T THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM OREGON TUESDAY, MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1923 1 v. h l s 5 1 u T, : ill CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEM-INTS . r Sat pr. rord: Per insertion - 2 -.' 80 20c Three Insertion 3i Hk (six insertions) On month Six months contract per mo lt is nonius nntncii per ot .Minimoas for any advertisement 25 1 ': NORWICH TJNI03 j UM INSURANCE SOCIETT ( r 1 W.H. Burghardt, Jr. i -Resident Are" 371 State St. I MONEY TO LOAN! . On Real Estate ; 1 :: 1 T. K. FORD . (Over Lsdd A Bosh Bank) New today )R BALE CHEAP XEQ1STK1U&U Angora cats., Call . 1333. " UR. TRAHSFER MAS CARRY YOUR track insurance with Btanaiey - . ley. Boo us aboot your rates next time too insure. Btanaiey m coiey. ! MB Bank Bldg., -J ' :CNNINGHAM - FRUIT COM PANT V Will dry prnnoa commercially in wast yR : SALE TOCNO JERSEY COW, heavy .milker. Also mux goat, an, hens. 8450 Brooks Ave. , -',.'- FOR SALE TWO I MILK COWS. fthnrtharns. ' and one Iamb ram. Shrop shire. 3. C. Strom. South Silver Creek Fails, Route 1. Sublimity. iHRVt. . AUGUST 8. SMALL-BOB tun Bull terrier, crooked tail, dark onnaia and white. Phono owner, avozj. nTJUC ROOM AND PHONE IN PLEAS- ant Mire to rent. See Robinson, Real Esuto. 229 , Oregon , Bldg. r, . , 1R. SALE - E V Ehu KEEN BLJaUa.- borrf patch. For- further particulars " f ' I WANTED COPIES ' OP SALEM Statesman eftM 33. J3,.jso.;wo,,. Grave. Salem, Oregon. - , - - - - IWHT RISK A FIRE WHEN A CALL at Ray ' L. ' Farmer Hardware uo. wm bring yon a chimney sweep at one. FOB SALS 8IXTEEN-INCH ' ORUB oak tweed for immeaiate eiivery. cord. J. F. McKlnUy.' Phono ITU. . . USED FORDS : W haco eomo exceptional buys in useo . Fordav -. SPECIAL TODAY" 1921 Ford Touring, shocks, water pump, spotlight, foot feed, etc, azes. CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T. .; S49 N. Commercial pikrat SPECIAL - ' TILL SEPTEM- Km 1. i will aall young hand-raised Panama parrots 1 tor only $19.50. Every on coarsnteod to learn to talk. Flake's Petland. , Salem, ' Oregon. ATTRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOW mtmtM atreet. SSSOO. i - . , Kin room house, large lot, oa Cfcemeketa atvat. 15000. If odero boose - on - Chemeketa street. 95500 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE , FOB 'SALS SEVEN ROOM ern house, close to street ear. fialem. Terms. Phone 1749Mf MOD South 1 i---- ' r ! ik . - opeciai ...tun t fine little farm of 134 acres, alt cultivated, good bnildings, 5 mile eaat on paved rood. -Offered at I bargain for 900O.-lBkidlnB; .all stack. er0n and machinery. 60 ehlck- n.- - - - Want small rooming house m Salem. Eu 9n '' CoTval'i. - r. i i - ; -;" 4 room house, 2 Iota. Snsp for 91200. i Terms.. ' ''-- ' - j Two hoBses for rent., r f r- - :, - inomason S 231V 8tat St. - - " ' Best Buys and Exchanges , 18 acre Improved Howell Prairie ranch, f milea, out. on pavement, only 9 160 por acre. - "i i aki mrrm. no4 acres.' Vearinc -pmno. 5 9 arras bearinc cherries, house, drier. Went dairy and grain ranch up to 91700 balanco crop paymenU at 6, price 93S.OOO. r , . 684 acre improved Sooth Dakota ranch, ( m racnmbraac. Want ranch in Willa mette valley, prie 925.000. Want 93000 loan. Scolof sky,?-Realtor 341 State. . - The Best V ' pride ourselves on having not only - !h. ttnataat but the beat too ahop in tho Wdllametto valley. Walter E. Grun- ort.;256 State BU i ' Jack Doerfer Bays bring you auto to a repaiv shop UsU baa been found streitly i reliable ftef years la i Salem. "410 S. Commorl ! : rial St. ... .... ; : , , - - - --, : I A' Sacrifice i v -nil..n;iii. F.lvin snort ear with n-etinL nnd lots of exUM. if aold nt once. Phone 666. : :j. --i--.Tv HIMALAYA BLACKBERRIES FOR CAN , ning now ready: eueumors tor; picnics; i besss. Ernest inier, bmiu, o u. yhono' iir.- r; -..,. n . i v iWHY PAY RENT I xA have your ' landlord raise tho rent you this winter t When you eon t buy n modern bungalow with a pay ment down, balane Just like rent. Her' ar fir that are vacant, !min-j-diats possession: - , ) -. 93200 now modern bungalow. . 5 rooms, paved stroat. - ! -- 93100, modern 5 room, basemont, rtr nac, stationary wash trsyt. i f3650, modern S room. r . 92190,' modem 5 rooms, only. $400 down : blanc 925 per month. i 9650. cosy and wall built 4 room, plsstar- ad bungalow. 9350 down balance 915 per month. Can you beat it. Go and so Childs A Bechtel. 540 Stat St. i EMPLOYMENT KALE WANTED MAN WITH TEAM AND truck for logging contract. Phono Tur- : aav 56..f LAWNS MADE AND CARED FOB CALL WANTED i STEADY EMPLOYMENT by man and young man. la aide work i preferred. Address "D Statesman. rXMAXJ! t W1STF.I AT OREGON STATE Tu berculosis hoapUsI, dininr room relief woman for X month., wnii 33. POSITION WANTED AS i keeper. Woman ; with two ' wants good boma. . ' Capable S maaagemont. Phone 1947M. H0U3E cbildrea of full MALE AND FEMALE WOOD CHOPPERS WANTED i TO - rat Id and - second growth Kr. John H. Scott. 208 Oregon Bldg. : J. BOP PICKERS . WANTED FOB WIL- I Uams" hop yard.' Begiatar at jutt a , . E-lUr4' Hall. Pars 80 eeata bos. EMPLOYMENT Continued MALB AMD FEMALE CAN USB FEW MORE IAMIUI8, 5 era south of Independence, early ana 1st hops. 60 cents per box, bonus 1 paia luprn. .' CM AH. U X.uic i Phono M 844 Marlon Bt. WASTED MEN- AJTD- WOafEH -TO taks farm piper subscriptions. A good proposition to tho right people. ' Ad dress the Pacific Homestead, Statesman Bid.. Ralem. Ov. . i i: : Hill AND FEMALE HOP PICKERS DO TOO WANT A place like home, .splendid hops sod bast of accommodations, 16 days pick ing. Starts about September l.A good yard for women and f aminos. OOo por box. For other information phone 69F22. O. 0. Russell. I ATENTION HOP PICKERS - WB ARE registering picker lor two of tho best yards in Oregon. 1 IT acres. Mitomo yard near Independent ' and ' 90 acres Curtis yard near Talbot.) wood camp Am tub Uklaa IvMvrhM wead. id clean atraw famished fro. Btore on grounds, mall delivered daily. About three weeks picking beginning about Sept. 1. Register early. ! For further i information call or phono- - "- . ROSTEIN GREENBACK 240-246 N. Com'L St. DUBBIN A CORNOYER Over J. C. Penney store. 160 N. Liberty St. Phono 491. Office hours 8:30 a . 5 P. m. ; f - FOR RENT FLATS ' FIVE-ROOM FLAT, MODERN. FULLY furnished, at 666 Ferry I St. Ground floor. fe5 a month. Call st Ststesmsn business office or phono 23. APARTMENTS FOR RENT THREE ROOM ' FUR- Bished apartment, bath. 682 N. Com mercial. . ' I rOB - RENT APARTMENTS, . 691 NO. Commercial. ; ''. I FOR RENT . FURNISHED APART meats. 110 Division.. - 1 FIVB ROOM APARTMENT FOB RENT, Close in. Adults. 465. Center. EOTSXS FOR RENT SIX ROOM BUNG A low, seven room house, - thre apart' ments,- two room apartment, one room apartment. Gertrude J. M. Pace, 492 N. Cottage. ! . ' FOB RENT i . A 1 room close in at 950. part furnished. Win. Fleming. S41 Stat St. FOB RENT MODERN: FIVE ROOM house at 63S N. 16th St. 30 a month. Call at Statesman baainaaa Office, or Phoo 23. ;. ; i . . N. , - BOOMS FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOMS and hoosakeapinK apartment. Nicely furnished.. Enquire : at 194, 8. Cottage St.- - FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping room. Leonard Hotel. 254 N. Front Street. ; ',. ! ' " . ' - PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14' BY 7T". wording "Xnrnisbed Rooms." price 10 cent each. Statesman Basinet Of fie. Ground Floor. ' ,; - ' PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7U". wording '"Rooms to Rent," price 10 coats pack. -Staoesman Bwaihes Of fie. Ground Floor. . ' ":;r. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 1" wording "Tor Rent," prie 10, ornta each. States man Bssiness Office, ob ' Ground Floor. )..,t i : . PIAHOS ' i NEW PIANO FOB RENT 96 PER MO - H. L. Stiff Fnrnitnr Co. ; PERSONAL CATHOLICS WISHINO ' TO MARRY. Boekiot fre.i Addreaa HOME .CLUB. L-Box 23. Grand Rapida, Mich. GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for stamp. Cor respondent, Toledo. Ohl. ; 1- LOST AND FOUND POUND FOUND BUNCH OF KEYS IN Willaon psrk. Owner 1 can have same by describing and paying for ad. Ia qairo Statesman. WANTED wood SAWzxra WOOD SAWING, PHONE 1327, WOOD BAWINQ, PHONE 1131. MISCELLAJTEOUS WANTED : : TYPEWRITER. FIRST class only. Address J. . D Berwick, 1955 North 6th. . i ' WANTED GOOD VIOLIN." MUST BE bargain. Address D3, car Statesman. WANTED EVERYTHING IN i HARD war and furnitmr. Beet pries paid THE CAPITAL- HARDWABB r . FURNITURE CO. : 285 N. Commercial St. Phono 947 FOR SALE BUSXXXSS OPPOBT UNITIES 0PP0RTCNITY TO SHOW YOU GOLD mstsllie window ' and auto sign UtUr work. Phono 775. 3 to 6 p. m. dally FOB SALE. GOOD USED MAHOGANY piano left with to sail, prie 9200; terms. IX. U Stilt JTiunitnr Co.. Mm sU dspsrtmesL f . TEMPUS :. . . ,...,.,; . . . 1 v - , I . - . - - THt? lOtA 1 Cfrs SbccesnveA&ofT rC" -l -: . . " AH DOCS YbU AmSWETC. tEnJ TO TEUL Te THUTH ) ISTWSI eoFff OF YouOALSlSTof (Oxf T0Y0V f I NPAU vhii vJCT tt? 7MS LAST TiP TnuOiA T iv Btf-t 7 seSVV CCfe WT V 1 OttB I ij-Z- ..- " S CA-A-A.A4XIAiti MB ) 4 I v..i l!!!LiV aTi?Mpt' X DOei , Gwiuq bB MNTyf ' 0e thing t aiht Go7 s f (OweHeM "Y I T . ZS:1 1.- " ' l '-ft . ' I''V' ' ' ' ' , . FOR SALE Continued f ASM PAPER IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST f spa paper, send ; 1 So to the Pscifie Homestead, Salem. Oregon for n thre months trial aubscription. Mention .this ad. ' ' v1 : POCLTRYMES SEND EIGHT TWO csnt stamps for special three months trisl for the beat and oldest Journal la tha west. The articles and advertise ments axe of special interest to the poultry breeders ; of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem, . Oregon. LIVESTOCK EIGHT CHESTER WHITE PIGS FOR sale, $5 each. J. M. Isliog, Rout 3, Box 230, Salem. PIANOS GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO. 9150 Terms if desired. H. L. Stiff Furai- ture Co. , vL j , . ,: .. . i f , , PHONOGRAPHS PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS 9125.03 Victor .9 95.00 . 115.00 . 67.50 . 110.00 . 62.50 9150.00 Victor 9150.60 Path 9165.03 Columbia 9 75.00 Victor Tsrms aa low aa 11.00 por week H. L. STIFF FURNITURE CO. Phono 941. 404-450 Court St. WOOD CHOICE 108F3. WOOD FOB SALE. PHONE FOR 8AI.E -16-INCH OLD FIR AND second growth 4-foot Phone 1WF3. M. D. MayfUld. j ; ' . , 'Best Grade of Wood 4 foot and 16 inch mill wood. 4 foot ash and second growth fir. 4 foot and 16 inch old fir. Prompt delivery and reaaoaable prieo. Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church. Ph. 1542 XXSCELLAMEOTJS FOR SALE ONE MALLEABLE AND ono gas rsuge, 975 N. Commercial St. Phone ,588. . POTATOES NICE WHITE NEW Po tatoes, 91 per sack, delivered. Writ Lock Bos 247, Sslom. FOR SALE 16x16 CENTER POLE army tent. Driver, 2679 Oak St.! j FOB SALE OLD. NEWSPAPERS 10 cent n banoUe. Circulation department Oregon' Statesman. FOR SALE LARGS CHAMPION prunes ready . now. A. M. Chapman, Route 3. Box 110, Phone 112F12. FOB SALE - GOOD GRAVENSTEIN apples, SOe bo. Transparent crabs, 2c lb. Blue Damson plum 2c, deliv ered. Phona 99F23. " CIDER t CIDER! CIDERI THE COM mercial Cider Works, 1010 North Com mercial atreet now making fresh, sweet cider. Apples wanted; We bay. dried ' loganberries . and , black caps. Come and see us. ":.( FOR SALE- UNITARIAN CHURCH building to bo moved from present site. corner Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Address all communications to tho sec rotsry of the board of trustees, R. A Mohney, Mssonie Bldg. . s : Beautiful Oregon Rose: And oleveo other Ore gon songs together with a f iao collection of patriotic oong sacred aongand many old-tim favor .. ' - '-.., ; - - ALL FOR 25. , ' (Special pneoa In quantity lota) f.spocially adsptabl for school oommnn- Ur o.- home singing. Bend for; -Western Songster ' 7'pses now' in its third edition i . . - Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 315 S. Commercial 8k Salem. Ore. AUTO DIRECTORY BATTERY AND ELEOTSICXAM PRESTO-LITE BATTEBY SERVICE Station. Export battery and electrical work.. Ferris Bros., Phone 1903, 419 ' Court,., .?,;.. j ..Jj j R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES : a tartar and generator work ; 171 South , .Commercial.'.,:,;' .ft,-. . t- EADIATOB FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. 3. C. Bair. 349 Ferry TIRES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS J -3 to 1-2 OFF. MIKE'S A a to Wrecking Hons; 424 North Commercial. . Phon 528. : TRACTORS A C. HAAG CO 444 FERRY ST Phone 210. Clotrao tractors. Oliver im .."plomenta. . , - -:- - .:; . USED OAKS FOR 8ALE 1923 HUPMOBILB SPORT model. Priced right for cash. Will con sider Ford Coupo in trada. Phone . 1870W. .. . ..: I ' ' . FOR SALE BUICK FOUR" TOUR ing. run 1200. miles. Haa extra cord tire. :- ... v j - , - " BONESTEEf E MOTOR CO. . I . j ; Phons 423 GOOD USED OARS tor Co.. 971 Court. GINGRICH MO- FOB SALE 1923 DODGE TOURING : .run 4500 mites. Has spot light, motor . meter, cut-out, bumper and rims. BONESTEELE MOTOR CO j A 1 Phon 423 ; ; AUTO DIRECTORY Cont'd USED OAKS WE. HAVE SEVERAL USED CARS WE are anxious- to dispose of to make room for Now Gardners now in tran sit. : ' Wo list here a few for your approval: 922 Maxwell, lot of accessories Si" 9221 Ford Coups, like new , 490 1921 Maxwell ..... 1921 Dodge touring, best buy in town tor .....-....- . Studebskcr Spocisl . e50 920 Maxwell. All dolled up Mitchell ! D-6-40 . a have aeveral others for you to se lect from. Come in and look them over. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 North Commercial St. Gsrdner distributors for Southern Oregon 1914 1917 Touring w...... Touring .....9 65.00 1 150.00 170.00 . 200.00 250.00 245.00 ; 165.00 . 245.00 1918 Touring 1920 Touring 190 poiivery 1920 Touring .. 1916 Roadster 1921 Roadater - 1920 Coupo . 1922 Coupe 385.00 415.00 285.00 1918 Sedan ... 1920 i Sedan 385.00 1921 Sedan . 895.00 1922 Sedan . 525.00 1919 Delivery 195.0O All cars gusrsnteed to bo in good run ning order, 1923 lieens on every car. Liberal terms Open Sundays VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY I 2 GO No. High. Phone 1995 i i USED CARS 1921 Ford touring .... ...9275.00 1920 Ford touring 825.00 1919 Ford panel delivery 150.00 1921 Chevrolet delivery ... 150.0O 1920 Oldsmobilo Speed wagon 400.00 1921 Dodge Commercial car .... 650.00 917 Maxwell A 1 shape . 175.00 1919 Baby Grand - Chevrolet. A 1 ahape. look a new 500.00 1918 Dodge touring 400.00 1917 Dodg touring 950.00 Terms ' BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. . I i ; ' Phono 423 i . i - " VICK BROS. ; USED CAB BULLETIN 1922 Overland-4 9425.00 1922 Chevrolet 875.00 1918 Ford Touring 175.04 Excellent condition. New Ford Coupe .. . 650.00 150.00 350.90 800.00 100.01 I -1 With many accasaorlas 1918 Elgin TouTing 1919 Oskland Touring ,1917 Mitchell Tonring ...... i '. Excellent condition I Ford Delivery .. i Earl Touring, almost new, at a great sacrifice. . . 1921 Hopmobile Sedan 't ,i . , LJka -new ; I Bulck Touring ! ; ? t VICK BROS. E t'l' , i High St. at Trade 900.00 800.00 BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY- clas and repairing; 897 Court, f Ladles' Wearing Apparel DBSSSMAJEZVO PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 1". woraing "uressmaking"; prieo IO oonta each. ' Statesman Business Office Ground Floor. ; f I i HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE II EMSTITOHING pleating, buttons, stsmpiag. and needle work; 828 Oregon Bldg.. Phone 879.; MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING st sniping, buttons. Room 10, ovor Mil ler's store. Phon 117. LADIES TATLOaUiia O. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR ' MEN nnd women. 474 Court St. . fT. 3. MAYER LADIES' TAIIOfUNG. long costs and suits. .Room 7, MoCor nack Bldg. BUSINESS CARDS ARCHITECTS FREEMAN 8TRUBLE. REGISTERED Architects, 510 Bank of Commerce Building. ' AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER I. E. TALBOTT. THE livestock, ' furniture and farm .sales auctioneer. 202 U. S. Bank Bldg Phono 470 for sale dates.- ' CARPET AKD RUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Flnff Rug Work Rag and fluff rugs woven any also without seams. Now mattresses made to order. Old mat : tresses remade. Feathers renovated. 1 buy rail kinds of old carpets for flnff rugs, 13 1 snd Wilbur streets. Phone 1154. Otto P. Zwicker. Prop. CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 430 N. ' . Summer St. . i CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING P U R N A CE cleaning. F. Councilman. Salons Hard- war Co. " ": CLEANERS AMD DYERS SPICK N SPAN CLEANERS AND .. dyers. Phono 195 , - - SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS ' Suits cleaned sad pressed, 31.50. ' Suits sponged and pressed, 60c. - 1215 S. Com'l. Phon 1909 CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Constructing Engineer. Survey, esti mates. Jno.H. Neef, 319 Oregon ;Bldg Phon 775. The Judgment of Solomon. BUSINESS CARD Continued DRUG STOKES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DH0G8," 175, N. Commercial. Phono 167.! ELECTRICIANS SALEM , ELECTRIO CO. building. Phone 120O. 'MASONIC ELECTRIO FIXTURE A N D SUPPLY Co. Phots 1834. 222 N. Liberty. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN ' House wiring by hour or contract.' Ea . timatoa -furniahed. Phon 980. 414 Court St 1 x , HALIK'S ELECTRIO SHOP- ELEC trical : maehiao repairing, contracting 837 COuit. Phoao 48. . FRATERNAL LOYAL ORANGE LOOGE-UJASON LEE Memorial No. 530 meeta In Odd Fal Iowa' hall every first, third and fifth Tuesday of ,th , m onth. All Orangeman welcome, s FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. C. P. , Broithsupt, florist. 123 ' N. Liberty. Phon 880. . FINANCIAL HAWKINS A ROBERTS. CITY LOANS, lowest rates. GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5 per cant. 303 Salem Bank of Oommercv WANTED A LOAN OP 31,500 AT - 7 on first claas Salem-residence. Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. ? FARM LOANS AT 0 PER CENT and 6Vi PES CENT . ANDERSON RUPERT Oregon Bldg., -Salem. Ore. FARM LOANS Insuraoe money, any emonnt 6 par cant. for 6, 7, 10, or 20 yeara, with full prepayment privilegaa entire Willam otte volley. HAWKINS ROBERTS L 205 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon FARM LOANS t LESS INTEREST, longer time, no commission. Protects , against adversity. City loans, lowest rstes. monthly Installments, pro-pay ment privileges. J. C. Siegmnnd, room 2, over Ladd Bush bank. FURNACES SEAGROVE FOR FURNACES PIPE and pipeless; ; 198 8.; 12th St. Phone , 885W. . . ! FTJKKITUKB STORES G1ESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for leas money. 673 Court Phona 464. - i . ' t PEOPLE'S FURNITPRE STOREr NEW and second hand fnrnitnr: 271 N. Commercial. JUNK JVUBL WE BUT AND tool, and Junk. , eiaL phono 688. SEIi FURNITURE, 975 North Com mar- LAUNDETES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 818 8. vLiborty street. . Phono 25. Oldest . largest best. Established : 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ,., Quality work; prompt service; 1264 -. Broadway. Phone 165. ; TALE HAND LAUNDRY PERSONAL -bundles a spedcialty. Also cleaning sud pressing. 1691 Bell vue. Phon 8 MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC : Steam boilers.j vulesnizera and tub plates. Perry O. Campbell. 317 N i Liberty. " VfECHTER A SMITH 1 MACHINISTS. engineers, welders. Heald . eyliader grinding service. Phono 562-345 Ferry MEDIOA& MOUNTAIN, BALM COUGH REMEDY Phon 517-W. NURSERY STOCKS FRUITLAND NURSERY OOMPLETI lino trees. Office 181 8. 14th St Phono 1140M. COMPLETE LINK TREES SMALt i " fruits, ornaments. Cspital City Nur sory Co., 426 Oregon Bldg Phono 75 FRUTT, NUT, AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 237 State. : PAFEBHAKGINO AMD PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc, Reliable workman.' ' i TEN CENT KACSOMININK IN BEAUTI ful colors : 91 do- a room. Max O. Buvun. 179 N. Commercial. PAPERHANGING. PAINTING, KALSOM ining. E. R. : Brock, aueeossor to Anb ry H. dark. First clasa work. 795 K. Capitol, phon 1607R. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refus of all kinds removod, Cespool - cleaned. Pbono 167 or 1007J. SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (Suc cessor to : Nasi Scavenger) Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by'th month. Reasonable rates. Phona Of fie 529 ; rsidne 2059. Classified Ads jn The Statesman Bring Results : ' ' . I . BUSINESS CARD Continued TKAKSF0BTATIC3 CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINK Central Stage Terminal, Saiom. Oregon r-'-V- SALEM EUGENE ; Leave Salem 7:15 a. m. : 9:15 a. m.; 1:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. : 3:15 p m.: 15 p m.; 7 :30 p. m. ; to Corvallla only. PARKER'S STAGE LINES J.. W. Psrker. General Manager Central Stat TJtminal Salem, Orecoa. SALEM SILVEBTON DIVISION Lesvea Salem, j Central Stat Terminal: 7 a. m. ; 11 a. m 5 p. m Leavea Silverton News Stand: 8 a. u.; 1 p. m: 6 p. m. Salem-Indopendenro Monmouth Division: Leaves Salem. Central Stage Terminal: . m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 3:10 p. m. 5:10 p nt , leavea Monmouth. Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 n. m. j, lp. at.; 6:15 p. as. Leaves Iadepandence, Boavor Holol: 8:30 n m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. a. 4 p. m.; 6:30 p m. Leaves Central Stag Terminal, Salem, for Dallas at: . 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. m: 8:10 p m. Leave Gall Hotel. Dallaa, at 8 a. m.; 1 p. m.: 6:15 p. nv. We make connection at Saiom to all pert of tho valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. 3. W. PARKER. General Manager. TRANSFER HAULiNO MOVING AND STORAGE REASON A 975 North Commercial. bl figure, pbono 688 ; CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 State St. Phone 933. Diatributing. for warding and storsgo our specialty. Got our - rates. WE MOVE, 8TORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Our specialty is piano and turnituro moving. Wo alao make conn try trips. We handle tho beat coal and wood. Call on aa for price. Wo give good measure, good quality aad good aervico. Larmer Transfer Co. Phono 930 VARIETY STOKES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glaaswsro, toys, notions, and mil finer y. , , , SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND aells second hand furniture, tool nnd Junk; 820 N. Commercial. Phono 492. WANTED - EVERYTHING IN ClaOTH in and shoes. Best Dricea said. Can ltal Exchange; 342 North Commercial Phone 1368-W. . , V STOVES AKD STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIKEU 40 years' experience. Depot 'Nstionsl fence, sixes 26 to 28 in. high.-' Paints, oils and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem . Fenc and. Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phon 124. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office, 801 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. ' No deductions for absence or any causo unless water is shut off your premises. ; MUSICAL A COURS B IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard music. ..Semi-classics and ballads; 12 lessens. .Waterman Piano School, Me- Cornack Bl lg. MTJSI0 STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music , and piano atudies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing State. Salem. machines; 432 SHERMAN. CLAY A CO.. PIANOS Steinwsys, Duo-Art snd others. Moore's Musio House, 415. Court street. . TRADE VOUtt OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni tur Co.. Masie Dept. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES CF phonographs. Jay Bailey, Moore' a Me sio House PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WE LP EXPERIENCED Pi nna tuner. Leave orders Will'a Music Store. ; ' " .; PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE SALEM AMBULANCE SERVICE Phon 6G6; 178 8. l iberty. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease.. 153 S. High St. Phono 283, CHIROPODISTS DR. S. P. SCOTT. GRADUATE HA . tional University Sciences." Chicago. Masonio Temple. Phono 640. Urh WILLIXMS CORNS. CALLOUSES, - ingrown nails; all foot trouble. Prieo . Shoe Co. Phono 618. CHIROPRACTORS DR. REDMOND. ' Phone 1638. 828 OREGON BLDG, DBS. SCOTT A SCHOFIELD. P. S. 'Chiropractors. 41419 U. S. Bsnk Bldg. Plane 87; res. 828 R. V DBUQLESS PHT8ICIAN8 MAGNETIC HEALING DR. A. Prantx. Acute snd chronio diieas. Phon 780. 495 N. Commercial, FUNERAL DIRECTORS I SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL D1REO r tors, 210 Center. Phono 1656. Story by OCTAVUS ROY COHEN Illustrations PROFESSIONAL Continued NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. 8 LAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronio disoss; 415 Oregon Bldg Phone 110. . i . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W.' L. MERCER OSTEOPATH! t physician -' and - surgeon. KirksvilH gradiiatot 404-405 U. S. National Bant Bldg. Phone, office 919; res, 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phonos, office 1394; , re 58 F5. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE gon Bldg. Rooms 301 to 804. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co., 325 State street, opposite Ladd , A Bufh Baak. "Use Quality Profsi Shor-ons." . - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE 8 ROOM eotttge close in. 92200. 970O down, balance like rent. 410 Oregon Bldg A GENUINE BARGAIN . The finest east front lot on S. Com'l. at a big reduction. Wm. Fleming, 841 Stat St, Realtor 40 ACRES LAND i FOR RENT NEAR Maeleay and Sbaw. Suitable for fall gValn. 20 ACRES NINE MILES SOUTH OF Salem for ssls on very easy terms. Suitable for filberts, fruits or general farming. A. C. Bohfnstedt 407 Masonio Tempi. Salem, Oregon. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT 7"A" wording "For Sale. Enquire at." Prieo IO eeata each. Statesman Business Office, Ground Floor. Court Street Property Located at 1389 Court St. 6 room bona with . corner lot 70x6814 boar ing fruit. Prieo 93700. This property Is worth more money. W.' H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Stst St. 18 ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE IN very center of city. ' Well furnished snd In' splendid condition. Bringing in over 8100 per month with 3 fine rooms reserved., Price 87000. Very reasonable terms, r The best buy in the city todsy. ' 'j W. McLaren Qo, Phone 430 180 N. Com'l St. New 6-Room Bungalow Not finished. 81250. t New 5 room bungalow, basement furnace. fruit trees, fine location, 94000. 10 acres bearing prunes 33000. 2 acres " with buildings in California to trade for Salem homo Want loan of 3700 . 8800. 1'.- L. WOOD. 341 Stata Bt. - FOR RENT BERRY and Fruit Farm, Phon 15F3. C. W. Beccher. FOB EXCHANGE 50 ACRE DAIRY ranch. 1 mile from MeMinnville, for Solent property. : Compton Real Estate 469 Stat 8t. Mtf HOME FOR -South Libert. SAJ.E CHEAP. 455 FOR SALE NEWLY BUILT 5 ROOM honso, full basement aad nfinishad upstairs. Prieo 93000. vary good terms. '.""'' ' FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 ACRE. - H arras in prunes, 7 acre in ; logons Good T room hous. 8 mil south ' Salens. On account of sickness ownoi wUI Boll very reasons b! or take boom Salem property la trade. Rich L. Koi mana. Realtor, 229 Oregon Bldg, phon. 1018. . , 25 ROOM HOTEL BETWEEN PORT- land and Astoria.' Dining room now ranted for $30 month. Good income from rooms. Will exchange for 40 acre improved farm, some .fruit. Farm . not to exceed 38,500; or will sell for. 82000 cash. Balance like rent. Box 347 Clatskanie, Or. ; , , FOR SALE 439 acre farm, one-half under fence, one quarter under culti vation, balance in timber. Water for stock from thre lakes. Land suitable for berries' aad other vegetables. D. W. Nicholson, Archer, Florida. 6 ROOM HOUSE street, - furnace..; 94006. ON CHEMEKETA garage, corner let. Good 5 room homo on Mill street,, bath built in kitchen,' garage, 93100, 5 room house on State street, modern conveniences, garage, 82500; good terms. Winnie Pettyjohn 216 Oregon Bldg. ' Reminding You 1 That if you want homo at a reasonable price and on easy terms I have one of 5 rooms not very modern, with good well and two lota. Price 81250; 8150 down and 915 per month. Also one of 4 rooms has electric lights. and city water, on a good gravel street, 5 blocks to csr. Sewer laid In to the house.- This place haa two lots. Price 91250; $ KM) down and 915 per month t re you thinking of building! If you are I have a nice east front lot on the Commercial street csr lina in No:-th Sa lem for 9475. Less tbsa a doxen blocks . from Stste St. - - . , I have an 80 acre place to trade for, Sa lem property. This place has a very fsir house and barn, running water sad : about 40 acres of creek bottom' land. Only a few acres in cultivation; about 4 miles to railroad. Hss a telephone line. Price 31800. J. A. Mills ' 831 Stati Sfc ,.: by H. WESTON TAYLOR R FALSEST AT E Co n tinued CLOSE IN ' HOUSES OP ALL SIZES for sal.- Close m lots for sale at reas onable prices by Gertrude J. M. Page, 493 N. Cottage St. -? s ? ; LET ME BUILD FOR TOU I have formed , build Ing connections tbst enable me to build the ben or bouses at prices 20 to 25 per cent lower than are commonly quoted and that make it less costly to build whst you wsnt thsn to buy It resdy-niad. Hereto fore, the high cost of building hss caused a, marked increase in tho sale of ready-made houses, but I am now abl to quote prices and term a that make it equally or more economical to build. I ll take you through bouse auca as I will build and yon may inspect themj oa every point quslty of - motors!, workmanship, plumbing aad every fin- . ishing touch.- See me before yon buy., HARRIS 634 N. Capitol Phon 1942 J. FOB EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE OUR MODERN 8-, room house in Portland . for livestock and farm machinery. Box 89, Bout 1, - : Salem.' I SALEM MARKETS GRAIN AND HAT No. 2 wheat - . .91 .87 No 8 red wheat, aaeked Cheat hay ....... . 912 & 813 Oat hay U 912 & 918 Clover hay, baled . 913 Q $lt Price quoted- aro " wholaaala -and mtt prieea roMived- by farmers, t- No ratal prices ar given, except aa, noted: : EGGS, BUTTER, BUTTERTAT Creamery butter " ....47 A .48 Bntterfat, delivered 1..45 Milk, per ewt n.. ss,. ....92.25 Egfra,- selects Htsndaro. Pullets -28 .25 22 -J.18 20 t 1 . -ll 12 P0CLTBT Broilers . Heavy hens Medium ........ PORK, MUTTON AND BEEP Hogs, top 160-225 lbs., ewt .88.71 Hogs. top. 225-275, ewt 98.21 Hogs, top. 225 275, ewt.: 85 Light sows ewt . '....98 4 Rouc'n heavy, .04 04 U Top veal, dressed . 07 Q 07 Top steers 05 & .04 Cows ; -03V4 Q 04 Top lambs .....-..i ; 09 Heavy lambs ... : ....08 A - 1 ; 0KAKGES "Boadad" Brand Bunklst Vslaaelao-k Offering: 216s and larger . 35.25 250's and smaller 1 r ..4.50 APPLES Cooking, Oregon grown, 91.50 Q $3.00 Graveosteina p box .92.73 ;.;..' - LEMOHS ' 1 . Lefftnswell "'EEK" all sixes, etso 89.50 MEW BUNCHED VEGETABLES All priced by th dose buaehea. Beets, Carrot. 58 Radishes, long or round 1 - '- - ' q . SACKED VEGETABLES New Yakima carrots, per jtack . 92.21 - All Sack Vegetable 1 por lb. high whoa desired in las tkaa sack lota. New beets, per sack .$2 21 Yakima rhtabagss, par sack ... ...91.6t Mow Vsgetable New celery, per bnnrh 80 & fl.ff Green beans, per lb. .. 04 Ct 04 Green corn. doa. 20 ($ ..2 Tomatoes: ' Cabbage, local, crated, lb L..'-.02 Head lettuce, local, crates 91.&0 & 92.50 Egg plsnt per lb. , IS Xew potatoes, ,New Oregons. ewt. ..91.75 Bell peppers per lb , -... IS Greoa pans, homo grown, por lb - n . "t Cucumbers: Th4 Dalles, outdoor . TS Onions, Walla Walla outdoor ewt. -32.00 -40 Parsley aad onions Potato faklma netted gem, ' par ewt .e.Vn. Oregon Whites, per ewt .i 41.25 -Hew Fruits Apricots in lugs , . $1 .50 Watermelons- crated, per lb . 04 Bartlett peos, per box 92.55. Peaches California: j f Fine" Elbertas, per box ...91.25 Early variety Oregon grown per box r..i, 75 Q .95 Blackberries, . selling today 91.50 Cantaloupe: Standards, per crate 94. 0O. , .Ponies, per crate,. -....S3.0O lats .per crate, ,.-...a.0 Ice cream melons, rrsted. per lb 046 Bananas, "Red Cord" per lb 11 Grapes, Thompson seedless: - 4 baiket crates 81.75 In lugs, per lb .. . .07 Sweet potatoes, in lugs, per lb . ...... 12" Dill weed, per lb. .: , Pickling onions, duo next week, lb .14. Rrk lots, lb ..j: ..08 1 Bartlett pears; . ., , - Yskima Bartletts, per . box .....92.80 Plums, per 4 bssket cral .....r...9l.50 Casabss, rrsted, per lb Oft Honeydewa, crated,, per lb. 07 Hummer Squash, per crate ... 31.50 Tomatoes, The Dalles, 2 layer box 91.SO I PORTLAND MARKETS I ft , a WHEAT - PORTLAND. Or.- Aug. 13. Grain fu tnres. wheat, blnestem and baart, August 91.06; ' September 91.04. Soft white-, western white. August 91.04; Septembar 31.02. Hard winter, August 97c; Bep tember 96c. - Northern spring, western red, August v97c; September 95c. v- OATS No. 2 white, feed. August 925.SO; September 923. CORN No. 2 grsy. August 924.50; Septem ber 923. No. 2 eastern, yellow, August. September 938. Mill-run. August 919; September. tlfl.SO. . . Silverton Grocer Sells To Century Store Firm . SILVERTON, Or., Aug;. 13 (Special t The Statesman) Earl J. Adams, who has been pro prietor of the Adams' Grocery oa Sllverton's main street for aerer 91 years, sold his bnslnesg Fri day to the International Sales & Produce company of Portland. Thia company will take charge at once. - Mr. Adams eaya he will take a racatlon for a time; Fur. ther than that he has not made any plans for the future. Tom C. Harbaugh. the Olifo poet, and Writer of .dime -nor i thrillers, has gone to the. Miami county poor house to spend the re mainder of his days. He la oO years old. , Harbangh wrote a lot. of the Riley sort of poetry and more than 1000 novels, novelettes and short pieces. No anthor ever Involved his characters In morn intricate villainies. From 1869 to 1897 he wrote continuously for Beadle. Tom Harbaugh dreamed thrills, but never saw them. tact !