'.V I 1 t ' n I 2I;t Ott&m ZlaltZZZSQ i CLASSIflEO AOVEBTISKUKBT8 Bats per Per lBrthB - Tars Insertions - Om wMk (sU insertions) - U 5 Se 20 vmm month Bis MitU' coatrset pr mo.ll$ 13 montbV contract, per mo I2e Minimus for Buy drtUmnt25o " NOBW1CH ONION TIKB INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. : Burcasrdt, Jr. sUsldsat Agent S71 Stat 8L MONEY TO LOAN Oa Bal Kstste T. K. rORI (Over Ladd Bosh Bank) NEW I OD AY TWO S-ROOlf APARTMKNT8. UNFUR- isned, downstairs, porchea and base ment, 411 North Summer. Also, tur aisbcd apartments. Phone 630. 60 HOP PICKERS WANTED TWO week picking, good hops. 60c boa. Campgrooad. good water, register 3tt rVrry St. or call 880W. Hop Les. FOB SALE 'KITCHEN MAID" cabinet; ivory colored sulksy. lata N. Cora'l 8t. Phone 13S2W. 5 BOOM MODERN BUNGALOW. NEW --tor sow. saou caaa will bSndle it. room modern maagalow (or $3000. Good terms. I room new bouse, good bath, .stove eon- aeciea, una tot, pa Tea street. flow; terns. -. Winnie Pettyjohn 21 Oregoa Bid-. WALTER E- ORUNERT TOP SHOP IS - the busiest top abop in Oregoa but . we will taka time to pat on a top (or yea. 256 Bute St. GET A CHIMNEY 8WEEP , BEFORE year house barn. Phone Farmer 'Hardware Co., ; . FOR ACCURATE AUTO REPAIRING -ome to the anas that Mover fails.' . Jack Doorter Motor ; Repair, 410 S. Commercial Su - GOOD USED CARS. AT THE RIGHT C rices.. Oleson Aato Exchange, 173 8. iberty. Phone 666. NOTICE TO HOP PICKERS REGIS- i tared for WUliam'a yard. We will , start picking about the 80th of Aug- FOR SALE 5ROOM HOUSE AND rlarge lot eloae ia. -. East front, paved street, new garage, fruit and garden. I 843 8. Liberty. Phone 1241J. FOR BENT 4 ROOM COTTAGE, furnished. 638W. FOR SALE REED BABY CARRIAGE ia A-l ' eoadition. Will aeU . cheap. Pboae 1038J. I ; . Exchanges good tea room house close In for small er house ia Salem. DaUaa or MeMinn villo. or acreage. A good 70 sere farm for Salem property or acreage. For sale . a good seven room bungalow on pared street, A big snsp at 93200. New strictly modern bungalow $4000. But room new house. $1250. L. WOOD 341 State St. FOR 8 ALE GOOD BICYCLE, CARL Strati, Route 6, Phone 24F4. ' ...... . --. USED CARS 19. '2 Chevrolet Touring , $348.00 18 Jl ' Chevrolet Touring' , SOO.OO 121 Ford Touring 250.00 1919 Ford Touring U , 150.00 . 1919 Ford Touring 135.00 1918 Ford Touring 100.00 Ford Sedan, wire wheels, repaint 450 .00 Dodge Touring, a snsp for 175.00 CHEVROLET IBLU UAK VT.tr 1, 849 North Commercial St THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF 8PECIAL ites ia insuring brick baildiags. They have saved their members SO per coat ; the peat rear ia this class of risks. . Staadley Foley. Agenta. Phono 847. 8 LOTS FOR SALE. TWO IN RICH .. mond addition and one ia South Ba : lem. Address D8" BUtesmsn, EMPLOYR.ENT MALE AND FEMALB t BOP PICKEB8 WANTED FOR EARLY . mnA lata bod. 60s boa. Tar a l-x mile from Salem. Phone 643. 1711W or r 1S16W to register. Hartley Craig. ATENTION HOP PICKERS WB ARE ' registeriag picker for two of the best yards la Oregon.: 117 eerea, Mitoma - yard near tBdepoadeaeo and 80 aerea Curtis yard near Talbot. Good eamp grounds, . tenta. tables, beaches, wood. aad clean atre.w famished free. Store i oa Kraaada, mail delivered daily. About , three woeka picking begianlag about 8ept. 1. " Register early. - For farther ' taformatina call or pboae e ' BOSTEIN B GBEENBAUlf , 240 246 N. Com'L St. DURBIN CORN O YES Over 3. O. Penney stem. 160 X. Liberty St. Paoao 491. Office aours 8:30 a u, 8 p. as. - WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good propoaitioa to the right people. Ad ' dress the Pacific Homestead, tSatesmaa Bide Balem. Or. FOR RENT FXJLTS 5 FIVE ROOM FLAT. MODERN, FULLY fursiahed. 4 666 Ferry St. Grousd floor. $45 a moath. Call st Ststosmsa buslaess office or phone 23. ' - - - APARTMENTS FOB RENT APARTMENTS. 881 NO. I - Commercial. . ; ! FOR RENT -r- PATTON APARTMENTS Front apartment for rent. cool. I.ght, I aad plea a at. Every coaveuienco, hot I and cold - water. For iaapectioa call i Pstroa's Book Store. v BOUSES FOB BENT WELL LOCATED 12 I mom modern house close in. 875 per mouth. See Childs $ Bochtel. 540 State i : street. .- I FOR BENT MODERN FIVE ROOV $ . i. . I'ji sr luk bi a-in . : Cell st ' Ststesmsn basinese office.' at 1 Pboat 23. FOR RENT 5 room famished house $45. 5 room modern furnished hoase $55. A room house $25. 1 room huagalow $35.-, r 3 room apartment $33. A i GEKTRUDE J. M. PAGE 493 N. Cottage St. BOOKS FOB BENT APABTMENT8 AND . ; steeping rooms. Leonard Hotel. 254 N. FroaJ " Street. r - : ; ; PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14' BY TU", I wording "Faraished Booms. price lo ; cents esca. eitatesasaa BBSiaesa Of Mice. Groaad Floor. . PRINTED CARDS. 8IZK 14" BT . I wording "Room to Beal,' price 10 veeata each. BtaUsmaa Busiaesa Of fice, Groaad Floor. i . THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM OREGON FOR RENT Continued BOOKS PRINTED CARDS. BIZB 14" BT ' wording "For Heat." price 10 ccnta each. Statesman Business Office, oa Groaad Floor, 1 ' PIANOS NEW PIANO FOB RENT 6 FEB MO. H. 1. Stiff Farnitare Co. ; PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper poblUbed. Freo for atoms. Cor respondent, Toledo.-Ohio. WANTED WOOD SAWING WOOD 8A WING, i PHONE 1327. WOOD SAWING.; PHONE 1131. i SUSCEUJLHXOVS WANTED IMMEDIATELY, BALEK with capacity for 25 to 30 torn a day, to bale 12S tona hsv in atack. Schiad- lr Uro-, Salem, Oregon. Pboae 72 1. CUNNINGHAM f FRUIT COMPANY Will dry prune commercially ia West Salem. Phone 31F3. WANTED TYPEWRITER.. FIRST Haas only. Address J. D. Berwick, ' 1955 North 6th. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware sad furniture. Best pries paid THB CAPITAL HARDWAM - FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St. : Pfcoao 047 FOR SALE BIRDS. FLOWERS AND PETS P ABBOT SPECIAL TILL 8EPTEM ber 1, We will sell young hand-raised Panama' parrots for only $19.50. Every one guaranteed to leant to talk. Flake's Petland, Salem. Oregon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALB GOOD USED MAHOGANY .. piaao left with us to sail. Price $200; term a. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co.. Ma sis department. , OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU GOLD metallic window and auto sign letter work. . Phone 775. 3 to 6 p. m. daily. FARM PAPER IF YOU. WANT TO GET THE BEST farm , paper, send 15e to thai Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregoa for a three months trial, subscription. Mention this ad. i ' POULTRYM EN SEND EIGHT TWO coat stamps for special three moaths trial for the best and oldest journsl ia ; the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breedors of the Northwest. '.Northwest Poultry Jouraal, 211 Com mercial street, i Eslem, Oregon. PIANOS GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO. 8150 Terms if desired. H. L. Stiff Furai .Mure Co;-: f . i .;; PH0N0G&AFR1 PHONOGBAPH BARGAINS $125.03 Victor -$ 95.00 -.J.1A.00 . 67.50 .,,110.00 $150.00 Vielar $150.00 Pathe 8165.03 Columbia 75.00 Victor S2.60 Terms as low as $1.00 per week H. L. 8TIFF FURNITURE CO. Pboae 941. 404-450 Court Si ; WOOS FOR SALE SIXTEEN-INCH GRUB oak wood for immediate delivery. $9 cord. J. F. MeKinlay. Phono 2F11. CHOICE WOOD FOB SALE. PHONE 108F3. ' K r FOR SALE 16-INCH OLD FIR AND second growth 4-foot. Phoae 19F3. M. D. Mayfield. ; - Best Grade of Wood 4 foot aad 19 lack mill wood. 4 foot ash aad second growth fir. 4 foot aad 16 larh aid fir. Prompt delivery aad reaseaable price. Fred E. Wells, 805 8. Church. Ph. 1542 KXaCEXXANEOUS GOLDEN BANTUM SWEET CORN, Ex cellent quality, 25e dos. Phoae 84F14. FOR 8 ALE TANCRED IMPERIAL laying hens. : Oa registered Dnroc Jer sey sow. Phoae 90F13. QUASSIA FOR: SALE IN HUNDRED pouud or Soa lota. E. Clemens Horat Co.. Independence, Oregon. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 cents a bundle, drealatiaa department Oregoa Stateamsa. CIDER I CIDER! CIDER) THB COM -mereial Cider Works. 1010 North Com mercial street aew making fresh, sweet cider. Apple wanted. We buy dried i loganberries aad black cape. - Come - and see as. Beautiful Oregon Rose Aad eleven ether Or goa songs together . with a fine collection of pstriotle eoags, sacred eoags aad many old-time fsvor - Itea, : --it,.-" ; - ALL FOB 25c : (Special prieoe la qaantlty Iota) Especially adaptable for school eoiumua . Ity r home siagiag. Bead for . : ' ' . . Western Songster TS pages aow in iu third editioa Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Cemmsrcial St. . : 8alem. Or. TEMPUS J J IS AJ AS A FK65H CCG WHICH HAS f VT , YOO 15 TALK1W ; Y0o Af AKES FIVE DOUARS ThiS tvAY '. 1 BEW PROPPED ofPeN TrIE IW Of A TEA, 7EMP!lta HE QuKK) JWEET Nu5C Tb VOU iSTWf VFY AM J V " 7 r' J 5 WFAM TfN DOUAR Goti 5 CUILOIN'. IFA0AYTALKS,MY PbOeTOOK a (DOES YoJ CJ?Ave Tb a?A$. MIH' FIVE HAS BBPH LooKlsv' fcf-J j .! .r? 7-' t cf. jT d!Z?. . - 0-tV t AUTO DIRECTORY i BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE 8tatioa. Expert battery sad electrical work. Ferris Bios, Phpa 1803. 41$ Court I . , ' t B. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTER1E8 starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial.. ' . t RADIATOR 4t FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FEN DERS. BODIES mad or repaired. 1. 0. Bair, 849 Ferry TIRES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1-3 to 1-3 OFF. MIKE'S Auto Wrecking House; 424 North Commercial. : Phona 528. I i TRACTORS A C. HAAG A CO.. 444 FERRY ST. Phono 210. Cletrse tractors. Oliver im plements. USED OARS GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH MO tor Co.; 871 Court. i Maxwell Touring ... $ 7a.00 Maxwell Touring -. 275.00 Mitchell Touring 350.00 Ford Coupe 490.00 Studebaker Special Touring 650.00 Gardner: Touring 750.00 We have severs! others for you to sel ect from. Come ia and look them over. We charge no Brokerage.) F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 North Commercial St. Gardner Dis tributors for Southern . Oregon. ,; Full stock parts carried. . ? 4 USED Fori touring CARS 1921 1920 1919 1921 1920 1921 1917 .$275.00 Ford touring $25.00 150.00 150.00 Ford panel delivery Chevrolet delivery Oldsmobile Speed wsgoa 400.00 Dodge Commercial car ....... 650.00 Maxwell A-l shape . 175.00 1919 Baby Grand Chevrolet, A-l shape, looks aew . ,. 500.00 400.00 $50.00 1918 Dodge touring 191T Dodge touring Term BON'ESTEELE MOTOB CO. Phone 423 1914 Touring $ 65.00 150.00 170.00 j 200.00 250.00 j . 245.00 165.00 1917 Touring 1918 Touring 1920! Touring ...... 1?0! , fOeWvery 1920! Touring 1916! Roadster 1921; Roadster 1920 Coupe 1922 Coupe ' 1918 8edaa 245.00 385.00 415.00 285.00 385.00 395.00 525.00 1920 Sedsa 1921! Sedan . 1922 Sedsa 1919 Delivery . . 195.00 All cars guaranteed to be - in good rna . aing order, 1923 license on every ear. Liberal terms Open Sundays VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY ' 260 No. High. Phone 1995 VICK BROS. ! USED CAR BULLETIN I 1922 Overland-4 $425.00 1922 Chevrolet 875.00 175.00 1918 Ford Touring .. I Excellent ooaditioa. . Nw Ferd Coup L. 650.00 150.00 350.00 800.00 i With many accessories 1918 Elgin Touring 1919 Oskland Touring 1917 Mitchell Tearing Exec lien I condition Ford Delivery 100.01 Earl Touring, slmost aew, st a great -!.' , sacrifice, i . 1921 Hupmobile Sedaa' Like aew 900.00 Buick Tearing $00.00 VICK BROS. High St. at Trade BICYCLES AND REPAIRING M.OYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BIQT Hes and repairing; 387 Court. Ladies' Wearing Apparel mammmammamamammaauam DRE88MAKTNG PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BT T". wording "Dressmaking"; ! price 10 eat eseh. Ststesmsn Business Office nd Floor. : ,T ' HXMSTITCUXNO SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleiting, buttons, stsmping and aeedlf work; 828 Oregon Bldg, Phone 373. MRS. a E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stsmping, buttons. Room 10, overs Mil ler' store. Phon 117. ; . I LADIES TAXLOiUNa 1 ; D. H. M0SHER TAILOR FOB MEN aad worn sa. 474 Court St. W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAIIjORING long coat and suits. Room 7. MeCor Back Bld$. BUSINESS CARDS ARCHITECTS FREEMAN 8TRUBLE. REGISTERED Architoela, 610 Baak of Commerce Building. ' - s . - . , AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER I. E. TALB0TT. THE ' livestock, furniture and farm ssles auctioneer. 202 U. 8. Bank J31dg Phono 470 for ssle dates. CARPET AND RUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rsg and fluff rugs woven any sixe without .seams. New mattresses msde to order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovaUwt. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. 18 snd Wilbur streets. Phone 1154. Otto F. Ewicker. Prop. :- TODD Clear I d,''SaTBaaaTau ' i BUSINESS CARD Continued CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 430 N. Summer St. ' j CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F U R N A Q E cleaning. F. Councilman. Ray L. Farm er Hardware company. CLEANERS AND DYERS SPICK N' SPAN CLEANERS AND ! dyers. Phone 195. SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Suits elesaed and presaed, $1.50. ! Suits sponged and pressed. 50c. 1215 8. Com'L -- Phone 18ffl CONSULTINO ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Constructing Engineer. Surveys, esti mates. Jno. H. Neef, ; 319 Oregon Bldg. Phono 775. , j . - DRUG STORES WM. NE1METER "JUST. DRUGS." 175 N. Commercial. Phone 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phons 12M. ; ELECTRIC FIXTURE A N l SUPPLY Co. Phono 1934. 222 N. Liberty. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN Houss wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Pboae 980. 414 Court St . '-i - HALIK'S ELECTRIC 8H0P ; El EC trical machine repairing, " contracting 837 Court. Phone 488. FRATERNAL LOYAL ORANGE LODGE JASON LEE Memorial No. 530 meets In Odd Fel lows' hall every first, third aad fifth Tuesdsy of the month. All Orangemen welcome. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations.: 0. P. Breithsapt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 880. -.' -i FINANCIAL HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. CITY LOANS. : lowest -rate. government: loans ON FARMS 5 per cent. 803 Salem Baak of Commerce WANTED A LOAN OF $1500 AT 7 on first class Salem residence. Wm. Fleming. 341 State 8t- FARM LOANS j AT 6 PER CENT snd 6 PEB CENT ' ANDERSON ft RUPERT Oregoa Bldg.. Salem. Or. ; FABM LOANS Insurance money, any amount 6 per cent, for 5. 7. 10, or 20 years, with fall prepayment privileges entire , WiUsm ttt valley. i HAWKIX9 ft ROBERTS " . 205 Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Oregoa r FARM LOAN S LE8S INTEREST ' longer tim no eomtniasioa. Protects against adversity. City loans, lowest - rates, monthly installments, pro-payment privileges. - J. C. Biegmund, room 2. over Ladd ft Bash bsnk. FURNACES SEAOBOVE FOB FURNACES PIPE and pipeless; 198 8. 12th St. Phoae S85W. j. :. , FUBNTTTRB STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less money.: 87$ Court Phona 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE 8TORE NEW and second hsnd furniture; : 271 N Commercial. ' JUNK JTMlS WE BUY AND SElJi FURNITURE tools, sad Junk. 87S North Oommer eiaL, Pboae 688. - j LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY; 810 S : Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest best. Estsblished : 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM 1 AUNDRY Quality work: prompt service; 1264 BroaJway. Phoae 165. j YALE HAND LAUNDRY PERSONAI bundles a spedrialtv. Also ; cleanins snd pressing. 1691 Belvue. Phon 8. - - MACHINB SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ; ELECTRIC t 8tsm boilers, vulcsniisr and tube pistes. Perry O. Campbell. 81T N. Liberty. - , j j MXDICA& MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phoae 517-W. :- .-, NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT LAND NURSERY COMPLETE line trees. Office 161 S. 14th St. Phone 1140M. COMPLETE LINE TRBES SMALL fruits, ornsments. Capital City Nur sery Co.. 426 Oregoa Bldg., Phono 75. FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Peercy Bros.. 237 But. ' ! j PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, at.. Reliable workman. U TEN CENT KAI.SOMININK IN BEAUTI ful colors; $1 does a room.1 Msz O. Bursa. 179 N. Commercisl. ! PAPERHANGINO. PAINTINO.KALHOM . ining. E. R. Brock, successor to Aub--v H rlarh Virat rlu, nrk. 795 - X. Capitol, phon 1607R. : ProfiU BUSINESS CARD' Continued SCAVENGERS SALEM v. SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. refuse of 'all kinds removed. Cespool cleaned. Phona 107 -r 1007J. . BOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE 8UO cessor to Neal Scavenger) Garbage and refuae -of all kinda removed by the . moath. ' Reasonable rates. : Phones : Olfi.. S29; residence 2058. . tra aTsr-HAULiaa MOVING AND STORAGE REASON A . ble ; figure. ' 975 North Commerciai phon 688 ; - CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding aad atorag our. specialty. Get V our rates WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. : Our specialty is piano aad furniture moving. Wo also make coua .try trips. Wo handle the bast coal and wood. Call on ua for prices.' Wo give good : measure, good quality and good eerrice. Laimer Tranafer Co. Phono 93 TRAN8P0 STATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central; S'age Terminal, Salem, Oregon SALEM EUGENE Leaves Salem 7:15 a. ni.; 9:15 a, m.; 11:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. ; 3:15 p m.; 5:15 p m.; 7:30 p. m.; to Corvsllls only. - PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Msnager Central Stste Terminsl Sslem, Oregon. SALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves : Sslem, Central State Terminal 7 a. m.$ 11 a. m.; 5 p. m Leaves Silvertoa News Stsnd: 8 a. m.; 1 p. m; 6 p. m'. Salem-Independence-Monmouth Di virion: Leaves Salem, Central Stage Tsrminsl. 1 a. ut.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 8:10 p. m. . (5:10 p m I eaves Monmouth. Monmouth .Hotel: . 8:15'a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:J5 p. m. Leaves ' Independence, Bosver Hotel: 8:36 a m.; 9:50 a. a.; 1:15 p. as.' 4 p. m:; 6:80 p m. Leaves Central Suge Terminal, Salem; for Dallae at: . - . , :7 a. m.; 11:10 a. m; 5:10 p at. Leaves Gail Hotel, Dallas, at , 8 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. We make connections st Salem to all part of th valley. Extra tripa by ap pointment, : : : J, W. PARKER. General Ifanager. VARIETY STORES SALEM . VARIETY STORE CHINA warej (lssswsre, toys, notions, and mil- : liner, v ; ;' M ' SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sells j second hsnd furniture. ' tool aad jnnkj 320. X. Commercial. Phon 492. WANTED EVEBYTHINO IN ClOTH ing and shoes. Beat prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 842 North Commercial Phona 18B8-W. . . - STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED ' 40 years' experience. Depot National J feacei sizes 26. to 28 in. high. Paints. oils and varnishes, etc., loganberry and bop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works; 250 Court street. - Phono 124. WATEB SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWEB CO. Office, 801 South Commercial St. Ten per! cent discount oa 'domestic fist ' rates psid in 'advance. No deductions for absence or any eans unless water Is shot off your promises.' MUSICAL K COUR8E IN BUSINESS PIANO , plsying. Popular syncopated standard : muaie. Semi'-Clsaaics and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School. Me- Cornack Bllg. - hfUSIO STORES GEO. - a. WLL r PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music. ' . snd! piano! studies. Repsiring phono graphs and sewing machines; .'482 .Stale, Salem. : ( SHERMAN. CLAY ft CO.. PIANOS Steiaways. Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music1 House, -415 Court street. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co Music Dept. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonographs. Jay Bailey, Moore' M aie House , ; T PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP" EXPERIENCED PI aao tsnsr. Leav orders Will's Music . Store.; PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE SALE M AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 668; 173 8. liberty. .-fli CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. U T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St. Phoao 288. CHIROPODISTS DR. 8.1 F. ' SCOTT.- GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Phone 640. DR. WILLI AfS CORNS, CALLOUSES. Ingrown nsils; all foot trouble. Price Shoe Co. Phone 616. CHIROPRACTOBS OR. REDMOND, , 828 OREGON BLDG. Phon, 1638. ! : . DRS. SCOTT ft 8CHOFI ELD. P. 8.' 0. Chiropractors. 414-1 U. S. Bank Bldg. PTseus 87; res. 828-R.' j-. . t in kv TU Situ m wm Si SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1871923 " PROFESSIONAL Continued DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DR. .A. I. ' Frantx. Acute sad chronic disease Phon 780. 495 N. Commercial. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREfl tors. 210 Center. Phono IB... NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE ANT' chronic 1 diseases; 415 Oregoa Bldg Phone 110. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ' DR. W. U, MERCER OSTEOPATHIC physician - and anrgeoa. Kirksvilk graduate. 404-405 U. 8. Nstional Bsnk Bldg. Phone, office 919; res 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. 1 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phones, effie 1394; res . 5F5. . OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE gnn Bldg. Rooms 301 to 304. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co.. 325 State street, opposite Ladd ft Burn Baak. "Use Qnalit; Proven Shur-ons." PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS r'RAXK R. KELLOGG. PUBLIC AC " conntsnt, systems, bookkeeping, service, auditing. 213 Oregon Bldg. REAL ESTATE SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE OR rent. Call at 263 South 17th Street. FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM eotttge dose in. $2200. $700 down bslaaco like rent. 410 Oregoa Bldg A GENUINE BARGAIN The- finest east front lot on 8. Com'L at a big reduction. Wm. Fleming, 341 State St.- ' Realtor ' 40 ACRES LAND FOR RENT NEAR ; ; Maclcay and Shaw. Suitable for fall ;-' grain. i 20 ACRES NINE MILES SOUTH OF Salem for sale on very easy terms. Suitsble for filberts, fruits or general farming. , . A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. PRINTED CARDS, SIZE l" BY 7 wording "For Sale. Enquire at." Price 19 ceota each. Statesman Business Office, Ground Floor., 13 ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE IN ' very center of city. Well furnished snd ia' splendid condition. Bringing ' in over $100 per month with 8 fine . rooms reserved. ( Price $7000. s Very reasonable terms. ' The best buy in the city todsy. r W. McLaren Co. Pbona 4.10 180 N. Cora'1 St. FOR SALE NEWLY BUILT 6 ROOV house, full basement sad . unfiaisho: upstair. Prie $3000. . very ' gooo : term. i FOR 8ALB OR TRADE 20 ACRE. It acre ia prunes, 7 acre ta loguns Good 1 room hoas, 5 mile south l 8a.em'. On aeeauat of sickness wne will sell very reasonable or tak eom, Salem property ia trade. Rick L. Rei mana. Realtor, 229 Oregoa Bldg. phoa. 101$. i FOR SALE 439 ACRE FARM, ONE half - under fence.' one juarter. under cultivation, balance in timber. Water for stock from three lakes. Land suit able for berries snd other vegetables. D. W. , Nicholson, Archer, Florida. Your Opportunity 4 to Buy : Right r Good Tiv room plastered cottage. Jot 50x120, cement walks, modern plumb : ing and lights, built in kitchen, gar age. Prrce 2000; $500 down, balance $35 per month. New five room modern bungalow vith -paved street, price $3000; tltOO down will handle. New four rnnm bungulow . for $1200; iuu casn uown. Six room home, modern except furnace snd fireplace. located North. Price $4200. On paved street. We write fire insurance. W. H.' GRABKNHOttST ft CO. Jtesltors. 275 Stste 8t.. U. S. Bank Bldg I WANT TWO HONEST. TO GOODNESS - farms with fsir to Kood bnildmgs, One must be suitsble for dairying, the other for' general farming. One party baa about $t0OO or $5000 cash, the : other just a little cash but a terror to ; huHtlc. 75 to 100 acres within 10 miles of Salem -preferred. ROBINSON 212 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE ' A Ttome' on the creek, splendid beach. asooo. A beautiful home- on creek $6500. . New bungalow $6500. Beautiful - home -on Summer St. $7000. Splendid home on S. 14th, $5000. Another at $3750. i Another at $3500. , -. j Another at $4500. . - Still another $2500. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage St. FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE SEVEN - room house with fire place. Lot 66 by 150 feet. Good location on Sooth , High street. Fourteen besring fruit trees. Inquire at 1530 South High street. SPECIALS A neat' 5 room house, all modern except basement, nice lot and fruit trees. In food order and immediate possession, 2100; $400 down, and $25 per month. A 4 room house and nice lot at the right price and on easy terms. $1250; $300 : cash and $20 per month. A 6 room house snd Urge corner lot, - some bearing apple trees; at s bargain : $1400; $30 down and $50 every : three months. A nice lot with some Isrire oak trees, oast front and on a car line, at a low price, aa it is not mT OKt Price $175.' J. A. MILLS. 331 Vi State St. Story by OCTAVUS ROY COHEN Illustrations by H. WESTON TAYLOR t in REAL ESTATE Continued FOR SALE BUNGALOWS FURNISHED Miwu, coxy oungaiow furnished. Lot 75 . xl20 feet. Good well, lot of fruit, -I250O, only $500 down, bslsnce terms to suit. Sow renting for $35 per month A dandy bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, elec tricity. Besutifully furnished. A real anan. $850. some terms, will buy a 3 room "" whq lurnuure. tiara, garden, nuiil well $850, some terms, coxy 4 room plastered uuum;. uiuurniHueu, now vacant. In- 2500, some cash down wilt buy the beat nose in s acre tract, neat a . room house, barn, garage, with crop. See Childs ft Bechtel, 540 State St. FOR SALE 20 ACRES. GOOD FOR erapea, fruit, chickens. 6 miles Sslem . Price $1000 will take auto part pay. Terms. Compton Real Estate 469 State St. 2250 FOR QUICK SALE TO CLOSE an estate. Am authorised to aell this comfortable house, not modern, on . large lot on State Street, facing North. Also 4 Iota facing on South Commercial street. - improvemens psid, cheap for . rash. '00x150 Fsirmount Hill, fine view, 2 blocks of car, paved streets. $1250. Richmond lots, A-l location, $500; easy terms. ROBINSON v Fsrms and Acreage - 212 Oregon Bldg. Best Buys and txchanges room modern bungalow, garage, $2000. Terms. room modern bungalow, close in, $3(450, terms. 6" room strictly modern bungslow, 2105 Center. $4500; $500 cash. 6 room fine modern home, 1515 Court, $6000; $3000 cash, balance terms. $2000 1 mortgsge for ssle. Socolofsky, Realtor 341 Stat. I SALEM MARKETS . GRAIN AND HAY No. 2 wheat 9f ..9'. No 3 red wheat, sacked Cheat hay ...$12 & $11 .$12 $18 Oat hay Clover hay, baled , $13 31$ Prices quoted are wholesale snd ( sit prices revived by farmers. No ratal prices are given except ss noted: EGGS, BUTTER. BUTTERF AT Creamery butter .. 47 A .48 3utterfst, delivered 45 Milk, per ewt $2.25 Eggs, selects 28 Htandard . 25 Pullets Ji 22 POULTRY Broilers .. .'. .....18 2t Heavy hen's . . Medium .. 11 U - p6RX. MUTTON AND BEEP Hogs, top 150-225 lbs., ewt $8.71 Hogs. ,top, 225-275. ewt $8.21 Hogs. lop. 225-275, ewt $5 $1 Light sows ewt .. .;$6.04 Rough hesvy. , 04 04 U Top veal, dressed Top steers Cow .... '. Top Iambs Heavy Iambs : 07 071 05 .04 031,4 04 -08 U 0EAN0E3 "Bonded" Brand Sunklst VaUacl Offeriag: 216's. andj. larger . :..$5.2J 250"s and smaller $4.5t APPLES ' Cooking, Oregon grown, $1.50 $2.00 Gravensteini per box -.42.75 TbEMONS Iffinrwell EFE" all sixes, rase $0.50 NEW BUNCHED VEGETABLES -Alt priced by the dosea buacha. Beets, Carrots, t , 59 Eadishes, long or round .41 'SACKED VEGETABLES New Yskima carrots, per sack -.$2.23 All Sack Vegetable 1 per lb. higher whoa desired ia less than sack lots. New beets, per sack .......$2 2i Yakima .rutabagas, per sack $2.51 New Vegetable New ce-Iery, per bunch .80 $1.2 Greea beans, per lb. . 04 fft Ot Green corn. dos. .. : 20 ,i Tomatoes: 1 . . . , Csbbage, local, crated, lb J.1...01 Head lettuce, local; crates $1.50 $2.51 Egs plant per lb. ... U New potatoes, New Oregons, ewt. $1.7.' Bell peppers per lb .j, 11 Greea pees, homa grown, per lb 01 Cucumbers: ,.. r The Dalies, outdoor . .71 Onions. Walla Walla outdoor ewt. $2.0t Parsley snd onions - - , , , 1 Potato ' , fakiroa netted gems, per . ewt -..$1.50 Oregon - Whites, per ewt $1.25 New Fruits Apricots ia lugs .$ 1 .50 Wstermelons, crated, per lb 01 Bartlett pears, per box $2.55 Pesches California : 'Fine Elbertas, per box . ...$ 1.25 Esrly variety Oregoa grown " pr box 75 : .85 Blackberries, selling todsy $1.50 Cantaloupe: Standards, per crate, $4.00 Ponies, per crate, : $3.00 Fists .per crate. . $2.0 fee cream melons, crated, per lb 04 Bananas. "Red Cord" per lb. 11 Grapes, Thompson seedless: 4-bssket crstes ...... $1.75 In lugs, per lb . .....07 Sweet potatoes, in lugs, per lb..12' Dill weed, per lb. .. . IS Pickling onions, due text week, lb 10 8ack lots. Ib. .081i Bsrtlett pesrs: Yskima Bsrtletts. per box $2.50 Plums, per 4 bssket crate ...$1.50 Csssbas. crated, per lb ... , 06 Hoaeydewa., crated, per lb. . 07 Summer Squash, per crate ....... ;..$1.50 Tomstoes, The Dslles, 2 Isyer box $1.50 !Tiy is it that the average golf er Is bo iaclined to lie about his scores? He is worse than thn amateur fisherman. pne trouble about eating black berry pie is that unless one has a toothpick he is disqualified from playing dental golf. sv TU susn 7 A e - '1 Harry Carey in "The Miracle , Baby. j PORTLAND MARKETS I ' ' WHEAT " POKTI.AXD, Or., Aug. 17. Grain fu tures, wheat, bluestera snd bssrt. Auj ast 10fi; September $1.05; tk-teber $1. Soft white, western whtie, August $1.03; September $104; October $1 Hard win ter, Aujruat 8e; September 86; October 94. Northern spring. Arg-ust 98c; Sep tember 93c; October 3e. Western red August 97; September 9ic; October 95c , OAT8 No. 2 while, feed, AiistiM $25.50: Sep tember,. October $25. No. 2 rrsy, August $24.50; September, O-tobcr $24. BAEIT Barlrv, 44-pound minimum. August, September, October, $24; 40-pound min imum August, September, October $23.50. COSH Ko. 2 eastern yellow shipment.. Au-nst $27.25: Septemlier, October. $37. Mill run, August $20; September, -, October $19.50. HAT ..-.' Hay nnchanred. II CROPS ESTIMATED Five Year Averages are Ex ceeded; Many Apples , Will Be Produced SPOKANE; Wash,, Aug. 17. A total yield of 112.914.000 bu shels' of wheat for Washington, Oregon and Idaho, is predicted In a United tates government crop report issued here by'O. S. Kay, federal crop estimator. The est!-, mate issued, as of August 1 U based on figures taken from tbc monthly reports of the bureau of crop estimates by G. S. R3y of Washington, F. L.. Kent of Oregon and. Julius H. Jacobson for Idaho. ' Winter wheat Is put at 69,277, 000 and spring wheat at 43.C37. 000 bushels, r - ' , ' The yield for Idaho sets a rec ord at 28,656,000 bushels. Wash ington's crop' of 58,202,000 bu shels and Oregon's of 28,056, 00$ bushels exceed the fire-year av erages for these states. The state average for Idaho ig put by Mr. Jacobson at '27 bu shels per acre and is the hlghont yield since 1915. Winter wheat in Washington: will average 27 bu shels an acre, Mr. Ray's, report shows'. . Washington spring wheat will be 96 per cent of normal, he says. ' ' " ;-' -. The Washington oat crop, -Mr. Ray sets at 100 per cent of nor mal. ! Other Washington crops are estimated at follows: Potatoes 91 per cent; tame and wild hay 100 per cent; corn 96 per cent and pears 83 per cent. More than- one fourth .of the commercial apples of the United States will be produced by Wash ington this year, and Washington, Oregon and Idaho together will produce about one -third of the nation's apple crop. YIELD OF GRlllfJ Farmers of Willamette Val ley Have Good Year on Production End While there is not the bumper crop of, small grain In the Wil lamette valley this year that was predicted earlier in the season, the general crop conditions were never, better. Every kind of grain has yielded a good if not an exceptional crop, Fall oats and spring oats alike yielded bounti fully. Fall and spring wheat ha3 done likewise. , - Wheat is being , delivered in small quantities to the Cherry City, mill in Salem. It is well ripened and of excellent quality. It is too fresh for milling at this time to make good flour. The oatrf grown In the valley Is of ex cellent cereal quality, and It Is expected that a considerable ton nage will go to the cereal mills at Portland for table use. The Willamette oats Is of particular ly good -table quality, and the coast mllis. whUe not having a conVplete'monopoly of the oatmeal business, have a natural adran tage .over the best milhi elsewhere In the country. ' Much , vetch was raised thi3 year, and most of it Is being threshed along with the oats t&at usually grows with it. There is a finecmarkel for Willamette vetch seed, in many other localities in California, in Washington and all the northwestern orchard districts, where it Is used as a cover crop. Some of it goes far east. also. There Will be a fine crop of cheat hay seed, and clover seed, and a little good rye in the valley thSa 0RT1ESTB year to turn into export moner.