The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1923, Page 10, Image 10

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    2 i-
A ND now that September is real
ly here, we find ourselves
standing on the j threshold of a
new social season. Society folks
are returing from their
annual seashore meccas to make
ready for a busy autumn. The
younger set is preening its feath
ers in anticipation of the fast ap
proach of the college year. Brides
there will be, too, and bridge,
teas, dinners and dances. Gavels
will soon be resurrected fro jn the
late spring achieves, for the clubs
are beginning! to send forth a
clarion call to meeting.
- The Salem Woman's club will
meet for the first time this sea
son Jon Saturday September 8
at 2T5ajin the new club rooms on
orth Cjottage 'street. This U the
first meeting since June, and it
is to be very important, with its
annual election of officers, and
ld and new business. Mrs. Harry
Styles will sing a group of songs
from whfch the club song will be
chosen. There is also, the choice
;of a club flower which will come
up for vote." ' 1 f - .'';. f-y
v ;The social hour will continue
to be a -pleasing feature of the
club this year. Mrs. Homer Gou-
' ley is the general chairman of
this part of the meeting, and will
be ably assisted each month by a
special committee. The corn mi t
.tee In charge, for the September
meeting is Mrs U. G. Shipley,
Mrs. T. B. Kay. Mrs- F. W. Spen
cer, Mrs. W. E. Wilson, Mrs. A.
M; Vassal, Mrs.! Charles H. Rob
ertson, Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner,
Mrs. Hal Patton, Mrs. W. J. Cul
ver..: , ": r -
Of great surprise to rriends in
.Salem comes the announcement
from Mr. and Mrs; Henry J.' Bean
, of the marriage of their daugh
ter. Grace to Mr. Harold John
Larsen of Minneapolis on August
-17: Alter a short stay in Oregon
" and- Washington, Mr. and Mrs.
Larsen will make their home in
Mrs. Larsen. attended the Uni
. . verslty of Oregon, where she was
a member of Gamma' Phi Beta.
; r
Misa Wllma E. Ingalls became
1 ' thQ bride of Mr. Irving C. Robert3
at a slmplo but Impressive cere
mony last night at the home of
.the' bride's parents, the Rev. and
Mrs. W. Edwin Ingalls, on route
The bride wore a dress of gray
canton crepe and ..a corsage of
ecH bruner roses. The double
ring ceremony was used, -the
bridws father officiating. Only
Immediate relatives of the fam
ily were present-; . !
" The bride is well known among
Salem folk. She Is a former stu
dent of the agricultural college
where she served as! a member of
the citation committee. 1
Mr. Roberts is a graduate of
the, Oregon Agricultural college,
and is a member of Theta Nu Phi
fraternity. ; i
Immediately following the cer
emony the young, couple left for a
short motor -trip. They will be
at home alter Sept. 15 in. Portland
where Mr, Roberts ' is an electri
cal engineer , for the 'P. R. L. &
P. Co.
The- War Mothers will meet
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 In the
Chamber of Commerce for their
first regular meeting. This is to
i be a very important meeting at
which arrangements will be made
to send a delegate to the nation
al. convention of War I Mothers
which will be held in Kansas City,
Mo.. September 29 to October, 5
lThe Daughters of the American
Revolution will meet for the first
time this season on Constitution
Day.jSeptember 17, In the Cham
ber (j of Commerce. Governor
Pierce will speak, and a good mu
sical program Is being j planned.
This fe to be an open meeting, and
the public is cordially invited to
attend. j
' Miss Julia Webster, department
president r of the Daughters of
Veterans, left last Thursday for
Milwaukee, Wis, where she will
attend the 33rd national conven
tion of the Daughters of Veterans
After the convention, which meets
this week. Miss Webster will
spend the rest of the month vis
jting virions places in the east
She will return to Salem the flrt
'part of October, j
The Salem Businesa Woman's
Cliib will hold its first meeting
on the First Wednesday of pet
ober, the election of officers will
take place and there will be a
general discussion of plans ,for
the coming year.
.-- "
- The Modern Writers are to
meet Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock
on Falrmount Hill, if the weath-
' permits. In case of rain, Mrs.
W. F. Fargo has Invited the club
"to home 1085 North Church
strest. .-: . .
'v':-":;- . .
J. W. Campbell of Edmonton,
Alta, is the week en.d guest of
Mrs. J. A. Carson on South High
street. Mr Camrbell, who Is a
professor at the University! of
Edmonton 13 on his way to Cat-
Hy BETTI KESSI. Phone 106
alina Island from where he will
observe the eclipse which Is to
occur on September 10. j
j ,
Mrs. O. B. Miles and daughter
Jessie have as their house guests
for the week-end jMr. and Mrs. T.
W. Miles of Medford. Mr. Miles
Is a prominent attorney of Med-
ford- 1 -: '
Mrs. S.' A. Stone and children
have gone to Eugene for a week's
visit with relatives.
1 Miss Thelma Fritz of The Dalles
has been spending the week as
the guest of Miss ilernince Bright
on North 14th street. Miss Fritz
attended the Oregon Agricultural
' college last year.) " '
Mr. Wm. F. Dyars and Mis
Josephine s Dyars of Goldendale,
Wh., and the Rev. Wm. Nesbitt
Dyars of Portland, were Salem
visitors I for the past week. The
party, accompanied by Mrs. F. W.
Thompson, motored to Rosebung,
and on the way home stopped -to
visit with friends in (Oakland,
Drain and Eugene. They return
ed to Salem Wednesday and the
visitors returned to Portland the
same day. ! . i
Mrs. W. H. Dyars of 636 North
Commercial street, celebrated her
80th birthday anniversary Friday
afternoon. A -group of old friends
called during the hours from 2 to
5. A part of the, afternoon was
given to a postcard and flower
shower. Mrs. Ida M. i Babcock.
in behalf of the callers, present
ed the honoree JwUh a beautiful
big plant. . !
After a series of tributes re
lating to MrB., Dyar's past life,
associations "and friendships, a
toast to "Auld Lang Syne" was re
sponded to by Mrs. William Mc
Call and the group sang the old
familiar song, i
During the refreshment hour a
large cake, bearing 80 lighted
candles wa3 cut and served.
Those calling during the'after
nonon were Mrs. Willeta Mott,
Mre. T. B. Jones, Mrs. D. J. Fry,
Mrs. (IKfcty Graber, Mrs. F. W.
Steusrfofr, Mrs. Wm. McCall, Mrs.
Gideon Stoltz, Mrs. Lenta Westa
cottr Ida M. Babcock, Mrs. Abbip
Farrar, Mrs. P.j P. Gouley. Mrs.
I. L. McAddams, Mrs. F. E. Loose
Mrs. S. W. Thompson, Mr3. Effie
W. Dunlap, Mrs. Ronald Glover,
Miss Louise Thompson Miss Vera
Wright and Miss Prisciila Fry.
Little iMss I Mary. Elizabeth
Hickman of 1765 State street, cel
ebrated her 9th birthday Friday
with a party. The rooms were
pretty in their decoration of pink
and white sweeT-Hcas. - , s
' : 5
The Hub class of tfio Central
.Congregational church with their
families held their annual picnic
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Mead. Wednesday evening. After
the supper which was served in
the grove near the house, the pic
nickers gathered around a bis
bonfire, to spend the evening sing
ins hymns and the old familiar
songs. S
Mrs. Roy Smith of Eugene j is
the week end guest of Mrs. Gert
rude J. M. Page.
; . : , j
Mrst. Gertrude J. M. Page en
tertained at three tables of .bridge
at the recent Woman's Club gar
den party which was held on the
lawns of the homes of Dr. Fred
Thompson, and Mrs.- John Mc
Nary. The guests included Mrs.
Harry Weidmer, Mrs. Harry Wen
deroth. Mrs. Linn Smith, Mrs.
Edward Rostein, Mrs. Allen Car
son, Mrs. John Carson, Jr., Mrs.
Arthur Wallace- Mrs. S. A. Hus
sey. Mrs. Leo Page, Mrs. Max
Page, Mrs. Waiter Page, and Mrs.
Roy Smith, of Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. "D. A. Elkins mo
tored to Eugene for the week' end
and Labor day. Mr. and Mrsl El
kins were residents of Eugene but
recently came ta Salem to pur
chase a home on" Parrish street.
- . ' ' --
ilr. and Mrs. W. H. McOscar
and son Edward of Oakland, Cal.,
have been spending the week
among friends in Salem. Before
returning 'to their home in the
south they will motor to eastern
Oregon to visit with relatives and
friends. Mr. and Mrs. McOscar
are ' former Salem people. Mrs.
McOscar is a niece of Mrs. Effie
W. Dunlap of this city,
Friends and relatives of Mr.
and Mrs. Sydney Lloyd of 1670
Chemeketa street are happy to
learn of the arrival of little Mar
garet Alma, who was born on
August 25. . .
Another Interesting event f of
recent date was the housewarmin,;
of Friday night, when a group of
intimate friends celebrated I the
opening of the new home of Mr.
and Mrs. W . F. Foster at 10 4,".
North .Fifth street. The evening
was spent in visiting, with a bit
of music and, laser, light refresh
ments were served.
I On Tuesday evening, August 28,
Miss Nettie Denny, who is- to be
a bride of today, was given a mis
cellaneous shower, sponsored by
the girls of the Ladd & Bush bank,
where Miss: Denny was formerly
The shower was given at r the
home of Miss Nellie Schwab., The
porch was decorated with Japan
ese lanterns, potted plants and
greenery, and tiny Cecil Brunner
corsages marked the guests' places
at small tables effectively decorated-
with pastel ' shaded j sweet
peas, where light refreshments
were served.
- '.
f The DaMolay boys were guests
of Chadwlck chapter of Eastern
Star Friday evening at the state
fair grounds where they celebrat
ed their' annual picnic. Before
gathering around the tables "Am
erica" was sung, ensemble, .after
which the Rev. J. J. Evans de
livered the invocation.
Mrs. David Wrtght presided as
toastmislress for the evening.
Mrs. Emma Murphy . Brown was
introduced as worthy matron, and
gave a speech of welcome to all.
David A. Wright was named as
worthy patron, and also offered
in response a m greeting to all.
Frederick Arpke responded for the
Dejyiolays, and Keith Brown re
sponded to the toast "The Son of
the Worthy Matron." Eloise
Wright responded to the toast,
'The Daughter of the Worthy Pa
tron." Margaret Steiner respond
ed to the toast. "First Impressions
of Eastern Star." and William
Neimeyer responded to the toast
The Eastern Star and: the Ma
sons." - :
A. B. Hanson delighted the
group with two solos, and little
Stanley King gave several read-
; -i - . -
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Savage
left Wednesday.night for Yankton,
S. D., where Mr. Savage ha3 ac
cepted a position as "professor in
the department of economics at
Yanklon college. t
; Mr. Eavage was head of the his
tory department in the Salem high
school for two years and during
that time he did commendable
work as debate coach. Iast year
Mr. Savage was a professor of
economics at - the University of
Oregon. He Is a graduate of Wil
lamette university.
Mis Veva Smith left yesterday
for Napavine, Wash., where she Is
employed as teacher of domestic
science In the high school.
i Mrs. J. L. Stockton and daugh
ter have just returned from a two
weeks' motor trip to Mt. Hood,
The Dalles and also to the coast
resorts of Seaside, Rockaway and
Pacific Citv.
K , i,!
i Mr. and Mrs. Ronald. Glover and
Miss Thompson returned
Thursday from a month's sojourn
at Cascadia. - '
I Jor. Economical Transportation
The State Registrations for July again proves the
statement that
heads the list for cars selling near its price
Marion County is doing its share to help "Chevrolet Lead"
Marion County registrations for July
Overland ... .1.
Chevrolet is satisfying the buyers that want ECONOMY,
227 N. High St.
Mrs. Grace Thompson and
daughter Fa ye Louise, and little
niece, Kathryn Jtowe, returned j
yesterday --from Newport where
they spent the month of August. '
Augusts " 1
Mrs. Charles Siegmund and
children. Donald and Margarlt.
and Mrs. J., N. Skaife, returned
Wednesday- from a motor trip to
The Dalles and Moro.
: s
Mr. and Mrs.H. '.F. Shanks
have Just returned from their va
cation trip of two weeks at Cas
cadia and - one week In company
with Mrs. Jessie Phillips, at the
"Shady Bower" cottage at New
port. Mr. and Mrs: C. W. Basher left
for Long Beach yesterday whera
they will visit their son Warren
Basher. They were accompanied
by Miss Stella Kaylor of thfe post
office staff. ' ; j
Adelaide Lake of Portland and
Miss Grace Knopp of Eugene were
Salem visitors yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Millar McGIlchrist
of Portland. Mrs. William McGIl
christ and Miss Ethel McGIlchrist
have gone to Newport-to spend
the next two weeks, i i
Mr. W. Connel Dyer motor
ed to Agate Beach yesterday to
return with his wife and two sons
who have been spending "the last
few weeks there.
Miss Elizabeth 'Levy left today
tor New York City where she will
spend the month. There she will
see Cesar Thonson with whom she
studied at the Royal Conservatory
of Music in . Brussels, Belgium.
Miss Levy will be returning to
' Salem about October 5, I
' ; I ' '
Professor and Mrs. Andrew, C.
Lise of Los Angeles have been the
house guests of Mrs. A. L. Wal
lace during the past week. Mr.
Lise is head of the department of
botany at the University of
Southern California. The visitors
.have been "touring the coast as
far north aa British Columbia and
Btopped her on their Lway back to
. -
Miss Marie Churchill will leave
tomorrow morning for Portland
where she will teach in the Frank
lin school. . . .
Mr. and Mrs; Dwight Parr will
return to Salem the first of .the
week to live In the Keyes apart
ments oh Ferry, street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Churchill
spe,nt Thursday, as the guests of
Mrs. George Goodall in Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hofer
of San Francisco will be in Sa
lem about the middle of this
R. W. Hartman and ' wife are
vacationing at Brlghtenbush.
Mrs. Sophronie Jessup of Boise,
Idaho, has taken rooms with Mrs.
Frank Newberry on Center and
14th streets. Mrs. Jessup was a
former Salemlte and Is always
welcomed bacX by a large circle
of friends.
Miss Zella Hopson returned to
Seattle during the week to re
sume her work' in the Seattle
schools, after spendiong her va
cation with her mother and fath
er, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hop
son. '
' j .
'"Mrs. Lillian McElroy, organist
at the Whiteside theater in Cor
vkllis, has been visiting her aunts,
Mrs. J. B. Frizzell on North Sum
mer street, and Miss Maggie Mc
Fadden. Mrs. McElroy went to
Portland Friday. i
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomp
son and Mrs. H. 'Belle have gone
to Newport for about 10 days.
Mr.1 and Mrs. Frederick Brock,
Jr., and Otto Hartman are spend
ing the week-end at the beach.
C. E.jHadley company, Port
land; incorporators, C. E. Hadley,
GeorginaiS. Hadley, Charles J.
Swindells;- capitalization, $2000;
A permit to operate in Oregon
was issued to the Federal Match
Sales corporation qf Delaware,
capitalized at $10,000. N. D. Si
mon of Portland Is named as attorney-in-fact
for Oregon.
A permit to operate as a stock-
broker was issued to F. B. Da
of Portland.
Classiffed Ads in The
Statesman Bring Resu!;
Good tires don't Just happen. The
good they possess are , put -into m
on purpose. McCLAREN CORD
TIRES make good from a point of
usage and service They are made
to go a good long way without com
plaint. ' J
and you'll wear no other;
flc CAc,
i (SIL(0)SEffl
Salem Store
166 State St
1 - f
Portland Silk Shop
383 Alder St.
The STAR Car
The Continental Red Seal motor in your STAR Car is easily the
most accessible motor in any car under $ 1 ,000. In fact, it is one of
the most accessible motors in any car at any price.
. Pistons can be removed through either top or bottom of block.
Ask a mechanic, for whose time you usually get charged $1.25 per
hour, what this means. .
The front motor support of your STAR Car is separate from
motor connected by studs. Accesibility again.
These are only a few of the many ad vantagse of the STAFfc motor.
Practically any part of it can be dismounted in half the time needed
for, any other low-priced car. J
Remember, your b 1 AK Car ($dq.UU here; means more to you
an low first cost. It represents a new low cost for maintenance.
F. G. DEL AN t)
Phone 97
Associate Dealers
Allen Bros Silverton
J. W. Berkley, Woodburn
M. J. O'Donnell, Independence
Graham & CalbraKh, Monmouth
Service Garage,. Mt. Angel
Peter Deidrjch, Stay ton
Dallas Garage, Dallas
C. H. Ernst, St. Paul
Grand Ronde Garage, New Grand Ilonde
Prices F. O. B. Salem
Chassis . ...$527.41
Roadster . 589.17
Touring ........... 599.50
Coupe 775.38
Sedan ......... ...$842.98
Panel Delivery ..:...., 641.10
Express with top 610.50
The above prices include shaft
drive speedometer.