The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    i .. v- : p.-i.- r- . , , . . , , ,. ; . . : j .. , . .. . ., , . .. .:' . , : , ' . t -
i" SPORTS Here, Tlhere and Everywhere
Raising thG Family- Pa won t shave his mustache oil m a nurry again! r - - -' ' -. I
Portland Drops Deeper Into
Third, Place While Sac-
jamento Goes Ahead
PORTLAND. Ore. Auc. 3 1
Stft Lake broke the Portland win-
tning streak
taking today's
Crunipler was
the box in the
game, 10 tc
knocked out
j second after allowing seven runs
jto that time. Inciuding homers by
Strand and Coambe. Strand had
' another big day, his three hits in
tire up bringing his total number
of hits for the season to 269,
which is only 20 .' short of the
world's record of 289 hits for a
season, established last year. His
;uuu'"j was dis asm ror -the year
and also was a new coast record
ETery time Strand hits a homer
now he breaks the record. 1
I , Score R. II. E.
Salt Lake .......... .10 16 0
i'oruana 3 9 0
Coumbe and Peters; Crumpler
Pillette and Onslow.
i cMiiiiuiriiio t, seame o.
j SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 31
Sacramento took a gruelling
j eleren inning game from Seattle
today. 7 "to 6. The Indians tied
it up In, the 9th. with two out by
two hits i and an error. In the
eleventh Sacramento won by Yir-
tue of a walk, a two-base hit and
; .Penner's sacrifice fly. ,
. . Score R. II. E.
j Sacramento r 1 9 1
j Seattle ........ , ... . 6 14 2
;(Prough, Penner and Schang;
j Jacobs. Blake, Gregg and Tobin,
: Frisco 6; Ansel; 2. ,
'Kan "-Francisco made it three ' in
a tow by. whipping Los Angeles
.today, 6 to 2. The SeaLt'fifst run
'was a homer in the second inning
Sby Hendryx. In the seventh five
hita yield , three tallies. Scott
jbeld the visitors to five hits..
fMcCabe, Angel left fielder, was
i banished, in the . third inning for
! disputing a third strike. Crandall
i gave way to a pinch hitter in the
'eighth inning and Robertson fin
. ished the game. ;
Sesrtst Li Jl ft
t Los Angeles t-. . . .f. 2 5- 0
San Francisco ....... . 6 12 1
Crandall and Byler; Scott and
fAs?ew. v-:'---
I Oakland 4; Vrrm 1.
" LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 31.
fWalter Malls" . pitched Oakland
to a four tQ one victory over
i Vernon today. .The Oaks scored
'one run In the fifth inning , and
.woo -the game in the sixth scoring
two more runs by virtue of three"
hifa and an prror. Pete Schleid-
'er's bome run in the eighth frame,
his ' second; circuit swat in two
.days, accounted for the one Tiger
tally. , Cecil Cruze pitched good
ball for the Bengals, but his sup
port was erratic at times. Each
club has now won two games of
the series. .
Score . . , - R. II. E.
Oakland . 4 11 1
Vernon . . . .". 18 3
Mails and Read; Cruze and
- Matty Thert are hundreds of
ways of making money. v
Charlie- Yes, but only one
honest way, .
Matty What way's that?
v Charlie I thought you . would
,not know it! .
' '"Vo- - k - W 1
I 'I - ' I l?r
i I
f A
4 f , : ,'r
. .; I . v "nN out !. mmi fir $
i ' ' . "' ' WJ
I ' "s - A i
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; . i
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. 'V ::; .:ViV-v. ( v If
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; ' ' .Wtw' - Zf ,
" ' 1 ' ,. . O : ' ' . ' ., . ' , . ' - "
- :- ' ' y i'-SS- X
- ffmMJmlmM M-gWWi H1" mir.&tM?-"' -t -- --
... r r ' i - . t - , -.
Marry Greb. the -Pittsburgh Bearcat, ia doing the haruest irain
fne of hU long career down at Manhasset. L. U N.I Y.. for his com
Jnf fight with Middleweight Champion Johnny Wilson, which takes
T,ia c at the Polo Grounds on the. evening of August 31. Hary
piace ai lu . .ti.wt. nil.- Phnm shows
i: ".".... n.r.v'o fonr.TPar
ucroiny uicu. - -
t?ck to her ffltbr's taw.-
Aug. 31.- (By the Associated
Press) Harry Greb. Pittsburgh
"windmill," who has been knock
ing at the championship portals
with varied success for a number
of years,, tonight dethroned John
ny Wilson of Boston, as world's
middleweight title holder, at the
Polo grounds. Outfighting his
opponentS In nearly every round,
Greb received the judge's verdict
after la rounds that for the most
parC proved considerably : below
championship standards. ,
" Taking the aggressive from the
start. Greb pummeled the cham
pion relentlessly about the head
and body. He weakened Wilson
In the fifth with a series of right
jolts to the jaw and had the cham
pion in distress in both the eighth
and ninth rounds with a slashing
attack to the head, : But Wilson
blocked in most of his offensive
attempts - and finding the Pitts
burgher a shifty and elusive tar
get, fought back ' gamely.V He
stood up under a heavy bombard
ment in the last four rounds with
his left eye virtually closed and
blood dripping from cuts about
his mouth.
V Wilson's attack
was dlrecteif
chiefly to Greb's body and at times
he seemed to hurt: the challenger
with short left hooks to the ribs
and stomach, but Greb inevitably
checked his opponent by blocking
and maneuvering. ? In the 12th
and 13th rounds Wilson showed a
few flashes of championship form
but they were only, momentary.
Puzzled by his opponent's meth-
of- h,e Invariably, stayed on, the
defensive or lost opportunities to
shoot over effective punches by
his slowness! i . .'-.'
Greb's rough tactics :and Wil
son's apparent inability to dis
play any effective sort' of attack
marred many of the rounds. The
Pittsburgher was warned -repeatedly
for, holding- in the clinches
while he swung his right to Wil
son's head and body and on one
or two occasions he war roundly
booed ty the crowd for his unfair
ness. Wilson, however, was also
guilty of rough work but he usual
ly was worsted in these attempts
to meet Greb at the latter's jbwn
game. . ' - j' :
Neither fighter scored the sem
blance of a knockdown during
the entire fight. Once, in an early
- nlfi dauhter. sending a wicaea
- - j
round, Greb slipped to the floor
after missing a. wild swing but he
was up quickly and drove Wilson
to the ropes with a shower of
rights and lefts. But while Greb
had the titleholder hanging on at
several stages under terrific bom
bardment the challenger was nev
er in danger. Wilson's hardest
blows, while they seemed to tem
porarily slow up Greb, were not
delivered with enough frequency
to weaken the Pittsburgher.
Round 1. Tiey were sparring
in the center of the ring before
Wilson landed the - first blow, a
glancing left to the ; body, and
and then they went into two short
body exchanges. . s , t
Wilsoq landed another left to
the body and took a right In ex
change. The champion retreated
around the ring and Greb drove
rim to the ropes where the Pitts
burgher got in some effective
body work. From the center of
the ring Wilson then drove Greb
to the ropes with short body blowo
after which they exchanged active
ly In the center of the ring. Greb
forced the champion to cover up.
sending both hands to the body
and then the challenger did some
damage at close range. They ex
changed counter blows, each with
one arm locked in. the other's.
They had a furious exchange in
Greb's corner, again locking each
an arm and pounded each other
fully 20 blows apiece, separating
at the bell. ;
Round 2.- Greb was short with
a right and they exchanged In a
clinch. Greb began to bore in
with his long, hefty swing but
Wilson met him. Again they
locked arms and hit each other
at short range. Greb held Wil
son around the waist with his left
and struck with his right until
the referee stopped him. : 1 j
Greb rocked Wilson to the ropes
with a right but the champion
clinched when the challenger add
ed his right. Greb clouted a lit
tle bit and began grabbing Wilson
around the neck with his left and
punching with his right. They
were sparring when the bell rang.
Round 3. They sparred for a
moment and then Greb charged.
swinging his right to the stomach,
driving Wilson to the t ropes with
a fusillade. They exchanged at
arms length in the center of the
ring. Greb began to charge again,
landing hard rights to the body
while he held with his left, for
which he was warned by the ref
eree. Wilson landed a hard left
to the jaw before Greb again re
sumed his holding and received a
severe ( reprimand from Referee
O'Sullivan. Greb had the better
of a protracted exchange at long
range and they began to, spar
wben the bell ended the round.
Round 4. Greb jumped to the
attack and landed both bands to
the head. ; He blocked a right and
then repeated with both handt
when Wilson tried to cover up.
They clinched several times and
Greb ripped short rights to the
chest and jaw. 'Wilson landed a
few lefts in a clinch. The cham
pion landed a left to the chest
and Greb missed a wide right.
Wilson then came in and landed
both hands, t Greb sent a long
right to the head and danced away
before coming In again to . hold
with bis left and pound with his
right, while the champion coun
tered with short lefts. The round
ended with the men ready to fight
Round 5. They clinched 'im
mediately, exchanging off balance
with one i band. Greb was very
wild with-rights but he caught
the champion and locked one arm
and landed one hand to the body
and the other to the back ribs.
Greb landed a hard right to the
jaw and then missed, -but Wilson,
who was pretty much on the ' re
treat, now, missed also. Greb
landed to the jaw and Wilson shot
a left to the- body and bounced
his fists off the challenger's jaw.
Wilson rocked Greb to " the ropes
but Greb came out slashing away
with "a two-fisted attack and "the
champion resumed the clinching.
Greb shot a right swing to the
jaw and was going in for short
range work when the bell sound
ed. I Round 6. At'thi3 stage Greb
was leading by a margin which
was not too wide. Wilson fought
toe to toe in a most severe ex
change, but after a lull he took
a severe right to the jaw. Greb
landed another hard right to the
jaw and Wilson sanka hard left
into Greb's stomach. Xreb landed
four hard rights to the jaw in a
clinch and then Wilson sank his
right to the body before they went
into a clinch. Wilson landed an
other right to the body and Greb
began holding Wilson's neck with
one arm and then the other while
he punched with his free arm.
Greb shot a hard right hook to
the jaw just before they exchang
ed again. They were pounding in
a clinch as the bell sounded.
Round 7. After a short delay
Greb ; rushed and i landed lightly
and then they clinched, swinging
both arms. The champion led the
body attack which began in the
previous round, but Greb kept on
the offensive. Greb sent three
short rights to the jaw and then
his left, to the body, followed by
three rights to the body. Wilson
sent a right and Greb landed a
hard right to the head. They re
eumed their half-clinching, hitting
with ; their free hands, but Greb.
In the next clinch held with his
left and had the better of the one
handed fighting. The challenger
swung a hard right"tcT the" Bead
as the round 'ended.?, '...V.-v
Round 8. Arter a slow, start
Greb sent a left to the body and
then began to pound Wilson's
left eye, which was half closed.
Wilson was unable to solve Greb's
clumsy and unorthodox attack
and was simply blocking the leads
which came from the most unex
pected quarters. Greb held again
with his left and punched . with
his right to the body at "short
nnira anrl with 1nm n.lnn P.roh
r - .
held again and Wilson was unable
to counter much but as the cham
pion advanced. Greb sunk two
vicious rights into the short ribs.
Greb was again warned for hold
ing but it did not stop him for he
landed a dozen more blows: from
that position and had the cham
pion obviously bewildered when
the round ended.
i Round 9. They sparred a little
while Greb analyzed his oppon
ent's condition before plowing in,
digging both fists to the body.
Greb landed a hard right to the
head and Wifason backed to the
ropes, covering his face with his
hands while , the Pittsburger
whacked away. Wilson grabbed
Greb around the waist Xo hold on
and the' challenger slipped to the
floor. The challenger was hard
at it again in a clinch and sent a
BIG $50
1 ' -
very damaging right smash to the
head, j The champion looked as
though he were wavering. '
Round 10. Wilson appeared
groggy as he sat in his chair, 'his
left eyet completely closed. They
started slovenly but in a moment
Greb shot a straight right toward
the injured optic and cornered the
champion in a neutral corner.
Greb whipped over a -right in a
clinch! and slashed away with his
hands; when Wilson came into
clinch. With his one eye Wilson
could see that Greb's stomach; was
slashed and he pointed for this
target but could not reach it
whilej Greb backed away for a
moment "and came in landing
wide swings. They had a short
exchange before the gong tapped.
Greb had a clear margin in the
opinion of experts at the end of
this round.
Round 11. Greb swung a right
to the face, and Wilson missed
counter right leads. They ex
changed in a clinch and then
Greb i landed numerous rights be
fore he opened up with both
hands. Greb held with his left
and butted with his head and as
these' tactics were expected to
count against, him it was difficult
to " estimate his lead. Wilson
shot a hard left just above the
belt. Wilson was advancing to
clinch and Greb accepted his over
tures by locking one arm and
swinging the other. This was, a
slow; round and ended with the
men j sparring. i . , ,
' " Round 12.--They came together
fighting and Wilson was cheered
for livening up the battle with a
left.! Greb grabbed the ropes
with his right and tried to pivot
for a swing but the champion
backed out1 of range and Greb
had I to cross the ring to: land a
hard right. They went into an
other half clinch and j Greb did
nobly, punching with his right to
f tne DOflV ana ntjau.
l . - a a. .
Greh sunk
. . . ..... . . . i
a left in wusoms Dooy du iun
crossed both hands repeatedly to
the jaw: Greb slashed ripping
uppercuts to Wilson's jaw' and
then the champion clinched when
Greb again pounded with his left.
In the next 'clinch Greb pounded
with his other fist., They were
going into an exchange wheti the
bell rang. i j
Round 13. They clinched as
soon as possible, backed away-and
clinched again and in both in
stances Greb landed the most ef
fectively. Greb advanced with a
body attack and landed with both
fiats to the body, finding Wilson
very . willing to mix. They mixed
again until Wilson threw both
fists into Greb's stomach and ex
changed pretty evenly until Greb
shot, a -left'' uppercut to the jaw.
Now Greb held' with his left and
a! U is
o o o1 o o o o o o
Aug. 31. (By Associated Press.)
Jack Dempsey's hitting powers
were revealed again today when
the heavy .weight champion
knocked out. Jules Rioux, a 200
pound French Canadian' lumber
jack and severely punished the
other two sparring partners who
faced him in the gruelling five-
rounds of boxing.
A a re8r.rt of siiaxing oft ne
cold that has bothered him for
a . week, Dempsey worked with
greatly Improved form. The
champion engaged in eight rounds
of. work. He went through a
snappy round of light bag punch
ing and a round of shadowboxing
before putting on the " gloves to
face Ray Newman, a 175-pound
fighter from Jersey City, for the
opening two rounds. Dempsey
directed his attack to Newman's
body, hooking him with rights
and lefts to the ribs and jolting,
rights under the heart.
punched with h-s right butr Wil-
son came, back -with his body
pounding and they had a desper
ate exchange in a neutral corner
with the gong stopping them. '
Round 14. Wilson supporters
shouted for him to do something
buthe was averse and they
sparred for a moment before
clinching. Greb gained a few
points in that and then hooked a
theysaymen dont look for bargains
but any man. who pa sses this up
is simply fooling ftimseJT-
.. .,V--4J--
ever there were an opportunity for you to
possess a Gillette, It is during this out-of-the-ordinary
sale at a sensationally low cost.
Never before have we known of the genuine,
gold-plated American-made Gillette at such an
unhcardof price, ,
Not only a Gillette Razor, but a gold-plated
blade box, double-edged Gillette Blades, and a
handsome compact case. All for the price of
less than a dozen Gillette Blades.
Brand new: stock, fresh from the factory.
Come in- buy yours today.
These razors are ; not "seconds" or Army
issue. They are genuine gold-plated Gillette i
Safety Razors, and wc guarantee them absolutely
perfect and of first-class manufacture and work
inanship in every detail.
31. (By Associated Press.) The
muscular system of Luis Firpo is
vastly different from that of an
ordinary human and his great
strength equal to that of a goril
la. Dr. Juan Reilly, who is mak
ing a study of the Latin gladiator,
declared today.
"Firpo." the scientist said, "has
a natural development, the same
as a gorilla, lie was an intensive
trainer but built up his strength
through playing the most violent
sort of games and eating large
quantities of fresh meat at every
meal. :
"Like the wild beast I have
compared him with, Firpo relaxes
immediately using his muscles.
After a round of sparring he does
not sit, but stands in his corner.
His muscles hang like sacs of fat.
His breathing is hardly notice
able." . -
right td the head and fol
lowed with a hard left to the
body. They pounded each other
in a clinch and then Wilson land,
ed a hard left to the kidneys.
Wilson landed a right to the
stomachy Greb countering with
both hands to the head. Wilson
began to bore in but he did it
too slow and Greb had one arm
around his neck and was pound-
I I I i s v I
ii iivS y Lb vr? (
in g with the other before the
champion could get going. They
were fighting at the gong. .
Round 15. Greb lurched with
a right and Wilson clinched.
Greb lurched -again and Wilson
landed both fists to the body but
Greb swung a hard right to the
head and Wilson backed to the
ropes. "Wilson, was wide with a
lead and they half clinched. Greb
met his next advance with. a left
to the head and when the cham
pion next came Greb held with
his left and siasued punishingly
with his-right. Greb held with
his left in the next few sallies.
Wilson's belated activity was not
worth so much. Greb landed his
right to the jaw and then pound
ed both hands to the body. They
clinched. Wilson landed a right
to the jaw and Greb was pound
ing him along the ropes when the
gong ended the fight.
8a n I'raocUco ...
Portland ...
Salt Lake .
Ixa Angeles
Oakland .....
, .585 .
New York-
Chicago ..
St. Ixniia ......
Brooklyn .....
... 69
....... 2
.:. 0
' .521
New York .
Detroit .J.-.
St. Louis
WaKhington "
... 78
... 61
. 61
... 57
... 55
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I hirago
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You know what
the Gillette is, you
know, the former
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Hurry, Men!