7rULoDAY I.;Qllim,G, bJriAiU 18, U-3 NORWICH UNION ria insurance society W. H. Barghardt. Jr. Resident Afsnt $71 Stat 8L CLASS ADS If EST LOTTIE SALESMEN AM If ill : TO RENT OR BUY MONEY TO LOAN Ob BmI IiUU T. K. FORD fOvr Ladd Buik Bank) WANTED EVERYTHING IN BARD ware aad furaitur. Best prieea paid ' THB CAPITAL HA ROW AHA FURNITURE CO. tn-H CommereUI t Phe 947 TIIS OREGON STATZSIJAI 7, 'S " OTtEGON I- ;'V 1 i AUTOMOBILES I i , ' i AUTO REFAIRINQ LET t'8 JTAKE THE BATTLES AND i squeaks out of yeur ear. Jack Dow ' fer Motor Repair, 410 8. Commercial. i V . AUTO TOPS 'A New Auto Topi ' la what you aeed to mak 70 satisfied to t tgitirr jr of aervie (roa tk id W. E. Grunert, 256 State. ' BATTEKT AJTB EIXOTMCXA PRESTO LITE BATTIBT SERVICE ; Station. Export battery aad electrical work. . Portia Bros., Phon 1808. 418 i Court. . '1 1 R. D. BARTON EXIDB BATTERIES 1 tartar aad farator work ; 111 Sooth Commercial -1-.. .-... RADIATOR ft FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, B O D I 8 ' aiada or repaired. J. C. Belr. 849 Tarry TIRES AND ACCESSORIES Why Buy New Wheels TbWhea 70a caa hav your old wheels tightened for 11.20 per wkooL Gnaran- . ' teed lor root of eeaeoa. - Mow gears . '. aad axle ahaf t. , Fly wheal gear for lea, o - v .. . - Scheelar Auto Wrecking Co. .. - 654 Ferry St. DSHD FARTS 1- to 1-1 OFF. MIKE'S t Aate Wrecking H a 1 : 424 ; North Commercial. Phone 628. aaansusssBasEsai TRACTORS '..o. A O. H1AO CO, 444 FRRRT ST. , Phoa 910, Cletrae tree tor. Oliver laa plemeata. Jb I CYCLES and R E PAI R I NG pBsBBMnKSBmBBmaoats - BICYCLES AND RZPAXSXVa LLOYD E. RAM BDTN DAYTON BICY 4 alee and repairing: 887 Ooort. - BUSINESS CARDS 1 I. AJLCRZTEOTS IREXMAN A 8TRUBLE.' REGISTERED Arehltoeta, 610 Bank of Com meree . Bnlldint. - - ' . : AUCTIONEERS - ; AUCTIONEER L.' E. ' TALBOTT, THE - tiToatoek. farairnre and farm enlea aoeOoaeor. SOS U. S. Bank Bldg Phone CARPET AJTO EUO WEAYINO SALEM OABPET CLEANING AND 1 fluff Mas Work Rag aad fluff rug ' wovea aay also without seama. Now ' mattreaaes mad to ardor. Old mat treaaea reiaada. Faathars ranotafcad. I bur ail kiada of aid aarpaU for itofl . ruga. aad Wilbur itroete. Paoaa , 114 otto r. jc wirier. CHXMXSY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F URN AOE - eleenlnc. F. Goaacilmaa. Ray L. Farav or Hardware eompany. CLEANERS AND DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS BaUa cloaaed aad preaaed. $U0. Huita BDoaa-od and proaaod. 60. 1116 8. Oom'L Phono ' COSSULTZNO ENGINEERS - CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Coastrnctina Engineer. Surveys, aau matoav Jao. H. Neef. 819 Oregoa Bldt. Phono f T. - - 9EUO STORES V1L" NEIMEYEB "JUST DRUGS.' ' 175 N. CommereiaL Phoae 167. KLECTXICXAJfS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC buildlaf. Phoa 1200. Y -i- , ELECTRIO-FIXTURE AND SUPPLY . Co. Phone. 1834. S2 N. Uharty. " ARCHIE FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN timataa furnished. Pboaa 880. 414 ... Court St . .HALIE.' 8 ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO- trical - machlae repalriag. eentraeUsg it 887 Court. Phono 488. en, loans UNDER KESXRYB SYSTEM on eity or farm property. Reeerre De- potit eoaspaay, 73 Fourth Street, Port- Und.Ol. . . ; FARM LOANS AT PER CENT and v 6 PER CENT ANDERSON RUPERT Oregoa Bldg. Salem. Or. FARM LOANS 'IaaBraae atonay, ny amount 8 Pr at, for S. V. 10. or SO year, with fall nrenarmaat oriTllece aaUr WUUaa- 5 att valley. . - ' HAWKINS ROBERTS 905 Oregoa Bldg, Salem. Oregoa HAWKINS A ROBERTS. CITY LOANS. lowest rate. , , . - . GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 8I& per Boat. 908 Salem Bnk of Ooi iiiva IXIANS LOANS .S I caa mak your farm or city leaaa, beat V uniM rin. If Ton need a loan, see '" me: aad if you hare money to place. ' bm aae I aJwara ha0 takers. O. W. : Lailar, Oregoa bMg. : - v f- FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST j , f loafer tim. ao eommUsioa. ProtecU I aa-ainat adrersity. City Uaaa, lowaal r rate. - monthly initallmenta, pre-pay !. i . . meat pririleges. J. C Siegmaad. swea 9. oeer !add At Baali hank. ' - - rxoxxsTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS , fuaoral wreathe, decoration. C P. Braithaont. florist. 128 M. - Liberty. PHabo 8tU) PRATT EN AS LOYAL O RANGE LODGE JASON LEE I Memorial No. 630 moet la Odd Fel lows" hall ry fir, third aad f.ftk Tueaday af th m atk. All - OmrMii rUSACES SEAGROVE FOB FURNACES PIPE d ntpele: 198 8. ltth 6t Phen I t BUSINESS CARDS 1 rURNITURB STORES OIE8B FURNITDRE OO. -QUALITY furniture for laaa money. 878 Ooart Phone 464. .-'':? PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW aad second hsnd furniture; 271 N. Oommarcial. . im , .-. . LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. SIS a i Liberty treL Phoa 25. Oldest largest boat. Established 1888. CAPITAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt eervlee; - 1884 ';- Broadway. Phone 165. TALE HAND LAUNDRY PERSONAL bundle a pedcialry. Ala cleaning aad preaaln. 1681 Bell vu. , Phoa 8. JUNK TQMK. WE BUY AND : SELL FURNITURE, too la, aad Junk. ? 875 North Ooommt etal Phoao 588. XACHXTO SHOr ' THE CROSS AUTOMATIC - ELECTRIC 8 tea ut bollsrs, vuleanlxera aad tube plat. Parry 0. Campbell. SIT N. Liberty. ACBDICAi MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH PkoM 51T-W. i REMEDY NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT LAND NURSERY , - lino treoa. Of flee r 161 ? Phoa 1110M. ' - COMPLETE 8. 14th St. COMPLETE LINE- TREES SMALL frulta, ornament. Capital City Nnr - aery Co.. 426 Oregoa Bldg.. Phono 76. FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Broa. S37 Bute. PAPERHAVOXHO AND PAXSTZVO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE deeorat lag, paper haaglag. Uatiag. oU. : ReliabU workmaa. TEN CENT KALSOMININM IN BEAUTI- ful. colors: 91 m room. Max O. Bar. 179 N. CommereiaL PLUMBING PLUMBINGS-REPAIRING t AND - COIL work. Phone 17 J. Shop 1S7 Uaioa street. A. L. Godfrey. - Scavengers SALEM -8CAVKNOEKS OAJCMAGK. rofaa of an kind romerod. Oaspool cleaaed. Phoa 167 or 1007 J. BOOS SCAVENGER 8K.KVICE (8UC- eeeaor to Neal Scavenger) Garbage and rofuao of all kin da removed by tke month. Roaaonable r t . Phones: Of fie 629: reaideaco 9068. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND aella aeeoad haod furniture, tool aad jnak; 820 N. CommareUL Phoa 499. WANTED EVERYTHING IN 01 OTU- iag aad ehoe. ; Best prieoa paid. Cap ital Exchange; 843 North Oommreial Fkene 1SA6-W. ' STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT '2ND REPAIRED 40- years' experience. Depot National fence, siaea 86 to 38 la. high. Pala ail aad varmishe. ate, loganberry aad hop hook. Salem Feae aad Store Work. 250 Court atreet. ' Phona 194 TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Centra! SUga Terminal, Salem, Oregoa 8ALEM-EUGENE Leave Salem T :15 a.-as.; 9:15 a. m.; 11:16 a. at.; 1 SIS p. m.; 8:15 p a 5:16 p m.; 7:80 p. m.: to Corvallla !. PARKER'S STAGE LINES . " J. W. Parker, General Manager ' Central 8tate Terminal Salem, Oregon. 8ALEM-8ILVERTON DIVISION Loaras Salem. Central Stot Terminal 7 a. m.; 11 a. at,; 5 p m LavM Silrerto New 8taad: ' 8 a. a.; I p. m; 6 p. m. - ' Salem-Iadopoadeaeo-Moamoath Dtvtsua: Leave SaJeai. Central Stage Terminal : 7 a. as.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. as.; 8:10 a. a. 5:10 p at Lav Moamouth, MeumoBth Ilotol: . 8:15 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:18 p, m. : Loavea Independence, Bearer Hotel: ' 8:80 a m.; 8:50 a. m.; 1:18 p. m. 4 p. m.t 6:80 p. as. Leaves Central' Stag Tarmiaal, Salem, for Dalla at: : 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. m; 8:10 y as. Lava Gail Hotel. Dalla. at -. 8 a. m.: 1 p. m. ; 6:15 p. m. We make eoaaectioaa at Salem to all part of th valley. Extra trip by ap pointment. . V J. W. PARKER. Gsaarsl Maaarw. VARIETY STORES SALEM- VARIETY 8TORE CHINA war. fWiwar, toys, hotidB. u4 mll- tlaert. - ' ?.-'-? WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Offic. 801 Soath Commercial St. Tea per cent discount domestic flat rate paid la advae. , . N dadaetioa for sbsoac or any caase aalea water Is shut off your premise. R e a d the Classified Ads. TEMPUS oTODD Awaii bfa-n HARD Luck HAS Trailed 70NIWHI Js ayr yew.e (nn c I CNJOf AfVSFF THOROUGH j FOR RENT FURNISHED jj APARTMENTS FOR RENT -NEATLY FURNISHED apartments ; one on firat floor, 292 N. Summer.-.''- T- FURNI8HED OR UNFURNI8HED FOUR room apartment, modem. : ASS North 12th.,: ;. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT, aewing - maehino, telephone. Phone 634 J. -' ' ; H" FOR RENT 5 ROOM APARTMENT; bath, toilet, oleetrie light, aad Bleeping porch. - Lighta, water and phone free. Call at 410 Oregon bldg. FOR RENT apartment. TO 755 ADULTS MODERN Ferry atreet. CLOSE IN S ROOM FURN18HED apartment, 1C47 8. CommereiaL Phone 1168 J. FOB RENT APARTMENTS, 881 NO. Commercial. FURNISHED APARTMENT WITH piano. 592 N. Rummer. Phono 1078. HOUSES HOUSE FOR RENT 2497 HAZEL AVE. FURNISHED 5 ROOM HOUSE TO RENT to deairablo parties About 2 blocka from State Home Pho 683 FOR RENT NEAT S HOOK BUNGA low, 1115 Jefferson St., between N. Capitol and Scmmer. : Call today at house or phone 2Q26J. BOOHS FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 8, - i '- 1S20 Court ' t . FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND looping room- Leonard HolaL S64 N. Froat Street. : . . .. I . PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 1U" wording Faraiahed Rooms." prio 10 eeats each. " Statesmaa : Basiaea OC fir. Ground Floor. ' FOR RENT-Miscellaneousl PZAN0B NEW PIANO FOR RENT 96 PER MO. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. - FOR SALE-Miscellaneousl GRAPES FOR JUICE AND JELLY, Se per pound.- bring your boxea. Frala vineyards, three milee north, ia folk county. .. FOR SALE MRS. JOHN H. ALBERT will sell her household foods, including rugs.' dining and kitchen furniture and other effect. Phone 622. 1089 Court. FOR SALE TWO SILOS, ONE 12x40 feet, father 10x86 feet. I fin shupe. with extra store. Inquire J. B. Bowa. 945 Chemeketa street, Salem. SACKS POTATO. GRAIN AND HOP sack. Willamette - Bergaia -House, 975 N. CommereiaL Phone 588. PRUNE TICKETS FOR TRAYS SIZE SxS K. 600, 15e; 1000, 25. Apply 8 ta teaman office. Beautiful Oregon Rose Aad eleven other Or go aong together with fln'ooJctioa f ptrioti aoags, sacred songs aad maay old-tim favor ite - ALL FOB 85a. (Special prieoa la ouantlty lot) EaiotialIy dptbl for achool eommi - ity mt home aingiag. Bead for Western .Songster 74 page bow ia lu third edUoa PublUhod by . OREOON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Oommereial St. Salem. Or. FOR SALE GOOD first class condition. WOOD SAW IN Phoa 1786J4. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 eeat a bundle. Cireulatioa departmeat Oregoa 8tstcsmsn SEVERAL LARGE OAK BARRELS may b bsd by cslling at this office. PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 16" BY 71A' ? wording "For Bala, Eaqulr L" Price 10 eoata each. Stateamaa Bust Office. Ground Floor. BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS PARROT SPECIAL TILL 8EPTEM bar 1, w will sell young head-re iaed Panama parrots for only 919.50 . Every on guaranteed to loara to talk, Flake'a Petland. Salem. Ore iron III llll II I I I I I llll FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send : 15 to th Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregoa for a three months' - trial subscription. Meatioa this d. :;- v - ' . - POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for apodal thro month trial for the boat aad oldest journal la th wsL The article aad advertise ment r af special interest to th poultry bree4r of tb North wL Northwest Poultry JoarasL Sll Com nerrlal atreet, Salem. Oregoa.' LIVESTOCK COLLIE DOG FOR SALE Bruc Cub ningham, inquire for Williams - Classified Ads in The : Statesman' Bring Results TTMPUS "rbPQ? Mr lo& Enough! J - ' ITUr ZV ILVJPrXZTVZ k- RIGHT back. J ' lvnienc -w.i'!'" 1 I Classified Section Phona 23 AdtertMng Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rat pr word: Per tnsertloa Tbrae Insertions 2 HELP WANTED MCALB WANTED 15 LABORERS AT FEEBLE Minded Institution for excavating, trenhre. etc. 8 hoars, 50c per hour. FrsnVhell A Psreliua, contractors.; WANTED Saleamsn to sell "Style Cen ter' - suit, overcoats snd raincoat in Marion county. Part or full time men. We pay you every day and treat you right. Good aide money. Write aalea manager, 625 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Oreron. m FEMALE STENOGRAPHER. 81 YEARS EXPER- ienee, desires position. Phono iswaw. EARN $20 WEEKLY SPARE TIME. AT i nemo, . addressing, , mailing muaie, cir- culara. Send lO cents for music, in : formation. American M company, 165 Broadwa. Dept. G-7S. N. Y. MALE AND FEMALE DAY HELP WANTED AT THE PRE8- eott prune orchard, two and a hall milee in Polk county. Phone 193 7 J. TRUCK WILL LEAVE BRIDGE WITH picker every morning, 6:30. and re turn ia th evening. Picking now. William Hop Yard. Kola, Oregon. HOP PICKERS WANTED BELL HOP ynrd. , Truck will leave public market. State aad Commercial streets, 7 :00 a.m. dally, returning 5:30 p.m. Bring your lunch; finest hops, seventy coat per box. two weeks picking, WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO taks farm paper subscriptions. A food proposition to the right people. Ad dress the Pacific Homestead. Stateamaa RM Halm. Or. - -- AGENTS SELL MADISON 'BETTER MADE" SHIRTS direct from our factory to wearer. No capital 4i experience ro quired. Eaaily sold. Big profits. Write for FREE SAMPLES. MADISON MILLS 508 Broadway. New York. INSURANCE LET US WRITE YOUR AUTO OR track insurance next time it expires. We render efficient service at very low rates. Staudley A Foley, Agents, Bith Rank bide. I Ladies Wearing Apparel J SPIRELLA CORSETS SOLD BY ALICE , A. Miles. 451 North 21t. Phoa HEMST1TCH1N O SALEM ELITE H EMSTITCHINQ pleating, buttons, stamping and aeedlo work: 828 Oregon hide. Phone 1 DRE88MAKXNO PRINTED CAKD8 SIZE 14" BY 7 IX", wording "Dreamaking"; ; price 10 cents each. Stateamaa Basin Office . Ground Floor. MRS. G. E. MII LER HEMSTITCHING '.: stamping, buttons. Room lO. Mil er"e store Phono 117. LADIES TAILOaONO W. - J. MAYER LADIES' TAII OKING. long eata aad suite. Rata 7. MrCor ark Bldf. O. U. . MOSHKR TAILOR FOR and women 474 Court MEN I LOST AND FOUND j LOST LOST LADIES WRIST WATCH. SUN day evening; initials on back, E. M. B. Finder please phono 12 12 R. Reward. LOST BETWEEN PORTLAND AND the Liberty road, a black band grip eon tain ing letter and - traveling ease. " Reward. Return to Statesman office. j MUSIC STORES 1 . MU8U. STORES WILEY B. ALLEN "tX) PIANOS AND phonographs. S19 Court street. SHERMAN. CLAY OO, PIANOS 8teiBways. Duo-Art aad ether. Moore's - Musi House. 415 Court atreet. GEO. O. i WILL PIANOS, PHONO grapha, sewing machine, sheet masie. nd piano studies. Repsirtsg phono 1 graphs aad sewiag machines; 482 State, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. II. L. Stiff Furai tar Co, Muale Dept. -t- IS YOO Gtoltfe PAWCr AyiTH WE ?J Oa week (ix insertions) One month 20e .15 Six mouths' contract per mo. 12 muatha' cob tract, per me 12e Minimum for uy sdrerlUemeut 25c 1 MUSICAL Instruments .1 A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated ataudard music. Semi classic aad ballad; 12 lessens. Waterman Piano School, Mo Coraaek Bllg. . FOB SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY piano laft with a to sell. Price $200; terms. H. U Stiff Furaitar Go, 111 ie departmeat. f , PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI - aue tuner. Leave order Will' Muale Star. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAXES OF puoBrtgraphs. Jay Bailey. Moor' Ma ale House PERSONAL CATHOLICS. WISHING TO MARRY, booklet free, i Address Home CluD. i. Box 23, Grand Rapid. Mich. GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper publlahed. - Fro for stamp. Car respondent. Toledo. Ohio. I PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE 8ERVICB A L E M AMBULANCE SERVICE Pfcon 666: 173 S. I Ihortv. sasai i i in ii i icaasnsaaai CHIROPRACTORS DRS. SCOTT 80HOFIELD. P. 8. O. Chiropractors. 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg Phone 87; res. 628 R. DR. REDMOND,. 828 OREGON BLDG, Pben 1638. ! CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. t dieeaeo. DICK IS 8. CURES ANY KNOWN Hia-h St. Phono 98 CHIROPODISTS DR. & F. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA , tioaal i University Sciences. . Chieag ' Maaoaie Temple. Phone 640. ' DK. WILL1XMS CORNS, CALLOUSES, ' lagrowa aails: all foot troubl. Price t Shoo Co. Phone 616. SRUGLE8S PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DR. . JEraata. . Acuta aad t ehroni .Phoa 780 r 405 N. Commercial : FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIKEO vers. Ylf Ceater. Phoa 1656. . ; 7 NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS OR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND ; chronie disease; 415 Oregoa Bldg Phone 110. OPTICTANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY go Bldg. Rooms 801 to 904. ORB GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co, 823 Stat a tree t, opposite r Ladd ; Barb Beak. "Us QuaUt) Pi-ov-n 8hur-na." OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. I.. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC ' physician ' and ' surgeon. Kirkavilk . gradnato, 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phoae. office 919; rea, 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physieis nd Sarfeoa. 403-404 Or gun Bldg. Phones, offic 1994; res ' 58ra. ;; - -. PHYSICIAN Or PHYSIOTHERAPIST DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF PHYSI . otherapy, treats all ailmeats, womsn's troubl especially: 265 N Cotamsrcisl ' aetreet. Phon 1091. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FRANK R. KELLOGG, " ' PUBLIC Ac countant, systems, bookkeeping, eerv.ee, 1 i t i n r . 2 13 Ore ron Bldg. j .REAL ESTATE City ) READY TO OCCUPY DANDY NF.W bungalow, all ready for yon; $400 down - $30 .a month will take. Full cement basement, etc. Becke A Hendricka, U. 8. Bk. Bldg. . M HAIP WAY BETWEEN M.-KINLEY Junior High 'and Lincoln school is a dandy house of aix large' rooms, large : lot and a little fruit; splendid, view of : city.. $3500, terms. Also a aemi-mod-- ern house with 2 apartments, always rented for $42, and leavea you seven rooms for yourself. Quirk sale 93000. Robinson. 212 Oregon Bldg. Phone, - 737. Insurance and loans. VTT T ' fk- 1 N I i: REAL ESTATE City.' - i FOR SALE 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGA Iaw, located at 1025 N. Capitol St. Price, 962O0; terms. W. H. Grabea horat C.. 275 State St. - SPECIAL 5 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. BATH, toilet, electric lights, 4 lota, $3650, with 2 1-2 lota, $3100; with 1 1-2 lots. 82750; 9500, bslsnce like rent: pos session Sept. 24. J. A. M ill. SSI 12 Stale. $500 DOWN TAKES THIS BUNGALOW, 5 large rooms, cement basement, f ire plsee, dutch kitchen, large lot. Bsl . ana of payments like rent at $25 a month. Int. 6 per rent. See at 2256 S. Church. Bcke A Hendricka, U. S. Bk. Bldg. , -..v - BARGAIN NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGA- low, modern with bsaement, furnace, fireplace; on the corner .with two lota. Price $4750. Some terms. W. H. Grsbenhorst A Co., 275 State St. FOR SALE BY ; OWNER. DO YOU need a home for winter, close in, near school, business center; also house and lot four hoice lots en 20th snd Center, cement sidewslk, pavement in and paid for. Price, $600 up. Small payment down: terma. Phone 41 7M, between 8 and 12. FINE SIX ROOM BUNGALOW, LARGE garage, drive, walks, psving, laundry tubs, furnace, fireplace,' full cement basement: Urge lot and close In.' This brsnd new. at sacrifice price of $60OO. Some terma.- Becke A Hendricks, U. S. Bk. Bldg. , , GOOD BUYS IN HOMES FIVE: ROOM MODERN HOUSE, WITH basement and fnrnace. stationery wash trays, large lot, east front, for $310O, with $ldOO cash, balance like rent. BRAND NEW 5 ROOM MODERN HOME fireplace, basement and garage, paved street, on car line. A beauty for $4, 0OO. Terms. ANOTHER ONE OF 4 ROOMS, BASE- ment. paved street, for-62750. Term. SIX-ROOM HOUSE.. MODERN. WITH two fin Iota, $1 BOO,, with $200 cash balance 825 month. FOUR ROOM PLASTERED BUNGALOW, for $850. Little down, balance like rent. . You ran move right in, all are bow vacant, see. CHILDS BECHTEL, 540 State Street. GOOD BUYS 6 ROOM BUNGALOW with basement aad fireplace, garage. Price 83OO0. Terma. 10 ACRES ON GARDEN ROAD. ALL cultivated, will exchange for house in 8slem. Price, $2000. 110-ACRES OF GOOD FARM LAND, LO rated nine miles east. This ia your opportunity to buy, .ana ouy rigni. Pricei 855 ner acre. ft ROOM MODERN HOME. LOCATED 4 blocks out. Price, $6500; $2000 down. 6-ROOM COMPLETELY MODERN BUN a-alow on State St. Price, $6500; 2. OOO down. 7 Ml HIM HOVE OK PAVED STREET modern nlumbing and ligtita; small basement, east front : Price, $3675 Trml WK WRITE FIRE IXiSURANCE. W. H. Orabenhorst A Co.. Realtors, 275 State St., U. S. Bank Bldg. , FOR SALE NICELY LOCATED HIGH corner lot 50x120. South Church and Electric, $300. Phone 517-M. WOOD'S BARGAINS FOUR ROOM new house, corner lot. 9750. Four mftn bmw house iust off the iavement. cement walks, woodshed, garage, good nlnmbinsr. 92000. Five room modern bungalow,-east front, nic lot, gsrsge, 94200. . A dsndy five room bung-slow omnavad street and ear line. $3100, New bungalow and half aero, strictly modern. S350O. Two acres all; in or chard, just oatsid city limits, . with four room house, $1850. Hsve a fin 25 acre dairy faro, nw bungalow and barn, running water, $4000, and will take a horn ia Salem part pay. 220 acre 'farm, well improved, with stock for $23,000. and will take city prop- 'rtv. 935 acre California stock ranch for Oregon farm. Six room house and larre corner, lot. cVoe in. take horaea and rowa part pay. 820 acre Alberta for Oregon. i F. L, WOOD, 841 STATE STREET FOR SALE 1 ACRE . AND HOUSE, a cash. . 3 room house, 91200. terms. Compton Real Estate 469 SUt street FOR SALE PLASTERED HOU8E IN splendid location.. 2 blocks from CspU tal brilding, 2 doors from Capital , atreet; 6 rooms and halls, bath, kitchen gantry, new fruit- house, .woodshed aad ara. Lot 50x165 feet. Inquire of owner, 945 Chemeketa street. Salem. Special 3 ROOM HOUSE AND BARN FOR $750. 4 room houae, nice lot, $850. 5 room house, bargain for $1500, with 9200 cash and 915 per month. 80 acres, half cultivated, fair buildings; trsde for small tract close ia or un improved lsnd. 4 room house, gsrsge. chicken bouse and :.4 acre of fine land, 1 block from school. Bargain for $1550, term. Thomason - 3314 State street -BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 4 ROOM BUNGALOW, MODERN. BASE , - ment, in very good , condition, very close 1b; the Jot will be worth three times the price asked for all bow. Price ' only $2400; $250 cash, balance easy ; term. - 6 room - bungalow, modern, basement, Dutch - kitchen, very convenient, an -pavement. $4400, terma. 4 room baagalow, furnished. 91750, $500 cash, balane $10 per month. 45 cr besrinf prun and eherry or chard, boos, drier; will exchange for dairy, atoek 'or grain ranch. Price ' 935.000, eaay terma. r 17 acres, 9 hi commercial fruit, T room houae, barn, coop, garage, 4 mile , from school and church ; stock, imple- meats, poultry, 15 tons of bay, and 2 : acre potatoes go. Will consider eity property. Price $10,500, terms. Money to loan houses to rent, ; Socolotsky. Realtor, 341 State Story by OCTAVUS ROY COHEN Illustrations by H. WESTON TAYLOR . REAL ESTATE City j. - ' i FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW AND up-to-date bcngalow. Easy terms. For informstioa call 841 and after six 454-M.. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7Vfc"; wording ret Hoot. price 10 eeats eack. Stataimaa Baslaeu Offlr. Ground Floor. - : ROOM HOUSE. GARAGE. $290O. room houae, garage, $1800. 10 room furniched rooming boas, lsrge lot, $4800. -. : r ',..;. i room bona, $3200. -room house, large lot, along creek, east front, garage. $5000.. This ia all close in property. . - ' room house barn, paved atreet, $1700, room houae, largo lot, $2400. GOLDEN RULE REALTY CO.i , : . 492 N. Cottage atreet ' FOR SALE 7 .ROOM . HOUSE, BASE- ment, garage, fine lot 50x150, good . location only 12 blocka from corner of ' Stat and Commercial streets. A bar gain at $3700. good terms. 6 room house en 8. Liberty street, fins lot 55x162. A snsp st $3000. RICH. L. REIMANN, Realtor 229 Oregoa. bldg. Phone 1013 . Rea. phone 1025-R. ALL BARGAINS A NEW BUNGALOW ON BONUS LOAN terms. A 7 room modern, close in, corner, immediate possession, paved, $4300; a similar one, $3600. A beau tiful 4 large room bungalow, ear line. Fairmount district, $3500. Another 6 room bungalow with basement, psved, block from car, NE, $3000; going to Calif or nit and must sell at once. See Wm. Fleming e 311'State street - ' GOOD BUYS NEW BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS, MODERN la every way, on corner located l 1880 S. Church street, $4750; $1500 down. Fine creek lot with- 123 foot frontage ea Creek. Price S20OO. 6 room bungalow at 1549 Court street. Price $6000; half cash down. Nsw bungalow, 5 rooms, completely mod ern, at 220 Wilson atreet. ' $5500. - Terms. -; New unfinished houae with corner lot. Price for aulck ssle. 667S.OO. 8 room completely modern homo with lot 100x100 on creek. $7350. , S room completely modern bungalow, two years old, st 1025 - N. Capitol atreet. Price 90200 ; 83200 down. We write fire insurance. : - . W. H. Orabenhorst A Co., Realtors 275 Stste street. U 8. Bsnk bldg. Ground floor PRINTED CARDS, 8IZE 14" BY 1U". wording "Roe ma to Rest." pries 10 casta each. Statesman Busts Of flee. Grwead Ftoor. r NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH modern fetnres for $3000; will take Ford as part payment. 6 room modern bungalow on 24th atreet. I urn are, Mreplace, an attractive hw for $3800. Beautiful home on State atreet. lot 10O feet front, 8 large bearing fruit trees. Winnie Pettyjohn V Realtor -..-- , ' - -' 216 Oregoa bldg. 'OR SALE BY - OWNER NEW AND up-to-date 5 room bungalow. Easy terms. For informstioa phon . 841, - TTe n:iHi. e.ts-M. I'REAL ESTATE Suburban TOR RENT ARE YOO .PAYING FROM 930 to 950 per month for a houae in townt Have - you an automobile! I have 5-room bungalow, garage, barn, chicken coop : and other building oa a 15 acre tract - 12 minutes drive from State aad Cora merrial, on rock road near Pacific Highway: S area locanberrie. 2 1-2 acre atrawberries and other fruit. Will rent to reliable party at about one third of what you have to pay in town , Do not apply unless you understand fruit cclture and will care for fruit. Phone 1493R after 8:30 a. m. and be fore 5 p.- m. I REAL ESTATEFARMS NEW MODERN HOME IN OAKS AD 'dition, oa the corner. Price 97350. W. H. Orabenhorst A Co., 275 Stste St. 15 ACRES. ONE MILE TO SALEM, ON pavement. Price, $3500 and $700 down will handle. Becke A Hendricks, U. 8. Bk. Bldg. COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU about the one-half acre tracts we have near the city for AJJ00 and $650, en terma of $50 down snd $10 per month. "W. H. Orabenhorst A Co., 275 State St. . ... : - 5-ACRE HOME, - WITH PLENTY or bearing fruit, one block from car line. Electricity aad plumbing. Price $7, , 000. Terms. W. H.. Grsbenhorst A Co., 275 Stste St FOR SALE 80 ACRES, 12 CLEARED, family orchard, 1200 to 150O cords wood ' -timber, nearly fenced, large house and barn, fins spring piped to house, good out range, 2 hi miles from Mill City's large mill. Will consider Ford touring sedan or truck, lata mo del, 91350.00. Leas for cash; priced to sell. A. H. Crawford, Lyon, Ore. storagescales j ATTENTION FARMERS AND FRUIT buyer We have stersge for grsin, po- - ta toes, ealens, bay, straw er say class of merchandise up to 600 ton, oa Southern . Pacific track. Licensed warehouse ' certificates will be issued: 90.000 poo ad seal for public weigh ing; largeat truck weighed. Commer- ' rial Cider Works, phoae 994. 1010 North Commercial St, Salem. Adv. f TRANSFER HAULING J TKAfiarXS tUwUaw MOVING AND STORAGE REASON A 97 S ' North' Oomaserelal. hi ' figurea. phono 6B CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 Stat St. Phoa 939. Distributing, for warding aad storage our specialty. Get ear rates . r-, WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold gbod. ' Our specialty la plan aad furniture moving. ; Wo also mak roue-try- tripa. . We kaudle the beat seal and wood. , Call ea ua fur prieea. Wo gle good measure, good quality aad good eevSe. lj,-tAT Transfer t'iM.e USED CARS FOR SALE J FOR SALE BUICK LIGHT- SIX, NEW tires, , paint; terma. f hone owner 1123J.L - v -1 - - U8ED CARS OF MERIT 1921 Chevrolet Tour, lota of extras $285 1920 Chevrolet, A-l ...... 9235 1920 Ford Tour, shocks, foot feed $250 Phone 22, or 17SZM. Chevrolet Used Csr Dept., 349 N. Commercial -1 USED CARS PRICED TO SELL Maxwell Touring . $100.00 Mitchell Touring . 3175.00 Maxwell Touring - $250.00 Oakland Roadster . $250.00 Dodge . Touring ; .... $500.00 1922 ardner Tournig.,. $700.00 Many ethers Jor you to select from, ao brokerage. P. W. Pettyjoba Co., 219 Come in and look them over. . We ebsrge N. Commercial St. , fikUm', a.il j . . mn1ir will nlased to demonstrate any used rar ia our stock for your approval, at any nour. uiecon Arte Exchange, 173 8. Liberty, Phone 666. ' 192T HUPMOBILEVWITH A NEW . . guarantee) $775., oa easy terms. O. B. Gingrich Motor Co., 871 Court St. 1923 SUPERIOR MODEL CHEVROLET This csr has had exceptional care, only been driven 3700 mile. Ha 5 almost new tires, bumper, dssh light, , motormeter and bar cap, etc $525.00, - terma. 1 CHEYR0LET USED CAR DEPT. 849 N. Commercial tret ' ' GOOD USED OARS "JINtiRlCH htO tor Co.. 971 Court. . " 1913 1916 1917 1818 1919 1920 1920 1920 1922 1918 1921 1922 1919 t920 Touring Touring - Touring Touring Tenring Touring Touring - .4b 125 00 00 00 00 no OO OO. x 125 lliS 145 200 235 405. Coupe, new paint . Coupe, new paint Sedan , Sedan ... Sedan, new paint 1-tolivsry ... .. Delivery VALLEY MOTOR CO. 'tRft N. Hirh. Phone 10 425 .00 . 395. . 435 645 195 . 245 00 00 00 00 .00 35 TXUCZ3 FOR 8ALE ALL MAKES AND SIZE!, f trucks at your ewa terms. , NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY Portland. Orerea : WANTED-Miscellaneous j PAINTING, VARNISHING. KAL80MIX . lag, etc F. W. Sharpe. Phona 554 IL 8ALEM CLEANERS AND DYEU8 ; Suits eloaaed and pressed $1.50 Prompt sad afficieat srvb-a. Phone 1868. , WANTED TO LEASE POULTRY ranch with equipment for 1000 bens. Phone 36F1 0 evenings. Claude H. Stevenson. v WE ARE SHIPPINO POTATOES NOW , snd eaa use several car if fully ma tured; send ia ssmple. Msngis Bros. Phoh 717. WANTED ONE HORSE POWER HO tor. -1 Phone 191. --'-Y' CEMENT CONTRACTORS' ' FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 430 N. Sinn'er street. Phone 674-J. EMPLOYMENT YOUNG WOMAN WISHES WORK BY day in private home. Nursing pre- ferred. 128, Statesman. . EMPLOYMENT WANTED MANY WIL , Ismette snd other students are calling Upon us. to assist in finding part time employment and place where they ran work for room and board. If you - need competent help of any kind phona -.577. Employment Department The Live Wires Class. RECEIVE MATERNITY CASES AND Stork Nt- 1259 8. Liberty. Phon 1028 3. 1 WOOD SAWING 1 WOOD SAWING PHONE 1827s WOOD FOR SALE FOR 8AI E 16-INCH ' OLD FIB AND second growth. 4-foot and oak. Phone IVFS. M. D. Mayfield. ' Best Grade of Wood . 4 foot aad 1 lack mill wood. 4 foot ash dry mill wood. , 4 foot aod 1 inh old fir. - Prompt delivery and raaaoaable price. Fred K. Walla, 306 8. Church. Pa. 1542 PORTLAND fJARKETS PORTLAND. Sept. 17. Grain future : Wheat, blue stem and bssrt September $1.05; October, 91.04; November, $1.0J; soft white, western white September $1.04. October $1.03; November, l herd winte, 8reptember, $1.02 ; Ortotier September, $1.02; October, $1.01; Nov-' vmriImip O Vfirfh.r. .n.in. C: , . .. . her, 91 1 western red, September, $1.01: k.v.. a.m. 1 viiwwi, u., ..v.vusucr, yoc. Osts, No. 2 white feed, September. "rav feed, September, $2750; October, iivrnaorr, vai; Barley No. 2, 46-pound, September, S9D r.n- ni..he 4a.nn w..... ber, $28; October, $27.50. vorn no. -x eastern yenow Shipment; September, 97. October, $3A.50. Mill run September, J2.iU; Ortolter $21.50; November. $21. Classified Ads in Tho Statesman Bring Result: .r im - I, .. a ys)