The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 29, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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- ''-i Issued Dally Except Monday by i -
l)A ' 21& H. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon
irortland Office. 723 Board of Trade Building. Phone Beacon 111 S
' AMOflMfld Prw Is exclusively entitled to the um tor nntill
. .?? 1 newB dispatches credited to It or rot otherwise credited
yaper aua aiso tne local
R. J. Hendricks - --John
l. Brady
Prank Jaskoskl
Business Office - - . .
Circulation Office . . -Society
Editor " - - - - .
Job Department - - -
Kntered at the Poetoffice In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter
-The Statesman of yesterdayl in this column, called atten
lion to the fact that a high official of the United States
" Department of Agriculture visited Salem last week, and that
in casual conversation it was discovered that this official
.did not know that Oregon has
state grows flax .
And this in face of the
Oregon is the1 only section
line Tiber flax is produced-
In face of the fact that; 47 years ago, flax; grown in the
Salem district was entered against the wide world at the
Philadelphia Centennial, and
the nine ; points considered
not informed at the time of judging of the place of origin
of any sample in the competition 1
In face of the fact that the news had just been widely
published of the decision of the managers of the Oregon
state flax, industry to contract for double the acreage of
the present year; though the
' the tonnage ever before realized i
. In spite of the fact that a flax pulling machine had just
completed in this district a successful season's run; the first
time such a thing had ever happened in the United States-
one of the first trials of mechanical pulling of flax in all
the long history of the world, ; in an industry older than
civilization, i ? , r , , i
. , The idea was not to call especial attention to the particular
official of the United States Department of Agriculture who
visited Salem; the writer would not like to have Salem con
sidered as boorish or inhospitable' Mr , :
1 -But-it was to call attention to a system that is deficient ;
that is not getting results T" v i r - t , , r l 4
1 That ought to be reformed and brought jown to brass
tacks, with all its frills and furbelows and flapdoodle and
folderol cut out; junked; scrapped; sunk without a trace.
There are some 18,000 employees of the United States
Department , of "Agriculture at Washington, and they are
costing the people of this country some $32,000,000 annually
for their salaries and expenses " : f h f ; r-" rt &
And it is a safe guess that there are very few of them
who know the Salem district grows flax or. has a flax in
dustry or that the United States is importing hundreds of
millions o dollars! worth of supplies from-foreign countries
r that maiind ought Jo le grown and manufactured in?the
United States. - - :' -v: ' '-V ' -:
If one-tenth of the $32,000,000 a year were expended under
the right direction, in telling
the possibilities of their own country, hundreds 01 minions 01
' dollars annually would soon be kept at :li6me; and there
- would be no surplus of wheat or other grain produced in the
United States; there would on the contrarybera shortage;
we would be importing such articles from countries with
cheaper lands and lower wages. ,
The men in Congress who drew the present tariff law
know Oregon produces flax. Congressman Hawley knows it.
Ex-Congressman Fordney knows it. Senator McNary knows
it. They saw to it that flax manufacturers should-bewell
protected. They did the same for hemp manufacturers, and
for sheep breeders and potato growers, and 'for nearly all
the things that are grown or raised on the land.
iThe stage in this country is all set for a campaign for
full self sufficiency-- : A t.
And what is needed now is constructive statesmanship m
Washington; a campaign along businessjines for the devel
opment of our country's resources I i
' Not government ownership, nor government subsidy; but
government Icood sense, following along hard headed and
practical lineal-telling the men who ought to know- what
i ought to be done and can be done for self sufficiency; self
containmentt what can be done with direct profit, and with
vast benefit to Very class'of our people. 4 i M r I T
Whyl the 'flax and hemp industries alone; with the crops
crown on Willamette valley. Oregon, land that is now idle,
can be madetoJkeep at home over $60,000,000 annually that
is' now goingVto foreign landsl Much bigger i things can be
done in sugar,' in wool, and still bigger things in the aggre
gate with a thousand other lines '
And the country can be made permanently prosperous,
by the cutting of just a little of the mountain of red tape
in Washington, and getting back to first principles and
down to brass tacks, under a program without any mystery
or flubdub in it. -Let just one real American captain of
industry turn himself loose with a tenth of the money that
is wasted in Washington, and he could put permanent pros
perity over for the United States in a year, or five orten
years at the most. 1 .- '-v
In every charge there are com
ponent parta which ' go to make
up a whole-. The railroad rate
charge la so high that people are
Interested in the division more
thin ordinaruyv Where does t"he
dollar go la railroading? These,
it appears, are the facts in the
caae: 51.41 cent out,! each dol
lar goea directly Into the pay roll
. of the company. 17.07 were need
for material" and supplies, 7.72
la needed to cover bond Interest
and other fixed charges, and 7.21
Is swallowed up by locomotive
fuelj whUe taxes tako 4.45. depre
ciation lM. low. ; damage and
filmilar eventualities 2.21, and
equipment and Joint facility renta
1.52. This left enrpln of Just
5.56 cenU for dividends. r "
In the last analysis, transpor
tation U the largest of any of our
: utile Questions, We hlp m and
. . .... w. .Vitn hark and
Ti- f!D OUl. if
Tie tU? forth
news published herein.
1 - , ; - Manager
- Editor
Manager Job Dept.
a flax industry, or that this
fact that the Salem district in
of the United , States in whichj
was awarded first place on all
by impartial ' judges who were
crop just harvested made twice
the people of this country of
toll In every business transaction.
Some of these days there will ar
rive a system of efficiency eo that
shipping shall only be one way.
When an article la shipped to ite
destination, it will be used, there
and not be reshipped all over the.
country. In that day distribution
will come into its own and the
markets will not j be gluttrd In
one place and starved in another.
Salem Is favored with probably
the largest country trade of any
city ; in Oregoni -; This Is said
with full knowledge that Portland
is much larger than Salem. The
farmers are not asking special
privileges at the sacrifice of other
interests. But they; are asking
and are entitled to' a place to ?park
their cars. l; - Salem has a s public
square, three sides of which can
easily be used ror parking farm
ers' cars. If the city shouldLde
signate this as farmers parking
grounds, It "would solve . a. large
and difficult ; problem. It Isn't
fair for the farmers to go half a
they remain there two. or three
hours. We want to encourage
the farmers to stay in town, to
be sociable and neighborly. It is
mighty little satisfaction in bar
ing a farme Jump In his car,
rush to town, complete hia pur
chases Jn record time, Jump in
his car and rush home again.
That establishes no contact. What
we want Is to coma 40 know the
farmers and have them know us.
The chamber of commerce is
anxious for service and we sug
gest that it take up tbia farmers'
The Dalles Chronicle has a long
article on the Mosaic law, which
it uses in defense of capital pun
ishment. Of course, the Mosaic
law was all right in ita time, buf
if wk are going to undertake to
re-establish Old Testament stand
ards in this country there will be
trouble. .r The law, an eye for an
eye. and a tooth for a tooth, has
stood a long test, of course, but
in this later day we have laid it
aside for mora humanitarian
things. .
To invoke the Mosaic law la to
invoke all Old Testament stand
ards and that in Itself Is a suffi
cient answer to the editorial in
the Chronicle,! ' , ; -
William Q. McAdoo is out with
an article lambasting the repub
lican party because of Its treat
ment of the - farmers. Mr. Mc
Adoo thinks he , is smart, f He
thinks he leap catch them going
and coming. He has a fox-like
cunning, but he is not broad
enough to take hold of a situa
tion like this. If there is one
man in America today who has no
right to lament tha treatment of
the farmers, that man Is William
O. McAdoo. He has done more
to hurt the farmers than any
man in the country. 1
We notice elx . Bend boys
climbed 1 Mt. Washington the
other-day. -However, -it appears
to us there are' a' lot' more useful
occupations and avocations than
mountain climbing. They haven't
done anything when they set to
the ; top. r They haven't reached
anywhere in pre-eminence, ; be
cause everywhere thousands of
people are mounting the summit
of every mountain. ; " It la Just
simply the American fad and we
have an idea that a lot of dilated
hearts will take toll In the years
to come.
We were very forcefully struck
by the declaration of a man in the
penitentiary who was about to
die. He said, "The sheriff , is in
his grave and I am 'going to the
gallows because he did not do his
duty and take my gun away."
That Is a terrible Indictment, but
it is one that must etand. It is
the buslnea of a police officer to
disarm his prisoners the first
thing, because any prisoner: of
spirit (would not hesitate to take
advantage by at least brandishing
his gun to secure liberty, and a
gun brandished by a man who Is
choosing quickly between -liberty
and confinement is a .most dan
gerous instrument. In the present
case the record can not be un
made, but in the future police of
ficers will protect themselves and
society by way of obeying the
first simple laws of their profes
sion. ' ;
Portland has found ite tourist
park . inadequate and i has set
about Improving it. This year all
the parks are overrun because of
the enormous tourist traffic. The
pleasure seeker has just discov
ered the northwest and we are
going to put our park in condi
tion for this large ' volume of
trada. i ' , . ?
The Corvallis Gazette-Times
describes a standpatter as "one
who stands at the gateway to
prevent freaks and theorists from
destroying s the government' by
fool experiments in schemes that
have been tried and failed hun
dreds of times before In the his
tory of' mankind." ' :f '.-j..'- s . :
A better definition is a man
who stands at low tide and be
lieves the ocean never should
come back. He is absolutely fu
tile for: ' any r influence in the
world, except1 a check
rapid progress. . .': - t ,
The world is made by forward
looking, progressive ,: citlxansl
That Is so in every community
and in every nation. There 1 Is
no such thing as a standpatter
city builder and there is no such
thing as a standpatter nation
builder, and there is no 'such
thing as successfully, letting: welt
enough 'alone. ' Your st'andpattter
ft r
1 pviv.rf
Bluejackets from the battleship Arkansas visit London a nrt ehe
the Tower Bridge the "once over." "Pretty." they said.' "but give
us the Brooklyn Bridge every time." i ; v
runs risks. He lets his bull stand
in the front stall because his fa.
ther and grandfather did so. On
the other hand, your progressive
moves the world. He goes far
afield and makes many mistakes
but he is always out in the firing
line Df progress; always making
sacrifices so that other men may
later walk more safely where he
has -trodden.
h '
It is seriously proposed to
enact a law outlawing mob vio
lence. As a matter of fact, the
mob had been outlawed always
and there are plenty of lawB to
handle every case. It will ; not
help matters for the government
to take the leader of a mob, slap
him on the hand three times and
tell him to be good. A mob is a
return to the elemental, to the
barbaric in us and the only way
it will ever be handled Is by
force. There are laws enough to
handle every mob in the world.
What we need is a few more
peace officers who are willing to
shoot to kill. When the mob rea
lises that some, of Its members
are going to be killed In every
gathering, they are not going to
gather very oftenr-?
Standard Oil Company
to Have Down-town Office
! When the A. H. Mopre bicyclfl.1
stock gets out of its present IocJir
tion at 42T Court street, 'and intOj
its own personally-owned homej
on North High, the Standard Oil
company is to establish it9 first
Salem down-town office. It : has
leased the building that is already
being vacated by Mr. Moore and
will havea convenient, commodi
ous central location for the trans
action of its great busines in and
around Salem. V ,
' The Standard has other distri
buting stations in other Marion
county towns, but there is a very
large truck business out of Salem,
besides the number of Standard
stations and private stations to
be supplied : in the city. It main
tains a fleet of trucks and a con
siderable office force to carry en,
its Salem business. It is under
stood that' all the office force will
be transferred to the down-town
office from the yards in east
Salem where tha work is now
; Wife They say that the war
caused a great increase in the
number of marriages,
i Husband I thought we had
agreed not to keep harping on the
horrors of the 3 - war. London
Passing Show. ri V T -
.Women .feel 'the cold of ocean
bathing less than men. ' "
Anruit 1 to 29 Annul tncampnent f
' Boy Scout at Caicadla -Ancnat
31, Friday Salem playtroundk
to eloae. ,
Aurnt - a lr Friday Eaatern Star pic
nic, atata fair Kronnda. i
September 3, Monday Labor day.'
September 3, Monday Automobile races
, at ttate fair frpund. - "
- September 3, Monday Tommy Gibbona
to be in Salem.
September 3. Monday Mt. An(el:High-
way-Holstein VeJebraticn. '
September -4. Tuesday Sacred Heart
- academy to open 61 t. year.
September 5, Wedneaday Salem day at
I. inn eonnty fair. Albany.
' September- S. Thursday Realtors'
lum-heoo, Marion hotel.
September 6, Thursday Lafayette
Marne day. iu.i ;
- September 10, Monday Partial eclipse
of the sun. about noon.
September .14. Friday DemteT-Firpo
tight for hearyweight championship of
the world. New York.
September .17, -. . Monday- Constitution
day. - .. " '
j September 1, Stinday YMCA settinj--s
op prorrsm at Wallace farm.
September 19, Wednesday Willamette
nnjrersity opens.
September 20, 21 and 22 Pendleton
September 24 to 29- Oreemn state fair
September 2. Saturday Football, Wil
lamette vs. Oregon, at Salem. '
October , 1, Monday Salem schools
open. - ' ,
October . Satnrdsr Football. Willa
mette . Washinrton. at Seattle.
October 20, Saturday Football, Willa
mette r. Mt. Ansel -college, at Salem.
Ortober, 2.7. Saturday Football. Willa
mette va. -Chemewa. at Salem. f
Noember , Saturday Football, - Willa
mette ra. . College of ' Puget Sotind, at
November 1 3 . to ' 10 Pacific Interna
tional Livestock, exposition. Portland.
N -member 10, 'Saturday Football.' Wil
lamette -vs. Linfield. at MrMinallle.:
November leV Friday FefttbaQ, t Willa
mette- vs. Whitman, at Salem.
Sorembar 2S. Friday Football. -'Willa
mette- i'aeifje. . prohs1 ;y t-at PorV
uoif.s -a. vunva vi lutuw, t uunc,
, . ' . . . ? : . . ' WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 291923
, 1
Adele Garrison's New Phase ef
HOW dicky; . VENTED v HIS
I furtively glanced at Dicky's
frowning face, wondering what
bad news , was contained in the
lengthy letter from Marsden, an
art editor and one of Dicky's best
friends. Then, as hastily as I
could, I started the, car, and put
the village f streets, with their
good-humored,-; kindly, but inor
dinately curious people behind us.
'. I knew better than to offer any
comment or question concerning
the letter, for the expression upon
my husband's face told me that
in some wayj the missive , held a
distinct blow to him. And I also
knew that it would not be long
before he told jme about It. It Is
one of the most precious perqui
sites of my marital life, this habit
of Dicky's, of bringing almost
every real problem and serious
trouble , to me j for discussion.
have always pitied the wives
whose husbands shut them away
from their business or profession
at worries, i -: T ' 1.,
A Ouiet Question. "' '
. .From the corner of my ye I
could see what he was doing,
while apparently every bit of my
vision was focused upon the road
in front of me Thus I saw that
he read the letter thrice through.
his frown deepening with each
reading. Finally, with: a mut
tered objurgation, he crumpled
the sheets of note paper savagely
in his hands and flung them to
the floor ot the car. , ,
If I had: not been so worried
I should have j had hard work to
keep a smile hack at this action,
so characteristic; of Dicky. He
had been angry enough to de
stroy them ; ntterry, but a canny
something in the back of his brain
had ' made . him crush" Instead of
tear them and 'throw them to the
car floor, from which they could
be retrieved again, rather than to
the winds. That he meant me to
see them later I was es sure as
I was of the fact that he wished
at this instant; dramatically to in
dicate his determination never to
look at the , letter again.
It was my cue, I know. I won
der how many wives have studied
their husband's moods until they
know when lit Is safe to offer
comment or sympathy, or when It
is wiser to keep still. That Dicky
might snap his
answer at me I
but I also knew
was well aware,
that he needed the outlet which
a question of
mine might give
him. ' i i 1 j ' :
news,' dear?" I
quietly. lM
Dicky laughed unpleasantly.
"Bad news!?' he- reported with
a sardonic Inflection. "That de
pends on whatj you call bad news.
Of course, 'I nobody's dead, but I
might as well be, in fact. I'd Just
as soon be 'dead tf What this "let
ter indicates is true. It's the be-
rinntnir of thia end for me, all
Deep Despondency
Genuinely alarmeff, I mechani
cally slackened ! the pace of the
car and glanced at 'him appre
had heard similar
sneechea froid his lips, but never
one with such! real feeling under
neath it. .' I -'.. .
'Won't yoii tell me about It
dear?' I asked softly. '
, "Oh, for goodness sake let me
alone!' he ixclaimed pettishly.
"If that isn't a woman all over!
Give you an nkling that there's
trouble somewhere and you're like
a rabbit dog-l there's no getting
you off the trail until you've, run
it down. " 1 ishould think you'd
learn after; a while that you can't
butt Into every thing that hap-
pens ana oe i ine ..cneenui ume
Fix-it-up. There are a few things
in the" world that are. beyond your
aid, and this! happens to be one
of-em. : f ' ', 1..'
As he began this little tirade I
increased the' speed of the car.
trying not to , listen to v It. : ; I
knew it almost by heart, for it
la a, form of4etting off steam to!
relieve the .tension ; of -.hia. own ,
nerves In which he frequently in-of
dulges.I know that he does not
mean a . hundredth, part of what
he eays.'but it is that infinitesi
mal percent which always rankles
like the tiny splinter lying at the
base of a fester.
As he finished I sent the car
ill to a burst of speed which served
two purposes. ; It gave vent to
my own irritation, and It divert
ed Dicky's attention.1
I "What the. deyil are you trying
to do?" he thundered. "Do you
want to have; this thing turn a
somersault or climb a tree? Don't
you know you can't drive like that
with this kind of car? You're
likely to kill both of us."
"Well!" I drawled demurely
for . despite my irritation at his
rudeness I was secretely glad of
the opening he' had' given me -"Weren't
you; saying ljust now
that you might as well be dead?
And, of course. I wouldn't want
to live on without you. What
would evert become of me if- I
couldn't Tiave' my character form
ed by such interesting monologues
as you have Just been giving me!"
I could feel Dicky's eyes star
ing amazedly ' at my carefully
averted face. : Then 1 heard a re
luctant, chuckle.
"Yes. I suppose I ought to live
so as to improve your mind,". he
said. Then, , with a .quick re
action to a despondency which I
had never before seen in him, he
added: "But this is no laughing
matter, 'I can tell you! ; I wish
you'd stop the car and look over
this blasted thing."
He picked up the crumpled let
ter: from the floor of the car and
began smoothing it out. -(To
be continued.)
' .
Yes, warm enough
Warm enough for anybody but
a salamander. 1
. ' , '
But do not despair; there will
be plenty of rain and cool weather
in a little while, and then some;
.. v.;-,.' ;. ....
Guess the size to which the au
tomotive Industry has grown in
Salem; and then watch the Slo
gan pages of tomorrow, and see
how near you have come to it.
If you should take put all the
people in Salem depending on the
automotive industry in its various
branches and phases, there would
still be some of Salem left but
I -I
I Things I
j To Do.
I. -I
theBoys and Girls Newspaper
Copyright, 1023, Associated Editors.
A Jungle
Come, Jangle Johns and Jungle
To a lark that leads through mea
dow lands. "
The party's Thursday at half till
four, -
It starts by Betty Miller's door.
The fine for wearing party clothes
Is a atreak of mud uoon vour
nose! - ;? .,:
This Is a Jungle Jubilee!
. r
Said Georgia, excursion-ward bent
'It's wrong to take evena cent;
Xor ever to borrow
And repay i tomorrow, '
A robber soon has to repent.''
Only 46 cents! Georgia Just
couldn't let that stand between
her and the most wonderful time
of her life. iShe needed only 46
cents more to go on the excur
sion. Everyone was going; she
just couldn't miss it.
She fingered ' again the heavy
envelope in her hand. VI t couldn't
do any harm;' she argued with
herself. "I'll" put it back just as
soon as I get my allowance. No
one will ever know the difference.
Georgia had recently .been
elected treasurer .of the Junior Y.
W.. ' She had not yet banked the
collection from the last meeting.
She counted it again to make
sure.. Yes, there waa f 1.15. .And
she Jwould btjlyJbbrlro'ir 4$ eU
it, ndtnt'enly ntli-he c t
it would be a slow., pokey old
town. .' " r- " ' :- : -' ' ' ;
. Salem Is filling up. New peo
ple coming lh every day. More
and more new houses being built:
and with it all there will be a con
tinuous crowded condition. If the
country can be made to keep pace
with the city.' .With full cooper
ation and good . marketing condi
tions assured, the country around
Salem will keep a few steps ahead
of the city for years and years to
come. . -
s. V
"The realities of life : are not
measured by dollars and cents.
The skill of the physician, the di
vine eloquence of the clergyman,
the courage of the soldier, that
which we call character in all men,
are not matters ot hire and salary.
No person was , ever honored for
what he received. Honor has
been the reward .for what he gave.
Public acclaim and the ceremon
ious recognition paid to returning
heroes are not on aecount of their
government pay but of the service
and sacrifice they gave their coun
try.!' President Coolidge.
Moore Building on High
Soon to be Occupied
The A. H. Moore business house
and apartments on North High
street will be ready for use short
ly after September ,1. One of
the store rooms, the south room,
is already, in use. Mr. Moore is
moving his stock of bicycles and
accessories from the old location
at 421 Court, and will, relinquish
the old place this week.
The other business room Is to
be occupied by Mrs. Scott, who
has her beauty parlors at the
Terminal building. She will have
two or three times as much room
in the new location, and her busi
ness has grown to such an extent
as to call for that much more
space. The H. C. Stiff company
has been using the garage and car
storage rooms in the rear, ' since
the Stiff company had to move
from its old location at Commer
cial and Court streets.'
There are eight suites in the
apartment section upstairs, each
with one large living room, a
kitchen, bedroom and bath.. The
rooms are being equipped with
disappearing - apartment - house
beds, two to each apartment, and
each apartment has an electric
range. This last is an innovation,
but after long consideration was
adopted for the protection it of
fers against fire, the elimination
of noise and dirt, and ita general
The Biggest little Paper In the World
Jubilee Party
On the afternoon set by this
Invitation for a picnic party,
boys and girls in hiking clothes
start for the woods marching in
twos, each person named for an
animal. . At intervals of -a few
minutes, the leader blows a whis
tle and calls, "Frogs and Fishes,
change your place!" or "Lions
and Leopards, choose new part
ners!" Thus making the animals
named ehlft to new companions.
' When , the woodland epot is
reached, games and contests take
place, or the crowd plays Monte
Carlo. This game consists in giv.
ing the players a certain length
of time to collect ten wild flowers
or kinds of leaves. Then tl
group assembles to form a circle.
One person lays a flower In the
middle, all the others who have
similar flowers being compelled
to match it. The matched flowers
are all taken by the 'one who
played the original. Each person
In turns plays, the other match
ing until all have played. The
one who gains the most flowers
wins. ' " .'
At supper time the children are
led to a email "picnic tree" on
the branches of which are tied
packages of various shapes and
In different' wrappings: . boxes,
sacks, some tied in colored string
on checked paper, but all proving
to contain the same thing, when
selected- a jolly picnic luncheon!
Answer to today's picture puz
zle: The word-Muare is tran.
rare, i arms, pest.
her allowance. She decided that
she would not buy her ticket until
the last minute. She didn't feel
just right about that "borrowed"
Georgia did; not each much for
dinner that evening. Daddy had
talked about al man who had been
sent jto jail for , ''embezzling
funds." It sounded terrible and
Georgia wanted to know what It
meant. When her father explain
ed he had taken money entrusted
to his care, thinking to pay it
back, and then lost It all, queer,
cold, prickly things chased them
selves up and down her back and
she turned white. .
"People do It and sometimes
they get away with, it, but usually
they get caught sooner or later,"
her father said.
"Dan, you shouldn't worry her
with such things." Mrs. McChire
shook her head at her husband.
"Look, she hasn't eaten, a bite of
her dinner." t ,
"Forget about it, honey," her
father patted her on the head.
VYou can depend upon It this man
only got "whaT "eonffdg, to him:
Jail's the proper 'place; for such
Lord Birkenhead ex-Chancellor,
saileed for America, to
deliver three lectures before
the Institute of Politics at
Williamstown, to visit Paul D.
Cravath and Thoma : L. Chad
bourne of New York, Samuel
InsulL Chicago millionaire, ani
to see President1 Collidge.
appeal to permanent tenants. Mr.
Moore states that all the apart
ments have been "engaged, for
weeks In advance.
American made goods. Includ
ing cooking utensils, . and office
supplies, were displayed at the
recent seventeenth annual fair at
Johannesburg, South Africa. -
1 Ground beetles are destroyers
of insect pests, snails and centi
Apply Boncilla Beautider casmic clay ; j
your face, and rest while it dries, t! i
remove and Mt arid feel the wonder 1
difference in the color nd texture o( t
skin. ... i.-i . v...
Guaranteed to do these definite things! r
the face or n.-'ey refunded. Clear t i
complexion and give it color. Lift out C t
lines. Remove blackheads and pimp!, j.
Close enlarged pores. Rebuild facial 1 -sues
and muscles. Make the skin sc.;
and smooth. J
You can obtain regular sizes from ye r
favorite toilet counter. II not, send t i
ad. with lOcentsto Boncilla Laboratory ,
Indianapolis, Indiana, for trial tube.
mm mm
Of Tun
Edited by John M. Miller
: : No Time At All
Can't, study In the fall, ;
Gotta play football. .
Can't study in the winter.
Gotta play basketball.
Can't study In the spring,
Gotta play baseball, i
Can't study in the aummer.
Gotta Girl.
Best He Could, Do f
Hearing a commotion In the
street, a woman looked out of. a
window and saw a Chinaman
beating a poor horse. -
"Havo-n't you any humanity?"
"No, madam, nothing but vege
tables and fruit today." . i
"But It Isn't the same," Georgia
tried to persuade herself. "And
besides, nobody could possibly
find out about it. I'll get my
ticket tomorrow."
But Georgia did not sleep well
that night. The next day slowly
passed and still she could ndt per
suade herself to buy the ticket.
: ' That evening the telephone
rang. It was the Junior Y. W.
president.' '"Our club hasn't sent
in their apportionment to the sec
retary yet," she said. "There's
enough in the 'bank, lacking only
11.05. I thought . maybe you
you would- have that much on
hand, that, you haven't banked"
? For a moment Georgia could
scarcely ' speak. She - wet her
trembling, lips. "Yes, yes, 111
bring it right over," she panted.
"Oh, how thanlrfdT I am . this
happened today and not tomor
row," she sobbed. "They always
get caught sooner of later, that's
what paddy eaid."
"Oh, Georgia," her father call
ed. "Here's a ticket for tt ex-
curiion 1 rot ror tod loaay. i
haven't' been looking well,
trln will trt vci rM."
-1 i
i t
t -
; V