The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 14, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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Ararmr for months cndlnc July
. SI, 1823'; r. .' ...I :.; ' -
Svadaya oly '
Daily ahdar
mmi mmm
SEVEKTY-TIHRD YEAR I t ; ?,Q ,, ' : ; jSALEMi OREKt rIDAYIQJIO SEPTEMBER ci4, 1923 1 ft " tfl : . i j I !PRIcn FUT! CT.::,
a - .- J 7 ' " , , , ..,. ...... - J . ... , u , Jlt v .. . j. i .., i . ,,.11.1,11. ,
nnnrrf nrn ftr l r-r: m lnnnii
buidrinni bL i.iirtonH lira
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.1 2
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Italians ViII Evacuate COrfU
Seotember 27 Jf Greece! preliminaries and all the
Does Mot Do All in Power
to Punish Assassins
Money to "Be Forfeited
PARIS; Spt. 13. (By the As
sociated Press) The . danger to
the peace of Europe from Italian
occupation of Corfu ended tonight
when after another difficult session
the ambassadors' J council came to
a foil agreement. Italy consented i
to eracuate Corfu berqre -the end
of September. It is understood
they are to leare the island by
September 27. , S
It ia also understood the conn
cil agreed that if on the date of
evacuation the lnter-allled com-
inisBion of Inquiry ; reports : that
Greece has not done all possible
to discover and punish' the assas-
slns of the Italian members of the
Graeco-Albaniatf boundary mis -
Biun. me uity-miiaon iire aeposii
e y ureeK government snail
1: -Khi.i. iiA-Tt . Us
r. i .. j
. ' TTn j a1mn ilia lii.f: AmK
i the Itiltans insisted thatpe pow
,ers ought to take Premier Mnsso-
uni a word as to the , eyacnaUon
. :rr.."r,;;r-:.
l ures had been carried out.
I m.- .
ti,. ni.k .k....jn.
1UU luruutUOUt Itte wgna gugai IP
; be assuredly a definite krrange -
i ment that would f put an 'd tq the
? t.iv ,. T.t intn i mj,i.
i Ja Corfa Indefinitely. 1 He: asked
5 tlrnl' ilia THn unrmls Hvm. .
flrul ilola irhlol. wnnM K .,,1.
enough to set all speculation as to
Italy's intentions at rest.
' Assurance- Giveta
The allies assured the Italian
ambassador that the greatest dili
gence would be exercised; in pur-
Buihg the InqTiiry into tno assassi
nation of General Tellini and the
other members : of : the I Italian
boundary commission and plead
- ed with him to urge Rome to ac
cept the desire of Great Britain
and fix a nreeiaa data for - the
evacuation of Greek territory so
as to relievo the world pi anxiety.
' The J afternoon session was post
. poned until six o'clock: and then
again to 6:S0 o'clock, Jn order to
give time for the ambassadors to
, communicate with . their govern -
4 wo more nonn were occuptea
an i agreement but eventually i it
was announced with an air of
great relief that Italy had agreed
. to evacuate. - .
Jlembers to Ijeave
. ... . . . - ; . .
au oniciai commnniqne issaea
vsot mtr,ayAa ..M- 1
"ThA ambassadors nnncil has
adopted a solution which it "con-1 . aoeu 8QO wre nrea to
eiders such as will put an end to n,&ht at two xlsllInf boaU which
the situation created bv tho as-
Bassination of the Italian deleza-
-tioo. The solution will b Imme.
. "
: dlately transmitted to Athens and
Alui enmmiinlr-afpil thA ; Innr-iiA
. . ... . . ...
council ana wni oe maae puouc
Inirinrrnv at. noon"
Z ' .v- fi
; i --., .v..!- L ...
row 10 isie up tucir wura. wun
instructions o Dursue their in-1
vestlgationa with the x greatest
i .
inriTri t . i
. . - .. . . .-. 1
v.k -" ' i
ture of the assembly of the league
;of nations meeting today was
meetlnr today was the
.ki. n ' ii,. nfinni : imtriMn i
relief organizations paid by M.
kiswuiv tv uo , . .v.
PoUtis. chief of the Creek dele-
rouiw, cmei, iob ur-
OREGON Friday fair.
,. (Thursday),
Temperature, max. 76.
Temperature, min. 52.
Rainfall, none. '
River, 1.9.
Atmosphere, cloudy.
Wind, west.
People of Salem and the Willamette valley: 1
You. are all invitdd to the Statesman's Drizefiirht nartv
(his evening. At the Polo
evening, Luis Angel Firpo
Wild Bull of the Pampas,"
Dempsey the heavyweight championship of the world.
f Th ficrht will hpcrin flt flhnilt R nV1vlr Rnlftm fimo Vnf
the! Statesman wire will open
l11 a.u
The be given
as can be had in the largest cities. Blow by blow, jolt by
jolt, as 4:he fight goes, it will flash over the wires of. the
Associated Press to the Statesman office, and as fast as
received will be announced by megaphone.
HUilllll.iilUII OCItaiul oayoiln six or Seren -rounds
till .11. f A
ne nopes txxra oenaie
Session Called
SPOKANE, Sept 13. A sug-
tton that tronbleons political
1 times are ahead and a plea for
- 1 special session or tne senate to
lt- rnlea waa Voiced bv Sen-
Lt01 in ' newspaper interview here
i . .
I tOdlT
- -On thing I should like to see
President Coolidge do Is to call
I tta .Ana;,A . .r.f Aa.inn .
least a month before the regular
. meeting of the congress for the
.nm. a .tnj ii. mi.. h
I niirnnu nt .imivirir it rule wtth
I theiw of aimpilfying them to
-hh . w :
I uinuns umiu,
hW.' f'Especially with the
J drlmaltlng It possible for the ma-
1 wihr ,ftor .mniA iituiiinii anrf
I consideration to bring a measure
11a . mla TlnHor nreaAnt rnlM
htirmlii4 mlnnrll Mil nIlt
I almost Indefinitely a final vote on
a measure.
1 f
I Guards Ordered to SflOQt to
Kill Any Who Approach
1 SANTA' BARBARA. Cal., Sept.
113. Sea vandals have appeared at
Ronda where the hulkg oi
are being
beaten to pieces by the iwaves,
I following the catastrophe of la it
I Saturday night. A naval detail
stationed ther1 has been armed
with rifles with Instruction- T to
I riT-a n vin h - k
rri.,z?' , " 2
I RflJ I UttlU6ntlXlc:Q - OOaiS Dear lUei
i ",cl-4' :
. . -
nompteo, 10 sena ooaramg par-
"e nuias. accoramg to
If A..t ..f ,
"BUU U naTai -WUCW-,B
, .v ' j...,, .;-..-
bortrappeaVed onVof tlTtoi id
I Vera hdi tn alnncila tti ,.-.
Were hove to alonriiidA thm itrani.
i . " . , , T IV . .
I cvi 'OD""' reuuui l
when he gave orders to fire. None
of the shot were effective and
I the unidentified craft made awa v.
... M . f
aeajsam coat, tne property
""J ""5!
xxj aa 1 1 ii hi. ii iTi MKi n v i rnTn inn ri it
..- " , r.J7
of that vessel, and other staall
but valuable equipment is said
to have been stolen before the
guard waa armed.
Two more bodies were recov'er-
fin uioiv linn van lipnt irmt
t.t bordoa J 0,.htaar 7,t
, "itini. ail vriA noma miRitinn wur&
QnT, y tV- mJ
. .. . ..
Uea7ch of h hnik 7 tha "inm-.
DMn laeniiriori rnmznt - trnrtnor i
t 1" , J .7It;.t .
faIted locate any addiuona.1 1
bodies, and no more efforts will
be made in that direction. It Is
. theory at Point Honda that
all bodies of victims not recovered
are afloat In the sea and eventu
al' will be washed, ashore.
WASHINGTON. , Sept. 13.
Subscriptions to the Red Cross
Japanese relief fund today reach
ed a total of $6,185,387, more
than half of which has been ex
pended or allotted . for expendi
ture in supplying needed aid to
the stricken are.
groiuida in New York City this
of Buenos Aires, known as "The
will attempt to wrest from .Jack
at o'clock to gather in the
interesting sidelights. BE ON
by the Statesman Will be as good
Most of the fans thinkDemp-
6ev la eoinsr to win bv s knock.
out but who knnw.r Th.
be a surprise. Here Is what some
more of the boys are saying
Dempsey fight at Shelby. He will
beat Flrpo.
FAUIi BUHRIS According to
I .
p. d. qtjisenberryi think
I Dempsey will get him In eight
f rounds. v i
betting-1 would bet on Dempsey.
FRANK SEVER, deputy state
treasurer Dempsey is a i better
a tnan pjrpo and just a8 hard
i a slugger r there yon are.
. wl.
d;0 1 woS
hit" ?L
of the supreme court I thin It
I muw uitd't i-i
supreme court I have wanted t4
eme0da ee w?0fh;3
DempBer beat him. . but I am In
I Dempsey beat him.
bont thl. boy Firpo.
i i ar rsj u m i Him iimm v w nr n
I . . . . fi
nerl--I oelleve Dempsey. - will
I wia Inside of ten rounds, but I
Si clWj '
BILL. BUSICK I have alway
"uu" """FKi ui 1 uvu I
wauw inn mui cufv tu w ill as
to the outcome. I can see It onl
one way that is Dempsey; I
don't look for it to go 15 rounds.
I have studied Firpo'a record and
can't dope it any other way.
FRED SEFTON Dempsey wl
win between; i the third and the
sixth rdunds. '
Presbyterians Listen 6 fa
port ot benerai Assem
bly Commissioners :
:'J T? ITS
controversy were heard at the
meetln of Je Willamette presby-
liery oi me x-reoujrju Vmw, -
1 Brownsville yesterday. ' . ' -:v:
. . . .. I :
Four commissioners to we Ben -
eral assembly were heard witnl
much interest as they told 01 ! the
neatea aenaies n me general s-
semoiy ai inaianapoiis. m
Mr. Bryan was me storm cenicr.
lAction waa deferred till spring on
aft ndmn; S t.S wno w9 wlh heV
the question of jurisdiction or eisIonaiy ln fOT over 20 years
1 1,110 .
a rri savs ainATan : uraria i-cvwib
I . 1 . . , ...
inent ciera! ana itev, ft. . Acnor, i
i rferv:. The lermon was
preached by Rev. E. L. Winter-lIoYt
i ... . . v. .
berger, m tne absence or rroi. a.
K. tjaswen, wno was, me rei.nuisia wa of fathers and mothers
moderator. . s v
M A lualalf Pft
i waa iriBuseu lu v-
F n. Becker as Dastor of the in-
dpoeodeBCe cnurcn. rrom ium
...... . , .b
- mZlLiZ
01 ine W1" DO "umu!Tu
we Bwue liuuuuw uu iw -
nce.w"i De,a"ea VlBf D"r.
... . .1 , 1
Doartx oi miasm. . u.jru.a
hrt )Mkcd to to conduct services I
In a number of the smaller church-j
es, for which no pastors are avail-
able. ; i
The campaign for 600,000 for
Albany couege unaer m leaaei-
shlp of the new president, Dr. I
Greene, is going well. . . I
VANCOUVER. B. C Sent. 1 3.
Abolition of -the senate of the I
Canadian parliament was demand-1
ed by the Dominion trades and la-1
bor congress in a resolution passed I
here today in its 39th annual
ventloa. -
fjo One Receives Majority
Vote As Second Delegate
.to National Conference of
Church -
Dr. J. C. Spencer. Formerly
of Salem, Highest on
Last Ballot
POUTLAND, Ore.; Sept. 13.-
A deadlock which developed today
j .
in the Oregon state conference of
the- Meth6dist Episcopal jctiurcti
over election " of delegates to thd
coming general conference of , the
church was still in evidence whed
thA mn f PivnoR" n i) 1 on rniui for Ulfl
day. v
One delegate, Dr. Clarence True
Wilson.. of the board of temper
ance. prohibition and public mor
als,. was elected on the first bal -
lot as a delegate but subsequent
balloting throughout the ; day
falled to chow a majority for any
of the other candidates voted on.
loU to be announced! showed tnatir;i?WH. i Jac nouce.
ent of the .Portland district, who
was second' on the first and leader
Jjoir of BeWi.
spencer received 50 yotes on tnei
last ballot.
Where the conference f at the
next year will be held Is begin
- 1 . ,
I ,ns ron"D8?rD. ,ne mwenwoii o
, delegates. It is
tWO Cities MedlOra and NeWDeTg
. .j. -
, the convention.
State- Executive to Appear
Before united Brethren
Conference . , ,
The conference of :the United
Brethren Church in Christ now in
session continues In interest. Blsh
address at the opening of the ses
on Hebrews 13.8. "Jesus Christ,
ever" He snok on thA shortness
of life, the soul's loneinr which is
supplied in the knowledge of
SSJf? !!'?.
Christ as his providing the atone-
men- tor toan ttsrdiLj Is hia !n.
itereessor todsv . and shall be Judee
I bi, v
i8Deakg on the RBnawaV Preach-
novornnr PinrM!ni nv
Saturday at 11 o'clock. ,
i to, .i.monii nnsiifln wli
My taken up with reports on the
i xittertint d enarfments of the
cv-eh worv Mrg. w n. Ward.
slonary In China for over 20 years
snoke or tne needs and tne nron -
iem OI retrencnmenis. ur. nan-1
v . -. - m
from Dayton, OhW; secretary
He said that 75 pe cent j
L . i
ti chUrcb and the oniv
wav to stoD the leakage is to build
around them. All the hnrh
I - .. . .
i stioHid be in the Sunday school,
-n c .Lt .
iri,ni, j kivrt, .
i ..m
' i
V - "The older people have no right
ta stow I hAcansA th 1 hnvs and i
KIri8 tfon't sUy for ehurch when
- 1
tBe oIdw people ; do not attend
hj ,
wI11 wner- the fathers a I
declared. . : : v 1 k - .
Rev.' E. J." Harflmfltr -of-Port-1
und wu chtnen reeordinr mck.
Ury and 'DH. E. E. McDonald of
Portland was relected conference
superintendent. This isliis eighth I
year In that capacity.' r I
President H. Dixon Bouehter of I
Philomath s edllege spoke oh
Christian education last 'night. The!
fcollege has recently aconlred a I
new residence' for i the" president
and Rev. and Mrs. . F.' B. Church
of Weston gave the money for al
conservatory f music. ' The col-1
con-(lege expdta a lifge fricfease in j
lenroument, .i. ,
win maite the strongest bid torbe hag feeen act,Te th. OPd '
Member of Siem Klks " toOe
Who tt annAintMk iHaMp lirf,J
i r " ' -- MntK .WrJ
iriiu4rsiiwi . rwer ;iorUregori
I f . : ;
soutn. .
- 1 - J , ' '
- sl 5 , i WrIshtnian' deputy
1"?" vse,oi,me tax coi-
r :? yesterday received
1, ' j " -
;r? "t; ue'ul ran
I luc . . nu
me i rum j. vr. .flicTiriana oi
ruler of the Elks, who conferred
JFm U , ;u 0T
Mr. Wrlghtman . js ' a chirter
member of hA PtaUm il"er Ainueemas. .w . -
i fte represented 'the' lodae fine a
f 4. ,
tan me iera di d memoeren n
Thfr district over hith h wtii
hEive jurisdiction -as district dAntiilt,aso Alba, who is believed to be
ty extends Irbm Oregon City south;
I - - -
He succeeds Frank 7ohen of
Marshfield, "
The appointment of Mr. WWght -
man is the second time this honor
has been conferred on the Salem
lodge.- The first. time was the ap-
pdintment of P. It. D'Arcy In 1916,
m use
Attorns General Rules NbLgS-'M
Emergency Exists Re-
I . WASHINGTON Sept. 13. The
I navy cannot I legally be ueed In
. ,
enforcing prohibition; Attorney
general Daugherty mled today.
In addition, he said, there la no
"onat emergency in me bhu-
... 44..
I nuu i V"6 iwi ip ciuvi;wra
of warshins to make the drv laws
I rrA.ti
Delivering to President Cool-
Mnlh fnrm.l nnlnlnn ahVokI lant
spring by the late President Hard-
in tho .itnmov riil IiaM th&t
I ih. navt mni.1 ha
enforcement agency
only bt soecial authorisation from
I only by special authorization from
I onhwa n in an mr7Anrv
which made civil processes lm
s .
JOhn Raymond BaYne DieS
tv- n9nA 7
I .V A J -J-f J-
i., ; Tv
04 "r-.
MjaB, oiea jesiwua iuuvhb
ftt "ln.eB? or f yea.ra-
naa.been m ror a long time,
Jwr. tuvne na own imvruTiug
during the last few weeks ana tne
. - . ... 1
xamiiy and mends naa nope utw
k. mnM . ,
He suffered a sinkina: apell I
Tuesday and after that time he I
sank ranldlr. Besides his par
enU he is survived by three sis-
ters. l Mrs. Florence Bayne-Buck-
waiter ' of San Francisco, , Miss
Mary Bayne, who recently went to
Marysville, Cal.,. to - teach, " and
Miss Ames Bavne. stenographer I
in the governor's office; and one
brother. Kenneth Bayne, also of I
Salem. The sistera from Califor-I
Inla are expected to arrive in
Salem late today or tomorrow.
The , funeral -will be held Sat-
nrday afternoon at 2:30 from the
Webb funeral parlor... Rev. W.f
IC Kantner will be ln charge. I
Resents Treatment Accord-
; ed it By Parliament Fcl
lowing Campaign Against
Moroccan Rebels
Contradictory Reports Pre
vaient In Madrid - For
eign Minister Disliked
Madrid; septr.13. (Cy the
Associated Press. ) Spa In Is In
the travail 6f a revolution. A
military coupe d'etat., originating
In Barcelona; baa spread rapidly
through -various districts and
provinces of the country and' has
5OU8ed th deepest concern- to
ew' cl """'"i.
At the head of the movement
Is the cantain-ffenAral nf TiarA-
lona, Prlmo Riveira. a man of
strong influence and power as-
'j sociations. . Behind aim are the
officers of the) army, who have
been chafing for many months
I uxder the Ignomiriy of the Moroc-
can campaign and with the off I
cers are the rank and file, who
ers to the end.
Kins Away
King Alfonso is believed, to be
ai , an . eaoasuon. There- are
to - K
f rid to; take p consideration of
if e "5MungT situation, wU
Afer i protracted saeetlngs of
-cabinet, a mesaC nent
to Q11"11 Promo Rrvelr request-
line him to thnidnn mmimon
for patriotic reasons., tu t .he, re-
tused.,Th;foreign minister; San-
Particularly obnoxious to the re
- - . . . . m
I voumg elements, nas resignca
from the ministry, as well the
1 minister of labor. Felix Arminau.
I Many Reports Out
" The under-secrttary of war.
General -Bermudes Castro, inform-
1 ed the correspondents this after
noon that the minister of war
had a long conservation on the
telephone with the captain gene
ral of Barcelona, who informed
the minister that he had rebelled
against' some members of the
present government. (Tiie can-
tain-general paid tribute to Pre
mier Alhucemas and. the minister
of the interior, the Duke of AT
undersecretary of war told the
newspapermen that King Alfonso
had left San Sebastian by auto
mobile for Madrid, there was an
authoritative report much later
that the king was still sojourning
there and that he would not come
I ,n th
Freewater Man Says That
He Has One Fixed Up
for Circulation
PENDLETON, Ore., Sept. 13
County Commissioner Bean today
said in response , to an inquiry
made for The Associated Press,
that he had a copy of a recall
petition to be circulated against
, ,,T .111
Governor Pierce ln Umatilla coun
Mr. Bean Is also editor of the
eewater u mes. - e tmenas w
put tne petmone into lmmeaiaie
cirtaiauan nere. m eiwi
weeks a recan nas been aguatea
. ... . . .
in amerent lecuoiw. w we w
.r.i..t th rnmraar hat this is
the first definite move so far In
this direction.
Mr. Riviness Suddenly
Loses Consciousness
SILVERTON. Ore.. Sept. 13.
(Special to The SUtesman).
M. Rlviness became seriously ill
at his home west of Sllverton
Monday 5 night. While, walking
about on the lawn he lost con
Isclousness .which he has not yet
regained. It im thought that he
suffe red a heaioiThaf f Of ; the
Battl6 of CchiindiiU Will Be Staged Ten :
Betlini? Tlici to OnVohChampica I-J
Followers Eclievfe Itlighty Ri-ht Will Ul
Cakulaticns. j
Foreign Capitals Show Interest
RIO DE JANEIRO, Sept. ; 1 3. ( By , Associated Pres. ) -terest
in the Flrpo-Dempsey fight- exceeds that- taVfin 1 1
M previous sporting event,; not evfen excluding the Deinrsey-Cr;
wr oaiue, wmcn startea amatear boxing throughout Brazil..
Sentiment here as to which will be the victor Is divide 1
the majority, pick Dempsey. The betting, which is. by no n"
heavy., favors the world's champion.
; Those who are interested in the fight are ' pVeparln's f r
all-night vigil to rercely? the returns. 'The newspapers vLl ;
lish special editions and also 'are arranging for telephone
wireless service. ., : ' - . -
PARtS, Sept IS. (By Associated Press.) The Dcr.
Firpo fight holds a; place on the first page in all the r r
newspapers, which are printing' columns of details, of tts 1
and also photographs of both the fighters.. The fight is err i
the greatest interest ever evlneed in pugilistic encounter i a
history of boxing with the exception of the Carpentier-Dempscy
tie at Jersey City., i . . .
NEW YORK, Sept. 13
modern gladiators Jack Dempsey and Luis ..
will match their5 speed, courage and punch :tOTnorrcr :
in the creatent test of their careersa "battla cf tl.z
tinents" in which that greatest prize of the rir.j, tl.j I.
weight championship of the World, will be at stake.-
The American holder of
circle for the last four years,
bronzed grim-visage d South
whelming favorite among close followers of the to
and to win decisively, but while expert analysis' of t 2 '
all point toward victory' for the champion, thci 2 . . ;
followed the meteoric rise' of Firpo, his climb freni c
to fame iii a j'ear' and a half, believe that the "nlzliiy 1
that has : thrust aside all opposition heretofore rn.;
calculations and bring .triumph to 1 the YilJ -EJ c:
pampas;:; . '' J' ';"-' "
"XA CROSSE, Vrls Sent.
13-Fiske O'llark widely
known sirurer. made a bet
here tonight- with ADerj
Reid. the bareheaded bard
of the corn belt" who has
never worn a hat. O'llara
is to eo bareheaded for a
year if Jack Dempsey does
not win in ten rounds over
Luis Anr?l Firpo. in their
f tent in JNew York tomor
row night. . Otherwise the
poet will, wear a h&jfor
one yeac
Certified Establishment In:
dorsed at Meeting of
Dealers Last Night
Establishment of a certified
public market for the purpose of
selling reconditioned automobiles
was unanimously' approved by
nearly b of Salem's automobile
dealers at a meeting at the Cham
ber of Commerce last night. '". The
.... . .. - .
market will be conducted under
the auspices of the dealers, . bat
they will have no control of the
Dealers have felt the problem of
handling trade-ins and second
hand cars for some time, and a
market has been held the solution
to the question.
The proposal - as explained by
Dan Burns, will give buyers a
square-deal and eliminate the rob
bing of men who are forced to sac
rifice their cars to Jobbers. While
the movement has been indorsed
there has been no suggestion as to
a location for the market.
Several bankers of the city
were present, short talka being
made by Joseph H. Albert, S. B.
Elliott and George F. Rodgers. -
Iowa Women Arrive at
Silverton for Visit
. SILVERTON, Ore., Sept. 13.
(Special to The ' Statesman ).
Mrs. Julia Rlis and Mrs. Anna
Ladegaard of Iowa arrived at Sil
verton Tuesday night for a visit
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. P..JLarson. This Is the first
visit Mrs. Rita has- made - to the
coast J but Mrs. Ladegaard has
once before been a Sllverton visi
tor. - They were met at Portland
by their- brother. Axel Larson, a
Sllverton Jeweler. i;
- (Bv Associated Trc:.
the title, kinsr in the ;
will go into the conflict
1 American adversary c:i
Attracting tne crt-i t :
of any international f:c,
ring honors since , tte I
Carper.tier lattla two yt ..:
the 15-rouad tit! a ' xxatr'i t. :
Polo?-" grounds - tciixro w ;
promises to rival as i 1
that historic struggle ia
champion- vanquished L.'j ;
frOrh France. u
! A throng of more than EC.
will -pay approximately l,Z
000-to witness tha flclt, tc
Ing to Tex Rlckfird.
More Scats ProvUa4
The promoter declared tc:
that revised figures cf t;.:
who erected vast temporary
ditions to the field showed a t
of 90,371 seats:
The promoter announce! t
but a few thousand reserve! s-
remalned unsold tonight. r;r
them 6t $16.50 and 22d:
nations', with a few of t! i :
side pasteboards at $27.5 0.
cheaper Jreserved section .
sold out.
Mean w h 114 (icke t' - specul- '
were reported to be doli r t tlr:
ing business, despite the cont!.
efforts of federal, state and I
officials to check their acttyi:' .
Ringside seats were sail t
available In the theatrical C ',:
at . prices, ranging from $ J
$150 apiece.
j, '. Bogus Tickets Out
Something of a flurry la lie',.
circles has been aroused ty i -
fports that counterfeiters ma.zzz -
t6 get some bogus pasteboards c
the market despite a number, c
arrests and. the confiscation cf
forging materials.
,-' The influx, of fans from s.:i
parts ; of the - country, as well t .
from, many parts of tha e'cl
early this evening had crow
larger hotels close to their o;
Ity with Indications ..that t. -row
'C ould 'witness an evej l . t- -er
In-rouring of ring fellow ex 3.
, V.'asering ,6a the , outeor.e c
the. fight.-which, so far tad t
comparatrr.ely lljht, gilned ia i -petus!
with - the', srrlval of V. :
sands from out of town. ,
' The confidence of the majorlt;
In Dempseys ability to' wia t
reflected " in the odds, v,-l ! :
lengthened on the chaimpion -reports
of several large ws-r3
three to one that he woull
the victor. .
. Fishtcrs Ready
The fiahters. resting la e ' -
sion over night,; were proncu
in perfect condition, Dc r f I
afternoon breaking canp at i : -toga
Springs, and went at c I
a , hotel. Firpo, who rt t ..
yesterday frora hia tralii,--tew
in. Atlantic City, t . - '
day at his uptoVn ar-rt;
cept for an hour or two f
temoon when-, he att; n : ?
ceptlon girea la t!3 I. - r
Spanish socic ty. . 1..3 i
will meet tomorrow for th :
Umai when ' they-, weigh la . - t