The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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West Salem M. E. Church "
. . . . w . riracniuj
at 11 a. tn. and 8 p. in. Miss
Esther Spltibark , will sing, and
Mrs. II. J. Morris will ; lead the
congregational singing at 7:45
p.- m. All. services will ie held in
the tent which , Is delightfully
cool. Public invited.
Klggin & Coolly Grocery
Will be opened today.
62. Free delivery. Adv.
Final Hearing Set- '
October 1 has been feet tor the
final hearing In -the estate of
Charles Miller.- Emma J. Miller
and Chester 'H: Miller are heirs
and administrators. Ada McKee
of Jefferson, a 'daughter. Is an
other heir-at-law. The adminis
trators, state that the estate has
received 11577 and. has expended
11443 of that sum.
Daughter Born -
A daughter was born Thursday
to Mr. and Mrs. Lamont A. Haw
thorne, on route 8. The child
has been named Delight Jtose.
Leaves for East ...
W. J. Bntress will leave today
for Buffalo. N. Y.. where; he will
attend a convention - of engineers.
He will visit with his parents in
Chicago before returning.
"Return Prom Coast
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Asplnwall
and children will return today
from Newport where they have
been - guests of Mr. Aspinwal's
mother, Mrs. E. E. Asplnwall. Mr.
Asplnwall will resume his : work
at the Salem postoffice.
License Issued ;
A marriage license was issued
yesterday to ' Nettie ' Denny and
Fred E. . Krouse, both of Salem
They will be married Sunday aft
ernoon at the Reformed church at
Marion and North Capitol streets.
Miss Denny la the daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. M. Denny.
Final Account Filed-
I The final account for the es-
. i t? t-i tiA
laic ui Aiuiuu reiuui w Bj itieu
yesterday in probate court. The
heirs named are Velva Perkins,
widow, Lila 'L Y. - Perkins, -, and
Jessie M. Perkins, daughters. ;
Does This Interest Ton?
If you are looking for a Job, or
If you. need to employ help, use
the -city free employment bureau
t the YMCAv Adr. ,
Jury Fall to Indict
F, E. Ramsey,' Pickwick stage
driver, held on a charge of man
slaughter following the death of
three passengers near-Shedd last
mouth, was released at . Albany
when the grand Jury returned a
not' true bill to Judge George 0.
Bingham, ; whd is sitting in the
Linn ' county circuit court while
Judge Percy R. Kelly : Is absent
from the state. i Ramsey had been
held under bonds. These have
also been released.
Building Permits Many ..-
Building permits for August
averaged a shade better than one
a day, 33 having been Issued by
City Recorder Poulson during the
month, . representing a building
valuation of 1109,200. A few
thousands, of dollars . of : this
amount - is represented by - repair
and alteration work, though the
greater portion is for new build
ings. The total was swollen by
the erection of the Adolph &
Waters building and the addition
to the Oregon Pulp & Paper com-
For Gifts That
uidtiiaii bone
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry
. and Silverware
Phono 1255. Salem, Oregon
Salem Ambulance Service
I Pay and Night
I 17 8. liberty St.
1 Salem Ore-
All kinds fof Jonk and
second-hand goods. We.
pay foil value,
215 Center Street
. Phone 393 1
pany, both I at expenditures of
SJ5.000. Carl Bablburg, Salem
contractor, obtained the last per
mit for August for the erection of
a one-story dwelling at 2095 West
Nob Hill, at a cost of 12500. This
was Included in the figures for the
month. f '
Owing to a Mistake
In printing we have no' ranges
in our stock. Doughtoq &. Mar
cus. Adv. 1 '
mens were small, several were of
oversize" proportions. Owing to
the size of the fruit. he was ad
vised to have his crop dried rath
er than offered for canning pur
poses. The prunes this year are
said to be sweeter than those of
the past and are ripening early,
weather conditions having been
favorable, with sufficient sunshine
Two Accidents Fatal
Two fatal accidents out of a
total of 791 industrial casualties
were reported to the statu indus
trial accident wvntnisElon for the
week ending August 30. Th.
fatalities were N. F. Whitecotton.
a carpenter of Hood River, and
James McGee, a lineman of Cot
tage Grove. I .
Detour Eliminated
The state highway commission
announces . that the detour be
tween Eugene and Goshen on the
Pacific highway has been elimin
ated. Paving operations are still
in progress : and traffic will be
subject to short delay3 while hot
stuff is being dumped and rolled.
Autos Hit on Road
An automoble driven by George
Stanley of Turner ran into an
other driven by F. A. Dutton of
Salem Thursday, at the corner east
of Salem where the paved market
road turns south toward Turner.
The steering i mechanism of the
Dutton car was broken. It is said
that Stanley? acknowledged re
sponsibility for the accident and
offered to pay the damages. In
the mix-up the automobile of J.
W. DeSouza of the state highway
department i Jaa lighjtly hita by
both the other cars but was not
damaged. I
Black Silk Sale
: At Miller's today. Al the new
weaves for autumn will be shown.
Come. -Adv. ; s
Cherrians Invited -
The Salem Rotary club will be
host, to the Cherrians at the week
ly Rotary luncheon at 12 o'clock
Wednesday, Sept. 5, at the Marion
hotel. The. Cherrians, accompan
ied by the -band, will leave the
hotel promptly at; 1 o'clock: for
Albany where they will attend the
Linn county fair. All Cherrians
are challenged to prove their I07
alty by accepting - the invitation
of the Rotary club, and going in
uniform to the Hub city.
Archie Fleener-
For electrical appliances. Adv.
Oil Station Improving
: Extensive Improvements for the
Standard Oil station on the Fair
grounds road are "now under way.
Two large trees are being uproot
ed from the property and several
old signs torn down. The station
will be placed on favorable terms
of comparison with other stations
in the city, according to Fred
Collins. j
Cashatt Undergoes Operation
' Dr. C. E. Cashatt, city heath of
ficer, was taken to the Deaconess
hospital Thursday to undergo an
operation for gall stones.
Yeoman Attention !
Big class adoption at Tillamook
Saturday evening. ; Picnic Sunday,
Sept. 2nd. j All Yeoman urged to
be there; good time assured. C.
E. Albin, foreman. Adv.
Fine Prunes Are Shown
Twelve prunes, weighing . one
pound, were being exhibited In
Salem yesterday .by A. E. Herig
sted of SHverton. These, he said,
were the average in his orchard.
While one i or two of the specl-
Nice Clean Groceries
Sold in a nice ' clean store by
courteous1 salespeople. Come
once and you will come often.
12th and . Center .... .. .
(Formerly Dr. Schenks)
249 8. Cottage St.
; sot V. wj Va-oaal Bank BaOdiag
ram ss; . not esj
Osteopathic PhywcUa and Snrfoa
Bteetroata Diagnosis and TrMtaMt
Xr. Abr-i Kto4.)
Salem j; i Oregon
l . . .. , ... 1
Osteopathic Physician and
J Surgeon
. 28 Oregon Building
! Phone 258
, 1 ' 1 ( - I
- r . i ': T
Established 1863 ( ! '
General Baskbff Buwaeii
Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Pears Are Mcarce
Pears are scarce in the Salem
district;: according, to .the Oregon
Growers, who state they wil as
sist any grower in finding a mar
ket for his fruit, as the company
has all thaj it can handle. Mar
kets in general are assuming a
healthier tone and frutt will be
selling better in a short time, it is
Fereshetian Going East :
Rev. Martin Fereshetian. min
ister of Unity church, will leave
early next week, for New Haven.
Conn., to attend the 30th bien
niel conference of the Unitarian
and other liberal Christian
churches, as a guest of Yale uni
versity. He expects to be absent
from the city for about three
weeks, and will visit former, par
ishes and friends In Philadelphia,
New York, Boston, Chicago, Colo
rado Springs and Salt Lake City,
having assisted at the organiza
tion of the latter s church. Among
the prominent speakers at the
conference will be Chief Justice
Taft, Dean Brown of the Tale
Divinity college: Dr. Richard Ca
bot; Dr. W. H. Drummond of Eng
land; Dr. S. 'A. Elliott, president
of the American Unitarian associ
ation. The last named speaker
assisted in . obtaining a new dor
mitory for the Chemawa Indian
school. !
Legal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application
An Interesting Booklet i
The Statesman Job department
has delivered to T. E. McCroskey
the current . issue of the Savage
realtor service. The booklet con
tains valuable Information con
cerning farm lands In Oregon and
surrounding states. '
A Big Sale
The Statesman Job department
has Just issued the catalogue of
the auction sale of Jersey cattle
from the world's record herd of
McArthur & Stauff at Ashwood
Farm. Rickreall, a few miles west
of Salem. The date of the sale is
September 28, and it promises to
be a big affair.: I
Larmer Buys Church Property '
Razing of the Unitarian church,
partially destroyed by fire severa)
months ago, will egin within, the
next month. D A. Larmer. having
recently purchased the building,.,
As soon as tne debris is removed
work on the new structure will
begin, the plans having been'ap
proved by the church headquar
ters in the east and are now on
the way to Salem. Bids will be
asked for the construction of the
new building, -money for which
has been raised and placed in the
bank. During the interim serv
iceswill be held in the old Evan
gelical church, which was recent
ly acquired by the Woman's club.
In addition to the church will be
the adjoining property, a bunga
low at G87 Chemeketa street,
which has been purchased for a
parsonage. The church now owns
that portion of Chemeketa street
property between Cottage street
to the alleyway. 1
Fined $SO for Assault
W. T. Brinkley, route 6, was
fined $50 for assault and battery
by Judge Kunts yesterday 'upon
complaint of J. P. Lauritson, who
charged Brinkley with breaking
his arm with a crowbar. The fine
was the maximum that could be
given for the offense.
Ready for Picnic Parties
Camp Santlam, Jefferson,
Adv. .
Accidents Are Reported
Traffic accidents were reported
to the police yesterday by R. P.
Rowrse, Portland, who reported
a collision at Chemeketa and Sum
mer streets, and Niels Futtrup.
Vancouver, Wash., reported strik
ing another machine between
Woodburn and Salem, with slight
damage. "
Black Silk Sale
At Miller's today. All the new
weaves for autumn will be shown.
Come. Adv. :
Walls Beglning to Rise
Brick: walls for the new ware
house at the penitentiary are be
ginning to take shape. All . ma
terial for this and all labor, with
the exception of one "free man"
is being furnished by the prison
without expense. Concrete for the
floor has been poured. The di
mensions of the building are , 75
by 200 feet.
Let Fleener Estimate
Your wiring bill. Adv.
Bieycles Claimed ;
L. C. Demerest, 2190 Chemek
eta street, claimed . the bicycle
brought to the police station yes
terday by Officer Putnam.
' ' IIKI
HOPKINS David L. Hopkins died
.: at a .' local hospital August 31,
age 60 years. Survived by his
widow. Mm Rule Hopkins; one
daughter. Frances M. Hopkins,
- one son Norris Hopkins, all of
Portland. The body was sent
to Portland this morning foi
cremation by Webb'a jj Funeral
'." parlors. : .
HOWIE Carle ton Howie died at
a local hospital August 2 8, sat
the age of 46 years. Survived
by his son, Lauren of San Jose,
Cal., his mother, 'Mrs. C. A.
Howie of San Jose; one brother
J. E. Howie of Klamath Falls,
one sister, Mrs. L. C. Ady of
Merrill, Or. The body was sent
to Portland for cremation by
Webb's Funeral parlors yester-
' day. -; i.i
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
J Directors: '
Expert Embalmers j j
Rigdon & Son's i
Uceqtaled Serrie i
Cited to Appear ,
For improper use - of Jicense
plates, Lee Byers has been cited
to appear in Justice court at 10
o'clock this morning.
Oil Machinery Going
Workmen are now busy instal
ling the new ' machinery in : the
basement of the United States
National bank building whereby
oil will be used as fuel to heat
the building. The machinery is
being placed in the building from
the State street side.
Will Pay Interest
On October 1 the state treasur
er will pay interest totaling $1,
300,000. on state . highway and
state soldier bonus bonds. Today
the state will redeem $100,000 in
Bean-Barrett cooperative state
and federal bonds that were is
sued September 1, 1917. .
Port Townsend, Wash; O. Mc
Pherson, 'San Francisco; Hi . J.
Waters, '. Clearfield,- Penn.; W. A.
Stelnman, Ellensberg; H.( W. My
ers, Los" Angeles; A. O.. Steineld,
Tacoma; O. A.. Anderson, Port
land; Ws H. Barton. Clyde Park.
Mont.; J. B. Ellison, Vermillion,
S. D.; T. 8, Graham, Torrence,
Cal; F. Dudgeon. Sacramento; F.
Fisher, Forest Grove; L. H. Dealy,
Fort Collins, Colo.; C F. Hickop.
Eugene. j
Returns Heard By Many
Although there was not a great
deal of Interest in. the Oreb-Wil-son.
right at the Polo Grounds,
New York, last night for the mid
dleweight championship j of the
world, several scores of persons
about a hundred Jn all gathered
in front of tbe Statesman ofTice
to hear, the fight returns 'as they
were received via the superb As
sociated Press service direct from
the ringside. ' : !
On Account of Delay
'In getting, fixtures .the Argo
dining room will not open until
Saturday noon, Sept j 8. Adv.
New License Listed
' Among the, cars coming into the
Salem auto 'park ' yesterday one
carrying tthe Canal Zone license
was 1 registered. - The owner, who
is a member of the navy, was Wil
liam Garrigues. He gave his home
address-as San Pedro, Cal.: : '
Hawkins & Roberta
City loans; lowest rates. Adv.
Protest' Received , .
The public service commission
is In receipt of a protest from, the
Tillamook County Creamery asso
ciation against the Southern Pa
cific company's placing in effect
September 4 a 10 per cent In
crease in the freight rates on oafs,
corn and barley between Portland,
and Tillamook. The proposed in
crease would be from 19 to 21
cents a hundred. The association
asks that the increase be held iq
abeyance until the pending hear
ing on the question is completed.!
-. r
Two Youths Arrested
Jack Eakin, a state traffic of
ficer, late yesterday arrested two
youths giving their- names as
Ralph Randall and Harry Shaw on
a charge of automobile theft.
Randall is from Portland and
Shaw from Olympia. The auto
mobile is said to belong: to a man
named Sowerl in Portland. The
boys are being held for the state
at the city Jail. .
Just Received l.OOO
S. & T.- 15e paper covered nov
els, consisting . of love, sea- and
detective stories. The Ace is the
Place. . Masonic Temple. -Adv.
Moving to Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Sef ton
and family ,are moving to Jbe Sef
ton homestead in Douglas. county.
The family will remain there while
Mr. Sefton will return to Salem
to resume his work with the state
printing ' department. . His son,
Fred, Jr., and family have been
living there for some time. Mr.
Sefton says fish and game abound
on his acres and in the streams
that flow through the farm. . ,.
When Your Electric Fixtures
Fail o work, come to Fleener
Electric. Adv.
Arrested for Polluting Well
Ralph. Wells was arrested yes
terday afternoon upon a com
plaint tiled in the justice court in
February, charging him with pol
luting the water in a well. The
polluting is said to have been
done September 1, 1922, when
Wells dumped some refuse,,said
to have been mash, in the well.
Wells denies this, saying . the
water was not fit for consump
tion when he rented the place. He
declares that when a quantity of
mash was, found on the place last
year and made unfit for further
use, he buried this In an orchard,
and that the only water near was
a little wash water he had used
in cleaning the corn. Wells en
tered a plea of not guilty and was
released upon promise of his at
torney to have him in the Justice
court at 10 o'clock September 12.
Wanted Two' or Three Laborers
This morning. Capital , City
Transfer, 226 State street. Adv.
Cleo Jenkins, Albany architect,
was a business visitor in Salem
Friday. ' ' ' . ) : ' . . -
The J. T. Cooper family has re
turned from Newport.' 1 ' ' .
CMff Parker, salesman in Haus
er Brothers, will leave today for
Elkhorn : on the Santiam river,
where he will spend the week-end
holiday fishing. i
Fire Chief . Harry Hutton Is con
fined at his home with illness.
1 . Melrose , Putnam, student at
Franklin high school in Portland,
Work shirts .... -j...75c
Work socks. , ...10c
Work gloves .'.... ..5c and up
Work shoes ....$2.50 and up
Hats ..........;........L.:.25c
Specials br hop picking.
We also handle used cloth
ing and shoes.
' . Capital Exchange
342 N. Coinl. Phone 1368W
V- 5;
" :. : ' -' '. ! -j - -,:'
To me. as master ' baker, it
seems a wOrk of art Just as
much so." as-:a-'marble or
bronze statuette seems to a
Sculptor. Each loaf I bake
;.i uniformly good in quality,
rich in nutrition, and delici
ous in flavor." ' '
170 N. Commercial
Phone 308
Arrivals at Auto Camp
William Garrigues, San Pedro;
A. C Steiaman, Ellensburg; E.
Ballon, Salt Lake J. E. Toland,
Los Angeles; O. F. Spriggs. O.
Nasshem, Seattle: W. F. Heinz,
Humbrick, . .Wis.; c: A. Aloord.)
Twin Falls,' Idaho; Ed Turner,
Hamilton City, Cal.; Paul Hinton, .
Adder and lister
F. O. B. Chicago
. ,. t ki Li '
Call or Write for Circular
Don't Buy Till To See It.
' 247 North Commercial -,
' ' . Phone SG5 '
passed through Salem yesterday
on his way' to Monmouth for a
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Miles of
Medford who have been in Salem
for several weeks left yesterday
for their home'.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ellis left
yesterday for Tonasket, Wash.,
where Mr. Ellis will be principal
in the schools.
George A. White, adjutant gen
eral of Oregon, has returned from
a sojourn of two weeks at coast
Dr. and Mrs; Howard D. Poore
of Portland were visitors in Salem
yesterday. They are going on a
vacation trip to the coast and will
spend some time hunting..
C. F. Clark, former Salem print
er, has purchased the Aumsville
Record and will run it under the
name of the Aumsville Star. H.
W. McXeill was . formerly owner
of the. paper. ' '
Slate is - produced In 14 states
of this countryj '
Albany Aviator Is Dead
jv . From Injuries in Fall
ALBANY, Or., Aug. 31. Ort
Iorns. injured in an. airplane acci
dent Wednesday.-died late Thurs
day evening following an airplane
accident. His jaw was broken in
three places and he suffered con
cussion of the Drain ana other in
juries about, the head. .-.
James Blackwell of Jefferson,
who was riding in the plane with
Iorns. will recover. The body of
Chester Kelty, 13-year-o!d Alba'jf
boy, who was drowned Thursd ,
was recovered early Friday. T.:e
aviators were searching for the
body when the plane fell. .
A weary-looking fellow ,who
was Innkinv fnr wnrk hnnnnnfil
to see a huge police ailvertlsenu nt,
headed:. "Murderer Wanted!"
'."Well," he said, scratching his
head, "it's bet ter'n nothins. any
how. I'm going In to ak for
the Job!" Richmond Tlraes-Dls-patch.
H u nd reds of People
Have made it a habit of buying their groceries at
Busick's. This we attribute to no one feature but pos
sibly the most outstanding is the fact that one can come
into this store and buy; just what they had in mind and
not "something just as good." We aim to carry a full
stock of all the high grade groceries and it is not often
that we are caught without a standard article. This
with our unequalled service and lower prices makes
"Buying at Busick's a Habit." ' ' '
Gold Medal, 49 lb. sk
: $1.85
Vim, 49 lb. sack $1.85
Crown, 491b. sack,...$1.85 .
Best Family Flour,
sack.........:..... $1.35
No. 1 0 sack Cream Rolled
Oats .-: .... ... . 49
No. 10 sk. Pancake ... .69
Kell6gg8 Corn Flakes,
3 for . .25
Post Toasties, 3 for .... .25
5 lb. net Pure Lard ...
101b. net Pure Lard .
4 lb. net Snowdrift ...
6 lbt net Crisco
Qt. Wesson's Oil .......
2 gal. Wesson's Oil ., .95
1 gal. Wesson's Oil ...1.89
Fletcher's Fancy Salmon,
1 lb. can ....1. .35
Red Salmon, lb. flat
cans... .... 1 .25
Alaska Medium Red,
I I lb.: tall . . ............ i.20
Alaska Pink- I lb. tall .15
Domestic Sardines, -
5 for ; .25
Norwegian Smoked,
-fancy, 2 for .... ...... .25
Sapphire Sardines, packed
. jn pure olive oil, regular
25c size, 2 for ........ .35
Curtis Kippered Sardines,
large can j .25
California Sardines,
Large cans ........ A 5
Rosedale Ripe Olives in
No. 2 tins ... .25
Curtis Glen wood
No. 1 tall cans ....J.l. .25
Curtis small cans;
lunch size .. ... ........ .10
Curtis Supreme. Select
Olives, large can .... .69
Curtis Extra fancy
Supreme, large can .89
Curtis select in glass .. 4 1 5
Many other ! sizes and
brands to select from;
pickles, green and stuf
fed olives ; also hundreds
of items for lunches.
1 1 lbs. Pure Cane ....$1 .00
Breakfast Bacon, light .33
Cottage Rolls ...
Picnics .... .... .'.
Bacon Squares
Bacon Backs ....
P. & G. White Naptha .05
22 P.,& G. ........ ....1. 00
I I Crystal White , .50
22 Crystal White ... .. 1 .00
White Wonder, 24 for 1 .00
Citrus, 2 for .49
Peet's Washing Machine
Soap .35
Gem-Nut Margarine .22
Nucoa, 2 for j.. ...... ... .55
1000 Sheets Tissue Paper.
.3 for .... . .. ...L . .25
Large Rolls Crepe "Paper
4 for . . . .25
California Watermelons,
guaranteed ripe lb. 2 jc
Turlock Canteloupes,
large size, 3 for .25
Medium size, 4 for .25
Home jgrown Muskmelons
Bananas, just right,
2 lbs . .. . ..... .25
Fancy Lemons, large,
dozen .... .... ...... ... .45
Peaches, Apples, Grapes,
and all kinds of fresh
vegetables from under
our fountain, natures
own way to keep vege
tables fresh; head let
tuce, carrots, beets, celery,
green peppers, green
corn, cucumbers, home
grown tomatoes.
It's Your Guarantee of Service Plus Quality
'"V .
y yj , yJv - ?X X . yv
nsrvTf rnscrryir