The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 26, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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FRATUM, Ore.. Aug25.---The
farewell social and newcomer reception-
in the basement of the
Methodist church " was well attended.-
The program consisted of
a song service conducted by Mrs.
Paul Sllke and several ahojt talks
by the superintendent and pastor.
A number of new families have
moved in during the summer
Among the latest arrivals are Mr.
and &rs. CroBs, Mr. land Mrs.
Holrerson and Mr. and Mrs. FV
M.' MtCann.'. The later is section
foreman on the Southern Pacific
railroad between Salem and Sil
verton. ... .. '
Mrs. Carrie - Branch and bob
Irwin are at the beach. f
Charles Sappringfleld 'who had
the misfortune oil breaking' his
arm several weeks ago is getting
along as well as could be expect
ed. : " i ' , . :
Everett TBnh Iidtly remind
ed oX his boyhood rd7 vhen his
mother used to bake-his hot cakes
since his wife and son are at the
coast. His mother is keeping
house1 for him. 1
. Rev. and Mrs. McNees are going
to leave for Pacific City Tuesday
morning. I
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lambert
and Miss Alice He men are visit
ing near Madras ' in eastern Ore-
gen. - -4-t;, '? ;
Roy Merchant ! and his father
are spending the week end at Pa
ciflo Citp. ' ,
Hanley King will have a pub-
11 auction next Friday.
Salem and Dallas Will
Play Ball Here Today
, The third game of a series be
tween, the Salem Senators and the
Dallas team will be played at Ox
ford field this afternoon, begin
ning at ' 3 o'clock.' Ashby ' and
Hauser will be the Salem bat
tery and Moser and Schwartz .the
Dallas battery. ; Biddy Bishop will
umpire. Salem won both ' , the
previous games, i ' , V
We have the following
We are very anxious to dispos eof to
make room for new Gardners' now in
transit ; ill'-
18 Maxwell 50 j
'20 Maxwell all dolled up L.$275
'21 MaxweU ...Jt 275 ,,- -
'22 Maxwell, like new . i.$695
'21 Dodge ...... l.$550
'IT MitcheU ; L$200 ,
St udebaker special .t..:.$650
; '22 Ford coupe '.- . . L3490
, mo Stearns-Knight mililair, looks
like new ... . I.$750
'22 Gardner (the guaranteed car);.$750
We have several others for you to se
lect fromi Come in and look them over
JF.f W. Pettyjohn Co.
219 N. Commercial Street j '
Agricultural Buildings at
State Fair Will Be Crowd
ed This Year
The big agricultural pavilion
on the state fair grounds promises
to house the most comprehensive
and interesting Hat of exhibits of
all that have ever filled this build'
ing. Counties, institutions and in
dividuals anxious to show their
products are flooding the officials
of the state fair with letters and
applications,' and it: is the deep
concern just now of the latter as
well as the various superintend
ents, where to place all the things
that it is intimated will be here
when the state fair opens Monday,
Sept. 24. - .' v v : - V '
Schulmerich Superintendent
Agricultural products will, of
course, occupy the great space in
the agricultural building, with the
floral ; and horticultural depart
ments following in a second and
third lead,, William Schulmerich
of Hillsboro is superintendent of
the agricultural and horticultural
sections, , with ! Thomas Luke of
Portland In charge of the' floral
display. Mr. Luke will select the
judges n his department, and the
two additional displays will be
passed upon by experts' from Ore
gon Agricultural college. j
An innovation this year will be
the large general exhibits from
both the state hospital and the
Oregon state penitentiary, the lat
ter to feature very largely flax,
which is becoming a main effort
in a productive way at this insti
tution. s ;
- Counties Coming In ...-
Among the counties already sig
nifying intention to exhibit are
the following: Douglas, Jackson.
Benton, Marlon, Union, Yamhill,
Tillamook, Coos. Columbia.' Mai-
huer, and Deschutes. - Other coun
ties have sent for premium lists
and general Instructions, and it
is anticipated that a large number
will come in additionally.
: Entries in the agricultural de
partment and floral department
must be in before 6 o'clock on the
Sunday previous to the opening of
the fair. .But one entry will be
allowed from each county, and all
products In a county exhibit must
have been harvested since the
close of the previous state fair,
within the county exhibiting them.
: " Six Districts Formed
: In order to insure a more pleas
ing display the state has been di
vided into six districts, the county
exhibits to be grouped In the fol
lowing districts: - The first, or
coast district, shall comprise, Clat-
L-QaaKty-' Cars-.. -
to Own
It Is no longer necessary to pay high prices
f or ,quali ty .transportation.. Through
engineering- and marketing efficiency
Chevrolet has achieved volume production
of quality automobiles, thereby effecting
such remarkable economies that it now
leads all standard-built cars in volume
of sales; Chevrolet possesses quality
features usually found only in the higher
priced automobiles; . v v
v " - :, i
Artistic appearance,7 fine finish; fand
riding comfort are characteristics of all
Chevrolet models. j .
Ease, simplicity, and economy of oper-.
ation are insured by a chassis famous
for" its engineering efficiency.
- ( - - . j t
You have reason to. be proud
of your Cnevrolet It is
an achievement. .
2'Pass: Roadster
" if. o." b. Salem
All Prices F. O. B.
Your Door
8uprior 2-p.M.' roJter $642
Superior 5-pua. tonrim.I. 603
Superior 2-psM. conpe.. . 87T
Superior 5-pais. tedan-.. 1085
Superior light deliT.ry.. 627
Soperior truck . 700
t - r 227 .Hish Street, Salem, Oregon
top, Tillamook, Coos, Curry and
Lincoln counties; the second or
Willamette Valley district ; shall
comprise Hood ElTer, Colombia.
Multnomah, Clackamas, Washing
ton. Yamhill, Polk, Lane, Linn,
Benton and Marlon; the third, or
southern Oregon district, shall
comprise Douglas,' Josephine nd
Jackson counties; vthe fourth, or
Columbia Basin district shall
comprise Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam
Morrow, Umatilla and Jefferson
counties; the fifth, or Central Or
egon district shall comprise Kla
math, Lake, Harney, Malheur,
Crook and Deschutes counties!
the sixth' or Blue Ridge district
shall comprise Wallowa, Grant,
Union, Wheeler and Baker coun
ties. Cah Awards Up
f Every county exhibit scoring 66
points will be awarded $75. No
county exhibit scoring less than
66 points will be considered in
the cash awards.
: Score cards as submitted by the
1922 committee will stand until
change has been authorized by a
committee of the county agents
from the district affected. All
first premium's of any group of en
tries are automatically entered
in the sweepstakes to that group.
Judging of county exhibits will
begin at 9 o'clock on Tuesday, the
second day of the fair.
Much Interest has been mani
tesfed in the individual farm ex
hibit. Articles entered in this
class will not be allowed to com
pete for premiums In any other
class, all exhibits to be made up
from products of individual farms
displays to be grown by the exhi
bitor. The' amount of money of
fered in this class is to be divided
pro. rata, according to the number
of points scored out of a possi
ble 100, the same to be determin
ed by an accepted scale of points.
Some Are Barred j
'Exhibits scoring less than 66
points will be barred from partic
ipating in the awards.
The individual farm exhibit will
be, divided into two classes,; east
ern and western Or eon. The lat
ter will Include: Clatsop, Tilla
mook', Lincoln, Coos, Curry, Co
lumbia, Multnomah, Clackamas,
Washington. Yamhill. Polk. Linn,
Benton, Lane, Douglas, Jackson,
and Josephine counties. The east
ern district shall comprise; Uma
tilla, Sherman, Baker, Union, Wal
lowa, Klamath, Lake, Harney,
Grant, Wasco, Malheur, Hood Ri
ver, Crook, Wheeleri Jefferson,
Gilliam and Deschutes counties.
- Individual farm exhibits, pro
rata, in each district, will be given
$150 Jn awards.
The cereal show including regu
lar prizes and sweepstakes for the
best eastern ! Oregon and western
Oregon cereals promises to attract
much attention.
; .Fruit Prizes Hung TJp
In the horticultural department,
prizes will be given for apples,
peaches, prunes, pears, ' plums,
quinces, grapes and nuts, with
special classification of preserves
and bread and cakes, open to girls
under 14.
' All exhibits of fruit must be the
product of the state of Oregon,
and must haye been grown by the
exhibitor upon land occupied by
him as owner or renter. New
varieties and seedlings approved
by the judges will be awarded rib
bons, : '
Crowd Will Be Kept In High
Pitch of Excitement Here
' Labor .t Pay
One of the laugh getting feat
ures of the big auto race meet
to be held at the fair grounds in
Saleb Labor day, for the benefit
of the Salem hospital, will be the
five-mile race between, second
hand, cars, valued at not more
than $50. By this,' It is meant
that any one entering a ear must
be prepared- to sell the same for
the magnificent sum of 50 slugs.
ThsL winner of this hair raising,
blood curdling event is going to
be rewarded with a cash purse
that will well ; repay any one's
time and trouble, who thinks, that
the old concrete mixer is Just as
fast as she ever was. As a sequel
to the above event there will be
held one other race, for. the slw-
est cars in the second-hand car
race, but the entrants of this can
not be made public until the day
of the race.
You are going to laugh when
you see these two funny events.
for they are going to be worth far
more than the price of admission
alone, to say nothing of the very
high class type of performance all
through the afternoon, and eve
ning. ' si"i ' ;
Those In charge of the big La
bor day program have given their
word that there will be no anx
ious and tiresome waiting, no uncalled-for
delays, and when you
attend the big event you are go
ing to go away saying. "I feel
fully satisfied. In fact I am sur
prised that. I have had such a
wonderful tfme.v for there was
something doing every minute!"
Gas to make ice 'lapsed in a
new device, the flame under a
tank vapo riling a chemical .that
passes through several colls, thus
furnishing refrigeration for apartr
Big Feature of State Fair Is
to Be More Elaborate
'I This Year
Arrangements are being made
for six performances of the night
hqrse show, to be given in con
nection with the 62nd annual Ore
gon state fair,, which opens in Sa
lem Monday Sept. 24. J. W. Mor
row of Portland, is managing di
rector, and Ai Fleming, also of
Portland, is manager. f
Preliminary classification and
prize lists have just , been issued,
showing an enlargement of class
es -with increase also in the mone
tary awards." In presenting the
list, howeverj1 the ' management
rejalnss the right to make such
changes as it deems necessary;
Entries will be closed' September
10, and names of all horses and
owners should be In the hands of
Mr; Fleming,- Gordon building,
282 Stark street; on or before that
time. Co-operating with the man
agement, the state fair board is
making every effort to increase
accommodations . for exhibitors,
and has strained, a point to make
the money- and stakes euivalent
to other shows, hoping thereby to
increase both the yolume and
quality of the animals participat
ing. " :,' - ' - .
Special rulings and regulations,
will apply, to animals entered, in
cluding physical inspection by a
veterinary, ' furnished , free of
charge by the state fair. 'This is
to be done as a safeguard against
infectious and contagious diseases
and comes under the supervision
of the nUited States bureau of
animal husbandry.
"No entry .fee will be charged,
except in stake events, and an an
imal can compete in more than
one class, 'and for any and every
purse to which it is eligible un
der the classification.
.Judges in the various events
will be selected with the utmost
care and Insofar as possible, will
be of national reputations. The
single Judge system . will be the
policy of the show.
iThe classes and prizes offered
in the preliminary card are . as
follows: ' Fine harness orses, sin
gle, $100. ; j
- '.'Roadsters, standard and non
standard. ' Ladles' Roadster, sin
gle, $100; gentlemen's roadster.
single, $100; roadsters, pairs,
$100. .... w j.;-,-.
, Roadsters, light harness. $500.
Carriage horses, heavy harness
horses, single. $100; heavy har
ness horses, pairs, $100; ladies'
single, $100; runabout horses,
$100;. gig horses, $100; tandem,
$100. - ,
Hackney ponies, heavy harness
ponies, single, $100; heavy har
ness ponies, pairs, $100.
Heavy harness and high step
pers, $500.-'
Sorting tandem, $100..
Saddle horses; Ladies' three
gaited saddle horses, to' be judged
for - manners, conformation,
soundness and way of going $100;
ladies three-salted saddle horses
to be-judged for confirmation,
soundness and way of going $100;
gentnlemeh's three-gaited saddle
horses, to be judged for confor
mation, soundness andlwayof go
ing, $100;: gentlemen's . three
gaited saddle horses, to be judged
for conformation, soundness and
way of going; combined three-;
gaited, 1 100; Ladies and gentle
men's pair, three-gaited, $ JO 0.
Three-gaited stallion, Tinare pr
gelding, to be judged for confor
mation, soundness and way of go
ing. $1.P00. - - - -
Five-gaits, ladles five-galted
saddle horses, $100; gentlemen's
five-gal ted saddle horses," $100;
flve-gaited mares, $100; five
gaited stallions and geldings,
$100; ladles' and gentlemen's
pair, five-gaited, $100; combin
ation, five-gaited, $100. ;
Five-gaited saddle horses, stal
lion,, mare or gelding, $1,000.
Hunters and Jumpers light
weight . hunters, $100; heavy
weight : liunters,, $100; : ladies'
hunters, $100; ; novice - hunters,
hunters. . $10 0 ; ; hunting pairs,
$10; corlnthlan, $1000; open-to-all
jumping, t$100 Grafton broad
jump. $100; handy hunter jump
ing class, $100; free-for-all Jump,
$100.; -.. x:.-t -
Hunters and jumpers,- open to
all, tour Jumps, three feet,' six
Inches of timber, : six inches of
brush on top, confirmation i
performance, fl.QOP, f
. "Draft horses is harness !r
horse teams, SI 00 ; four-In-ha, A
draft horses, $140 six-in-haci
draft horses, $185; driving cot .
petition six-in-hand heavy draf ,
$175....- .j r
Shetland ponies harness pot -:
single, $75; pair ponies in har ."
esa, $75; tandem, $75; sadd j;
pony, $75; pair saddle ponies, $?;
champion, open to all ponies th;:
have won a, first or second placj
in any pony classes at the show,
Champion, $25 reserve, $10.- '-
Polo oniea lightweight, ' $75; :
champion, open to polo ponies
that have won a first or second
prize at the show, champion, $25,
reserve, $10. ' .
Teee prizes in tne various
classifications are divided into
from four ".'to nine awards, with 1
the; two $500 andj three $t,09Q
stakes the ' features of the list '
. -r r, "
Charity schools were introduced !
into London In. 1687. - ;.:
has been gained by years spent; in the
repairing of automobiles. vjhis insures
that when your car comes to us it will
receive the maximum of skilled atten
tion is the minimum of time.
is the best and. most up-to-date
that money could purchase
Salem Automotlv
271 Chemeketa St. ;
(In rear of Y; VL C. A.)
Guaranteed to be in good
Running Order
See Us Before You Buy
n n r"
Easy Terms
Open SundQi3
WElew Motor (So.
269 Worth High
PliOiiG 11223
raest bnildlc?.