J. HENDRICKS President CART,E ABRAMS . -Secretary Issued Dally Except Monday by ' TIIK STATESMAN PUBLISHING OOStPAJfT r 215 S. CnnimArHnt R : fialam flrae-ntt (Portland Office, 723 Board of Trade Building. Phone Beacon 1191) MKMltKP. THR -1 The Associated Presc la exclusively entitled to the use tor publl- ; . 4 "w aiapatenes credited to It or not otherwise credited ij isij paper ana also the local news published herein. ' II. JV Hendricks - Joia L. Brady -Frank Jaskoski TELEPHONES: Csslaesg Office . - . News Department - - - - -Circulation Office - Society Editor " - - ' ' . - Job Department - - - . ::zt;rel at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. PACIFIC AVE2HJE RUNS THUOUGH SAJ.TTT.T A map, original 'prepared i3(to be run in hundreds of newspapers in, theUnited States and Canada,, showing -f Pacific Avenue-"" the longest paved tireeiinme worm , : 1176 miles longT ' Running from Vancouver. Running 163 miles to Seattle, 162 miles to .Portland, 723 ruiss through Oregon and a cisco, and 428 miles more in Running through Salem, This is a proposition to Highway to Pacific Avenue. It is the most, populous street in the. world. " Along its : : cindering way 6,526,921 people dwell. These people own j r J720 automobiles and enjoy them driving up and down IV.tiiis Avenue ;;";, v' L,K:' :-?' -wV.;.;;: 1 And they are acquiring more every day. I : The Portland News 4a backing the movement " for the cLane of the name in Oregon, and has. arranged through one c it3 associated publicity ageneies for the insertion of the map i:i 400 newspapers in this country. . i - ; '? It is a fine idea. There are yet some unfinished portions f Pacific Avenue in the northern part of California, and there : : 2 a few short detours i yet in Oregon and Washington. But these will soon be closed up i Pacifie Avenue will before long be a continuous paved : '.reetj -and it will be more than 1500. miles long, counting the ." tance to San Diego, and on acrosa Ihe'Meiican border to Tia Juana. - -; ----'- - - : ' : & This 1500-odd mile paved street will invdue course of time ? joined by the National Old Trail at Lbs 'Angeles, the Lincoln Highway at1 San Francisco, the Oregon Trail at Salem and C . - jon City and Portland, and the Sunset Highway at Seattle. 1 running, east,, and these will eventually become still longer Eat for the present the longest street in the world 'run and-down this coast and it is a good thing to -take advan js cf the-advertising value of this fact ; Showing the progressive spirit of the peopled ' of our "coast miry. -."While the people of other sections have proposed ...... enterprises and talked about bringing thetav-te fruition. r people nave put their long Tim cnuncn (Copyrighted by The San Jose Mercury) In many periodicals recently there - ha$ been wide dis zlon of tha attitude of the church' toward labor in its modern '.rugle for what it deems justice'but what many .regard as ",l i fi;ht for absolute supremacy in the Industrial world. The :t notable of these discussions, is a symposium cf labor lead i in a recent issue of the HorafleHcRe.'vieW and two articles labor. leaders in a late number of 'The Forua. :'i,v ;:, "-;';- In the eymposium Above referred to, Mr. Yankowsky, II tor of Justice, the organ of the International' Ladies Gar -i Yf orkers Union, declares that "the Church is with the When labor will have .become a force, then and ! then ly will the. church ,be with labor." "It is strange,' he aks, "that the church which ought to be with and for the : ik, the helpless, the downtrodden, is the mainstay , of the pressor, of the mighty, of the rich' C. F. Stcaey, for many ; ..rs editor, .of the Inter-mountain 'Workers of .Salt Lake,, states' the same symposium that "The church shocld aboutface, :an house, weed out the followers of mammon, and;; proceed teach and practice the doctrines of Christ which are embodied . th.9 Golden Jlula and the Second.' Great Commandmeht.,' "'ule W. Perkins, editor of The Cigar Makers Off icial Jour 1 of Chicago, writes that The church, preacheafaith- hope 1 charity. What is needed is more. faith, plenty of hope, less irity and npre justice.' 1 -V.... - t ' ' - 4 . : ,On the other hand, in the Ilomile tic's symposium Ilugh I ravne, ' general organizer of the- American Federation of J ibor, and II A. Larger, general secretary'of the United1 Gar ; jnt. Workers .of America, declare that "no Complaint can be da apainst-wh-t the, churches. generally have; been doing"; "that the church i3 doing all it possibly can for the worVers 1 Jay." ; Vhile PhiL E.'Ziegler, editor of the Railway Clerk of Cincinnati,-inserts in the symposium a marked appreciation "of i:. e" efforts' of -the church' irrbehaH Of. Ubotn Wbe . splendid-. : :.itcment of the Federal Council of thej. Churches -of Christ ul that of the National Welfare Counedv on industrial and cial problems; the stand taken by these arid other churches- I'rotesta'nt, Catholic and Jewish on the .-right of labor ta orga nize and bargain colleetiveIyr in behalf of ."a more equitable " tributiou of the products of labor - "the courageous report of i e Interchureu World Movement '.oij. the steel strike the atti tude of the Federal .Council on the open shop and the coal and i ilroad strikes, have left little to-be -desired- by labor.1'' -1 ; The' l.iostr 'dispassionate of .these articles is that of -Dean 1 r'illiani Paliuer Ladd, chairman of the, Social .Service Commis- of. the; Federal Council of. Churches, appearing in The x 'iirum.. . Dean Ladd writes that-"Few will maintain that the t ' 'irch should ally, itself with labor, or with any "other social', f mic or political group." 1 But that it should1 hold itself " c I is quite another matter.' The, church can encourage . in ir i members.-' an'-! .intelligent; 'attitude' ;"tQwar4 '..- labor;,.. It must I latently preach the necessity of. reason . and s reasonableness :' any 'progress is ttf be made' toward the solution of the labor ! Ic:a. It' should be sympajhetie with labor. ' It should not ; afraid of social' change; it should be willing to work for ".hat the Lambeth Conference -called "a fundamental change in ? spirit and working'of our economic life.,??iFinallyli jthe irth's attitude -toward lalwr must be charged with the reli ; impulse. It should enable labor to purify its aims and,to rk for them with unflagging zeal. I It should lift the mind " the employer into the realm of ideal ends where such' petty tsIJerations as hi3 own iers6hal comfort and' his property -Ms 'will -shrivel to their trae proportions and where he can thiugs.and men in the light 'of eternal truth.' All of which '! ncct the hearty approbation j of level-headed and right labor leaders as well as guch employers. . - It is plain tL-it the spirit'of Christ which is to-settle the i n laKor problem will not be attained by the- complete ' : i f f citl.T I::1 -jr or employers. Th3 selfish aud un- THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON J.t,. BRADT Vic-President AKsnriATii:n pnism Manager - - Editor Manager Job Dept. is 23-101 ie CSS by the Vancouver, B. C, Sun, I ,.";; v;f '";.;;;.; ;..; B. C. . to Los Angeles part of California to San Fran California " Oregon. : change the name of the Pacific street Over. aitd lasox. i of employers1 will settle nothing and., is t f I . t i t ! n f7alt : s II ;ht from darkness; . ' ' '. - ". r"o,Ti-"t I-"',' and, moreover, is not in the real interest of labor itself, which is as dependent upon the other classes of society as they are upon it. Society has need of employers and organizers of industry: so has labor. Selfish, tions of labor might finally eliminate the employer class, which means the elimination of those with especial capacity for the organization and conduct of prises. What the elimination of has been amply demonstrated Russia.-. Stagnation, inefficiency result, producing universal privation and suffering. - t. On the other hand, society needs in all industries int'elli gent, self-respecting laborers tice, who while persistently demanding equitable treatment "for themselves will be careful not ditions do not warrant, s Without such laborers -and such em ployers democracy cannot exist highest good of all its subjects. a despotism, the domination and oppression ly one class of society, whether such despotism be under the guise of monarchy or bolshevism, under which the high aims of democracy are impossible of realization. Despotism, by whatever name it is called, rests upon selfishness therefore, to understand how any church making any pretense of fellowship with Christ could have anything but anathema for all forms of despotism, which is the direct antithesis or the Golden Eule and the precepts The Church would do well it does one phase of the teaching tf Jesus; namely, the desira bility, the necessity of service. ice is menial. Does He not say. . He that would be greatest among you, let him be your servant" T. Some labor leaders and the public quite generally make distinctions in occupations, placing some above others in dignity and . desirability, and reorard idleness as the supremely desirable condition. But according to His standard idleness, uselessness is to be wholly and universally condemned, while he is greatest who has served his fellows the world most, heart. . i . USING STATE AS PAWN The circulation of petitions tor the recall of Governor Pierce Indi cates that the state wreckers have thrown all caution' to the winds. Of course there Is still the chance that the good sense of the people will assert, itself early, and not wait until the election. rJoo many people sign any petition 'that ia presented. Again, there are oth ers who really want to have a showdown to , vindicate Governor Pierce. The first mentioned are not acting the part of good citi zens In being so careless; the lat ter ar,e carrying chips on their shoulders and are performing lit tle better than the cunning po litical destroyers who are back of the recalll " . - Governor Pierce has not had time to put any policy into oper ation. He has - been beset from the day he entered office by an organized effort to discredit; him and ' prevent him , making ' good. He l--o4-fighter-andha.aoi If Governor Pierce is to be re called it ought to be after he has put his policies. Into execution and they, have failed. It 1s not fair to use this sacred Instrument to pre vent . him from making - a house- cleaning.. The Oregon Statesman is on the ground and It risks its reputation gained In seventy, years of endeavor on the statement that not an institution has been pros tituted or even damaged... We live close to the Institutions I and we know that the welfare of the. in mates comes first There was this same clamor about-' the peniten tiary. It has entirely subsided. The policy of, that has .proved beneficial and helpful. There was loud complaint ' .because of the change in the boy's - training school. ' ' There is - not one word of complaint today. The ' super intendent; has made good and .the boys are -well cared f of . 1 ' Complaint is made because Gov ernor Pierce has ..- not :. reduced taxes. It Is absurd to think he could do so. -Had the people given him a legislature In harmony with his program,: then he . could have been held respnsible. The same charge' .made against Governor Pierce could with: equal- propriety be made against every member ot the legislature. ? Governor Pierce has done the best he could. The Oregon Statesman is a re publican: 'newspaper but if the day ever comes- when It will permit partisanship to sway -.. Its public service or inflect It in the dis charge of its duty, it hopes it will be a closed institution. If thl? paper cannot speak for a fair deal and an equal . opportunity all along the line, then it has' no longer any ' business being pub lished. There is no politics -In the re call." Those republicans who are In - the movement are not repre- reenting the party. They are party wreckers pure and simple. ', It tbe recall is ordered it wilt be fought out to a finish.' Men who Imagine themselves as in the background will be hunted out and held op te public scorn. There will be' neither soft words nor easy ones. : - A FAIR DKA"U ,- The proposed reapportionment for the, next .republican national convention ; reads well. "It has been" a .standing scandal that the south had such a large represen tation when 'tt was known posi tively it would not cast a single electoral vote ' , for the republican candidate. For years there has been a demand for reapportlon- unreasonable and unjust exac commercial and industrial enter this class would do to industry by what it did to industry in and destruction would be the with a sense of fairness and jus to demand that which the con - - - democracy which seeks the Without such, society becomes and brute force, it is ainicuit, of Christ. to emphasize much more than According to His view no serv whether wnn nand or nrain or I;;" 1 stepped under .the plea that there was a chance to build up the re publican party in the south. That argument ought to be wrapped in moth balls and laid away. The south will continue" to vote its prejudices, relying upon the good sense of the nation to enact legis lation to take care of it. Under the new apportionment Oregon gets two more convention votes. The great Influx or new people makes this conservative. However, it tbe backbone ot the national committee does not fall, as Jt , has done before, there will be more confidence In the next convention being representative than has prevailed up to this time; SATAX RKBUKIXG SIX ; The young minister at Vancou ver, who became sensational at the expense or bis , cloth was very properly, rebuked by a former saloon keeper of his city. This man declares that ha has lived Under both plans 'and made money underthe former". He' no says that he would not go tack to the saloon if it made' him $100 a day. The trouble with this young min ister Is that he is at heart a sen sationalist and Is wilting to dis credit' his religion in order to get cheap notoriety. -His contention that tha law vwas enacted while the soldiers were away is cheap, very cheap. I Hundreds . of other laws were enacted while, the sol diers were away and' there is no talk of recalling Jhem. The fact Is . that ' the world, had to go on , and if It is right to recall one law it is right to recall every, law en acted. , While " the U warwas ia progress the soldiers .'.we're doing their best to win In the battle field, and we all honor them. Those who were not privileged to go, carried on the work 'at home the best. they could. Each has gracefully and gratefully accept edthe work of the-other. Alone in the' matter of dealing in this double distilled damfiation has there been dissent. - It has not come from the soldiers.' but from men who want a chance to get into the first pages of newspapers. We do not have a particle of sympathy with . the young chap from Vancouver- who . seeks to J overturn b 'splendid record his church has made for .prohibition and good citizenship' generally. - CUT IN NAVY ' In navy circles fear Is expressed lest ; the American navy;" be dis credited because there is objec tion to . pouring ' money into it. Ve must have a navy, ot course, but: we do not need ; to lead the world. . The next war, if there is one, which God forbid, will be an air war, and the navy- will be useless.' A large part of the" money we are spending on the navy ' is wasted. ' Our congratulations to Dr. Steeves upon his : election as a member , of ; the next general con ference of the Methodist ; church, and also our congratulations to the romtn- conference in having tbe advantage of such able mem bership."' v '.' The appointment or W. J. Jack son, as a member, of the parole board is a good one. Mr.- Jack son will be sympathetic without being sentimental. . There is a chance for great work ln that position in rebuilding men. ; The coming week l Constitu tion week. ; It will be a -good time to get on at least speaking acquaintance with our constitu tion. Few people In the state ' cv.t r-1 it. " -'!? ' Governor Walton s of Oklahoma is not making the kind ot .admin istration he anticipated.- He Was looked upon as being - free and easy, and was elected to. provide a wide open state. Circumstances have made him a stickler for the enforcement of law. 71 Adele Garrison New Phase of . ... - REVELATIONS OF A WIFE -.- - - S . , CHAPTER NO.' 409 - ; .i .-... j WHAT grace: draper wrote TO AIADGB . .1 opened Grace Draper answer to my letter with hands that kept from shaking only by putting forth all my will-power. Had she accepted or refused the : offer had- made her on Dicky's account And. what iwould be my own reac tion to either decision on her part? At the moment so conflict ing . were the emotions - which swept me, that I had no answer for my own last query. ; Dick? strolled up behind me laz ily, and looked over my shoulder as I read. His -pose of indolent casual interest was too perfect, too studied a thing to deceive me; I knew that his nerves were as tense over this communication; It opened abruptly, with no date line or salutation, even as had the qther letter, the pleta for pardon which she had sent to me when I was in the south. I wondered new the reason for this, whether underneath her proffered repen tknee there was not a bitterness which would -not let her prefix even the conventional "dear" to letter,' although considering the abasement and remorse which her letter and demeanor had .shown my theory appeared most fantas tic' ' j "I have 'just received your kindly letter through the us- - ual channel." the page be gan, and I noticed the cau- tlon which avoided any men tion of Linda Shellford's ' I name, "and you can never ; know how much joy and re- t lief -"It - brought me. I r The knowledge, that you 'must 1 have really forgiven me, as you must know before taking . i H f wonderf ul to me as the pros- t ! pect of once more getting to , work at something, outside o f the" routine of the past year. . I It will be like being trans- I f erred from hell to heaven. I And I thank you so much for . the moner you so thought ul . ly-enclosed tor my fare. It : was - too generous, but you cannot know how sorely I : needed it. I have enough - left to pay my tare to the place. you mention, .but only trifle more, so you can ima j glne how wonderful to me Is ,the prospect of remunerative , work. .. ( -- -- -. . ' 'Trunks. Are Embarrassing.'. . -. ; - : " ''' -- . v "i will meet- you at the place you name, on Saturday ... morning, the first train that 1 reaches there. , I. have never. t visited that section, which is ' : an .advantage at present. I am bringing only what effects I can pat into a suitcase ana bag. Trunks are embarrass ing things." v .;;;i"; The letter, closed with' that sen tence, abruptly, and I- looked for the . signature in vain. Dicky reached over my shoulder for the etter. ane studied it carefully. "Ypu've got to slip it to-her.r he said at last. "She: don't name no names, does Gracie, and she's had this posted a dtozen miles from FUTURE DATES September ' IT, Monday Coastitatioa day. - September 16. Snndey VMCA aeUiag-. ap prorram at Wallace farm. 8ntember 18, Tneaday Marion county rand jury meeta. September 19, Wedneaday Willamette , nnWeraity trpena. - ' ; September 20, Thnndy Marlon eonnty rommnnity federation to meet at Chamber of Commerce. ; September 20, Tharaday - Willamrtte valley kardware and . implement dealera to hold convention ia Salem. September 20, 21 and S3 Pendleton Konndnn. .; September 21, Friday Children's elinie at Chamber of Commerce. September 21. FridayCity bndget metins at city hall , September 24. Monday Cosnty 'tas eomaifiaaion of all counties 4o , meet ia 8alem.' '- . - -. - - tanker M td 29 Oregon etat fatr. September 2. Satorday-Footbail, Wil lamette va. Oregon, at Salem. October . t, Monday Salem - oboole opn. -,. October-, 2, Toeeday Naturalisation day. . ' October S. Sa tnrday FootbaU, Willa ntt va. Waaliinrton. at Seattle. OrtoWr 19, Friday Annual Junior U-ild daace at the armory. October 20, 8tnrday Kootball. Wills mette va. Mk. Anayi eeilege, at Salem. October 23-24. 25. 28 and 27 An ntul show at atate penitentiary. October 24 and 25, Wednesday and Thsndar Completion of paving of Pa ri tie highway from California line to Vancouver. B. C. te e celebrated . at Olynrpim, Portlmnd and Balem. ' October 27. Saturday Football. Will - Tt va. rhenw. at Salem. f . October 81. Wednesday President Sustale of University ef Washington te address Rotary eleb, ; Neember S. Saturday Football. W11U mctto va. Cotlege Pmgt Svnd.. at t iJovember 3 to 10 Pacific Interna tlensl Livestock Jt posit ion. PortUnd. November- . Tuesday 8pecial nlectioa) on iaeoino ton roforendoaa. , - " - Mwmnw lor . Hatorday Fnotbsn. wit lamette V. "Linfield. at MfMi,ir!ll. X9vmbrS, Friday Football, - Wii;- tuniie . nt. '"n, st tiaieti,' . . Kovomher .2.1. ;J -"y forth v W"" ' r .o' r-j. . pr... . .-'r-i. HOLDING liUSBID SUNDAY MORNING, Hempstead. I tell yotinbe kid's cleyer. '. Poor devil. Well, we'd better call up and reserve a room for her at that hotel! ;: "By the way old dear, this thing is going to run into money. Did you notice how delicately she in timated , . that she is strapped? However, I can afford to throw away a little cash on this deal- it means so much to me. But if little 'Oracle imagines she's going to have a meal ticket for any con iderable length of time she has another guess coming. Someway I feel, sort of Queer about her coming back this way. I hope we won't regret it." Making Arrangements. Curiously enough his. words and manner, instead of confirming my own premonition of evil connect ed With Grace. Draper's return to our life, leajsehed. it materially. 1 realized that : my; greatest fear of Grace Draper was a sub-conscious fear connected with the influence she formerly hae .wielded . over Dicky. .1 had tried to convince myself many times from overween log evidence that I had nothing to fear from her on this score, but the feeling persisted, and my spirit leaped at this new evidence that It was based 'upon no foundation whatever. ' "I am sure we won't," I said with more sincerity than I ever had thought I conld bring to such an utterance. "And when will you call up?'". .' ." "Oh! I suppose we'd bettetr run down tonight, even if it is late," he answered. "That ice cream parlor will be open. They have a phone. - Do : yon suppose we can fl it so mother won't' kick?" :" We'll, explain after' we' xet back," I said,4 lowering my voice. "And she may never know we're gone."; jv. - .,- We stole out of the' house like conspirators, got the car out and sped down the road toward Sag Harbor. Most of the places Of business were closed, but the ice cream ; parlor. K which boasts a booth telephone, was .open. So Dicky ordered frappes for himself and me, and then went into the booth, emerging a few minutes later flushed and perspiring. 'Til tell the world It'a worth your life to get a long-distance when it's only 20 miles away," he said. "There isn't half the trou ble getting New York. Well, what do you know about this! 'They had ' the sense not: to serve the drinks until I came out. Hello! There's Pettit and that pretty. Miss r A ... THINGS TU DO I The nr7TOoVo i? hf irv f TTII r? I.Tnn rori a Copyright, 1923, Associated Editors. . i " - . Cartoon Blasjc The Campfire Elf ; :. i&m.ki ;C A hayrack ride and a corn roast, rily in the black pot over the bright fire that drove away the crisp chillness in the air Afterwards there were stories aroupd the camp fire, and one of them was about the Jolly ffre el that lives in the woods and loves to make' the coffee boll for campers. You dn't believe it? Just trace oa the coffee sketches, and you can see the elt for t THE SHORT STORY, JR. . n ; " i i . i iW PAID IX PATCHES ; To mis - v eame TVIck couldn't bear..-.-' Each time he went his pants he'd ' - - tow; "". ' ' ' ' . Poor Mammy Chloe .' Wu grieved to know ; J - - - , Why they required, ma ranch re ralr. " - . : - Exactl every Saturday night Nick came 'home with a three cornered tear in the seat of his trousers. As sure as Saturday came around, that hole would be there. After some three occur rences. Mammy Chloe,-whose tilil it was to mend thode hrceches, began to use ber thinking cap. . "It 'pears like you been crawl in under fences, Sugar." said she, wagging her head sadly, 'May- SEPTEMBER it, i. HEADS AMERICA'S RELIEF WORK IU JAPAN. If 1 ! n ' Rear Admiral E. A. Anderson, U. S. N., and commander of the Asiatic fleet,' who is proceeding with 'supplies and nurses to the ; relief of distressed Japan. Admiral Anderson has also put the United . States fleet at. the disposal of Japan. . Photo shows the very latest, picture of Hear Admiral E- A. Anderson made in China July 25. , Poster- over there at;' that corner table. -V I say. Madge." he lower edhis. voice in a Whisper, "pipe that girl's prof lie. v D'ye know, in that pose she looks, an awful lot like Draper. (To be continued.), 1 SHAW SHAW, Or.. Sept.l5.---Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fjebcr were in Mount Angel Wednesday. .": . .Mr. and -Mrs. Fieber, daughter Irma, Mrs. J..W. Fieber and Miss Amanda Mathewsvwere in Salem Wednesday. . r - - . ... .:; P. Petzold Sr., sold his store Biggest Uttle Paper In. the World and how the coffee bubbled mer pot the lines shown in the small yourself. v ; ; ;""' ; ' be under the one that surrounds the football field.; Every time they have a game out" there, I no tices you disappear in that direc tion and comes home with a' rip in" your trousers.' Itone thing for a boy to crawl under a foace and ; sneak a game,- and . another to -'get caught. . Next -time you tear, these pants, I'll whip you.' V Mammy Chloe meant . it, .That's whyNick hang" on the., outside of the field -the next, Saturday und made no "attempt : to get under the fence AOne . by,- one his com rades wriggled their way . under safely and trotted .toward . the scene of action. -; 5 ; V- ! Great tears rolled down Nick'" cheeks as hei heard the wh Istloi the cheers of the crowds,, the clear called signals. Finally, he could stand it no longer. -' With painfal caution he crawled : under the fence. - He went slowly, carefully. And he made it! Inside, he felt the seat . of hlfc trousers. They were whole! . - . ; :"i' -.--", How he enjoyed that game! ll cheered louder thnBr,!tho8e.'vtth sturdier lungs; HeeVen got to run out on the Jield with a rub WTio carried flke,waler bucko,', a sd he held the sponge! He -was r'rht at the poai lfn wh"i ' th v - . . . :. Angel. The Petzold family are in Independence picking hops at the present. " . On Wednesday Mrs. F. Fieber had her tonsils taken out, and U getting along well. , Dexter McAllister, after spend ing some time ln Knaptha, Wash., with his brother, has returned. Mr. and Mrs, B. D. Wells an I son Ervln were in Salem Wednes day ' V. J. McAllister and family an going to assist C. L. McAllister during the prune harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Amord an! daughters Cleo and Adel were f lem visitors 'Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.-Fiet r motored to Silverton Monday. LOAD OP FL'ri I. Edifed'by John 'It. IV.ll r - Peter, .puzzle fijijs ? In the following sentence is hid den a girl's name, spelled back ward! Nyla very soon returnci. Any Way at All Small Boy: "Say, mister, give me a pound of oysters.'' Dealer; "We sell oysters tj the measure, my 11 boy not by tht pound." ' ' Small Boy; J "-Well, then, give me a yard." 1 Very Well Once I heard a mother utter: -"Daughter go and shut the shut- - ter." 'f-- '."; "Shutter's slur," ; the daughter uttered: -VI can't shut it any shutter. : "" i ? - Exactly - - He: '- "I can tell you how much water i to . the auart." coes over Niagara -Falls." She: "ft .you know,, tell ria lie: "Two' pints." 4 , ; Answer ' to today's word pm- rle: The-girl's name IA Evelrn. Poor Father "'Pa, what's a family tie?" "Mine, I expect, for every time I want it, one of you kids is wear ing it!" ' - ' Generous He (raging): -I'm losine mind!" '' She: "No wonder! Every time you see me, you give me a piece of it." . .. r . made and the referee called time. The game was over. - " " "We won!" yelled the jubilant ud. "Snake" parade!" ' The crowd laughed. "All tl5ht. Buddy." cried the cheer leader, and he snatched Nick up on his shoulders and carried the little mascot;. down the field, while a shrieking, howlrng band follow ed..... When Nick got home, he told Mammy Chloe 'his, wonderful story... He patted the seat of his trousers proudly: Then his Jaw " fejl. hole! -;:-" - ..'1 got under that fence all: right'. ha wept, "but when dat cheer boy grabbed me, I heard 'em, go ripl .Then I was so happy I forgot!" . r "They dq pay football Is a rav agln' .game,": said Mammy Chlon sadly, ' but boys large an' small go In for it! I ought to paddlv you, . but ;1 can't, whip ,a hero!" i-'diLL i