The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 22, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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TW7 Glllsley of Seattle is an in
VA ferestlng' vsitor In Salem
this week. She "la being enter
tained by Mrs. C P. Bishop.
Mr a. Glllsley As a. daughter of
Mrs. Eliza Spanldlng Warren,
the first White child born west of
the Rocky mountains. Her Grand
father Spaiilding crossed the
plains with Marcus Whitman in
1S36 and. the family was located
near theNeaperx Indian post.
Mra. Olllsley will be in Salem
for several days
- " ' :' '"-' '-
Mrs. Seymour Jones entertain
ed with -an informal tea yesterday
for. her mother, Mrs. Mary Pease
. of Springfield.vIH., who is spend
ing the summer with her daugh
ter. ,?i',Vl, ;- , '--.j.. i" '
Golden Glow 'was used .about
the living rooms and the dining
room was bright with lavender,
budelia and pink blossoms. Twen
ty matrons were bidden for; the
afternoon. Mrs. Jones was as
sisted 'by her daughter. Miss Jean
ette Jones. . ' ' "j" t
' " T L,,..ft
.Mr. ! and Mrs. , George D. Pad
rick of Portland . have recently
eome to Salem to reside. They
have leased the home of Miss
Christina t Harold,.' 844 Center,
street. Mr. Padrjck" is employed
ftC ibPonnInway.liisht'
i Power. ;Cq;;.,"4
;Mls Harold wll. spend a year
ia Ilollywood. Cal, un . l5,. ,.,t;
Miss Elizabeth IJrd has as her
house guest. Mrs. R..FMnt Hughes
'of -Parte, .who , is spending ' the
summer in Oregon. Miss Lord
recently , returned from Seal
Recks.. . .
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Miles en
tertained last night with an In
formal dinner party for Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Miles of Medford who
are t guests of1 Mrs.' Hose Miles,
Salem Heights.- . . ?-
x ' ''-' ' -
Mrs. Sam KoxerTias ''a .1 her
house guests her mother and sis
ter, Mrs.' B. A. Belcher and Mrs.
P. G. Prichard of Portland.
- ; .'
IMri and raT'Carl '"Nelson are
at Gearhart'for two weeks vaca
tion - -i ' V"
Miss Marlon Wyman and Miss
Jfabel Savage wilf leave the last
of the week for an extended trip
east. They will go north tb Vic
toria and then through Banlff
and ..q- Chicago. ?Xflss Wynan
will visit at her home In Tttncoln,
NebV while Hflss Savage will visit
Kearney,' Neb;, . and, "also at I4n-
Sillss and
None But the Best Find Their
Way into Thb Great Store
fas. t r "k I i w i A t
Silk Crepca
GliSS, 02.25,
WccI Coatings
: c - - i
1. f
' rr
Xi Vft Skirting
V 52.S3, 53.25,
Pictorial Review Patterns
: s lieautiful Styles for
Cite Store,
instate St.
coln. They will return late in
with Miss Mariam Anderson at
September. I ; ;
.' ' -
Mrs. Isabella Cordon has taken
the house at S575 North Cottage
street formerly occupied by B. H.
Probert. Mrs. 'Gordon's daughter
Mrs. lsobel McDougal and -children
will live with Mrs. Gordon.
The Aid society Of the WRC
will hold the social meeting "with
Mrs. AVill Enfress Thursday af
ternoon. The committee in charge
w composed of Hattie Camerons,
Sarah Peterson,' Mrs. A. "Roberts,.
Florence Ship, . Mrs. Briggs, a n d
Beulah Loveland . K
, " . -. : : "l '
Mrs. 'David A. j Wright and Mr,,
and "Mrs.' Paul Ha user w cte
among those "from Salem ' attend-:
lng the :ShrinerB jiicnic In Tort
land yesterday, j ' ' ; '
The liadies of the Grand Army
of the Republic will bold a social
home of Mrs. T.j C. Goeser, 1698
Mission 'street- . ?The : meeting Is
usually 'held oh Saturday, but this
week will "be held on Friday. ,
Miss Anita ' B. j Robertson, r who
has spent the summer -with her
grandmother, Mrs. Jeesie Robert
son, left on Sunday for-her home
at St. Cloud, .Minn. VNumerious
dinner and luncheon parties were
given In her honor while-sbe .was
nere. - I ; , . :
y.. zi .. ' .'.
-. Miss Conifredj HurJ,.-wbo .haa
been attending summer school In
Berkeley arrived jtome early. Mon
day morning. 4
While in Berkeley she accepted
a position in the Oak 'and 'schools,
but receiving a rwtro announcing
het .electldn to i moi'e desirable
Tjosition in Seattle, -secured lier
re'Iease from "Oakland. -
'Miss Hurd will rbe instructor
for women In the department of
physical 'education, an' Will as
sume her duties ' in 1 Seattle " Sep--tembrl..
. I. ' : ..
Mrs.,E.. B. MIlard w(JI': enter
tain (he Hal Hibbard Auxiliary at
her 'home this afternoon. Busi
ness connected with the state 'de
partment will be taken up and the
officers are anxious to have a full
. f ;
Mrs. Julius Marcus and her
daughter, Miss Jessie Marcus, Mrs.
J. Stromberg, Miss Strom berg and
Milton Marcus, were guests of
Mrs.;, Ralph Glover. yesterday.
They drove down from Portland.
j .
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Talklngton
' of Oklahoma , City, Okla., . wno
; n
.Yes it always pays to
. buy 'the better things, it
is worth it, its the most
-economical way in the
"long jrun. Every fashion-"able-
weave and color is '
herfe. ' If yon re think-
vnew dress, suit,lcdat or,
' blouse you :sliould see .
these lovely materials.
52.50 to 53.75 y.
53i5oya. j
' if '
- f5S.95.7S vd.
-w 7 tt - - - -
53.49, $3,75 yd.
Well Dressed Women
Portbria SHk Shop,
3S3 Alder St.
.HluLP tna-F tt)ri r'J
. . v i jj-flriji j Xr i'-i J li'vt-i ' K-orvaciOi. rpaho.-. VV'yo.. vsitcd Oruadway and gave a war
dance -which -was witnessed ly several thousand persons. The tribe paid official respects at, City Hall
to Acting Mayor Hulbert, who was photographed with the yonngeBt of the tribe, a baby girl, tncke4
in his arms. The Indians are going to London to appear in the prologue of the film "The Corered i
Waaori.- . - , v , - . ' j; . ' '
have been guests in 'Salem for
some tinieleft last night "f or Cal
iCprnla. and, othr, points. . south.
They were . guests . of . Mrs. . F. . P.
Talkington and Miss . Cora Talk
ington.' " ; '. ; '.' : ' . ..."
f Mr.and, Mrs. Chatles ; vStrick
landVnd little daughter have gone
to-the Tillamook benches.- .
..MisSjCucille Thompson, has. re
turned from va' trlptotth'e "beaches.
; .. ; , "Vv l
"Mr. 'and Mrs! Ralph Cooleyand
.son..Richar.d"are back-from a .trip
to the coast. J i
' '
llrs. , G. .. A. . Rockwell . recently
returned Irom'a.trip to southern
Oregon. "She ;" visited friends in
Grants. Pass; and. Crater Lake..'Klrkeby and daogh
terDoris;ofIinot,'Nottb takota,
are Tisiting .with friends in - Sa
lem. Tliey.f formerly 'lived 'here
and are .now:! on their. ! way to
Long Beachl' : ' I;-
: .. , . - . -
Wtir Mothers To
- Convene September
29 in Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, Aug 21. Got.
urnors of every state in the Union
hare been asked by the Kansas
City chapter of the War .Motheis
to seek in each state the "Gold
Star" mother who made the great
est sacrifice in the World war.
with a Tlew of sending her at her
state's expense to the national
convention of War Mothers in
Kansas City, September 29 to
October 5, " According to Mrs.
Howard Boone, head of the local
chapter. '
'Twenty-three goternora Jrave
already replied," Mrs. Boone stat
ed. "Most have promised aid,
although some of them ; declare
selection it'o he a delicate task."
Mrs. Boone said that the War
Mothers Tiave denied that the ex
tent of a .mother's sacrifice, by
virtue of which she should be sel
ected would be gauged 1 by " the
number of eons or daughters who
died in the service of their coun
try in the World "war.
"This might not prove a strict
ly accurate basis for judgement, '
Mrs. Boone declared, "but it is
the best .we could devise." Mrs.
Boone lost a son in the wa. .
The delegates sent by the states
Mrs. 'Boone asserted, will be the
guests 'here "of the Kansas City
chapter of War Mothers. K't
Among the military men ; of
prominence who have been invtf
ed to attend the convention are
General John Pershing ' and Ad
miral R.1 E. Coontx,- chief of op
erations Of the ' United States
navy.:.: -r"'f ' " '? '
Mrs. R. E. Bigney, of White
Plains, X Y., national War Moth
er, win address the convention
Among other incidents In the
program now in process" of for
mation will s be the dedication to
Jackson County, Missouri, ; men
who died in the war,. of a huge
granite boulder which will be set
down amid the trees of Missouri's
first '.'memory mile" near Kansas
The following Oregon concerns
filed articles of Incorporation yes
terday -with the state corporation
' Crescent Cookie company, Port
land; incorporators, J. M. Ralthel,
V. I Raithel, H. S. Newman, M.
E. Newman; capitalization $5000.
Oregon Produce Exchange, Inc.,"
Portland: Incorporators, A. A.
Welch, W. C. Peer, Glenn E. Has
ted; capitalization, 5000.
Vale Salt company, Vale; in
corporators, M. C. Hope, John E.
Johnson, J. Edwin Johnson, Min-,
erva Johnson, Lucy Johnson; cap
italization, 15,0 oo. i ; r a
Notice of an Increase In capital
ization from 12.000 to $5,000. was
filed by the Brokway & Pillard
Farmers' Telephone company. I i
- "Bring yonr babies to chuTch"
.r. :
, -
fAdele CUurrison's" Phase1 of .';
'; : - , . , ' j J "
"How that man does lov'-me!"
Dicky put his hand to h4s tore
head dramatically when Dr'. I Pet
tit had .closed the door after him
self and Miss Jones, whom he had
silently summoned to a conference
outside. We all laughed heartily
at his sally, for the relief from .the
suspense .concerning, the. beloved
child lying on the bed had made
us all a bit light-headed:, j and.
Dicky's Words . gave vus a much
needed opportunity to yen?, a (feel-.
ing perilously near hysteria
.Marion s troubled little j. voice
stilled our laughter. . i
"If I have to stay here instead
of going home to Mrs. Ticer's;
she said, "where will myj Uncle
Robert stay?" H
, Robert Savarin crossed to her
side, and looked down on her ten
derly. ': j ,
"Your Uncle Robert will be
right here," he said. "I shall take
a room near the hospital,''; he-added
to Lillian, "so that I can be
with her as much as she wishes
during hospital hours." i j j -"Then
you'll be here every, min
ute," Marion retorted, with the
natural tyranny of a sick child.
"That will please me better than
anything else." I saw his eyes
seek Lillian's, but hers were faint
ly troubled, and did not meet his.
I knew that she feared a repetir
tion of the old struggle for her
promise to marry Robert Savarin,
and I guessed, that the pleading
which Marlon would undoubtedly
utter threatened her with a break
In the defenses which she had so
carefullly guarded.
Dicky's Suggestion. f
'As for me, my practical mind,
once relieved as to Marion's dan
ger instantly flew to the undoubt
ed convenience of the arrange
ment keeping them in the hospital
for a week. I was much more
alarmed over Lillian's condition
than over Marion's, and ;. I. had
dreaded the effect the unavoidable
bustle and confusion of our
cleaning, moving into and settling
the old Dacey farmhouse! would
have upon her. It would have
been impossible to keep her quiet,
while at the hospital she would be
quiet, peaceful, and I could imag
ine the atmosphere of tender care
with which Robert Savarin would
invest her. I suspected that Dr.
Pettit, i who is as skillful a physi
cian as hejs deficient in social
graces, had planned the hospital
sojourn fully as much on Lillian's
account as he had on Marion's.
, Dicky voiced a part of my
thought as he went over to the
bed and smiled down at Marion.
. "Seems to me, Lil," he paid.
Early Crawford
Now is the time to can your Early j Crawfords. The
color, texture and flavor are now at their best. '
Roth X&ocett
. Phones .w v, 'T -'ciar'ge for delivery
4 ?i
keeping his eyes fixed upon her
small daughter,' 'that - you're
about as much in need of this
hospital stuntr as Marlon is.i But
' I-don't..see what Pettit meant by
dismissing the nurse so calmly.
You mustn't .undertake to take
care "of Marion yourself."
"Sweet Peas and Applies."
1 f ' -
c ''But Hhere Is so little' care "
Lillian began, when " Robert Sav
arin's voice interrupted her.
"The nurse will stay as long as
they are in the hospital,'' he said,
addressing Dicky His voice was
very quiet, buf there j was, an in
flexibility in 'itthat made me open
my eyes a trifle., and I looked at
Lillian quickly, furtively. How
would she dominant, mistress of
herself as "she had so long
Oeen taketiiis masterful disposal
of her affairs? '
There was no TnGIcatlon that
she had heard the words, save for
thequiefc :fla'sh" Of color fin her
facA! She. nad not been directly
addressed,, and she evidently, in
tended to leave the question for
future contest or -yielding, I did
not know which. But' my own
course fortunately, was. clear.
There was hut one obvious thing
to do. I, too,- bent over Marion's
bed. . !
.."Now, sweetheart, I . said
briskly, Vwhat kind of fruit and ,
flowers do you like best? You
might as well tell us, for your Un
cje Dicky's money is positively
burning in his pocket, he wants
to spend it on you so "badly. I can
almost see it smoking.",
, Dicky promptly went through
a pantomime of rescuing a roll of
bills from a smoldering fire, while
Marion laughed gleefully.
'Sweet peas and apples," she
said, when she had stopped laugh
ing. "Oh, pnele Dicky, .you are
so funny!" j '
"Can she hav candy?" Dicky
asked Lillian. ;
"I imagine so, after a 'day or
two." i Lillian said. "They gave
her a fairly hearty breakfast this
morning, and I think she can eat
anything in ;reason." s-
"Well, candy Is certainly , the
most reasonable - thing I know.
Isn't it. Marion?" i
"Of course." she laughed. 'Oh',
Mnmsle this isn't like what I
thought betng in a hospital was
at all! This is just like a birth-
i .
To know
how good a cigarette
really can be madi
you must try a-
i. nifli;'!nniu, v American iviaize
f. :-r-r: . " 1 1 IB 9 K U H U H H H S ti H H k V. ' ' -mSr : r'
Oregon State News f
ForecloKiiig- a Mountain.
THE DALLES, Aug, 21. Half
a mouutaiusule. facing The Dalles
on the west, is involved in a suit
for the foreclosure of a 'mortgage
and safe of the' land by the sheriff,
in satisfaction : of a promissory
note, i '. 1 , '
"In all nearly 6G! acres of 'land,
gratrrig 'pasture for the most part,
but for its proximity -to this city
considered -a portion of large size,
are described in the complaint and
exhibits thereto. "
Ilruin T;ike IOssssioii.
LAKEVIEW. Ore., Aug. 21.
A bear drove Con O'Connor, herd
er for : Curly "Murphy, from his
camp in Poster ' Flat last week,
wrecking the camp and killing a
mutton, according to word given
the Examiner by W: A. MassingiH.
Shortly j . after O'Connor had
gone no .bed .at night something
hit hi3 ears a severe blow. Think-,
iug it was a man he jumped from
bed and, ran out of the tent tak
ing his rifle with him. Inside the
unknown disturber was making
considerable noise and did not
answer to calls. O'Connor fired
three shots into the lent and the
bear came out after htm. He de
cided it best to leave the camp
to the ,'bear as: it 'was tdark and
spent-the night at a nearby camp.
In. the morning : the .camp was
found badly wrecked and one mut
ton had been killed.
. . Only, Three Fires.
1 ALBANY, Aug. 21. Only three
fires Tiave been reported from the
Santiam national forest . in the
period since August v 10, accord
ing to C. C. Hall, supervisor, who
phoned to 'the office here this
morning. The three fires burned
over approximately an acre, he
said. , 4 , . s :. , I
This brings the total number of
fires for the season up to eight,
with an acreage- of three'acres
burned over.
Hay Growers Set Prie. '
BAKER, 'Aug. 21. A Nampa,
Idaho, report says -that a com
mittee composed of representa
tives from all hay producing sec
tions of the state, have fixed the
celling price of hay at 8 ,and
urge all producers to hold their
hay for at least that price until
further advised by ' the commit
tee. - :
Free Yram Aphis.
Although the hop yards around
Independence, Salem, and other
vicinities are practically eaten
with aphis, -those in the vicinity,
day -party with everybody I love
around me." -
, The mignonne little face was
aglow with happy enthusiasm, and
I think there was a prayer of
thankfulness in the heart of every
one: of us that the child we all
loved 'so dearly was spared to life
and undiminished health.
; To be continued)
Advantages of
Will not curd in mayonnaise. '
Does not smoke at cooking tern
perature. . - :' " ;
Doci not get rancid. ; ' v
Does not discolor. .
Economical can be used over and
'over. . ;
Does not carry the "flavor of one
food to another.
Wholly vegetable, Increases the
nutritive value of foods.
Foods cooked with AMAIZO retain
their natural flavor.
AikyouT yroctr to give you
,, m copy of the
Cool: Book
AH of Its recipes are tested nd
practical. They tell you of the best
ways of cooking simpry.sasiiy knd
Hth rfi-HMnrm. rrtin results. -
IliS 1
, .If yoor foccr "nss
write tts to mail you one oarect.
American Maize-Products Co.
-41 Ewt42na S, Nw York, N. Y.
illlfSl V
, , iiibSiRlieU NewYorfc. ...
- -.-H i mmu v -
II BEIulllilllBVl -w -r-i
of Eugene and Springfield have
not beenT'ln better- condition- in
Mars, according to , hop owners.
There is a noticeable absencn of
aphis in the local yards, and with
a . good price offered growers are
most optimistic concerning pros
pects -for a good profit this year
oh ihiir crops. Many yards' are
con rat-ted for at good prices,
while others are getting 23 cents
a pound and even higher for their
hops. Eugene Guard.
Kills IUggest Hut tier. v
MEDFOKD, -Aug. 21. -Dr. J.
D. Huliinncr of Clinton, Iowa,
brother-in-law of It. A. Holmes,
who-is visiting hare, -killed the
biggest . rattlesnake of the season
Sunday, - while on a "fishing trip'
with Judge E. E. Kelly. , The rep
tile"' had nine rattles, and a but
ton, and was slain by Dr. Hulllng
er, with a well aimed heave of a
rock. ; The missile struck the
back of the neck, breaking 'that
organ. Dr. Hullinger has known
Judge 'Kelly i since he 'was 'four
years old, -and is, well acquainted
with all of his folks back in the
cornbelt. The visitor also claims
another record. He has- fiahed'fbr
18 hours in this vicinity without
getting a bite.
EUGENE. Aug. 21. Coos and
Curry counties- are humming with
industry . in sawmill, logging
camp, cannery and . dairy lines,
reports Hugh II. lEarle, 'division-
chief Of internal revenue, collect
tors headquartering here, who ju$t
returned -from 'a ' fortnight spent
in that district. He reports 'that
much activity is evidenced every
where in the southwestern OreW
gon country. ' : . -
The sawmill Inltbe Rogue Yal
'ley of the Stout Lumber com
pany which recently took over the
holdings of the C. &. O. ' Lumber
company fin 'Curry 'county, is -cutting
about 250,000 board feet of
redwood lumber daily and running
two 'shifts, ' 'With ; boats plying s be
tween 'there "and Golden :or San
Pedro -harbors in California. ;
r The "same is true of Coos'Bay,
where 'Earle teaw-the C. A. Smith
load on a million feet of lumber
at the Smith-Powers Lumber com
pany and get away on the tide It
docked 'on. To do this; 16-foot
ide slings filled "With lumber
as sawed in the mill 'are stacked
on the decks and the crane of the
ship lifts them in the same sling
end deposits same on board. Thus
these slings, are traded like egg.
crates in the produce business. '
Curry county has not an Inear
porated city, andt a total popula
tion of : between 3000 and 4000,
people, according to Earle's 'esti
mate. ' - ' -
Joe Miller was never known to
utter a jest and his demeanor was
Bo grave that friends, in jest,as
cribed every nw joke to him."
Head the ' Classified Ads
sure, quick to mix.
Inihe Can WithHygienic Top
no book3 left,
- , Chlo. I,;.
"-t.- "
SHAW, Or., Ang. 21. Mr. at-i
Mrs. P. Hubbard of Salem also
Mr. and Mrs. H. Steinkamp, " of
Sublimity, visited at the home of
C. L. McAllister Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. 1). Wells, an 1 ;
son, Irvine, Mrs. C. L. McAllister,
aLo ,Mrs. V: J. "McAlliater k n d
children,; visited at the. home of
A. W.,- Cummlngs , of s, Nqrth Win
ter street, Salem, . the occasion
being Mrs. Cummlng's birthday.
J. Uisi, Herman and O e o r g
Fieber and John Schneider., leff.
Monday morning on a deer hunt
In Southern Oregon. : .
Miss Georgia "Spencer who Is
employed in Salem was home
Sunday, visiting with hor parents
Mr. and Mrs. E. Amor:, -. . ,
C. A. Fieber and chiMr n also
Mr. and Mrs. Don l.fV-r.. and
family of JSilvcrion WiiiJ, Shaw,
visitors Sunday. - ,
Mr. and Mrs. Oeof ge iliimeir
and 'Paul Klein of Mt. Ae eel were
Shaw visitors last week.
, Mr. and Mrs. F, Fieber .and
family "Were In Silverton Sunday
visiting friends. . . r
".Miss Blanche Bareft of Saleni
spent the week-end visiting at the .
home of "Miss Amanda Matthews.
ic F.Pet01d Sr., and, son , A. Pet- , 1
sold, were in Mt. Angel Thurs
day. ' J ":. ' t ')' .
TJexter 'McAllister 'and (Merril
Wells Were t& a fishing trip Sun
day. - - ;;'.;.-....,,. , ,-. . ,t.., ,
Mir ahd Mrs. A. Toung of Sa
lem are takfhg care of the 1. 'P.,
Vonng' farm rwfille Mr. and. Mrs.
Don Young and children and Mr.
and Mrs. Bealie -'Ybunof Salem
&re 'apendlng a JfeW days at' Tilla
mook ,and,iNetarts'. r ,
- i. fWj Fieber, v Florence ani
Ambrose Fieber motored to Salem
Sunday visiting at the "home c
Mr.; and Mrs. O E Sehopf . ;.
Mrs. J. j'W Fieber is -la aleta
taking eare of ;Jier, Blster-in-law,
Mrs O.' E. Schopf. The ' Schopf
family was visited by -the -toil;-Whtdh
left them a baby girl fnara
ed Josephine Theresea..
Eastern . friends of 11. 1j Tomp
kins are visiting at-his home for
a few - w ee ks. . .uu ;
Cestcres Hair 'Gc.!;i
' Konrishine is a real tonic w'hlcb
.feeds -and nourishes the hair, th as
restoring to original color whether
black, brown or 'blond. Prevent j
hair-from t falling and removes
dandruff. No. matter what you
nave 'tried, "try NoUrlshine-It 13
in a 'class by itself . One bottla
usually Is effective. As a fiaii
Qtiiff Remover alone It Is worth
many times the price asked. .
gray 'ixo lofager. Ttemember thiJ
ls'ndt a dye. Act?todar for your
hair .. health and regeneratfe-u
Price ?ll25 perTdttIe, all dealers,
including j.'-c' Perry. ; .. ;
.'i DcrJrctt '
-AdV. T-';"' '. . '
fori MliMs
A MAIZO is a toosIJ coftomical- nr. l !
x. tleliciotis Oil fforWiad dressings of
all kinds. It riiakes mayormaise very
rapidly, never gets'randdevenin wtirm
'weather; "never 'curds.;. ':r-iu:
With the yolk of pne egg as a base for,
mayonnaise AMAIZO OIL, can be added;
to make an almost unlimited quantity
AMAIZO OIL, is made from the "hearts'bf
golden corn. Economical, nch and pure.
It has been used for years by chefs anil
manufacturers of salad dressings. 'h
AMAIZO OIL, doesn't smoke at cooking
temperature. It doesn't discolor. You
can use the same "MAIZO Tor cooking
different foods, doughnuts, fish, jcro
quettes or anything you wish. It does not
carry the flavor of one-food to another.
It is ideal for softenirig.. Easy to ccea?
Collects No Dust No Rusts
Co. M!
a chuTch"!
igious re- H
is a feature of the rellg
Tlval In Belfast, Vv