NORWICH UNION ; ; ; TO INSURANCE 80GXXTT t H; Burghardt. . Jr. MONEY 70 LOAN 4 On Read tiUU t. k. ford , tOw Ladd A Bwlt Bank) AUTOMOBILES 1 BATTE2Y AMD EUCTKXCXA PRESTO-LITE BATTEBY BERVICB H Expert battery aad electrical 1 work. . ynt Br, Pkeee isos. 419 R. D. BARTON EXIOB BATTERIES iUrtf Md fwwntor'wrt; 111 Soata OamrtUI t RADIATOR FENDER REPAIRS "- RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES 1 repaired. J. 0. Belv. 849 Ferry TOPS SALEM'8 HEADQUARTERS TOR AUTO topa la fouad at 256 State itrnt. t E. Granert Top Shop. TIBBB VAJTD ACCESSORIES USED PARTS to l-t OFF. MIKE'S - Aito Wracking Hem; '424 North Cnwimercial. phon B8. TRACTORS A C HA AG at GO, 444 PERRT ST. , Phone 210. Cletrae tractor, OUref lm- ,! pieman ta. u,- ,-. ."!..? - WRECKXNO OUR EXPERT MECHANICS ARE AL- sys at year service, aod we hare a aporially boUt towing ear that will take year wrecked car to a ay garage yon select. Jack Poerfer Motor Repair. .jBICYCLESandREPAlRINGl BICYCLES ASS XEPAIBZaTO LLOYD E. RAUSDXN DAYTON BICY- ao4 roooMiie': Ooort f : BUSINESS CARDS. 1 ARCHITECTS FREEMAN 8TRUBLE. REGISTERED Architect. 810 Beak of Coaaaierae BeUdiac. ' I " AUCTIONEERS ; AUCTIONEER -L. E. T ALB OTT, THE liveetock, formltarc mad (am aalea ' aactioaear. 202 U. 8. Baak Bldf Pteae ! 47 for aale data. - - CARPET AND XUO WEAVING SALEM C A B P E T CLEANING AND : rittfl Roc Worka Rag aad fluff rnfa woroa aay also witboot aeeia. Now : aaattroaaoa aiod to order. Old aaaf- treaaoa remade, reataere roaorated. I bay all kiada of aid earpeU for flaff - net. aad Wilbur 8tmta. Pkoat -; l ISA Otto P. Ewieker. Prep. " CHIKMEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING P U BN A OE clooniaa-. T. Ooaaoilamaa. Bar U. n mr Hardware company. CLEANERS AND DYERS ALEM CLEANER8 AND DYERS . Sita eleaaed aad preeeed. ; ' - Saita epoagod aad preaaed, 60c. 121S 8. Oooi'l. Pbooo 'IMAt CONSUXTING ENOINEEES - CIVII CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Constructing Engineer. . Sarveya. oati aioto. Jao, JS. Neoi. v 919 Orago" . Bldg. Phone 7T. ALM ENGINEERING , Teyora, Boada, Real v OrrB. ' SERVICE 8UR EaUU. fiaytoa. DRUG STORES ytU. KEIMETIB "JUST DRUGS. ITS N. Commercial. Phoa t6T. IOXCTRICIAJIS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC boildiag. PboaeHOO. f rLTCTEIO PIXTUEJE AND SUPPLY Co. Phoko 1994. 223 N Uborty. ARCHIE PLEENEB, ELECTRICIAN Hoaae wiring by bear or eoatraet. i timatoa I araiahod. Pbono 990. 414 coart st. -:- i - v ; " ;:' . HALIK',8 ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO trieal machine repairing. eoatraeUag i 88T Oont. . Phone 489. PINANCIAl, HAWKINS ROBERTS. CITY LOANS. swttwt aPaVwdJua. , GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5 IX per eent, 909 Salons Beak of Commerce - ;.: . FARM LOANS ' . Insaraacw amoaey, any aamouat 6 per eent, - for 8. 7, 10. or 20 year, with fnO - prepayment privilegee - entire Witlsm tte volley. - , HAWKINS R0BEBT3 ; i' 20S Oregoa Bldg Salem. Oregoa FARM LOANS AT 6 PER CENT aad 6V FEB CENT ANDERSON RUPERT-v Oregoa Bldg, Salem. Ore. FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST. longer time. no commission. ; Projects V afaJnst adversity. City loans, lowest rate, monthly installment. ' pre-pay men I privilege. J. C. SiegmBad. room - 2. over Ladd A Buab book. rLOKISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS - foaeral wreathe, decoration. C F. ' Broithaept, floriat, 128 i N. Liberty. ' Phone 880. PRATE EN AZ, LOTaXi OBANSB LODGE JASOM LEE - Memorial No. 90 meote la Odd Fel lows' haU every first, third aad V fifth Tuesday of the at eath. ; All - Oranawmen welooma. SEAOROVE FOR FURNACES PIPE and pipeleM; 198 8. 12th St. Phoas asW. FURVITTJRB STORES G1ESE FURNITURE CO. Q UAL ITT furnitore for. loss money. 978 Court v" Phone 1 . ' f' ' PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW . and .second band fumitura; 271 N. Com mmr rial. 1 ' . WB BUT AND SEt I FUBNITURS, j toe's, and junk. 97S North Coma or-1 Wt ' Pboao 88. Use Statesman Classified Ads ' THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THE SPARK-PLUG BUSINESS CARDS Con'd LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 110 S. t Liberty street, Phoaa 85. Oldest largest bait. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 1284 Broadway. Phone 165. -r TALE HAND LAUNDRY PERSONAL bundle o apedeialty. Ale cleaning aod pressing. 1691 Ballvue. Phase 9. MACHINE SBOr THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC S tea to boilers, ' vuleaaixer and tub plate. Perry a Campbell, 917 M. Liberty. MXDXCA& MOUNTAIN BALK COUGH REMEDY Phon 517-W. .VTTBXEXt STOCKS FRUIT LAND NURSERY . . line trees. Of nee 161 Phene lltOM. . - COMPLETE 8. - 14th. BU COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL ffnltt, oratmenu. Capital City Nar aery Co., 426 Oregon Bldg Phono 75. FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE Pearey Bre 287 State. TREES PAPERHAN GING AND PAINTXNa PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB - HOUSE deeoratlag. paper hanging, tinting. U. Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMININK IN BEAUTI t fal color; fl dooa a room. Max O. Bna. 179 N. Commercial. PLUM3ING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL . work. Phone 1397-J. i Snop 127 Union 1 atret.' A. l Godfrey. ";'v SCAYZOrOERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refnao of all kiada romoTod. Ceapoola cleaned. Phono 167 or 1007 J. SOOS 8CAYENGEB SERVICE (SUO cesaor to . Neal Scarenger) -Garbage . aad refoto of all kiada removed bp the month. Reasoaable rate. Pboaea: . Of fine 529: roaideneo 9058. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND Bella aocoad hand furniture, tool and - jnak; 820 K. Commercial. Pkoaa 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH lag and ahoea. Best prieaa paid. Cap- - ital Eaehaago; 842 North Commercial Pbooo tM-W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED . 40 year . experience. Depot National feaee. eiaee SS to 28 la. high. Paiata. t oil aad Taraiabe. ete togan berry aad ' hop hooka. : 8alra Peace aad Store Works. 250 Court street Pkoae 124. TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central 8 "-age Terminal. Salem. Oregon SALEM-EUGENE : LeaToa Salem 7:13 a. m.; 9:15 a. .; 11:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. au; 9:1S p m.; 5:15 p m.; 7:80 p. m.; to Corral lia only. PARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker. General Manager Central State Terminal Salem. Oregon. 8ALEM SILVERT0N DIVISION Leave Salem. Central 8Ute Termiaal; 7 a, m.; 11 a. m.; 5 p. m Loaves Silvertoa News 8taad: 9 a. au: 1 p. m; 6 p. am. Sleaa-Iadopeadeoeo-Monaooth Divtaioat Leovoa Salem. Central Stage Terminal t T a, am.; 9 a. at.; 11:10 a. as.; S:10 p. aa. , ,5:10 pa Loaves Monmonta, Monmouth Hotel: - 8:15 a. am. j 1 p. -m.; 6:19 p. aa. Loovea . Indepeadenoo. Beaver Hotel -8:80 a m.; 9:50 a. am.; 1:15 p. am. 4 p. am.; 6:80 p. am. Leaves Central SUg TerolaaL Salem, for Dallas at: . ' 7 a. am.; 11:10 a. am; 8:10 p am. Leave Gail Hotel, Dallaa, at fa. am.; I p. m.; 9:18 p. m, Ws Bake eoaaeetiona at Salem to U part of the valley. Extra trips by ap - poiatment. J. W. PARKER, General Manager. VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA were, glassware, toy, aotioaa, aad mil- ' Boer. )';;---.,.-... WATEB SALEM WATEB, LIGHT POWER CO. ' Office. 801 South Commercial St, Ten per eent discount en domestie flat rata paid ia advance. K deductions for abeeace or any eause unieea water ta shut off your prom FOR RENT FURNISHED j APAETMXNTS FOB RENT APARTMENTS, . Ooaamereial. ! . 991 NO. FURNISHED . ' APARTMENT, did location. 1510-M. SPLESt. FOR RENT FURNISHED APART ment, 590 Union atreet. . Phone. 567-J. FOR . RENT FURNISHED 8 3&OOM : apartment, first floor, alao furnished : 4 room apartment, private bath. 1047 8. Commercial. Phooe 1168 J. TEMPUS foH Uwn! hem combs Mo -moveL AHrJ $ff , PSf&f r- - " 'W.:- , I ' - 4 1 : 1 : . : ". . . , : ' J FOR RENT Continued APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT WITH piano. 592 N. Summer. : Phone 1078. APARTMENTS FOR RENT CLEAN and neat, close in. 815-822. . Call Mr. Berg. 1051-W. HOUSES FOR RENT FURXI8RED HOUSE, , aavea rooma. near achool, glO.OO per month. St. Lonia atation, ; Oregon Electric G. C Allen. Route 3, Gervaia. FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE, MO drrn. at 727 S. 12th at. $25 a month. . partly furaiahed. if desired. Call at ' RtatMnian hminna office. r phone 2S. ROOMS TWO PLEASANT downstairs. HOUSEKEEPING fmrniahad. 844 N. Eighteenth. FOR BENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping rooms Leonard HoteL 254 N. Trent Street. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT 7)4. - wording "Furniahed Rooms." price 10 , cents each. Statesman Basinets Of fice. Ground Floor. (FOR RENT-Miscellaneousl PIANOS NEW PIANO FOB RENT H. T Stiff Fnrnitaro Co. 6 PER MO. FOR SALE I FOB SALE: RADIO SET. WILL SELL at bargain. Phone 94F18. FOR' SALE LLOYD WICKER BABY carriage. Phono 904-W. FOR SALE GOOD WOOD SAW IN first class condition. Phono 1786J4. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 cent a bundle. Circulation department Oregon 8tateamaa. TOMATOES FOR SALE DIFFERENT varieties snd grsdes. Ernest Inf sr. Rt. 1. Box 11. Phone 11SF4. . . , ? FOR SALE POPCORN MACHINE, like new. -Terms if desired. Bargain for eaah. Van Slyko, 1160 Broadway ' atreet. - - PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY 71A" wording 'For Sale, Enquire at." Price 10 cents each. Statesman Office, Grouad Floor. Busiaess FOR SALE I LIGHT OAK FLAT TOP dock.' 94x60; 1 pedestal typewriter deak to match; 1 large awivel chair; 1 stenographer's chair; 12 side chair; 2 rugs; 1 Royal typewriter. Thia is sa excellent set of office equipment for some one. Phono 1090. s Beautiful Oregon Rose Aad eleven other Ore gon songs together with a fins collection of pstriotie songs, sacred songs and many old-time favor ites . . j i ALL FOB 25c (Special prices la quantity lots) 1 Especially adaptable far achoel commun ity or home singing. Bead for i , Western Songster ; 1 78 pagea now m its third edition V Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 111 8. Oooamoreial St. Salem. Ore. FOR SALE-Miscellaneous f FOR SALE NEW IDEA QUILTER, AM leaving, town. Earn money ia yoer own' homo. - I teach yon the work. 843 S. Liberty. Phone 1241-J- , anaavBBBBaBwames.Bauan FOR SALE HALF SHARE IN FINE, (area canoe. Phone 767-R. - - BIRDS. rXOWBSS AVO PBT9) PARROT SPECIAL TILL 8EPTEM ber 1. we will sell young kand-raised Panama parrota for only $19.50. . Every one guaranteed to leara to talk. ; Flake'a Petland. Salem. Oregon. BEAUTY A8TERS, ZINNIAS. MARI gblds. dosM 25 cents. Phone 1024-W. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST i farm paper, send I5e to the Pacific Homeetead, Salem, Oregoa for a three month' trial anbacriptioa. Meatios .-thia ad. iu, , -:;-. P0ULTRYMES SEND EIGHT TWO eent atampa for apodal three months' trial for the best aad oldeet journal ia the west. The articles aad advertise- -. menta are of apodal into rest to the poultry breeder ; of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Oom- Ul atreet. Salem. Oregoa. LIVESTOCK - FORs SALE 50 GRADE SHROPSHIRE ewe and four registered Shropahiro ram, two year old. H. C. Lewis, Aumsrilie, Ore. FOR SALE A NUMBER ONE MILK cow. jnst fresh. RFD 9, Box 30. Phene 14F23. ' POUtTRT RHODE ISLAND RED COCKERELS : for sale. Good color, big boned birds. Real Reds. A. L. Lindbock. Phone 1HF14.:- ,i : .. .: U :: i- -t FOR 8ALE 14 GEESE (LARGE aiie). ; Phone 930 office; phone ,;i672-W residence after 8 p.m. . Forewarned. Classified CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rate per word: Per Insertion -Three insertions ,,,,.,. , 2e 5e f FOR SALE Real Estate! CITT FltOrEBTT GOOD HOME WORTH $4000 WILL sell for $2750. $750 dowa. 1526 J. FOR SALE OR RENT 7 ROOM HOUSE garage, two Iota. . Call 268 8. 17th. S ROOM HOU8E AND GARAUE ON psved street, $4000. Gertrude 3. M. Pace, 492 N. Ootttf atreet, 46 LOTS AND GOOD SIX ROOM hoaae. m apleadid investment at -911.000.OO. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage street. SOLD ANOTHER ONE OF. MY BEAU tif nl lots in Nob Hill sddition, cbesp for cash. I have four choice ones left. Pavement paid. Call my agent. - Robinson. 212 .Oregon bldg. Phone 737. Inscrance and loan. - FOR' SALE BY OWNER NEW AND up-to-date 5 room bungalow. ssj terms. For information phone 841. after 6:00. 454-M, -j. . V CALL 7372 BASEMENT APART - menta rent for $42.00 and you have 6 room left for your own use. Close : in aad lota of fruit; $3000 and easy ' term. Robinson, Insurance, and Loan. 212 Oregoa bldg. OWNER WANTS TO GO TO CALIFOR - nia. For a qciek aale Newly built bungalow, 4 rooma, full, basement, furnace, etc., only one block from fair grounds, half block to car line. Price $2500.00, some terms. Rich. L. Rel mann. Realtor, 229 Oregon bldg. Phone 1013; home phone 1025 R. A STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. 8 rooma and Bleeping porch,-ia good - condition, paved street, .j immediate possession. 86500. A modern 5 room bungalow, $4750. 5 room house, 2 lots, $1150, $150 down - snd $10 per month. A nest. 4 room bouse la good order out side and in, paved street, $2200.' J. A. MILLS. S314 State atreet Emergency Deals OF THE THREE ADVERTISED LAST week two are gone; the remaining one , Is sn equally good buy: a 6 room up-to-date, fine district, open for im mediate possession. Easy terms. See , please. Wm. Fleming 841 Stste Woods Bargains ROOM HOUSE. GOOD LOT, $750. Five room . house, good ; condition, $1600. Six room house, paved street. $2000. Eight room house- in fine eon-'' dition, on pavement, fine lot, $3500. Ten acres with buildings, just outside city, s $2000. Ten acres, close in, to trade for coast ranch. 640 acres, South Dakota, for Oregon.' Choice acre tract, close in, for good ear. - House for rent. Two farm for rent. F. L. WOOD, 341 STATE STREET BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 6 room partly modern home, 4 lots, gar age, $1400, terms. 5 room modern house, 2 lots, ; $2100, - terms. 3 room bungalow, modern, all in first class condition, built-in refrigerator, good location, close in; $3250, $500 eah, bslance , like rent. 6 room strictly modern new bungalow, on pavement, close in, 6 blocks from Capitol: $5000, terns. 7 room modern home, garage, 4 Iota. fruit, shrubbery, a $7500 house, only $5500. $1000 eath, balance like rent. 22 acres, improved, 24 miles out on macadam road; $2850, $500 eaah, bal . ance terms. ! - Socolofsky, Realtor , 341 State .-, 1. . , t .; : PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY T". wording "For, Kent," price 10 eeata , each. Sutesmaa Business Office, aa Ground Floor. ". Good Buys in Homes 8 room bungalow with- basement, fire place, garage. Price $3000; $900 down. New four 'room unfinished bouse, corner lot. Price $675; $550 down. Modern five room bungslow home at 1025 N. Capital street. Price $6200, terms. New bungalow at 1880 S. Church street. Price 94750; 81500 down. 8 room home with basement, located at 1240 N. 4th street. Price $4200. half cash. 7 room home and three lots locsted at . 1693 8. Winter street, $4500; $1000 down. . 8 room bouse end lot 70x125. electric lights, city wster. toilet. Price $1200. Locsted at 166 West Miller street; 5 room bungalow -11 blocks north on Broadway atreet. Price $2500. 7 room house at 729 N. Liberty street. Price $2650. 4 room bungalow near Lincoln school, psved street. Price $3000 cash. We write fire Insurance. W. H. Grabenhorst A Co.. Realtors 275 Stat atreet, V. 8. Bank bldg. Gronnd floor. FOR SALE 6. ROOM HOUSE, FIRE- plaeo. " A sacrifice if sold st once. 312 Water street. of EFFIC1 Section One week (six Insertions) One month . 8e ..20c Six months' eoatraet per mo 15e , 12 months' eoatraet. per mo 12o Minimum W any advertisemeat25e FOR SALE, Continued j CITT PROPERTY PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14", BY 7", wording "Rooms to Beat, price 10 cents each. Statesmaa Basiaesa Of fice. Gronnd Floor. Six room house and lot, gl80O.0Ot 7 room' hoase, corner lot, -east front, $3400.00, $500.00 down. f 6 room bungalow, fireplace, basement, $4200.00. $500.00 down., 5 room hocse. , paTed atreet, eaat front. ' close 'in,, $2500.00. j . 6 room house, close in, $2100.00. GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE 1 492 N. Cottage street . ON E. Z. TERMS BRAND NEW MODERN BUNGALOW $330O Just completed, and op to date bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, electricity, ' full cement basement, all the built-ina; ideal location'; only $500 down, balance like rent. . v $3000 Modern ' 5 room bungalow, base ment, built-ins; payment down, balance . like rent. . $ 850 Cosy 4 room plastered bungslow, $350 down, balance $15 per month. Choice acreage tract. , Vacant lota, all parts of the city. .See CHILDS BECHTEL ' ,540 SUte street ; r 5 ROOM NEW HOUSE. . BASEMENT. Dutrb kitchen, paved atreet. S30OO. Will take Ford car as part payment. 6 room house oa Mill atreet, .Dutch kit chen. . garage, paved street. Term anyone can handle and a bargain at $2100. i ..- , 7 room honse in two apartments, ' two . baths, furnaeet large corner lot, good . location, $4800. i, , 6 room modern home : In . South Salem, . corner lot 75 by 150, beautiful shrub bery, $6300. - i ' Winnie Pettyjohn ' w 216 Oreyow bldg. . ! REAL ESTATE FARMS I ' ' Special ' TO J EXCHANGE 13 Hj ACRES, GOOD 'buildings, stock, cropi and - machinery, 5 miles east on ' pared road; price 95000. Trad for email rooming house in Salem. Eugene or Corvallia 5 room, house, bargain i for $1150, with '.$150 cash, fine new modern home. Trade for new modern c4 Trade for farm not over $6000. Thomason ' '- '.' '3314 SUte street 1' "WILL SELL MT 44 ACRE PLACE t bn "Silvertoa road, about' 34 miles from fairground, or will divide to 14 ! or 30 seres, i Will take ia a modern 5 'or O room bungalow as part py s ment.' , O. W. Haven,; Route 7. Salem. Oregon. Phon 91F23. , HELP WANTED MALB TWO EXPERIENCED PRUNE DRIERS. . For information apply to X D. Me Unn, Box, 44,' Route 5. Gervaia. Ore. LABORERS WANTED FOB PAPER mill, steady work,- good chance for ad- . vsncement, splendid company hotel ac commodations. Apply Crown Willa mette Paper- , company. - Went Lynn, Ore., or Ca annas, Wash. ''.-'-. WANTED SALESMAN FOR MARION and Polk counties. Party with horti cultural experience preferred. Corn . plete line of varieties. Commission contract. ' Pbono 1703 or, call "428 . Oregon bldg. ' Salem Nursery company. THE UNITED 8TATES VETERANS' , BUREAU HAS THE FOLLOWING P H Y 8 I C A LLY REHABILITATED TRAINED MEN READY TO WORK: I. , Attorney. Oregon license, desires con nection: 5 2. Lumber ' salesman, office man. buyer, ' high-class 1 TiflM. luxiHamn and accountants. . business collesre and university. (. Lens grinders, three, various personsl qusuiicstions. 5. Dental mechanics, two, msrried, with families. For further infortnstion eommunicste with the ' U. 8. Veterans Bureau, Myler bldg.. Ninth and Oak atreet. Portland; Oregon. Phon Broadway 761. PXMAXB WANTED housework. - GIRL FOR Call 997. ' GENERAL WANTED A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN for housekeeper. Must like children. Phone 579-M after 7:30 p.m. WANTED A WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework and car of five year old girl. Mother employed. Good home and fair ware. References. Address "D16" care SUtesuian. - WANTED DEPENDABLE GIRL PAST 18 for light housework aad to care for small child, 1 six nighta n week; room and board and amall salary. Apply 9 to 12 a.m. i Mrs. C. W. Hawley, 1259 Cbemeketa street. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTFJ IRER 8, 1923 j HELP WANTED ConJd ;!' PERSONAL Continued FEMALE WANTED A 1 WOMAN FOR GENERAL . housework and care of five year old daighter. Mother teaching. Referenc es. Mrs. Mabel Lusby. 1006. OUve atreet. Eugene. Or. MALE AND FEMALE PAID BY WEIGHT 120 PER 100 LBS. " Koi-te 8, Box 98,. N. Salem. Lee Hing. TRUCK WILL LEAVE BRIDGE WITH ' pickers every morning, 6:30, and re trrn in the evening.. Picking . now. Williams Hop Ysrd, Eols. Oregon. PRUNE PICKERS 6 AND 8 CENTsT . Drier men ,84.00 and $5.00. Rooma, , atovea, aprings, and eletrie light fur . nishsd... Summit Home, Route 4, Box 26A. . '..,-' WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good J reposition to the right people. Ad rets the Pacific Homestead, 8tstesmsa RMvj Salem. Or. INSURANCE fOR' JOINT STOCK LAND BANK farm loans. Fire, Life or Ad to Indem 1 nity Inaoranca and atoek and dair ' ranches, see . ., A. p. Bohrnstedt - Realtor " -4Q7 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. FIRE YOU CAN IXSCRE YCR OFFICE . furniture snd fixtures ia the Oregon , Fire Relief association. See us when you need insurance on these. Stsndlcy A Foley. ' A rents. Bush Bank bldr. Ladies Wearing Apparel j DRX8SMAKXNG PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7A", , wording "Dressmaking"; priee 10 eent each. Statesman Busin Offic Ground Floor. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, atamping and needle work; 828 Oregon bldg. Phon 879. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING atamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler' store. Phono 117. LADIES TAHrOKlNa W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING, long cost and aaita. Room 7, MoCor ' Back Bldg. ' D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Court St. LOST AND FOUND LOST ON COUNTRY ROAD A LONG tan purse, conUining bills and ailver. Return to Ststesmsa office. Reward. L08T PEARL NECKLACE ON LIB erty street. Finder return to Ststes man. Reward. i - LOST BICYCLE, BROWN, READING, ; standard box handlebars, new spokes, tires and rims. Notify - A H.- Berg. Phono 1928 or J051-W. MUSIC STORES MUSI0 STORES GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS. PH0NO - graphs,, sewing machines, aheet muaie, and piano atudiea. Repairing phoao- : graph and Bowing maealaee; 482 SUte, Salem. ' SHERMAN, CLAY tt 00, PIANOS ( Steinways, Duo-Art tad others. Moore's - Musie House, 415 Court street. - TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fuml tore- Co Maaie Dept. F MUSICAL Instruments A 0OURSEIN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard music Semi-classics and ballads; 12 lessens. Waterman Piano School, Me- Coruack Bllg. - . . FOR SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY piano left with ua to aell. Price $200; terms. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co Mu sie department. ; PHONOGRAPH EXFAIRINO EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonographs. Jay Bailey, Moore'a Ma ale Honse PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pl ane tuner. Leave ordern Will'a Mualc Star. PERSONAL A ' YOUNG LADY OF A PLEA8ANT disposition, fine character, American : and home loving, 30 years old, brown 1 hair, and eye, a widow, one child, and uima hmu. would tike to hear from a nice respecUbte, American 'gentleman with some means, not over 4U years, light complexioned and 8 ft. S incbea tall or more. Box 103,. Vancouver, . Wash.'. I .-. - r; t. Story by OCTAVUS ROY COHEN illustrations ENCY GET MARHIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published: Free for sump. Cor respondent, Toledo, Ohio. CATHOLICS. ; WISHING - TO MARRY, booklet free. Address Home Club, I.-Box 23. Orsnd Rapids, Mich PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE SALEM AMBULANCE SERVICE PSne : 17$ 8. liberty. CHDfXSB PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWh disease. 152 8 High St. Phono t OHIROPODZSTS DR. 8. F. i SCOTT, GRADUATE NA tioaal University Sciences, Chicago Masonic Temple. Phoaa 640, DR. WILLIXMS CORKS. CALLOUSES ingrowa nsils; all foot trouble. Priee cihoo Co. Phone 611. CHIROPRACTORS OB. REDMOND, 828 OREGON BLDG. Phous 1638. DRS. SCOTT A SCHOFIELD, P. 8. O Chiropractors, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg Phon 87: res. 829 R. FUNXRAI. DIRECTORS: SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO tor. 210 Outer. Phone 1654. DBUQLE8S PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DRi A. 1 Frants. Acute and chronic disesaes Phon: 180 495 N. Commereisl NATUROPATHIC PHTSICIAJTS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic ' disease; 415 Oregoa Bldg Phone 110. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY . gon Bldg. Rooms 801 to 804. ORE GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co 825 State atreet. opposite Ladd ' A Buih Bank. "Use Quality Proven Shnr-on " OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. U MERCER OSTEOPATHIC, physician and surgeon. Kirksvilk graduate, 404-405 U. S. National Baal : Bldg. Phone, office 819; rea, 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. 403-404) Ore . gon Bldg. Phonos, office 1394; roe 5F.1. PHYSICIAN OP FHYBIOTHERAFHT DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF PHY8I otherapy, treats all ailments, woman's troublea especially. 265 N. Cotnmarclal set reef. Phone 1091. PUBLIC ACcbmrTANTS FRANK R. KELLOGG, PUBLIC- Ac countant, systems, bookkeeping, service. gi ureron wing. STORAGE SCALES ATTENTION FARMERS AND FRUIT ' buyers: We have storsgc for grsin, po tatoes, onions, bay, straw or any class of merchandise n to 600 tons. on Southern Pacific - track. Licensed ; warehouse certificates will be issued ; - 30,000 pound scale for publie weigh ing: largest trucks weighed. 'Commer cial Cider Works, phone 894. 1010 North rvmmereial St.. Halem. Artv v TO. RENT OR BUY ) WANTED TO RENT HORSE AND buggy. L. Lewi. ' 1487 ' Broadway, Salem. ......;.-.-.. -r. . WANTED TO. PURCHASE 10 TO 13 first clasa dairy cows. . Call 491 or address Box 62, Saleam. . WANTED MODERN 5 OR 6 ROOM house unfurnished. H. P. Brown, manager Skagga United Stores. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware aad furniture. Best prion paid THE CAPITAL HARDWABB FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St. - Phoa 947 TRANSFER HAULING-! TRANSFER-aiAULaaiur MOVING AND - ble figures, I phone 688 STORAGE REA BONA 978 North Commercial, CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 926 . SUte St. Pheae 938. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get .-, our rstes WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold good. Our specialty ia piano aad ' furniture moving. We also tnske coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. - Call on us for price. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer fV. Phon 0O Classified Ads in The Statesman Bring Results Dy H. WESTON TAYLOR USED CARS FOR SALE GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH Mo tor Co., . 871 Court. FOR SALE CHEVROLET TOURING. fine shape. Two cara and only garago for one. 190.00 cash or aome terms. 1263 N. Church. USED CARS 1921 Chevrolet Touring a .....233- 1920 Chevrolet Touring 145 1923 Ford 4 Ioor Sedan ..... 695 1921 Ford Tourings, lots of extras.. 250 SPECIAL TODAY Ford Touring, new t;re and top, motor overhauled, new rear end ......situ Phono 122 or 1752 M CHEVROLET USED CAR DEPT. , , 849 N. Commercial atreet GOOD USED CARS. OLESON'S AUTO Exchanse. Phone 666. USED CARS PRICED TO SELL' Ford, a anap at $100 Mitchell. "17 toi-rinr 2' Maxwell. '21- touring 27 Oakland roadster .. 25 Stesrns Knight chummy 659 MsiwelL '22, lika new 675 Dodge, '21. la resl buy at 50O Gardner Radio Special ..1150 Many ethers for yon to aelect Irem. come in and look them over. (W charge, no brokerage). - , F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. I 219 X. CoramerciaLttreet 1913 1916 1917 1918' 1919 1920 19J20 1920 1922 1918 1921 1922 1919 1920 Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring .$ 85. OO OO OO ( oo OO 00 00 Of) 00 00 00 Ort OO 125. 125. 165. 145. 200. 235. 405. 425. 895. 435 545. 195 245. Corpe. new paint Coupe, new paint Beaan Sedan . Sedan, new paint Delivery .. Delivery . VALLEY MOTOR CO. ?2n N. Hirh. Pheno 190. I WANTED Miscellaneous I FARMERS. ATTENTION! H Vented " 1000 lbs. English walnuts. ' 500 Iba. filberts 500 lbs. David Lambert cherries, 10000 lbs. dried logsnberries. 400-new railroad tie. ' 600 10-foot 8 inch posts. ' AlsA bin m.nn .Kim. . KA .. . U . u ... v m w w ... ela of good erabapples. n'MMKKriAl, C1DFH WORKS V CEMENT CONTBACTOES FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 430 N. Summer street. Phone I74-J. EMPLOYMENT HIGH SCHOOL BOY WANTS WORK IN store after school aad Saturdays. Phone 1950 M. STENOGRAPHER WANTS TEMPOR ary work. General office work Phone 788, ' : GENERAL OFFICE CLERK WOULB like work evenings, Wednesday an Saturday afternoon. Phone 473 M. j' - WOOD SAWING WOOD SAWrNO, PHONE 1337. WOOD RAWING PHONU m, ! WOOD FOR SALE FOR SA I E 16 INCH OLD FIR ANI second growth 4 foot and oak. Phone 19F8. , At. D. Mayfield. - , , - 16 INCH BIG FIR FOR SALE ON place, alao 4 foot, aod aecond growth. Phono 45F23, evenings. . Best Grade of Wood , 4 foot aad 10 tnca mill wood. 4 foot ash aad socoad growth fir. 4 foot aad 16 inch old fir. Prompt delivery and reatonsble price. Fred E. Wells, $05 8. Charch. Ph. 1542 j PUBLIC NOTICES j Notice of Asneement fop Improrc ment of North Twenty-Thirtl Street From SUte Street - to Marion Street. Notice Is hereby Viren that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, will, at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m., oa the 17th. day of September, 1923, or at the aame hour at any subsequent meeting; of the said council there after In the council chambers of the city hall in Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon each lot or part of lot liable therefor Us proportionate share of the cost of Improving North Twenty-third street (also known as Weller atreet) from the north line of State street to the south line of Marlon street. All persons interested In tlie said assessment are hereby noti fied to appear at said time and place before the said common council and present their objec tions. If sny they hare, to eal.i assessment and apply to the said council to equalize-their propor tionate share of said assessment. By order of the Common Coun cil the 4th day of September, 1923. . . M. POJJLSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication-hereof is September 6. 192.1. Use The Class . Ad Columns . They Will Pay You ' Well -: 1