Til U OIIEGON STATES1IAN. SAIT:m anvami . ' r vrrnurcnAV irnprnMn crOTrmrn 10 tcon f v I j9 ,4 , 1 t First Eciimata ch Hcsg Holds fcr Oregon Yield . The bop estimate of 35.000 bales earlier in the season for the production In the state still bold-1, hop men said yesterday. The late returns from picking fall to Indl we any change in the earlier prediction. , Prices are getting Emmerson piano . one of .those rare old pianos made In the i .. . 1 ua-jo wubu quajr . ity ws the first i consideration; ( , This piano has J b e e n through our shop - and Is mechanically - ione. will, for quick sale t uco ' Ior $10 down. 11.50 per week.. . . . TAIJLMAN PIANO STORK ' 883 8. TmlftH fi One Block North of Southern Pa- cmc yassfeager Depot, . v CLAY AWAY THE YEARS I lPPVBbhSI!4 Bcauf.fier camlc clay to L UT c, and rest white It dries, then J 1 remove awd see and feel the wonderful I ,1 difference in the color and texture of the 1Y' , Guaranteed do these definite thinsUor i ji mney rciunoea. Liear me complexion and give it color. Lift out the .Mines, Remove blackheads and pimples. Close enlarged pores.- Rebuild facial uV sues and muscles. Make the skin soft - and smooth. . $ ; - ;: You can obtain regular sizes from your ' favorite toilet, counter. 1 II not; send this ad. with 10 cents to Boncffla Laboratories, Indianarolis, Indiana, for a trial tube.' nUJ"ECK IS lEkBBY 61YEN tkst -' -J- wroi tw,tb Tollow:nc4tata Y Jm rfuir I. is-JS, win B deelarad void mni paytnent taareoa re. bjr.thr Btat Twwrr el Ortn. BiitaM frnstl for payment' a th oil ice r the , Stato Treasurer, Salem, Oregon, .-vithia aixtr d7t Irom . the . 5 In ' . .!sVmUr..1?2,5.' V .of .Mrs first publicsUoa of Wis notics: V. arract. ' Date .: j' ; -v. - :.: f-f ""I'M Iskntlll : T. TCI,... v.... : , Anonnt 61S79; 'J ' 5'J03t ; ; 554S I 641S6 -' . -'? - - : : 239$' . i 501 0v. Oct. " tiet. JJee. ; Apr. 13, 1915 20, 1915 23. 151 6, 1915 28, 1014 TJniiwreitr of Cr -n Villar V rilsj , 29, 1 5 1 A . , ' - Sept.. 8, 1914 70S . 03 , t Bpt. 19, 19f4 ' flspt 80, 19t4 -J Del. 23. 1914 - Not. 13, 1914 te. is. 1I4C Jan. , 2, 1913 -res. : 5, 1915 ,; rb. 9, iis,, - July s, 191$ ; An. , 9r 1915 . . SepU 28, 1915 , . 8ept- 28. 1915 ' Jan, S, 1918 ' Jan..: 11, 19IS ' ; Jan.' 28, '1918. Feb. 24, 191S ' Mar. 23, 191S Jano 37, 1918 Jane 29. 1910 : 15.S" 2124 , 28S7 3321 4105. 42 OS 7818 , 8959 10411 10443 13584 137S7 14331 .15118 '13964 19531 , 19835 ' , (SEAL) . , : ; 1 - S The Glcsrcncd Silo at Soms ttinc3 we had koo mvtchr of- and some- thirisb' hre Broken sizes, and 'we are fjoin.to clean em up. . 1 ? , - 1 ; V . r' - , ;, - .. v" ' " v , ;. . ? -i- - - ?, "r - . jWe are selling genuine, all. wtopr drrity blanket, eize 66x88 fbr 52,95' and double cotton blankets for S2..19 aiid blue- Chatttf bre chirto for 65c and O.X). Spruce Shirts 01-98 and drec3 cos 3 paira for 25c and ahny all leather drees hcc3:f6t $3:64 dhd of ficero all leather putf eH3 'pZlb2 aEd " Bairr racl: bas at 50c and all tt?cl under drawers 75 c and all wool undenjifrB at 75 c and one lot of size A 0 OS D. Wool breeches at $3.00: And WaitlirLgefe; leather army halters witli ' cnains $K35 and athletic union euits: 3 7c and ' army water proof two man pup tents at $2.00 and army' pack carriers at 40c and rubber hip boots at 03.95 and $2.60 a pair and bandana hand- ' kerchiefs 3 for:25"c and bath towels at 1 9c I and sweater coats $T;35j and army 4 soap, !1ch2 pound bars 4 2 fcr $1.00 and pure veije- table oii toiiet soap oars ror jc ana we J can't use any rnbre cpace and you'll have to come arid czo: ! ITiectorc is jammed full of -bargains. And thi3 goes for the balance of ' 'the week. . i, - uy y'L-- te - e. w little, better,; and orders are; in the market for clusters at 25 and 24 teats ;v pound, a advance of 1 cent a pound ret earlier, fig ures. : ' t hew corporations i The Carstens Packing company of Portland 'yesterday tiled ; art! cles of incorporation -with the state corporation commissioner, The Incorporators : : are E. H. Shaw. M. B.l MeScham and L. I. Merrick, and the capitalisation la 15.000 j . A permit to sell stock in the sum of 112,499 was Issued to the Hoorer's -Pastries, Inc., of Port. land. . A permit, to .sell ' stock In the sum of $5,000 was Issued to the T. T. Parker Lumber company of Marcola. i ; MINNEAPOLIS. Sept; . IS $1.13 1-2. e $1.13 ;l-2; No. dark northern' spring. , choice f)o fancy $1.20 1-2 $1.2 4 7 3-2; good ta choice $1.17 1-2 $1.20 1-2; ordinary to good $1.15 l-2 $ 1 . 1 T - i 1-2 i September $1.12. 1-8; December: $1.14 1-2; May $1.17 1-4. ' UVERPOOI Sept. 18., Close Wheat 1-4 to l-2d higher; Octb? ber 8s. 9d; December 8s, 6,l-4d. March 8s. 5 5-8d, BTJENdS" AIKES; Sept. 18- Opening. wheat unchanged : Oct ober $1.02 1-2; February 97 1-2 c. PORTLAND, Sept. 18 Hay unchanged. - '' pursuant to th provuion W gerUoas 2729: vimia ioed for prio4 of mora thk Gill Co. The J. 4.24 1.00 1.10 8.7 .6.12 "Wheeler, Sol j. Peterson. O. . B. Eaton's Book : k - Art Stor Endowment . Intereit Tnnd National Taa AaaoeiaUoa If 8.00 $ '. 5.V5 Addiion, Robert ; llorf an. Karagorttia, Tno. .. Manor. Broa. Co. 39.00 19.83 21.75 9.00. .3S .! 84.20 1.64 12.25 S.4Q S.06 .29 12.60 5.45 .07 12.13 e.es 2.14 15.00 Pete. Oeorco Johnson, Arthur Crown Draff Co. Dennis, V. F. Kotax, "Joo 'Wilson, 'WneeterA H. . Caetro). - Joaa- . Seanlaa. Jaa. E. Hawkins; A. 'Hann, John f Poppoda, Pet Kelser. 8. &. . fiabbe. Hector Zainey, John at.. ,.,..., Halae Mefiliaa' . Nord. Amil IJJ TESTlilO'T - "WHEE.20F, X bare -nereunto' set " my asnd aad"'ease4 ,the Seal of- the. State of Oreaon to be hereto affixed thia' firat daj of ! September. 1923. . :. " Vl.sAirx. ' kozsb; '.-, i veWretanr of 8tat. t: U:o United Army . . k-e fc - - BiiOlTfl 1 1 , ll Prune Men More Encouraged Alter an examination of Their .Fruit jTraces of brown rot that has made its appearance in prunes of this, district is beliered not to be serious an the warm winds, lack of dew and favorable weather' con ditloas hare practically eliminated any. lose from this source. . In structions hare been sent, out by the Oregon Growers tor growers to sort their fruit. .. ; Drying is now ; well under way in the district, and it ,1s believed the pre-aeason prediction as to the quality, of, the-crop this, year will be xnirnied' ' , ; - .' . prunes are drying a UUle light er than anticipated, for though the fruit in general is ot large sixe. an unusually large cavity has. been found -between, the pit and- the fruit. . This is baled as an en couraging sign by the growers, as they claim In case of rain the cav ity will permit the absorption of moisture and prevent- the- prunes from swelling and bursting the skin.- , -- , ., .. X. Large sizes are reported in gen eral, and the average is expected to- be around the 40 size. - While some-of the smaller slies are be ing picked, a 'majority Is between 40 and 50.; : - ! ;; 1ST BEIL'6 HELD ran inn price Domestic Grain - Seems to Have Better Chance . Fol-, i lowing Canadian Reports' CHICAGO Sept.tl8.---rresh up urns here1 In the value of wheat today accompanied reports that to considerable" extent Canadian farmers are holding" back: ?. tneir grain in ' country elevators I and are awaiting better prices. Chi cago " closing notations' 1 were firm. 34 to , net higher with December $1.02 3-8 to 1.0 2 1-2 and May $1.01 8-4; to 21.07 7-8. Corn finished at 1-8 to l-2e de cline. ; oats unchanged : to 1-4 up and provisions ; unchanged to 10 characterized the wheat market gain. t r":--' -. n Absence . ot .'pressure - to. : .jell most of i the day although at one time .weakness, in cash prices at Winnipeg had a transient bearish effect here. However, Winnipeg future ; deliveries turned stronger and reinforced bullish- sentiment in, Chleago. ; Besides It - Was cur rent gossip that in addition to re- uctanw .which. Canadian grow ers were evincing to let go of their holdings, united States ves sel owners, on : the Great . Lakes had reiterated refusal to help handle the Canadian wheat crop until some change had been made in the recent new Canadian regu lations as to . publishing - - vessel rates. ; ' w---v '. t f - With Canada handicapped in re gard to transporting grain to tlie seaboard, : chances of somewhat better demand . for domestic wheat appeared to be enlarged and traders who otherwise wete inclined to the bear side of the market took a passive " attitude. Estimates that 750.000 bushels had been' worked for Europe ten ded further to. j strengthen the market al thti last. :i. SALEfliMAnitETSi OaVAXS A2T0 BAT" Ko. I waeat .fir ft lTtd WhaarW. aboked Cbest, hay Jt -.913 Q 9U .lit ii 0t ar , . Clorer hsy. baled ,. ... , 1 Q til rtn ratM? ) vHltwie a aw. rnvTnnun Hill! iu uiiiiuuj: Too. n'trlnIk' fctolor and Lustre With Sajr Tea and 'Sulphur v When yotf, f darken your hair with: Sage Tea' and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It's done so naturally, so evenly. " Preparing this mixture,, though, at borne la mussy and , troublesome. . At lit tle cost. Vou can buy at. any drug store the ready-to-use preparation, Improved by the addition ot othr ingredients called I "Wyeth's Saje and Sulphur' Compound-" i - You Just dampen ' a - sponge or soft brush -with it and draw this through your, hair, .rtakirig one small strand at a time. By morn ing all gray hair disappears, and. after' another application or two. your . hair ' becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. , GTay. faded hair; though ho dia grace, is a sign of old age. and a3We 'all cfesire a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at cr.ee with Wyeth's Sage and Sul iLvlt Compound and - look years ro-iaser. -Adv." LOSER US i TO SSI V 5 if 1 k The plana for the relief campaign to aid the Japanese Empire: In its disaster, were completed in Washington with the Japanese Arnbassadov to the United SUtea, Masahaft." Hanlhara, and the offi cials of the American Red Cross. In the photo, left to right, planning the relief campaign are: Am bassador ; Hanlhara. ; James L. Fieaerv actings chairman of the Axherlc&a Red Cross; Secretary of Commerce .Herbert Hoover, a.-mfember ot the '. Central - Commtttee . and Assistant Secretary i of the Treasury Eliot WadswortiU.? tj: '-' :- . - CONDUCTS' BUSINESS FROM BED, " 111 ' ' - t i r 'Hi I-V.'VaX 1 li . - --i ; l. -La If - t- -7 ' 4 '4 ii i v -s I . , in fa- , - - - " 4.J hi"' ' ' i"-'- -'V;' J ' " VI -s . William U Xlghtbn of SeatUe. Wash., bedridden for three years' with cerebral rheumatism, and in almost constant pain.3 has opened his office by his bedside. From there he does an immense stamp .collecting business that extends -to the four corners of the globe. He buys stamps, sells them, and also receives hundreds from frienda who know him. A radio athls bedside gives him plenty of amuae- 1 ment . . ' ? -. , . - . i. .. ; - . ' prices retired 1 by farmers. . Ko . ratal price are giren. exeept as noted: . EOG8, BUfTZB. BUTTE KI" AT Creamery butter -" -a a- 4 Botterfnt, delirered , e Milki per, ewt ; 92.25 Errs, -. select , ..',,,; 29 standards ,. , ,-, -, ; r T Pallets ' .. r l - POTJIaTBT Broilers Heary hen Cedro i . .... aa-.3 3f .u. -it a it POSK. XUTTOW AXTO EBP 1 - Hogs.: Vp 150.925 Ibs w SS.Tt Hoga. top, a2i-S75, wt .,-...: S8.2I Hogs. top. 225-275, ewt 95 & Light sow wt . ... ;, .... , . i ,fg.0 Rouglt hesry.- ., .,. ... 04 04 Top veal, dressed Top- steerr i ..Ot & 07: -us a Oowg -0314 Q 04 1 0 08- Top lambs Heavy lambs - ' , , . ozAaazs . . . "Bended" Brand fiaakist YsUnrisa Of faring . SIS' and larger . : ' S.t 2S0 and amailer - , . ,.9AJt ; AlTUSg ..' dwklnf. Crefoa. grown, $1.50 Q S2.0A ' Orareiutein per bor . '$2.71 - xj-tcoars C' , iefflnirwen "HIE" all a!. eaae S.M 62d Oregoa air,,: Secretory an&llaii&geT , --Write For Preiriium ? Listr-. , and other Information; ; v - Fair Grounds, Salem Oregon: Heal C AID STRIQCEN JAPAri. xnew BtnrcH-cn vcqstablobs -, All priced' by the . dosem kaaehea. , . Beota, Carrots, ' ' ' " fcf Kadiibsa. long or round t if" ' ;.irgeci.-i t Crarenateins, per bex IK&BET rEttlT8-l -91.50 Beets. Carrots 4-d Xaion.L iuau;isa- 'araley s sifj. Tomatoes, , borne grown, bo: "end. tettacev' local,' crate r-rg piam, perfcrat. Kew potatoea.. New-Oregon. ewt--91,75 Ben peppers;- per lb; - - 0 Oiuonjt. Wills Wattw outdoor, ewt 92.50 Snmmer aquash , , , , . f'.S Putnpkiila, ' crated, lb. ' -At. Caboagev local; crated.- rb. .u.03 "ttkGitt a Itertas from-' Yakima ani The' Dalles, gaotiagi Per box .t , . - , , , ft ni) . 00 lot i JO -box lots 36 on more lVi,&tirailWl,t;it,.J,5in.yiBnJrrifjl.r. I , suuo s...-..r a.&5 aa.sa - L.95 i-i i.-..,J SO -.,--- i 85 X few Crawfordr and otfier varieties may b avairablest- pVeaiHn market. - , ; .: , BARTUCTT PEAa - , , - 1 Stindard boxes, per. box 92.25 Per 4-bket crafe , 1.50 I CAMtAlrOUPlBS' ' " Bang-Ww' Brntf--Tar!ock;,B best. . ; ;' ' - ft f- ' , T 1 it - iniial . ,; : . 1 A W-S r i n M II- JJ It -ir- 1 r - r- . T 1 1 w 1 mi " 1 Hi 14 - ' -3 M : - ri. .-44 Uuial ' ; Pony eratas ; -Flat Crate . Yakima Rocky Ford 93.00 -11.25 teaiar crates- -a.so Takiraa Borrell Gnat A. cink at vanetT. ataadard cratM..S2.75 Either, long , or rawad variety, per " standard crate $2 . PESSX&K XsXLOHS '. CraTe4. per lb. ........1. XCE- CAE&U lmXXXS8 Crated, per lb.;. ...... . .... , .75 -06 -03 .01 -OS .. CASA3A8., Crated, per IS. ir2...... . - , . : BOaTElT2ZWg Crated per lb. ,. X AX AX AS "Red Cord"- fancy f rait Qaotinf ' trated, per lb. L111 ; , , ,HTJCKXEBEBEIB.' . . Per lb. : .-. -JL .15 BijLciqmftftisg Sellins; today TBXSH 2TQS Per fist Ms ? - j-:..;.:..:. .. 'r . APPLES . .... Fancy California Orarsasteuis: . IZS larger ,..;.,;,,., z .. 1- 150-138 j mj..ii....: -13.75 ..$2.25 dhoirm Orraoa GraTenateiBa:- 125 imrgrr - 150-138 -- ,- , . . 163-175 .' - - ' . -y.-- ..$2.25 -fi.oo S1.75 Oregon Graveasteina. faecaV and illml. iP"' box . , ; a.. 1.50 Coekmie varieties, Oregon grown, ' x rU4-i-rPj..i.$1.50 to S2.00 CKAB 1VPT.F..4 i& apple boxea J9L56 ORAPP9 Malagas' ia logs, -per' lb. Tokay. 4-basket .: le a4aa .08 -98.75 Tompsoa seed lens, 4-basket n-ate9L0a Pier lb. .. . ...IS J " CASrEXXXS Early blacks, 92S .crop, ,"per 1-3 parrel box'' . $5.50 , i . i namrRT . e H;Twt.T?s . , K Yak carrots pe sack f2 .'" Bek Vegesable Jo per Jb. bigM desired iav le than ack lot. Ne beet, -per' saek mi Yklm rutabaga, per saek -2.5f I , t ELBIA WELLEK .Twia- production i thrra t Xfodertt j . . Weight ReUxtion. ... , ),;": Dnrnilrig .System x ; V - " '- '.For rrVmndatioa. I . - -phone 1351 -cISm Stadio 685 N Liberty' Bt "" THE BIG 5, Watch For Them! . U -larirtff r e ti o.f,i n',n "i. , .i- , - a . . ... -LS2.00 fi ' T i MiLM Special County Agncultural Ez-Hbxts, Livestock Show Horse Show, Tracior Show, Automobile Shov, Industrial Elxhibition Boys', Girls' Club Cainx Remember This is ;Youi; Fdi' Help Make; It a Success ; Merc end Better Amuibhicnts and ErttertcdhHicnU Ti::Vn Ever BeforeItixizi or Shine.- Be?t Racincr Prbcrrarn in His tory of the Fair ' . - . vr and Automobile 1(1! . COACll MTIIDUrj Prospects f o r Willamette : Football are ' Looming Brighter Than Ever -j With 46 men working ont dally. Willamette's chances for gridiron victories are growing brighter each day. The turnout is the 1 . largest in the history of Bearcat football and the energy thaf the men are throwing Into their work mights also establish a few ; rec ords, j .,''-.-: " ; -Xt'y Huston, veteran from. last year. joined the squad yesterday, mak ing five, men around whom Coach Rathbun can mould this year's fighting .machine. Patton, Stolz- heise, Isham and Sherwood, all veterans, are already striking off the pace in first-class shape. : The squad is beginning to show the resultsv of hard practice. Sev eral of the 'men are stepping out as good material from which td draw cardinal and gold defenders. Patton is easily the star of . the squad as far. as early predictions can be made. . White, quarter from the Berkeley high school of California, Masson, a linesman. from Long Bech high school, and Nak6ma, a fullback, from Wash ingtod 'high of Portladd, are among the Jest looking; new. ma terial, f j Findley , and'5 Oliver are attracting.; considerable .attention from, fans as likely prospects from the old Willamette men. ;, Logan and Caughlan are also doing some u Wwaf, ,'".; - . . . piCTYrniSs : 6i fidfii't &if6vx ; HCdTcf. w.v.; sept. 18.-i-After tk conference late tbday With Federal Judge George W. fctcClintic. . NTJhlted Statfes District Attorney f Elliott Northcott ; an nounced that Indictments news ' 1 . . '..12S5 Lciiidrrr S. li.Ci Zi DON'T MISS TttiS SALE ' i Nislic Horse Shov papers ; f or ; pu.tllsi.i . j ! ; t - : . ; the ' Dempsey-nrpo fis-t v. z not. be sought at this tine. Christian -.Scientists .'Send Relief ta J:,::.;i Last Sunday a collection for t: relief of Japan was' tatcd.lj t: local, Christian- Science church. - All relief -work la nr ler -. tl.s direction of the mother churca in Boston, and is . administered en tirely without overhead char:-. being distributed by the Christian Science society of Tokohama. -Ten ; thousand, dollars worth, cf supplies '1us aJrcidy bee a for warded from Seattle, and further shipments will follow. All serv ices rendered are donated by in dividuals. ' , - BORAH WASIl!,-OX WASHlNdTO.V, Sert- i?r. Senator Borah. Republic;- t Idaho. returned to Washington tariay.E- ter a yacation at hi3 home ani zz- nounced tha he would dlscu- with President Coolidge in a few days his views with regard to the agricultural situation in the hope of impressing some of them ur " the president for embodiment in his message to congress. - , """ I ' V , 1 1 f If , ' A II s- SfiL- 15 tv we 1 j r -1 ( ' . t 1 'iirr , i