The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 15, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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    I -
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AvrM -for serea month ndinr Jul'
l, r IMS: - - r
Vi , THE;CflTT OF,
, and (iMwkcrt in
"HTKn fld' Polk Counties
r . ' Nearly rvm-TfeKty YeJ "
! Jbe, Oregon Statcsmctrl
. 8nUyt only
Dill? airtf Sunday
price five cm :
? V9 V! -: i si r-s .' :
1 ?
; r
v -
i r
. ,1;
i '
.i -
r - rt . .vf's .. v . .
Bout nds 57 , Seconds After ; Start of Second
I i RouridChallenger Floored -jGiye Times- in
' First Champion Sent Through the Ropes
- Climh? tlsidk Groggy. 1 - " ; .
" RINGSIDeJ Polo Grounds, New York, Sept. 14.(By
Associated Press.) Jack Dempsey tonight retained - his
world's heavyweight title, knocking out X.uis Angel Firpo, the
"Wild Bull of the Pampas", in the second round of one of the
fiercest, fastest and most spectacular battles in the history
of pugilism, r -i - fj, ; ,;;' ?
- The champion , floored his Argentine challenger fiye
times in the; first round and twice in the second round before
a short right uppercut to the jaw sent Firpo down for the last
time. But in the three minutes and 57 second of whirlwind,
-terrific mauling, Dempsey himself? once was knocked clear
through the ropes on top of the press benches and groggy
under a bombardment of mighty rights.
Before Firpo went hurtling down to defeat, carrying with
him the shattered hopes of a continent, he gave a vast, fren
zied throng of 85,000, one" of the most thrilling and, courage
ous ring exhibitions of all time. Battered, bloody and groggy,
he "showed hfs marvelous stamina by coming back with a
whirlwind crushing drive toward the close of the first round
that had the title holder tottering, closer to .losing his crown
than at Any time in his career. I" r -V-f: -. .-
Pirpo" fought the best fight of
his ' ckreer. e challenger's
inlghty right was nerer mighteler.
. Against the relentless power and
versatility of the champion's farl.
oua attack he went, dpwn, but in
defeat he, gained more glory than
'Jn any battW of his career. ;?He
was beaten but his" menace to th
. heavy weight - throne wase not re
: moved. " " ' '
From tlie tap of the first gong,
these two giants tore at each
other with attacks of unrestrained
savagery Firpo was the first to
land as they came to close quar
ters but 1 in a flash, the champion
plunged, shot In a right to the
bqdy and , left to the Jaw, send-
Ing the challenger crashing to the
floor on Ms side. V .
r: " Down .Twice
"Momentarily 'ased'. but' with
eyes ablaie, Firpo rose to his feet
after a short count and rushed
back. ; Again he was : met by 'a
withering drjve and went down
for 'the" second and third, times;
Blood flowed from his mouth, he
waa stunned and' Dempsey let
loose the most terrific power of
his swings as he sensed victory.
Firpoj went down twice more and
both time it seemed the end had
comeBut after a count pt nine
on hla fifth knockdown, theshal
lenger suddenly sprang at his ad
versary like a wounded tiger, an
Infuriated Jungle beast.
Swinging with flall-llke rapidity
and sledgehammer power" the
"famous right thrust that had
brushed aside all opposition be
fore and swept him to fame, the
Argentine rushed at his adver
sary. Caught "unaware by this
atunnlng comeback on the part of
the man be had believed .beaten
Into submission, Dempsey reeled
under the assault. A right to the
side of the head sent Dempsey to
his knees and as he arose another
swing knocked him from his feet
and through the ropes 6n'iop of
the newspaper men huddled, at
the edge of the ring. ; .
Champion '?
Dempsey's knees wavered as he
climbed back in: He clinched to
save himself. Firpo couldn't fol
low up his advantage and the bell
ended a round that will go down
as one of the most sensational of
all fighting history came to an
end with both gladiators on their
feet. .' : t
Unleashed for the second round,
they leaped at each other "once
inore. Dempsey again was the
quicker on the attack and FirpO
went down under the crushing
blows of the champion. He arose
only to go down once more. Now
there was no doubt of the out
come. The challenger, bleeding
and tottering, forced himself to
his feetj.caryiirff on largely by In
stinct. Dempsey stepped In.
whipped his. left to the body and
then a short right to the chin
that sent Firpo 'sprawling on his
back, staring vacantly at the glare
(Continued on page S I
- '
OREGON- Fair Saturday,
moderate northwesterly winds.
;. '(Friday) T ;
Maximum. temperature 77.
Minimum, temperature
.Rainfall; cone..
River, -i 1.5.
, Atmosphere, clear.
' "Wind,. west. ,
.,if .
Indian Party. Is Taken In By
Officer After Smash
! UpOn Street
If Charles Wachene, Grande
Ronde Indian, had been driving
an automobile instead of a team
of horses he would be in the jail
tinder; a charze of driving while
Intoxicated Instead of that-of te-4
lag drunk. !
Chariev.was out for a joy ride
yesterday afternoon, with his mo
ther, an Indian companion ana
Mrs. Nettie Jackson. The Dalles,
also an Indian. .Too much extract
was consumed by all '. concerned
and the team ran away, wrecking
the wagon and sending Mrs. Jack
son to the Deaconess hospital, suf
fering i from bruises and a very
bad "hang-over". Ier condition
is not serious. '
Charley's mother, a little steady
noon her feet perhaps, sought to
convince Chief of Police Birtchet
that she was not only an Ameri
ican, but one of the first Ameri
cans. iThe chief, in oraer to nu-
mor her. agreed, and finally sent
her back to the hppyard with her
grandsons, to sober up. .
Officer Edwards was sent to the
scene of the accident, and brought
back to the police'statlon two bot
tles off extract that-had survived
and a big butcher knife that
Charley had drawn when the of
ficer attempted to place him un
der arrest. Charley will probably
be called upon to tell the judge all
about it today. 5
Little Interest; Shown
l In; Income Tax Election
Registration for the special elec
tion in i November on the income
tax will close October 6, accord
ing to U- O. Borer, county clerk.
All Dersons not now registered and
who have lived in the state lor
six months must register if they
desire to .vote. Mr. Boyer says.
Others iwho must register are
those who have not voted for two
years, which cancels their regis
tration:' women who have married
since the last , election and those
who; have changed their residence
and are now living in other pre
cincts. I Registration has not been
heavy. Mr. Boyer says, because of
the lack of interest In the election
Flaamkri in Twelfth Is
Asked By Mayor Giesy
Mayor John B. Glesy of Salem
vesterdav . aDneared before the
public service commission and
anted ' that ' the commission re-
aulre the Southern Pacific coin
nanv to use a flagman at its
crossing on South Twelfth street.
near the depot. The crossing is
over switching tracks, and in a
recent acident there the' Salem
police automobile was demolished.
14.- Morris Lynch, a rancher lin
ing In the foothills southeast of
Walla Wa11a f bled to death yes
terday as a result ol a cui on
- I . . . ...... :
Governor Says He Will Put
Them tn Jajn and Keep
Them There' X if They
Interfere '
Martial i Law Extended to
Other Sections of State
i By . Governor
:" ' ' ' '
' i (
14. Members of ' the state legis
lature" will be put in jail 'and
kept there" if they attempt to
meet in "extraordinary session to
interfere with his war on flog
gings. Governor J. C. Walton de
clared tonight. i j
"I don't intend to stand for any
such thing," the governor said. :
14. With extension . of martial
law to new sections of Oklahoma
in prospect and a military censor
ship 'of. the 'press threatened by
Governor J. C. Walton, two steps
were under way tonight In an at
tempt to curb, the powers., being
assumed by. the executive.;
, Injunction Sought
Following the posting of a cen
sor todays In, the offices of the
Tulsa Tribune, Richard Lloyd
Jones, eflitor of the newspaper,
announced he would seek an in
junction in federal court in de
fense of the freedom of the press.
The second step took the form
of a movement to bring the legis
lature into extraordinary session
without a call from the governor
to. consider the acts of the execu
tive. f V '
Authorities Differ '
Authorities, differ 'on 'the right
of the state's law-making body to
take such.: action, no procedure
having been perfected by statute
for such a course, although it Is
said the matter is not prohibited
by the state constitution.
In an Interview at Tishoming
today, William K, Murray, chair
man ot the constitutional conven
tion' of 1907, declared the right
to assemble on Its own violation
was aft Inherent power belonging
to the legislature.
Question of Employer and
Fmnlnvfi Handled Bv Su
preme Court Justice
Pair treatment upon the parts
nf Koth pmnlover and employe is
demanded today. Justice John Mc-
Conrt told members of the wons
club at their noon-day luncheon
at the Marion hotel Friday. Juage
McCourt took 'the general consti
tutinn nf th club, promotion of
the welfare of its members and
of the community, as his topic.
MinA-tenths of the people ot
the country give public service, he
said, and few have actual contact
with ithF state or national gov
ernment. Duty and thoroughness
are the fundamentals In the dis
charge of i public service, . the
speaker continuea. it is tne amy
of. each one to 'do the best of his
or her ability that task ; which
falls to the individual' lot.
McCourt prefaced his
talk with an outline'of how. trade
and 'barter had developed, show
ing bow the middleman was cre
ated and how the great transpor
tation systems were a. natural se
quence. . . .: !., i .
Leon Jennison sang two selec
tions. , y
Maw Will Not Be Used
to Enforce Prohibition
'. WASHINGTON. Sept. 1.
it wan stated officially : at the
whit TTonsa todar that President
Coolidge. has no Intention at this
time of asking autnonry irom.con
gress to. use armed forces of , the
nation in enforcing prohibition.
. The executive does not believe
it! would-be, wise to use tile army
and th navr in such police work
He as conceivable that
a tlniA mieht come when it wouia
h desirable to use naval craft to
prevent smuggling but such use of
war vessels should be resoriea w
"Did PIrt ' fe
Out or GoQd2?t l9 ,QBe ,
Question Oyer Telephone -
: . . ' p
The reporterwho sat for' hours
before a telephone to answer in
quiries concerning the Dempsey
Firpo fight will comb the city to
day In "an effort to find: a Salem
woman whom he wishes to -award
the cast-iron cucumber. I ;
"Who won the prixe 'fight to
day T" queriesa sweet feminine
voice." ' " " . " : "'. '"- V . ' "' ' .
"Dempsey knocked out Firpo in
the second round," barks he. re
porter. ; . -
"Well haven't you the report of
the third round yet?" murmurs
the feminine' sport enthusiast.
And that isn't all. During the
first hour there were 69 Calls ask
ing who won the fight, 16 of which
were made by-women as nearly as
the reporter can judge voices. The
woman who wins second prize cap
tured her . award ' by the query,
"Was he knocked out. for good?"
Predominantly, . the exclamation
from the women was "Oh!; for
goodness sakes" 12 : women
making that reply by actual count.
Some of the ' replies made by
the men could hardly be quoted
here. .The majority of them show
ed Dempsey sympathy. ' For the
first three hours queries averaged
more than one a minute.
United Brethren Conference
' Speaker. Deplores Condi
tion in America-
The second dav of the Oregon
conference of the .United Breth
ren In. Christ opened Friday mor
ning with Bisnop .William H.
Washinger presiding. ! 'AU meet
ings are being held at Castla
Chanel.' ' SpvpntPf-nth and ' fehras-
ka streets. Spiritual prayer and
testimony service was held. ;
"A Runaway Preacher" was the
theme of a stirring address by
Bishop Washinger, basing his
talk uoon Jonah It 1. 3. ' In in
troduction he said that the United
Brethren church stood for and al
ways has stood for the . Bible as
the Word of God.' Every man has
in ; his experience a likeness to
Jonah, though many are not so
fortunate, he said.
God's call to Jonah was per
sonal, and He was in it, the Bish
op averred. He 'was not like
some men who are not Interested.
nor in on the program of right to
day. There is no escape from' the
call of God. and sooner or later
each must answer it, Bishop
Washinger said in closing. Tne
address will be continued today..
Declaring that as many di
vorces are granted in a day in
the United States as are granted
In a whole year in England. Dr.
J. E. Shannon, Dayton; Ohio,
gave some startling facts in his
report of the "Christian Home"
"Friday afternoon. In 1901 In
this country there were - 61,689
homes wrecked by divorce, , he
said, and 1? years later the num
ber had Increased i to 13 Z.J 5 3
through the same cause. Chicago
alone, he said, had twice as many
divorce cases as the .whole " of
England. ;
The old-fashioned Puritan home
was held to be the best safeguard
of the nation by the speaker. As
these decrease," crime , waves win
increase, be said. ' -I He declared
"that in an examination of the boys
of the late war that two out of
everr three boasted that they din
not even attend church. Among
the older persons' who are found
in the churches, about nine oiit
of ten have some form of "relif
ious worship in their homes, Dut
among the younger generation.
about one in ten have this pryu
e. h said. .' y
That 141,000 had been obtain
ed in a campaign 'for $100,0 Of
for - a benevolent home ' for .old
Deonle of the church.i was -reported
by Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Moon, su
perintendents of the Baker Home
for aged ministers and their iam
ilies at Puento. Cal.
A teleeram to Bishop Washing
or rorh Davton. Ohld. telling that
all the missionaries of the church
In Tokio were safe, bat that near
ly all the property had been de
stroyed, was read. l-- V
El B. Ward . arrived yesterday
afternoon to join his wife.- Both
Mr. and Mrs. Ward recently ; re
turned -from China where 'they
have been engaged In; missionary
work, and brought greetings fom
the Women's Missionary associa-
Hon: ' , ' ;. ". -s" ' i I
nr. J. E. Shannon.' sreneral sec
retary of education for; the de
nomination. ' Dayton, will - speaa
this evening. He delivered a talk
before the congregation last night.
by n
lift 10 RUHR :
Former Chancellor Arrives ir
j New York on Business
Connected With Hamburg
American Line
Dr. Cuno Once. Refused Po
' sition of Ambassador to
H: United States
. NEW YORK, Sept. 14.-Dr.
Carl Joseph' Wilhelm Cuno, for
mer chancellor of Germany and
president of the council of the
HamburgiAmerican line, arrived
today on the . Reliance for a visit
of, several weeks In this country
as a private citizen and a business
, . I ... . . t , :
man. . - ,. -V ;
Denyine that he was here In
the interest, of -a proposed 5,-
000.000,000 lnter-allied loan to
Germany or. to .arrange extension
of the Hamburg-American and W.
Aw Harriman shipping combine.
Dr-Cuno . declared the sole pur
Dose of his trier was to renew per
sonal and business relations with
his American.; friends. He Jad
no connection wun pouues, us
said, which he definitely, left be
hind when he resigned . the office
of chancellor. Due to ' the fact
that the conditions had changed
since he left Germany., Dr. Cuno
would, not discuss recent develop
ments in France and . iGermany
looking to a settlement o the
Ruhr question. ,, -Fundamentally,
be said, , this . was an economic and
financial nroblem. As a business
man he thought it, impossible "f
settlemenVi if looked at "purely
from the political viewpoint.. .
, f .Gennpnjf to ray
"The Germans realize that Ger
many lost the war," he said in a
formal statement, "and that uer
manT therefore . must nay for the
war. Germany is willing to pay
to the limit oLher capacity. X."?
lns the Ruhr, districts, the indus
trial heart of Germany, Js at a
sUndstlll, and until the Ruhr, con
flict has been, settled, no one con
estimate - -Germany's capacity to
pay." '.
- Although his three proposals
for a settlement ot the Rhur diffi
culty were declined. Dr. Cuno said
that they had not beenwitnarawn
and the German people' stand by
theih today. He said. too. tnat
he heldto his original estimate or
30.000,000 gold marks as a set
tlement. ' - - T v
before he became chancellor.
Dr, Cuno said, he refused tfcs of
fer of the ambassadorship to the
United States, and added that he
would refuse the post If It ware
Offered to him now. ,
South Commercial'. Street
Blocked in front or
; Statesman Office
Many hundreds ot people, by far
the largest crowd that ever gath
ered in Salem o listen to the re
turns on any sporting event, and
many times bigger tan gathered
at any other place In the city, was
the crowd that assembled In front
of the Statesman offfce yesterday
evening to get the results .of the
pempsey-Tirpo battle for - the
tforld heavyweight championship.
The crowd blocked the street,
including the sidewalks on both
sides, leaving only a narrow ave
nue along the , trolley , line which
the police kept clear for the street
cars to pass through.. m
The Statesman was the first In
the city to thrill the. fans with an
nouncement of the knockdowns
and to announce Dempsey the
Albany Editor Appointed
Un State Rarole Board
Governor' Pierce . ye sterday ap
pointed W. Li. Jackson, editor of
the Albany Democrat.' as a - mem
ber of the state parole board. He
takes the nlace vacated by Bert N.
Haney. " who I resigned when ap
nointed a . member of the United
States shipping, board. The parole
board will meet tomorrow.
ij XUX AA a
: ' ADrvlIT SAL' 13 jp
Member of First Methodist Episcopal Church
i ! Elected Representative Mrs. Hughes! Will
Also Go To National Conventipn-Next
Year's Meeting Place Chosen. I
PriPTT AND nro Rsnt
conference of the Methodist
. m a 1
its ueaaiocK toaay oy tne election 01 mree 10 compieie i.a
i . dplpoat.inn to the coming
DR. B. lu STEI-T-
79 votes; O. C. Bortzmeyer , of Portland; with!: 72 LdM Dr.
Ce. W. Gregg of Ashland with 63.:- ...'.' . .. X. ' :
Ton ' vniiTic mpn were , admitted . on trial . in the Oresron
conference and passed to the study of first year work. .They
were: Forrest Wax of Willamette university; Clarence E.
Oliver of Portland; George Smith Brown of Portland ;rC. O.
Jennings of North Berid ; Leslie B. Bailey of Salem; Willard;
V. Hutchinson of Wilderyille; Horace Kaye 6f Tine Groye,
0rhr o lJoiifonnTit. in thp "Rritish1 ftrntv! ifl EfiTVOt:" Paul
Buckley, formerly of Calcutta,
son ox Salem and binlurosa reauia oi uier gya
t-U 1 1 ' 1 " I I- . 111 . 1
niiussEiiNi iwpy
Italian Premier Tells Council
of Ministers of Italy's
-., Victory
ROME, Sept. 14. -(By the As
sociated Press) Premier Musso
lini today addressed the council
of ministers,' summarizing "all
phases of the Greco-Italian con
flict and the successful results he
had obtained in the diplomatic
battle ;at Geneva and Paris.'
The council ol ministers unani
mously approved the decisions
which had been made by Premier
Mussolini throughout the course
of the crisis.
The semi-official reports reach
ing here on the action of the coun
cil of ambassadors at Paris empha
size the success obtained by Italy.
They state that Greece hatl asked
for an immediate evacuation of
Corfu, which the council of am
bassadors refused. "
Investigation of . Destroyer
Catastrophe Will Open
SAN DIEGO, Sept. 14. Com
manders of 15 naval destroyers
which were enroute from San
Francisco to San Diego last. Sat
urday night when seven of their
number ' crashed to destruction
upon , the rocks at Point Honda,
tonight were i preparing separate
reports of the catastrophe to be
presented to the naval court of
inquiry scheduled to resume its
sessions here next Monday.
Members of the naval, court
headed by Read Admiral W. W.
Pratt were also active in prepara
tion for the hearing, particularly
Lieutenant' Commander Leslie
Bratton, judge advocate, whose
duty It will be to present evi
dence tending to fix responsibility
for the disaf ter and U cros ques
tion officers and men involved.
Actual presentaton of evidence,
however, r will not begin ; until
Monday. t . . -.
NEW YORK, Sept. 1 4. Two
vomen and two children were
asphyxiated by", smalt e and . six
teen families were rescued In .an
east" side :: five - story ' tenement
fire today.
. .j . ' y '"
A ni a a
14 iAftp.r the OreCTOli State
Episcopal cjuirch had broken
m A 1 A. - - t A. . fX,
general conference of the
denomination, the; lay-
mn's' conference also
'elected its conference del
s elates. Vi ? Vt . : !
I Those" chosen were : Dr,
r VV. D. Pollard of Spring
field, with 2, votes; Roy
CQX.of pregonCjity with
78; Mrsl " fattnew J : S.
Hughes of Portland' with
74 and tL L. Steeves of Sa
Ipm with-G9. The total
number of ballots, 'was
108. ' ' ! ' -.?
' ' Alternate delegates also
were chosen on a second
ballot; those selected being
I f) ' lifhsnn ' nf Rpnrt With
now of Salem; Lloyd, .Thprap-
Senator McNary Presides at
Hearing neld in bpo
'. . kane Friday
SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. .14.
Declaring that under present con
ditions it was out of the question
for private operators to undertake
a program of reforestation,' active
lumbermen, forestry officials ,and
college experts', wltnesges before
the' senatorial , itivestlgatlng com
mittee in a hearing here today rec
ommndd fdral rforstation of cut
bvr lands.
' It was proposd that the federal
government take over the cut-over
lands' not suitable for agriculture
and through the forest service,
take upon itself the problem of re-
orestation. United States Senator
C.'L. McNary of Oregon, presided
over the hearing. -.
Forced to Decline,' Foreign
; Secretary Says, Because
V l of -England I '
MEXICO CITY. Sept. 14. (By
the Asociated Press). Mexico
has declined an invitation 'from
the Latin-American delegates to
the league of nations to become
a member jpf the league..
Replying to a message sent by
all the Latin-American represent
atives guaranteeing Mexico's ad
mission; should she aplpy. Foreign
Secretary ;Pani declared that
Mexico was forced to decline be
cause diplomatic relations wlth
Great I Britain had not been re
sumed and Great Britain had a
delegate in the league council.
President Suggests That
Possible unfair Practices
. 1 1 . . i '.
President Coolidge today suggest
ed that the federal trade commis
sion investigate possible unfair
practices in the coal trade whlcn
tend to Increase prices. . :
Coal often passes through a
number of hands before reaching
the consumer and the president
takes the view that some of these
AnnifoatA handlings could be elim
inated as unnecessary. ;
J 11 ll. U U L
State's Delegation to ;
' publican nations! Cc .
' tion Increased Dy Tv. :
Idaho end lz,',:c
Also Get r.'crb
tentative apportionment of t.
gates to the 1924 Republics
tional, convention,' conform!;.; ?
Re order of the national cc
tee isued in 1920 and deslr.- :
equalise Republican voters' r
fesentatlon, was 'inade'.pulir? '
night, at committee ;headq:-r
It " provides -for , 1,036 -de!.-and
alternates as compared t ;
four .years ago .with, several r
tlona ordered In some . c t
"solid south" states and iscr
in,, most ;ot northern and wt
sections. . ,cn r ,
-V South Loses
.Changes "in'apportlonriprjt '
directed 'following years cf c :
clsm i of Jarge, delegations
southern states normally d ' ; - :
tic. No delegates will be el
under "tiie'riew rule, from cc.
sional 'districts which
maintain , a-Republican or; '
tion and do not cast at . leRrt 21
R'epublicah''..lotes ", .Thla ttr:
manjr southern,.4IstrIc5 . c'
of '"representation, reucir .
Catoysa'a fetrehetai lircm c?
to four, Mississippi's from tv
to foor, LouUiana'a from t
to nine and Georsii's frc i :
teea to nihe.' "Theinori-a
tion, however, 13 Increase 1 :
eight to ten Tennessee's i
twenty to 26 and Virginia's
16 to 18. '
-' Delesatioiu Given
Four delegates at large ar '
lowed each state and two r
tional ' delegates at - larga i
called for on each represent:.;,
at large. -
..Poll records from several soul
era states have been difficult t
obtain, according to nat! :
committee leaders, and later i
formation may slightly chan- 3 1
tntative apportionment.
. Delegations allowed each i! '
and territory, compared . :.
920, Include:
. State , 1924 1SI
Idaho 10 f
Oregon jL 12 I
Washington ........ 16 1'
LEeip;ifs:iED m
1 tie sir
Washington Convention !
dressed By Member of
State-Federation '
OLYMPIA, Wash.. Sept. 14.
Urging cooperation between or,ri
nized labor and the American Le
gion, William Short, president c
the Washington state federal! -of
labor, in an address to del -gates
to the state legion com .
tion today, "declared that later t
no time would ask the lesioa t
take sides la an Industrial c" -pute.
Reports of the military affak
and naval affairs committees.wer
made to the convention today t "
decision on Important quest!:
was left until tomorrow, lnclu
Ing the constitutional amend r- c
to make the office of adjutn
appointive. ' ' L
' A standing army of 15.000 c.'
ficers and 150,000 enlisted r.v
and opposition to any further i -ductlons
In ' the armed forces
the United States were the C
points in the military affairs c
ventlon committee's report vL
waa adopted . A report from t
standing military affairs com:
tee in regard to the status of c
fleers and former officers cf l
national guard was submltte J !
a 'minority report favor L t
change In the law to lnclu-a I
eral service , In the f .'.
rights of guard officers "ft3 r
stituted alter a warm dl::
' The naval affairs report, v
was adopted, pointed on t tl t
I duced appropriations ha J L :
ed operation cf tS5 fi.
the foot. "." r
with a great deal ot hesiuuoa.
' ' .. -" ' ' : N ...