and J women caught: In the meshfs of social wrongdoing are not hope less. They are being saved every day. Kindly hands are reaching out and friendly administration Is helping them regain .their feet, put the 'utatandlng tact is that the fallen women and girls them ielres do not know, they cannot put their finger on the moment Jhey started to slide. It was a gradual process.' flattery, false pride, lore for cheap finery ; or Eone cause operated to start the tctossan ;and they" .were very much surprised to find the'y.were aboard.. - ' ; Some girls will look up at you with eyes filled with shame. Their body Is diseased and their soul is infected but there Is' yet a big chance. You work hard to gain their confidence and once gaining that you have little difficulty helping them to see for f them ?elres.; tYet you ask them again, uni again, it Is the same answer. ' i them years later, when they : 3vo redeemed their souls, "and f : ie to 70 In those moments of confidence. It is only the echo -In and again, "I don't know. 71. :r. tv "ra la Hie girl, who. la de- t. -3 no longer carC3. She J. L. BRADY Vice-President - i - Manager Editor Manager Job Dept. - IS 23-106 . S8S IOC ESS Oregon, as second class matter. WORKING CENTER speaks bluntly and coarsely. She tells how she' only waits the time when she is free pnee more to ac cept the .bondage of sin. - She boasts and' gloats in her candld ness. But ask. her the old ques tion, Why?' j Always the answer, "I don't know." What are we going to do? How can we really do much more than watch and lore and con tinue' to mourn? They come and go, many over and -over again. We have the law; we hare com passion ; we i have sympathy," but what can we do? -Together we must answer? ,.v" - l -I DONT KNOW." ? - XII3TRJSATIXG . A :. PRINCIPLE t 75- ; f ,. -.rij The recall is a principle, fit Is not a policy, Recognixng it as a J principle its misuse Is a perversion 'of government. - It must he as sumed, that the people adapted, the recall In good faith and for a def inite purpose. That Its use by dis appointed office holders and ma licious politicians was no part of the original purpose is apparent to any student of government. 'The present recall movement cannot have back of it any purpose that is patriotic or for the public wel fare. ;x Governor Pierce has not tteen in office long enough to make values Ion his administra tion. The. worst that can be said Is that some of his friends have been disappointed. This in all fairness cannot be made a basis for- recall, j : '- " Two, things will be accomplished if the recall goes through. Gover nor Pierce, will be re-elected and will he the strongest man' in Ore gon. The recall will be disgraced and , the people angered. Prom the former will follow a rebuke of the republican party at a time when the country may need our electoral vote to putlhe republi can candidate across. Short-sightedness on the part of certain re publican ' politicians who lend themselves to this effort for sor did reasons cannot be repudiated in time to save the state an elec toral ticket; in Oregon next year. There will follow out of the sec ond a disappointment on the 'part of those ' who' i feel . that there should be some hold upon derelict public officials. ; This will bring the recalling to disrepute. There are those who will favor a recall for the purpose of doing this very thing. I Never in the history of the state has there been such a predica ment It is time for patriotic men to serve notice on the tricky poli ticians who think they are under cover that the light will be ruth lessly turned on and the perfidy exposed. It Is no trifling matter to tool with the suffrages of the people, to traffic In the franchise. TOYS PUT ASIDE AS SCHOOL OPKXIXQ IN , CITY APPROACHES t"Th littiA tnv flop is covered wltn dast 1 Yet sturdy and staunch be stands. -And the little toy soldier is red with rust " .. J :vy I t ; And his musket moulds in his . hand .': . : ' Our little Boy Blue Is too busy nowadays to play with the toys he once found so Irrestible. Why? Because in two weeks more he will be back at, his little desk, writing notes to . the little red haired girl across the aisle ana learning that there are two e's and two a's in separate. Just now his little curly head Is filled with visions of the super state he will : persuade : daddy to purchase and : the marvelous me chanical pencil with a whole box. of leads that he may he able to secure by Saving up his ice-cream money. Besides, he has been push ing his round little snub i nose hard up against the glass of the bookstores and he has seen pretty green aritnmetics ana yeiiow- brown readers that he hopes to be ab!e,to carry to school under his arm on the first day. ' And our Big Boy Blue Is neg lecting his canoe and his swim ming suit, for lately he has been wondering if the new girl across the street, who will be a Junior this year too when the high school opens, prefers brown suits or blue ones. He has his eye on a peach of a one that he saw In a window the other day, and he wants , his mother to look at It the next time she goes by. ' i Then, too, he is worried oyer whether he shall be a lawyer or an automobile dealer when he graduates, since he must choose his course accordingly for why should a rising automobile dealer need a third year of Latin.? f No wonder the little toy dog is getting dusty and the little toy soldier is showing signs of losing his paint. The men folk are too busy, to bother, with trifles like those Just now! 1 ; RISING PRICES Reports in 21 cities show that food prices have Increased on an average of 8 per cent the past year and that the average Increase since 1913 has been 55 per cent. Do you know' what this5 means? It means that food manipulators are getting in their work. Certain ly the farmers have not been the beneficiaries ot this price increase. They have been the victims. ; Some of these days the criminal Laws will be applied to the price manipulators. Then the men who profit on the necessities of the peo ple will be hailed into court sad punished. ? V 1 ' ; 'f- ,i i ' There Is not the slightest excuse for price Inflation now. The local dealers are not the offenders, they come in close contact with " the public and would keep prices down Ifl they could. They are the yic- tltns of men higher up who fatten by their ability to. connive and combine with other public enemies and thus raise prices. 1 By all the trda BiceL -hould be falling. That they are not is be cause the bloodsuckers, the men who neither toil nor spin, levy trib cte as -odious but. as exacting as tfiat levied by any other highway, xaan. v' ' - 1 i ' ' f ;: ..When public sentiment focuses on the real " of fenders something wlO be. doing. Men cannot con tintie to levy tribute in this way and! get away with it, f ! j POLITICIANS AND PUBLIC SEX- , TIMENT. Tbiere Is a good "deal of com plalnt? always about the 'kind of government the , politicians give the conntry. As a matter of fact the i . government is' Just what the people lauthbrize. . ; Any time the people irant a chaaige.they make it. Thii thing called public sent ment is awculiar. It does not work by any rule but it functions all the while, pt Just gets in the air. Something is proposed, it either dies then, and there or it takes wings. 1 No man can, tell how strong It will be' If the people like it, flt sweejis the country. These disturbances are what take the Joy otut of ghe lives of poli ticians. They must guess, they cannot influence.,' " If they happen to guess rifcht thiey win, if wrong, they lose. The fplaln fact is that such government as Is dictated ,by the politicians is given In a frantic effort to give thp people what they wantT The lie -ot the politician is at stake lwa:rs and he sells it as dearly as poswlble. PRINCESS MARY "J'MiiWwu.mui ...... 1 .i.nwml w.i , u . . , w Jt .'ji i. J uv.u u. . . j hi ; 1 w y .g wyj ' 11" -i - v f. H .A - A- ' - ' '!i ' , . - V " ' - V - ' - - ' ' N 1 j ... if ', 3 a .wMWMMMMMMSMSWIIMIMSSSS)SWWMSSSBM'i jHtSiiaa f O1 iiVtkf stitlfc' -fri' ff v'-- - -v-J----r-- 'iinitfMmMnii nfi'iii-il rn'i.-t to-HmMMAArt . JfcMtaaunn 1 I? milk, The latest photograph ot the George's smal. grandson REl'RESEXTATIVE CiOVERX- No term is more abused ' than the subject of this brief editorial.: In its purity It means that the government ; is representative' of the people, that it Is their agent. All they have to do is to desire a thing and if they desire It strong enough it will come to pass. That means If 1 they pift ; their desires into expression through the ballot box the representatives of govern ment will do their bidding. The perversion of this is that so many special interests feel . that ' their peculiar Isms will be represented.. While some of the people sleep the 'men who know exactly 1 what they-Vant are not . sleeping, they are eooklng up a dish for the pub lic that will not be palatable. Under representative government; these Ideas and Isms are engraft ed into the body politic and it does not always mean good health. Sometimes It ) means a loatbesome disease. Our repre-J sentative government is an elastic Instrument sometimes it is very, seriously twisted. : GET THE PACTS " We do not know the politics of the men appointed . to hunt out the cause of the penlteniary fire but the fact that they were design nated by office rather than flams would indicate that the governor, did not know either. . What U wanted is a full investigation.' The administration, wants to know the facts an dthere is no-- desire to have anything concealed. 1 If the buildings were set on fire a knowledge: of the fact will hep prevent future fires. If the "fira Vaa caused by spontaneous com bustion, then the institution can be cleaned up so that such fire will be impossible in the future. It is a time when nobody wants anything covered, when everybody wants the facts it they can be al located. ' The Dalles Chronicle is another paperithat does not favor the re call. When the fight gets on in earnest the high grade ' papers will nearly all be lined up against the recall. This does not mean that Governor. Pierce is -.popular with the press, he is not. but it does mean that the newspapers ot Oregon are big -enough to Insist upon a square deal. " Two dollar bills are so unpopu lar that the ' government is. pre paring to ' discontinue issuing them. In the early days $3 bills were printed. ; ' ' ' 4 . One Touchdown Means d - Dinner. From Rotarians f. , - - ' j One touchdown against the Uni versity of Oregon, football, team on September 29 and. members of the Bearcat eleven of Willamette university will - be the. guests, of honor at a Rotarian luncheon. ' ; This proposal was made at th Rotarian luncheon Wednesday by Frank Deckebach, who'- said 'Pres ident Carl Doney of the university had requested him to make the suggestion.? President Doney re futed this,' and said he had merely sown the seed. He further sug gested that Mr. Deckebach be fin ancially responsible for. the : invi tation. - This Mr.- Deckebach con sented to. providing.-the -organization would not. . . .-.. i' i- A ailLD m PAIN runs to Mother for relief. So dp the rowa-ups. For sudden aod'seVer pkini in stomach ' mtkd bowd4 cTudpa, diarrboca-'. CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DIARRHOEA V REMEDY . It has never been known to falL AND HER BABY. Viscountess Lascelles and King BITS FOR BREAKFAST In wood working plants Salem is doing very well. . . r , 1 But we have only got : a fair start, if Chief Forester CoL Wm. O. Greely of the United States government was a good prophet when on his recent visit to this state he said Oregon will in ten years have ten times the lumber ing output of the present time. UjVt- a L. That will mean, if Salem gets her share, that this city will be come the Grand Rapids of Oregon. We will have big furniture factor ies and more paper mills, and many; kinds of wood working plants. If . we could get a Kay family and a Bishop family, into flax manufacturing, as we have them in wool manufacturing, it would not take long fbr Salem to get Into her stride towards becoming the Belfast of the New World, to which great destiny she Is plainly, on the way. j m - . s v V- ' Showers are , predicted by - the weather man for today. If they come, the prune growers will pray that they may be made snappy. A long, steady downpour would cause a lot of loss to the prune men. Some ? snappy, showers would do little damage. W "b - Salem will, be all .dressed up next week but with a place to go; to the fair. r V The Gold Star Mother who is to represent Oregon at the national convention of American War Mothers at Kansas City-the first week in October, Mrs.' . John J FalHn, was, years ago, a resident of Salem. She was then Miss Laura-Rudolph. Her father was a well known brick layer In Sa lem, and helped in the construc tion of many of the well known old buildings here. Her mother's people were pioneers of Oregon. They settled in the Myrtle Creek and Canyonviliesection of Doug las county. John J. Falun's fath er was Dr. Fallin of Myrtle Creek, a pioneer physician of Oregon. ' SQUEAK! ) -'Why do 1 you feed your axle grease?";, "tr---r: - ': "It helps his wagginV dog FUTURE DATES September i20, Thursday anon eonnty coramnoity federation meet at Chamber - of tCoromerc. 1 fintpmhp 20. ThnradaT Willamette alter ' hardware t and- Implement dealer to hold conrention" in 8alem. ... September 80, 21 and Jtz -Baieo" Seotember - 21. Friday Children's MiniA at Chamber of Commerce. September XI. rrwar uy Dnag-et meetinc at city hall - Seotember 24. Monday uoanir xax eommisaion - ol ail eoaaiiea to meet i Reptember 24 to 29 Orop atate f air. September 29. Saturday football, " l.m.ttn ti. Orecoa. at Salem. - October t. Monday Salem acheoU An,n. .- , October 2, : Tneaday Katnraliaatioa October o. Batnrday fmidiiu mus t mette ru. Waahinrton. at ' Seattle. October 19. Friday Aannal Junior finild dance at the armory. October 20, Saturday Football, Willi , mette e. Mt.- Anffl college, at Salem October 23. 24. 25. 28 and 27 An nnal ahow at state penitentiary. October. 24 and 25. Wedneaday and Thnraday Completion of parinf of Pa eif ie highway from California line to Vancouver, B. C to be celebrated at Olympia. Portland and Balem. October 27. Saturday Football, Willa- - mette ti, Cbemewa.. at Salem.- October 31, . Wedneaday President Sniialo of -Unireraity of Waskiaxton to addreas Kotary club. i. Noember . 3, Saturday Football. Willa mette T. Collefe of Pocet Sonnd, at ! Tacema. c t . November 3 to 10 Pacific Interna tional Lifeatock exposition. Portland. .NoYcmbcr 8, Tuesday Special election on income tax referendum. Jember 10, Saturday football. Wil lamette vs. Linfield. nt MeMinnyllle. KoTember 16. Friday Football. WiUa- mette s. Whitman, at Salem. KoTember 23, Friday Pootball. Willa- sett vs. . Pacific, probably - at Port land. Voveicber 2S Thnrsdsy Tootbsll, Wtl Uue: -s. College of Idaho, at Boise. EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE Remember the Hose I .know a 'governor, one who's . straight . And one who's on the job both early and late; And he knows the time of day and date, i ( Now, after seven months or more He's managed to make some of fice seekers sore; -The papers pan him and the Job ..hunters roar . At every assault and cry," encore. No reason why I should Interpose In the battle between his friends and foes; ' Get this remark out of the tangle that grows, While feeling the thorn, remem ' ber the rose. . P. H. Preston. I TURNER i TURNER, Or., Sept.' 19. Pro fessor Bid good has moved to town and is shaping up the school work ready for the opening of school October 1. ;.;' . ' Mrs. Jeanette Moore and Mrs. Andrew Baker drove down from Mill City Thursday. Carl Duncan went to Portland Thursday to attend the Methodist conference. G'. A. G. Moore went down Saturday to attend, also. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson are leaving for Lewlston, Idaho, to visit their daughter. ' , Riches " Bros.' are preparing to exhibit their Jerseys at the state fair. . :.. ! George Mobre has erected a new silo.; G. W. Hewitt and family spent the past week with relatives In Yamhill county.- ' W. T. Riches and wife, Mrs. H. Barnett. Mrs. C. A. Bear and daughter. Miss Hazel, were In Sa lem on business Wednesday. Tom Miller spent two weeks in southern Oregon visiting, his son and hunting. : . - - I" TdeBoys THINGS The Copyright, 1023, Associated Editors. NEW TALES OF POWHATAN INDIANS OP MR- v : ; ' - GINL. When the Indian princess, Po cahontas, saved the life of Cap tain John Smith, little did she dream that the captain, with John White, another of the early Vir ginia, colonists, would leave draw ings and records of her people so that today, when the Indians of that locality are gone, we st'H kuow i-bout how they looked and what they did. The Indians in the picture are Powhatan Indians and lived on the spot where tho capitol of the United. States now stands. They were a race of warriors and hunt ers, and naturally, they had to make their Own hunting and I THE SHORT STORY. JR. I w w Mark was an unlucky fellow;, MYou rascal!" the teacher would bellow,' ,,. Though rnnch in disgrace, . The music he'd face. For. Mark was too proud to be -,:;yelIow. v t - iyf. It was the first day of' school. The pupils all felt very important as they filed into the new build ing' and seated themselves in., the brand-new seats. Everything was so bright and shiny, there wasn't a scratch on any of the desks. "We have made a rule," an nounced the stern-faced principal, "that if anyone mars his desk he will, have to pay a fine of, five dollars or else receive ' a whip ping." V ; . The principal looked at -Mark Fisher as he spoke. ' Mark,had always been the worst scholar In the whole class about marking his 7" ' John Streets and family have left for Marshfield. ; Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Hill were in Salem Tuesday. Mrs. MIlo Knight, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lester Smith in Sherman county. Charter No. 58. -- "Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE ; SALEM BANK OF COMMERCE At Salem, In the state ot Oregon, at close of business September 14. 1923 , : ' i RESOURCES ", 1. Loans and discounts'. Including rediscounts shown In ' items 29 and 30, If any ...................... H 10,6 7.94 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured 1,012.09 3. U, S. government securities owned, including- those shown in Items 30. and 35, if any . 130,000.00 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities. Including for eign government, state, municipal, corporation, ' etc. including' those shown in items' 30 and- 35, ; if any. .. . . . . . .. . : . .: : . 248,960.95 6. 9. Banking house; $22,500.00; furniture and ' fixtures, $1800.00 i . 24,300.00 (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and ap proved reserve agents of this bank ........... . 165,84.5.91' Exchanges for clearing house and item on other 10 banks in the same city or town as reporting bank 6,845.68 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash items' .................... 22.50 Total cash and due from banks, Items 8, 9, 10 and 11, fl72.714.09. : u , : - . , Totar 1; Capital stock paid in ........... .... A . . ; .... .. $. 50,000.00 17 t f : C, ' J Surplus fund 18. ( (a) Undivided 'profits .......... . . . .$7,716.72 ; (b) Less current expenses," interest, and v ; taxes paid - Q : 6,651.19 s DEIAXir-DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: '--:' : : 1 ' . ; Individual deposits subject to check,' Including de posits due the State of, Oregon, county, cities or other public funds ,..............,. . Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on 23, 25. 26. ' Certified checks outstanding .. .-. ...... . . ... . -t :( v J Total of demand 'deposits, other ' than bank r- ' deposits, subject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26. $714,144.23. TIME AXD SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve - and payable. on demand or subject to notice: 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding ....... . ... 28. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice ........ Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and . ,28. $195,425.31. , - T Total ...........;Ui,..t..':...,. .....$987,635.07 State of Oregon, County of Marion, ss. . I, H. V. Compton, cashier of the above named bank, do solemn ly swear' that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. V. COMPTON, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: B. L Steeves. W, W. Moore, S. B. Elliott. : ' - Directors. . . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of September. 1823. A. W. SMITHER, Notary Public. My commission expires September 1, 1925. AND CIURLSNEWSPAPER Biggest Little Paper in the World OLD TRIBES X fighting implements. .They found that flint and similar workable rock was best for making spear heads, arrow ' points, knives and scrapers, and In the East now can be fCfifnd traces of quarries, of rock pitting and stone manufac turing that they left. - In the picture you see two Powhatans in the first stage of manufacturing stone tools. .The man at the left is prying up a f tinted quartxlts boulder, the best that could be-found for the pur pose. 'His companion Is helping to break up the rocks Into small er pieces so that they can be car ried ' backto ; the Indian "tillage where they will be shaped Into instruments at the leisure Ot tho warrior. S ?, ': , desk. The teachers all declared he was well 4 named. They . had often preached to him about "Pools names, but It never seemed to have, any effect. In every public place Mark's initials could be seen. He had boasted that they were carved on every desk in the old school building. For a week Mark diligently kept his knife In his pocket and the new desks ' remained un marred, but at last he could stand it no longer. He was so afraid some one else .would be braver than he. and carve, his initials on the desk first. He felt that honor should be his. "Mark Fisher, come forward" sternly demanded the principal. "You know our. rule. If you do not bring five dollars' this after noon you will receive a whipping. You deserve both the - whipping and the fine." Mark wished that he hadn' carved on the new desk, but .14 was too late now. There waa nothing to do but appeal to hia father. He felt very doubtful of getting It.: All the way home he thought up what he would say. He decided that he must stress the fact that' the family would ba disgraced.. " 'TO his surprise his father read ily agreed with hira. ?Jo, you Levi City.; Webb is moving to . Mill - .Senator Smoot wants new lux ury taxes. And they have been telling us taxes were a necessity. i . ,w . . .... . . . . ... . . T. .$987,635.07 LIABILITIES -'-, tT ft Aft ft A 2,065.53 707.462.42 6.634. 6 . 47.18 25.324.72 171,100.59' I- LOADS OP FUS Edited by John M. tinier WHEN YOU'RE STUNQ "Sharp as a needle isn't ea very sharp, after all, as the mi croscope shows ; when the needle is placed alongside a bee's stinger and is viewed through the lens. The 'needle looks like large. blunt nail and the stinger like. a long, slender sliver. It is not the sharpness of the bee's painful weapon that makes his sting hurt so much. In spite" of. Its, being so has a canal through the center throurh which a fluid is secreted into the flesh of the bee's victim and caus es the "sting." This1 fluid is a mixture of an acid and an . alkali contained in two tiny sacs, aci when the bee is disturbed thc-e two fluids flow together into t'e canal and the bee is ready -f r battle. ...... Answer to today w picture r - J ale: The United Btate will r S millions for defense. : HOWMlCHmTHL r" UNITED STATES R2. urns? , must not disgrace your sisters ' he said, j "Come into the stu and I will give you the money." Mark followed his father Into tl sudy and there he was given net only the money, but the whippins also. ' l , Mark limped Into the school room to find Thelma, the Utt: 1 girl across the aisle from him, i-i tears.' Several" big scratches were across the back of her seat. "Tta pin In the back of my dress d M It." she sobbed. "It wasn't r 7 fault. , but the principal says tt t makes no difference." "But why. don't you pay tti fine?' asked Mark. , "I 'haven't "any money, sr.! Mother can't afford i to give rr any." .v... . t. , ., "Herfyou take"-' tbTs." Mark thrust his own bill in her han l. "I'm going to take the whipplr. The principal would rather gtvd it to me. Besides, I Just had or t from Dad, so I'm in practice." 31r 1. I ' i. j! ' It 1 i . - f . f I t v t ? ' t f 1U