The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 29, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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Williams File Motion
That DIcie iWilllams be requir
ed to make more definite certain
allegations in her complaint, Is
the' gist of a motion filed yester
day by Ira - Williams, who Is be
ing sued tor divorce.;. He wants
more definitely stated 4he person
or persons with, whom the plain
tiff claims the defendant accused
-her with being criminally intl
mate, - : . . , .
Dance, Independence Armory
. " v-ucouaj eremag. AQT.
BnfitlilKP PmikIIh Wam-nJt' '
,- Building permits - har Wn
Issued to H.-'II. Gralapp for a
Canltol street.
f"H.' fteef.- one-etonr dwelling" at
ouum uDeny, ssooo; Mrs.
M. A. Billinger, repair and alter
a two-story dwelling. 419 South
Nineteenth street. $1,000: Wil
liam Hart man. one-story dwelling
soutn. Liberty street, to
cost sz&uu.
f 19.50 Two Burner Oil
Stoves for $12.75. H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co. Adv.
Accident Reported. " : 1 -
r N. D. Bailey of Silrerton hit
a man wnile driving north on
Church street early Tuesday mor
ning, he reported to the police.
No damage was done.
For Sale
New trailer with new -rubber.
Inquire Lanham's Garage, 45
Center street. Adv.
Summons Filed
Summons has been filed against
J. M. Martin to answer to a suit
for $132.93, brought by H. E.
and Roy E. Klnr and aralrmt F.
C. Meyers by the Commercial Cor
poration for $53.24.
City and Farm Ixmibus
-. Lowest rates. J. C. Selgmund.
Three Issued Ucens
V Marriage licenses were Issued
Tuesday by the county cleric to
Harry H. Baurer and Geda Fok
stad, both of Silverton; Dalton
B. Fox and Florence Lucille L.
, Plckelslmer, both of Salem: Ar
man R, Berger and Margaret A.
Songer of, 291 South Church
-street, : j.-
Patrolmen Complete Vacation
With Officer Walter F. Thomp
son back: on the Job Fhfs morning
For Gifts That Last
DlamoadlX Watches Qewefry
and Silverware
Phone 1235. Salem, Oregon
Salest Ambulance Service
Day and Night .
17S 8. Liberty St.
Balem Oregon I
AH kinds of Junk and
second-hand goods. We.
pay full value. .
215 Center Street
. ' Phone 398 v
Established 1868
General Backia; Business
Office Hours from 10 au m. to 3 p. n. .
Of' interest to Home' Folks, Farmers, Carpenters,
Builders and Mechanics
Of the Fire, Smoke and Water Damaged
Hardware Stock of
286 North Commercial St. : ;
Vill Soon Open to the Public . :
- t " vatch tho Daily Papers -r-'-T
and Sergeant Frank Mlnto to re
port at the desk this evening,
practically all of the city police
officers j have completed their
summer vacations. Officer Vic
tor, one of the oldest In point of
service on the force, has not yet
taken advantage of his two week's
period, and Officer Warren Ed
wards of the traffic department
has five days vacation coming to
him. ; f' '
Monkey Antics Attract Many
A monkey on a chain In the
window of Smith & Watklns Is
causing many youngsters, and a
great many older people, to stop
and watch his actions. When
placed In the box yesterday he
showed a great aversion to the
man who nailed his chain to the
box. A young boy was bitten In
the shoulder when the frightened
animal sprang upon him. It was
quickly pacified by the youthful
owner, who is able to take what
ever liberties he pleases with his
! .
Sacred Heart Academy
Salem,'. Or., reopens Tuesday,
September 1923. Conducted by
the Sisters of the Holy Names of
Jesus and Mary. Resident and
day school. Four years high school
prepares for college or normal en
trance. I Complete primary nd
grammar grades. Music depart
ment gives special attention to
piano, violin, harp and choral.
Physical culture under competent
teachers.1 .. Fall1 term opens Sep
tember 4, 1923.- Adv.
Preparing for Electlo
Preparation for the special elec
tion in November when the In
come tax law referendum comes
up, Is being made by County Clerk
U. G. Boyer. All lists of Judges
and clerks - are "being Cnecked
prior to notifying them of the
election 1 and asking for notice as
to their ability to serve. An
early response is urged by Mr.
Boyerln order to fill all -vacancies
at the October term of county
court. Under a new law passed
by the last legislature, vacancies
may be! filled from the adjoining
precincts on election day provid
ing there Is no one available to
serve in the precinct Itself.'1
Modern Furnished House
For rent. H. L. Stiff Furniture
Co. Adv.
On Business; Stays for Concert
Orin j Anderson. automobile
dealer of Albany. cam' up 'to Sa
lem yesterday jtftt bJTw.,,9ne. '
the Maxwell sport models irom
the Gingrich Motor company for
exhibition during the Linn coun
ty fair. ! He remained for the band
concert, explaining that Albany
And Puncture-Proof Tires .- ?
184 a Commercial Phoiia 1349
, Next Door Bligh Hotel t
Magazines, Candy, Ice Cream In
bulk, brick, in pints and Quarts.
Cones, i Soft Drinks, Cigars and
Tobaccos. 1
We develop Films. A place
where, ladies can trade. ' ,
I ' ' 1
soe u. a. national bbz Bauoiag
noas 999 Bs. PkoM 499 J
Oitaopathlc Phyaldaa and Karcooa
lUoctroDlo DUgsosU aa TrMtaaast
! (Dx. Abnau' IfaUsd.)
Salem - - Oregon
Osteopathic Physiciaa and
: ! - - Snrgeoa
28 Oregon Building
I .Phone 258
&, IVIarcu
was not financing summer con
certs this season, and, that he had
heard of the fine programs offer
ed through other Albany people
who had driven to Salem on con
cert nights. s
Eastern Star Picnic-
Mrs. Emma Murphy-Brown.
worthy matron of the Salem chap
ter of the Eastern Star, announces
that an Eastern Star picnic will
be held at the state fair grounds
Friday evening of this week, be
ginning at 4 o'clock. I The Past
Matrons club I the committee in
charge and the DeMolay boys will
be guests. j :j
Hop Pickers We Will Buy
- Tents after you are through. H.
L. Stiff Furniture Co. Adv.
September Issue Out
..- The September number of the
Oregon Teachers Monthly . is off
the press of the Statesman Pub
lishing company and Will be mail
ed out speedily to the subscribers.
The issue is easily the breeziest
land best ever printed; and ; , the
growing importance of the month
ly indicates that it is meeting a
real need In the educational work
of Oregon. ' ' " ,
Chadwlck Chapter
Order Eastern Star will have a
picnic at Fairgrounds Friday,
August 31. Members please come
at 4 p. m., bring silver.1 dishes and
well filled baskets. Members of
Order DeMolay are to be guests of
the Star. Adv.
New. Arrivals at Auto Park-
Ellis Passon, Springfield, Mo.;
G. H. Moffitt, E. E. Bollen, San
Francisco; C. W. Eakert. Denver;
J. W. Hall, F. Rowe, F. Ingersoll,
Bellfouche, S. D. ; W. C. Robinson,
Centralia; H. L. King, Spokane;
C. C. Otto, C. E. Thomas, Lansing,
Mich.; W. C. Sonet, Uplands, Cal. .
J. B. Schoonover, Portland; E.
Barrat, Yreka; , R, E. Foltz,
Wayne, Neb.; A. Williams, Los
Angeles; W. F. Armstrong, -San
Madre, Cal.; E. P. Bill, Hunting
ton Beach. Cal.; J. Villnain, Cas
per, Wyo.; W. J. Russel, J. C. Van
gorkum,. Hastings, la.; E. J. Pen
nington, Centralia; J. A. Bloom
qulst, Wausau, Wis.; O. W.
Green, St. Paul. Minn.; H. Siegler,
Los Angeles; Mrs. M. M. Klmmer
ly, Kalispel, Mont.
Women Wanted
At Starr i Fruit Product Co.,
cor. Church and Mill Sts. Phone
439. Adv. ;;-
Mr. Snell Dies -
Mrs. Laura A. Snell, formerly a
resident of Salem and the widow
of Edward Snell, -is dead at her
home at Drain, according to in
formation received In Salem last
night. She was born in Illinois
In 1845 and had lived In Oregon
32 years. She is survived by the
following sons and - daughters;
Sumner Snell of Drain, Charles E.
Snell of Monmouth, C. A. Snell of
Drain, Phillip Snell of Marshfield,
Mack Snell of Boise, Mrs. B. V.
Williams of Drain, Mrs. Ada Hicks
of New York, and Mrs. George W.
Joseph of Portland! 1 Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph and ' others passed
through here last night on their
way to Drain. ;
Women Wanted
, At Starr Fruit 1 Products Co.,
cor. Church and Mill Sts. Phone
439. Adv.
Auxiliary Meets Today
The YMCA Auxiliary will meet
with Mrs. C. A. Kelts this after
noon. An r organization i meeting
for the coming season is the main
business to be considered today.
Mrs. J. B. Littler, president for
the last year, has moved out of
town ; Mrs. J, J. Evans ' is; vice
president; Mrs. C. S.' Hamilton is
treasurer and Mrs. Charles Wil
son, secretary.
Kiwanis Meets In Portland
A number of Salem Kiwanis
will attend a meeting tonight in
the Hotel Multnomah In Portland
when the international secretary
will deliver an address. .
Legal Blanks !
Get them at The Statesman of'
flee. Catalog on application
Fountain Popular r
One of the most popular spots
in town last night was the drink
ing fountain at the lower end of
Willson park. Boys and girls,
men and women, all found It a
nice place to loiter and usually
found plenty of chance to loiter
since there was almost a continu
ous "waiting lisfi
Warmer In Portland . i
Mrs. S. C. Dyer and her son. W
Connel Dyer went to Portland yes-
Webb & Clough
Leading Fcaeral
. Directcfs :
Expert Embalm era
Rigdon & Son's
terday returning last night. Mrs.
Dyer reported that It was 99 in
the shade in Portland on the east
side where she was. The Rose
City usually claim's to be cooler
than Salem but 97 degrees is the
warmest weather which Salem
has had this year, It was 96 yes
terday by the government record.
For Postmaster I; - j
Congressman W. C. Hawley has
just announced his endorsement
o-r Fred D. Wagner of Ashland to
be postmaster in that thriving
southern Oregon city. Mr. Wagner
was for many years the publisher
of the Ashland Tidings, and is
known all over the state.
Canvas Porch Swing !
And bickory lawn furniture at
cost. H. L. Furniture Co. Adv. ,
Stockholders to Meet v- . --
A meeting of stockholders of
ihe Oregon Wood ' Products com
pany Is to be beld in Portland
Thursday to decide what to do
about its recent destructive ' fire
in West Salem. The company had
assets of about $35,000, the last
dollar of. which went up in the
blaze, down to the real estate and
a few cords of oak cants. There
fs insurance of about $15,000,
which will cover all obligations
and possibly some surplus. The
stockholders will have to determ
ine their future action, at this
Portland meeting. Some of the.
heavy stockholders are Portland
Blue and Grey Cham bray
Work shirts coat style. Ninety
Cents. A. A. Clothing Co., Mason
ic Temple. Adv.
Cherrians To Visit
All uniformed Cherriaii band
players who are going to attend
the Albany fair September 5, are
to be the guests of the Salem Ro-t
tary club at the regular Rotary
luncheon at the Marion - hotel
Wednesday noon. Following the
luncheon, the Cherrians are to en
train for Albany to keep their en
gagement to attend the Linn coun
ty fair in uniform and as the guests
of the fair. Fully 50 are expected
to make the trip, possibly more
than that number.
Women Wanted .
At Starr Fruit Products Co.,
cor. Church and Mill : Sts. Phone
439. -Adv.
Makes Long Stay:
Congressman W. C. Hawley ex
pects to remain in Salem until
about the middle of November,
one of his longest stys since he
took up the job of being congress
man. Then he will leave for
Washington, to sit with the Re
publican committee on commit
tees In the house, the body of con
gressmen who sfft out the mem
bership and apportion the 225 Re
publican members to the scores
and hundreds of important com
mittees that really, do . the big
work of congress. Their job of
giving every member the most im
portant place. Is one of the most
Solomonic tasks in the history of
American politics. Mr. Hawley
has been on the job for four ses
sions. ?
Hawkins & Roberta-
City loans; lowest rates. Adv.
Speeder Arrested Second Time-
When D. C. McDonald appeared
before Judge Kunta . yesterday it
was ' for his second offense for
speeding with a truck. As a pre
liminary he paid the $10 fine lev
ied about a month ago. The sec
ond charge has been taken under
advisement by Judge Kuntz.
Ball Declared Forfeited
Non-appearance of ,Linn B.
Jones, Oregon City man who was
arrested Saturday night for driv-J
lng on the wrong side of the road
and having no lights, resulted In
the forfeiture of his $10 bail.
Does This Interest Ton? . .
If you are looking for a Job, or
If you need to employ help, use
the city free employment bureau
t the YMCA, Adv.
Bicycle Reported Stolei
His bicycle was stolen, Claude
Marten, 1145 Saginaw street, re
ported to the police yesterday. G.
E. Landley brought in a bicycle
that he had found.
Man Had Record-
Giving his name as J. Murphy,
a man was picked up for Investi
gation early Tuesday morning by
Officer Olson. A check at the
police station revealed ; his . real
name to be Irvln Way, who has
a long record for house robber
ies and as a sneak thief. Wry,
or Murphy, recently completed a
sentence on the -f famous - Kelly
Butte rock pile, near Portland.
Including strop with each 503
package blades. J. C. Perry, Rex-
all Druggist Adv.
Two Seek Divorce
Slapping at various times . In
the past few years is , the basis
of a divorce complaint filed yes-'
terday by Rosa McDole against H.
C. ;.. McDole. ' They were married
In March, 1914. , She charges that
be slapped her three years -ago
while they were In Sand Point,
Idaho, and two years ago while
living at Monitor. Or. It is also
alleged that at their home la Sil
verton on October 15, 1921, and
on other occasions,- he has viol
ently shaken her: Desertion! Ta
charged against Gennie I. McCiel-
lan by Paul T. .McClellan. They
were married in June,, 1918. She
left on February 22. 1922, he de
clares. McClellan states he is
willing to contribute to the sup
port ot their two minor children,
Glenna.' 3 '. years. , and Gene N.,
about 2 years old.
Says Stomach Pump Used
Against Legal Rights
-' ' I': : . .. :
necause a stocn pump was
used to extract morphine he had
swauowed when government
agents arrested him as an alleged
drug peddler, G. Bennett today fil
ed in federal court a petition for
a writ of habeas corpus charging
he is detained illegally since he
was "forced to give evidence
against himself in violation of his
constitutional rights." ;
Swimming Pool Will be
j Dedicated at Silverton
SILVERTON", Or., .Aug. 28.
(Special to The Statesman.) Sll
verton is extending a general in
vitation to Salem citizens to join
in the opening of the new swim
ming; pool In the Silverton city
park. The pool, which is 75 by
400 feet, is to be opened formally
Sunday. , The pool is one of the
donations of the Silverton Com
munity club. The Delbert Reeves
post has added dressing rooms to
parkf Improvements.
i For years Silverton has had one
of the prettiest natural parks in
the Willamette valley. Very lit
tle, was Idone in the line of Im
provement until this year. Flow
er beds have been added, trees
have been cleared of' moss and
the swimming pool built.
; The Four-La hold their picnic
In the city park en Labor day. .
(Continued from page 1.)
guage against my mother and
bad not' fired his gun I would not
hav been driven to my reprisal
shot. ' y' , -V-
"Here I sat in the courtroom.
My puny evidence was based upon
that cap which Judge Kelly, with
out giving me the benefit of the
chemical test asked, has asserted
was;' tampered with by myself.
This , was not possible . aa I was
Ironed to my cot in the hospital
and my clothing was ' beyond my
reach. There is a eister in the
Albany hospital who can say that
$200 in the pocket of my vest
was overlooked by my captors.
Is It' not possible that the holes in
my cap could also have been over
looked? They ' certainly were.
Perhaps deliberately. : " .
.;!( ':K : Tells of Pencils
"Then there is the signed state
ment given by Sheriff Dunlap
prior to his death. That state
ment was written with a lead
pencil. ' Yet as exhibited in court
it shows erasures which have
been . overwritten with an - indel
ible pencil. - I believe that those
altered lines contained Dunlap's
collaboration of the firing of the
first shot. Had Judge Kelly con
sidered these points I would not
have - received more than i 15
years. .., ,: . ... . ' -. ..
. ?But why go over it all. This
is another 'revenge killing. Of
coarse Dunlap's friends admired
him and they have, gone a mob
gait in their eagerness to get ven
geance, sri , i'.:', '
; "At to the death of Dunlap, of
course I regret that. He was In
the hospital near our beds and we
could hear him as he suffered.
tek hedehe. aoar stomach,
, oonatlptttlon, - easllr avoldad.
, ! Am mcM lidtr uUJnmt emhmtL
Never sicken or gripe only 25e
What could be more
healthful for your
child than a dish of
our delicious :
135 N. Com'l
"ic Mare
"When I was finally lodged in
jail my shoulder still bore bruise
marks' where Dunlap had struck
me before he fired. Mr. Warner,
then a prisoner in the county
jail, viewed those marks but his
testimony o would not : -: help, I
"The deck is stacked ' and I
must, play the game. Yet I surely
am not to be blamed for the con
dition of public sentiment In that
county as I had had nothing to
do with the shooting of their
other j sheriff. Someone had to
pay and I am the victim.
"Had I not been picked for this
final ; scene. ' my effort for a
change of venue would have been
granted and my poor shreds of
evidence given consideration.
"Yesterday I was assured that
the boys (inmates) of the prison
here would try to help me from
their ! funds if I wished to con
tinue the legal battle. - But un
less the public can -view both
sides! of the story that would be
throwing good money away with
out purpose.
; Denies Bank Robbery
"District Attorney ' Lewelling
has outdone himself In his efforts
to take advantage of this situa
tion. He dug up a coin wrapper
Do not necessarily means
that you need glasses but
many times they, do.
; Better let us test your
eyes and be sure.
S015 Oregon BIdg.
Oregon's Largest Optical
Pboae SS for Balem.
.Appointments. Oregon
from some place and gave out
that It came from my clothes and
played to the story that I was
connected with the Wllsonvllle
bank robbery. That is absolutely
not true as I bad nothing to do
with the bank affair and know
that no paper of that description
was In my clothing."
Parker's statement was' given
while he was sitting in the death
chamber which adjoins the , gal
hiws room. He has given up all
hope that be will be given a stay
and often expresses the hope that
he can face hie death with cour
age, "as my family . are of the
best people on earth," he express
es it.
I Too Late to Classify
name E. R. Strasbaugh. Re
turn to this office
bathing suits; green, navy blue,
call 1733J. .,
and Bungalow Apron
98c to
Exceptionally keen are the new
plain and figured mercerized
sateen house dresses. Side ties
and button trimmed. We can fur
nish outsize, to 49 in this dress.
Prices are $2.98 and $3.98.
Printed Gingham and Percale
House Dresses trimmed with self
or contrasting material. This is a
new shipment and includes many
new numbers. Priced at $1.98.
Gingham and Percale Aprons in many . new novelty
designs come in regular, and outsizes, up to 50,. the
prices range from 98c to $1.95. , .
Gingham House Dresses in figures and checks trimmed
with voile, tape, and self materials with round or square
neck. Side tie sashes and pockets., Priced at $1.48,
Fall Silks
Of the highest quality. There is nothing more,
disappointing than to purchase silks of inferior
quality.. When you select your fall silks of us
you are assured of nothing but the best of each
kind. ; ' . ..
Our fall showing of Canton Crepes, Satin
Cantons, Crepe Back Satins, Russian Crepes, Silk
and Wool Crepes, Charmeuse and Satins are ready
for you. We are showing a wonderful assortment
of lovely fall colors.
. When asked why he had not
given any previous stitemc-a'i to
the press and had refused to eea
newspapermen until yesterday,
Parker asserted thaf "J 'feel that
they always blow the way mob
sentiment blows." .
We have a line of high class
haberdashery that can't 'be
beat in Salem for twice the
price. '
Here's a Few J
Knitted Silk
Ties 75c
Arrow Collars
Soft 15c .
Sox, Good Dress 10c
' , Capital Elxchange
342 N. Com'l Phone 1368-W