The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1923, Page 12, Image 12

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'lilti OiiEGOtf TATiiANr- SAii-i-OREGON
, .; .... - - SUNDAYS -
171 ' f " i i .I. u mi ii n - . i of
,i ll, i i rr 1 ai r
C. A TTTriT m -,
Catholic Church. Rv J B
tor. Mmim it 7, nd 10 i. b. The
wUl Pk l&st tuast on
,; Catholic Education. Benediction follows
uut mass. Everybody welcome.
- V --r .; ;
Tafcernaele on ferry street between
Chares and Cot t aye. Saturday, Young
. People's . night; .sreet meeting at 7 p.m.
f followed by service at tabernacle at 8
p.m. ; all are invited. Monday, I-abor
day, TP district rally. Key. B. W. Baker
of Seattle. ; Wash, will hav charge o(
serriees on Sunday ere, will also speak
Monday. Rer. Orville Binham ot Port-
land will be among the speakers. . Spe-
rial singing features in our rally. Sun
day, Sunday school it 2 p.m., presetting
-it 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.. Rev. Baker-, in
charge. Tuesday, prayer service 'at 7:30
i p.m. Friday, - special Bible study 7.30
1 p.m. f A cordial invitation is extended to
- alL -
Frrst Christian church, ..Center fnd
High streets. ' J. J. iKvana, minister;
Miss 'Hattie Mitchell, miRipnary The
5 ehnrch school opens at 8:45, Dr. Epley
in charge. The pastor will have in mind
- labor day with a significant sermon at
the morning service on the topic- "Co
' laborers with Ood. The Fatherhood of
Ood will be the - topic at the evening
hoar,' 7:45 p. m. This will 4e the Jirat
of a aeries oa the fundamentals to be
liven on following consecutive Sunday
- evenings. The sermons will be brief and
deal with the vital issues of 1 faith. A
welcome for alU'
for devotional meeting at 6 p. m. These
services are outstanding in interest. Pub-
he worship , at 7 p. m. J -Gosper message
by" the, pastor. An hour of real fellow-?
ship "and inspiration. Strangers epec
ially welcome. From 6.30 to 7 p. m.,
there will be a wide awake testimony and
praise service for adults in the auditor
ium. Mid week .service for senior auJ
junior churches on Wednesday at 7:30
p. in. ! . ,
- Scandinavian M. Ej Caurch. 15th and
Xftll Sts., David C. llassel, pastor. Sun
day morning service ill a. ra., Sunday
school 12. Oust. Anderson, snptu, : Ep
worth league 7:30 and evening service- d
p. ra. Prayer meeting Thursday evjening
8 p. to. The . monthly Sunday . School
meeting Friday evening at the parson
age. A hearty welcome awaits you at
our church. ; i
. Court .Stree Christian, corner N. J 7th
and Court streets, &. I irntnam, minis
t - Bible school 8 :45 v a. m.. - E. . B.
Flake, Sapt. Let everyone of the school
keep p regular attendance this montn
Jnnior following -communion - service.
Soeeial message on "Brotherly Love"
- during - morning worship. Membership
urred to hear these messages. Intermed
iate C" E, 6 p. m. Senior Endeavor 7
p. m. Evangelistic service a p. m. x.x
, petitory study. of Matt. . 13 the para
blaa nt onr Lord. Mid. week ; service
Tb-ursday 8 - p. , m. AIlMnembera of the
Official Board are asked to meet at me
church Monday 8 . p. . m., i for regular
meeting. -- Important - business. -We -extend
a welcome to all friends to come and
- worship with : as. -..,.
. rHIIPf'Ft ' Or f E WAZAB--
1 Viniili inJ Marion streets. C.
Howard . Davis, : pastor. Sunday school
0:45. .w. B. . .Hardy, superintendent, u
. a. aa aermon by the pastor, subject
f,ut at' ntiriat." T. P. S
" t p. m. ,- Children's meeting. 7 p. . in. 8
- p. mv old fashioned revival, service, airan
, gera cordially Invited to (Worship with
ruiuurAii r
St. Panl't ehnrch,-, Corner ,of I Chnrch
and Chemeketa streets. Rv. 11. JJ
, Chambers, rector." The services will be
eosdnctad by the rector and are as., ioi
lews: Holy Eucharist at 7:30 in the
ehapeL . Church school Jt .9:45. Alt
atndents are requested to be present to
receive certificates of advancement and
to begin the 40 Sundays in competition
for the Bishop a uosses. id new tes
sons will be given out also. Holy Euch
arist -at 11 with music and sermon. The
vested eaoir will reader the music . bt.
Paul's-ex teada a hearty welcome to all.
First Evangelical chnrch will have
preaching services both morning and
eveniar ot the pastor. Rev. C. C. Pol
ing. Bible school will meet at 8.45 in
the morning and c . win be at 7:is
ta the evening. There will be a mid-
;eek service Thnrsday , evening. The
' public is invited to all services.
, I
. XvavgelicaL 17th and Chemeketa Ets
T. W. Lianner, pastor. . sermon U I. m.
Subject: "The King and His Kingdom."
Sermon 8 p. m. Subject i "Divine
liealiag." Sunday school nnder the care
of Edward Zinn, at 10 a. m. Evangelical
league 7 p.m. -Sermon at Auburn at 3
p. nu . Prayer , services . Thursday even-;-
ing. ,: -i . , - - - ., j
: TBXESV8 -Highland
Tricnd, Highland avenne
.and N. Church St-, I. G. and Ida J. Lee,
, miBiaters. Bible school at 10 m. ro.,
Walter Stanton, supt.. morning wtrxship
.aad preaching at 11. Christian Endea-
Mr at 7 " p. -m.. - Preaehing at 8 p. ra.
, Toung People's prayer usee ting and Bible
.atady en Monday at 7:30 p. m. Prayer
meetiag on Thursday at 8 p.m. The pub
lie is cordially invited to all our ser--iTieea,
. . i . - t
First JSsptist, corner K. Liberty and
Marion. 8ts-. Sunday school at .8:45 a.
aa . Preaching services at 11 aad 7:30
by Rev. W. O. Jones ef PocstelVo, Ida
ho. - Subject for morning serviee, "An
Occupation of Profit,", and -for evening
.service. MBehold the Man." BYPTJ
.meets at 7:30; Topic, "A Singing
Psalm;" Leader, Miss Helens - Gregg.
Mid-week prayer ' service en Thursday
.evening at 7:30. .
., Christ Lutheran church. State and 18th
tracts, O. Keehler, pastor. Sunday
school in English at 9:43 a. m., preach-
. ing services which are1 held in the Eng
lish language at 10:30 a. m. subject:
"Jeeua . Hard At Work." Toung peo
ple 'a meeting at 2 :30 p. m., topic: "A
Singing Psalm." A hearty welcome to
trangera. Xo evenfaig service.
' First "Methodist Episcopal church,
eoroer Chnrch and State streets, Blaine
E. Kfrkpatriek, minister. Class meet
ing 9.15 a.-., in the northwest corner
room ' downstairs, George P. Litchfield,
leader. Sunday school 8 :45 a. m. . H.
F. ehanks, - superintendent. ' Those re
turning from their vacations will bo wel
ee s back to -their places in the Sunday
- schooL Thero are classes arranged for all
ages.. Morning worship 11 a. m. There
will be special snnaic nnder the direc
tion f Professor E. 'W. Hobson with
Professor T. .8.- Boberta at the organ.
Th pastor will preach onr the subject:
"Bigger Members for a Bigger Church."
visitors and strangers are alwas wel-
. cme. . Special invitation la extended to
members .of war own congregation who
have been out of the eRy. The Ep worth
Lsegua aerv icea.will be held at 6:30 p.
m-, in their - respective plaeee. " Senior
-chapter wilt be led by Jans es Osugblia-on
th subject: The Power ef a Dedicated
X.ife-"- -f The evening service - of this
church ill be resumed, this , week and
will be bald at 7:30 p. in. A special Labor-.
Sonde serviee i being planned. The
pastor will. preach en the subject: "The
Leber Movement and the Chnrch." Mem-
bars of (labor organisations of the city
are espeeiall invited to attend. i ; Thre
will be special musie by-the choir.. Elec
tion of the Lay Delegate to the ' Lay
Electoral Conference and the Fourth
Ousrterly . Conference will be held . on
Thursday evening. A Chnreh-night"
anpper will be served in the evening. All-
members ot tne congregation are cordi
ally welcome to participate in this even
lug 'a services. ,
Jason Lee . Memorial i If. - E. chnrch,
corner orto- Winter aad Jefferson Sts.,
Thoa. ,Acheson, pastor. Earl Officer, in
charge of the Jonior chnrch. - Services
at J this ehnrch on th coming Lord's
day; will begin with an interesting ses
sion of the charea- school at 9:45 a. nv
Owt school - la " well, orginised aad our
leaders are capable aad consecrated.
Clsssee ;for ! alb agea and a personal wel
come for strangers and visitors., C M.
lioberts it superintendent, l Two . services
f inspiration and uplift will be held at
11 a. m. jThe Bev. Officer; will preach
to the young people .downstairs. The
paster Willi be in charge of the' adult ser
vice, lie v. CI .A. Edwards will' preach
the : sermon. '. Brother Edwards is a
speaker- of re - ability. -' New ' members
will be received into the sh-urch at this
tour. The Epwortb. League wil mee
-Leslie Methodist Epistpal church, R.
Commercial and Myers street. II. P.
C'emberton, pastor. Sunday school meets
at 9:4j a. m., E. A. Khoten, supt. Ep
worth League at 7 p.; m. Morning wor
ship at 11 a. m. Sermon subjwt: Men
of Burning ITearts. Evening meetinsr at
8, subject:- When God Breaks a Ham
mer. You are cordially invited to attend
all of these meetings, i They are interest
ing and worth wtfiile. ,Ton will find them
of a helpful nature I and you will get
more ont of life if you spend the day
attending some or all of them. The musk-'
is -inpirinjc and cheerful, i The mes
sages will grip your i soul snd fire you
with new ambition or will arouse you to
your duty to yonrself and,: your com
munity. We will be glad to greet you.
The First Prebyterion church. Ward
Willis Long, minister, 9 :45 a. m. Sun
day school. Class - for all ages and
grades. The Men's Bible class meets at
the same hour and is taught by Mr.
Long. Subject : "The Right Way to
Keep The Sabbath." i 11 a. m., . sermon
by Rev. W. P. White of Portland. Dr.
White is a minister of the United Pres
byterian - church and a great preacher
and teasher f the. Bible. The minister,
Wsrd Willis '.'Long, will preside over the
services snd conduct the preliminary part
of the morning worship. 7 p. m. Chris
tian " Endeavor - societies.' 8 p. unpopu
lar evening service. Sermon by the min
ister will be a Labor Day message. To
pic.; "I Our Present Civilization Suf-
ftiAnttv lln-.ati.n 4m Ha l.. . rrk.
j ...... .....u ,v r'"i. Alio
recent action of the Salem School board
on ' the matter of Religions Education
wilt be di.cnssel. Thursday ' evening
p. m. Church prayer libur. Friday af
ternoon at U.8U thai Women's (Mission
ary society, Willi hold the -regular month
ly meeting. Mrs. O. ll.i Kent will have
charge of the program and the hoMeshes
for the afternoon - are Mrs. K. A. Kenney
snd Mrs. Kena Goff. A full attendance
is desired and special note is made of
the fact that the second quarter's dues
should be paid at this meeting.
Castle Chapel United Brethren church;
corner of 17th strett -and Nebraska eve.,
Sunday school 10 a. m.. C P. Wells, su
perintendent. Preaching 11 a. in. and
7:30 p. m. Christian Kndeavor '! :3U p.
m. Junior Kndeavor at 6:30 p.m.
Ladies Aid Wednesday afternoon. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening 7:30.' iou
are invited to all these services.
George Chapman, Pastor.
All Space Assigned for Mag
nificent Display at 1923
State Fair
First United Brethren church, corner
12th and Mission streets-. Sunday school
10 a. m subject: "The "Two Natures
in Man." Kveninjr service Love Kea-t,
7:.10. Preachine at suliject: "The
Iist Christ." Prayer meeting Wednes
day at 8 p. m. ion are invited, come
and worship with us. We believe and
teach the old time gospel. O. W. Tib-
bet, pastor. 1
Free Methodist Church, corner of X.
Winter and Market Sts., Rev. Mortimer
C. Clarke, Pastor Sunday school 1' 9:4s.
3. -M. Clark, supt classes for all. Preach
ing at 11 and 7:30. Class meeting Sun
day evening at 7:15. Prayer meeting
each- Thursday at. 7:45. Tbe pastor
preaches i-mnuay morning on Christian
Certainty." Kev. John Rodman of Cor
vallis preaches iia the evening. An even-
gelistic service each Sunday evening. All
will receive a cordial welcome at each
servcie. .
The . New Bethseffa Spiritual ; chnrch
will bold services at 7.45, Sunday even
ing at 1480 Broadway, subject: . "Toe
Continuity of Life." Pastor: Kev. Anna
Coackley. ;
Bethany' Reformed chnrch, corner of
Capitol and Marion " streets. Sunday
school 10 a. m. and German preaching
service 11 a. m. Ho evening service. M.
Denny, pastor.
Secretary - Kozer Gives Fig
v ures Covering8 Business
in Department
Automobiles . continue to in
crease in. numbers In Oreeon. A
statement by Sam A. Kozer, sec
retary of state, shows that during
the month of August. Just closed.
5476 ere registered in the state
as against 4,000 for the same
month last year,; : The : fees of
these registrations, including oth
er transactions in connection with
the issuing ; of j motor vehicle
licenses total $S6,694, as against
6b,769 la the same month in
1922. " . . i i:--:.
''Since Januarv 1 sairl Mr.
Kozer. : "1S4.038 I motor i vehicles
have" been licensed In Oreeon.
During the" "same j period In 1922
the i cars licensed j numbered 125,-
643. This makes the registrations
for the year 1923 during the same
period 28,385 In excess of the
1922 registrations. So far dur
ing the year the license and other
fees from motor vehicles total
$3,933,652, as against $3,232,818
during the same period In 1922,
or.more than ,$700,000. It is es
timated that In the event regis
trations continue at the same ratio
during the balance of the year,
the total number of cars licensed
in Oregon by December 31 will
be atleist 165,000, which will
make the registrations -for the
year in excess of 30,000 more than
for the year 1922. t
Jnmp 50 Per Cent
"The number of vehicles sold
In Oregon during the year 1923
Is practically 50 per cent greater
than during any previous year In
the history of the automobile in
dustry. A review of the registra
tions for . years past ; shows that
In no year were the registrations
more than 20,000 over the pre
ceding year, whereas for the year
1923 they are expected not
less than 30,000. Oregon now
has motor transportation facili
ties for moving her entire popu
lation at one time on wheels, one
of the few states to enjoy this
unique distinction."
The best is cheapest in the long run and in this rase the
initial cost is no more than the ordinary bicycle. ,
j 887 Court St. Phone 1G87 '
' Don't get pinched the price of one police court fine will
; boy you a good electric lighting outfit. Sec- it.
We have j the following used cars we are'
very anxious to dispose of to make room for
, new Gardners now in transit.
'20 Maxwell, all dolled up.
22 Maxwell, like new..
'21 Dodge
'17 Mitchell i
Studebaker SpeciaL.
1920 Stearns Knight Militair.-$750.00
. ; , :.. , .
We have several others for you to select
. from. Come in and look tKem over. We
charge no brokerage. J
Gardner distributors for Sotuthern Oregon
V 219 North Commerc2al St.
i .
Patrons of the 6 2nd annual Or
egon state fair, which opens in
Salem September '24, will be given
an -"opportunity to view , the larg
est andi ninist comprehensive ex
hibit orf automobiles, automobile
accessories- and automotive ma
chinerj' ever, assembled upon the
state fair grounds. ' Already; so
much -space has been asked for
by intending exhibitors that tents
are.being arranged to care for the
overflow. George L., King of
Portland Is in charge of the auto
mobile show. . -
, Whole Building Xeeded i
This will take the entire aluto
mobile building space occupied
in" former years by both carsand
accessories. Dealers all over: the
state are anxious to display their
macliines, and as a result practi
cally every American manufactur
ed car will be on display. Hunt
ing ,and evergreens will be em
ployed in quantities in making the
building attractive, new floors are
being placed and the rjoof xf the
building : has been entirely, gone
over with a 'special roofing prep
aration which insures machines a
leak-proof covering in the event
pt rajn during' the week of the
fair.- ... ; ,
The last word in cars from the
heavier, types jto the smaller, gen
eral utility-car, will be on display,
with dealers, present to explain to
those interested the various points
of merit. Everyone likewise In
terested ; in accessories, will , un
doubtedly take advantage of the
opportunity offered to better ac
quaint himself with the latest and
best invention In '. accessory lines.
The exhibitors ; will have special
ists in 'attendance to explain and
demonstrate the various devices
displayed. .-
Space Signed Vp
Dealers" numbering about 40
have already signed for 'space, and
those. who come in later will have
to be contented with what is al
loted them. About 30 dealers
have leased space 'In the machin
ery hall, exhibits here to consist
largely, of automotive machinery.
Secretary Fred R. Currey of the
state fair board expresses himself
as more than pleased , over the
prospect for an unequalled auto
mobile show. According to him
special attention. will center in the
tractor, and . farm machinery and
implements of an 'automotive na
ture. - ' '' '
IHg JKIrnis Come In ;
Workmen have been busy for
a fortnight hurrying things for
the opening date. The automobile
show is always one of thef first
things to be fully arranged when
the fair opens, and this year will
find every , exhibit In . place on
Monday morning. '
Among the prominent firms that
have signed for. space, thus Insur
ing the success of the forthcoming
automobile show are: Portland
Motor Car company, Vick Broth
ers, Salem; Oldsmobile company,
Portland: Cook & Gill, Portland;
Covey Motor company, Portland;
Bonesteele Motor company, Sa
lem; Newton Chevrolet company,
Salem; Braley Auto company,
Portland; Marion Auto company,
Salem; Salem Auto company,
Therkleson Motor company, Port
land ; ;j "Burdette Albee company,
Portland, and the . Howard Auto
company of Salem.
Space "Assigned
; The following space has been as
signed "in the machinery, building:
Mitchell, Lewis, Staver company,
A. C. Haag & Co., Valvoline Oil
company, Westco Chippewa Pump
company, Pearcy Brothers, Case
& Co., . International Harvester
company, H. M. Wade' Co., Farm
Utilities company, Delco 'Light
i . a t-r .,1 JV
company, Montgomery
Co.. DeLaval company Fairbanks.
Morse & Co., Advance Rumely
Thresher company, W. E." Dooley
& Co., Bean Spray Pump company,
Robinson & Maytag. ' ;
Maxwell Corporation Official
Holds Up Meeting While
Plans are Completed
Walter P. Chrysler, chairman of
the board of directors of the Max,
well . Motor Corporation, came to
Detroit recently 'from his New
York offices primarily to see three
men. He kept ! them waiting for
three hours. This is why he did
it. On the train from New York,
Mr. Chrysler's manufacturing in
genuity directed itself towards
ways by which costs of producing
automobiles could be lowered. Af
ter some thought; he devised a
method by whiich he believed
eight cents could be eliminated
efficiency of a certain manufactur
from. the cost of producing each
Chalmers car through the greater
ing device at a particular stage of
Chalmers building. So engr, ,
did be; become in the though'-
ho iraporlant did he deem Itv ,
he i pushed every other bus:- j
consideration aside until he ). i
Visited the Chalmers plant and a .
tually worked out his ideas .
on the factory, progressive ais: !
bly line. In conjunction wit h:,
own employes.
"Saving that eight cents i if!
car," he ,tdld the trio when )x r: ;
them later, "was of even mora lm
portance to Chalmers than my aj
pointment with you." '
. "And It was of even greatef Ira.
portance to the automobile' indus
try, or will le, than to your jowu
company," one of the three re
plied. '
The saving of that eight cnU
by the active head of one of
.Industry largest concerns ,rioe:
not Jn itself mean a large saving,
even considering quantity produc
tion. ' But the point Is U
merely another Chrysler forward
step, and that it was done by the
man. who has been responsible,
more than any other one person,
for. the tremendously lower costs
of manufacture accomplished;'!
the new Chalmers models when
they were Introduced a ' lew
months ago. He is widely recog.
nlzed by manufacturing expert!
throughout American industry of
all kinds as being an outstanding
figure in economical quality man
ufacture. 1 .'
3Sy is ilie same
Wie&ge istht same
anamm w announced
i . . . ...
One-Week Special
Safety Stop Signal
Why. not protect your car
aad grive tbe fellow- be
hind a chance? This sig
nal works automatically
'from the brake pedal and
is a reaUy effective traffic
tsisnal. - A rare buy at
these low prices. ,
- Enamel
Located !
Monogram Radiator Caps
-because of our tremendous bujirig
power, lower prcductioircosts and a
largo, timely contract, we wer6 able
to make this announcement - ' -.
We gladly pass on this enormous sav
ing to the people We are simply car
rying out our policy of "More for
Your Money." i V
30x31 coi? 9.75
Guaranteed 10,000 Miles
eoRo s
Roadgvipper, Western Giant
2rlZe Ptandsrd Wrixhfc Kxtra Ilravv
1,MU-MU Cur. tSJMMt-MU Guar.
3031 $Tj75 $13.35
323! 13.80 18.60
314 16.65 21,75
324 17.75 23.25
334 18.30 23,85
34x4 18.95 24-55
32x41 28.45
34x4 i 29.80
35x5T 1 1 36.90
(Ak for Prices on Other Sizes)
SIZE 6000 Miles 7000 Mile
30x3 $5.85: $6.80
30x3j 6.90 7.90
32x3j 9.95 10.80
,31x4 10.45 ""11.95
32x4 12.55 13.80
33x4 12.75 13.95
"34x4 j 12.95 14.25
Individualize your car with a rnono
Rrum lockinir cap. Can be furnished
with ny letter desired. Screws on
like an ordinary cap, but positively
cannot be re- BE . ttl IE
moved. BacltWlOj to UaZu
- Popets k upon make ot car
uther eap.r iocking and plai
50c to $335
y Genuine
Boyce Moto-Meters
$2.90 to $12.75
-of Every Description
50c to $4.95
Rear-View Mirrors
Interior and Exterior
85c to $3.50
DeLuxe iTop Recover
Tta. outfit ron.i.. f top cover an4
baek curtain oonLalnit a J&re s
14-mcli vel vtte. (Im window and
ejp.y aide winga. toether with tha
necesaary tap. and tacka for attacn-
tnt. .....
For nis TmnHfK "f'f-H
. For Muwfll THriM. $l.t5
For CAJiralrt' TuiilK .li.75
For Foro ToariBC .Jt.
For 'Ford Kow1h44W .
OMwr aoMrlw FiN aa at I m Vkt
Brake Lining
For All Cars
-Fan Belts
Strong: and 'durable, built to
withstand long usage: ten kinds
from which to choose.
"Never-Burn" i3j a high quality,
wear-resisting lining-. The
price per foot is
25c to 75c
According to sir.
30c to $1.90
' .According to
brand and car
Macbeth Lens
A high-grade, well-known lens
it. combines scientific construc
tion and beauty. Note the visor
on illustration its color ts
(rreen. -
The Macbeth ' Lens complies with
the law -TwnMlrements.
Ptr Pair
Other Makos (Headlight Size)
From 20c each to $3j00 per pair
Auto TenU $8.25
Electric Lanterns $1.25
to $2.15
Fildinff ! Skillets 65c, 75c
and 90c
. Foldin? Tables $4.50 to
$10.00. ;
Fla.h Ugh 90c to $3.75
Therm-a-Juc $5.O0
We have a complete stock . of camping" equip
ment for the motorist: who Jenjoys the great
outdoors. The modern camper demands oil the
conveniences and comforts of-home. Visit the
"Western Auto" store nearest you and make
your selection of Camping Supplies now. -
Folding Water Pails $1.15
flat-Bottom Ctatn
$1.95 and $2.15
Stoves a4 Grid 60c to
-- $3.S5 ' -
Gasolin. Stoves $6.50 to
$13.75 r
Again We Feature Our Ford Accessory Department
j If r .4!
McKinnon Radiator
For Fords ,
S mo type of core as used on
Buicks, V illys-Knigrhts ami
other fine ears; Stronjr and
rigid in construction, manu
factured i. by one of the old
est and - soundest radiator
factories in the country.
The price, to fit 1917 to
1923 Jords, complete with
shell and
cap ...4.....
Radiator, shell, Ford Di r
type, nickel - plated. .
In addition to the complete
line of supplies . for large
cars, we carry in each store
an assortment of accessor
ies and replacement parts
of special interest to Ford
owners. -The quality of
our Ford parts ' is of -the
very highest and the-prices
are pleasing.
NeVer-Burn Brake Lining
Ford Sets T. . ... .$1.35
Master Brakes for Fords
Emergency type ....... ;..$9.80
Heavy Duty typo $19.50
One-Ton Truck ..........,$950
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