I. 1 1 u f t -w y "V' t; 4 2. A. Erorkmnn. Formerly of, Spokane. Wash., tut having spent the past year ere, has purchased the De Luxe t ;ta?l v147 Commercial from . r - , - y- Mr Brckman has tad 16 years experience In the , hotograph work. also 3. years In i .he moYie bnslnesa prior to com- la here- He was with the Sa , :em studio daring; the holiday sea- I son last, year. . Later did the an- I I naal work for the Laurel Wood Academy. Adr Caught in .Chicago Lionel Hobson, who with three other men escaped from the 'state penitentiary brick yard tfuly 21 iy concealing themselves In a box car. was apprehended In Chicago Sunday, according- to a telegram received by, prison of ficlals. Hob son will be. returned to the Ore gon Institution. He was commit ted to the penitentiary from Mult nomah county in September, l $2 2, to serre a term of 10. years for assault and robbery, while armed with a dangerous weapon. Does rtlM Interest Ton? " j If y'n are looking for a job. or It you need - to employ help, - use the city free employment bureau t the Y1XCJL AdT,. . Car Shortage The- Southern Paclff according to a rert filed la the omcc3 ct tne public Eerricacon- mission, has a shortage of 102 cars. Lst week the- company re ported a shortage of 400 cars. Rate Increase Asked . . . The Oregon-Idaho Power -company, with headquarters at Boise has filed with the public service ' nYDHO-ELECTRIC niEUAPIIUTIC INSTITUTE (Formerly Dr. Schenks) . I 240 8. Cottage St. ; V; ; PHONE -1182 . ... ... i Fcr G!IJ3 TlJit Izzi Blamoxul.-Watches, JeweSry a&4 E-llTerware . rLona 1ZZZ. CZzzit Oregon commission application for a slight Increase in rates. The Ore gon-Idaho Power company oper ates quite extensively in eastern Oregon, and -furnishes power for a number of laree irrigation dis tricts east of the Cascade moun tains, ij-. ' i-v,-- V : I this, year Is regarded bf Mr. Boardman to be one of the best he has ever attended. Mr. Board- man Is physical director at the Salem YMCA. Carload Kate Asked - f 7 7 The Oreson-Washineton Rail road & "Navigation 'company has filed with tho public senrice com mission an annllcatlon to estab lish carload rates on cement from "B8i eastern ' Oregon.' to points on IU lines and the Southern Pa cific system south of; Portland. based on a previously adopted rate of 15 cents per 100 pounds in lota of not less than 80.003 pounds. The public service com mission has promised to give the application consideration v within the next ! few dars. accordlnr to announcement made at the offices of the commission. City, and F, Lowest rates. J. C. Seigmund. Adr. ; : Speeders Are Arrested Speeders who will, appear in justice, court are Edward Brode gan and P. G. Andregg. They arc expected to report today: Her man Relifusa pleaded guilty to a charge of speeding and was flne-1 $20 and costs by Judge P. J. Kuntx Monday. Dr. Findley Ro tartan Speaker- Dr. M. C. Findley will speak to the Rotarians at the luncheon at the . Marlon hotel Wednesday noon. As he has recently return ed from Europe, and spent some time In Vienna, it is expected hts remarks will cover a portion of his trip. Workers How Lecture George M- Altken. field safety engineer) In. the Oregon and Co lumbia basin division for the Na tional Safety . council, gave a lec ture at - the noon hour yesterday to the workers of the paper mill of the Oregon Pulp & Paper com pany. . The lecture was Illustrated by steroptleon. W. A. Marshall, chairman of the state Industrial accident commission, was present. Day rp J Jt ' s . FII0TIH CZ3 : 1TJ li JuSerty Ct. Calsr;- Oregon CAFiTAi: jui:::cp. AU k!ss cf ; jnr.Tr and nK p. 4.,. rS . ,s Long Hemp Exhibited V I : Hemp stalks 17 feet In height are on exhibition at the state prison. This was brought In from the Lake Labish district, where nearly 100 acres is - being ' bar vested at present. The specimens are said to be exceptionally high, and are not of good quality for manufacturing', rope. Other bundles' displayed showed a much finer grade of- plant, and were from four to seveq feet "in height. The difference In height iavsaH to be due to the variance in soil fertility and' to having planted too. far apart, u n ¬ issued Building Penult . " 1 A one-story " dwelling to cost $3500 will be erected at 942 North Summer street ; by R. J. Young, according to a bulldine; permit issued by City Recorder P.oulsen ; Monday. " Will Name Grand Jurors , Impaneling of a grand jury is expected ' to be the chief : work next Monday. The jury will be gin Its investigations the follow ing day, circuit court convening Monday, September 17. At pres ent there are 13 cases to be In vestigated, and at least one will be added, as Albert Preston, al leged swindler, will be brought to Salem for prosecution.' See Tom and 9 tan- Formerly with Harbison and Cleveland, at corner of State and Front. Adv. r V Roof Blaze Calls Department Fire which did little , damage to a roof at Nineteenth and Center streets shortly before 2 o'clock yesterday-afternoon, called out the fire department. No calls were answered by the firemen Sunday. For Rent, Three-Room Apartment Cosily furnished. Corner Mill and High streets. Phone 759.- AdV. : ' ! r : Will Teach in Prineville Miss Helen Hardy, a graduate of Willamette university with the class of 1923, has left for Prine ville where she will teach this year. Hawkins St Roberts ; City loans; lowest rates. Adv. Cleaver, Visits Smld State; Prohibition Commissioner Cleaver yesterday visited at the county jail Paul Smid who alleges that Officer Cnlbertson, former member of the state prohibition squad, and Police Officer Amy of Ncwberg pummeled him severely when ; he was arrested several weeks ago. Cleaver may recom mend clemency for Smid, though he believes thar Smid probably provoked Culbertson's assault .up on him. Divorce Complaint "Filed - Nellie Blixseth yesterday tiled suit for divorce against Bert Blix seth. The plaintiff charges de sertion and asks the custody of the . seven children. Salt Is Filed Talbot it Casey, Inc., filed 'suit yesterday for the money - alleged due on machinery sold Robert P. Johnson. The amount is $ 4 1 0, and the money or the machinery, with $150 damages. Is asked. Seftoa.Is Elected . ' At a meeting of Capital Typo graphical union No. 210 held Sat urday afternoon, Fred C. ; Sefton was elected delegate to represent the union at the convention of the State Federation of Labor to he held In Astoria. Dance ''':f," ; ; -y' 'f" ' ; Armory 9:00 p. m. Tuesday, Sefeutl 1,1 t glven;,by . Strollers Seven Piece orchestra. . Featuring Joe Pardee, i $1.10. Ladies free. Adr. v r OSTEOPATHY . The Original and Genuine Spin al Adjustment Treatment. Skill full, Painless Adjustment that gets' .results. DR. L. C. MARSHALL Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon 223 Oregon Bldg. - Salem. sea XS. a VsUMat Bsax Baflalaa TUmm ass - . nt M DR. B. H. WHITE OttsepsUic liiyticUa and fcarrssa ISsetrenis XHsgaoils sad TrsstSMBS CDs. Abssms aCathsd.) Salem -. Oregon 1 BANKERS i ( ' General DrLizj Dzibtxs I crXIco llcurs frca 10 a. b. to 3 p. a. J BEING A JEWISH HOLIDAY - 113 ' ' . Wm:E3C!cGs'd';:" All Day. 7iir cp" - Wednesday, morning.'.. ; rtill cf barr-ins' New Rod Approved . A half mile stretch of road be tween Salem and Shaw on the Macleay road will be built,' begin ning within a few days. The road will eliminate a bad hill eight miles out of Salem. The new road,' which will go through the D. P. Junk farm and that of C. C. Churchill, was approved by the county court. Including this new strip of road, only two miles will remain ..unpayed A between j5alem and Shaw and It' Is "planned 'to complete the paving of the entire road next year, according to mem" bers of the couotr court Attention Hop Pickers ; f T. A. Llvesley and company trucks leave corner 12th and State ' street at 6 a. m. Corner of : Commercial and State streets at 6:10 a. m. Corner of Com mercial and Miller at 6: IS a. m. for the Holmes hop yard; v For further, information and to regis ter call office S81 o house phones.- Adr. Legionnaires Return, Ilome- . , t 'Rephrtin,g! i suCcesful state convention of the American Le gion at Seaside, George Griffin, newly elected 1 vice commander; Robin Day, Brazier : Small and Karl Hinges have returned to Sa lem. , Though T. not an accredited delegate, Lloyd Rlgdon also at tended the convention. Mr. and Mrs.' Boardman Ret i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boardman returned to Salem Sunday.; night after attending the YMCA con ference at Seabeck for two weeks, after which they visited with friends in Seattle and , Sedro Wooley. The Seabeck conference DIED SELLWOOD At the home. 465 N. Front street, Sunday eve ; nlng. Sept. 9 th, Mrs. Laura ' Ann Sellwood, . wife of Jos. 'A. Sellwood. 73, mother of William H. end Harold E. Sellwood and Mrs. Ethel E. : Adams of Portr t land and Mrs. Lillian W. Henry of Roseburg, also survived by :. -one brother. Henry Ia. Earl of , Turner. Mrs. Sellwood was' pioneer of 1881. Funeral serv ices will be held. Wednesday, .Sept. 12th. at 2 o'clock, from . St.' Paul's Eulscopal church. I - Rev. H. D. Chambers. . Friends If may - call at the residence to i view the remains. Tuesday from i : 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.. Wednesday .'from 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. at the If home mr at the church from 12:30 to 1:30, when the casket t will 6e closed. Concluding serv. ! 5 ice at City View cemetery. Di ' rection of Rlgdon Son. 7ebb & Cloueh Lesdis; Fcstral DIrcclcrs V Expert EnLIacra ' I Rigdon & Son's i r:or.TUAnr Divorce Sought Hattie Pearl Hard man yester day filed suit for divorce from Joseph B. Hardman. 1 They were married In 1898 and have five children living, of whom three, are minors. Desertion Is charged in the complaint and the plaintiff asks' the custody of the three minor children. ' Finn! Accounts Filed " Final accounts were filed yes terday in the estates of Charles W. Wester, Florence Wester, ad ministrator; Charles L. Lampe, A. O. Condlt administrator; Jane H Elliott, A. N. Johnson, adminis trator; Elizabeth' N. Read. Silas W. Read, administrator; ' M. "J. Howe, Olive Stege, administrator. Electronic Reactions of Abrams Dr. White, 506 TJ.'S. Bank bldg. AdT. . 2 Appraisers Flic Report- , The appraisers for the estate of James TV Walker yesterday filed their report. They fixed the valu ation of the property at $7981. The appraisers were A. J. Condlt, C. R. Porter and Frank Williams. Valuation Fixed The appraisers of the estate of Josephine J. Jerman yesterday filed their report. The personal property was : valued at - $17,- 739.41, and the real property at $31,424. The appraisers were H. R. Crawford. W. S. Walker and George H. Riches. ; j Baptist Brotherhood to Meet " The; Baptist Brotherhood will meet at the church at 8:30 . this evening, when -' supper will be served, a small coverage charge being made. The speaker of the evening will be Dr. C. E. Powel of Kimball college, ' who has "chosen as his subject '"Present World Conditions. An invitation is extended any who desire to at tend,' and these are asked to notify the chairman of the service com mittee,7 phone 970, not later than noon today. : Persons not mem bers of tne denomination are welcome.' Auto Accessory , Stol Some time Saturday night thieves stole a spotlight from his automobile,; L. Lumford, 1780 Fairmount,. reported to the po lice. - Traffic Law Violator Arrested J. T. Carroll, 256 State street was arrested yesterday afternoon by Officer Olson for, blocking an alleyway between State and Ferry streets with his automobile. , He deposited $5 bail and . was cited to appear in police; court this af ternoon. - -"v' -' i Woodbnm Attorney Arrested ; Virgil ; Massey, ' Woodburn at torney, and W. O. Gorsllne, route 2. were : arrested for being dis orderly yesterday. Both men were released under $25 ball. Owing to no . complaint . having been handed Police Judge Pouleen, the case was continued until today. Massey desired to enter a plea of not guilty. ,; " ' " number Is less than ; observed - a short time ago. The beginning of the school year and the end of the vacation period are given as the reasons. Son Is Bo Mr. and Mrs. Ercel Kay are receiving the congratulations of their friends on the birth of a son Monday morning. He will be named for his grandfather, Thom as B. Kay, Jr. Bicycle Is Stolen That his bicycle had been stolen L. C. Demerest, 2190 Chemeketa street, reported to the police yes terday." Governor to Speak Governor Pierce will speak be fore the Rotary club this' noon. He will discuss the financial con dition of the drainage and irriga tion ' distracts of the state. Eclipse Not Visible The' 78-per-cent eclipse of the sun yesterday, extending from around noon until shortly after 1 o'clock, was not visible here be cause of the cloudy atmosphere, except for two very . short mo ments about 12:30 o'clock when the clouds swept away' from the sun. The eclipse made very little difference In the light. . Hardware Men to Meet The Willamette Valley Hard ware and Implement Dealers' con vention will be held at the Cham ber of Commerce i on Thursday. Sept. 20, beginning at '8 o'clock In the morning and continuing through the day. It is expected that between : 50 and 75 dealers will- be present. , A. R. Jamison of McMlnnvIlle, who has Just re turned from attending the nation al meeting at Jamestown, Va., will be the: principal speaker, Norris Ames, of Silverton. is president of the association."; Cherrians to Meet The Cherrians will meet on Tuesday evening at 6:30 around the dinner table at the Chamber of Commerce: for their regular monthly meeting. Americanization Class : In anticipation of the naturali sation day which will come early in October, the Salem YMCA will hold an Americanization class be ginning next' Saturday night at the YMCA building. C. A. Kells will be in charge. The Instruc tion Is for those men and women who desire information which will be helpful to them when seeking citizenship.. The Instruction is free and has been .given in a simi- lar way lor some time ny tne locai association." Invitations Sent .More than 800 Invitations have been" sent out to members and frienda of the YMCA for the third annual setting : np conference to be held next Sunday aftemon and evening at Wallace farm. The plane and policies of the as sociation for the coming year will be discussed; Members will bring their own lunches and the auxil iary ot the association will serve coffee. ; :: v: . .' Ordered Co Leave Town ""When P. Russell," Portland, and Archie Evans. Astoria, appeared before Police 'Judge Poulsen yes terday to answer to a charge of being drunk, 'the pair were sen tenced to leave' Salem immedi ately. As far as can be learned, the sentence was carried out.' The two men were arrested Sunday af ternoon ' and spent that night In ail. - Ball I Forfeited v iRobertJ J. Crawford, . Portland, failed to appear . in police : court yesterday to answer to a ; charge of speeding. He , waa arrested Sunday morning and released on $10 bail. Stolen Automobile Recovered Joyriders are believed guilty of appropriating the automobile be longing to A. La lack. 595 South Twenty-second street, on Sunday night. The car was found parked on South Twenty-third street yes terday morning by Officer Ed wards. - , ... " .. Another Home Burglarized Although his home was entered and thoroughly ransacked, noth ing was missing. G. W. H Irons, 2417 Trade street, reported to the police yesterday. The residence was entered r some;5 time -Sunday night. ' " ... . , String Quartet Coming 4The New York String quartet. considered one of. the best cham ber music organizations in Ameri ca, will be. the special attraction In connection with the first Apollo club concert to be given about the middle of November. This quartet is endowed by the Pulitzers and has a considerable record for good string . music throughout the country. This will be the first appearance of other than a vocalist or. pianist with the Apollo club . for .a nam ber of seasons. - Two Fines Are Levied - For having no muffler on his automobile, R. .'. Neff contributed $5 in police court Monday. How &Td Smith, i 405 South: Twelfth street, paid -a- fine , of 6 10 for speeding- Sunday afternoon on South Commercial between Oak and Miller streets. Week-End Accidents Reported Accidents over 5 the - week-end were; minor in nature and no in juries are noted in the : reports made to the police. Those re porting accidents were E. E. Gil lUn, 776 South Twelfth; W. Suckau, Salem, and J. H. Goins Albany; J. P. Luper. 1690 Mill, who ? hit another car ' near Eola, and by Mike U, Nelger, ruote 1 who. was struck by another car whiles traveling along Riverside drive...- v, . Assault Charge Piled Jane Doe Allen is made defend ant. in an assault- and battery charge filed In justice court yes terday by the father of little Gene vieve Karst. The woman slapped his; child, the complaint states Warrant for the arrest of the Allen woman wilF be served to day. . Marriage UrniM Inaued ' ' ' ' i Gertrude Leone Hoppe and Ho- bert E. Shad were granted a mar riage license yesterday - They will be married today, y ; ' Teurfet Traffic Light " Tourist traffic has shown a de cided slump, traffic officers say. Though there are still many auto mobiles' on the highways, ' the jth3-sti::ss Apply wt baking aeda or household atntn onia,f flowed by w f . CJ U L.,2 PERSONALS Harry Pinkerton of Dallas was n the city yesterday. - ; Col. E. Hofer. who la at his summer home at Agate Beach, Is expected to return to Salem about September 15.: ' ' , . S, M. Bassett of Gates was In Salem yesterday. " v Judge and Mrs. - W. M. Bushey are home following two weeks at Sodaville. ' Arthur Hobart and Dr. Merton DeGuire of Silverton were in Sa lem yesterday having just return ed from a trip ; to Medford and other southern .Oregon points. Charles McAllister of Shaw was in Salem Monday. 7 " Custer E. Ross, , Silverton at torney, wag in Salem yesterday on business. T ; Earl Pearcy of the ' Oregon Growers left Monday for Corval lis to look . over fruit , prospects. He la - expected to return tomor row. - t hoping Jupiter Pluvlus will Te main Inactive for a few weeks yet. ' Salem is going to be better prepared and more dressed up for the state fair then ever, be fore. It Is to be hoped .that the glad hand may be In evidence all over the city, and the Itching palm kept. , In the . background; :: or thrumbs down Invoked against It altogether. a a There are a number of Jap- BITS FOR BREAKFAST Enjoying the cooler weather? Nearly everybody, is; but there will likely be many warm fall af ternoons yet, though probably all the' nights from now on . will be cooL - .'. '. The federal farm loan board has included dried prunes on the eligible list for loans. .Why not? prunes are as good as! wheat; and better. ' Raisins have also been Included on this list. S "W Billy Sunday and Billy Bryan were both In Los Angeles at the same time last week; and the peo ple down there were looking for something extraordinary to hap pen. I-'..'., . Regular shipments of ore are going from the Santiam ' district to the 'Tacoma smelter. They will increase constantly for- gen erations.' There are mountains of ore up there under the backbone of the Cascades.' ' a "s "a A returned missionary , from South Africa , recently traveled 9000 miles In the. United States, and saw. only three drunken men and these three , were In San Francisco on the Fourth of July. It was a . great - change from the time when this missionary was In the United States before, in the pre-Volstead days." I A UttleV fog and : some heavy dews will notv.be objectionable, but the hop and br"ne men are asssssssssnusssssauuuuuuuuzauuuuuuu Salem Smoke SK&p Next Door Bllgh 1 Hotel Magazines, Films. Candles, Cisars. Cigarettes, Soft Drinas. We make the best Mlia snaae in the City for 10c. TRY OUR HIRES ROOT BEER Yon Hay Die But' ' If the proper and care fulfilling of your doc tor's prescription will save your life i . f - We Will Save It DRUG STORE f 175 N. Com! St, PHONE 167 4 anese people in and about talom. They t produce over 1100,0 0 0 worth. Of celery annually' ia . t:. ; Labish Meadows, beside? many tons of , other vegetables. Tliy have cleaning, establishments in Salem, and there are same high class ' cooks' among them. Natur ally,, all these 'peopli; have rela tives and friends iu the devastated districts of Janan. and thev ere worrying very much over t o Question of their safety of milieu so far they have heard nothing. A . A A fwT (nl 1 1 ft 1 - 1 ii Li V- wJ ( Ml puro cfiiclc end othor indrcdEontG d? hiahzzt But It is ho ogo f 0 mc!:c WuICLEVS 1C3 in quellty cod ihzn rczza you in pcorxondUicn. CO W3 PCt It fa t3 172.:- mum mm,mA MffArf 1 SE&LO iTTtCHT tO I.SC? It C3C3 fcr yea. r-llCCPS tcctb white helps CPPCtltC. - W-Vw l law rr.a Tbey are cood fcr vsloabla presents -0 - gift'-" t 4 t 1. t t t t I r f " i c t t t i t i f Thic Week Only r You cannot afford to miss this opportunity cf tuyir j goods for less than manufacturers price, fcr v. 2 rr : certainly offering yon this opportunity thi3 wetli, .1 r 1 ' rr . - - vJ Genuine U, S. Anny Overcoats, reclaimed f 2.CD Army overshoes, Reg. $3.85, special SpeCial WWWWiHlmMIMMWIN4WtM Army -Rain Ck)ats, reclaimed Canvass Work Gloves, Reg. 2 pr. 25c, special sS 3r mmm Mitti ji m MWMiwMMMiMmtMsi W w Heavy Navy Work Pants, Reg. $3.95, . special . .1 Z2.Z0 - Cotton Sox, Reg. 15c 12 pr. for $1.C0 Hood Wurk Shu, heavy rubber soles, Reg. . $3.00, special ...$1.79 Np. 218 Regular Munson last Army Shoes, ' . RegV $4.85, special , .... 3.Gl No. 36G -Columbia " Work -Shoe, Keg. $4is5, Special .$3.Ci Nos 88 Leather Puttee, Reg. $3.50, special $2.62 .. Athletic Union Suits, Re2.-49c, special ..C 7c " - 25 cent redaction on practically every article I ; ? store, including all cur shoes Compare cur r ri: 3 ether stores and you will fee ccavkiccdj '2.1J. 'unirED:Lr;.jV:' zr.o So. c-