t . J it I USED CARS FOR SALE 1 cood- vzzz caes cixs-ica HO ter Co, SU Coort. WILL SACRIFICE MY 192$ FORD aadaa, ma ltu than 600 mil: many emtree. Par eaaa, fcalaaee t.Aaa. ti reapeaaible party. Phoae awnar 8a a-aay-aaoraiag 6ia-J. , 1913 1316 131T 119 Toorinf ,, ' Toariag .! . ' Toarin Teariae- Toorin ,.. -Toariar T Tearing Oaopa,, asm paint lpe, aew paint 8,Ia J - .$ 85.00 , 125.00 . 125.00 . 165.00 . 145.00 . soo.oo . 235.00 . 405.00 . 425.00 , 895.00 . 435.00 , 645.00 , 195.00 . 345.00 191 1920 1930 1920 1922 1919 1921 1922 1919 1920 Bedaa aew paiat . ,, ,,,, rlirery - r IetiTwy ... " VALLEY MOTQB CoT 380 N. His. Phase 1995 1920 rORQ TOURI-NU 5 GOOD TIRE 8. demoaatable rima, shock aborbra. Urea steering waeeL daaa light, speeeV m star, cat-ant. tan. (mH - r;. ClIIYROLET USED CAB DEPT. ' i -.-'. 349 N. Commercial .;.,.vr"'-. EKadabakar b area la Mitchell 6 pataaacar Dedae 31 model EXxUe a aaedrl .-:., VexweU 82 model - -6100 . 175 500 750 - 675 - 650 from. (Wa overiaad Sedaa Tom t . select Come in as look than erer. charge so brokerare). W. PETTYJOfTV IW 319 K. Commercial street trgsjj CAS PASTS CHEVROLET BOWS. TOP AND CUR- 555 CnwVa. y FOR BALE ALL MAKES AND SIZES ef trweke at year ewa tmni. X0STHWEST AUTO COMPANY ' - ' Portland. Or a VVAfiTED Miscellaneous BALZil CLEANERS AKD DTER8 Suits cleaaea a ad preeee f 1.80 Prompt and ef.'ici.at service. . Fheae . a WANTED TO LEASE POULTRY raoeh with equipment for lOOO kens. Fhoae 86F1S ereainr. Claada li. Etereaaoa. 7 WE A3 SHIPPING POTATOES NOW and a ate several cars if full r ma tured; send la sample. Uaagie Bras. ' Xhona 717. , . ... - , . WANTED ONE HORSE POWER MO- CCSTSACT0SS rol C2MENT W0SX CALL AT 430 rrrLOTMEXT WANTED MANT WIL I.i ::tta and other atudaot ara etliiaf pos m to aaslat in fiodinr part tima autpioyaeat and plaraa whera tby eaa , work tor room and board. If yarn " T"4 rom potent fcals of any kind pkona 6T7, Lmpktymaat Lepartment Tka Lira A. .? Ciata, .,i . BECPONTTXLE MIDDLE AGED, EX priaecd janitor, reooral repair. waaU work. Addraaa ; 23" 8uteaaiaa BXCi;iTE MATERNITY CASES AND t ork KaU 1259 a Liberty. Pkoa : yWOOD SAVflG. 1 Wf"i RAWixn. pnoxm tm 1 I nVOOD FOR SALE . t IX37i SX1.S 16-ISC3 OLD .PIR AND :nad rrowtk 4-foet" and oak. Pkona l-t'3. M. I. Mayfiald- Dest Grad3 cf Wood r t 4 foot and la lac aslll wood. 4 foot Bah dry aoi:i wood. 4 foot aad 14 tack old fir. Trompt delivary aad roaaonaUa prte. 1 fad E. W12a, 305 8. Ckarea. Pa. 152 liOTICE OF BOND SALE 1 X otice la hereby- siren that seal ed bids will be received by the un der:aed at his office In Ealem, Ore zon, until tie hour of S o'clock P. 1 1, the 8th day of October, 1923. ri Immediately thereafter pub licly opened by the Board of Directors of School . Dis trict No, -24, Marlon County, Oregon, at the office of the Doard of Directors in the High School Eu!:ilas la said City of Ealemr Ore -on, for an Issue of bonds of said district In. the - sum of one hundred thousand dollars (1100,-CCD),- (same beins a portion of an attlcrized issuo of : J500.000) said bonds to be In denomlna tlons of one thousand dollars (11000) each, numbered 1 to J CD. dated October 15th, 1823, aci maturing serially in numeri cal order at the rate of $10,000 per annum on the 15th days of October la each of the years 1824 to 1933 lnclasire, bidders ' to specify Interest rate, interest to be .payable seml-anually on the ISta days of April and October, principal and interest payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregoa in New York City. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $5,000 and must be unconditional. : w TLa approTiss legal cjinion of Messrs. Teal, Vinfree. Johnson & McCulloeh 'will be furnished- the successful bidder. , . - Th a assessed valuation ot the property la the district for the year 1922 was; $13.10,300. The bond ed Indebtedness of the district,, ex clusive of the bonds hereby ad Tertised. 13 $94,275. - The board reserves the right to eelt all or; any part of the above bonds, and bidders are requested to make their offers accordingly. The Eoard also reserves the right to reject any and all bids. YV. H. BURG II AIIDT. Clerk. Classified Ads in Tho Statesman Brin Results . mi: she , TRuUELS uOST Tab on Automobiles From Everywhere Is Kept By Secretary Kozer More automobiles from Califor nia than from any other state registered in Oregon between the dates. May 24 aad August 1, ac cording to Sam A. Kozer, secre tary of state. ; This Is under the law passed, by tha 1823 legisla- 1. SALEM MARKETS GXAX3I AJTS BAT So. S wkaat No 3 rod waaat. saeka4 Choot ky .tia q sit .313 & 9U Oat hay Closer hay. ha tod $12 Q SU Prieoa aoted ara whoiaaala aad a ericas raivad ky farmars., Ka ratal price ara rfvn, aveapl at aotads EOaa. SUtTIJU SUTTSXPAT CroaaMry bnttar , .4S 49 Bnttarfat, dalivarad f Milk.-par awt Irra, aaiaU Btaadarda - , Pnllota -l POX3XTST Broil art Heavy keaa Madiaai , -13 Q U -if at o n ' 10X2, IXTiTTOX A5D SX2 Baca, top 150-225 fba ewt fS.Tt Host, top, 225 375, ewt 33.21 Has, top. 325-275, awt, 35 & $t Light aawa ewt . 36.04 Reach, heavy. , 04 Q 4U Top vaaL draaaad 0T 07 Top ataars - ; 0 Q Cowi . 03 Q 04 Too lamb .. . . ' Heavy laaba - ; 03U OBJLHQS Braad Baaaiaft Talaadaa- "Boadad" fjffariact . 316's aad Urrer . 350'a aad imaller -34C Cookias. Oraeoa svowa. 31.60 Q 33.0 Oravaaataiaa per be $3.7f xsojrs Lafflarwcn "EEE" aU aliaa. eaaa 391 a rsw smicsa vez taetxs -? All priced ay tha doaaa haacaaa. ' Beeta. Carre ta. , , , Bf Badiahoa. Ions voaad , ... ,.T t-v.i 216 and larger GraTvastoiaa. par box -1.50 ISSERT FRUITS Beett. CarroU aad Onion.. R.4!iIim anil ParalaT . . .50 .40 Toaatoea. kema gvowa. "box. .31.00 Head lettuce, local, eret. 13.25 ErS plant, per erata .92.50 New potatoee. New Orerona, evk. 3L75 Rail nannora. nor lb. 06 Onion. Walla Walla outdoor, cwt.-S2.50 gammer aqnash .. ". ....1.....3L25 Pnnpkina, crated, lb. 03 Cabbage, local. -crated, lb. 03 PEACHZS ' ' f-f. Elbertaa from Yakima aad Tka Dalle. Par box 11-00 5 box lota - ......33 lO box lota .... i. , , ,. 90 25 or mora .... 85 A few Crawford aad other varietioa may be available at prevailing- market. BAK.TLETT PEARS . Standard boxaa, per box- -! 2.25 . . ... rune Per 4-baaVet erata . 31.50 CAJTTALOUPES Bnnrkw, Brand Tarloek'a keat. Of far! as: -i ;-...', -' Standard Crates -. ,'n'.' 33.50 Pony crates " ; 32.00 Flat Cratea - 31.25 Yakima Rocky Fordi taadard eratea -33.50 . Yakima BurralJ Gam the piak - meat variety, atandard cratea.33.T5 ' - ; . WAtEZLOWS ' v Either Was or roc ad variety, , per staadard crate . ..S2.75 - PERSIAS lZLOHS Crated, per lb. . . . ' 06 ZCB CRXA3C MEL OBS Crated, per lb, .OS CA-ABAS Crated, par lb. 04 L.06 H0K2YSBWS Crated, par lb. bai:av as "Bad Cord" fancy fniit. i Qnotiar . crated, per lb. . . 1 1 Vi Per lb. .,r ,.T,,,ti : BLACKBERRIES t Seniaa; today ...31.50 TREES nos . , Par fiat Vox 32.00 AFFIX - raacy; Calif ernle Graveaatalaa : 135 larger ' aa v 150-139 3.50 163-175 ; ......... 62.25 ChoU-a Oregoa Oravaaataiaa: 125 larger . ., ,..v..,, .33.35 .33.00 .31.75 150-138 163-175 Oregoa Graves teina. faced aad filled. per box . 6L50 Cookina- variatioa. Oregaai growa. par box -..61.50 to 32.00 CRAB APPLES la apple boxaa -3L50 GRAPES &Talaraa la lag, per lb. .08 Tokay. 4-baaket eratea .33.76 Thampaoa eeodleae, 4-baaket erataa-3L0 610010 CBRRIBS . Per IK 15 CRABRRRRIBS.f --'--.-h1 Early blacks, 1023 crop, - per 1-3 barrel box ; i 5.50 MICZT.O VXSSTAXZXS , fiew Yakima earreta par aack , ' f a An Sack Vacetabloa la par Ik. highd whoa, daairad ta lea thaa aack lata. New beeta, per sack ' f Yakima ratabagaa, par saek Mew ,VgUUaa Tomatoeat ' t - - From .The Dalle aad Roeebargv S-Iavar boxaa . , 12.51 .92.21 .63.01 Califoraia, log boxaa Twa layer boxaa Pickling eacnnberi: 2.21 , No. 1, amall aiaa. la bexaa, lb. -01 No. x. aaoaMaa atsa. par la.. NevrS. large or dill eiao, par Ih. OS Can anpply aU gradae la aacka at la kw Ih. laaa.. v - - . - i ' Near celery, per knack ... ..,.63 O 31.10 Greea bean, par Ih. .. 06 Greea corn. do. 23 ft tj 29 Vt Cabbage, local, crated, lb. 0 Head lettaca. local, eratea 91-&0 Q 63.54 Egg plant, per lb. . .,10 Near potatoes. New Oregoa, ewt. 1.7t Bell peppers, per lb. ....... ,i .,..10 Oroeai peaa, home growa, per lb OB Caeambera: .. ' The Dal lea. oatdoor - T1 Oaioaa. Walla WoUa aatdaar ewt. .33.0 Parsley ad aaicaa Potataefl 1 1 . fakima aetted fema, per ewt 31 66 Oregoa Wkitea. pee ewt 3 31 POHTLAHD MARKETS A ' "' . a Wheat PORTLAND. - Ore.. - Sept -15. Grata fatarea: Wheat, hlneateni 1 aad ; baart, September 1.05; Ortobrr 1.04; aoft white, weetera white. September 1.04; October 1.03; hard winter, aorthera aprlng, Sep tember 1.02: Ortober. 1.01; weetera red. Koptember. October 1.01. ta No. . 3 white feed. September 28. SO; CVtober 2.OQ; .'o. 2 gray. Sep tombor 27,50; October 2S.50..; Barley No.' 3 46-pounda, September 23.50; October 23.00; 44-poaad. Sep tember 28.00. October 27.50. . , Corn 'o. 2 etra yellow h!pment, eptem&er 2.00; October 21.00. -PORTLAND, h-vt, 15. Hy aa- tare and that became effective Hay 2 4,' requiring registration of foreign cars. - i i x ' ' i f With a registration of , 11.855, California cars represented nearly half : the; ; registrations, " while Washington was second with 4, 843,' and "Idaho was' third with 1949, Every state is represented on the registration lists with the exception of South Carolina and West Virginia, and In addition there have been automobiles from Alaska, Canada, England. Hawaii, Old' Mexico . and the republic of Panama. Registration from each state ara as follows: - Alabama. 11; Arizona. 178; Ar kansas, 49; California, 11,855; Colorado, 426; Connecticut, 29; Delaware. 1; Florida, 35; Geor gia, 6; Idaho, 1949; Illinois. 432; Indiana, .173;. Iowa. 360; Kansas, 322; Kentucky. 22; Louisiana 26; Maine, 7; Maryland. 10; Mas sachusetts, 89; Michigan. 258 Minnesota, 309; Mississippi. 8; Missouri, 257; Montana, 576; Ne braska, 291; Nevada, 131; New Hampshire,; 4; New Jersey, 54; New Mexico, 28; New York, 206; North Carolina, 11; North Dako ta, 16.1; Ohio, 365; Oklahoma. 243; Pennsylvania. 162; ' Rhode Island, 8; Sonth i Dakota, 178; Tennessee, 13; Texas, 261; Utah, 260; Vermont. 4; Virginia, 32; Washington. 4843; "Washington, D. p., 1 2 ; Wisconsin, 197; Wyo ming, 213; Alaska, 2 ; Canada. 400; England. 1; Hawaii, 17; Old Mexico, 1 1 ; Republic of Panama, 2. r :r-1 - The greatest number - of regis trations was made' at -Med ford, while Portland was second on the list and Salem third, and Ashland fourth. Ontario, being the gate way to far, eastern Oregon, - regis tered most of the cars coming into the state from that section. A statement of the permits issued at the various registration sta tions follows: . ' Ashland, 3521; Astoria, 2; Ba ker, 51; Bend, 40; Eugene, 151; Gold Beach, 164; Grants Pass, 1048; Klamath Falls, 407; Med ford, 6027; Ontario. 2828; Pen dleton, 1408; Portland. 4365; Sa lem, 4287; The Dalles, 654; in spectors, 635. "An examination of many of the applications for permits ; in dicates that the y visitors to the state are hurriedly. .. passing through the state with intention of - remaining but a few days," says Mr. Koier. "Others desire for a, longer period, and quite a number indicate a sojourn of 90 days, the . maximum privilege which, our law grants. .!:; c .f-j. The registration of the cars as they come into the state has re vealed the fact that in a -considerable number of instances .the applicants were not entitled to a visitor's permit, but .by reason of their residence the car should be licensed under the laws of Ore gon, which was required in those eases, , By reason thereof . consid erable revenue -has fallen to the state. ! of which it would have otherwise been deprived for the lack of check occasioned through the operation of the law, . w . "During the month of August there were nearly as many can registered as during the period from May 24 to July 31,. indicat ing that the month of August carries the peak of traveL . This is also indicated through the vol ume of gas fales, as the returns under the several' laws imposing a tax : on that commodity "are grea'test ' during; that, month of the year.. .--v'- ".--.'..' .'.- Cliaiuiiion II Champion Regular Spark Plugs, each Midget Motometer (new style) . - .'..... - .1'... Universal Motormeter (new style) McBetK Radiator Bar Gap, (locks on) ..: I -inch bteerihg .Wheel Ledix Sun and Rain Visor installed v ? - ; -4 rl 3 t)x3J Fabric . 30x3 Fabric -I;-., j.:AI.:IXjL.. 30x.32 Hsk Premier Cord.; 32x3J2 Fisk Premier Crd - 3 1 x4 Fisk Premier Cord 32x4 Fisk Premier Cord 33x4 Fisk Premier Cord .:i.lr:i.. .- 34x4 Fisk; Premier Cord 32x4' Fisk Premier Cord .1 33x4J4 Fisk Premier, Cord lll u . .. .....i 34x4J Fisk Premier Cord 33x5 Fisk Premier Cord 35x5 Fisk Premier Cord .1 .r. . ,..7.11 . ...... NAV. Cor. Court cnEns nuns THE PUDUC Ccrporaticn ConVnissioner Tells People to Look Out - for Stock Sellers A warning to the public .to be cautious about the purchasing of speculative securities is issued by W, E. Crews, state corporation commissioner. r T "This 1 state," says Mrv Crews, "Is now being looked upon as a fertile field for the sale : of all classes of speculative securities. .The, difficulties of getting by; the blue sky law have held off specu lators and promoters until the market for such securities in all other western ststes, on account of the laxity of such states is pre venting the sale of this class of securities, has been exhausted, and now apparent effort is being made to flood this state with all kinds of unsound and speculative securities. " m T ' "I wish the purchasing public of the state ot Oregon to under' stand that while this department Is exercising - caution in granting permits for . the sale of stock, bonds," certificates,' etc, that: any such securities; the marketing of Which requires individual solicit ing, is generally hazardous. Cap ital is always seeking safe invest ments, and any proposition which is safe and yields a profit, will be sought. It will not often seek the purchaser. People having funds not Immediately needed who are seeking Investments should con sult careful business men. It is too often believed that when one holds a permit from this depart ment for the sale of securities, that such securities are in some way guaranteed by the state. Such is not the 1 fact, x Every permit that Issues from this department con tains this notice: : "Ton - are further advised that In the issuance of this permit, the action of this department is per missive only, and Is not to be con strued by yon, or represented, by you or your agents to others as a recommendation of the securities therein named. Any . mention or reference to the blue sky law or to this department in connection with the sale of said , security which In any manner is calculated to give the Impression or sugges tion to prospective investors that this department recommends the same or has made such an exhaust ive and conclusive examination as to itsjnvestment merits before is suing this permit as to eliminate air risk as to such investment," Is positively prohibited'." . Constitution Day Will r Be. Observed on Monday Constitution day will be ob served Monday by the Daughters of the American Revolution with patriotic meeting In the Chimber of. Commerce rooms. ' The ' meet ing will be open to the public and will be featured by an address by Governor PIercea -jirt: M"rs. Russel Catlin Is regent of Chemeketa' chapter, of the DAR and she. will president the meet ing. .Special musical numbers v. Sparli Plugs, cccfi $ .45 A and High -f i 7 ' Uce will include a violin solo by Iva Claire Lore tod a vocal solo by Leon Jennlson. t .... The Sons ot the American Re Tolution and the local members ot the bar" association are 'coope rating with the DAK. Roliin K. Page Is a local member of the SAR and will also represent, the bar members. : The women will serve tea following the -public meeting... , , , r . TO PBUiI UiIIOM Launching of Cooperative ; Scheme in Clarke Coun ty Brings Fight VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 14. An active fight on- the cooper ative scheme offered Clarke coun ty prune growers by the Califor nia Packing corporation has been started here by the Washington Growers Packing corporation, the sales organ of the Clarke Prune Growers'" association. About 85 per cenl of the. prune growers are members; of the association. Th.Qificers of the Washington growers claim that the object ot the ; California concern is to get choice Italian prunes on a' cost plus ' basis and to enter the mar kets in the east with the power to sell the prunes at any prince they see fit over the 2 H -cent ad vance allowed by the: growers, thus making it possible to under bid the associations. Independ ent growers are being urged by tha Washington growers to reject the contracts. I Filial " . DB TIB - . t ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammaaaaaa I - ,- Evils of Drug Habit Present :ed in Tremendously . ' Forceful Manner . Often, the!! theatre-goer is at tracted to a show through, press notices and publicity, and in many Instance la ; disappointed, . but "Humat Wreekasa,' shown to the public la 6;1p at the ' Grand theatre' for, the first time Friday night more than lived up to its notices in . its vivid portrayal of the) lnsidlousness of the deadly narcotic, evil. . ' . :. ' Symbolism, was carried out to a. tigh . degree. ' Dope,? portrayed as'a'beast thai seeks to destroy, was. represented by a hyena, ap pearing at intervals through the film, a constant reminder -of the evil of the traffic. ; AVhlleTIHuman 1 Wreckage" I is an exaggeration ; (o some extent. In' that it gathers together paral lel instances and flashes them be fore the- eye in rapid succession.' it ; brings thw'perila ot the habit to! the audience , and drives the lesson ? home with never-forget-table force. :.: ihr.'i,-- ; ' , l Long before the first show was over last night a large crowd was waiting in front of the ticket win dow and by the time those inside i r J .65 - ; 2.90 .6.40 ' at-aa' at 4.00 ..: 4.50 : 7.50 atV-4-' 7.95 i : 6.95 ,:.....11.95 ...17.95 . .,18.80 . .. .19.95 : J:: 21.75 .22.95 - f r -- - t. - :26.89 . .:-s;H33.40 . : axi35.2o f'BILL" V Our Service Car nn irnTim nnin UDdLUIIU 10 Dug s PEED CD World's Speed Record- Is Broken By Harley-David-son Rider Jim Davis riding a Harley-Dav- ldson motdrcycle ; established ' a new. 10 mile world's record oa the Kansas City speedway making the 10 miles in 5 minutes 37.3-5 sec onds' or an average speed of 106. 66 miles an hour. , . C, Another world'a record was es tablished the same day by Johnny Branson on a Harley-Davidson making 100 miles in 60 minutes and 11 seconds or an average speed of 99.7 miles per hour.. IWllTS BETTER, Producers, of Valley; Hold Meeting at Quarters of . . Association ; Walnut growers who-are affili ated with the Oregon Growers met at the association's rooms yester day afternoon ' for a general dis cussion of the 1922. pool and the handling of the 1923 crop. Re ports of ft partial estimate of this year's crop were to the effect that though the nuts are of . a Better quality, the . harvest of . last ye Willi not be maintained. About 400 tons were harvested In 1922. Though the acreage in the state has been Increased, the trees are not ; old enough to increase the total yield to any extent this sea son. About 4Q growers were present. : t ' - ; j Kenneth Miller.- president " of the v Walnut Men's - association. Sheridan J was present. At his re quest M. J. Newhouse, ' assistant manager of the Oregon Growers, explained the tentative reorgani- zaUon -plans of the. association. Earl Pearcy, also of . the' Oregon Growers, was named as chairman of a committee to work with the management In advising , as ' to prices. ;.f.,r rhad eeen the show,' the crowd ex tended out " across the sidewalk. The second showing o4 the film was presented to a .capacity house On the- lower floor and a fairly well-filled balcony. The : picture will remain In Salem until Mon day night.' s - ' ' : 19Z4 Model ; Stud: baker Li -Kt-Six Towrinir Car r, i i ,r . ..i' .a.V IBS DECK f r irfToruTY(l ) i(.v5& a m aamaaaaaaaaimiiiimii- -a.mi.iwn -- . V a SSSB BaWwaw - Ti r. J 31" I- i ' There Is no product where price so fails to , Indicate value as in a motor car.' w-j . . The difference in prices rarely represents a corresponding difference in values. Cars are being offered at prices greatly in excess of the Studebaker Light-Six which do not equal its intrinsic value...: fj' .V-'- 'i-Vv-V - ":4J Likewiae, many cars high-priced compared with the Light-Sia.' log rode axe machined on all aurfacea. ThU They are not in the same clasa because they . practice, which is largely responsible for Ita do not represent as great' intrinsic value ? irtual freedom from vibration. Is exduJve for the money invested. The Studebaker, with Studebaker on cars within hundreds of Light-Six latb real quality car in the thou- ' doUara of the Light-Six price. aand-doUar field. ... The low price of the Light-Six is due to Studebaker'a wast physical and financial ' reaourcea, the aaving of by reason of complete manufacture in Stude-r , .Driving is behevuig. STU 1924 MODELS ' AKD PRICES f. a. b. Salem. U0HT-8IX . I SPECIAL-SIX BIO-SIX 5-Faaa lia W. S. 8-Paaa., lis W. B. -7-Paea, 126 W. B. 40 H. P. - - 60 H. P. 60 H. P. J Toariair . 31210 Touriair - 613 Toarw z .....62040 Keadatr i s - Readater . w . ; i Speedster ' (3 Part. . ... 1190 2-Paea.$ 157S , (5-Paaa.) - il30v Coupe Roadster ' Coope 1 Coop - 2-Pass. .... 1150 ' j-Paaa.) .. 2295 (o-Paaa.) 235 Sedan i.. .... 1T8S M. i fidn' 32 Iiran ti Kill V MARION AUTO CO. 7" -i-"' ;.-235 Co. Cora'l Opca Day and-Nijlit v: THIS IS, A S T U " t) DBA K E IX PRESIDENT OSREGON. r I t i I s -I ' 7 -; ' "0-?-.:- 'l; ,',. . The i Second Fainily Necessity After a home, the modern lamiiy necc z its own transportation unit. Modern life demands an efficient automobile for tho time Jt saves and the health it gives.':. ' ytr (MMfo 5-Pass. Sedan, $990,' F..O. B. Salcn . is the' Weal nil-year family car combining the comforts and atmosphere of home with high-grade body construc tion, -mechanical reliability, ease of handling, and low purchase and operating costs. It affords ample room f or tha Whole family. It is easy to drive and easy to care f r. It protects from bad weather, yet it can be opened wl.j for cool comfort 4n the scorching days of summer. Se Chevrolet firC 1 ffia ' LI tetB y'lio: : - - fi : M f'J" I "r - :riwiTCi::vr ..... . .,: .. . ., - .m .... ! r " 222 N. Hish St. Phcne 1C33. i i) IBRVlCEt Y T ' T X ' r baker plants, and low manufacturing and sales overhead per car because of continuous 1 large volume ' .';- The aatisf action delivered by the Uctst ' Sia is univeraaL, Ita performance haa won f staunch friends everywhere. This is due to " Its advanced design and construction. - . . t For example, the crankshaft and connect - aelling for. less, are ' If you axe thinking of in vestin about one thousand dollars in a car, then in justice to vourself. consider the Studebaker Licht-Clx middlemen's profits V first. Come in and D Tan r , 4 . ; cenranlaaea 1 m A K 2 . . W W For some boy In Salem. Cc down and find out how to v. It. - . Harry W. 2 "The Cycle JUn." 147 So. Com! St. jortatiori TrentporraMaa) ; 5 . (Delivered Ealem) : Roadster S : Touring i i Conp. ............... csedaa Light Drliverjr (with 1rfdy Ton Expresa Truck rally tqaipp! let ' burter ! see it, Drive it yourself. A a C"