The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 09, 1923, Page 14, Image 14

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: . t ' '
J 1
f : : itt Corner X. Liberty and
i . . !. Sunday school at 0:45 a.
; . 1. ' R. Petunei will supply the
t will speak at II rhvrk
ri 0d" mnd 7:3t on
of Effort.'-' The B.T.P.
- :! 6:30 n'flock. The senior
e Ird by Miss Lucille Taylor
- mediate group by Mies Nora
id-week prayer aerviee - on
- siy vnii at T;80 o'clock.
i , t lreet Christian-Corner X. 17ta
' i .urt Isti. R. Lb Putnam, minister.
Kf-hool 9:43 a. am. Let everyone
"te oa time. Tbia ia " 'church election"
iT-. A ipwiil mnuii -wilt be, given.
Intermedial c". E. 6 P. M. Aa inter
esting ante rare coot cat on bow. Senior
Endeavor 7 p. nv Evangelistic aerviee
8 P. il. Song aerviee, sperial music and
sermon. Kxponuiory study of the "Para
ble f the Teres Midweek, service
Ttaur-day p. a,, leader C. A. Epley.
Next Lord's Day is "Uo-Awa jr-to. College' '
day. Special pregren by the .volunteer
band. Ton are always welcome at any
et ear sertlca. -
streets. J. JT. Evana, minister. Hattie
Mitchell, missionary. Tba Bibla acbool
meet at 8:45. Chnrch services at 11
a. as. and 7:80 p. sa.7 lee pastor wilt
preach ..feet's seeraiag -aad eveeiag. - The
vceiiig sermon will be the tecond of tba
aeries oa fandaaacntala. "Tba Diet? of
Christ" will be tba topic
First Evangelical- C. CPolinf min la
ter, fiuaday, the 9ta of Sept., regular
services bo til morning end evening- Preach
ing by the pastor at 11 a. as. and 8 p.
ai. tiubjeete. "Philosophy of Prayer '
and "Strife among the Iiaclples.' j Bible
e- book at 9:45, . - K. Thompson, vaupt.
Cariatiaa Endeavor at 7:15 p. as. slid
waek frervic. Thursday evsaiag at 8 p. .
A hearty welcome ia given to all who
attend tba aervicea
evening service 8 o'clock. The Ladies
Aid will meet with Air. Ktenstrom 205
Trade St., Thursday afternoon 2 o clock.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at - 8
o'clock. ijuarterly conference ..Friday
evening 8 o'clock to which all members of
the church are asked to be present. Welcome-
lo these meetibga, - -
Seventeenth and Cheaeketl fit, s. F. W.
Launar, pastor. - 8ennoa at 11 a. a.;
Lev. E. XI. Horncaur will preach. Hunday
abdol at 10. a. n. Evangelical Lesgue
at 7 :30 p. uw -Franklin Launar will load.
.' : TtEIEWDS '.lXr.''
Sonih Salem Friends -Corner Commer
f Sal aad Weehir.gtoa. Carl F. and Minnie
J Uler pastors. Sunday school 10 a. m. ;
lr. Csrl . Miller super lntendent; elaaaas
f r all arcs- Worship 11 a. m. Theme
' Kedsmpiion;" special music. C. E. 7
p.. m. t teaching-8 p. as.; thetna "Aaptere
aad Revelation.." .Prayer meeting Thurs
oy 8 P- - If yon have a church
iotsecoma and worship with ua. -
- Highfand. Friends -Highland-AVa. and
'orth' Church St. I. O. and Ida J. Lee
u misters. Bible school at 10 a. m.; Wal
t r . Stanton, avperiatendent. Although
Bijtny -of oar people are away aa vacation
& helping to harvest the fruit crop, tba
a eadanca at ; oar school keeps up quite
. ii and excellent work ia binr done. We
lave classes for all area and a real wal
Ciine ; for all. - Pieacoiag services at 11
a. aviand' 7:30 p. so. bohjeet for .morn
ing . 'f Spiritual -4iif ta and Jndividaal Op
f ortuaity."- .Christian tndeaver at :30
I ra. Young people prayer meeting and
J ble study eo .Monday at 7:30. p. m.
Cur young people'a meetings are. full of '
Litereat and profit to those who attend.
All young people who are not otherwise
enraged . are cordially invited. Prayer
meeting, oa Thursday at 8 p. m. .
Christ Lutheran State and Eighteenth
streets. G. Kfcehler pastor. Sunday
school at :4S a. m. Preaching service
'i a German 'at 10-:8O; subject, -"The la
ward i Eye and Ita Objecta.'' Evening
service ia Engl ink at 7.30 p. ra.; subject,
"Merit versos Grace.' Bible a tody and
rrsyer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.
in. A hearty welrorae. s , . .
' Ward Wllhs Long minister. At 9:45,
Funday school; 11 -a. m.. sermon by Kcv.
.ion roe G. Everett, student pastor at O.
A. C, special musie byhe choir. 7 p. m.
ChrUtiaa , Endeavor societies. . The ad
vance intermediate and senior societies
re aniting in a. missionary program
"ilissions ia ,the. Bible." Some Terr
pecial features ard being planned and a
rood, meeting in promised. Everybody
welcome. 8 p. m. popular evening service.
Ipectal musie. ' congregational aiag, and
noa by Rev. Everett. . Thursday eve
nrng 8 O'clock church prayer boar. Sub
ject "Lessons from the Life of David:
leader Mr. E. A. Kenury.
First Churchy-Corner State and Church
reets. Blaine E. Kirkpatriek minister.
V'",mtint 9:15 - m- Litch
field, leader Meetings held ia the aorta
weet corner room downstairs Sunday
school 0:45 a. m-, H. F. Shanks, snperin
tendent. . If yoa are not connected with
""y,0"', Snday achooL. yea are cor
d1al!y invited to tm In tbia fall by
studying with aa. JUoraing worship 11
clock. Sermon bythe pastor ea the
.ict -We Would! Se. JeZ' ' ; The
c.r"r W,M. 'ormi"11 apecisi mnsie ; apder
j the direction of Prof. E. W. llobson, with
Prof. T. S. Roberts at the organ. Epwerth
. Learuea meet at :30 p. m. The senior
'chapter la te be led by Mias Myrtle Maz-
: tiii m t , "tend
Jh '..bJt will be "Everyday
tr,'' The intermediate chapters
rt. i"? mr Epwortk
i . o , use "tnis is the
. last, Sunday before the annual conference.
- .itruburt of the congreratitra are arred te
?!,'n, iThe . 'nencc .opens ia
?-"i?04 E. chaca ia
, ereaee Will be held Friday at the same
Nortk 18th and Center streets. Geo. a
Roeder. mraister. Sunday school 10 a.
m., both English and etraus classes.
, " preaching by the pastor; sub
Jeet: The voice Divine." Th. ehoir
wOl sing VAwaka, My SonL" c Prayer
. meetinc Thursday evening. A cordial ia--i
vljation ia extended. v
' ' Scandinavian M . E. 15 th and If 111
. streets. David C Haaael pastor, fiaaday
; nor sing aerviee 11 o'clock aad Haaoay
: school IS. .Gust Anderson, auweriatead-
; ' . "Epworth Lesgqe . 7 :30 . p. m. and
i. s
t u
C. .
t Cl JTelani, Ohio.
-Leslie Methodist Episopar South Com
mercial and Myers streets. .11. K, I" ember
ton pastor ; Sunday school meets at D:tS,
E. A. Rhoten : uperintadent. Kpworth
Letgue meeting at 7 p. ra. . Morning wor
ship ll'o'clock. . Sermon sabjoct, "Faith
in His Name" . and Modern Thinking.
Evening roeetfne st 8, sutject, "Time,
Time, More Time." -You are cordially
invited to attend all of these meetings.
They .will help yoa during the coming
week and tre associations .will deepen
year faitk in G.d and your fellowmsn.
Tea wil enicy tbe singing and good fel
lowship. Come with ua. Official board
meeting for September Monday evening
at :1tU. ; , : v; i ' ,
Winter and Jefferson Hts. Thomas Atche-
son, pastor, r.ari officer ia charge w(
the junior church. Take the North Cora-
Since this is the closing Sunday for the
conference year It ia hoped that , there
will be a rallying of the membership for
the services of the dsy so as- to have a
fine fin Mb & she- year's effort. ; Appro
prita services will be Led both morning
" eifio ana leaiures of interest to
ii runrri mi.' me work will De presenteo.
Snnday school 'will convene nt 9:45 a. m.
wim classes lor ail ages. Strangers and
visitors made to feel at home. Two aer
vicea at II a. 'm. l Rev. Officer will
preach to the juniors down stairs. Yonng
people 8 te ,16 years invited. . The pastor
will eondaet th i j r. I M K. ..,.!::
- - - - -wuj wilHill,
In the evening at 8 o'clock the Epworth
"s" juujjg peopie win meet for ae
VotMnsltneeting. Young people wanted
sua Welcomed, At 6:30 p. m. there will
be a ronslng testimony and praise ser
vice for aduha in the auditorium. At 7
p.m. public evangelistic aervire, with lota
of congregational singing lesd by the
choir. Public warmly welcomed. Special
music by tbe choir both morning and eve
ning. -Mid week devotional meeting ea
Wedneaday for adult end junior thurches.
West Salem it. E. Chsrrh Sunday
aeol convenes at 9 :45 . a. m.. H. J.
Morrja wilt preach at 11 . m. The eve
ning services will be taken up bv the
Sunday school special program. Public
invited. : i ;
7T1)ftl lrl., . fit i Panl'a ..n.(t
today 7;30 aad 11 a. ra. - Full vested
choir at 11 o'cock service. All moat
Flrtt United Breltreit Qorfter 12th
aad Miction afreets. Sunday school 10
a. . m. - Preaching -1 1 a. ha. Eveningser
vice loVe feast 7:AO. Preaching at H.
Prayer maetiBC Wednesday evening at 8.
You are .invited to worship with ua.
Oome. C. W. Tlbbet, pastor.
1 i CONOREq ATIOXAX. ; . .
First, CoagregatiOBal- The pastor. Dr.
Kantser. will preach at . 1 1, a. as. Bun-'
day school at lO a. m. Mo evening ser
vice. '-Prayer meeting -Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock - -,
' .- C ' '' '
1 BethanJ- Keformed Caorch -Corner of
Capitol aad Marion streets. . Sunday
school 0 a. a. -and English preaching
aerviee 11 , a. m. fo evening aervu-e.
M. Denay, pastor.
Church of loJ 134 N. Church Rt.
Dr. J. J. Qin.Kpij pastor. Sunday acbool
at Salem Heights ,wi. be discontinue.!
anti October 7. Yeenr people's aervicea
0:45. and Breachiue service-7 :S( n. an.
Regular . weekly .prayer meeting Wednes
day evening 7:30. ' . . .
'CTinrch f tie Njiarene-i-N1nteeth and
Marion St.' i C. Howard Davie pastor.
Morning worship 11 a. ra. W. B. Hardy
superintendent. Revival aerviee, old time
kind. 8 p. m. TPS 1 p. ra. Children 'a
meeting name hour. , f ,
ChrUtiaa and : Mlssiotiarr Allii
Tabernacle Ferry street - between Cottage
and Church. Saturday ia young people's
night, street meeting corner of State aad
Liberty Kts. Eight o clock service at
tabernacle. Sunday : Sunday achool 2
p. m. Preaching at 3 and 7 :0 n. m.
Friday apecial Bible study, the Book of
KevelatMtn. A special invitation ia ex
tended to all. Come and bear the glorious
gospel gien forth ia ita fullness. S
Glad Tilings Mission 343 V, Court St.
C. 8. Johnson pastor. Sunday school at
2 p. m. Services at ' 8 n. m.. subject
A .Fire that - did - not destrov."
Services at 8 - p. . m.. aubiect'
Killed But Not Dead" Services Wed
nesday and Saturday evening. Yonng
people'a meeting, on 'Tharsday eveaiag.
we preach -a four-fold gospel. Salvation
for the sinner, heaing for the aick, .bap
tism of the Holy Ghost, and the second
coming of Christ. Mission is opea every
day lor prayer. Come in if yon are ia
aeea of help. Everybody welcome.
Marion Countv Holiness Asaociation
The regular monthly meeting of the
Marion Coantv Holrneaa associat inn : will
be held next Tneaday evening at the .Free
Methodlat chnrch, corner of N. Winter
and Market, atreets, at 7:45.- Rev. Carl
F. Millar of the 'sooth Salem Friend
church will preach the sermon of the
: Get a
fu mu E
At Factory r Prices
0- - ' f"-
thds ia Salera -
1803 Ne iiberty Strek
- T ,
f I .
I "t
? i -:
; ,
. f
? J
Owners are now tell-
ingcirfriends about the I
wonderful pulling power
of the Duraot motor.
-Tit remains cool under V
' the hardest and longest
of Dulls.
"- ' A ... .... .- ...J ., i ' V i
r ; $1275
, . - uciiTcrcu ncre . . ;
' '. ' -: - -v -J -
1 1 ... f 1
"fttc t a Ilea I Good. Car'
... ... -
x J - ,
- c - F. G. DELANO . A. h E0FF
, . : - ' .... - ' - ' '
J. T. nikey, VTooJLu.m 'L, SrTicf a&rmf, Mt. Angel
AV.-.i r frton Da!!a Garr. Dallaa . v :
' " ' T ' f v v 1
'J i
a v aLal nil ilin 1 1. u , v,mill isjjaii.
man tasniii .-- , h r (.jiyir r
Mrs. iMartin Johnson on a Domeslicated Zebra '
evening. The work of ; the association ia
Strictly Inter-denominations! in 1 its char
acter and he' as ita object the, deeping
of the spiritnal' life in all churches. .
Free Methodist church Corner of V.
Winter and Market streets. Rev. Mor
timer C. Clark, pastor., Sunday school
at 9:5. J. M. ClsrV,. sopt. snnday is
tha . quarterly meeting occasion, and the
District Jtlder. Rev. Wilbar N. Coffee,
will be present and will preach both at
the' morning and evening htinr. From
10:80 to 11 :15 ' there will te an old
fashioned Love Feast conducted. - At the
c lota of the morning Methodist aermoa
the aacrament of the Lord's supper wiH
be admiaiatered. -Claas -meeting in the.
evening at TJ15. ' grayer meeting reach
llmrKiay af 7;4S. Ail .re cordis Uy wel
cotne to enjoy heae. services with si .
. - - - -V j r -J . 4 '- -
he Spiritngl ehpreh will hold Bcndsy'
N I486 , Broadway.
Subject : "God ao ved , the orld thar
he gave ',hi only . begotten 'son, that
whosoever beljeveth on . him J shall bave
everlasting JUf Rev. nna , Coaekley,
Salvation Armv servires: .HoHneaa
meeting 1 o'clock :a fall .gospel meeting
lhat -will tring ; tor,. ,be teacniags of
the scripture 'singing and 'music appro
priate to the aerviee Sunrt.y school 2
p.m. classea for all age. Lively chortle,
alnging ; by the phlldren. " A ratty day
treat for n who come. WW ' l
lnt resting yoang people' nleeUng. 81
vatfon rily 6 p.m.. ofd 'tinie ' Mlvalion
meeting where the ; testimonies will be
i J!a rin ifR tn ola time, fire,
lit?? cSSff "Bd 1- riBon 'sob
jest: Waiting for what!" ' All wel-
-Scf't Cpt,Jn rtr:.,A.,MJolJirook
IV .really Worried , about- the
baby,"L saldVyouag r . Berliner.
Henry's .worried I about ther,7too
"Is her iieaitb: failing" " ;; Jt'a er future that
bothers ua. We fpund jher the
ether day trTinr
ln ;hr jnoTath, and ,we,'re .afraid
sne s sojng ; to grow ,.up to be " a'
ballet Uancer." '' ' 1 ' x
collectorThis account has
been running a long "time. - (
Owena Well, marathons ' are
all the, rage just now, you knowj
'Twinkle, twinkle. little' Star. ;
tvHoWf I wonder 'Where. you: are'
- Thia aong might hare been aun?
with propriety by Pansy Wlllard.
1680. North Summer-tteet,Shen
she appeared at. the police atatlon
yesterday morning -to report the
theft of ;herautcmptri t
aboTe-Wentioned 'make.
; , The car was later found t ;
ing near Sixteenth -and 1) .:.
about 9 "o'clock by Qffitera V;
and Edwardi and restore j to
When; Sclicol S5ag jg
Your ' boy should 'certainly have a bicycled ' The extra
time he . has to spend at home .will soon pay for it.
Parts, TlepairiniT, Lights, Etc
f- . .
Lloyd ?E. lcsn
' 387.Court'St.
' - 1 '
-- v n .... i ii -
riKS-ffrocES t
Batit Overlook this
Western Giant pords re gaining
fa$ter m, popularity, in the West, than
other tire, VEachday new mends
are made mbtqrists, " try . one, ex
perience 'the 3 wonderful 'wearing
. qualities-; the non-sWd features; the
easy riding . advantages and -then
demand Western Giant Cords all
, around. .
Buy All Xcvtr AytoSupplic3 at the sVestern Auto Supply Co
--PTwrent wearirta: of rttxtnlng .board be
sides lraprorlnx g-reAtly tbe" car's 'ap
Peavrajtkce aXao prevertta 'atlpplng. A
real aajlng au this Jaw grtotv
1 -
f y r w
ironj yoar .Yacation it's a good time "to lock your
,-ar qv&t, rgivej it a good -oTcrbauIIns, greasing and
general -cleji taiiiig Dress it tip with the proper
accessories. Your car deserves these things. - 7e
have listed a number 'cfTi terns for yotlr appro vd
some of them arid a fev? hours' time will get your
ear in good order again. " ;
Gumranteed lO.OOO ,KlUe v
Size i Roadgripper Western Giant
f . . - la.e jane rtiaur. ' lAee.uilrCiiar;
323j ,13;8Q , TOjGO
514 2m
324 17.75 23.25
18 'S5 -24.g5
g241 23.C5
3441 : 29.80
355 36.90
( Guarantee ) $11190
for everv purpose.' Kachet WTfnehes,
.StiJlaoB. 'Creseeat Typa "S":' wrtnrte.
Eni Wreoclles ana1 . many of the special
aeeket o4 speed wrenches, 'which sre so
neeessarr ' to quick work enrune: a ear.
BUQaga 'Spencer Dooole nd "Wrancne
; see t f 1,40
Wrench Sat 85e te S730
Combir)atton JifT .:20e te.fl-40
Leader ;4..h8. . . .,'.. $20
.Teal Bosjes. ........ . ;2J55 o $3.95
-Oyl-Step- Pia&n -Kirtffa. .. . i45c
-Dw Lwt Pistons, pa set... . $14J5
"Rsoutar Ford Piatsns, porajete,
each i.$U0
Grease Guhs..........;4So to tZSO
Veedol Oil, light, mtditim or heavy,
s-flsi. ......... .777:...,.:.,5jso
1 aal.
Veedol Greats, 1 lb.... .....30c
8 lbs
r ' - ir "I
Pe Luxe Jumbo
Jack -
411 lift ?aurw ar. .Tha .ffhntaMa
fooc Unk lis a. "yery oa- . 6 C
realent eatdrti. Oaiy.ii." vi-iifij
i Other yack J1.0 ts M.7S
; : , , f
Little 5iotix
Valve Grinder
' Shirve-CH3ht Body Polish,
pi2&'csui . . . . . . iC3c
Quart c&n . . . . . . .$1.10
Simoziiz :axi( C Tesx'ttVr,
each . . . . . . . . : . . .Qe
Refimshing Outfit
The Standad outfit conalats of:
1 Urge can Ot Alr-Drjrinir Black
. Body mud " Fender rFlnlstiln;
jSnarnel,' 1 can Gear and Wheel
Air-Drytns; EJnamel. 1 can 'Auto
Tod Dressing black). 1 ban En-
gioa "EnairieL Com -t?Vl QC'
plte outfit ........... lff'rO 3
Steel IVobl, pkz . . ..ISc
Quality 'Spons'es, ' -
35c to $!S
Whole Skin Chamois, size
17x21 95c
Size 21x2S. . . . . .S1.60
Autospra" : .W a.h ib g
Bruan a ota n t arin
brush fits any stand
ard hose coupling .$1.85
5poke 'tusheis
Fioer Bristles ... . : . ;6Sc
'Genuine Hair . Bristle's . 85c
. t
made fot "heavy -am 'hemi
, cavlly .-treated. Pits arid - protects
either hand. A labor fJP
saver. Only ............ U3C
Very often several ecces
soriea oriAiar tvillhelp tha
;looka to -such :an extent
that ;it -will -brihjr many
extra dell&rs when vou
ivish to selljt. V V
a x:
: --'They consist of m -llbt
steel frame, both sides cov
ered -with rubber cloth and
. strona ' brackets tag attach
tng; very neat and service
'able.,-..:- "V" - -
v Pyralia Vhcra ,
; S.S5ito
Green 'GI&a'$ll.S0
All fie tidC 1.75 taC5.7S
'Uvtafeay' Stop Blatts
Other Plates ass low as SSc
x' " 1 -
Coupe andrSe??an'Ce.rpet$
for Fords. . ; Extra fine
; quality.. r 1
Sedan aize . . . . ,$7.75
Cokips sise ............ $4.35
;,,; , :. v. " ;, '
HicH Quality
Rubber Mats
Ferd Open rCara.-V
For! Coupea
Ford Sax!ana .
., ; . . .. .93c
...... .$1.75
O) !
i ,
Mtm 000 Miles 7000 Miles
30x3 ' I $ 5.85 $ 6.8(T
32x3 , 9:95:r4:-io5ir
31x4 10.45 1" j,lj5
32x4 ; 12.55 13tF
33x4 12.75 13.952
Anyctie can prind valves with
one ft tbese Just as -easily and
efficiently as b ' e xnert. Our
price; Is AM nn
only . . . . . ;. . :.i . . . . . .'. -atCU
Other Verve rindrs.ESo to $2.15
Vslve Ufters 40c toZSO
Siosut .Valve i-Re-faeer mud Re
sea ter. pvr psir $2.0.
Cyliaclpr, - Head Casket .from
30c tM5, accordiag te car.
' r :
Tela la the genuine Cobpsr tt wil abse-
luielr and positively cut the muffler
oat aa caUae all tbe dleeharged gas
to -paee autvar at aa easy eagle. it
,ne roar meter "peney." lrlc. com-
. Aeerdu i felM amaV Car
NothlnK 'will- -set. ofT .the
front o your car ao much as
'one ot our beautiful radiator
.'ornaments. Our ornament"
are made of solid nicta.1 that
"wiU withstand vibration '"and
'wwither. tlasten on -top ,of
radiator cap. iiasy to put on.
rinishtd in beautiful filckfel
COc to ac!i
'glow r iteTclo cizs
Visible both 4ay fjfht.
fl3f eeeeeeeesa,se
C-Iay Auto CI ocks ,
iRim .Wind and mm Het. A
high quality clock. -7 i
0,nly ZIO CZ
Ask for New
1 i
i, at the Store
.Necrest Y$u
. ' ' TS Stores in the West
A P (
On-r by Uail
) . 0::r "
C; nU