The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 04, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    f "v
I- i
used in rollr work In Toklo. " I eelved
More thari 706 oatients In met piles. ;
f University hospital at Tokio are! So-loganberry Juice will be on
saidHohavebst-their-lives' in the gale, at a dumber of the state
earthquake. -r "' fairs this fall, and . now ne naa
The advices also confirmed the taken up the Idea also of sending
earlier5 reports of Submergence of a lot -of other. Oregon products,
the Island of Enoshima; "Picture including the above named,-to be
Island, one of Japan's most beau-1 put on sale at the fairs for the
Wo Accurate Repel Avail
able; Empcrcr ahdErrt-
press Are Safe
tiful' snots. -This island, the mes
sage" said; was swept away1 by a
tidal-ware, as were also'Hanamu
ku and Isoko. Tillages in the vicin
ity of Enoehima.
direct money -benefit to. be de
rived; and also to give Oregon
and some of her favorite products
some timely advertising calcu
lated to do much good!
... . 1 ' . , . . . ., . . . - i oureau openea ! lorme aia oi
So close to the boy he came that wave .which followed.- There was -ttKmiirV- ,fetimB: announces
ZVLl J2: flnl50.00a have been de-
beuevea : mat n w ", -1 Z"?LZ " " "l!ZZL I i stroyed in Tokio- and that the cas-
car. , ' a.:-, .uomm mrum wriTe.w M
Insured fof Ralnr ; I sines' f exploded, wrecking- them, IT "
Rain insurance was taken as 1 1 one Mil YVhWC. CTDIOVCIJ
- . i ovant All 1IIB UKnUOUBn 111 tlOBE IDltl IIIII.UIUII4 VIMHWIlbll
oith of an inch of preclplta- part or the coast, the entrance to : f ISLAND EMPIRE
tlon between 9 o'clock In the Toklo bay. were thrown down and . (Continued' from page 1)
morning and 3 o'clock in the after- night travel in the bay. therefore. M p 88 l
noon, the insurance company wu mo en cmc i iun are neeaea. 10 meet . me
would have been forced to pay J Whether the lighthouses were emergency created by the food
S3000. The premium for the in- wrecea oy me lemwior r me snoriage.
surance cost $332. As the Incur-1 aai wave is unanown. The Imperial palace, which was
ance representative put it. they I Bunding Collapsed badly damaged by quake and firs.
to ncay
KOBE, Japah, Sept: 41. (By the
Associated Pres-a.) .-Great de
struction and IrtBM nf lir tia-Wa sa.
suited from the earthquake which
Saturday struck. Japan; the; most
severe blow received1 in her hi
tory. .... v y'-V.
Both Toklo and Yokohama' are
reported to be "virtually in ruins,
i hundreds of cities and . towns on
the Izu peninsula have been rased
by fire and temblor, and the cas
ualties at the present time cannot
be estimated. - .
Yokohama is completely isolat
ed and Is declared to hare burned
or tO be bnrnintr , It la" learned
that the chief of police of Yoko
' hama sent a wireless message to
Osaka appealing for- help and de
claring that ''Yokohama is a sea
of' flames.' - : ;.
Kobe Shaken " I ;
The city of Kobe was shaken by
the temblor and Toyama was 'af
fected. The' shocks, according' to
reports here, seemed to have cen
- tcred In the" Izu peninsula. '
The United States consul at
Kobe; immediately upon receipt of
word of the disaster, comman-
AfPYtiA tYia hlnntni hnnril Rtfiain-
er'. West Orowa, loaded it with
food supplies and despatched it to
Yokohama for the purpose of re
lieving' the distress which is be--lleved
to prevail in the foreign
community of the stricken city.
11tWn,)i THM.. iinhnti nws
is obtiinable from Tokio, it is re
ported that the destruction there
includes- the- Imperial hotel;- the
. Imperial theater, the foreign of
fice: th denartment of education.
the Imperial university, the re
' partments of interior and finance,
the railway department and all
the large department stores. It
Is . said . the imperial palace- was
afire but the blaze was extinguish
ed. The prince' regent. Hlrohito,
and suite were said' to haveMeft
the" city and are" believed-', to" be
. safe.- The emperor -and- empress
are at Nikko In safety,
j ; i. , Newspapers -Destroyed
It M stated thai all of the To-
- tio : Newspapers . wfere destroyed
with' the- exception of the Nichl
. Nichl and the HochL. The resorts
7 of Miyanoshita and Haone, noted
'f for"lheIr" hot springs., were com
ipletely .destroyed. Refugees .ar
riving from ' Hakbne- report many
deaths in the vicinity of this re
fsort., There has been no news
' whatever from Miranoshlta and it
i, is feared the casualties "there are
'heavy. .
'r There is the , greatest anxiety
here In regard to the large foreign
settlement" at'Tokohama, but no
4 names of those who lost their
, i MA':lnt)&f1 tiara hMn
recelve'd.' It is feared the, death
' i - toll was heavy in Uhe settlement.
, j A Japahese" steamer in Yokohama
' S harbor wirelessed that jthe city
was" unrecognisable,. - j-j
Railway v communicatlonv .witii
?Tokid is reported to have been re
stored to" within1 seren miles e!
.'the city, although; Yokohama ap--nmrm
tei lid isolated. "Because of
'Hhe fire "the ships which survive
the tidal , waves are declared' to be
'keeping well oui in the harbor. "
J i Bfanyj Buddings Ijost." :i
Rnlldlnts ' reDorla destroyed.
besides those listed in eaHierdls
patches, include" the patent -office,
the; buildinr occupied by the board
of audit; .the Chinese legation.
- NIcolai1 temple. the' residence" of
Prince Shimasv. the temples of
Kn krtf i.D.nVa tlia la.tter
A UJl . u ,
said to have been founded: about
: 1 600. A. D, f-- :
T,' .six hundred"' thousand "Koku of
ricenearly 3.000.000 bushels-
u are being! "sent .from Osaka to Yo-
kohama for relief work, the trans
port' being accomplished-on two
naral' ressels. - 1 f"
" T 'Z 700 VMtentM Killed' -f-w
mm hu kMs received of
' Prince Kanin arid his' mottfer' who
were at. , Kamagura- when the
shocks began. Princess Yarashlna
has reached Oddwara in a search
fnuMtiRnT. The mother of Prin
cess Maya, who also was at Kama
kura. Is reported to have', been
burned' to death shortly arter the
Three hundred thousand bush
els of rice are being rushed from
" vM-. ah n&Tal vessel, to be
Many Europeans, visitors and Mr. Mlngt0nU amotion "5- ,32 ha it V In ToZ
residents of that action aM mHthlt tW, thlnf, well started thte 'J. Mu th occurred. 20 leaders of the Seiyu- and Sent
year, -may be greatly enlarged would not rain.
upon in future years.
D3CIIP 8;'FE '
luled speech
grand stand.
yesterday at the
Inr? 1
Thar Island of Oshlma; 6' miles
southwest of , Tokio, and which
had an active rolcanie cone, is re
ported to have7 sunk beneath the
seal observers having been unable
to see anything in its direction but
water. .
Palace in Ashes
The Takanwa palace has been
reduced; to ashes:
central sec of Tok tothe American Sweep to Victory F0REi6ri PART SAID
Aoyama distHct still was burnitfg . ft . . lli?tr-ij Rl Kv5!L 1M" V .Tw ,
vesterdav morning.
The government haa establish
ed relief office" for earthquake
sufferers In Toklo and' trbdpsare
marching' lntd the capital from
many directions.
tUC( n I '
i. . mi, ur iviciiiuicut vaiti,
oeu I . . . . i ri . A
Because of the accidents the I reported 10 nave oeen cru.uea io
..... . u.t n Tt- I death when the buildine in which
ton William Bell. A. D. Hurley they were in cottference, coIWp
..' n . n ,xtt ttn I ed. ; Prominent anion sr the" Selru-
ana r rans: nB"i ; " " , , T . , . . - .
ndrni nrorram - and: dance kai leaders, said to hare lost their
last night. Governor Pierce was I Ures was Viscount Takhasbi, for
not uresent to deliver his sched-1 mer premier of Japan.
Over Australians By Mar- UNHURT; MANY SUFFER
- m n Knur in ilnA , I . .--...:.. ... 1
ping the efforts of uninjured per-
At the same time Janan's new
premier. Yamamotb, was forming
a cabinet at the" Navy. club. It is
stated he was injured In the arm
by flying debris.
Slid inditrent' mirrfvora.
What happened at Yokohama
can be barely more than sur
mised. V Every report,- though
meager, confirms the worst of
fears." While it' seems certain
most of the foreign resident dis
trict escaped, it is estimated 1400
houses In the city were destroyed.
The number of dead . is countltsi.
An officer of the steamer London
Mara reoorted . that bodies verc
scattered everywhere on land and
Tiying aeon.. . .ri ln the water, where mauy-eought
rnnceas &.aya ana iamwain - ti. ... ,. ..,1,,
.r. ported t. WH.d ,SS.?ySr
. - ii. .. i nhnt hA accurately stated. It
irom me enure aevasuiea icisiua i - - .
FOREST HILLS,N,Y.. 8ebt. 3. n. to- ..wSS It extended as far south
(nfi,. A.oHtnd Press). The I ate fellows. - A, high wind whippeai , . . .... Mningiiia. on the east-
j - ' i "j - - ' i ... i i nimmpr am urtsvaiiiuic mi ivtai i
vi. AAUtnr, n thQ rif Maa of the I T-,(. .mtiiin nt in.ithe lamei TBDiaiy irom nm uub i - ,t ... . I i. .iwriAiM hmir 100 miles
: r",lr..,u"r' v. "i"-rj t Ah.r. k -.distance, autnomis Demg msumcien ?. "'rr:..";: J'
It is said south or xoaia. J
in aaaniuu w iub uim-o w iavis cup, msiunc euiuicm m- - . - , I authoritls being' ' lUSi
NIehl Nichl. which earlier reports ternaiioflal tennis supremMcy1,- regions toothers at a distance. rftnntlbn:
had announced was shared by the safe in Uncle Sam's custody for In the f ace of such a i eonl Tlagri-1 JSvaW bttrned"
flames, the office of another lead- another year. Putting to rout the tlon, fire fighters' could maKe dui
Ing Tokio paper, the HochI, also opposition that had'; proved" so little neaaway. . .
ejaped, but the machinery in startlingly formidable ln the first! No" Water Available.
each was so; badly damaged inai two day- of play. 'America swept - di8turbances that had
publication of a newspaper from to yictory this-afternoori over the 'g" plpe8 had broken
, pro KCu me KM yiyvo uau w. - . . o j : juwii; w w , . ,
Australians In the final two ainI th maln8 and there was been esUblished in Tdkid and an1Tokl0r and in Kobe, fully
gles contests anff captdreVI the 1 wherewith to fight the! army of cititens who' escaped the mile, southwest of Tokio.
iianuio Luc duubuuu. - s., i .
the city was burned to ashes by cable from Kobe ta the Associated
Monday morning and great heaps Press- tonight- said there was a
of bodies filled the streets. The bad' shake in Toyama. a city, of
casualties are estimated, at 100.- J more than 60,000 population near
000. I the northwest coast oi japan,
An emergency relief, bureau has J nearly 200 miles northwest of
V v
, - . - ' t .
series' by a-margin of four match
es to'one. i: . i
. Displaying a marked" reversal of
the form he showed In-going down
to defeat before James JO. Ander
son last Friday. William M. John-
flames advance. j disaster are? supplying, provisions J The vibration seems to have
ThO fire, uncontrolled:, more and water W permeated the island. transversely,
than 24 hours after it broke oul. troops are also doing their best to Pf addition to the hundreds of
eventually was checked through alleviate thr.sutfertng , - larEe DUblic and private bulldlngB
TRah Four Years: Wil-4 tan champion. 6-2.- 6-; 1-6. 7-5;
lard Easy Mark
wiiiLm if Jrthn-lthe use of ezpiosires,; . . lT-. rtitrved which'- includd a 'large
unuea states wnen ne Bniomcu - . h Daielsort hotels, barely escaped wmie ""'"""s -:
jflhn R-. Hawknr in the onenln with bombs to form a barren Paco I - . .'.,,,1 thhvte naval hospitals, arsenals, printing
1U . b .j i . i nlanta on1 IIAWMIDer DIIICCB. 11
i . . j-t-i . I. . Hon j rrii ..irf.k. k' lMfnnd" toaint tnrougn
msoraer nngra. lapsing uunuings. i Ci."f, i - .-..
Disorder reigns throughout from these' resorts reached Mishi- osaKa mat me "
Toklo and' Yokohama: The I nia, some of them neany starvea. emoassxea - K 1
....m. . imwrnl w tb tUe nna American said he Deiiered I stroyea. romms-
BllCCMl WS.W WWV " - . I
- - - - 1 i w . j a en v.Ars Vtllat in I 1 a m wi
match." S-0. 6-2,
William T. Tllden made It
luivt a vmm uh va. - - a
In a match that failed to come up I deD'-is 0f-f iftr and earthquake,- are! 40 or 50 foreigners were killed in learned of the fate of the Ameri-
to the expectations nfeid ut Ior crowded' with refugees. ; Thertf is i the collapse of the resort hotel can embassy and its stan
this striirele between the' "aces" ir ihur .Mnr.. Klsht Wards Destroyed
I . .. . . . I I "U tw " I . . . . . 1 . I . . . m.i... i c wo., orn
. . I rr r n a Annnsm fnrrRH. I : . . t i j am itimwot nonri urn i w lrni ni I iiiliu b iu i via w.
NEW YORK; Sept. 4. (By " " 5 were many oi mem w, --I.r.r" . rTV. w .inat- tntsllr wined
. w - H , k I A ; VVlSkf STPOOIV I nfiri Ifl llavH BULLCCUCU Ami IbUVM. I KIIIIWU LIT lV --
Ar'JrrJ PI ARKF WALKER MAIN f 41; eamouakes Is ins Shlsuoka" from Yokoham at- out, whTle the, remainder - are
sey, maicnea iu usi uuo i Jl- , I Uno: ,i.w;i mlim or hnrned over.
Wrpo forworvyweign fAVUmit r me total number buildings le-
cnanrpionsnip at me WVuUa tuonuuueu irom va i -------- -(! nvitfTrt' Rent a HV Asaociatr -a-beliisjlaeed at 200.000
Sertember 14. came i-to the front : four great' paras. uv, "I ..J7-- w '
Sentember 14 came to the froht l-- four great paras, ueuu,- iuj. i ., "- -.:
Mpiemwr i, wu w . -tw . f,i wn In the rear IL.w. j i..v.. .nM nih.r ntwnlwl PrftiaJ TdHo and Yokohama
a result- of his boxingi l OI no aaBl " i the government renei orpaiw- wmca octu.. .... ,
years asv a result oi hhroiirt the fence on the east side 1 17- -v-- aKi tw nhtaln is l- The casualUes in both cities will
w developed in o-ueC-u, -f the track without' injury either DV diatrtbuted; as-are also ail- run into the thousands. " At pre
Ifter wading through all op- JUi hlmser hlsmacne. ;v ? ibwantesof wkter. ; - ent no estimate is possible. The
ooslorTiemnfey'.uIck knocE . ?2".iL Nd sertou-s dkmage was done; to property damage will approximate
... .- wj ti.ii ii,.- .n I unvers in me jifbv lwu
OUl OTsr rieu x- uuuu, vn
for the city and suburbs.
In Yokohama bay and at Yoko-
uska. a cityof 70,000' ott the up
per; reaches' of Mle - Bay,- the de
struction is nearly as great.
population Considered as It Is In
Tokio." Reports came today . of
new auakes centering in' Yoko-
siika .yesterday afternoon, , doing
great damage, especially to- ships.
It is known that' Saturday's
quakes and subsequent tidal
waves did great damage to ' Jap
anese naval vessels The extent
of the damage, however. Is not
The" quake" yesterday, today's
reports said, destroyed the tele
phone exchange at Chojamachl.
killing 40 operators. At 7 o'clock
last nieht new auakes shook
Kawaguchl, destroying 500 houses
and damaging 1500 more.
Plaoes Ldsted
Other places where Idestructlon
was complete or nearly so as a
reshlt of Saturdayr quaker are:
Nagoya, with a population of
620.000, "virtually destroyed";
Sasako. 600 perished when' rail
way tunnel collapsed; Ito, 500
houses washed away; Hakone,
famous mountain resort' frequent
ed by foreigners, "easier to count
the living than the dead; Eno
shima. "picture island," sub-
martraA "a aoa nf mild": OshlmS.
volcano emitting smoke; Odawara",
went bv a tidal wave, r Other
volcanoes In the islands nearby
am renorted active.
The rich and title suflerea
along with the poor Ad the ob
scure.. When- the nrsc snoca
rame. a session of Japanese party
leaders and statesmen was - being
held in the naval club to select
new cabinet to take the place of
thAt of the late Premier Kato,
which resigned when' the preniief
died. Although the building eoi
lapsed, the leaders who' survived
adionrned to another building
and completed the cabinet which
was anabdtffced in' Associated
Press reports today. .
Officials Killed. :
A' report from Osaka this after
noori' said that- Viscount TakaA
hasht; former premier, ' and 20
other leading members of the
Seiyukal, or government party.
were killed' While" holding a con
ference. It' Is snnised'It was the
conference to select the cabinet.
The courage displayed by the
atntenmen la taketr' hV mahT as an
example of the stoicism" of the
Japanese people-at-large, w to Lj-
cause of centuries of frequc-.t
earthquakes and. other disasters
have come to regard e-ach tL'-03
as "fate" and say "It can't be
helped." The report of the cab
inet meeting was given to the
Associated Press by the radio cor
poration., -j. . . , .
While the envperor and eraprc: 3
are" renorted safe at Nlkko. a re
sort. Prince Yamashina and Prin
cess Kaya of the, higher .nobility
are reported dead. Prince Masa
yoshi Mataukata, former premier,
3. . - . ... i , .
ana Keeper oi me priry ei, u
died from injuries, according to
a report from the Nagoya railway
bureau by way of Nagasaki.
- A large colony of foreign mis
sionaries' at Karuizawa has es
caped. It1 was learned;
While survivors aro uniting in
emergency" rescue' and to'.ief work
under the discipline' 61 martial
law promulgated by Premier Ya
mamoto; thr world- outr: -le- J span
began today ta rush to the scene
of the disaster" with every avail
able facility of assistance.
The United States and British
navies have rushed ships from
Chinese and Philippine ' waters to
Yokohama to aid In the rescue as
far as -possible.' The American
ships,' it was reported, have been
stationed' at vantage nofnta to re
lay' wireleife mieB8a"ses connected
with' the rescue work. Ited Cross
units in the Philippines and China
have been ordejed to "Tokio.
U. S.' Consul Sends 4 Food
f ;Al rahlierWnP from1 kobe re
ceived' tonlgfc'tf by the Associated
Press said, the American consul
there had commandeered the
linited States?1 shipping- board's
stedmenr West Orowa.. filled it
with food and-started It for the
center of the devastated" region.
A - message rec'eiTfcd- here- at 4
o'clock i tills' afteraiAjn - bf. the
Toyo Kaisen Kaieha said its e..I?,
the Korea Maru, is safe in Yoko
h'ama bay and hk's' 2 5 tftf refugees
aboard. . The ' message- wis" re
ceived 'from the company's -agent
in Kobe. It also said that com
munications have1 been reopen el
between Kobe' and Numuxu; 85
miles, west of Toklo. .
, Another report today said rail
roads, badiy torn up ' in every di
rection from' Toklo, 'are being re
built between Toklor and Yoko
hama and that connections will
soon be complete1 between the
harbor city andthe capital;
" theMmperlal palace" by the' flrb. Jhundreds of millions at least.
L....n jf; nriinrvt irit-i The American embassy wai
t . tlti niterr . i enucuv.j . i The - Brlnce regent- removeu. m- ,xu
buvu...,..., ... i,h!4,ll.tlft-.tiIf a runrfor on tne . JS .fcw,.
tually removed 4he last onstacie 35-mlle free-o:
in his path for
match with Jess Wiilard. Demp
sey met Fulton, then considered
as a possible contender. In Jersey
City in 19 18, and flattened nim
hJlast obstacle chines too sUtf a run.-for on the MMr td1 ths Akasaka palace strdyedl Martial law; prevails' in j
a chtmSonshiP first 4ap of the mile freenor-all m tnkmes -broke out. ..... all thV cities in , the devastated
a cnampiunsuip rt Walker. Oeorsre Smith and WU.."T , " J.t- ' I .. m th nM.Piv UhnrnA
" , ,-i km JroreiJEnerj umi ... iv
Tip Blume. In the Dodge 8 0f life among toreiirn reil-. outside relief is needed-sadly,
did not survire Initial, whirl stHekea cities! aad I - ' C
around the oval. The nrst two , rtn to bel san FRANCISCO. " Seut., 3,
Shi -imarkablT short te of came to riet "tu. t -f v less than it might have been had The foregoing dispatch is the first
11 Hma X Mlefttnec0.n"5rh"6br?km combat a dlfrtr- word-to- reaeh the outside world
18 seconds.
Dempsey's decisive victory over
Wiilard in Toledo July 4. 1919;
IVDB a-aiobu aaa-M. " I w - - , I
L . .a. a Ait fail. I rwA -AOsri tVlA nitt.iiA .WArld
oil pipe kept the Dodge from starts mimtlMftn, Most of them had 1 direct from Tokio since the din
ing. " , . . 0.n,A.n an m mer resorts.- such as I aater which overwhelmed Japan's
Twelve machines received the v..t,.w; un -rreat .nit.i ohw nort' last Satur-I
Tkl serier of Utm on mSLle cookery u appearing weeUyl f. Zir: f
V, .... .-....
-r Ln hm Ireful md ttimuUU'xna. because of Hel pVdcUcaX txpintnt
in home cooking. She toOl annbet aHy ' fg
readers. Addrett, Mrs. Mary mane, care ivitmh . - --
WIUf!d A Twelve machines received the -No greai hUar;nTcl.lef ast sltur-
lor me cn.m Ju- gun for this race, but oniy nve - - Mlinr(A . t'w-. relived hv th fwaki
imTS.n 8UrV,Ted t.PSd" KlruuIwaT reports Trom" Nikko i: b7r under a
.w;& SrSe -T?n Ptn ws
rounds, speeding nearly a bum a w'tiia ori- .i. Warnrf Pdimrthat1
minute for the entire dlsUnc r---u .-i .i
right ..nnder hwa. HU tl e .wMj:lnntee 59 2-5,m.
tne diow mat aunea oim- w u- gecotds; the Doage special, arivi : . :r v.,.. .. i.dnm .
. t 1 1""' ' , wr. ,. .. a . fate of the embassies and legationsi holocaust.-- ' v
ieat. iflB intmw ".en Dy unici naw, aiwu, I ,,, 4-,v if 1 rumored -.i m .f-.trtJ
beaten down with ricidus punches gecohd in:3T minutes, 10 1-5 sec " V",' "i " Tokte The
to the head, until both eyes were7 Cns and'the Ford special driven that the : J.P.? station. 155 miles, to Tokio. 3 he
closed and his face swollen to the by McDonald of Portland, finished eneh embassies have been de- Associated, IITVh
sise of a. toy balloon, survived third In 37 minutes. 58 4-5 sec- m?Zfti&
a. 1,1. rf i.- -..-f- ,i i h I ely known as to the numerous con-i started couriers northward to the
tossed in a sponge: ; Rhodes special. Salein. .was llo as not time
Dempsey-sabillty to punch Wll- fourth. : -"'v ru 5a& etapsea lor; -h---
, Stuart Building, Seattle, Washington.
ll " . . I-cssoA No; .
. 'VegctabW Dishes Enric
lard into submission sd decisively
won him hot only the admiration
Dub Cars . in" itace
Conledy w,srlnct,d intone lowed theeanake;
tidal wave's and fire which fol-jj,ave been made; under the ditfl-
j iimwam' Knt n'' hv twn aiiActal numbers. a
a 11 Li Ul llUf iw.vr m o. J " " " ; "
the : experts acclaim' as one of the I five mile race for ipars that must
I . . k - ' ' . v I k .ftanii aaii. 'at S SO 4aah
Traieay Enacted
A terrible' tragedy wa
cult conditions existing; from' the
.t I capital to the radio plants
'enacted! T.i.
will' require at least two years.
probably mOre.
The" whole of Kawaguchl, a
town near Tokio, Is reported to
I have been destroyed6000 houses
having been - lereied by the trem- j
or and subsequent fire. .
Among the losses at Yokohama
common to see the tltleholder lead
with his -right in an attempt to
get' his opponent into position for
a left hook. ,; t -
rr- :
JJ I. i
y A K
-j BaiK fc r
a..t.l.;a. a? hd I Hva t f 1 a V fli no Tftl" rsTw mil mUall . " . I . ..
SealehUtirV who S boffeVed' Sr 150 cash In-abd hayrtSTS The Itallanand FVenc enVbas-
heavrweiahr title " arid a one-mile face in whictf the station at Joklo Stnrday arter- . TokIJ. were deJltr0yed Dy
h Tcham carrie. a knock- machine. Were - driten backward. Jh
out smash iff either nana; hits as Eight machines . were entered in f . 'mass! Is given' in a late wireless mes-
h.rH'with hi left . he dU. with the first event, which was won by Teat ,",J"'.wAf.!l. While no accurate estimate can
. . i . . ., . . . - . i sd - in i eno dhtk. tbiw iaiuo
his right; and always seem, to be an o s r.-mated 8.0DO
ready, . because
swinging style
terrific punch
... Back of Pempsey's
fA"S; fli outThdeT" TWcVw ?eed' the .U6n buildings them
, ":: w. hetweW twtt , maehtnes: I MTOSV; - ' . ' - ' r..
lecuve mow. it .seiaom iryei - r .. , . ; - . ,.w - nodiea TiaJmed' . '
mQre than a foot, but it carries the nhtli these became ngled w th Janles
force of a falling skycraper, Demp- i whlc eSd h!s been made but
sey hook. thepnch from the .Ittl"lfHb those viewing- the place said these
.Ann -r with a " aH-rht tWlat' or I """ " " I A l; . .v.. , Ra.
hi. powerFuHy musclei eirm: -tered by the jailer Motor com- were J -jjj blor and subsequent fire
- JTlw-f-M - -iw--lpany: to crawl-half way round the if? are V" imonr the losses at Y
r:":4',:;: track and come in an easy win- tnenuw . .ItlllBlraw ,nk
uuu&o i.ucu . icniiaren mmxira luuuwuuuiaii..; - A
4V -11 wer tramnled in which burnea. ir mra .r Missing , L lTthe 000 bushels of rice burned In the
There was no ambulance on the rush to escape from the warehouses. -
ground to take . care of nre. whPh followed It is stated that the naval mini-
casualties. Many casualties - race Jpht stry has officially announced that
ed between the time George Tuck- the earth shbtfks racea up me eMumIUes in and arouhd
er went .through the fence and . Toklo will approximate 150,000.
the time an I ambulance could be Sumlda river, destroyed houses on imnerlal jtardens and every
called. Officer Edwards went in both sides and drowned many res- JJJ tnt escaped the de
search of a phone as soon as wdrd idents of Toklo. Ta8tatln 8n0ck and flames have
was received that Tucker was sef- The wave also severely damaged nTW, t refugees
..-.i- it,- w.'' ii nin.i.. Mzti been thrdwn open to reiugees.
luunijr luiuicu i"v.. o -J ' I AlmlanM Carry Word
physician on duty, but doctors .hd Hagaml and neighboring dU- Ma ctles In Toklo
were caUd' from the grauastana tricts. Many oi me wert by the explosion of
land traffic officers waa . onUd, rflllmThe
to assist incanaunriae cr wa.. 1 1 ' men and" chlldreii who fled to the
IJUSt prevejited me crowa irorai lnougn virmaiiy an muwao - - hone of
seeing much of th race' exceptjthe Isiahd' of Hondo (principal Is-1 water if he last faint hope or
, line one miie spin ior time. m- laso ot Japan were uiBt;u i 7 .,, . , . ,. ,.
-rk- rnmmor:.! ri(pr-WnrVk Lvi.- .-,.Mt k. .., I , n .u- . ivviiv m iiw.v mn-1 c Tokio is still isolated, tne near-
- j -1 1-'- ..iiiKt. rii-i... . j j it.. ...... .1.. 1 n..i.i. irv. .nf.ftui esi railway 11 ami; vr ,
IIS- WTIilllUUli 1V ns.uuko. " I HI lUej DIUOKCU UU Vf u tUUlDUiQIQE jrUIII 1 I.U ouiioivwi . - r.lit
berts, dried1 Lambert cherries, and ln front of the grand stand; It worst:; On this line the rails were only to a station near
dried loganberries,' among other was attributed to this that the boy bent and twisted by the writhlngs There is only one line or ."i6,
thln-f3,!as- the reader' wfll see in Francis McGrath was killed. Ho of the earth under; the temblor's graphic communlcationv oeiween
" ! V r . . i ... . ... .f r.i.i. 4 rieilro anil InlR-lS'a
.... - . n. . 1 . . . w .... v.a. n . . . n M ... ..M m . i . n nw.nn 1 I .III. ljf a. . .
mis mvrning s duucbumu . : icuuia uut co iu iu.niuca iuo 1 gireweB. vhuiiiio m .ui ,. . 1
Warren Armington. the" mani dust, neither could the drivers see traversed by this road, it is feared, Tounaaoout wy- . " .T.Ti
rscrs a' few weera aro eonceivea 1 the two Dora until tnev were risnti win be neavr. - uu.01.1, w .. - - -
0 I - .. I i ' " I ... . m mi 1 1 ..aAa..
the idea oft ieettlng.. loganberry upon them. Glenn walker, wnoj, Naval Base Destroyed jwim
. - . . . . f ..... I , . ... ... fc.T,.M .11. AH I IV I- . V.W.MM W. n m 1 M M ULiKi. I
JU1C6 On Sftie at me various BVio wcm. uiiu nic avi.v. i , jub, ivucm. uaf w Jii ' . o . j ,
r.iH.rnhniit the ronntrr. He I the brakes and danserously I destroyed . In nart by the enrtTt'l NAGASAKI, Sept. Iy nej
Loganberry Juices Walnuts,
Filberts, Etc., for Many
. rvi-i- r-..L!L!i"
! Ciiaie Lxniuus
IETTrlANS elaizn 'tlat;ih6'!'indirii;
of ieoile do not eat anmcient vege
tables that: these Bhotild coBatitate' i
mucri larger part ox tne menu xnan is me
common, practice in most homes.
Whether tbfcy areTirtraght to the kitchea'
freeh 'frdrxi the garde or in the canned '
fbrm moat vegeta'blee' reroire' aome gort':
of preparation end '. z&anf of them' are:
vastir improTed by being creamed or
cooked -with xnilk
For creaming, yegetablee Carnation
Milkja especially convenient, boti because"
it ia ready at an instant's notice and be-caiiw-itrnchness
adds much to the qual
ity of tHe' dishv
The basis of all creamed' vegetables is'
the cream -white sauce, I make IttMa
f Cream White Caxrae
2 tablespoonfuls fkrar. H cup Oaraatioa Milk.
1 UblespoonfuU butter or butter substitute, A
teaspoonful salt. r cupful water. .'
Melt butter or butter substitute, add flour
and stir until thorouxfclr mixed. Add the milk'
and cook about five minutes or until the mir
turo thickens, thenadd seasonings. This recipe
makes one cup ot white sauce.
Carrots mod psao makcalmost as good part-ntr-
m tkt wsU kmmrnm firm of Ham and
Eggs, and many fsopU who do no' ears' for
carrots by thsnusloss enll cat this nourishing
pegstabli when' served la this combination.
Creamed OattH sad Pe
tsaspooaiftil salt. 2
Cmhl-Mooonfuls butter. H
cupful Carnation Milk, 4"
medium sued carrots, z
tablMpooafula flour, hi.
UaspooanU eeppaf. 1
mil caa peas, l cup
serapVearireln taa aWpa. CJkunm
ndee ts beStta water, ta whish 1 teaspoonful
1 ))U
V cJmlifto&eVhM&rt'iallsd' t
a cMtg tdmcartort- okd il tdliei ah'cU'
let chungV from svmeof thr rdore rtmi;
tegstaUtf. Either the summer variety or the
winter broccoli can be prepared in this tsian
iier'' '.-'' -
" - t3reed Cauli56lEK
. t head cahlillower, 2 cups cream white ssuce.;
Remova' outer leaves, soak tliMy mlatiter ia
eoi? -water with the' head dowh andTi' wip
the VV upv Jtwentjr mtoutes or ot1 soft,. li
boiling salted water. Drain' and heat In ta
cream wttte" wtoc ThW leOpa? serve-: sir
people. " "
When- thi family tires of nauhsit or fried
potatoes, try faing them this way: t ?
, Sloped Fot&iei '".,." '
1 tablespeontul salt, 4
mailliim alsed DOtatoeS.
1H cupfuls water, H:upf j
ful Carnation uiik. a
tabletpoonrul butter
Wash, pare and cut pota
toes in thin slices. . Put
Ing dish, sprinkle with salt aa redse.wi.i a
smaU amount of flour. Add milt and butter
and bake until potatoes" are soft. This red; a
serves six people. . ' -
. Questioni and': Aiawers" - .
How can I make a quick chocolate' UZg
without cooking Ut ifre. G.U.C.
Try making it this way : Mix 4 taUe
gpoonfula cocoa and 8 tablespoonfuls pow
dered sugar. Addsldwiy3t&Uepo&afuU'
Carnation Mflk; atirrihg cd-iitantly. Fl
yor "with one drop vanilla. "
Why doss Carnatlod' IfZZ Uep' S xstUt
tin. G. ".;... . . m.-
Because " of the extreme csre used in
manufacturing it. After evaporation the
xnilkf is hermetically sealed in ' eif and
then sterilised by heatingr to a certaia
temperature. This" absolutely prevents it
from spoiling in the cans and it will ke?
sweet several days after opening. Th
sterilising or. heating process .dees' not af-
I M -
salt has been added. Drain; saving 1 cupful et
. the water In whloa. the carrova
cooked for tha caeass whies aauee. 1 small can
of peas, drained hcrghly. rinsed In eold wa
tsr. ttsa scalded Quickly lis boiling water an
crainad. v ; ": ? : ;
; Melt buUen add flour, stirring- constantly until
thoroughly blended; add the liquid and seajron
lngs. Let boU until thickened, stirring occa
Btonally Add cooked oarrotr and peas. This
4 recipe aarvea sa'peopta,
feet food value of the milk.
4t '
0 ' QioimUo SeUn
Writ for frts tockM
of ICQ tsstsd milk rclp
Addrsse Carnation
Products Co HISU'.crc
Ortssn." '
cz re- swerved in an effort to miss him. quake and
in part by fha tfdaV''-Associated TresB.) -Tht Bpeclal.
(C23 on4 parts tits lesson m your scam ewe. zr yon sacc ",
any ritmTu, 1 wCt bs 9lad to ssad U to yon on "1J
- Hi-. ' V