The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 16, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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Extracts Brings, lO Fin
V For being 4rtink. Charles Wa
cheno, Grande Ronde Indian was
fined $10 In police court yester
day. He was. arrested for being
drunk on too touch extract atter
an exciting runaway Friday after-
Do Vou Need Service irr' ! V
On your, car' "Yoq can get It
at LanhamVprage. Expert me-
chanics at , ordinarr prices. J 4 5
Ceuter Et. Phone 890.- Adv, '.'
Accidents Ar Reported .
Accidents were reported to the
police yesterday by Harold Meeks.
route 4, who collided with N. Har
ons. 2417. Trade near the feeble
minded school and Herman R ' G.
Kreft. 1095 North Twentieth, who
collided with another ; machine
while, turning corner about six
miles sooth of Independence. - In
both cases the1 automobiles Yecelv
ed considerable' damage.. Mabel
I. Erlckson, Salem, reported run
ning over a amall tan dog on
oath Commercial early Saturday
morning..'; r
Studio to Open . ';.
, Elma Weller" announces the
opening of her plana studio on
October i; For atudenta'pf piano
Phone 1351,' "65 North- Liberty
street. Ad v. ' ? ' : 1 - - '
Four Licenses Granted j'.
Three Salem couples received li
censes to marry f yesterday. They
were Bledon Keller and Allegrla
Ragsdale; Francis E. Sunday and
Maty Patterson: Clifford D. Cre-
on and June D. France and Em-
mett Buchan of Jefferson and Al
ice Linhart of Salem. .
Funeral Designs ,
Of all kinds, flowers In season
at Maruny. 211 Miller. Phone
916. Adv.
Finl Hearings Set .'.
Final accounts hare been filed
In the estate of Mrs. Louise Rog
ers, and the final hearing set for
October 22. William G. Ross ad
ministrator of the estate of Gar
rett V. Standit has Hied his final
account and October 29 has been
set as the date f or, final, hearing.
Atmtmlsers Renort Filed
The appraisers for the estate of
Mary E. Epley have filed their re
port. They were William Bennet,
R. K. Ohlen and Charles A Park.
The esUte Is valued at $2672.70.
(Formerly Dr. Schenks)
.' 240 8. Cottage St. '
PHONE . - - - 1182
For Gifts That Last
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry
and Silverware
Fboae 1235. Salem, Oregom
galrr Aribclance Service
Day and NisM
galea Oregon
All kinds of junk and
second-hand cooda. We.
pay full ralue,
, 1
215 Center Street
1 Pfccna 323 I
I ' 1 1 , , I
1 . . n
, Established 1868 ' i; '
- j
f I ; General D&dixsz Bcsisess ;
Office Hoars from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Notice to the Public
T 1 1 '
hare mored the balance of the fire, smoke and water stock
"across the street from 286 Commercial to the old Busick corner
and are open for business there. We will continue to .make
sacrifice prices on all the old stocky As soon as our former
location Is remodeled we will open up again with a complete
new stock of hardware and in ;the meantime wex solicit your
patronage and will strive to always merit your confidence.
i ' 1 : ;r ILe Fire Hale r'!.?n
Stayton Schools One
Miss Lucy Thomas, who was
queen of the Rose, festival last
June will teach iri the Stavtnn
schools which open tomorrow. Miss
watnerine Hall, also of Portland,
will teach In Stayton this year. O.
Vi White Is the principal at Stay
ton and has seven assistant teach
ers. !: ' -j-. j ' '
Dance Tuesday at Salem Armory
ine strollers from OAC featuring-
noTelty arrangements of the
latest popular music Adv.
Grange Meets v':' V"'. .
The Salem grange at Us meet
ing yesterday decided not to main
tain a-headquarters at the state
fair grounds- , The state organiza
tion had. left it iip to the local
grange. The members felt it was
too late to make any arrangements
tor such a meeting place.
Medf ord Man to Pree
Rev. J. R. Sassnett. pastor of
the First Methodist church of Med-
ford, will preach this merning at
the First Methodist church In Sa
lem. Rev. Blaine E. Kirkpatrick,
pastor of the Salem church will
preach at a Portland church. Both
have been attending the Oregon
conference in Portland during the
last week. Her.- F. Al. Wheel
wright of Salem, who is retiring
from, the ministry, because of his
health, will preach at the First
Methodist church tonight in Sa
lem. J i;-; . ..; ;
Dr. White Returns
Dr. B. H. White has returned
from San Francisco after spend
ing a week attending the electro
nic convention aad the clinic of
Dr. Albert Abrams. On, Wednes
day the cornerstone of the Jean
and Blanche Abrams memorial
building was laid.' The new struc
ture, which will accommodate 5D0
patients, will be 4 10 stories high
and cost one and a half million
dollars. : - : ' -
Mtts Beat rice Shelton .
v Experienced teacher of piano,
will resume classes October 1.
Pupils now registering. -High
school . credits granted. Studio.
345 Marion st. Phone Main 1299
Adv. ;
Governor Appoints Harry
Governor Pierce has appointed
G. Y. Harry, a Well known labor
leader, to "be a member of the in
dustrial welfare ' commission to
succeed -W. L. Brewster, Portland
attorney, whose term "of office ex
pired In January.' Governor Pierce
in a-letter to Mr. Brews ter writ
ten on August 28 and mailed on
September 12, said that condi-
162 Vt Com'L 8U Phone 297.
Merchants' Lunch ......... .25c
Koodles ... ..... . . . . . . ... 5c
American Dishes Chinese Dishes
, Open 11 a. m. to 2 p. m
Music, dancing 9 p.m. to 12 m.
W4 kraMUy aslltvs CSUXOlXXn wta
ears say esse at Cessna or othar akla
aiMsss. Onm is as4 tot as tall roa
sbomt it. Dm sas Jsr, mmi if yea ar
aistotMBes, year mammy wm rsrsaosa.
mes flAW. ' i
mxri sxdo rou, 11 .
. B. C 6T02RS, UJX
General Office Practice
r- Cancers Treated
Offlsev Tyler's Drug Store
187 8. Commercial Street
: The Original and Genuine Spin
al Adjustment Treatment, Skill
full. Painless Adjustment that
gets results, -i'
Osteopathic Physician and
- -i Surgeon '.
228 Oregom Bldg. Salem.
iBOf V. 8. Vatleaal Bank BaHAlag I
Fiona 859. t Im. Psom 4sJ I
I ovtaopauuc rnjmUAma ana sarsaaa
ISlsetrsBlf DlagaoiU and Traataaat
X(Xt. Abnusa Vtthsd.) ;
Salem i - ; Oregon
tions had arisen under which he
was unable to appoint Brewster.
The governor said he had waited
for the situation to clear up be
fore deciding not to reappoint
Brewster, but since it did not clear
up he had appointed Harry. .
Mrs. Coowr Still in J mil
Mrs. Edna Cooner. recentW rnn.
vlcted .upon a charge of having
intoxicating liquor in her posses
ison. has not yet paid her fine of
1 ""u ana is sun In the county
Vonr Window Draperies-
Are a very important part of
your home furnishings. Have our
Mr. Kent give you an estimate on
your, requirements. (Hamilton's.
340 Court street. Adv. j
-V:- f : i
Larceny Case Dismissed I
Lack of prosecution resulted In
the dismissal of the charge of lar
ceny by bailee against Eva Raw
son when she appeared in the jus
tice court Saturday, i j
- . : f
Electronic Reactions of Abrams
Dr. White, 506 U. S. Bank bldg.
Adv..,- .. .. -. i
Traffic Cases Filed
Two traffic cases were filed
the justice court yesterday. Ed
Dunn Is charged with switching
license plates and Louis G. Ray
mond with speeding. .
Traffic Violator Fined
For permitting a. minor to oper
ate a motor vehicle. Fred Brown
was fined $10 by Justice of the
Peace P. J, Kuntt yesterday. i
An Exceptional Opportunity ;
For a limited number of young
ladies, with a high school educa
tion or its equivalent, desirous
entering the nursing profession.
Mercy hospital, Eugene (fully ac
credited by the state board fo'
the registration of " graduate
nurses) offers such an opportun
ity. A thorough course in medi
cal, surgery and obstetrical nurs
ing, etc. is given. The teaching
faculty being supplemented by in
structors from the ; university.
For further particulars address
Sister Superior. Adv. j
Infant Girl Dies
- Margaret Elizabeth. 10 day old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Edward Tripp, 160 Division, died
Saturday morning from bronchial
pneumonia. The remains will be
sent to Portland today, with, fu
neral services at the crematorium
Monday. Mr. Tripp is employed
at, the. Capital Journal office."
Charity Box is Robbed 5 ;
The charity box at the Catholic
church was robbed some time Fri
day "night and' about $4 in nickels
and dimes taken, according to a
report . made to the police yester
day. -The money was Intended for
the poor and needy. i - j
Will Erect New-Building .
Erection of a one-story building
on Court street just east of the
Derby, building : was announced
yesterday by F., J. Lafky. The
property was purchased from
Mrs. Anna Hof er, and will be a
building 90 by 40 feet. Mr. Lafky
did not say how much the build
ing would cost or when operations
would start.
Dr. Mendelsohn
Does not belong to any com
bine. His . prices 'are very reason
able for the materials and servic
es given. : He guarantees satisfac
tion In every respect. If glasses
do not give satisfaction, they will
be changed free for a period of
one year. - Phone 723. 210-11
United States Bank t Building.
Adv. - - ... i f
Dr, Mendelsohn
Makes a specialty of fitting
children's eyes. One third of a
century of practical experience is
a great asset to you. Have your
children's eyes examined before
school starts. If glasses are not
necessary I will absolutely not
recommend them. Phone 723.
210-1 1 United States Bank Build
ing. Adr. .
Magicians Meeting: Postponed
Salem magicians who are plan
ning to affiliate with the Ameri
can Society of ' Magicians have
postponed the meeting scheduled
for next Tuesday uatii Tuesday.
Sept. 25. in order to coincide with
the state fair. Among the out-of-town
people who will be present
are J. Gere, Medf ord, and Virgil
Mulchay, assistant to Fergus Red
dle,' head of the dramatic depart
ment. University of Oregon. '
Doe This Interest TowT
It you are looking for a job, or
If you need to employ help, use
the city free employment bureau
It the YMCA. Adv,
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmcrs
Old Friend Visitinz Sears
i Mrs. Emma S. Howard, an old
acquaintance from Spokane, was
in the city Saturday for a visit
with D. T. Sears of the state pris
on and other friends in this vlcin
ity. Mrs. Howard is the wife of
the postaf Inspector at BIsmark.
N. D., and with her husband is
making a tour of the northwest
Kodak Films Developed fP'O
i At . the Capital Drug Store, will
be the beet work you have ever
had done, j Films in at 8 a. m.
ready at 12 m. Those in by 1
p. m. ready at 5 p. m. Adr.
Committee Heads Are Named
I Committee chairmen , for the
Santiam community state fair ex
hibit met with Beatrice Crawford
Newcomb, who will have charge
of the display at the fair, at Mill
City Friday ' evening.' Chairmen
for the various communities are
Lyle V. McCroskey, Stayton; Mr.
Olin, of the Hammond - Lumber
company, ! Mill City; - Harley
Champs, Mehama; Mr. McDonald,
West Stayton; Mrs. Mude Lafky,
Marion. - Postmaster Whitehead,
Turner; Mr. J?ierce, Aumsville,
and Father Lanck, Sublimity.
Plans Fishing Rod Display
: Harry Hobson, Lyons resident
who has won considerable fame as
a manufacturer of high class fish
ing rods, is planning a large ex
hibit at the state fair in connec
tion, with the Santiam commun
ity display.1 In addition to his ex
hibit Mr. Hobson will superintend
the fly-casting contest that will be
We Buy Onions .
See Moody, Pacific Fruit &
Produce Co., Salem, Or. Adv.
Mumford Will Register
Although he must return to his
ship for another week. Royal
Mumford, a sophomore at Willam
ette university, will be in Salem
to register for the, 1923-24 term
in a few days. During the sum
mer Mumford has been in the ra
dio service on the "West Nige.r,"
a Columbia Navigation company
vessel. During his cruise he was
in Yokohama and other oriental
points. 1
Station Being Painted - :
The Southern Pacific has . a
gang of six expert , decorators, un
der the direction of Carl. Scher
quist, general paint foreman,
cleaning and decorating the walls
of the Southern Pacific passenger
station, which will take about two
weeks to complete. The Southern
Pacific passenger. building is one
of the finest on the Southern Pa
cific line, and the local officials
take pride in. keeping it. In first
class condition. , .
Conveyance Provided ' ' ' '
All persona wishing to btend
the setting-up conference of the
YMCA at the Wallace farm today
and who have . not been able to
find a way to go. can get convey
ances at the YMCA by being there
about 2 o'clock. -
Shale Oil Dcmonstratioi
Monday night. Sept. 17. at 7:30
nj m.. room 6. D'Arcy Bldg. Ex
tracting crude oil, gas, gasoline,
carbon black, etc., from oil shale
taken from Hartman Syndicate,
Inc. holdings, near Ashland, Or
Don't fall to see It. Worth In
vestigating. Adv.
Jeweler- Leav
Claude C. Moon, for "several
years associated : with the Hart
man Brothers as manager of their
repair department, will . leave
Salem today for Eugene where he
has purchased a one half Interest
in the jewelry store of w.- Li-
Emmerson piano one of those
rare old pianos
made 1 n the
days when qual
ity was the first
I consideration.
This piano has
been through
, our shop ' and
is. mechanically
correct. It has
a good .tone, will, for quick sale
sacrifice- for S110. JlOi down.
si.&o per week. ;
393 8. Twelfth St. r
One Block North of Southern Pa
. cif 1c Passenger Depot.
the; real
upon which
structure is
will have
knowledge i
cat training
here. '
law Is one of
the business
reared. You
a thorough
ind a practl
If yW study
tsgoiw wow;
Coppernoll. Mr. Moon will take
his family with him. as he has
sold hie home at 350 East Lincoln
Satin Finished Damask
- Bed spreads In rose, blue and
gold, at. Hamilton's. Adv.
Judge Kelly to Speak
Judge Percy R. Kelly will ad
dress the local' bar association' at
the state supreme court building
Monday at 10 o'clock. The talk
will be on the United States con
stitution and the public Is invited
to attend. .
Dance Tuesday at Salem Armory
The Strollers from OAC featur
ing novelty arrangements of the
latest popular music -Adr.' ' .
f ' -
Three Men Enlist
Three navy - enlistments have
been received at the local recruit
ing office, according to W. H.
Brown, chief quartermaster. They
are Judson Owen, of 2295 North
Church, street; Joe Hummell. of
route 1, box 34, and Howard W.
Hendrickson, of 390 South 18th
street. All were sent to the Port
land office for examination from
where they were sent to the San
Francisco station. It had been
planned to close' the local office
August 15 -but it has' been decid
ed to keep it open for some time
longer. It is expected that en
listments will pick up after the
close of the prune and hop pick
ing season. ,.
Breaks Wrist '
T. J. Brown broke his wrist
Friday t while cranking his truck.
He lives at 724 North High street.
Cherrlans Invited J
A group of Marsh field citizens
have organized a booster organi
sation which they, plan to call the
Pirates. They have written King
Bing Hamilton for suggestions
from the Cherrians and extended
an Invitation to the Salem group
to visit the Coos Bay district
The Cherrians have also received
an invitation, to attend the Lane
county fair in Eugene, September
18, as guests of the Chamber of
Commerce.. J !
Beauty Asters
And Zinnias, dos. " 25 cents.
Phone 102 4-W. Adv.
Threw Rock at Street Car
Traffic on the east bound State
street carline was briefly interrup
ted about 10 o'clock Saturday
morning while Motorman P. R.
Robertson stopped to investigate
the guilt of the lad who hurled a
rock af the street car, breaking
oae of the. windows. The few
passengers in the car were seated
5 A
I - - T 1 jm'mmmmmim mm 1 I II II" '"fi !
i- Ijpijp CY" '' ,
at the
at the opposite end; from where
the damage was done. A young
ster gave the information that an
other boy had thrown the rock,
but had "runned away."
Is Handy- Handbook
The Willamette Handbookl923
24 has just been issued. It is
comprehensive and neat. Suh
handbooks are used in , every uni
versity and they meet a real need.
The one here-Is especially valu
able because of the care taken in
Its preparation. It was printed In
The Statesman job department.
Reckless Driver. Fined
For reckless driving, C. E. El
liott was fined $5 by Police Judge
fPoulson Saturday.
Board Has Authority
The state board of control, be
ing in complete charge of the
state blind school, has authority
to establish as many . grades in
the school as It deems necessary,
according to an opinion of Attor
ney General Van. Winkle. The
question came - up at a recent
meeting of the state boafl ; of
control when J. W. Howard, su
perintendent of the school, said
it was necessary to put in lltn
grade work. There will be no
10th grade this year.'
Prison Hospital Repainted
White paint is being applied to
the interior of the prison devoted
to the hospital. While the equip
ment is necessarily ' limited, the
hospital quarters are as ' bright
and comfortable as any large hos
pital ward. Three patients are
confined in one of . tbe smaller
P The Bread that satisfies
the inner man :
- i HII1l h- r,JV'" 'J m--mmrm-m s, anm am ii iis niaw
Authentic and correct in color and fashion and des
tined to be the success of the new season. " .
We extend a cordial invitation to visit our shop where
individuality and charm make choosing a joyous occupa
tion. r . 1 - - -..
115 HiBh Street .
Jaloff Complains -'
The Columbia. Stages, through
A. Jaloff, manager, has registered
with the public - service commis
sion a complaint against the Roy
al Blue line, alleging that the lat
ter continues Vto violate regular
tions of tbe commission relative
to schedules. Jaloff says that
the Royal Blue Hnea frequently
run not over five minutes ahead
of the Columbia Stages, and with
in a visible distance. '.
liow Prieed Marfcpesetts
Scrims and voilsat Hamilton's.
Adv. .
MayiEnd Cinders
The Oregon Pulp & Paper com
pany will Install" a 1 5.0,0 OO boller
within a few. days and it is
thought this will end the cinder
trouble which has bothered Salem
citizens and especially merchants
for some time. - When the new
boiler is installed it will not be
necessary to run it under forced
draft which it Is thought causes
all of the pcasent trouble. V , ,
, . .. ,, ' .7-;.;.
City and FartO kioans r
Lowest rates. : J. C. Seigmund.
Adv. '
A Jersey Sale - A-,
The job department of the Ore
gon Statesman has just delivered
to Owen A. Thompson of Blachley,
a catalogue - of his sale of Gold
By assmring that your eye-,
sight is, In good condition.
If you were to lose your
'eyesight what would happen
to your loved ones? I
I nrnDDTc
. S01-5 Oregon Bldg,.
Oregon's Largest Optical
' Institution ,
Phone UstO tor Salem,
Appointments. Oregon
Medat 'Jerseys -which will be hell
at Eugene on Friday, Oct. 5. ThiJ
will be a good opportunity to pn
chase gold and e liver- medal rowj
as well as a few selected buili. rJ.
A. Rhoten is sales manner.
Hop Pickers CaTi CherTir
A great many hop pitk;r3
in the city yesterday exchB
their box receipts for Rood
v ere
cj, a.
li a II
In several ln?tanceat . one
came In and collR.'pd orrl
dreds of dollars for himself
other pickers,'
(Continued on papp r
In Internal Medicine for thg
- ' Past Twelve Years
.V-. r" . -
Does : Not Operate
Will be at Marion Hotel Saturday,
Sept, 22. Office hours: 10 a.m.
to 4 p. m. - j
Xo Charge for Consultation
Dr. Mellenthln Is a regular grad
uaje in medicine and surgery and
Is licensed by the state of Oregon.
He visits professionally the
more Important towns and cities
and offers to all who call on this
trip free consultation, except tbe
expense of ; treatment when , de-
sired. . - -
According to his method' ot
treatment he does not operate for
chronic appendicitis, gall stones,
ulcers of stomach, tonsils or ade
noids. , v - ; '
He has to his credit wonderful
results in diseases of the stomach,'
liver,, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, ,
heart, kidney, bladder, bed . wetting,-
catarrh, weak lungs, rheu
matism, sciatica, i leg ulcers and
rectal ailments.
If you have been-ailing for .any
length of time and do not get any,
better, do not fail to call, as .im-.', ,'
proper measures rather than dis
ease are very often the cause of 1
your long standing trouble. .. .
Remember above date, that con
sultation on this trip will be free
ind that his treatment is different.
Married women must be accom
panied by their husbands.
Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg.,
Los Angeles, Calif.
i ;
1 ,
f ' 1
Rigdon & Son's