. CIRCOXATIOH Arcrtif lor -sktcb month endinr July l, 1923: , ' XINTIIE CITT OP EAUl - -' nd eUewher la , j,, : Marion kud Polk Cooot! Km. tverybody Teaii Jho. Oregon Statecrr.": THE HOME KEWSPAln Sunday only ,L ilr , nd ,Sai4y .6941 SHVENTY-TIIIRD YEAR v gALE3I7tBEGONf WEDNESDAY MOKN1NG, SEPTEMBER 19, 1923 PRICDFIVE C Mil MS ' :t beRhEley wAprigy- mm KiiLIEF FUND -f A 'NOTHERSTACK n OF WHEATS IS Flap Jacfpielycr tit . Work Before Play , Pro- ; eraci 6f British eir : BOllHil Lsis.il:. . Ill:'' i CHF.flK r.IVPTJ -1 Arabassador Presents First l2stallnnt o Money: to ese -JEremier lESSHE sure r its STOPSELEffl mm rs M (I i i . Rccidcncq Section' flow But 1 H"--P cf iiCtcn 'winked Ashes C:!J::rs . Patrol nu:r.s;-Vctc!i for Looters Fin est ho:.:es BUT DREARY WASTE HOW Priceless Libraries of Two fticnally Known Scho!- ars Included in. Lost . BERKELEY, Cal., Sept. 18.: "Heaps of sodden, water-soaked ashes, .broken chimneys pointing crazily at I the sky, and jagged dead walls, are allj that remained today of what Was yesterday the residence section f n the north eastern part of Berkeley, Sol diers and police patrolled the ruins tonight with fingers on Teady triggers where supposed looters slipped about or searched with electric flashlights for bod ies on the chance that all might not hare escaped from the wind whipped, inferno. . - It was the belief of Acting Chief of Police C D. Lee, how ever, that all escaped with their lives, as the district offered many broad avenues of exit. ;A number of children were posted, aa miss ing today but they were school children who were at" their studies when jthe fire ' broke out and, who . could not. get ' back , to t their .homes. (..'.,.- ' 'A, -. -7". ,A -"t. ;it" . Halls, Crowded - v - ' The armory of' tie University of California, the tig halls down town, - the ; nearby, churchea and " many other public and seral-pub-' lie places were lerowdel wli!x ref ugees tonf-ht. " According to a po- lice 'estimate, between 12,000 "and 15,000 are homeless, the fire hav ing swept a thickly populated area for 50 blocks or "more. Cragmont, an exclusive resi- denca section, the equally exclu sive Euclid avenue with. Its rows of university fraternities and. so rorities and the great hilly sweep from this street to Ehattuck ave nue, the main business street, were a dreary waste tonight with searchers hurrying everywhere. TI ? Red Cross maintained many stations on the edge of the dis trict to care for Refugees and workers alike. 1 Hundreds of Unl workers alike. "Hundreds of Uni versity students aided in the pa trol. The fire apparatus remain ed, 'pouring many streams onto tfc e glowing carpets of i sparks here and there. Arc lights were being rigged cj - and ' attempts were being made to clear 4&nglr ins light and power wires and re store telephonic communication. , Libraries Ixst It was reported late today that tt? priceless libraries of Profes sor Alexals Lang, nationally kpown authority on education an 1 Professor C. E.. Chapman, jr ninent Americanr history schbl ar, had beea destroyed.' Both are rr iters cf the faculty ofJ the Li 'verslty pi California. -.5 he board of 'f Ira . underwriters ' "la 'ran -Francisco t:f-j cTirahei ti - .damage at 'f 2,C : ),c:r excla e'v3 of personal t.;;r-;"3. . It i3 ' exj ?cted that.-tie -e will amount : to at., least- 2,CC0,0C3 more.' r.'r.ycr .Eastmr.n CI!!! EILVERTON, Or., Sept. 18. Tie Ellverton city council is still In possession of the unaccepted Testation, of Mayor L.: C. East man. Jlayor - Eastman promised to stand by the .council tintil an otter mayor could be recured. , In s??iking of the Eltualloa, rsera ber3 of the corcll rcrsrkel dur 12 3 the past,' wc: It. t" :i al-vays ! formerly, everyc-a w"tri to la mayor of CUverton. , ICow, -when one is really ne!eJ, r- one will corsent to fill tl i place. THE WEATHER OREGON Vedncsday fair. LOCAL WEATHER ; ... , (Tuesday) llaxlnum teiarcratare, 79. Lliiimun te-rcratare, 48. Rainfall, ncse. ' ' , i , ; River, - 1.8. - -' v - At::.ic--cre, clear. . Y'l :i, west. ' ; Findinfj of Blood-sqixied True!:; Near Oswego Evidence' Thatf Jan JVIio Started Hishlan4 Jitney IVlet oul'Pliy--yilIamette River p Searched fop Jlexpiins. . : . .. .. - - -1 A fc.V '-, : . " '. - - - ' ..,.-.! Alone, with the exception of their 14-year-old daughter, Mrs. R. B. Dabney, 159G South Thirteenth street, is waitlnsr word of her husband, around whose disappearance a veil of j ' a r 1 l ji l?T l "a mysiery nas peen woven ana wna is jaenevea iq ;p&y$ roeen murdered near Oswego, presumably early ' Tuesday morning. A blood-spattered truck was found gboye a higl cliff at Elk Rock. A dead dog, the property of X)abney, was tying in the truck. A bullet shattered windshield and a white mask were indications that Dabney may , have met with foul play. Both"; the .llultnotriah land police worked on the cage all day yesterday but no word had been received in Salem last night as to any develop ments in the case. , . r 'I FlflAli FLASHES CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.- Sept. 1 8. Re-enactment of the Battle of Chickamanga SO years ago and an old-time southern barbecue were the . outstanding events of the annual encampment of United Spanish War veterans here today. SEATTLE, Sept. 18. The Red Cross for 1 1 the time h being has ceased, buying food Xor Japanese relief, according to a telegram re ceived today j by . 4 Franks .Water- house, president of the Seattle Chamber, of Commerce, from W. Gordon Brown, director of pur chases. ... . , . . ' CAMP PEBRY," Ohio, Sept. 18. - Fdur. world's" records were brok en at the National Rifle', associa tion . tournament here today. Three went by the boards In the international free rifle match -on the 300 meter range and, the other ini the" Ilerrick trophy match on the 1000-yard range. SETTLE, iSepL - IS. Percy L. Sinclair, state senator from Pa cific county, ( and. his wife who were arrested here on charges of accepting'deposlts after they knew that ' the Southwestern Washing ton Bank of Ilwaco. which Senator Sinclair was president, was Insolv ent, were taken today to South Bend. ' ' .GENEVA, ' Sept. 18. (By the Associated Press. )The council of the league published tonight a communication from the United States gorernment in which that government says it' is unable to ratify the conrention of St. Ger maine for. control of the traffic in arias and munitions- ' : ; ' PENDLETON, Or.. . Sept. 18. The proposal that's tri-etate coun cil be formed of the druggists of the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho to take joint action on matters of common interest to their business, was made today In the session of, the Oregon State Pharmaceutical association. JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Sept. 18. Mayor Joseph Cauf fiel of Johns town announced late tonight that be bad replied' by . telegraph and special5 dellrery letter wto .-Gover nor nnchot s telegram requesting tha reasops for the city execu tive's recent- order that, negroes ho have resided. here - formless than seven years must leave. The mayor refused to say what he told the goyernor, but reiterated his order that the negroes "must pack up and. go." f ' .' ;; ' -- WASHINGTON, Sept. I8--Com-plete ' rejection of the so-called Claiborne-Adams ; check "collection plan and adoption with changes of the federal reserve , board's regulation J," penalizing banks falling to remain at par, was re- co-.r: enaed to tne coara ,ionigm tr i: ? federal advisory council at the conclusion of its . fall session. R03EBURG,; Or.,- Sept. 18 Jcn Russell, 52, 'resident of North; Myrtle Creek,- was killed accidentally Sunday", night while t'tntig. ;.His body was found to day by searching parties which spent 24 b.ours',in the woods. v " PHOENI, Ariz., Sept 1 8.The town of Holbrook, Aria., was re ported flooded tonight following a cludburst and at least ne life was lost when the water swept through the town, according to re ports received here tonight. - piIOpNir, ArIz.,E;rk-:l8-Nortiiern Arizona is recovering to r't frei the heaviest raln-...;-3 ia ycara. : county -officers- and the ? Port ? - ;" rr ! . Mrs. , Dabney could throw . no ljght upon the disappearance of her husband.. She was working at a-hopyard, near Eo when. he passed through. Salem! Saturday. She was expecting his arrival when Informed' ot the circum stance that ? point, toward his murder. 1 ;-" ' ; - ... - VI know of nothing that might lead to a solution." she said, last night.'. ."I did .not. know anything abqut 'it. until I .read of it in the papers .Mr. Dabney was in Salem Saturday morning and left a note for!.,nre,' saying that he wouid . be home Tuesday. " I did not see him, but .a neighbor, Mrs. Dean, tpld me she saw him come to the honsev ' ' If ,1 could possibly tell , any thing that might be of any help I would be glad to do so. There might- pos3lblybe !some wqrd In the mail, but. I did not go to, the postoffice at all today."" ! : Portland, detectives who In spected the scene of. the crime re ported, that blood oir a pillow and blanket; ' a jtrail . indicatlns that someone iTQad been Tdiagged to the edge of the cliff; a cent on the running board and the finding, pt a 1 highwayman's mask ' led them to believe , that Dabney bad been murdered for. whatever money he might have had upon, his person. Mrs. Dabney said she did not be lieve' he ' carried : any great amount? i ,- . . Efforts to locate the body in the Willamette, which flows at the foot oti the cliff, were unavail ing, but were continued until a late hour. - -"' ; Dabney was a 'former Saleni man fand started the Highland J itneys service, several years ago. He iad lately, come north from Roseburg. , Dabney , was 4 0 years old, of stocky build, and -five feet, seven inches, in, height. He was seen by several Salem people whUe he was in the city. Saturday: Beauty Contest. Supervised . Playgrounds, Kindergar-: ' ' ten Other Features Seven acts of vaudeville . were presented .last - night . at I the E. Clemens. Horst hop yard near Eola. Those taking part, were all among the pickers " at the yard, with the manager; an experienced vaudeville manager who is among thoee picking' hops this falL The talent fa U from among the pickers, incudlng a large number of musical features. v 5 I The Horst yard has provided a number of educational and recrea tional features for the pickers this year -Including t a'-' kindergarten Where there are' 5 0 . children en rolled, a- play-ground under the supervision of trained ;? directors' and; entertaining . ; recreation, for the evenings. T These nclnde radio pfQgrams, a dally caraj newspaper and other features. j, 'Mrs. C L E. Lambert and Miss Caroline - Lambert are in charge of the kindergarten and. nursery, while MissLbretta -Colby la la charge of the playground work. J. p. Henderson, . recreational direc tor for the Portland- bureau ef parks, is in general charge of the whole program at the yards. Mrs. Henderson and Misa Emma Heil man are in -'charge jot the camp fire and evening programs. J A beauty contest is being con ducted at the yard and JtheHWin ner will be "given " the; title ef Miss Eola. She will also receive a number of prizes offered ty Ic tle'ieoderice mercta-ta.' llOgiLLEIlT - iioasT itra) i - r n,;' 1 ' j Adiutant General Ordered to i Appear iri - Civil . Ccurt Fo k Perolexed as to Jurisdiction . ' f BUSINESS AS USUAL JN CITY OF TULSA First Skirmish Scheduled for Wednesday Morning in District Court TULSA, Okja.. Sept. 18. (By the "Associated Press Under conditions defined by Sheriff Bob Sanford as one of "synthetic re bellion" Tulso'coanty went to bed tonight, perplexed as to who rules the roost- the military or the civil authorities. ' ' ' . X; district Judge has ordered the state 'adjutant general to appear in a ' "civil ' court tomorrow morning with three military prisoners. The summons delivered to the civil sheriff, Sanford, has . been com mandeered by the military sheriff Colonel E. Lfc .Head, who. It is In dicated, may qr may not serve it upon his superior officer, General Markham. The situation is fur ther 'complicated . by a mystery surrounding the' whereabouts of Adjutant Geperal Markham sinqe his departure for Oklahoma City Monday. '-. ; . - ' ', The first skirmish is scheduled for 9 o'clock , Wedneday in the court of District Judge, Albert , C. Hunt, where the summons; is re turnable ': . Town Folks Mixed ; Whether the v right of habeas corpus exists in Oklahoma ' under martial law despite Governor J.' C. Walton's ? order" suspending the right is the question involved.' C -I The townsfolk are all mixed up T-but business ' is as usual ; and aside from the half dozen guards men on duty on the mezzanine floor of the city's leading ' hotel and two score of their comrades Quartered in an outlying armory. there Is no evidence of the political furor which: grips the state.? i There are no guards about the City, no machine gun nests. The 75 militia men who consti tute the force here behind the gov ernor s proclamation are visible qnly at the armory and at military headquarters and to the new: ar rival the city presents in every, as pect a scene ot normal tranquility. The three military prisoners or dered to be brought before Judge Hunt are Ben and . Grover, Sikes and Earl Sack, all ot Broken Ar row, who are nnder sentence of two years in the penitentiary each fpr confessed implication - in . the flogging of Ben ; Waggoner, a Waggoner county farmer several weeks ago. Damaging Fires are Few In Sil verton District SILVERTQN. Or., Sept 18. (Special jo .The Statesman.)-- In. spite of the extraordinary dry season Silverton has - been so , far comparatively free from disastrous nres. However during the past week several stubble fires and a few brush, fires have broken, out. It la said that' two or three fires have recently.-, broken out in the Howell . Prairie district, causing considerable alarm, but so far, lit tledamage. i';''Ll:"--.; Heav7 Prune Crop Is ; Report From Sijvertcn i SILVERTON,- Or.. Sept. 18. (Special to The Statesman.) Harvesting of the Silverton prune crop has begun. It is said that the prune crop Is Immense this year and that the fruit is larger and of better 'quality' than in for mer, years.:, ' It is also reported that brown r rot. has " been "worse this year than in. former seasons. Reports have it that brown rot Is, however, much worse in the New berg . prune district than' In the Silverton . district, . ' . RETURNS TO PRISON SACRAMENTO. CaL. Sept. 1 8. -Although be was thousands : of miles away, apparently. safe.,frora the grip of the, raw, A. E. Ander son, facing f rpm one to 14. years in San ' Quentin, walked Into the sherlfrs office, yesterday; afterr noon and surrendered, : . declaring that he had corse from Siberia to genre his sentence. -: WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 Am bassador Woods at Tokio handed to Premier Tamampto yesterday a certified check for S 1.000.000 as the first large Installment of the relief fund for Japanese earth quake sufferers collected by the American ; Red Cross. In report Jng to the state department the (ambassador said the premier was ueepiy; moved ana expressed his gratitude to the American people. Mr. Woods refuted reports of cholera outbreaks in ; Japan and transmitted, the result of an In quiry made by Dr. Kibbe, an Am erican physician doing relief work In Tokio. !! s: r i : Flye. hospital ..buildings for treatment of earthquake .victims bavq beeq purchased by the Red Cross with the funds collected during the past two -weeks and will be shipped immediately to Ja pan. It was announced today. ran FOREST Marshfield and Siskiyou Dis- incis nepori uiazes be ing Fought By Rangers ; MARSHFIELD, Or., Sept. 18. Fires were burning in many sec tions of Coos Bay timbered 'area today and according to Chief Wr den J.. A? Walsh, they , are becom ing ' tronblesome.The state and Coos county ' fire patrol associa tion have been fighting in wide spread areas, six fires having been reported in the past two .days be sides one" west of Marshfield, where 2000 .acres were burned over. Eel lake the Stout Lum ber company camp, northwest of Lakeside, had a ffre iri the slash ings yesterday which burned 'over 40 acres and Was still threatening today. One hundred acres on Sal ver flat, a timier section " near Camas valley, had burned over W j to last night and the fire was in the standing timber. Twelve Mile, which is in. the Camas valley terri tory, had a fire which Was threat ening' green timber. A large force was engaged .today in' fighting a fire on Rink creek, near Coqaille, the watershed from which the city obtains its, water supply. - iA. . - ; r (- ." I GRANTS PASS, Or., Sept: 18. Two forest fires were burning in the Siskiyou National forest today. The .worst is situated on Taylor creek about 25 miles down Rogue river from Grants Pass. '. A crew of eight men was fighting the blaze . yesterday but last night it got beyond control and today it was .found necessary ' to increase the fire fighters force to 26. The other fire is situated about 18 miles above Gold, Beach at ' the mouth of the Rogue river. Iffli PETITE : STILL CIUTIL'6 Ai E. Campbell, Chairman of Recall Campaign ; Com mittee Announces Result PORTLAND, Or.. Sept. 18. Circulation of petitions for the holding of an election to vote on the recall , :. of Governor; Walter M. Pierce continued here today. according - to A. ' E. Campberl, chairman of the state recall cam paign committee. The announce ment was made that two circula tors of the petitions had obtain ed 200 names within a few hours fwork- Under , the law governing; recall 45.000 sienatures must be obtained. to the petitions to bring the question to -the voters. 1 Accordina ; to . L. L. Mann of Pendleton, , who is f'n Salem, the people of eastern Oregon do " not teem, to; be strongly Jn; Javor,of the recall;- Mr. Mann Is represen tative of the 23rd district in the state legislature. " :'" . wIt's a bad "precedent : to set he affirmed when asked ' how he regarded the recall. "I'm a Re publican, ': but' if it comes ' to a vote, mine will be noi and I'll get all I can to, vote against it. - ? "Lots of people, object ' to the appointments be has made. I'll admit I don't like spme of them, but he.wlll have to answer, for the results of his ; appointments. : I'd like to see the governor ; haye a fair chance; tor serye bis entire term." . . . '.' : . , -., : ;' Lots of Papers But None Printed in English Ital ian Publication Issues First American Edition COMPOSITE SHEET PUT OUT LATER Metropolis Without News of ! Sew or World for nearly 24 Hours Tuesday NEW YORK, Sept. 18. (By the Associated Press. ) New York went without its leading newspa pers for " the better part of : 24 hours today when a strike of 2500 web prjfessmea prevented" publi cation of a majority of the city's morning and evening dallies. : From midnight last night, until this evening the city's millions, most avid- newspaper readers of the world, practically were cut off from news of their own and the rest of the world's doings. ."" 'Post Issued 'An early edition of the New York Evening Post, run off by, a hastily recruited corps , of press men, was the only one of the large afternoon papers to appear. before noon and when that had been' ex hausted the news stands ' were bar and newsboys were mute. , Newspapers in nearby New Jer sey y. cities, , smaller .local papers not affected by the strike, and for eign newspapers rushed thousands of papers and scores of emergency newsboys to the more Important traffic Intersections where they enjoyed an unprecedented sale at premium prices. v ' ' W One Boston newspaper sent-cop-' lea of a special edition to the city by airplane, while a local Italian caner. for the first time in its hfstoyp6t.on sale an all-English edition. Jany news stands pre sented the tinusual picture of newspapers in half a dozen for eign languages and none in Engr lish. " ' -a : . ,'t . -. i . Composite Paper Printed. ;- The newspaper famine was re lieved In the late afternoon when a composite newspaper represent ing jointly the If afternoon news papers affected, appeared on the streets. : :: . ' The composite newspapers were distributed by the ' joint delivery forces of the 11 plants. The strike was called "a few minutes after midnight by Web Pressmen's union No. 25 after the organization had concluded a four hour meeting. . President David Simons of the union declared that all but one of the members had voted for the strike, which, he said, grew out of inability of the union and the publishers1 to agree to a workln g contract to replace the. one, which expired September BIE'S DEf:D CODY : LEFT AT HOSPITAL Police Search for Mam Who - Leaves Bo'dy in'Corridor . and . : Departs : J r ROCKFORDi 111., X Sept. i 1 8.-' PoUce aad. aherif fs' deputiea, un? derf the order of. Coroner FYe 01 oiC are searchlns 5 for. -Si young man,-whoat; 10 o'clock tonight entered . St, Anthony hospital ; here with the body of Syea Oleson,- 26-year-old-nurse, placed j the" . dead form in a wheel ' chair .and then disappeared before ,:. hospital '. at taches could stoP' or question, him. ';. The girl, who was the daughter of John 'Oleson, ! local furniture factory ;- foreman, ' had ' been dead but a few minutes. ; There were no marks' of - violence ' on the body. Coroner Oleson ' .will - conduct - an autopsy to .learn the -"cause . of death at once! ' It is believed by hospital authorities who examined the body that she died of a nar cotic poison. - ' ' . ' -- ; The youth was'described as be ing in the early twenties; - He drove to the hospital- in an auto mobile.; With the girl in bis arms he entered the corridor and .laid the - body - in a " wheel chair - just Inside the entrance.' Without a word he ran from , the building; jumped into : the car - and ? disap peared. ' .-V' v ' "- HIGH RIVER, Alberta, Sept. 18 ''Nother" stck of ; wheats!" "'Nother stack ot wheats!" was the call that" went to the kitchen of the .Prince ot - Wales' . ranch house five minutes after his royal highness sat down to breakfast this morning. Lord,' Renfrew was preparing for a bard day's -work in the fields and the royal stamp of approval was officially placed on the lowly flapjack. V 1 - Lord Renfrew was the first man up at the ranch and routed all the other "hands'' out of bed. After breakfast, at which he surrounded several brook trout as well as a "double deck" of flats, the heir to . the - crown of 'Britain went to work at the sunflower silo. Un til this job Is finished there will be no recreation on the ranch. As soon as he has. a little free time,' however Lord Renfrew Is looking forward to a fishing trip and maybe later a huntirs expe dition. . "But work comes first," he said. prrXPT fnrr-rn 'C''LECISUlTOllS Oklahoma Soons Issue Call , for Meeting of Lawniak , ers Governor Firm OKLAHOMA CITY, Gkla., Sept. SI. (By .the Associated Press.) Members of the state legislature opened an offensive today against the official ."acts -of .Governor . J. C. Walton in connection with his decree of martial law throughout Oklahoma, -v;-; .:'. '. . ?;''-;::.. Plans took shape among certain legislature opponents ot the execu tive to convene ' a special, session in defiance of the governor to con sider his official acts. Impeach ment proceedings are considered certain If a sufficient number of the legislators can be rallied to the. cause. ;-. A call for an exlra-ordinary ses sion was , completed ,tonightf apd Is ready to be filed 'with' the sec retary of state as soon as a ma jority of the - members of the house have signed , a petition to convene, the session. - ? ?--; On the other band Governor Walton is firm in his determina tion to give his enemies In the leg islature fno chance to Interfere" with his , declared intention . to "wrest the -civil government from the domination of the - Invisible empire And make the' visible gov ernment again supreme," He reiterated, that any lawmak ers that attempted to hold a spe cial session of the legislature would be sent to jail. "They shall not pass,? was the defrthat could be read in the presence of armed guardsnien posted before the doors of both the house and sen ate chambers at the capitoL Four soldiers with side arms held th6 entrance to each of the halls.: Governor Walton holds that the legislature cannot meet in. extra ordinary, session except upon his call, this procedure being outlined by the state constitution. He Is ready to meet , such": an attempt with force. ,-. ' . .. b:dio m:m TMTL'iT ITELl investigation of Loss of U. S. Destroyers.Centers-.Around : Directions biven : SAN ? DIEGO." Cal.; : Sept.. 18. In the maze of technical testimony presented at today's session of the nayal court of inquiry investiat- inz the wreck of seven destroyers off Point 'Honda September 8, a radio" compass on Point -Arguello, not4 far from the" scene of the crash,- again played - the pivotal role. -' . ' .-'.' This time the needle of . the com pass seemed to point toward . a ogical explanation of the disas ter and. according to officers prosecuting the probe, toward the person or persons . on wnom "- ponsibllity for the tragedy may be. fixed. --V . Practically all of the testimony today concerned radio operations, and most of It centered on t!n'.i sent by the radio come ass at Fcl -t Arguello to the flagship of the 11 fated destroyer squadron. Reason fcr State's !r.:" i to . Jncure . its Eu" ; Given Ccmmittco I i Prison Prcba- FIRE PROTECTION Governor Cctcrm:r::J T!: J r;cw Gtructurca ::j:t I ; ; v of l!::m Kin J The destruction of the trial building and centres at the state pe-.iter.t: rj net loss of $123,000 .'.tas rise the inquiry t why tL does" not insure its buIIJI. i The reason tack of tie Inhibiting tha stats frenv ty f 3 i insurance, on. zvi be i that the; ,ccst in j-r-Would'i be greater than t loss, because of the lire? : of JbuIldlEsa. i!Tclrr3, r f ey which woull be vz',1 c . miums is consliered ia t'-a of a fund from wtici t! may draw to r.repcrstrrct ings that are dsstrcrci. ., Governor. Pi ; fcrs I'" hiere are twrf met!: a I state may follow in the struction. ' -The state ,c -board may be called to ai. a deficiency appropriation, state board of puLUc I missioners, conirosed of t" ernor, the secrttary of t .3 the state treasurer C2y ! . 5 tificates cf ladeLteJi: s tzl . struction iramedialcly iroc-.-; ;! : next session, cf tbe 1 ; ' standing back of te actlcn. s Governor Tierce yeiter,liy conversation Willi ctLir Of the board cx;rez: 1 a ; . ence -for liecinitg" cf tla c gency board. Wbether tl!i be done has not yet L; j. J., ined;'?; ' -N ' - Must be rirexrtcf Governor Pierce's prerererc the emergency board, Ls t : . ed.' is the possibility th;t th'3 r lie bqijdins coamlsEiaa t only have authority to auth the reconstrucUca of. tlie t :1I 1 exactly as they were, and t! :, : ernor says te woull ret the construction- ,of izfla'--buildings.' The attorney i will be asked to cnll-bt; : " board on this pointy Robert i' Crawford nr ;r dent of- the flax plant, er l ' den Smith have been rei- , estimate their, requlrf 1 1 t space for the ' recocst r t c : . a,-1 then;: thet'speciai ; tavuiian: : board named by the governor, t sisting of Will II. Moore, stats i marshal; Lee Holden. rr: tire chief, and Tom Grabara, f vallis fire chief, will a--i!a ? and further advise the rcT j: and other state officials. - I Facilities round 1: ' -r" '-This - board made an irr- tlon -yesterday and in a r report-declared that none-c! t buildings at the prison is t ' . should be for fire rrctect!: 1 r that .water pressure i3 in - k . "We, the board arretted ti vestigate ' the fire, at -the C state prison," I , says C 3 : r wish to, report in rr-?i t? cause of the' fire that th?3 : is question that we -cannot full termlne. There is . a , 1 chance of : spontaneous cci tlon,, "overrheated Jourrtl threshing machine, r. inccr " Jsm. i , The , actual . cause ,of cc - will never be-known b"-"- t fire burned-. so ..fast ti.it to . was able toiget near tl a cr!:'-. it.: . "Ve fart r fi-i a! '-x I the tit'J-t! . cv .- car none cf t! t"" !!r : i to the ttate jri. . . $.1? should -be.' Ty Uvs . . built years r . 3 ar3 cf type of.artt:ic tare, , lutely.no provl"lon 'jcaij f. resistance. 'f . "We; elso fiaijthit ti systtra a-i fir a rrc".-ctlci ties" are entirely 1 -..I :. 1 place ot this klad. "We, therefore,- ree that on rebullilrj . the ! buildings or other tuIIIIr; nected with tha ttata rri they should be cf r - rill, constructlca villi z- 1 , -' tea of .water r:.." i t '. I . 3 WC!I 3 f -3 I ' - . - r -1 . ; ':'' TT! 3 - flra 1 ;t; 1 : are . law f-ti ,:. 1 . (C