THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1923 0 it 0 I i t r' Norwich union i I firr insurance society i .W' li Br8bt. Jr. Roeldoat inwt 8.71 Stat St. , MONEY TO LOAN ' : .,0 RmI Estate . T. K. FORD - fOvav Lodd A Bush Baak) - AUTOMOBILES i 1 AUTO REP AIRING! let us show tou real, service ia aa to repairing the next time your ear 1 in aeed of repair. Jack Doerfer Motor Kepeiring, 410 a Commercial. AUTO TOPS J- The Busiest in Oregon OCR ACTOTOP SHOP IS THE BUST- top shop is Oregon, bat wa will i' find time t pat on a new ton for you. W. F.. Qrunert, 256 State street. -- BATTERY AND EUBOTXXCXAJI . X- FBXSTOUTt BATTKRT SERVICE Station. Ex part battery aad electrical work. FetrU Bios., Pboaa 1801, 411 Y Coart . JL D. BARTON EXIDB BATTERIES tartar aad geaaratoe work; 171 Soata Commercial RADIATOR FEEDER REPAIRS RADIATORS IXNDES8, BODIES , made or repaired. J. C. Blr. 649 Parry 5. TIKES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS I I to 1-1 OFP. MIKE'S , Aalo Wrecking Htm; 484 North : Onmmerclal. Pboaa 528. TRACTORS -. O. HAAff ft CO, 444 PERRTvST. Pboaa 210. Cletraa tree to ra. OUtct taa- ' plamaata. ; 'i . BICYCLES and REPAIRINGI ; BicTcisa and mirma LLOTD K. RAMSDEN DATTON BIOT- BUSINESS CARDS AROHZTBOTS raEEMAN 8TRDBLE, REGISTERED Architect. 810 Bank of Gaa a ar aa isr miraiai. AUCTZOMEERS ; rADCTIONEER L. E. TALBOTT, THE iliraatock. fnraltare aad farm aalea eaetioaeer. 202 U. 8. Baak Bide Faene 470 for aale datea. ' i CARPET AMD RUO WEATTJIO SALEM CARPET CLEANINO AND rxt Rug Worka Rf aad flatf rug wove, aay aiaa withoat . aeoma. ' New aatltaaaa aaad to order. Old aaat treaaaa remade. Pea there raaovatad. I bay ail kind of obj earpeta far flaif nga. 1 aad Wilbar etraat. Pbaa 1154 ! Otto r. zwtraer. rrop. CHZKNXT SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING P V B N A O K cleaning, r. waeuaaa. nay aaiw : j Hardware raovuT I Wmbs iiii' U CXEAJrERS AJTO ' DTKRS 'SA LEU CLEANERS AND DTKB8 - Sa'ta cleaned aad preesed, 91. oo. Rnit. anoaaod aadL praaaad. - 80a. - tia S. Com'L .Pboaa ! i - CORRUXTUtO XMOtNxE&y i ntf rrtwantTivn rmwaTunoTlOM X W W W w, v - i Ceaatraetieg Engiaeer. Barvaya. asu- Jao. H. Neaf. $18 Oregon Bldg. Pbona 775. ENGINEERING SERVICE 8UR- veTora. Boada. Real Estate. Staytea. Oreoa. DRUO STORES i WM. NEIMETER "JUST DRUGS." 175 N. CommareiaL Pbeaa IBT. BXECTRICIAVS ') SALEM ELECTRIC CO. '. MASONIQ j building. Phone 1200. f ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY , Co. Pboaa I34. 222.R. Ubarty. r ARCHIE jPLEENER,' ELECTRICIAN I 4 Hona wiring by Soar or eoatract. Ea- i iim.t ! fnrniihad. Pbona 880. 414 i '! Coart St , 1 MALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP RLKO t trieal machine repaJriag, eeatraetiag " 3T Ooart, Pboaa 48$. - .:t"' ' " FINANCIAL ' HAWKINS A ROBERTS. CITY LOANS. , seweet rataa. -.-- A- - . -""- '-. t GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS SU I . per cent, SOS 8alem Baak of Ooatmare . FARM LOANS Immjm asoaav. ssi eiaeaat 6 per eoat. for , 7, 10, or 20 yeara, wltb fun prpymt pririlegea oatlra ' Wluaa atte valley j - t, HAWKINS ROBERTS i i 905 Oregoa Bldg, Salaa. Oreg FARM LOANS . AT PER CENT and ; , at PER CENT - ANDERSON RUPERT Oregoa Bldg Batea, Ore. ARM LOANS LESS INTEREST. longer time, ave eoamlseloa. Protects raiaat adversity. City loan, lowest f meat privilege. J. C Siegaaao, raoas H. aver Udd Bask baak rxoxzsTs CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS . -....i weesths. decoration. C P. I tSSfl M bw - - a a I - nMthaantl florist. 128 . N. Liberty. Pbona 880. PRATERWA3 LOYAL ORANGE LODGE JASON LEE Memorial No. S0 aeets Is Odd Fal- bvi' hall ovary flrat,. third and " fif tb Taeadsy af aa wow. All Orsnremea wel 8EAGR0YE FOB FURNACES rJt and pipaleaaj 198 bv t -. 885W. ' ;Mjge-i ; PURJill'URR STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. - J""" . ( Uaa aoney. 678 Conn Pbaae 46A '- PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW ; aaa . c 7 Commercial. SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 81 m. t :i M.i; Paoaa xa. wiww Established 1889. largest beet. I CAPITAL CITY OTEAM l-DRY Qaality work prompt -njft "M -: Broadway. Paeno 165. ', :- j - - YALE HAND LAUNDRT - PERSONAL bundle, a .padctelty. Alaa 1,B ai prassiag. 1691 Ballvae. Phono 6. - , . XAHEPEIEa IK CLASS PAGE BUSINESS CARDS - i ran. nmm . WE BUT AND . BEIX FURNITURE. too la, and jaak. 975 North Co a, mac- Phoa 688. KAOHXXB IHUr THB CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam boiler, valeaelsar aad tuba platen. ; Parry O. OampbaU. S17 N. Uberty. - ' ' J-' MEDI0A1 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone SIT-W.r MURSBBY STOCKS FRUITLAND NURSERY COMPLETE Una tree. Office 101 8. lata St. Phone lltOM. . COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, eraamenta. Capital City Mar aery Co., 428 Oregoa Bldg., Pboaa 15. FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREKS Paarcy Broe.. t3T State.. ' " ' ' P APRRHAiroiHO AMD PAXSTXEO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting. aU. Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMININK IN BEAUTI- fol colon; $1 does a room, lias 0. Baraa 170 N. Cbmaiartilal. . PXJ7XBZMO I PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL workj Pbono 1397 J. Shop 127 Usloa traat A. L. Godfray. REAL ESTATE LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH H. C. Tsrhant, Rl tte, Room 318, Ore ton bldf. t : SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. rafaso of all kisda ramoyad. Caspoola cleaned. Pboaa 187 or 10071. SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICR SUC- eeaaor ta Meal Seaveagar) arbago aad refaee ef all kiade raaaoaad by the Mnth. Raatoaable rataa. Pkonea ; Offtsa 829 : midaaea t061. - SECOSTD BAW9 GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND aella aecoad band I oral tare, tool aad jaak: 820 N. Commercial. Pboaa 4S2. WANTED EVERYTHINQ IN OIOTH lag aad aboea. Beat price paid. Cap ital Ex change ; S42 North Comaiereial Paoaa ia8-w. - ST0VES AND STOVE REPAZSZXO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 T ears' . axperieace. Depot Natieaal feace. sitae 28 t 2S la. bigb. - Palate, alls aad Tarnishes, ate, togaabarry aad bop hooka. , Saleaa Pence aad Store Works. 350 Court street. Pboaa 124. TRAVSPORTATXOK CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Ceatral Stage Terminal. Salaam, Oregoa - 6ALEM-EUGENR Leavea Salaa 7:15 a. a.; 9:15 a. a.; 11:15 a. m.: 1:15 p. as.; 8:15 p m.; 5:15 p m.; 7:80 p. m.; ta Oorvallia eary. PARKER'S BTAQR T LIMES J. W. Parker, General Maasgar v Central SUta Terminal Salem, Oregoa. SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Leave Salaam. Central Stato Tenalaal: 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.; o p. ss , Laava 8ilyrtoa Newa Stand: 8 a. x: 1 p. m; 8 p. sa. SaJaavIadpoadeaea-MosuaoBtb Dirtelaa : Leave Salem, Central Stage Terminal. .? 7 a. m.; 9 a. a.; 11:10 a. ou; 8:10 p. a. 5:10 a " l eavee Maamoath. Moamoatk Hotel: .... 8:15 a. at.: 1 p. am.; 6:15 p. a. Leavee Iadepaadeaoa Beaver Hetelt 6:80 a m.i 9:50 a. am.; 1:15 p. am. 4t. a.:. 6:80 p. a. Lcsts Central 8taga Teralsal, Balea, for DaUaa at: 7 a. a.;il.10 a. a; i:10 s aar Leaves Gail Hotel, DaJUa. at S a. a.s 1 P. m.; 6:16 p. a. :- W make coaaactioaa at Salam ta all parte of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. .'W ;Vy i "V J. W. PARKER. General Vaaeewe ARTETT STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA- ware, glaaawara, toy a, notion, aad ail- , liner. . ' ' - ' " r " a11EC7j--rrTr-rT-- WATER : ... SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office, 801 South Commercial St. Tea per cent discount os domeatie flat V rata said la advanee. No dednetloa tar abaaae or any eaaae aaloaa water t abut af f vatir wremtaee. - ' ' FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTKEETS CLOSE IN 3 i ROOM I FURS IS 11151 apartment, 1C47 8. Commercial, rnone 116S-J. . . t : - -' FOR RENT S AND 4 ROOM APART- meats furnished, nninrnisnea. box i. Twelfth. . ' FOR RENT APARTMENTS. 881 0. Commareial. i f APARTMENTS FOR RENT CLEAN and . neat, close m. ata-axa. van Mrs. Sore lOSl-W. TEMPUS TODD A Grave M ; f ft fOtT "P, BoY, BBCAvsef ' , I HAS CAV&HTtOU -S; j HUA1 V-5 lvV ATlAST. HEAM'3 l44taTRe r. , L--" s I Iff a - , -. ; - -- i i BUSINESS CARDS jj HOUSES HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR rent. Gertrude J. M. Page. FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE. MO aera, at 727 8. 12th at. $25 a month, partly furnished, if deal red. Call at Statesman, baaineaa office, or pboaa 23. ROOMS -: POR RENT APARTMENTS AND alaapiag rooms Laoaard Hotel, 854 N. Front 8tret, PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" ST warding "Faralshed Roes. prlea lO coat each.. Statesman Basin Ot- fle. flroaad Floor ' R ENT Miscellaneous? FOR PIANOS NEW PIANO FOR RENT $8 PER MO. H. T.. Btlff Furniture On. : r- FOR SALE-Miscellaneous j FOR SALE HORSES, COWS AND chickens. . Pbone 24M1 autr 0 p.m. POR SALE TWO TENTS, . 10x12. good as bow, aaod two wefca; a aar gaia. Also a ramp bed. Pboaa 501-W. FOR SALE GOOD WOOD SAW IN tint elaia condition. Pbona 17a6J4. ; FOR BAUC OLD NEWSPAPERS lO ;. eeata a baadlo. Ciroalatioa Oregoa Steteemaa. , TOMATO E8 FOR SALE DIFFERENT arietiea and grade. Era eat Infer, Kt. 1. Box 11. Pboaa 11 0F4. FOR SALE POPCORN MACHINE, like new. Terms if desired. Bargain for caah. Van Siyke, 1160 Broadway J: atraeC . ';- ; . i: " PRINTED CARDS. SIZE IS" BT TA" wordiag "For Sale. Kaejaire at." Price to eaata each. Statesman Baaineaa Office, Ground Floor. , I . Beautiful Oregon. Rose -r And elerea ether Or gon aoaga together with a fine collection of patriotla aonga. sacred aoaga aad many old time farar Itae ' ' ALL FOB 25a. : (Special price ta quaatlty lot) -EspoeiaUy adaptable for aebool aaausaa v It or home singing. Sand for Western Songster, i T8 pagea now ta its third ed'tioa PabUsbad by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY i 215 8. Commercial St. Salem. Or. BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS PARROT SPECIAL TILL 8EPTEM- bar 1- wa will sail young haad-raiaed Panama parrots for only $19.60. Every aaa guaranteed to leara to talk. , Flaka'a Petland. Salam. Oregoa. BEAUTY ASTERS, ZINNIAS, MARI s golds, doa 25 eent. - Phone 1024-W. PARK PAPER IP .YOU WANT-TO-O ET-THB BEST farm paper, the Pacific I Homesusd, Salam, Oregon for a three month trial eubacriptloa. Mention t- this ud. -. ; .- POt.'Lt'KYMEN SEND EIGHT. TWO cent stamp for epocUl three moatbs trial far the boat aad eldest j on real ta the west. The articles aad advertlae- menu are of apecial Interest to the , poultry breeders of the Northwest. North west Poaltry Joarnal. Sll Caa- marclal street.' Salam. Oregon. ' XXVESTOCK PONY FOR SALE CALL 24F2. FOR SALE A NUMBER ONE MILK cw. Just fresh.- RED 0, Box 80 Phone 14F23. ' " : HELP WANTED . j CARPENTERS WANTED- C. i VAN Patten at Son. jj; ALU ENGINEERING SERVICE SUR- vevors. Bonds. Real Estate. Stayten, ' ; Ore. . - DRAFTSMAN POR TOPOGRAPHICAL map. large ecale; 5 exhibit ; purpose State -fair, Stayton, Ore., Eagineeriag Service. A L li TWO EXPERIENCED PRUNE DRIERH. For information apply to A. u. x Lann. Box 46. Rout 3, Garvaia. Ore. WANTED SALESMAN "OR MARION - sna Polk coon ties. Party with barti- ealtnral axDerieaeo . preferred. : Com plete line of. varieties. Commission - eoatract. ' Pbona 1703 ar call 428 Oregon bldg.- Salem Nonary company rouu WANTED GIRL J. FOR GEN ERA Li housework. Steady employment. Phone 1848 M. WANTED A CAPABLE GIRL , FOR aeaeral hoaaework. Pboaa 204 1-J or ral at .775 N. Church. EARN $20 WEEKLY SPARE TIME, AT name, addresaing, mailing, mnsic, cir culars. Send 10 rants for music, in : formation. Aaierlcna Mrsie company, 150 Broadwa. Dept. G-73. N. If. DS A "SPISI-C 1 f Classified CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rata per Pat lasartioa ta 6a Tkrea Insertion j HELP WANTED rnMAT.B WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, MAN AND lour rhildren. For partirulara writa Jao. Walker. Mill City. Or. U WANTED A WQMAN FOR GENERAL. housework and care of fire year old girl. Mother employed. Good home aad fair wages. References. Address "D18" care Statesman. WANTED DEPENDABLE GIRL. PAST 18 for light housework and to care for small child, aix nights a week; room and board and small salary. Apply ta 12 a.m. Mrs. C W. Hswley. 12S0 Chameketa street. WANTED A WOMAN FOR GENERAL i housework and care of five year old I daughter. Mother teaching. Referenc es. Mrs. Mabel -Luaby.. 1000 Oliva street. Earene. Ore. - BCAX.B AID rRnTAtiK WANTED A COOK AT LAUSANNE hall the coming school year. Apply business office, Wallsmette unlreraity. COOK WANTED OREGON DEAF school. WANTED PEAR PICKERS. . PHONE 13F3. PAID BT WEIGHT 120 PER lOO LBS. Roata 8. Box SS, N. Salens. Lee Hiag. TRUCK WILL LEAVE BRIDGE WITH pickera every morning, 6:30, and re ti-rn : ia the : evening. flexing a Williams Hop Yard. Eola, Oregoa. PRUNE PICKERS 6 AND 8 CENTS. Drier men $4.00 and $5.00. Room, stoves, springs, nnd eletric lights fur nished. Summit Home, Route 4, Box 20A. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper snbscrlpttona. A good Sro position ta tba right people. Ad reaa the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Bldg, Salem, Or. : . HOP PICKERS WANTED BELL HOP yarn. Tract will leave punue mnn, State aad Commercial streets, 7:00 a.m. daily, returning 5:30 p.m. Bring your lunch; fineat hope, seventy cents peboxtworeeksJjielting INSURANCE 'OR JOINT STOCK LAND BANK farm leans, Ftre, L-e or an to iaoam mty Insurance end stock and dak ranehea, see A. C. Bohrnstedt - Realtor -- 407 Masonic Temple, Sslem, Oregon. THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF Asso ciation i deserving ef your support, with its low rates and sound protec tion. Get their rates - next time yon insure : your property. Standley A Foley, Agent. Phone 847. f Ladies Wearing Apparel HXMSTTTCHTHa SALEM ELITE H EMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, stsmping aad aeedle work; 828 Oregoa bldg. Phone 878. SRESSMAETJTO PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7" wording "Dressmaking"; price 10 : eenta eeeh. Statesman Baslaeaa Office Ground Floor. MRS. O S. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stsmping. battoaa. Room 10, aver MU . ler's stare. Phono 117. LADIES TAXLOatfXS W. J. MAYER LADIE8' TAILORING, long coat aad suit. Boom 7, MoCer aaek Bldg. IX H. MOSHXK TAILOR FOR aad women. 474 Conrt St. MEN LOST AND FOUND j LOST BROWN COAT AT WILL80N at Jaat band concert. Return to I Stateaman. LOST PEARL NECKLACE ON LIB . arty atreet. Finder return to Ststes : man. Reward. - LOST BICYCLE. BROWN. READING. standard box handlebars, aew spokes. V tirea and rim. Notify A. H. Birg. ' Phono 1028 or lOSl-W. 1 MUSICAL Jnstruments PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI . aaa tuaer. Leave erdera Will's Meeie Store. Situation rrTd.JaTf IS you JULIAM 9? Section Ona weak (als iatertiana) 8a Oaa month 20e Sin aaoatba contract par mo.. 12 aaatba eoatract, par me... ,12a ltlaliBam for any adrrtlsmtnt.-.25o MUSIC STORES MUSIO. STORES SHERMAN. CLAY CO, PIANOS Stein way a. Duo Art and othrn. lfooro'a Muaia Houae. 415 Coart atreet. GEO. O. WILUv PIANOS. PHONO grapha, aewing machine, abaat maaia, ad piano studies. Repairing pboaa graphs and aewing machine ; 432 State. Salam. , TRADE TOUR OLD PIANO POR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furs! tnra Co Mnsie Dept. " MUSICAL Instruments' A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO staring. Popalar ayaeapated atsndar male. Saml-etaaaiea aad ballade; IX lessens. Waterman Plana School Me Cornack BUf.' FOR SALE GOOD CSED MAHOGANT piaaa left with as ta aaU. Price $200 ; terma. . H. W. Stiff Farattare Co, Hi- - 'sie departmeat. - PHOROGRAPH REPAIRINO EXPERT REPAIRINO AI.Lt- MAKES OF pboaographa. Jay Bailey, Meore'e Ma - sie Honse - PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free far stamp. Oor- raspoadent. Toledo. Ohio. ' : PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SEE VICE SALEM AMBULANCE SERVICR Pbaae 686: 178 S. I tbertv. OHTRRSR PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 158 8. High St. Phon 188 CHIROPODISTS DR. 8. F. SCOTT. GRADUATE MA tioaal Ualvaraity Scieaees, Chicago, . Maaonie Temple. Phone 640. DR. WILLI rM 8 CORNS. CALLOUSES. Ingrown nail: all foot trouble. Price Rhoe Co. Pbona 81 0. i CHIROPRACTORS DRS. SCOTT A 8CHOFIELD, P. 8. a ' Cbiropraetora. 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 87: res. 828-R. DR. REDMOND, 828 OREGON BLDG. Phen 1888. PU1TERAX, DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIRE0 tors. 210 Canter. Pbona 1858. 9RUGLESS PHTSICIANS MAGNETIO 1 HEALING DR. Prmntm . Aenta and ehrenie di Phone T80. 495 N. Commercial NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chreaie diseaaes; 415 Oregoa Bldg. - Pboaa HO. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORR- gan Bldg. Rooma 801 to 804. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co, 825 State atreet, opposite Udd A Busk Bank. "Uaa Quality Prevea Shar-ona." OSTEOPATHIC. PHTSICIANS DR. W. L, MERCER OSTEOPATHIa pkytlaiaa , "and inrgeon. Klrkirilk graduate, 404-405 U; S. Natioaal Baal Bldg. Pbaae. office 919 i ree, si. DR. JOHN L, LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phyaiciaa and Surgeon. 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phone, of flea 1894; ree. &Fa. -- - - - . PHYSICIAN OF PHYSZOTHERAPHY DR. JACKSON. DOCTOR OF PHT8I otberapy, treat all ailmenta, women' a treublea especially. 265 N. Commercial wtreet. phot, , I'iDl. - yrrjBxao AcooTnrTAJTTs . FRANK K. KELLOGG, PUBLIC A0 cooatant, system,' bookkeeping,, wlitinr. 21 a Oreron Bldg. ' Classified Ads in The, Statesman Bring Results J Down To The : f si? SOYOUCAH PlOC OUT Yo'OH GRAVG drrrO - Jt'HfRf? tt TAHtN'MB, S 4 ; 1 O'.fflElAffiE REAL ESTATE City ' ATTRACTIVE LARGE HOUSE, LARGE onk and fir tree, at reasonable price; 0 room hoiiae. rlosa iu, $1950; 5 room bous", close in, V2S0O; Urge house, a lots, $6500 ; baaineaa corner, $5200; attractive large heme, splendid buai nee corner. $18,000 ; 7 room boase. pared street. $35O0. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 X. Cptuga. " ALT. BARGAINS A NEW BUNGALOW ON BONUS LOAN terms. A 7 room modern, close la, corner, immediate possession, payed, $430O; a similar one. $3600. A beau tiful 4" large room bungalow, car line. Farrtnounf district, 3SOO. Another 5 room bungalow with baseateat. paved, block from car. NE, $3000; going to Calif omit and must sell at one. Sea Wm. Fleming. . 341 State street. FOR KESTi-S, 4. 3 AND . 7 ROOM houses. 1 acre with bouse for sale, $S5'. .terms. Compton Real Estate 469 State street Woods Bargains SIX ROOM BUNGAIX)W, PLASTERED, good plumbing, lot 66 foot front, gar age. $2200. 4 room, new home, cor ner lot, $750. 2 acres bearing orchard, oa ps Yemen t last otsido rily - limits. 4 room house, $1850. New 5 room bungalow with furniture, . $50O0. Hons for rent. Farm for " rent. ; F. L. WOOD, 341 Slste street Some Real Snaps IN' CLOSE IN ? SUBURBAN HOMES, also In city property, large and small farmi, timber land, business chances and apartment t,uwt. - - $2500 Dandy 8 aero tract, house, barn. rantt, and crop : some terms. 85500 bays oaa of the best bnilt homee in Salem,- strictly modern. 8 room. $3300 Bungalow, 8 rooms, basement. best in town for the money. - $850 Cbsy 4 room bang-alow. 00 v per acre. ood timber, close In. glOOO buys a paying apartment bouse, best of furniture, cheap rent. See CHILDS A BECHTEL 540 Stat atreet HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER TWO lota, much trait, shade, rood .street. close to pavemeat, school, eharch aad car. bix rom hotjse, basement, water, ewer, lights, phone, bath; $3050.00. 1805 N. Church. Phon 1565 R. NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH modern feature for $3000; will take Ford, aa part paymenL 6 room modern bo nr slow on 24th street. furnace, -replace, aa attractive home for 83SOO. Beautiful homo on Stat street, lot 100 feet front, 8 large bearing fruit tree, $5250. - ' Winnie Pettyjohn ' Realtor -216 Oregon bldg. ' GOOD BUYS NEW BUNGALOW, 6 ROOMS. MODERN in every way, on - corner located at 1880 8. Church atreet, $4750; 8150O down.' ."-.-. Fin creek lot with- 123 foot frontage, on Creek. Price $2000. 6 room bungalow at 1543 Court street. Price 86000 : half cash down. New bungalow, 5 rooms, completely mod ern. at 220 Wilson street. . $5500. Terma. New anf iaished bouse with' corner lot. Price for quick sale, $675.00. 8 room eompletely modern home witk lot 100x100 on creek. $7950. 5 room completely modern bungalow, two years old, at 1025 N. Capital street. Price $6200 : $3200 down. We writ fire Insurance. W. H. Grabenhorst A Co, Realtor 275 State street, U 8. Bank 'bldg. Ground floor GOOD HOME WORTH $4000 WILL, aell for $2750. $750 down. 1526 J. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7 warding "Far Rent." price 10 eeats eh. Statesman Bnalaesa Offlee, oa . Groaad Floor. SOLD ANOTHER ONE OF MY BEAC tlfal lota In Nob Hill addition, cheap for cash. . I have four choice oaea left. : Pavement paid.- Call my agent. Robinson, 212 Oregon bldg. Phone 737. Iasuranc and loans. CALL 7372 BASEMENT APART meat rent for $42.00 nnd yon bv 6 room left for your own use. Close in nnd lots of fruit; $3000 aad easy terms. Robinson, Iasaraace aad Loans. 212 Oregon bldg. , OWNER WANTS TO GO TO CALIFOR aia. . Foe a oaiek aale Newly bailt baagalow. 4 rooms, foil basement, furnace, etc., only ona block from fair grounds, half block to ear line. Price $2500.00, some terms. Rich. L. Rei tnsnn. Realtor, - 229 Oregon bldg. Phone 1013; home phone 1025 R. A. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE, . . 6 rooms and sleeping porch, in good condition, paved atreet, immediate possession, $6500. A modern 5 room bungslow, $4750. 5 room boas. S lots. $1150. $150 down aad $10 par month. A neat 4 room boasa In good order out side and in, paved atreet, $2200. J. A. MILLS. 831 Va State atreet BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 8 room partly modern borne, 4 lota, gar ' age. $1400. terms. 5 room modern honse, 3 Iota, $2100, terms. . ' 5 room bungalow, modern, all la first class condition, bnilt-ia refrigerator. -' rood location, etoa ia : 83250, $SOO cash; balance like .rant. 6 room strictly modern new bungalow, on pavement, close in, 0 blocks from Capitol; $5000, term. '. 7 room modern borne, garage. 4 lota, f rait, shrubbery, a $7500 house, only $5500. $1000 cash, balance like real. 22 acres, improved. 2 Vt miles oat oa macadam road; $2850, $500 cash, bal ance terms. - Socolofsky, Realtor 841 State Story by OCTAVUS ROY COHEN -V- Illustrations by M. WESTON TAYLOR CEnm our? -."s. ) Jouah; Be : ' J WJZ lAR&lTRATe 115 " )7HiS rTHtN6, "3 II s L Couu feeu SXST II -tnt7 COAtFORTABLf? REAL ESTATE City I FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW AND up-to-date 5. room bungalow. . r.aay terma. For information pbona 841. after 6:00, 454 M. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7V4". wording "Rooms ta Rent," price lo cents each. Stateaman Baalaaaa Of flea Orftvind Pbwtr A ! REAL ESTATE FARMS I ITn THINfiS READ THEM $120,000 will buy 40O acres, well Im proved, highlv developed rsncn, very close in. Will . tsk good Kansas ranch nn ta 1 60 000. $.10,000 will buy good hotel, paying well. (45,000 will hny Urge brick income prop erty in Solera. , $35,000 will buy bearing - prune aad cherry orchard with nouae aaa arier, close in. Will take slock or grata ranch np to $17,000, balance crop pay ment. -: $8500 wilt buy paying apartment house n Salem. Will exebange for apart ments 'n soma beach tow a. 82850 will buy 22 acres in cultivation and improved, 2V4 miles from 8s ism, $550 cash, balance terma.1 Houses to rent, money to loaa. BULVLUrSKY. KKALTUK . 841 Stato TO TRADE Exchanges FINE 10 ACRE HOME. ALL IN FRUIT. new buildings, Just outside city limits on paved road ; trade for Improved farm, -. 120 acre dairy farm, all stock and equip ment and feed for BltfOOO; trade lor amall - tract eloso-tau - 160 acrea stock farm, clear: Will trad for email tract close la or house ia Salem and pay $1000 rath difference. 4 room house and 2 lots, snap for $1150, with aiso down sad $15 per month. 3 good lota for 125 each. Thomason ' 831 H State street' f STORAGE SCALES 1 ATTENTION FARMERS AND FRUIT buyers: We have storage for grain, po- V tatoea. onions, bay, straw or aay elaas of merehaadiaa up to OOO tooa. aa Soatbera Pacific track. Lieeased : warehouse' eertificstes will be issued; 80.000 pound sesl for public wsigh ' in : larrest truekSi weiabed. Commer cial Cider Works,' phone 884, 1010 Nrr Oommereial St.. Sslem. Adv -r TO RENT OR BUY WANTED TO PURCHASE 10 TO 12 first clsss dairy cows. Call 491 'or address Box 63, 0 si earn. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware aad furairare. Best pries paid THB CAPITAL HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St. 7bva 947 TRANSFER HAULING I TRAEaTx3a.UIaJiw MOVING AND bla f igaraa. phone 668 STORAGE REASON A 678 North Commareial. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 836 State 8t Phona 938. Distributing, for 'warding and storage oar epeeialty. Gat oar ratea WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Our specialty la piano and furniture moving. We also make eona try trips. Wa beadle the boat eeel aad wood. Call oa a for prieea. Wa fi8 good meeeure. good anality aad good service. Lamer Traaafer Co. Pboaa 680 USED CARS FOR SALE j SALE OR TRADE GOOD- TOURING csr oa house or lot. Address "D17" Statesman. WE HAVE A FEW GOOD BUYS IN used cars, now, bat yon bad better hurry while the selection is complete. Oleson Auto Exchange, 173 S. Liberty. Phone 666. 1920 FORD TOURING AS GOOD A MOTOR AS YOU EVER heard; very good tirea, apredometar, dash light, extra tire, ahoek absorbers, etc.; 6250.00, terms. CHEVROLET USED CAR DEPT. 349 N. Commercial atreet GOOD USED CABS PRICED TO Ford, a snap at 1 SELL $ioo Hter 23 Touring 450 Mi'rhel 17 Touring ., . Msxwell 22 Touring Dodge 21 Tonring 1 Dodge' 2 Tearing, like aew.V Overland Four Sedan We have many others for yon 1 to from. Come in and look them ; Wo charge no brokerage. ' . P. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 Commercial street . . 175 . 675 . SOO 750 .. 650 select over. FOR SALE LATE MODEL FORD , Sedan, guaranteed. . See it today at ? 1009 S. Twelfth (terms). ; ' USED CARS PRICED TO SELL Ford, a snap at tOO Mitchell, '17 torring 200 Maxwell, '21 touring ; 275 Oakland roadster . , , 250 Stesras Knight chummy 650 Maxwell, 22. like new . 875 Dodge. '21. a reel buy at-. 500 Gardaer Radia Special 1150 Maay others for yoa to select from, come in and look them over. (We charge no brokerage). ' F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 X. Commercial atreet - USED CARS FOR SALE BOXESTEELE MOTOR' CO. HAVE several good card Dodges, prlred right. GOOD USED OARS - OINURICH MO- tor Co, 871 Oosrt 1913 Tourine $ 8S.OO , 115 O0 , 125.00 - 165.00 . 145.UO 1918 Touring 1917 Touring 1918 Touring 1919 Touring 102O Touring 1 020 Touring 200.00 235.0O 1920 Coupe, aew -paint ... 405.00 twaa t on ue, new paint 425.00 1918 Redan 8&.V00 1 92 1 Sedan .. , 43 5 00 1922 Kedsn,. new paint ..... 645 OO tl Delivery .. 195.00 1920 Delivery ..r 245.UO VALLEY MOTOR CO 260 N. High. Phone 1995 WANTED Miscellaneous FORD WANTEDTOURING, j TRUCK or Roadster for cash. 219 State. WANTED ROOM FURNISHED bouse for winter Phone 27 F4. FARMERS." ATTENTION 1 rVaated . 10OO lbs. English walaata. 500 lbs. filberts . 5(H lbs. David Lambert eherriee. 10000 lbs. dried logenberriee, 400 new railroad ties. 600 10-foot 8-inch post. - Alaa bine damaea nluma aad 50 bush els of good erabapplea. tTO.MMKKCIAI. CIDER WORKS BOARD AND EO024 WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN private family by young- man. Near Capital . Baaineaa Collage- - Addrwa "D-18" Statesmsn. CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 430 N. Hnrnmer street. Phone T4-J. . WOOD SAWING WOOD RAWING. PHOHS 1 T l WOOD FOR SALE I FOR 8AIE 18-INCH OLD FIR AND second growth 4-foot and oak. phon 19F3. M. D. Myfild. 18 INCH . BIG FIR FOR SALE ON place, also 4 foot and aecoud growth. Phon 45F23, evenings. - Best Grade of Wood 4 foot and 16 inch mill wood. 4 foot ash dry mill wood. foot aad la ia.h old nr. Prompt delivery aad re son able price. Fred E. Wells, 805 8. Church. Pb. 1543 eEEims aUli Tests ' Conducted ? By Vhi -- Grace Snook at Play-.-grounds are Concluded ' 1 In' athletic , badge tests, con ducted by' Miss Grace Snook at the Salem public playground j daring the season, the folio via? girls won the bronze .badge by passing- the Ilrat test given ty Miss Snook: Irene Haven, Velmn Emmett. Ada Sharp, Marie Wal dorf, Sarah. Samuels, Wilda Klei ner, Vivian Fleener, MarguorJf Estadillo,; Dorothy Smith, Eliza betb? .Waters, - Pay-Hd Day a&1 Frances . Wilbur. Much interest is focusaed on the subject of athletics for girls and leaders In the field of physi cal education and of recreation are greatly concerned over the physi cal and social dangers Involved in athletic i meets requiring a ils'i degree of specialization, unusual prowess and skill, which make a severe teat upon-vitality, strength and endurance. The element of exploitation which many feel has crept into certain forms of mass athletics is at lad giving leadens concern. The tests In the girl's athMlc badge test, being free from tht competitive, element and f "orn Spectacular features of any kind, are. not subject to the. dangers tst which certain forms of mats ath letics are liable. , They sere merely aa a. teat of at alrl'a physi cal .efficiency and a. atlmuln ta further development, and are de signed to help her in gaining nc'se and body' control. The Playground and Recrea tion association of America has adopted standards which It is lleved ' everr normal girl Sought to be able to attain. . The evef ta tn these standard tests have been Chosen as representing thnno which are best 'suited for use throughout , the country under all sorts of. conditions. The tests In clude: Firat, balancing for poise and muscular co-ordination; sec Ofld, running for ghort distances and lntrodncing where possible the element of skill as well rt speed; third, throwing events, and. fourth, events which require ability In the fundamentals of games. . :r r ." RUFFERED FIVK YEAIW r . FROM KIDNEYS "I suffered with kidney trou ble for five years or more. I could not Bleep at night and I was alwsys tired "after coming home from work, and my back ached." writes John It. Gordon, Danville, I1L secured some FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS and after a few treatments I felt better and coulJ work with 'more ease, bees me stronger and could sleep better- tFor quick, relief from Backache, Rheumatic pains, and Kidney and Bladder trouble use FOLEY KID NEY PILLS. Sold everywhere.