The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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    - I .... - , :-.:: ., .
I - .... -..---
Minor Accidents Rnn4
Minor accidents wens reported
lb the police yesterday by Harry
S. Parker. 464 North liberty, who
hacked into a truck driven by C.
O. Crooks while atteWpting to
aToid another r machine, Audra
Wlnship, route 5, was , struck b
another ? car at State and High
streets, with alight damage to her
car and none to her two girl com
panions, and J. M. Ogle route 1.
Jefferson, and Clarence yan Pat
ten, 2255 State, who both report
ed .av collision. . , V. ; ..-.
Lajto Model Ford Roadster---.
Good rubber, good mechanical
condition. 1125.00 if taken Tues
day, 490 Ferry street. Adv.
' , Administrator , Xamed -
Mable Walker has v been named
administrator I for the estate of
, James T. Walker. Valuation of
the real -property was placed at
13,000 and that of personal prop
erty at $900. ,;
r Big Drop In Maxwell Cars
Now $960 Salem. Adr. v
Amended Answer Filed .
The Oregon Realty Exchange
T Investment company has filed an
' amended answer to the complaint
' of the board ot foreign missions
( of the Methodist Episcopal church
covering money collected. John
I White and Mrs. John I. White
are named as . members of the
realty company. u
Prison Plans Fair Exhibit
An agricultural, flax and indus
trial, exhibit will be displayed at
the state fair by the penitentiary.
Warden Johnson Smith said yes
terday. Preparation for, this ex
hibit is now under way. ; Visitors
have shown, so much interest .in
Virginia, - the ' penitentiary pet
deer, that she will be featured at
the state fair.
Does This Interest You?
If yon are looking for a job, or
If yon need to employ . help, use
the city free employment bureau
at the YMCA. -Adr, -
Portland Stage Has Mishap '
Blowing of a right front tire
on a Portland bound stage just
For Gifts That Last
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry I
avnd Silverware j
Phono 1233. Salem, Oregoa I
Salen Ambulance Service
I uay ana nigm ,
I Salem ; Oreco
. . ... .. - 1
1 I
V All kinds of junk and I
second-hand goods, .We.
pay foil valae, I
i 215 Center Street '
i! Phone 393 ;
Established 1868
General Banking Bnxlacxi
Office Hours from
1 fl f
north of Salem yesterday after
noon ditched the stage. No one
was injured in the accident, and
those who saw the accident state
It was only by the skillful handl
ing by the driver that injuries
were not received 'by the passen
gers. . : r ' ; .: j
Bays From Small OrrluirtUsts
Prunes in quantities of from
300 to 400 bushels have been pur
Chased from several 1 small orch
ard is ts by Noah i Velch. . fruit
grower residing northeast ot the
city. -Mr. VVelch.j who has pur
chased a total of 13,000 bushels.
now has all the, fi?ult he desires.
The price will be J determined by
the size of the fruft when it leaves
the drier, but Is expected to be
about ' 75 cents -for the; smaller
sizes, with a little more a bushel
for those running larger in size
The prune crop in M"-1 Welch's
district is reported to be good.
Prone Survey Being Made
. Estimates on the prune crop for
the state vary "between 45,000.000
and 60.000, 000 J pounds, while
other estimates place a : total of
around 50.000,000 pounds. The
surveys are being made by the
Oregon Growers association. Every
district will be covered in order
to ascertain the exact number ot
pounds as far as : is possible.
Legal Blanks j
Get them at The Statesman of'
Bee. Catalog on application
Shipping Carload of Tow-
There Was no i half-holiday for
penitentiary Inmates working in
the flax mill Saturday, for the
men were kept at work in getting
out a carload of tow destined for
Tacoma. : "': ..: ' a--
Boy lias Narrow Escape
When Martin Jensen, 110 Hoyt
street, backed : his car from his
garage he struck a boy riding a
bicycle, he reported to the police.
The lad was not Injured, he said.
Rural Mail Route Long
With another mile added to his
route that must be retraced, John
J. Moritx, carrier for route N6r"X,
will have two miles more to traveP
and seven more families to carry
mail for. The route is on the
Bethel market road in Polk coun
ty. The new order went Into ef
fect yesterday, j v
and Puncture-Proof Tires
V. E. Rings, Mgr. A
184 S. Commercial -;: Phone 1349
' ; (Formerly Dr. Schenks)
240 S. Cottage St.
. - i -
SOS U. S. VstloaU Baak XaOOIag
rfcoa 859 i KS. FkOM 46SJ
OvUopaUUe PbyilcUa and SargMa
Slaetrralo Oiafnotis and Trutsttat
(Ds. Abnais Mathod.)
Salem Oregon
Osteopathic Physlciaa and
- Surgeon - i
. SEW Oregon Building
Phone 258
10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
here is always an enjoyable
event. The surroundings are
so congenial, the service so
prompt and courteous, the
food so exquisite that the
dinner will always retain a
pleasant place in your mem
ory. If you want to enter
tain your friends with royal
hospitality. Invite them to
dine with you here.
i v.
SOO Balloons To ,
Tomorrow, at 2 o'clock, 600
sausage balloons will besent up
at the race track at the state fair
grounds, and these balloons will
contain orders on the Ideal Shock
Absorber , company for 20 Ideal
shock absorbers. I
Thte will no doubt attract a lot
of attention, especially as the
company will give a demonstra
tion at the track of what these
shock absorbers will do on Ford
cars, and In the forenoon four
Ford coupes, painted yellow, will
parade in the down town districts
of Salem, advertising the races.
City and Farm Loans f
Lowest rates. J. C. Seigmund.
Seabeck Conferenc Closes I
Ed Socotofsky, Marlon county
secretary. nd Mr. and Mrs.
Meade Elliott, are expected to re
turn from Seabeck where they
have been attending the YMCA
summer conference, during the
weekend. ' Mr. Elliott is boys'
secretary for the YMCA in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R.; Boardman
will remain in Seattle for a short
time before returning. Everett
Lisle left for New Westminster,
B. C.,. to confer with YMCA offi
cers regarding a position that he
had been offered. Mr, Boardman
is physical director for the Salem
organization, and Mr. Lisle was
graduated Xrom Willamette university-last
spring, having fitted
himself for work In the YMCA
field. I
Maxwell Leads Agal
t Prices drop to $960 at Salem.
Three Enlist in Navy
The first enlistments In the
navy during the past month were
announced yesterday by W. R.
Brown, chief quartermaster, in
charge o( the Salem recruiting of
fice. Three Salem men left Fri
day for the naval training station
at San Diego. Calif., where they
will be stationed for two months
after which they will be placed
aboard one of the ships to qualify
themselves in some trade. Those
who enlisted : were Judson Owen.
295 North Church Btreet; Howard
W. Henrickson. 390 South Eigh
teenth street, and Joe Himmel,
route 1; box No. 34. V
Funeral Designs
Ot all kinds, flowers in season
at Maruny's. 2il Miller. Phone
916 Adv. , . , . L-
Sondheim Maks Kick
Louis Sondheim. editor of an
insurance publication in Portland,
declares in a letter to the puhlic
service commission that he always
has labored under the belief that
windows were to look through
and to afford ventilation, and
nrotests that some of the street
cars in Portland have their win
dows nailed shut so the Portland
Rfflwav. Lleht & Power company
may use them for advertising pur
poses. F. Ai Ranch of the Fort
land office of the commission
called the matter to the attention
of the company, in response to
Mr. Sondhelm's complaint, and
received a promise that the win
dows would be opened.
Safer Crossings Desired
The Southern PaciHc company
is ready' to cooperate with the
t and the state's subdivisions
in making grade crossings safer.
uva a letter of Ben c uey, at
torney for the company, to the
nuhiir nervice commission, xwr.
Dey says his company has in
times past offered to furnish ma
terials for leveling up the ap
proaches to crossings for a dis
iiiipa of about 15 feet on each
side ot the -track, but has re
ceived very little encouragement.
Hop picking Begins Sept. 4tb
In Hartley and Craig's yard, on
Minto Island. Adv.
Car Shortage 472 i
Car shortage on the Soutnern
Pacific lines in Oregon at latest
ronorta totaled 472, according to
records of the puhlic service com
mission. 291 closed and 81 open
cars. . The Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navigation "company,
which has a' surplus of cars, is
furnishing some empties to the
Southern Pacific company. j
Tomatoes of AH Grades i
Canning $1.00 ' per ; bushel.
Ernest tnfer. R. 1 Bx 11. Phone
116F4. Adv. -. ; . j
Not Going :
Because oXdelay in the 'receipt
of plans for the new Unitarian
church, Rev. Martin Fereshetian,
pastor of that church, will not
VI ebb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Directors . 1
Expert Embalmers
Rigdon & Son's
v i MORTUARY y r
make the trip east that he was to
begin Monday or Tuesday of this
week. Mr. Fereshetian desires to
be in Salem when the plans arrive.
Return From Trip
Ralph Emmons and Kenneth
Perry returned late Friday night
from a 1200-mile tr'p through
southern Oregon which included
the Oregon Caves, Ashland and
Marshfield. The Salem boys re
ported a delightful trip with only
one day of oppressive heat. More
than half the distance was over
paved roads and the remainder
was over graveled roads in first
cIsbb condition. While in .Ash
land they visited Chester Mc-
Cracken. a fraternity brother 1 of
Perry's at OAC, who accompanied
them 'the next day on their trip
to the caves.
The Good Maxwell
'Now $960 Salem delivered.
Adv. -
Improving Auto Parks
Long. Beach, Cat., has just vot
ed $900,000 to make an ideal tour
ist auto park. The subject was
put to vote and the vote stood
12147 for and only 658 against.
Long Beach knows the value of
tourist traffic. The Vancouver,
Wash., Chamber of Commerce has
taken $350 out of its slender bud
get to improve the auto tourist
park. Some people seem to
think an auto tourist park Is of
value to a city. A
' - IT
Kodak Films Developed 1
At the Capital Drug Store, will
be 'the best work yon have ever
had done. Films In at 8 a. m.
ready at 12 m. Those in by 1
p. m. ready at 5 p. m. Adv.
Not Superstitious
i "Yes, we are not superstitious",
says Ray Abst of the Grease Spot,
then he goes ahead to prove It to
any who may smile at the asser
tion, by entering his Dodge rac
er in the auto races at the fair
grounds Labor day, bearing the
numeral 13, and carrying a -black
cat mascot. Mr. Abst professes
himself as very confident that the
combination will carry him
through either to victory or a nice
comfortable bed in the hospital
where he can rest up and enjoy
the society of some pretty nurse. '
Accidents Feared
Traffic men are anxiously
awaiting reports of numerous ac
cidents as a reBult of the triple
holiday, as many people take Sat
urday afternoon off, and with Sun
day and Monday following an un
usually large number of people ars
expected to be traveling in auto
mobiles on the highways. Traffic
men are expecting heavy work to
day and tomorrow.
On Account of Delay .
In getting fixtures the Argo
dining room will not open until
Saturday noon, Sept. 8. 'Adv.
Salem Dentists Move
Utter Brothers, dentists, are
myvlng their offices from the
Bank . of Commerce building to
State and Commercial streets,
where, they have a fine suite ot
office rooms with all modern con
veniences, including an up to date
waiting room. The moving work
began Saturday.
Breaks Plate Glass Window
H Forgetting that he had left his
car in reverse, D. H. Clarke, 1035
Shipping street, cranked the ma
chine by hand. ' The result was
a broken plate glass window at
the Smith cigar store. State and
Commercial streets, when the
automobile backed over the curb
and acrosa the sidewalk. Though
there were many pedestrians on
the street, no one was injured.
Motorist Kills Sheep
: "A band of sheep ran over me,
A. M. Hansen, 662 Mill street, said
in an excited manner when he re
ported an accident to the police
yesterday. Hansen said he was
driving on the Pacific highway
about three miles north of Inde
pendence when all of a sudden the
sheep appeared in front of him.
Before he could apply the brakes
the machine rolled Into the band,
killing several.
Dr. Kantner Not Home
Dr. W. C. Kantner, who has
been spending his vacation in the
Puget Sound country, accompan
ied by Mrs. Kantner, has not yet
arrived home. He is expected
during the week. There will be
no services at the First Congre
gational church today, excepting
Sunday school at 10.
Committed to State- School
Louiso Willougheby was t com
mitted to the state school for
girls for an indetermlnite term
yesterday afternoon by Justice of
the Peace Kuntz. The Willoughs
by girl was recently arrested on
a larceny charge. ' Her compan
ion, Thelma Cook-Keene,' was
sent to the state school about two
weeks ago.
Twelve Gladioli Bulbs V
With each $3 ; order before
Oct. 15th. Six given with $1.50
orders. ... Mrs. W. W. Rosebraugh.
1422 State. Adv.
Train Delayed by Fire .
Train No. 16 on the Oregon
Electric was nearly an hour late
Saturday afternoon owing , to the
train crew on the train that con
nects with the main line, at Gray
for Corvallte being late. A grass
fire was discovered., by . the. train
Btonneii tn nm it "i Mm ..
ous damage resulted. Train No.
16 is due in Salem from the south
at 4 o'clock. , - ' . , )
Just Arriving
New fall coaits.
Adv, j
Gale & Co.
Grass Fire Calls Department
When a bonfire at 1210 North
Twelfth street broke from control
yesterday afternoon it threatened
the destruction of a wood shed.
Prompt action by the fire depart
ment prevented very much dam
age to the property. ,
Electronic Reactions of Abrams
Dr. White, 506 D. S. Bank bldg.
Adv. .
Prune Price Not Set
Final setting of the prune price
will depend upon the market
finding its level. General Manager
Mortensen. of the California
Growers, said yesterday. He also
stated that the association wished
to avoid any opening price that
would surely be cut by independ
ent growers. No price .for the
opening will' be set until the
hold-over has been cleared jup and
the prunes are ready for ship
ment." t - . . ..!'-
City Council Meets Tuesday
Owing to the holiday Monday
the city council has postponed its
regular meeting until - Tuesday
night; Several paving ordinances
are expected to be acted upon,
while the parking and safety-zone
ordinance is not. expected to be
reported back by the ordinance
committee. Harry j Tangemann,
or his attorney-, have j been noti
fied that they must show cause
why Tangemann's license for ope
rating a rooming house should
not be revoked. This1 action was
demanded at the last meeting of
the council after Tangemann had
been arrested in his . rooming
honse while in a state of intoxi
cation. 1 The complaint against
him declared that he was not the
proper person to conduct a busi
ness of this nature.
Hawkins & Roberts
City loans; lowest rates. Adv.
Salem Boy in Devastated Zone
, Fred W. Jobelman, of the Bligh
hotel. Is greatly worried from the
reports of the earthquake and
subsequent fire in Japan. His
son, Fred W. Jobelman, Jr.. sailed
from Portland for that section of
the country on August 16.
Two Schools Open Tuesday
Two schools in the county will
reopen Tuesday following the
summer .vacation, according to
Mrs. Mary , Fulkerson, county
school '' superintendent. Miss
Marie Lambert will teacn tne
Bridge Creek school while ' Miss
Emilv Van Santen will be in
charge of the Hullt school. V
We have constant daily
reminders that OUR
never as complete as it i3
today. 1 i
SO 1S Oregon Bldg.
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone 2S9 for I Salem,
.FTER the theatre, af
' f er a long walk or
any form, of exercise you
will thoroughly enjoy the
luxurious taste of one o?
.our fountain specialties.
133 X. Commercial
t Orego ,
Summer School CI
Mrs. Mary Fulkerson. county
school, superintendent,; returned
yesterday from Aumsville where
she conducted a summer, school
for primary - teachers of the
county. The registration for the
week was 33 teachers.
Demurrer . Filed
Paul H. Sproat filed a demurrer
to the complaint of U. S. Page
on the grounds ' that there was
hot enough evidence to constitute
cause for action.
Many Will Marry
September started oft with a
rush in the marriage license bur
eau yesterday. Jack F. Unruh
and Cathrine Barendrick were
issuea a license ana mey win ne
married today at the Bungalow
Christian church. Both are from
Salem. Other permits were Is
sued to Lola V. Ruble and Clar
ence A. Eldridge, dentist, both of
Aurora; Irving C. Roberts and
Wilma Ingalls, Salem; Alta May
Lewis. Silverton teacher, and
Robert M. Yoco, of Waldport; H.
F. Haldeman, Lebanon, and Bessie-Mae
Anderson of Salem; Elsie
Gennar of Bridge Creek and
Gardner Teal of Vancouver, Wash.
A license a day was the average
for the month of August with 31
permits Issued by the county
clerk's office. -
Mrs. Cora Reid, deputy county
superintendent of schools, leaves
today for. Gates where5 she will
spend her vacation. f
Dir. Willis B. Morse and Claudo
Bell are spending a week at Dr.
Morse's ranch near Siletr.
William Bell was In, . Portland
yesterday on business.
and Mrs. George M.
Brown, and Miss Marjorie Brown
returned yesterday from a vaca
tion in southern Oregon.
Rhea Luper, state engineer, has
returned from a trip to Jackson
and Klamath counties.
Miss Adelaide Lake, member of
the Oregonian staff, was a Satur
day visitor in Salem.
William Ellis, attorney in
charge of. the public service. liti
gation department, left yesterday
afternoon for Neskowin. He will
return with his family Mondays
, Miss- Alice Mathey, stenograph,
er for the Business Men's Adjust
ment company, and Miss Etta
Sutter, of the Metropolitan Life
Insurance agency, will leave to
day for Newport, where they will
spend the week.
Miss Norma Mars, of the Ore
gon Growers Cooperative associa
tion. Is spending the weekend in
. Mrs. A. W. Martin and two
sons. Arthur and Walter, left
yesterday for Woodland, Wash.,
to spend the weekend with Mrs.
Martin's daughter, -Mrs. Roy
New Prices
Effective September 1 st
Coupe ..
Sedan .... 1 ... .
Light Delivery
Ton Elxpress Truck
227 High
Stewart. Arthur and Walter are
carrier boys for the Statesman.
Willis Ray,:. manager . of . the
Salem Fruit union, and his wife
left yesterday : for Neskowin,
where they will spend the week
end. M. J. Newhouse, manager of
the Oregon Growers' Cooperative
association, was in Dundee yes
terday attending the Oregon Wal
nut Growers' association meeting.
"I suffered with kidney trou
ble for five years or more. I
could not sleep at night and I was
always tired after coming home
from work, and my back ached,"
writes John R. Gordon, Danville.
111. "I secured some FOLEY
KIDNEY PtLLS and after a few,
treatments I felt better and could
work with more ease, became
stronger and could sleep better."
For quick relief from Backache,
Rheumatic pains, and Kidney and
Bladder trouble use FOLEY KID
NEY PILLS. Sold everywhere.
I I &x Good. J
Economical Transportation
I k. ii
- v - yj : .Jt .j;
(F. O. B. Flint, Mich)
. ..$495.00
. .$795.00
.. $550.00
Fully Equipped Including Starter 'j
Chevrolet Sets the Pace
Newton - Chevrolet Go.
Start a racket if you
don't .get it.
Read the Classified Ads.
Phone 1000
men on. the branch line, and they