The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 20, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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By BETTI KESSI. Phone 106.
TTH the fast approach
the state fair, lovers of
) horses throughout', the state" are f"
t eagerly anticipating any word that
might come concerning the event
j of the horse, show. "
Already several stables are' at '
the fair grounds, and the horses
- are being put through the usual
grooming and schooling prelim
inary to the big occasion; f I
string of : horses, including
hackneys,? hunters and three and
five gaited horses, from the Rerel
English : stable ot Pasadena, ar
rived last Thursday morning. Mr.
English is one of the most popular
exhibitors oa -the ' coast, and his
stable Is said 10 .be" the-largest in
the west. Miss . Ruth: ' Burns - of
Santa Barbara', ' came " to Salem
Tuesday morning1 to ride for Mr.
English She Is known In Calif or
nia as one of the best-women rid
ers In the" hunting1 class; ! Each
morning Ishe had the horses out on
the oval, schooling them to their
paces. " , v. ;" '-''. """"
Devotees of the event will be
gladV to- know that Mr. and Mrs. R.
I. Davis arrived In Salem yester
' day morning . with a stable of
" horses -belonging to , P. A. Douty
of Portland. Mr. and Mrs.. Davis
-. have just come from Stockton and
Sacramento where they have been
showing for Mr. Douty.
rV Mr. and Mrs. .Oswald .West and
family will be in Salem '.. during
fair week, and Mr. West will ex
f - hibit his1 string of hackneys and
hunters. C. M. Wilson, who is in
charge of the est stables, will
also enter his own road horses.
' Mrs. Winslow- Anderson is ex
, pected to arrive soon with a show
4 ing from her stables in Pleasan
. ton. Cal. .' ' ' "'" .-
Miss Margaret' Ellen, and Miss
y Roberta Douty, popular Portland
horsewomen, will ride again next
weekj '
,' " " : ""
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. .Douty and
. daughters. Miss Margaret Ellen
and" Miss Roberts of Portland will
, be' guests of Mrs. Z. J. Riggs dur
ing fair week, j "
I : r;. - -
, A thoughtful woman has sug-
,. seated that Salem residents hare
their porch lights on at night dur
. Ing fair week to make the city
more cheerful1 for the visitors.
Pprmal opening of the new Uni
tarian j parsonage, 657 Chemeketa
street jwill be observed .Friday
evening. . between.- 8 . o'clock - and
10 - o'clock. Coincident with- the
opening- of the' parstmage, Jtev.
and Mrs. Martin Fereshetian will
observe their seventh wedding an
niversary. ' "' "' " '
personal friends of Rev. and
Mrs. Fereshetjan, members of the I,
trict five" room house, east
front, 13500. Five room house
east front $240 0V Five' room
f - house with : iidrtn front' $3300.
Five room house near creek
. $320OJ Nfne room house, North
Front" $2,000. Four .room
house, $1800;' Seven' room
house, $3350. Seven room
r house, paved street $"4500. Ger
trude 3. 11 Page, 492 North
- Cottage. ' i - v
FOR. SALE--New--5 .room bunga
low, basement, lot 60x130.
Some .fruit tree : Near- school.
A snap at $2200.00. V A, few
hundred dollars down, balance
like rent, A new 4 room bunga
low, strictly modern, basement,
furnace, laundry 5 trays, . , f fre
place, etc Only $2500. .Some
terms. 'Another 4 room bunga
low , with- basement. price
$2500.00. Cash $300.00. Bal-.
ance like rent. Rich iTRelmann,
Realtor, 229 Oregon- BIdg.
Phone 1013.' Res. Phone4025R.
TKursdiy bcinff a Jewish hoKday we' close all day-
Will4 be open tomorrow ; morning with a ? store full of
- bargains '
r ' -
Miss Clementine Lewis of Port
land off "Highland Laddie."
congregation and friends of the
church are Invited to come and
spend the evening,
r - f4 --
The Kafoury Progressive Clerks
club met Tuesday evening in their
club rooms for the first time this
season. A short business' meeting
followed the. formal luncheon, at
which, a number of i interesting
talks were given by members of
tha club.. The- - educational de
partment of the store, which wa
suspended - during the summer
months, has1 again resumed its
semi-weekly classes.' ;
-. - -: I
. ' - . 1 -
Complimenting- Mrs." Emma
Murphy Brown, who -" plans to
leave soon for Washington, D. C,
Mrs. W. P. Fowle will entertain
at tea this afternoon at her home
on North Capital street, for Chad
wlch chapter of Eastern Star, and
visiting r members, ii Assisting as
hostesses- will -be Mrs. W. V.
Johnson, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs.
E. O. Pratt and Mrs. Albert Smith.
j-; 'T'H-..- rT--;..
" Mr, and t Mrs. H. 1 P. Grant of
Boseman, Mont., are stopping, in
Salem for a shert time to look
over the opportunities the city
might offer 'as a business and
home location. v , ;
Mr. Gus Anderson left Salem
last night for the east where he
will enter upon- his ' last year at
Northwestern') university. , He is
manager this year of the Northwestern-
Men's Glee club, and is
a member of Acacia, the national
masonic fraternity. Mr. Ander
son, who is a "former Willamette
student, has been , spending the
last two days on the campus here
visiting with his old classmates, i
' Mrs. Otto Reader left for Sac
ramento Tuesday evening after
having f been the house guest of
Mrs. ;C, T. Pomeroy for the past
weeks i ." I ' '' " ! H x r ;. :.: ';"!
After visiting with Mrs. Horace
Sykes -for- the past- several - days,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Montee of
Los Angeles left Tuesday evening
for their heme in the south. Mr.
and Mrs. Montee have- been - in
Oregon fortthe- past -month, bar
ing' motored , .here to . visit . with
friends and "reiatlves. . v
Miss Genevieve and Miss Louise
Flndleyp leH Tuesday morning for
Boulder, Colo., r where they" will
study music; in ' the- conservatory
with? Dr. Frank Chase, Iii connec
tion! with their work! in the Uni
versity Of Colorado1. .
. . ' ' . .. -.. . . r" r'
i i MssLucy Semple S wanstrom
of , Seattle,-: who ; has been the
house guest' for the'pftst month, of
her aunt, Mrs.! Arthur Vassall, left
for her : home In Seattle , Saturday.
From Seattle Miss S wanstrom. will
go to New York to spend the win
ter with her parents.
. About 80 women. Including
Methodist ministers wives, dea
coesses and widows of 4 ministers
who were' attending the Oregon
annual- conference in Portland,
held their annual meeting Satur
day noon -in the Seward' hotel to
elect officers for the year. The
new-officers are Mrs. D, L. Fields,
Mount "Tabor , church, Portland,
presidentr Mrs. J. N. Sasnet, Med
fordchurch, vice president; Mm.
CI LJ Dark, McMlnnville church,
secretary; Mrs. -T. Atchison, Sa
le HwMreasvreT,
Po pie's
; ; V'oeal'-soles-were, giTeir by Mrs.l
F. M.- Jasper of Portland and Mrr.
Ti H. Temple of Marshfield, and
brief addresses by J Mrs. Matthew
Simpson : HUgbes, one of the lay
delegates te-the next, general con
ference of the denomination, and
'Miss Nellie Curtiss, superinten
dent of the deaconess home.
Ur. and -Mrs. George- Dunsford
spent the week-end " in Portland
visiting with Mr.- and Mrs. John
Payne and other relatives.
Mrs. Grace 'Williams and Miss
Smith of Roseburg are in Salem
as the guests of their sister. Miss
Helen Smith. f
i '' ' .'" '
Mrs. Jessie ' M. Ellis returned
Sunday evening to : her home in
Oakland, Cal. .She visited here
during the- summer' months with
Mr, and Mrs. George Dunsford,
and, other relatives end friends In
Independence and Portland.
'- Miss Mildred Spong is spending
the week with friends in Portland.
Miss Gertrude . West, who has
been In Detroit, Mich., for the
past- severafr-monthSj" will return
to the University of -Washington
to resume her work as-ar junior in
the college of liberal- arts.- Miss
West is a member of Zeta Tau Al
pha sorority. s . -i . i
- ! ;V; ' .' ' I i
Mr. and Mra. Peter B. Miller of
Marshfield returned to their borne
yesterday. Mrs. Miller and, her
little daughter had been visiting
with her , sister. Miss' Faye Hen
drickson while Mr. Miller pro
ceeded to Spokane to look after
his interests in a fox far.m
: -; ' P ;
The Woman's auxiliary . of the
St. Paul's, Episcopal church will
meet Friday afternoon at 2:30 at
the home of Mrs. Henry Thielsen,
1049 Court street.
. I -Committees'
as follows are ap-
poittted by the W. R. C. to serve
at the Grand Army building dur
ing the week ot the fair: r
Monday, Mrs. Katie Schott,
Mrs. Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Mary
Tuesday, Mrs. Bessie ' Martin,
Mrs Ruth Dennlson, Mrs. Bertha
Loveland. .
. Wednesday, Mrs. Antoinette
Bennett, Mrs. Hattie Cameron,
Mrs. Mary Brlggs. ' : I ; i ;
Thursday. Mrs. ; Liziie W.
Smith, Mr. Louie Short, Mrs.
Mary ' Neyhart: . I I
- Friday,- Mrs.- Jennie- Hope, Mrs.
Maria Thompson,' Mrs. AliceMiles,
Mrs.- Alma- Henderson.- f
.Saturday, Mrs. J Mary Watson,
Mrs. Julia Blodgett, Mrs. Koom.
, Comrade and Mrs. La Bare will
be host and hostess at the Grand
Army building during the entire
week ot the fair." -
- PEO chapter G will meet at the
home of Mrs. E. J. Huffman, 675
Saginaw street,' this afternoon at
2:30., .
, '
The Ladies Aid of the WRC
will hold a social meeting at the
home of Mrs. J. W; LaBare, 1835
Lee street, this afternoon; Hos
tesses tor the afternoon .will be
Mrs. ) Mary Sterns Mrs. Susie
Botts, Mrs. Bernlce Bufflerj Mrs.
Louie Short, Mrs. Bessie Martin
and Mrs.-Ada Simpson.
i Seven new sets . of. corporation
articles , and two sets of supple
mentary articles,' the latter chang
ing existing names, were filed yes
terday with the state corporation
commissioner. They were; V
i David Hodes company,, r Inc.,
Portland; Incorporators, : David
Hodes, Alex Ifenastein; ' Sidney
. If. .
(If - j ,( -fcj ' Cwi?-'' I" v 'Ti-'rv- i
lV vr 'tJ 'SVt Jtityi
kfTL.l'X) l J- ?KV",i i-
y " J , 4 f io f u?f r tr-'m
- f
The Court of "King Neptune at Atlantic City
the country's most beautiful was selected from
Salomon; capitalization, $5000;
automobiles. '-
Thw-Keystone corporation,. Port
land; Incorporators, . Gunther : P.
Krause, H. H. Parker, M. M. Mat
thiesson; capitalization, ' $5000;
securities.. . , , i ,
J. D. Lyndh &' Co. Portland; in
corporators, Gertrude Lynch, F.
M.' Wilson, L. A. Rocken; capital
ization!. $5000; accessories. . ; .
Mortgage Bond company of Am
erica, Portland; incorporators, J.
L. Conley, George-R." Parker, M.
Thomas; capitalization, $ 2 5 0,0 0 0.
Burke Live Stock, company,
Portland; Incorporators Frankf W.
Burke; G. C. Frfsbie, Marvin . K.
Holland; capitalization, $50,000.
Midway , Land company, - Port
land; ; Incorporators, J. S. O'Gor
man, Jesse R. Sharp,. Blaine B.
Coles; capitalization, $1000. -
Douglts Fir corporation, Port
land; Incorporators, Harrison G.
Piatt,' Robert Treat Piatt. Palmer
L. Fales; capitalization. $25,000.
Supplementary articles were
filed- by- the Commercial clubr of
Oregon City, changing: the name
to the, Oregon City . Chamber: ot
Commerce. . ; : - ; ' " .:;
Supplementary T articles were
filed by the Astoria Land & Home
Buildings company, changing .the
name to the Setters, Webb Com
pany, Inc.
Defeated Challenger .Says
He-Accepts- Decision
Wants :AnotherrBout r
NEW . YORK, Sept. 19 . ( ByJ
the Associated ' Press) .-The de
cision of the referee isv sufficient
for Luis Angel" Flrpo and despite
the5 protests of his friends and
many spectators of his fight with
Jack Dempsey that he was unfair
ly treated an4 fouled, he ,: asks
nothing imore than "another
jnatch.r with the world's - cham
pion. ' . 'v. v.. "' ''
The t true sportsmanship of the
Argentine fighter Is shown in a
statement.' given" . by him to the
Associated Press , in which" he
first, defends Tils chief second,
Horatio Lavalle, indirectly ac
cused of Incompetency by William
Muldoon, chairman-of the' state
boxing commission, and "ends by
simply asking another battle with
his conqueror when he has rested
and his arm has healed.
Dempsey was declared by thou
sands . of spectators ! not 4 bnly to
have struck Firpo viciously, after
the, call of time and to have dis
regarded the referee's " instruc
tions as to retreating to a neutral
corner during a knockdown count,
but to have technically - lost tbe
fight on a foul when he was as
sisted baek to the ring by report
ers, after having been knocked
ILthrough the ropes by Flrpo In
tha first round. ;
I Referee Gallagher also is de
clared to have neglected starting
a 'count until Dempsey had been
returned to the ring.
Chairman - Muldoon said - after
the fight that had Firpo's seconds
claimed a feul when Dempseywas
pushed back into the ring, the
state boxing commission' would
have recognized the claim and de
clared Flrpo the winner. No such
claim was made.
. Flrpo has " been urged byf his
South American admirers and
many , others, to. protest against
the decision of Referee Galagher.
His statement made to the Asso
ciated Press today , reads:
I "'There has been enough dis
cussion on the question of fouls
in my match with Jack' Dempsey.
The charges against Horatio La
valle are unjust because Mr; MuK
doon, chairman of the New York
boxing commission, asured - us
that justice would, be done for
me. . j - a" 1'-
tVl have read what Mr. Muldoon
has said : on the subject of fouls
and I appreciate It,; I have also
read many references by sporting
writers to the same matter. - But
"V M:t .,!,. :..'
' - '' 11 'x ,7 v "'-t
y -r r-"-- i
Where tbe National Beauty Pageant was held wnen
the. representatives of all the cities.
Oregon State Nevs
: Frank Sim eraT says he read in a
paper a few days ago that- a man
in another: part of the county had
picked 12" prunes Which: weighed
one-, pounds . Mr.- Siraeral is no
novice . at prune growings being
possessed of one i of the fine "or
chards in this part ot the valley.
To find' out just how his fruit
would "size" up, with the. btheT
fellows, Mr.' Simeral picked 9
prunes . from one tree in : his or
chard -which weighed 18 ounces.
Mr. Simeral says a noticeable
thing, In his orchard this year is
the uniform size of , the fruit.
Looking into . the trees from the
underside the fruit h&gs in such
uniformity 'that it seems to have
been 'graded when hung on. Sil
verton Appeal.
ROSEBURG, Sept. 1.- The
committee In charge of the Japa-
notwithstandlng this I want , to
make one thing perfectly clear; I
accept the decision .and . all
I- want is ; another match ; with
Dempsey as soon as my arm is all
right' and I have .had sufficient
rest." - .
k .. f. . IS WORTH MONET
- Send this ad nd ten cents, to
Foley Sc. Co 2835 Sheffield Ave,,
OxIcagoJ II W writing your name
andaddress clearly, -You r will
receive a ten cent bottle of FOL
EY'S V HdNliY 4 AND . TAR f oi
coughs,. Colds, and- Croup, ' alsd
free sample .packages of FOLEl
KIDNEY PILLS ' for Backache,
Rheumatic Pains, Kidney an4
Bladder trouble, and FOLEY CA
pat Jon and . Biliousness. ; These
wonderful remedies hve helped
millions of people, "Try tbemt
Sold everywhere. Adv. j
f; S. -Montgomery Winner in
? -Trotting - Race at Lane
:: : ; : -County ; . . ,
r EUGENE, Or., Sept. 19. F. S.
Montgomery, driven!, by -Stuart,
won the 2:14 trotting race at the
Lane county fair todT and. Mary
Logan, driven by Smith,' took two'
put of three heats in the 2:25
pace. '
Summary: 2:14 -Trot .
Florlmel -- 1
Esmeralda . . i ...... 3
F. S. Mdntgomery 4
Sleepy Mae ..... i . 2
f Time: 1 2: 21; 2:19; 2:18
2:15 Pace .
Billy Herman . ..... . 123
W. A. Mac ........ 2 3 2
Mary Logan . . . . . . . 3 1 1 1
Time:; 2:16; 2:16; 2:17.
YAKIMA; Wash., Sept. 19:
Valbro, owned by .Jt C. Wallace of
Phoenix, Ariz., paced three heals
m 2:07, 2:07 and 2:08 in
the f ree-f or-ali pace here today.
It- la the - fastest time recorded
since 1917.'- Barondale, favorite
in the event, was scratched after
the second heat because of sick
ness. - Results Of jthe ; harness
events: , ; . v-.-
Finvt Race 2:14 Pace
Hal Brown ... I l l
Mary Luck . . -j"2 2 2
Bldreno N.r. ... ..i. 3 3 3
f Tim e:. 2:13 Vi ; ,2:12; 2:11
Second Ra re Free-for-all pace
Valbro - 1' - 1 . 1
Barondale . . . .... 2- 4.; sc
Edncv Js. i - -3 2: 2
Hal FUzsiicitona i . . s 4 "3. ? 2
i- Timer 2:07-U: 2:07; 2:08
nese Relief Drive in Rosehurg; met
yesterday afternoon at the Cham
ber' of Commerce offices and out
lined the policy of the campaign.
It - was decided that it would not
be advisable to send money to Ja
pan, as it is food . products and
clothing that are most needed, and
it would be only necessary for the
Japanese to return the money to
this country in exchange for; food.
Because - or tniis"- ract it was
thought best : to - send food prod
ucts direct and as a result an ef
fort will be made to obtain one oil
more carloads- of prunes and ship
them to Japan - for distribution
there. ;
. Oregon Maple H. 432362, owned
by The Oregon'Agrlcultural col
lege, Corvallis,' has qualified for
gold and stiver medals. ' This good
cow started her est at 3-years;
months, of - age and in ' 36 5 days
produced 15,081 pounds of milk
and 793.29 pounds fat. She calved
within the requirpd, pteriod for
class AA and .carried calf 196 days
during test.' - ,
CORVALLIS; Sepf, 19. A let
ter from Armenia to llrs M. A.
Wilkins will be. of interest to Cor
vallis. friends -of Mrs. Samuel E.
Newman who 'was Miss. Ether Long
When she attended O. A. C. a few
years ago." Mrs". Long worked her
way through college and gradu
ated with: honorss and while here
was employed in the First National.-Bank
and with other Corvallis
f irmst . - ., .. '. . . , , '
' With Mr Newman, college grad
uate and. an ordained ; minister,
Mrs. Newman is now in charge
of , one of the Armenian "families."
:i - ? ' - -
; Up- to thia morning : there had
been no petition for the recall of
Governor Pierce offered for names
in La no- county, and political
leaders of both parties are doubt
ing whether any will be. General
supposition is that Lane county
would be a cold field for enemies
of the governor who try to use the
recall under ' present -'- conditions,
although one official believed that
a thousand or so-names might be
seed rod ; from that class, of people.
The arch of your foot fe . . "
the -bridge" of -your body keep you "on your
it; must- carry 1 the load. .:T ' 1
Try on a pair today.
Corner States . and liberty (Next to r Woolworths
that' signs ' any petition without
stopping , to use due5' Judgment.
And this official is a political op
ponent of Pierce who says he will
not -vote for a . recall .. on charges
now - presented. ....-
Edward F. Bailey of Junction
City, representative from Lane, in
the legislature, says his territory
lis violently opposed to any recall
of the : governor. - No word has
been received - from southern or
western Lane, but both these dis
tricts are Pierce strongholdss.
Representative Interviews . in
Eugene today failed to- find a man
who would sign a recall petition.
John M. Williams, chairman of
the Lane county republican cen
tral committee, gave it as his pri
vate and personal opinion that this
proposed recall is not desirable;
and said that he would throw Ills
ballot against it should it come to
a' vote. Eugene Guard'.
Miss E, D. Purdy Gives Ad
vice to Persons Contem
1 plating Gardening
Owners' of new residence" prop
erties who are contemplating
shrubbery ' should keep In mind
that the fall is the best time to
plant certain ornamental shrubs,
roses and trees, according to
Miss E. D. Purdy manager of the
Salem Nursery company. The lat
ter part.-of Octboer and the first
of November are the best times
for this, she said. Bulbs will
bring the best results if planted
after the first of the year, be
tween that . time and the. latter
part of February. I
. Orchard: ' stock mostly in de
mand af present are filberts and
walnuts. Mis Purdy said though
requests-; for- pruaies are, also re?
ceived The latter are; leaning
heavily . toward; the. date , prune,
developed by the Oregon Nursery
company A large supply, of this
variety on hand last year . was
taken, and sufficient orders have
been received , to take care' or the
supply this1 year. yi
From a' ndreery point of view,
Miss Purdy said she believed' that
the New Oregon. : prune) would- live
up to predictions made) by. fruit
growers that this . would , be the
leading .variety for shipments to
fresh , fruit -markets located- at- aA
distance, -yi ? s:j V
-,RpMEj SepC lSfBy The As
sociated 'Press- 7 " Earthkuake
shocks were felt tojy in South
ern Italy and Sicily. Fortunate-
ly nfr material damage was done
and-there were no casualties ;
Cared WitiioiniSmggiT.
TFyou suffer with Piles
I will send;ypu ;mr
FR illustrated book
telling of- the causes,
symptoms; and injurious
eFectsi neglectcdt It also
describes the non- snrgicaf,
painless methods , which
enable me to GUARANTEE
speedy and: partaaaetfiC
wmkWtf fcto
t ban foe daily
fill is w
5V ..' v :
?'-, . - ' ' ' .'i i
Built: With a
The engineer, knows that the Canti
lever span will carry ' a greater load .
with less, "jar" and wear and tear ;
One of the greatest . Bridges " in , the
world is a Cantilever Bridge! , ' - ! -
President and Advisers ta
Scc!c Acjn oii ! tu ml C . .
WASHINGTON, . Sept. 19.
President Coolldge and his advU-
ers will-be energetically ecu: ' "i
for the. next 10 days In seeki a
solution confronting agriculture
In. the west. Senator Borah of Ida
ho, said tonight after , an hour s
conference with the executive at
the White House:
Aged Woman Is Burned
when: Searching Clocct
WALLA WALLA, Waeh., Sept.
19. Mrs". Mary L. Manley 75 an
inmate of the Stubblefield old
folks'-and children's 'home near
this city,, was. probably . fatally
burned"this. afternoon when she,
took, a lighted match-to rco to get
some clothes-out of .a clcsc'.. Her
clothing, caught fire ami. I here is
scarcely a spot, on. her haCr net
burned. She is at a locaf hosji-
tax but is not expected to live. -
Sept. 1 9v One man
was killed and several Injured
when the United States destroyer
McFar land was-' rammed, by tha
battleship Arkansas in maneuvers
near the eastern entrance of -.Cape
Cod canal todays .
POBrttjnfb. OlfZ. f?nt: 19 rIn
future! : Wheat, bloeaten ami 'baart, '
September, 1.08 ;. Orthr 1.05; Noraraber .
1.04.- aoft white," Sapteabea 1.06; Octo-
Der J,u; fliremwu.ui; western wbite,
September 1.06; October' 1.0S; Krem
ker -1.08; . aj4 wUter. dwtBb 1.04 ; '
October 1.02; Norember l.2; aortbern
pria-. September 1.04;' October 1.02;
Moraaiber 1.01: waatera rad.. gentambar.
103; October 1.02; Notembar 1.01.
Oata y. : a-:- white fe2.' Benf raber
28.50; October, November 29.00. No. 2
Cray. September 27.00 J October. KoTem
ber. 2ttS0t -.' ...; r v " .
Barler No. 1 it iMnniL ffettUrakher. .
October 28.50'; November 2H.00; 44
povad, September,. October' id. 00; No
vember 270.
Cora No. f eattera vellaw nblDmenLr
Beptamber '37.00; October ZO.iO; ho
ramher 35.00.
Mill run September 22.C0': October
22.00; No rem bar 2150..
Notice la hereby given that cal
ed. bida will be received, by the un
dersigned at his office in Baler;
Oregon, until the hour of 8 o'clscl:
P.1 M. the i th A&y ot October, 1 S 2 3
and Immediately thereafter-r
Uely opened "by-, '-the-- Board
of Director ;-f '" Seheot" I Diu
txict: NbvV ' 24,- ; iTartonJ County,
Oregonat theffice of the Eoard
Of Directors, I in . thet High School
Dulldiag- In ; said Q.'iy of Salern.
Qregonr for an .Issue of ; bonds o?
said district the, Btini ot cs
hundred, thousand,. dollars. (I1C0,
00u');, (same being, ff "port'-a of aa
a,thl2ed' .issue r'f : -j ; c.c j o ) ;
said 'oomli' to' be ' la 'dt .. ilaa
ations' of ona tioueand. &cV.: ..
(JIOO0)v.eaclv nnci!:irc2; 1- t
100. dated October 15th; 1S2C.
and mauriag ,erf Z!ly tin" mieri
cal order, at the , rate t ?i;,S0O
perl annum , on j the,. 1 fi th d s-n c
October ia each of, the. Vtr-.i. J J2i
to 1953- inclusive ; tidd-rs tn
specify interest 'rate, interest t
be payable semi-anually on the
lth' days'of Aprtr and October,
principal i and interest payable at
the Fiscal Agency of the State c
Oregon in ,New. York. Clty 1 , -j
' All, bids must be accompanSec
by a certified" check" for $7,000 an
must be unconditional; s 'f'
i The approving legar opinion of
Messrs! Tear; WInfree. Johnson r
McCunoclti win be furnished: tL
successful bidder.
; - The -asseaeedi valuation of th
property la the district for the y? ? -1S22
was $13,106,300. The bcr,,'
ed indebtedness of the district, ex
clusive of the bonds hereby ad -Vfrtised,
Is $81,275.
; The board reserves ther right tc
sell' all or any part' of the' above
beads, and bidders are requested
to make their offer accordlnglr.
j The:: Board also - reserves tli "
right to reject any and all bids.
i WjH. BURGHABDT, Clerk.
4 .