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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1923)
Vil.'.l J -t- THE OREGON" STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON - TUESDAY MORNING SEITJEIMBER 11, 1923 .J. "Jr,l,( .1 MOVIE GOSSIP- liberty. ; Skld Proof' OREGON -"The rjftiIefnVhlray' Jack Holt "v.r '111., ' . . "The Call of. the North" There are many real Indiana In Jack Holt's first Paramount star picture. "The Call of the North." which cornea to the Bligh theatre today, but most of : them? are Plutes, gathered on location at Mammoth Mountain In Northern California.; .There are in the cast two1 real 1 Redskins, however. f special interest-pChief Ughtheart and Ki'g Tree. ... The latter Is a full blooded Sen eca, descendant of a chief, of the famous Iroquois Confederacy, the fivef nations, of pre-revolutionary fame. lie: posed 'for the famous statue of the Panama Pacific Ex position ' in San , Francisco. VJThe .End of the Trail? 7': . Big Tree is a r talented actor, with a commanding presence and stately demeanor. He haa the lore of the old confederacy at his finger? tips and he Is greatly in terested In .motion pictures.'.. Of " interesting note in ',,Skid Proof.' , .the latest WiUfani .,. Fox production, - starring , Charles Jones. -i the Varied presentation of courage. If has been the com mon -practice, in pictures essaying to, thrill, to otter; the hero as a sort i of super steeplejack' lit monkey-like agility and tiger-like intrepidity. . In these' pictures,:, all attempting- to display the limits of human endurance and human villainy, it happens Infrequently that -mental forjna otJtrayery are : introduced. ; ,'.. '.:"- i'fti- . Charles Jones, however.:, insists on running the gamut of all, genre of travail In his pictures. 'Par ticularly In "Skid Proof, does his predilection came to light." The liberty theater announces . the engagement of this picture today and - tomorrow; c f 'r ,;i -r ' ? : As Jack Darwin, the Irresistible racing madcap, Mr -Jones encoun ters death in a multitude of forms and phases-, ifie dashes -along tho ground, sweeps in the air, all 1 Fo JACK HOLT ,v;jn,, fTIIE CALL OP THE K0RTI1W t Jfackv 'C',. !-... Sennett - Comedy - f Vjssj n OREGON STARTS TONIGHT 7 P. M. MADGE KENNEDY 7 It 1' And - Monte r 1 J s4 V V Regular Z .aSPJ - pgBBssssassjaBaBMHi wHmw ' LAST TEIES TODAY H(O L7- Y iiatocee against 'sicffening.: odds. He re nounces a brilliant - future aa a movie actor ( because of his love for Nadine, a role 'beautifully in terpreted by Lu ra I Anson. His luck is of the blackest dye; his money given out. lit Is tempted with r'a ' bribe -a great - aunt of money Is offered In exchange for his honor. Such are the mental expressions demanded of Charles JoixealUn Ci'Skld. Proof.J. 1 f That George Hackathorn and Harry Northrup. two of the best known actors of the cinema, are alive today, may be attributed to -,. . a miracle. . . .. . In one of j the' most -thrilling scenes ever projected on a screen these prominent players ventured almost to the brim of death and came out unscathed. " . Ilackathorne 1 achieves one of the most noteworthy artistic suc cesses of the year in Mrs. Reld's great -: - anti-narcotic production. "Human Wreckage, scheduled for exhibition Friday at the Grand theater. "Northrup also acquits himself admirably in many stun ningly dramatic scenes, t " The, one in which they braved death together ! was a mad. taxi drive through the city of : Los Angeles and a head-on crash Into' a plunging railroad locomotive. It Is called "the ride to helC' and according to critics who already have thrilled . o its blaring action, it is no misnomer. . . . Hackathorne as an addict taxi driver sees in Northrup, si "one Stone, . the leader of the drag traffickers responsible for his con dition.' Te gets him as a fare in his , taxi and jthen begins a wild ride through ,Uie teeming down town; streets of "Los Angeles unquestionably, one or tnemosi thriljing; scenes ver flung upon a screen ' i . ' ... - ' v ;- Hackathorne andL Northrup re mained In the speeding taxi until Just, before the ,craah, .'and how they escaped without serious In jury is best revealed on the screen itself. ' : ; f.;;;; Others in Mrs. Heid's unusual photoplay - which Is commanding attention throughout, the world are James Kirk wood, Bessie Love, Mrs. Wallace iReid (of - course); Claire : McDowell. Victory , Bate man. Robert j McKIm m, . Harry Northrup, Eric Mayne, Otto- Hoff man, Phillip ' Sleeman,' George Clark and Lucille Ricksen John Griffith Wray directed and Film Booking Of f ieea of ' 'Amertc'a are distributing the production. ; ; - ,-s '. ..-,1?" ;y ; ' i . Joe Patrick; It is alleged, has purchased the controlling, interest in ' the Angels. - But Joe always was a glutton for punishment. ' Ncw Btara ':JZ New. - Versioa YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE! 1 4 1 r. r -tt W.O O D irc-cvr:nzG3 zzz :NEW MINISTERS IN f:.;vyiy; w;;.,;.', ;H-v:"'i. I I ' I J Sir William Joyntoa Hick. r' Attorney General Rules on Status of Delinquent Girls Under 18 . The t state board of control Is advised in an opinion by Attorney General Van Winkle that justices of the peace or police magistrates do not have jurisdiction to i com mit delinquent 'girls under 18 years old to the state industrial school for. girls. The sole juris diction to make these commit ments, it is held. Is reposed In the juvenile courts, which consist of the court of domestic relations in ' Multnomah county and the county .'courts la other counties. The question came up from Sa lem. --' ; i -;' s 't-t'- 7 It is held, however, t that ! any court of competent Jurisdiction may commit to the : industrial school females between the ages of 18 and 25 when convicted of petty larceny, vagrancy,, or other similar offenses, provided that the committment -. shall pot. .bo - for more than three years. . ; j Under the: law It. Is held the duty of a justice of the peace or police magistrate to, transfer to a-i juvenile court any case. Involv ing a child under the age pf 0,8, in which event the, juvenile, court may proceed to hear and dispose of the case in the same manner as if the child had been brought before the court , on ..petition, , as provided ln the statutes .relating to proceedings for .the determin ation ' of whether or .not a. child 1 delinquent, i , 5-,: " "I thought you said she was one of your; best friends." , : "Sh9 - .j r: i "But when yon met her the other afternoon she seemed stiff and t formal.'' ' r," y '.'Yes, but I understand her thoroughly.. She's justl peen read ing a book on 'etlanette. " ' HI 1 1 a s JUR SDCTO LIBERTY TODAY TOMORROW "1 t 'i- ; '-.! A4SO A NEW ROLIN AND THE LIFE SAVER" COMEDY ... STARTS FRIDAY GRAND MRS. WALLACE REID'S r ANTI-NARCOTIC: PICTURD " "HUMAN AVRECK AGE" BALDWIN CABtNET NavilU CbamUrUim mi - I. TOO. RUBBED Earl Buff urn of Independ 1 ence Must Answer for v Having Booze in Car Attention to' family affairs brough i '. Earl Buffum. Independ ence,' to Salem yesterday and re sulted in his spending the , night in5 the city Jail and being named defendant to two charges, one of driving an automobile while In toxicated and the other of posses sion of i liquor.. The- first charge wis made in the police court and the latter in the justice court. Buff urn Is a brothr-in-law of J. W. South, who. was found not guilty of transportation of liquor in the justice court Saturday, and who. was tried yesterday for poa session of liquor. - South ,was In the county jail when Buffum called upon him. -'. ',,', - , : .While he was visiting with fats brother-in-law, Officer White and Deputy , Sheriff ; Bert Smith searched his. car, and confiscated a pint of intoxicating liquor. H was booked at the station. When Chief of Police ' Birtchct learned of this, he immediately filed the second complaint in the.' Justice court. ' . ''.' -. ! .'.-.. Buffum will be given a hearing on both charges today. ... y ii .COUGHS DISTURB-1 -t I tv .- - . . , ? . SCHOOL WORK I ' - '- ' 1 .i l : j . School teachers should give the same advice to children who hare coughs as did this Florida, teach er. 1 "I recommend ', FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR to the child ren, in my school who had the flu' and good results came when ever it was-used," writes Mrs. L. Armstrong, , Okeechobee, Florid. Foley's Honey, and Tar contains no opiates. . Ingredients printed on the. wrapper. Quickly relieves colds, coughs and croup. Sold everywhere. Ad v. - COMEDY four: DAYS ' i-' . 1 1 , fit Hi Hti,.,iti ) MAGAZINE WRITE - ? COUNTY HAS MAiSlY ERRORS, BUT:, IT'S A GOOD ARTICLE VVfTHAT Marion ' county . Is boosted in a 600-word , article In . the current issue of Western Story Magazine, written by John North. : who Is the author of a series of articles in that publication dealing with many . sections ' of . the . United States. ..Western- Story Magazine is one of the Street & Smith pub lications of New York.- v " Mr. North " should b. giren credit for boosting Marion coun ey, but his article apparently was WTitten' sejen or eight years ago when Salem had Its annual cherry fair, and transportation on the Willamette between here and Portland, for Mr. North mentions these as still extant. The paper mill, conceded to, be one of the finest In . the world, is ' not men tioned in the North, article, ndr Is any; other - of Salem'a manufac turing Industries. The article follows: i . . " What I had to say about Clack amas county gives a general idea of the . agricultural products of the Willamette valley counties of Oregon. .Moving southward from Clackamas, we come . to. Marion county, which Ilea principally in the open valley, although there is a narrow , panhandle extending eastward to tbe Cascade mountain range. The county . is bounded on . the west by the Willamette river, 'and on the south by the Santlam river, the Willamette largest tributary. k : , Of the open .valley land of this county, part is leVel and part Is rolling hill country. The altitude of the. level lands . Is about" 200 feet above 'sea level, while that of the hflly section ranges from 300 to BOO feet.' This is some of the very, finest agricultural land In, the whole state of ' Oregon. Here, as in Clackamas county; the farmers , have found that1, it pays them better to go in for. the fancy crops that ' bring high prices in the city ' markets and hence we find most of the country devoted to orchards, and th ; growing .of berries, pears, peaches and fancy vegetables, such as asparagus, and celery. Growers of fruits and vegetables in this : locality have the advantage of an early ripening and long growing -season. - 'There is abundant rainfall, the annual average being 40 Inches, but Irri gation is practiced to advantage as there are apt to be dry spells once in' a " while; : moreover, the trrlgatkm has been found to ren der certain places -suitable for raising fancy vegetables and small fruits, when otherwise they could produce much less valuable crops. This Is one of the best settled and 1 most highly developed por tions of-Oregon. , The visitor will find old settlements scattered throughout - the region. ; Marion county : presents a . panorama , oik orchards,; gardens, clover . fields, dairy farms . and - grain fields, studded with well bnilt barns and comfortable homes, and varied by the - timbered ' foothills. - , In the panhandle of mountainous coun try, toward ; the east ' there are rugged crags and snow capped peaks. It Is an Ideal summer va cation land and offers, rare oppor tunities for hunting,1 fishing and camping out. , '-.. ... . ! Retired trappers of the Hud son's Bay company were the first settlers of (he region", in the early 30s, and their farms in the nor thern part of the county caused that locality to be known " as French prairie. ; Then,' some ten years later; camej the covered-, wagon , settlers taking up their land claims on the lever areas and in the rolling bill country. being a Jewish Holiday our store will "be open Wednesday. T01DAY : T; ' I .1 ..... . COHEN'S SHOE STORE Our Sincere Wish to Our Patrons and . ' 1 . Friends is a ' -. '-, Happy Mew Year Tuesday and Wednesday Being ; Jewish new years we will he '.closed , " v both days : ,j : Capital L Saffron TT mm UP OR MARION'" ; Starting Troni Saiem, the' state capital, and one of the largest cities in Oregon, the visitor can find much that is of interest in the surrounding country. A strik Ing industrial feature Is the num ber 'of prune orchards. ' This healthful fruit, notwithstanding its notoriety' as the target of sev eral thousand" boarding house jokes, is raised In enormous quan tities and ' shipped to all' parts of the world. The cherry crop, too, is an Important asset in the coun ty's wealth and the Saleni Cherry fair Is an Important social and In dustrial event, held in iJuly.of each "year."- Salem Is a ' city of fine public - buildings,- splendid educational facllittes and thor oughly modern living conditions. It': forms a commercial and ship ping center for the fruit growers knd other agriculturalists of the county. Besides frequent train service to' Portland, Eugene, and other Important cities of the state, Salem also has daily steamboat traffic on the- Willamette river to Portland and intervening points. ' There was ;jfrost on Plymouth Rock on August 23. . The Demo crats count-on, this as a hopeful sign. ' - '-.' Young ladies are still affecting knickerbockers, bat suppose their best fellows ' would" 'appear' In skirts?-- CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY . Send this, ad nd ten eenta to Foley & Co., 283S Sheffield AveM Chicago, III., writing your nam and address clearly. . Ton will receive a ten cent bottle of FOL EY'S. HONEY. AND TAR , foi coughs. Colds, and Croup.' alsl free sample packages of FOLE1 SIDNEY PILLS for Backache, Rheumatic Pains, Kidney . an Bladder trouble, and FOLEY CA THARTIC TABLETS for Consti pation and Biliousness. These wonderful remedies t hve helped millions of people." ; Try - them I Sold everywhere. Adv. - We are all excited about the al legations that Police Commission er. De Coo sold the lumber to build, that fight arena. ' But the name ought to' free him from sus picion sounds so much like the mourning of a ring dove. Cured Without Surgery p ybuf suffer witH Piles I! will'send you my FREE, illustrated boofc telling of the causes, symptoms arid injurious effectsif neglected. It also describes the non-surgical. painless m e t Ho dsT wh i ch enable me to GUARANTEE a speedy and permanent weekly tf It to iacoovenfcnt V bm lat tor daOy mam Write today tut PCKT LAXSc OStCSOM will be closed all day, today- t M fe- 44' t 1 - 1 Proprietor; Dw ZMS 4L. rviiii PARISH HALL IS mtHOLIC PROJECT rim- - Various' Organizations of St. Joseph's Church to Meet, in New Building ' Plans for a parish hall which it is hoped to ' complete before Christmas' .were announced Sun day at St. " Joseph's - Catholic church. The building as planned will be one story and. a basement and will be built of hollow tile covered with .Btucco.. 7 It i planned to have a com pletely equipped kitchen and din ing room in the basement to gether with furnace and. fuel rooms. The 'second floor will contain an" assembly room with ample stage room A for 'hlerfainH ments. 'Sacred "Heart " academy has offered to give a benefit enter tainment in the building on" the opening night,' according to Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor. ' '' , The , second r floor ' will have rooms' for the various ' Organisa tions of the parish as well as IB 1 Knighls of Colambns. Catholic Daughters of Americ-f and: ' the Catholic .Order of i Foresters: ""r The estimated cost of the building-will be $25,Vao and it wflf "be erected on the property adjoining St. Joseph's" "church o'n Chemek eta street. ."'' ' " - Tuesday and f Ais store will be closed botn days. - . . .. We take this opportunity to thank our many friend and patrons" for their business of the past year. Square Deal Hardware Co. 220 N. Commercial' Street. '. V' 4 Safem, Oregon. To You One and 4AII Because, of Jewish Holidays our store will be closed today and tomorrow. v 'V' ; Salem Barrjain Houce an d JunIc,Gompany. . 320 JJ. Com'L : WE WILL TODAY MD Jewish mew A happy new year .to all our friends and patrons SteinbAck :Jub!s- 400 N. Commercial We Wnll Cloce Tuesday, September il j and Wednes- day, September 1 2, because of JewisK .. - - - ..Holidays.- ft -,?': ': - We wish all our friends and pa trons all prosperity and health. Capital JHardward and ' 4'?merdral ? , .4 "m Iff m C Thirty Flremc'nDvcrccma - (n hip Cargo daze V LOS ANGELES, -Sept. 20.--Thirty f Irf menjere .overcome, four requiring" hospital attention, in combatting a fire which spread ' through' the entire cargo bold of the American-Hawaiian '10,004 ton freighter' American, -Which discovered the blaze- at sea and rushed lata today to Los Angeles harbor, where four fire companies and a fireboat were fighting the flames tonight. . . - . , TEETIIKG AKD II0T XrZXT.X ' arte vcry'haa ontKe little onea. " Summer disorders of Stomach m&l bowehv weakening diarrhoea, cholera infantum, quickly xonm-li by f CHAMDERLAIN'S Haipa chlllraa-aad-cad4jr panons too. . 1. s.tiTt .1 I f . 1 nil M..11 li , To All .Our Friends and Patrons to all our .friends and pa trons. ",Quf store wHl Jbe closed today "land Vednes day because of Jewish Holi days . -'' 5 ?w. Capital Eschanrrov 342 N. Com'l Phone 1368W Wednesday. - ( i - ciLOSE FJOR TOMORROW Go.- v Str-PKonfri947.: lrtrtrrt 4U1 vuu 4;