THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING; SEPTEMBER 16, 1923 i-' ; t ; t i NORWICH UNION FIBB INSURANCE SOCIXTT W. H. Bnrghardt, Jr. Eesldsat Agent 71 Stat St. MONEY TO LOAN ' Oa Real Estate T. K. FOK1J ' fOrer Ladd Bush Bask) , 8 AUTOMOBILES , j AUTO REPAIRING EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING IS THE only kind that wilt give satisfaction. Our repairman are all experts. Jack Doerfer Motor Repair , 410 R Cora'L AUTO TOPS 1C Leakv Tod - - - la as abomination, better let as pot in mam m wia hfn,-.' tbft fall aia tart. W. E. Gronert Top Shop, 756 Ktala - EATTERT AND ELECTRICIAH. PRESTO-LITE BATTIBI SERVICE Station. Export battery aad electrical work. Fsrria Bros, Phone 1801, 41$ . ' Court, ' . ' ,.' ; " ' ' v , ' B. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES i tarter ssd generator work; 171 South Commercial. EATIATOB TENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BO D I X 8 sns.l or repaired. J. O. Balr. 849 Ferry TTRZa AND ACCESSORIES Why Buy New Wheels " a When yon can bar yonr old wheals tightened (or .$1.30 per who). Oof ran-: teed for rest af sessoav, ' New gears and axle shaft, , Fly wheel gears, for Schselar Auto 'Wrecking Co; - f . 654 Terry BUj- . -J'. . '".- ' v;:3 parts i-s to is orr. hike's An: -Wrecking Uoaee; 434 North " CommereiaL ' Pbone 699. i .'"a TRACTORS A C. HAAG A CO, 444 FIBRT ST. Pbon 210. Octree tractor.-Olives -Javf Tr'iot4. BICYCLES andREPAlRlNGt XICTCLZJ AND REPArBJXa LLOYD K. RAHSDXN DAYTON B1CY ' and reoairiae-; 887 Court, .-';- F BUSINESS CARDS j rnrrvAN btruble, rjegisterid Architects. 510 Bank est Cemmerec AUCTION '.&! AUCTIONEERS L. E. TALBOTT, THE livestock, furniture and farm sales as'iieaeer, 201 U. S. Bank Bids Pheae 4? i f r sale dates. . r "tPEX" AXtJ 3 TTSAVESa . , ALL..I O A B P E T" CLEANING ' AND Ptelf Rag Works -Rag sad fluff rugs wa say site without . seams New mattressea made to Order. Oid mat. treses remade. Festbers rsaovsted. 1 buy all kiads of eld carpets for Cuff jtj-. IS 14 sad Wilbur streets. Pheae CHZMNET SWEEPS CiIIj;2.Y SWEEPING PURNAOE cit'"inr. F. Councilman. Bay lo Farav 1wnre cisy. CLEANERS AND DTERS UL. -1 CLEANERS AND. DYER S - f t cleaned end proceed, $1.50. ' S t s: ponged and pressed, 50c. 1215 S. Cem'L 'Pbone 1$S ' CCNSUXTTNO ' ENODTEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Ccastrucuag Engineer. ...Surveys, est! mates. Jno, H. Neef, 119 OregOB B' ' Phone T75. ' ?: SEXTO STORES WM SEIMEYEB "JUST DRUGS," 175 N. CommereisV Phone 187.. - ELECTRICIANS EAf. 'l ELECTRIO CO. MASONIC bu..Jing. Phone ISOO. LLf lyiO FIXTURE AND SUPPLY C-. 1 uone 1934, 223 K. Liberty, ARf '13 FLEENEB, ELECTRICIAN Luse wiring by hear or esntraet. Es- timatee furnished. Pheae 980, 1 414 C. art St . .. ! . ' HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP 1 ELE0- trier' t maehiae repairing, eeatractiag 80 7 Court. Pbone 4$$. FINANCIAL t LOANS UNDER. SESERVB SY8TEM or. -r.iy or farm property. Reserve De- : poaiit company, 72 fourth Street, Port- .. 5 : FARM LOANS IT I PER CENT sad '? V4 CENT ANDERSON RUPERT -. Oregoai Bldg. galem. Ore. IfYcu'WanttoB 1 cr build a Home or Repay a Mortgage tuouthly payments- requirea lor tne ! 1 ; -1. s a a ;it. s tic a 1 14 a ''rent periods of time Sri . j each month for 88 months flUO loan sod interest seh month for 4$ months i-jO loan and interest. escb month for 60 months. 0 loan and interest. . tach month for 72 months ' 0 loan and interest. . ' ch moatb for 84 months uiiB loan and Interest. ; -ch month for P4 months J loan and interest. nderson U Rupert a laiWtng ' s Phone 1644 TA2 LOANS " money, any amount 8 per eeab , 7. 10, or 20 1 years, with fall nt priri'eges satire WttUm- SIS BIS : BUSINESS CARDS j FINANCIAL HAWKINS A ROBERTS. OITT LOANS. -. lowest rstea. i ; .- I j K ; 1 : GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 6 - per cent, SOS Salem Bank of Commerce t ran make year, farm or city loans, beat wnico fina, x you uvea a loan, see me and if yon hare money te place, tee me I alwaya hare takers. O. W. Laflar. Oregon bldg. c . FARM LOANS LE83 INTEREST, wnger time, no eemmiaaion. Protects agalast adraraity. City loans, loweat rate, monthly inatalbaenta, pre-pay- meat priilega. J. O. 8iermnnd, room S.fover tidd A Baab bank. rLOKISTS CUT FLOWERS, WIDDINO BOUQUETS fnneral wreathe, decorations. O. P. Breithaopt, florist. 1SS N. Liberty. Pbone 880. I FRATERNAL LOYAL ORANGE LODGE JASON LEE Memorial, No. 630 meets in Odd Pel Iowa" ball every first, third and fftta Taeaday of the month. All Oranvemeo el rente rURNACES SEA6ROTX POB PT7RNACE8 PIPE and plpeleee; i$ 8. 12th St. Phone 85W. rURNTTTTEB IT0RE8 eiESX FURNITURE CO. -r-OUALITT tnnutnre for lean money. ;a7S Ooart PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture ; 111 N CommereiaL ' . asaanmseKaBmBBBaaaasBamBBaaBBl LATODRIES -rj'' SALEM. LAUNDRY COMPANY, $18 a liberty street. Fhoae 25. Oldest lartes best. . ZsUbllshsd 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY vaenty worn j prompt j serrioe ; 1284 Broadway. Pbone 185. j - .YALE HAND LAUNDRY PERSONAL bundles a spodeialty. Ala cleaning end pressing. 11 BellTV. Pbone $ JUKE, 'fimm TOtt WE BUT AND. ZLL FUSNTTURE. tooia, ana jut. ? AortA eiaL . Pbeae 58$.' ; , - . -SaUOBXSB EBO THE CROSS .AUTOMATIC: ELECTRIC Steam boilers, uloanisera and tube plates. Perry a CampbeO. 17 N. Ltbertr. HEDICAIj MOUNTAIN BALK COUGH REMEDY Piaim MT.HT . . .. - V BTTRSRET 8T0CXS FRUITLAND NURSERY COMPLETE line trees. Office- 111 84 Ui 8. riui 111UH. COMPLETE - LINE TREES SMALL traits, ernsmsnts. Cspital City Nor . scry CW 426 Orsgoa, Bldgv Phone 15. FRUIT. NUT AND 8 HADE TREES Pearey Breeu 2tT StsSa. PAPERHANaiNO AND PAINnNO PHONE GLENN ADASiTOa HOUSE deeoratlng. paper "aBjfiug, tinting, etc .- Jteuaoie workman. TEN CENT KALSOMININE IN BEAUTI- ful eolors; f 1 dees a - room. Max O. , Bnraa, 179 N. Co""erelsL PLUMZZNG ' PLUMBING REPAIRING J AND "v COIL work. Phone 1897-J,. Shop 137 Union street, A L. GodfrcT. f,in nr '7 ETOVES AND ST0VB"BXPAIEIJra V STOVES BEBt?ILTvlSi KEPAIRED " 40 years ; experiance.- Depot National fen, sises 30 fteS la. bigh., Psiats , ails and varnishes, etc, lofatiterry and hop hooks. SslrTF'-rs el Store Works.- 250 Court jeefci Pbocs 124. TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINK -Ceatral Stage Temlna; Sabjst, Oregea - 8ALEM-EUGENE - Leevee Salem 7:13 a. as.; 0:1$ a. am. 11:15 a; m.; 1:15 p. as.. g:18 p m.; 5:1$ p m.; 7:80 p. m.: U Corvallls ealy. PARKER'S 'ETA3E LXNEJ-f J. W. Parker, General Manager h Ceatral State Terminal Salem, .Oregon. SALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION- , Leaves Salem, Centrals Sute Termiaalj 7 a. as.; 11 a. m.; 6 p. m' Leaves BUverton. New 8tsad: . 8 a. m.; 1 p. m; 8 p. . ' Salem-Iadependeaee-Menmooth Divisioa: Leaves Salem. Central' Stage Terminal! 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; SslO p. as. 5U0 p m :. . , t ..f,.s.,.,:, . ,.r leaves Monmouth, Monro on th Hot!:.. , - 8:15 a. m.s 1 p. m.i 6:15 p. as. " Leevee f Iadepeadenee, Bearer Hotel 1 " $:S0 a m.; 9:50 a. an.; 1:15 p. as. 4 p. ss.f 8:80 p. am. -i--t'. . Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Salem, for Dallas at: , - - ' 7 a. es. ; 11:10 a. 8:10 9 as. a Leave Gail Hotel, Dallas, at $ a. m.; 1 p. m.; 8:15 p. m, We make eeaaectioaa at Salem to all r parts of the valley. Extra trips ay ap - poiatasent. - -.-f-k-.,-. J. W. PARKER. General Manager. if ts Vou cotM.-n-nte the ; SlC f2Ajr e-Jtrr Tir no I . A rr re i a.ol-lv I t v. f II fl repays , I it , , , . p. T in BUSINESS CARDS SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS OARBAOB, refuse of all kinds removed. Oeipoels cleaned. Phone 167 or 1007J. BOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (8UC eessor to Neal SeaeB(er) Oar base end refuse of all kinds removed by tbe , month. Reasonable rates. Phone Offise 529: residence 205". SECOND HAND OOODS. SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sells ' second hand furniture, tool and jnnk; S20 N. Commercial. Phone 492, WANTED EVERYTHING IN CI OTH- ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; S42 North Commereial Phone 1868-W. VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA Z ware, glassware, toys, notions, sad mil linery. j WATEB SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office, $01 Sonth Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestie flat rates paid in advance. No deductions for absence or ssy esase aaless water is shot off your premises. FOR RENT FURNISHED j APARTMENTS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED FOUR . room apartment, modern: - 852 North 12th. . , -Ts . , " f- FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT, sewing machine, , telephone. Phone 634-J. ' FOR RENT 5 ROOM .FURNISHED apartment, all conveniences, adult only. T. G. Albert, 860 Mill. FOB RENT 5 ROOM APARTMENT; bath, toilet, electric light, and sleeping v porch. Lights, wster and phone free. Call at 410 Oregon bldg. . FOR RENT .T TO ADULTS MODERN apartments. , 755 Ferry street. CLOSE IN 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartment, 1C47 S. Commercial. Phone - 1168-J. . FOB BENT APARTMENTS, 891 NO, - Commercial. FURNISHED APARTMENT WITH piano. 693 N. Bnmmer. Phone 1078. . HOUSES ANYONE WHO WANTS GOOD LOCA tion te keep boarders, see ma at once. H44 ferry. ROOKS . FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, . with or without board. Phone 1960-W; FOR RENT- TWO t ROOMS bath. 497 N. Higbt street. 1 1 1 WITH FOB SENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping rooms- Leonard Hotel, 254 N, Front Street. ; .7 a- PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BI TU" wording "Furnished Booms," price 10 " cents escb. Ststesnun Buslnes Of- fiea. Ground Floor. FOR RENT-MiscellajieousT PIANOS NEW PIANO FOB RENT $6 PEB MO. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. f FOR SALE-Miscellaneous T RADIO SET COMPLETE AND EXTRA parts for sale. Receiving range 8000 -.tmile. 1158 Court etreet. 1 FOR 8ALE SPANISH LEATHER aettee. rocker, largo good rag. iron cot i , sin mattreasi tU- Jcitenea cabinet ease. . Phone 418. - GRAVEN STEIN APPLES FOB SALE Monday afternoon.' 50e. per bushel. . Bring boxes. Csrpenter Bros., Golf '. Links rood. ; i-. FOR t8ALE TWO . SILOS. ONE 12x40 feet, other 10x80 feet. In fine shape, with extra atoves. Inquire J. B. Bowne, 945 ChemekeU . street, Salem. SACKS POTATO. GRAIN AND HOP sacks. Willamette Bargain House, 973 N. CommereiaL Phone 588. PRUNE TICKETS FOR TRAYS SIZE -2x2 tt. 500, 15e; 1000, 25o. Apply Statesman office. ' - Beautiful Oregon Rose r: And elevea ether O r go songs together vwun a nne collection of pstriotle songs. ssered songs aad many old-time faver " ; it '. 1; ALL FOB 25. ' (Special price la ejaaatlty lota) , Especially adaptable for school eommua ' , Ity or horn singing. Send for -j 'Western Songster 75 page aow in its third edition ' " Published by - ? OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial 8k , Salemv: Ore. FOR" SALE GOOD ' WOOD 8 AW IN first class condition Phone 1786J4. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 - cent a bundle. Ctrealatiea department Oregon Statesman. - , , -, Foresight. T Wish X Could. Pamcin 15 Tne - astf A aw - HUM g aTTAA , M. II- r r ' 1 l . I - rB I Classified Section Pbone 23 Advertising .Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ' r- Rat Per Insertion . per word: 3e So Three insertions J0R SALE Miscellaneous 1 SEVERAL LARGE OAK BARRELS may. be. had by calling at thia office. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY T" wording "For Sale, Enquire at." Price 10 eeate each. Statesman -Busiaea. Office. Ground Floor. v BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS FOX ! TERRIER. FEMALE, GENTLE and fine pet for children, i Will give away. Phone 494 or call at 239i X. :. 'Front, v . . -L, FOR SALE PEDIGREED PERSIAN cats aad kittens from Springbrook and Wood mere Catterys at 7811 63rd ate., 8.K.- Portland, Ore ; : t - - M PARROT 8PECIAL. TILL 8EPTEM bar 1, we will aell young hand-raiaed ; Panama parrota for only - , $19.50. Every one gusrsnteed to lesrn to talk. : Flake's Petlend. Salem. Oregon. FARM PAPEB IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send I5e te the Pacific : Homestead, Sslem, Oregon for- a three : montfas' trlsr subscripUoa. j Meas)ea this ad, -t , ' !, t i POULT RYM EN SEND EIGHT TWO . cent stamp for special three months' trial for tbe best aad oldest journal la the west. Tbe srticles aad advertise ments ere of special latereet'to the poultry - breeders of ibe . Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com. mareisl street, Salem, Oregon. - i livestock: FOR SALE TEAM AND : HARNE8S . for feed bill. 400 8. Commercial street, i G. H. Felts. ' - - FOR SALE HORSES, COWS AND chickens. Phone 24F11 after 6 p.m. f - HELP-WANTED 1 MALE ELECTRICITY TAUGHT BY EXPERT8. ; Earn while you learn at home F.lec i trieal book' and proof lessons free, f Satisfaction gusrsnteed end ' position ' secured. Write to . Chief Engineer ' Cooke, 2144 Lawrence Ave., Chicago, FEMALB LADIES EARN $20 WEEKLY. SPARE 'time borne; represent leading' mssie r publisher. Addressing circulars, .tnnil- ing music orders. Send 10c for music, information. Wolfe Gilbert Corp., . Broadway Central Bldg., New' York ; City. - ' - . i EARN $20 WEEKLY SPARE TIME, AT home, addressing, mailing ' music, cir culars. Send 10 .cents for music, in : formation. ' American Mnsie company, 1651 Brosdwsy. Dept. G-73. N, Y. i. MALE AND FEMALE TYPISTS EARN $25-$100 WEEKLY, spare ' time, copying authors manu scripts. Write R. J. Carnes, Authors' X Agent, C441, Tallapoosa, Ga., for par i. tie!., ' . W, -' 4v... TRUCK WILL LEAVE BRIDGE WITH pickers erery morning, 6:80, and re , torn ia the evening. Picking now, ? Williams Hop Yard. Eola. Oregon. . HOP PICKERS WANTED BELL , HOP yard. Truck will leave public market. State and Commercial streets, 7:00 a.m. daily, returning 5:30 p.m. Bring your lunch; fineat hops, seventy cents per box, two weeks' picking. , WANTED PEAR PICKERS. PHONE 15F3. WANTED MEN AND ' WOMEN iTO tsk farm paper subscriptions." A food proposition to tbe right people. Ad- ' dreas tbe Pacifie Homestead. Statesmaa . Bid. 8alem. Or. BBBBBBBBBBBBB3XBaBBBBBBSSBSSBSSB SALESMEN $25 DAILY TAKING ORDERS. UNION made raiaeoat $2.82. We delirer. cob lect.. Eastern Raincoat Co, 918-921 Rooserelt. Chicago. AGENTS AGENTS SELL GUARANTEED Hosi ery, direct from mill to wearer, salary paid for full time 'or spare hours. All styles fa cotton. heather and silks. v International . Hosiery Mills. Korris- town, Ps. WANTED BUSINESS GIRLS. MEN snd women, on a spare-time, money getting proposition; no peddling, can vassing or soliciting; write us today what you are doing. Sefou, . Box 818-G, Sesside, Oregon. , MAKE PERMANENT MONEY MAK- ing connection. Sell Indies' stylish shoes, good quality at low prices, be cause Factory to Wearer. Erery cus tomer repeats. Write for particulars Immediately. Style. Arch Shoe com pany. Dept. 803, 1414 Vine St, Cin cinnati, Ohio. u-ivc riAkc tWUtOfc Aw A I n I II iu 4 CnAtaTS TO A5K J II ,' I of PSnCALS AH-- W owe Qutsnow. poej YOO Panc6t1 - ' t r 8c .20 Six months eontrsct per mo lie 12 months contract, per mo 12e Minimum for any advertUemeat 85e I HELP WANTED AGENTS $90.00 WEEKLY CAN BE MADE aelling the loweat priced practical add ing machine on the market $3.00. Write M ignola Sales Co.; Hollister, Calif. . i - 8ELL .MADISON f "BETTER MADE" . SHIRTS direct from our factory to wesrer. No cspital or experience re - quired. Easily sold. Big profits. Write for: FREE SAMPLES. MADI80N i MILLS. 503 Brosdwsy. New York. INSURANCE LET 4 US WRITE tOUR AUTO OR truck insnrsnce next time it expires. - We render efficient serrire st very low rates. Standley A Foley, Agents, Bush RnnV bldg. -. Ladies Wearing Apparel j SPIRBLliA CORSETS SOLD BY ALICE , A. Miles, 451 North 21 at, . Phone 1902J. .i , . HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE H EMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, stsmping and needle work; 828 Oregon bldg. Phone 819. DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BT.7U" . wording "Dressmsking" ; price 101 eeate eseh. Ststesmsa Buslaess Office Orouhd Floor. .. .? .3 '. .. MRS. 0. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING J stsmping, buttons. Room 10, ovsr Mil- ler'e store. - Phone 117. , LADIES TATXOlUiro W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING, ' : long costs and suit. Room 7, MoCor ,j sack Bldg, f- , ?:-: ; - D. H. M0SHER TAILOR FOB and women. 474 Court -BL. . MEN LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST BETWEEN , -the Liberty road. PORTLAND .AND a ' black hand grip containing letters and traveling ease. I MUSICAL Instruments. 1 A COURSE IN BUSINE8S PIANO i playing. Popular syncopated staadard t music. , 8emi-clssslcs aad ballads;. 12 ; lessens Waterman Piano School. Mo- ; " Corasek Bldg. V. ' i ' " . FOB SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY i piano left with as te sell. Price $200; ' terms. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co Mn sie department. ii ii gaBgaBBBmoagaBBBBBBBBasaaBB! :. ; PLUTO .: TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pl eas tuner, Leave erdera Will' Muaie Stars. PHOWOGRAPB: BEPAZRVa EXPERT' REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonograph. Jay Bailey, Moore's Ma eie Hons MUSIC STORES TaTUSIO ST0BES WILEY B. ALLEN CO, PIANOS AND phonographs. 519 Court street. SHERMAN, CLAY CO, PIANOS Steiaway. Duo-Art and ethers. Moor' a Mssic House. 415 Court street. - GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO . graphs, sewing machine, sheet muaie. and piano studies.. Repairing phono graphs aad aewiag , machines; 482 State, Salem. , ! -. - TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Farai tore Co Mnsie Dept. , f PERSONAL MARRY BUSINESS GIRL 27, WORTH $73,000. Widow 48, $36,000. Girl . 19, $40,000. Write for desriptions snd photos. Kstherine, Box 223, -Los An geles, CsL . , MARRXIF LONELV: most SUCCE8S ful nome Maker"; hundreds rich; stfcictly confidential; reliable; years of experience: descriptions free. "The Successful Club." Mrs. Nssh, Box 556, Oakland, California. One week (six inssrtioas) On month ERE In PERSONAL- INDEPENDENTLY WEALTHY WID ower, 55, will marry, soon., E-Box 85, Toledo, Ohio. ' ' .. , ATTRACTIVE V0CX0 LADT, WORTH $33,000, will marry. (E-BJ, Box 1022, Wichita, Kansaa. i . LEADING CLUB, - LARGEST. MOST reliable for lonely people, confidential descriptions free in plsin sesled enve- lope. Thoussnds weslthy members. If sincere write. Established 19 years. Old Reliable Clab (name copyrighted). Mrs. Wmbel, Box 20, Oakland, CaU fornia. ; , ,:: " ., r CATHOLICS, WISHING TO MARRY, . booklet free. Address Home r Club, L-Box 23, Grand Rapids, Mich. GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL - paper published. Free for stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo. Ohio. ... - PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE SALEM AMBULANCE SERVICE Pbone 666; 178 8. liberty. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. SCOTT 8CHOFIELD. P. 8. 0. - Chiropractors, 414-19 US. Bank Bldg. Phone 67; res. 828-R. DR. REDMOND, Pbone 1688. 828 OREGON BLDG. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 15$ 8. High St.' Phone 288. l CHXBOPODZSTS DR. 8.1 F. SCOTT. GRADUATB NA ; : tional University Sciences, , Chicago. ; Mbaoais Temple Phone 640. ' DR. WILLI iM 8 CORNS, CALLOUSES, ingrowa aails; all foot troubl. Prie 8 ho Co. Phon- 61; DRUOLE88 PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DR. A. X Frants. Acute and chronic dii Phone 780. 495 N. Commercial FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO c tors, 210 Center. Pbone 1658. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER . ACUTE AND chronic diseases; 415 Oregea Bldg. Phone 110. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE - goa Bldg. Boom 801 to 804.' GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tieal Co, 325 Stat street, opposite Ladd A Busk Bank., "Us Quality Prove Shar-oas." BSSaBSaBSSaBXSaaBaBBBBSSBaBBBBB OSTEOPATHIO PHYSICIANS ' DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIt physiciaa . and surgeon. Kirksvllli - graduate. 404-405 U. 8. National Ban) Bldg.- Pheae, office 919; rss- 614.- DB. JOHN U LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physicisa and Sargeoa. - 403-404 Ore go. Bldg. Phones, office 1894; : 58F5. . ; PHYSICIAN OF PHTSIOTHERAPHT DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF PHY8I : otherspy, treats all ailments,' women's . troubles especially. 265 N. Commercial ectreet. Phone 1091. ' ' : t PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FRANK. R, KELLOGG, PUBLIC A0 conntant, systems, bookkeeping, servics. snawwt. zis urepon Biag. RACES Today 2:30 P. M. - Auto Races Independence Track J REAL ESTATECity ) tsaeasaxsBXBsasssirr'Ti w niirr, ju,mBaaBsam BsiiiL.uiMmuiAiaT LIKE i RENT $500 CASH, BALANCE ., $231 per month, buys new, 5 room, stritly modern bungslow, fine loestion south. Becke A Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Bsnk bldg. Robinson FOR GOOD BUYS IN CITY OR C0UX .try. . i . FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW AND np-to-date bungalow. Easy terms. For information call 841 snd after six 454 M. WOOD'S BARGAINS FOUR ROOM new house, corner lot, $750. Four room new house just off the psvement, cement walks, woodshed, garage, good plumbing, $2000. Five room modern bungalow, east front, nice lot, gsrsge, $4200. A dsndy five room bungslow oa psVed 'street snd csr line. j 83100. New bungalow and half acre, strictly modern, $3500. Two acres sll in or chard, just outside city limits, with four room house, $1850. Hare a fine 25 acre dairy farm, new bungalow and barn, running water, $4000, and will take a home in Salem part pay; 220 acre farm, well improved, with stock for- $23,000. snd will tske city prop erty. 935 sere California stock ranch for Oregon farm. Six room house and large corner lot, close in, take horses and cowa part pay. 820 acres Alberta for Oregon. F. L. WOOD, -341 8TATE STREET story by OCTAVUS ROV COHSj Illustrations by M. WESTON TAYLOR T REAL ESTATECity "OR SALE NICELY LOCATED HIGH lot SOk120. South Church aad Klertric, 300. phone 51 7-M. FOR RF.XT 5RO0M MODERN HOUSE 475 N. 17th street, $35 per month. T4eck A Handrirks. 205 U. 8. Bank I bldg. " HERE IS SURE A GOOD BUY : A- dsndy bongslow, 5 rooms, modem. conveniences, bsth, , electricity, : gss. basement, garage, fine comer lot, only BOO down : prie $2800. for one week .I. . Oancr hit. Immediate nosaes- skin. See Cbilda ai Bechtel, 540 -State street. . ' ' ;-- FOR SALE PLASTERED HOUSE IN . splendid location,-2 blocks from Cspi tal .building. 2 doors from Capital street: 6 rooms and balls, bath, kitchen pantry, new fruit house, woodshed end barn. - Lot 50x165 feet. Inquire of owner. 945 Cbemeketa street, Salem. For Sale HALF ACRE TRACTS. $650 $50 DOWN and $10 a mosthv six per. cent interest; on csr line. " See J. F. Latham for bargains, 552 North Church street. A 4 ROOM PLASTERED. NEW HOUSE, brick founlstion $800; $300 down. payments on balance. ' A number of good building lota near ear line, reasonable prices snd essy terms. A strictly modern home, fine loestion, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, paved street. near ear line. See J. A. Mills, 831 State , atreet. . .. . v. ; . V INVESTMENT LOT JOINING VALLEY Motor Co. oa Church street, 40x165. Price $5250. Becke A Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Bsnk bldg. OUR : SPECIALTIES B V S I N E 8 S Chsnees, Apartment Houses, Esehsnge Properties, vacant, lots in all parts of .the city, cheap as dirt, and also bun galows priced from $850 to $10,000, terms. Suburban tracts snd improved $1600 snd up. Large farms, any sise yon want. Wa deal only in real es tate. Childs A BecfateL 540 State St. FIVE REAL BUNGALOW SNAPS Now we hsve them, next week they" utill be one, for they ere ell well built, ideal loestion aad priced below value. $5500 'two story bungalow, strictly modern; another one of 5 rooms st-$3500. one at $330O; one at $3000; one at$2900; terms on. all of them and tbe prices all bave been re duced. Owners are away Immsdiste possession. For rest bungslow bsrgsins see s specialist, Childs Been tel. 540 State atreet BEAUTIFUL HOME FIFTH 8TREET, 6 rooms, strictly modern, ' hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace,' garage, won derful lawn, $6000. Becke A Hen dricks, 205 U. 8. Bank bldg. ' NOT A HOLD VP When you esn buy a beautiful trsct of isnd, nearly 8 acres, best of soil, ea gravel road 4 mile off paved road. just-outside of the city, with a cosy 5 room bungslow, barn, gsrsgs snd chicken house, some crop. Owner go ing ewsy, will sen at a real aacrifie. reduced tne price to $2500, some terras: worth $3500. Here is another one Beautiful 3 acre tract, with all kinds of choice bearing fruit snd berries, just outside of the city, with a modern bungalow, base ment, bsth, hot and cold water, elec tricity: snsp at $4500. terms. If you wsnt a real snsp in a farm, large or smsll traJOt, see Childs Beehtel, $40 btate street,: make a specialty in farms. 5 -ROOM HOUSE GARAGE; $2900. 4 room house, garage. $1800. 10 room furnished rooming house.' large tot, IIW. 5 room bouse. $3200. 6 room house. . Isree lot. along creek. east iront. gsrsge. $5000. This is sll close in property. "'' 7 room bouse barn, pared street. $1700. o room noose, large lot, zH. GOLDEN RULE REALTY CO. 492 N. Cottage street ROOM HOUSE, CORNER OF 18TH and Bellevue; modern except furnace, large lot, house ia first class condition. Price $2600 ; terms, $400 cash, . bal ance monthly payments. , , : Anderson & Rupert 407 Oregon bldg. - Special 3 ROOM HOUSE AND BARN FOR $750. 4 room house, nice lot. $850. 5 room house, ' bargain for $1500, with $200 cash and $15 per month. 80 acres, hslf eultivsted, f sir buildings; trade for smsll trsct close in or - . improved lsnd. 4 room bouse, gsrsge. chicken houss snd I 4 acre of fine land, 1 block from i , school. Bargain for $1550, terms. Thomason : 831V Stste street v . BE8T BUYS AND EXCHANGES 4 ROOM BUNGALOW. MODERN. BASE- , ment, in very good condition, very close in: the lot will be worth three times the price ssked for all bow. Prie only $2400; $250 cssh, - bslanes asy termr-.- ... - 6 room bungslow, modern, basement, Dutch kitchen, very j convenient, on pavement. $4400, terms. 4 room, bungalow, furnished. $1750, fooo cssh, balance $10 per month. 43 acre bearing prune snd cherry er : chsrd, house, drier; will oxebaage for . dairy, stock or- grata ranch. Prie 85.000. essy terms. 1V seres, V commercial fruit, 7 room ml. He j J Hill- house, barn, coops, garage, mile from school aad church; stock, imple ments, poultry, i a tons of hay. aad : acres potatoes go. Will consider city property. J rice siu.svu, w terms. Money to loan, boo sea to rent. v.Socolofsky. Realtor, - 341 State - A VERY FINE BUNGALOW ON NORTH j istn street, fully modern, ensmel fin ish ; 5 rooms snd bath, will aell fur- I manea or unfurnished. Tor pries sad Anderson & Rupert 407 Oregon bldg. REAL ESTATECity : PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7", wording: "rer nw, pne 10 casts ack. SUtesmsa Buslaess Office, Grenad Floor.' '-?. FOR BALE 7 ROOM 1 HOUSE, BAE2- meat, garage, fine lot 60x150, good location only 12 blocks from corner of Htaie and Commercial streets. A bar ,gsin at $3700, good terms. 6 room bouse on H. Liberty street, fine lot 55x162. - A snap at fOOO. RICH. L. REIMANN, Realtor ' 229 Oregon bldg. i Phone 1013 Ret. phone 1023 R. NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, STRICTLY .modern, lot 50x108, plenty or trait, 2 blocks to earline. close to sehouL Price $4000; terms. Anderson & Rupert v: " 407 Oregon bldg. BARGAINS - FOR . SALE 1 ACRE ' AND HOCSF, i cssh. 3 room house, $1200, terms. Compton Real Estate ; - . J . 469 Bute street ' ' ALL BARGAINS A NEW BUNG ATX) W ON BONUS LOAN terms. A 7 room - -modern, close in, corner, immediat possession, pared, $4300; a similar one, $3600. A beau tiful 4 large room bungalow, ear line, Fairmount district, $3500. Another 5. room bungslow with basement, paved, block from ear. NE, $3000; going te Californis aad must sell at ones. See : - Wm. Fleming , . ... ' Sll Stst street 7 ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON LESLIE street, close to school aad star; lot 77x165, lots of fruit snd ants; owner .; -is leaving.- Price $4200; Unas, $500 cssh, balance monthly. Anderson & Rupert 407 Oregon bldg. GOOD BUYS NEW. BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS, MODERN ! In every wsy, oa corner located st 1880 8. Church street, $4750; $1500 down. Fin creek lot with 123 foot frontage ea Creek. Fries $2000.' 6 room bungslow st 1543 Court street. Price $6000: hslf cssh down. New -bungalow, 5 rooms, completely mod ern, st 220 wnson street. $5500. Terms. '..-- New unfinished 'houss with corner let. Price for Quick ssle. $675.00. . I ,' 8 room completely modern home with' lot 100X100 oa creek. $7350. 5 room completely modern bunralaw. two years old, st 1025 N. Cspital street. Price $6200: 83200 down. We write fire insnrsnce. W. H. Grsbenhorst A Co, Realtor f 275 8tt street, U S. Bsnk bldg. ' 'Ground floor PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY TU", wording "Booms to Rent," price 10 cento eacb. " Statesmaa Baaiaes Of fiee. Ground Floor. ' - 5 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, PARTLY loraisned, lot 50x165. on Leslie street. 1 block from esrline, 2 blocks from school. This is a bsrgsia. at $8500, good terms. - . Anderson & Rupert 407 -Oregon bldg. NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH modern feature for $3000; will take Ford as part payment. - 8 room modern bungalow on 24th street. iurnsce, m replace, ea attractive home for $3800. T Beautiful home on State etreet. lot lOO $5250"' 'I-rf k"r"B '' trees, - Winnie Pettyjohn ' . - .Realtor 'h'i -111 Oregon bldg. . -. - NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW ON NORTH j.ow street, modera except farnsce, hss fireplace, basement, e emen( walks. . Price . $3000; cssh $500 baUace monthly. Y Anderson & Rupert 1 ' 407 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW Avn up-to-date 5 room - bungalow. Easy terms. For information phono $41. after 6;0Q.- 454-M. J REAL ESTATEFARMS i - . " ' . TRADEr EQUITY IN 4T ACRE RANCH near Aioany tor small house or lots ia Sslem. $4000. -Beck -A -Hendricks, 205 ,U.. 8. Bsak bldg. . 8NAP CLOSE IN ACREAGE AND TIM- oer,- -i-acres oa "psvement, - enough -timber to psy for land. See thia bo- it Is too late. Beck A Hendricks, , 205 U. 8. Beak bldg. . FOR SALE 80 ACRES, 12 CLEARED, lamuy orcasra, 1200 to 1500 cords wood timber, nearly fenced, Urge bona and barn, fin spring piped to 1 out range, g mile from Mill City' Isrge milL Will consider Ford touring sedan or truck, late mo del, $1350.00. . Less for cssh; priced igsll. A. H. Crawford. Lvon. Ore. STORAGE -SCALES :J ; ATTENTION FARMERS AND FRUIT Dnyere: we have storage for graia, pe tatoea. onions, ha, -straw .1... ,. - - of merchandise up te 600 tons, on Sonth era Pacifie track. LUensed " warehouse eertifiestes will be msued : .. ou.vuu pound scale for public weigh ing: lerreat trucks we4har r!nmar. eisl Cidsr Works, -phone 804. 1010 1 fiortb Commerrtsl St.. Salem. Adv. TO RENT OR BUY WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD war aad furniture. Best pries paid ' THB CAPITAL HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Cemmereisl St. Pbamo 947 TRANSFER HAULING j TfAjrUXB-EATJLLn, MOVING AND . STORAGE REASONA 75 North Commercial. ble figure, phoae 588., CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO $28 state 8L Phone 989. Distribatiag. for warding sad storage oar specialty. Get ar rates . WB MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- hold good. Oar specialty ia plsno and faraltar moving. W la mak ou try trips. W hsadls th bstt seal and wood. Call en us for price. W giro good measure, good auallt aad coed sereie. Larmer Tranafer Co. Pan, sa ; USED CARS FOR SALE 1921 HUPMOBILE UWITH A NEW gusrsnte. $775, on easy terms. O. Gingrich Motor Co, 871 Court St. DODGE -f. USED CARS s '.ARE GOOD USED CARS ' 4 BONESTEELE ' MOTOR CO. ' 1923 FORD COUiPE EVERYTHING ON It but the front gets, only used a Short time. $550.00. O. B. Ginerich Motor Co., 371 Court street. 1928 SUPERIOR MODEL CHEVROLET This car has bad exceptional - care, only been driven $700 miles, nas 5 almost new tires, bumper, dssb 1 vt, tnotortaeter and bar cap, etc 1525.- pmi, i t 1- 1 1 - V ( t 1 1 ; i '