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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1923)
CX2CUZAXX0X 81. 182 J t - " IS TU.S CITY O? BXVZ1Z . Virion d1 Plc Cout.r.j JheiOrccn Stat:.: 8dayi calf Dailj ind gunday .5941 .5457 Km SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR PI(E STIlf DETiilLS TOLD BY REFUGEES Britich Subject - Tells o f Death of French , Consul Genera! Saw ".Wife of Gborge Komor Burn burstihg of maims ; " save many in park Lena Search f cr Wife Re vard:d As She Comes to Rescue Ship KOBE, Sept. Iff: (By Asso ciated Press.)- Marshal Martin, s British : refuses from . Yokohama, describes ad follows the death of II. De Jardin, the French consul general there: . '. "I was in the consulate with him together with SI. - Bickart, a French attorney. v The first shock threw Eickart and ine into the compound where -the air seemed filled1 with yellow acrid dust which made breathing difficult. "The sound of crashing build ings, wag like the roar of a ty phoon. Again and again we were thrown to the ground. "When we finally recovered ourselves ;wo rained back into the building to find tha the consul had1 been crushed under the heavy timbers. . Injuries Fatal. "During ur frantic efforts to resets Wra other shocks flung us aside. We finally managed to ex tricate LLJDi Jardin but he was fatally injured and died while I was searching for medical help. I put iES body'ca a, streacher and hurried to" my own home,' ? r ' - f "The fires : ' were 1 , spreading, necessitating a long detour. When r arrived it wM to find the house lying oa its side. As I was con sidering whet!:?." fc, attempt to care any . valuables three, nearby dwellings burst into flames.. 1 ran toward the British consulate hut found It encircled by flames. I then took refuse in the naval hospital compound, but this soon become untenable. ' ";" j "The road from' the summit of the bluff traa" crowded with Jap anese, IdmaTot' v-oA frantically hurled -their children over the cliff," "fsncTirrs themselves with such. reckleo3 that they were often crushed at the bottom. "When I reached the seashore the dead and injured were all aloes the foot of the bluff. ' It was ghastly. t X -""V Swim to Iunches.v , "Many of the Japanese swam to launches and other small water craft. I finally manged to get a small boat and went bord the Dorsefc' , riyy:,.' 'v' ! George Firth of Samuel Sam uel and Company, Ltd." of Toko tica, who waa 111 In his home beyond the bluff, said that one tiinute the city was Intact and that the next it was dissolved be-' fore "the eyes of observers. 'Fissures opened la the earth," he said, "and it seemed as If the whole foreign district on the bluff above would come sliding -down on os"; " ;;' ; - .. ; ; -r'.- ':; : fiaarlse'"' Ecautlfal. . - y i fO. Sunday morning," he con tinued, "there was a beautiful turrise and the flames of the turning city seemed to be sub dued, but they suddenly started ' afresh and within an hour the .air was full of flames and smoke again." . v,'? .-.'- ' ,1 - Louis Jederkln, an agent for 6wl3s watch: manufacturers, one of the refugees from Yokohama, gave a graphic description of hi escape upon his arrival here. "As the heat i from the fire no anted," he said, "great crowds rushed into the sea. Thousands were In the water, some swimming to various boats', some lying, at the edge and some in up to their necks wUh their hand over their faces as protection from the heat of the burning city. Covering my face with my coat, I finally came out of the water and continued to search for my wife. THE WEATHER i OREGON TZlt Tuesday ex cept clou or 'lossy' near the coast; modern fi s westerly winds. ..':. 1 " i ; lccat. Tlli: '- C.. nj)"-; Maximum ten f-ra't -re. 73.' : Minimum teirature 53. Rainfall, 0. River, .1.9. P1S-25. f -A ' to mm ft. Mil Governor Pierce to Rcrnove Barrier of British and American Flaijs--Caravan Leaves Olympia Preceding Day Portland ' Cham ber of Commerce to Give Dinner. . On October 25 will take place in Salem Oregon's official part in the opening of the Pacific highway through to. Vanr couver, B. C. The British Columbia part of the highway is now completed, and with the opening of the stretch in Wash ington between Toledo and Kalama next month ; there will be, a paved highway all the way from the northern Califor nia line to Vancouver, B. and. only a short unpaved stretch innorthern California will remain between Vancouver and Tia Juana, ; 1 The celebration will start at Olympia October 24, when Governor Hart will remove a barrier of. American and British flags. A Caravan of automobiles will then come down the highway to -Portland and, the celebrants will that night be given a dinner by the Portland Chambe of Commerce ' . On October 25, the caravan will come on to Salem where Governor Pierce will remove .another barrier of flags.- There probably will be other features arranged here f or the celebra- niiTciamiiiG - RULES i;j ilGUE Attitude Deduced From Tel- egram Sent to -Ambas-t H sadors1, Council .GENEVA, Sept. 10. (By the Associated ( Press.); atchful waiting, for the moment at least, was considered tonight to be the policy of the council of the league of nations regarding the Graeco ItalJan conflict. This was deduc ed. from the publication of a tele gram which - Viscount Ishii, presi dent of the council, sent to the council of ambassadors, saying that the council of the league chared with the ambassadors anx iety to see the dispute Settled as soon as possible. ; The message voiced the coun cil's happiness thaftbe documents tTwirded'hf Uo th'PrU"DOdy were useful and asked toi be kept Informed on any results of the decision taken and any discussions which might still take place. sb lio::s FHIIT . I'.'llll BOAT liKS Survivors of Cuba- Picked Up After. 20 Hours in , Open Boat SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 10. Twelve members of the crew, and one passenger of the wrecked Pa cific Mail liner Cuba, arrived here today on the Standard Oil Tanker W. S. Miller after having been tossed about for .more than 20 hours in an open boat which was threatened a number of times by sea lions. It was necessary to fight the sea Hons off with boat hooks In order to keep them from upsetting the boat, the survivors said. "" . i EGUPSE F1ILUBE , , - F03 SCIENTISTS Fog, Obscures View Where Phenomenon Was to - Have Been Visible :' LOS ANGELES, Sept.- 10. Scientific 1 observation ' of- today's eclipse of the sun generally failed, according to reports received here except : possibly in the case of naval aviators who flew above the clouds and fog at San Diego and took photographs of the phenom enon, f v1 ' ' v ; ; f i Clouds of fog obscured the view at the time of totality at all points from sSanta Barbara to Ensenada, Mexico, where - scien lists - had made preparations to study eclipse. These points in cluded Avalon, on Santa Catalina island, San Clemente island, San Dieso, Mount Wilson and Point Loma, "-:'."- ''-'. :- ' ' ;' "' Scientists who came from all part 3 cf the world and who had -rr::ri nrntrs, on tr?ir; ;ias3, toc'i tt 3 ir -defeat gracefully,,- mm 0 u. Carrying official invitations from Mayor Charles E. Tlsdall of Vancouver: B. C, to the mayors of every city and town along the Pacific highway, and from Hori. John Oliver, ' premier of British Columbia, -to the governors' of Washington,' Oregon and Califor nia, asking the executives to pay a , visit, to the' Canadian c'lt and province, 'William A. de Graves, a Vancouver newspaperman, is mak ing an auto tour from Vancouver to Tia1 Juana, Mexico. ' He arrived in Salem yesterday afternoon," : ,-'t!. Executives Informed m , r The object of the trip Is to ac quaint ; the executives along the route that the British Columbia portion of the Pacific highway Is now completed and that with the opening o'f - the stretch between Kalama and ToledoV Waslu, next month the highway Is paved from tho California boundary to Van couver, B. C-. 'The British Columbia portion of the road was opened for traf fic on August 25 and the official celebration to mark the' opening took place on tabor j day t when thousands of cars crossed, the bor der. " ' ' ' " ' : The letter to the mayor in part is as follows: r Longest Koad in World ; "The official opening of this boulevard on September 3, which function was attended by repre sentative government officials from ' both sides of the Interna tional' line, brought home to us the fact thai Canada " and ' the United States, through the Pacific highway, are. now connected by the longest stretch of paved road in the world, open all the year around and passing,, through ter ritory: with scenery, .unsurpassed anywhere on the face of the earth. t We know you are proud of your country and like to have ' your Canadian neighbors visit you. We, also, are proud of Canada and Bri tish Columbia, and nothing gives us greater pleasure than to, ex tend to you and yours a most hearty invitation to come and vis it ua at any time. ; . i i' : "The road is open ; there is a pavement all the way, and, at the end or the trail, a warm welcome awaits you." ; - ' - Pierce Receive Message ' :f The message to Governor Pierce was delivered yesterday afternoon and Mr. de Graves was given a let ter to carr to Governor Richard son of California in which Gov ernor Pierce expressed the hope that California would be able to complete the missing link at an early date. , . .' . . : ; ; The car leaves-for Albany en routo to Tia Juana this morn ing. . Manslaughter Charge Filed , Against Driver of Auto f k,( v : - '-; '.- LA GRANDE. Or., Sept. 10. L. F. Hunt of Los Angeles, Cal., was bound over to the grand Jury here today on a charge of manslaughter,- in connection with the death' of s C W. . Sherk. aged . Tl years, of; Kennewick, Wash., Fri day, due to an automobile acci dent. Hunt 13 "out under $500 bail. . ' ' ' v ii.ins.Oj ?:vn niixcD vWiciirrX, i:. Cept. io. Jerry troff,"ensineeri and Olan LKKkwoodVfiremaiiwere instant ly killed and - D. 'A. Armstrong, brakeman, . was probably fatally injured when Frisco freight en gine No. 521 blew up between Val!y Centra ari T:zil7, rcrti cf b?r?t today, .. ; : ElfE 'r' , SAlMbREGOgC TUESDAY MORNING.SEFTEAIBER ll l.:i9ia. N i -L ' . PTTrrr;:- - OESlfl LOST. SEVER lOHTOW Barest Official Explanation for Loss of i Seven First . Class , Destroyers Is Yet Lacking MAY HAVE MISTAKEN ORDERS SENT CUBA Washington Issues .Unoffi cial List of Missing Men With Relatives WASHINGTON, Sept. ltf. Lacking even the barest official explanation of , the loss of seven first' class destroyers on the Cali fornia coast, naval officials to night continued to withhold judg ment on what they termed " the most severe peace-time blow the navy had ever sustained. Although regulations prescribe that ever effort be made to for ward immediately, names of dead: and injured int such cases.' no such list had been received at the department up to a late 'hour to night. The Initial dispatch, from Admiral ' Robinson, commanding the Pacific fleet, informed, the de partment that specific orders had been issued " for ' the preparation Jind relax of this list, the duty be ng assigned to Captain Edward ll. : Watson, commanding the wrecked squadron. - Theory advanced In press dis patches that radio operators on f he destroyers '.were thrown off Iheir " reckoning by shore signals atende4 for, the Reno , was de-. lared by officers in the depart ment to , be doubtful. Leaving Jiut of all consideration they said, he inaterialdlfferende in location oi the stranded mall steamer and the destroyer gtoup ''position slr' nals"' 'invariably Jare addressed Specifically to the ship which had Requested them. This was' held to render It Improbable that all of the operators on the naval ves sels could have? taken the signals as bearing' ifpon their own course and t6'&ave acted in concert" al though one "might have done so. - Aunes tiiven The navy ' denartment tonlzhl compiled from press dispatches a list of "probable" missing In the disaster, , with their next of kin. It was made plain that the list was unofficial, only one death having been reported officially to the department, that of James Wheaton Harvey Conway, , son o f James J. Conway of Omaha. Twenty-two names appear in the list,' which. with next of- kin and their addresses, include: -I Buchan, Ralpn ' Kehneth, wife, raarie X Buchan; Sonoma Cat " Harrison, . Ernest Carl. wife, Elizabeth C. Harrison, Fort Neches, Tex. - Morris; Wade Hampton;' mo ther Alice Morris".- Bluff dale; Tex. Over8hiner, Gordon , Jerome, mother. Rose Overshlner, Route No. 1, Saa .Jo8e Cal. ' Reddock, Clitus Allelic wife, Emaline E. Reddock. 4T33 New port" avenue. Ocean Beach, CaL SANTA ROSA, 6al., Sept. 10. The "Buchan" listed" among the missing in the destroyers disaster; is believed to be Ralph Buchan; 28, chief pharmacist's mate- on the Young and a resident of So noma, near here. His wife and infant child are In San Diego. " PIHCHDT SEEKIL'G . LOW COf PIIICES Calls Upon Coal Consuming States 4o Cooperate" With Him HARRISBURO, Pa., Sept; 10. (By the ' 'Associated 1. Press) Speaking as the chief executive of the only anthracite - producing state. Governor Pinchot of Penn sylvania today called : upon the governors of 30 other consuming states to join him in seeking meth ods of safeguarding coal users against higher prices during the coming winter. , ; In a letter to the governors. In which he told them he is direct ing an investigation in his own state of "means - or methods' of any and every kind which could be used to prevent gouging of the consumer, . he suggested stellar studies In each other states, look ing towsrd3 personal conference coccenilas Joint actl?a liter. JAPDECREES IRISH STEW FOR PRINCE ' ' j j ,! ,t ' i , - , 1 Me No Cook Fancy Foods Ex cept Stew and Chop Suey " Says Oriental Cook y. . ; TpRONTO. Sept. 10.--It wlU be corned beet and' cabbage, - boarding-houBe hash and boiled pota toes for the Prince of Wales when he Places his feet under the chow table of "Edward Prince", ranch near High river. Alberta, next Saturday. ' At the ranch Is one Japanese cook, Jimmle Shlmbasi who learned the culinary art 1 by opening cans for the Canadian army in France. ' i - "Me no cook : fancy foods," Jimmie ; told newspapermen to day, "excepting irish beef stew and Chinese chop suey." ' Bobbed haired Individuals who hope to be adde4 to the list of the, prince's dancing partners may as well - save themselves the long hike . to High river; the . manager of the ranch, W E. Carlile, an nounced today. The prince, he ex plained, is coming to Canada to rest and consequently he will be thankful for all the privacy that Is accorded him. ;, - . ' ' The prince is scheduled to reach Quebec on the. Empress of France next Wednesday. , 11 U WUI ARE HELD GUILTY J. W Southland Mrs. Cooper to Appear for Sentence 1 ' Ttiis Morning J. W. South and Mrs. Edna Coo per were found guilty of posses sion of liquor last night and will receive their sentence In the jus tice court at 10 o'clock this morn ing. The pair were acquitted last week of a charge ot transporta tion ' of" liquor. y 3 n-- 1 : Neither South,- nor Mrs." Cooper had anything to say : when ' they heard the verdict ot the jury.' The case was-begun at 2 o'clock 'Mon day afternoon, but was not con cluded until after 9 o'clock last night. , The evidence offered was the same as that of the previous trial. Officers; OUori and Shelton testified to seeing' t.hem' leave the garage 'with a bag, enter a res taurant and then ' return- to the garage, driving a machine..- The two men followed in another car, hoping to catch them in making a delivery, of liquor. Whenthey saw the two people were about to leave their .jurisdiction, .they attempted to place them under arrest. Un der, the statutes a city officer may make . an arrest outslte the city limits or in another countr pro vided he has been in continuous pursuit. , " , ; i , Members of tho jury which South and Mrs. Cooper guil ty were George Arbuckle, W. F: Prime; I.'"R. Smith, Roy Nelson and A.. T. Wooipert. " " M ' : ' . Officers Elected at Meeting of 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux Last Night ' Yoyageurs of Le Societe des 40 Hommes et f Chevaux. met last night and elected Robin Day chef de gare; Allan Kaf pury, jorres-' pbndent; Dr. B- F. Pound, fhef, de train,, and Brazier C. Small, com- inissalro inteneent! "! - Which, translated, is to the ef. - . .." j! - feet that the playground order ot the American legion, has "selected the above mentioned members of the organization to fill th4 various offices.' ' In addition the following men. will constitute the executive board;. Joe Mint on; Mert Good rich and Major Dusenbury. George Griffith newly elected vice commander of the America!! legion, department ot Oregon, was gathered. Int6 the fold and explain ed the workings of the' order at Seaside. George stood the ordeal izi flno' shape; and it is - said 1 he will recover; from his experience. "All members of he 40 from other towns', an d all local mem bers, are td meet at the aemory next Monday? night for the. first meeting of the 'season, and to ar range, plan for. the .wiater . , A lively raeetis is articipa'cl,. ' nnin irirt uin .1!J I OBluDElS. . CHEF OE B BIFTSSEHUE II Appreciation ot American Red Cross Relief Is Ex: pressed By Ambassador of Stricken Empire SPIRIT OR. SACRIFICE "LAUDED BY YAMAM0T0 Speaks in Particular of American Ambassador Wood's Work . WASHINGTON, Sept. 10.- Am bassador Hanihara presented to secretary: Hushes today a message from Count Tamamoto, prime minister, of Japan, expressing the deep sense of gratitude of the Japanese sovereign and people de claring that "this precious gift of American sympathy" cannot , but "serve' the peace of the world, in drawing still closer the bond of friendship and trust between the two countries." '; ' ' ' "In this hour of deep grief and anxiety; felt alike by the emperor and all his subjects, the president ot the United States issued a proc lamation urging i the -: American people to come to the aid of the stricken people of Japan and des ignating the American Red Cross to administer the relief work. Then the commander of the Amer ican 'Asiatic fleet lost no time In despatching the ships under his command to the scene of the dis aster and offered the services of the entire f fleet for s the immed iate relief of the sufferers; At the same time the Philippine gov ernment ' sent -. transports loaded with full cargoes for the relief. : : . . nelpa. Relief U ' - In the midst of the bewilflep. ing devastation, American Ambas sador: Woods with the staff of the embassy , and' American , residents in Japan are' helping the relief work with a marvelous spirit of self-sacrifice . in spite ot the fact that the embassy itself was de stroyed by fire. - "The . report of , these , spontan eous and prompt measures taken by the president, the government and people of the United States; is creating a profound Impression 'In the ' grateful hearts of suffering Japan," JEWS TO OBSERVE LB'J YEAR RITES Several Business Houses in City to Be Closed Today for Observance Formal observance of the Jew ish! New Year will be made in Salem at 8:30 this morning, though the id ay, or Rosh Hash anah, .as it is on the Jewish cal endar, officially began - at 6 o'clock; last night. As Is custom ary, every Jewish store in the city will be closed today. Then the . day of atonement begins "at 6 p.m. September - 19 and con tinues until 6 p.m. September 20. The " business houses ' wilt be closed September 20. ' 'All Jewish people are . invited to attend the services in the Derby building this morning. , - Fasting will begin at 6 o'clock the afternoon of September 19, and will not be broken until 6 o'clock of the following evening. During this period no member of the faith will eat. drink or smoke. Stores which will be closed to day and ' tomorrow, and ' again later In the month, are the Peo ple's Cash store, H. Steinbock, Capital Junk company. Salem Bargain store. Capital Hardware & Furniture Square Deal Furni ture store.- . Capital . Exchange, Chicago store and the Paris Shoe store. Several others will also observe the day, but owing to the nature of the business, will not be closed, though the proprietors will not be present. - - ? . There are about 25 Jewish fa milies in Salem . at present, and it, is expected a majority of these will attend the services this tnom ing. though a few are' planning td go to Portland. Officers of the Salem association are H. Stein bock, president; Louis Solof; sec retary, &zi' r, - Cat rjbSjf jtreiiar??; ' inn n nrnnr yu lu ruuL SAYS JK a I I I f I f li l II Vi Vi i si susnt9 AsiJ .. if mm fiM . Many Instances of ;Hcroxsm TcH hy .ur rl cf Wreclts Twelve Nov xh SzxxElo 7 pital-Mi$leacjinfi Orders I lay Kiv6 1 Cause of Disaster. . SANTA ; BARBARA; Cal.; Sept 10-Search fcr II : missmgr rrien who may be alive and effcrt3 to rzib: - f bodies of 17 men imprisoned arid undoubtedly CzlI i i : overturned, destroyer Young-, occupied the attention t. " of naval officials in connection with the wrecking cf i destroyers near , here Saturday nisht. Radio Operator Reddoch. Coxswain Rfll? I r - Martin are known to have left uie. raits tnat were launched from that vessel nil -struck. One of the raftsr with live men aboard, r: " : shore. The other has not been seen since. BOARD ILL-FATED SHIP Harland Parkins Sailor oh Nicholson, Which Went on Reef Rock , Harlanij Perkins, a son of Mrs. Eva Howard, of near Qulnaby, Is aboard the United States destroy? er Nicholson, one of the squadron which went on the rocks, Saturday night on the southern California coastj - . . '' V , ' ; "j 5 ' Perkins enlisted In the navy last December. He ' attended, school in Salem before he entered the navy and is known here.' He is a nephew of Mrs. George W. Thompson, 22 66 North Fifth street. ; Nothing has been .heard rela tive to "his"' safety " - - r.10'.'.illL' EOTOIISBTO; Salem Woman to Have Place in Senator's Office in Na tional Capital Mrs. Emma Murphy-Brown and son, Keith Brown, will leave by automobile about the middle of October for Washington, I. ' C. Mrs. Brown has been secretary to United States Senator McNary this summer at his office In Sal em, and, she will have a place In his office in Washington, while her son will attend college. Mrs. Brown naa rented ; her home on South Commercial street to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Smith, who were recently married. Mr. Smith is a prominent insurance man of Salem; - ' '' r'i One Thousand Rooms May Be Listed for State Fair With , good weather fair week more than 1000 can probably be used, by the room listing commit tee for the use' of fair visitors, ac cording to those in charge. The committee of local civic clubs which have taken over the work following tbe announcement that the fair board would not do it. will begin listing rooms at the Hotel Marion September 21: Last year not all of the 1000 rooms listed were used because of the bad weather. . Ordinarily Wed nesday and Thursday are the heav iest days any year. The commit tees in charge are asking that any one having a room which ' they could spare for a few nights dur ing the Week to list any time after September 21. ' . Draw Span cn Sisulaw - Falls -Without Warnincj EUGENE, Ore., Sept. 10. The draw span of the bridge over, the north fork ot the Sisulaw river on the Eugene-Florence state : high way dropped into the water last night just after a heavily load: 1 truck had passed over It, accor ing to wdrd received by the couai ty court today. . Traffic wilL bf held up several days, until repairs are made. . No detours are ava.'l" alio. BflLET.I LAO A the-Youn on era cf t! 3 t . Survivors of the wrecl. i reached Tan Dle jo t: ' j, t nianjrnstances.of kroi;i. C Boatswain's Jlate' Pc terse :i cf Young apd Chief ElectrS?! 3 Inberg of the Delphi eac. Li the angry . surf to ,crrr; 1' ashore or to other L 'i t able their comrades to AU Italian fisherman, G. 2 and his crew cf two r:c i . irianyf trips back anl forth t -the surf frou ti.3 c Woodbury and Fuller t j t and altogether carrylr r :-t men to the teach sr. I t ' j. Tjakeri t fUA 1-.' 'Thirteen toea were t . a f hospital here but one vLi t" leave soon afterward. Five hundred aed revr- -listed mea tr :I Zi ell taken to. Tan. T ' c : r train, arriyiiig tLcre tol y. them there wer? lovt 10 ' ' ahd all were cxLir-t: tr I:-. ' - Orders I" - " SAN DIEGO. Cal., L :t. 1 Orders, given 14 tia ? " : thelith d'tTT'r f passed I oii.t Arraeli j, 1.. . . entrance to .the Cinta I" channel, caused the cl course that plied seven Cj-a 1 destroyers on the re' s at I' with the. probatla l: i cf ZZ 1 it.. was revealed today t' i crews of the wrecked e'.:. reached San Dieso ty U. . sea. '..;.'.,.'.'.,." ("jDrders were Ics'ieJ ty . Robert Coontz today :. fleers to. a board' ot in- 'ry a, searching Investlr it'c a c z disaster. - The,, fcoarl v;l".i headed .by ItearrAduiral . V, Pratt, with Ca;ta!-a C Day and David F. Sellsrs 1 3 1 bers. , ; . . .With the arrival cf jr.;r tQdiy came the story c ! t- j c on the rocky shores of 1. Story GItc 1 The 11th squadron, tt single, line formation, v ; . ing : southward ; Cat-ar- ; through the gatheric t nl .,' effort to reach Can L.1 : morning. ; When the t:. . still north cf Point Arr ': ders came- which char . 1 course of tbe squadron, a c that would have been r had Arguello been r.a , which spelled disaster l;r first seven vessels in 'llza. uUkLii-wl L. L . . . Grand Dragon' of 0.! !. Orders Members (ct Parade in Rcbca OKLAHOMA CITY, C U.. 10, (By the Associated Tr Bowing to Governor C. ton's edict against masicl r hlages, state officials cf V. Klut Klan -issued an cr' early tonight forbidding L' in Oklahoma to hold ra.. rades or meetings. ' Decision of klan cf:: : ' abide br the executive ,r announced by the grand c the Oklahoma realm. I', when preparations . wers way by Governor T.a : ; .1 t troops if .necessary, ti i"" series . cf klaai d: schedul-l over . tia f-'-week,'. the first cf , hi. , vettlsed for tc!t. .The adJaU-t ; .-'.-.I : Instructed to t'.I : . ; ' ; ur.'3 ia r :: - 1 t - T f f ' 1 ; -ti: j 1 1 w! : i " Walton c t - HSEPlEDi;