Or egbn " State Newis Cantaloupes are Ripe Along Columbia River : V I ' s.li .. :. fHE DALLES, Aug. 13. First large snJpmenta or .cantaloupes from, The Dalles were reported in Portland yesterday. Tbe report ; said taai there had been but tevf email direct hlpnenta , ' oC cantaloupes from The' Dalles pre vious to;Syesterday. ' Sales were said to W at '$3.75. Calfioirnti ; stock is j being held steady at uh: changed, prices-, Tomatoes are re sales at $1 anda $1.50 per box Apricots! continue to drag-at var; Ions low prices. There is- elight ported moving 'better "with - most increase: In offerings; of Crawford peaches? with sales around $1.10 and $ 1. 15- a box. CaWornla' El bertas were n6t plentiful and the price was inclined to stiffen. - Off for IndJa CORVALL.I9.-r Aug. ' 15. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Whittaker and two children left Corvallis to day for San Francisco' and sail from California on. August 22 for , Burma, ..India, where they are to be stationed at. a Baptist mission school, -Mr. Whittaker is to be In charge qf agriculture.' The Whit- . takers, who had resided in,, Rose-, ville. California, the past year or so, had. spent several weeks' ai the cosntry home - of Mrs." Whit taker's parents, M$,, and- Mrs, F. S.? . Paynev and with Corvallis friend?,' before departing for for eign field I High School Auditorium I . & EUGENE, Aug. ; 13 A Baying ' oi several hundred dollars yearly t'a city eohools and patrons is be ,V lieved ? possible by the board, which 5?Fr1day -night : authorized , preparation of specifications, and estimates on additional equipment ; for the Eugene high school stage aid .for slight "alterations with restoration of the partition and the front - addition- inaie last year. 'By having more adequate facilities : for school entertain ments, - which have heretofore been staged-in1 theaters at ' con sUer&ble 'cost, the 'saving In ; a . year should be considerable, the board believes-" f -',: -;- J i if PERSONAL! t ; LestlerA'ewton, former advertise lag manager for: The Statesman; visited his family ? here : Sunday. rir.'STewton has done specialty ad vertising in recent weeks in Eu rene and Walla Walla and is now ia Vancouver, .Wash.;. ;v ; rr , .Senator Charles Hall of Marsh field was a caller at ; the - state . house'yesterday, ,-,- K H. Senator George Joseph was here from Portland yesterday conduct. 'zg the case before the state pub He s serrlee ' om mission? fof - the rickwlck;. stages. .-J . Henry fit. Hanxen, political edi tor of the Portland Telegram, wai Salem yesterday. r ; (Mrs. J. L. Shorey and children re enjoying an outing at New- jrt. ; j-r Kr.;nd MrsLi Bitney and i ub ter.t Hasel of Portlandr re i iraed from a trip to the Yeriow f oue. EajX-going . , by , , way of oise xlnXo rthe Jackson ; Kole juntry and into-the Snake Rivr r i r southern entrance, . enjoying ieder Pf .the park for nine 'ays And returning by the north ern: entrance or Gardner;," going t s far,: north as "Wallace, Idaho. 5 topping at all . the- large- cities and towns, making thetrip itt i ft C ays, I arrlvlngll home- Thursday i nisht.; o z--.rz ' 1 ; .MrsC Sayerreturned -fromn''"s?X' "weeks visit in Iowa and Montana Thursday evening. :' ; ; Miss Zola Birdwell, stenograph er for P, J Knntz, has returned frcm her summer vacation, spent La Newport and Portland.' , D. B. Jarman, manager o the y. C. Penney store In Salef." left r.Ionday night for a business trip 1 AFTER AGREEMENT WITH GREEKS: r i ... - tr-.ct Tasha, plenlrotentlary of Turkey, leaving-the' Palace at" z-z er.sr tizzlzz tl treaty wit!x the Cri3.mce again esteb: Z r ace ia ti:a t;r' t area, . . THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON Southern Oregon to f " 7 " Have Great I Picnic "MEDFORD,. Aug. ' 1 3.Pebple from fvery section of southern Oregon will gather at I Cfater Lake Sunday, August 19,! to parv tlcipate In the" first big! anneal southern " Oregon ulcaio.' This pic nic will be the first of a series of similar, events each , year and 1 being sponsored 4U -season by the Klamath Falls Chamber of Oommterce. Bedford's chamber has entered the . movement with characteristic ; enthslasm j and s com m it tee is . already at work,; ex tending every" effort to; make Medford's showing the very best possible. Many prominent Med- ford people are interested In the plan and will baek the commit tee in making 'the event a suc cess. . j Believe Dairy Profits I ! i i Have Reached Limit ALBANY, ;Aug. 13.Bigger profitis ,in dairying cannot be ex pected from higher prices because higher prices are unlikely. Due rirst to tne tact tnat prices are dependent . on the ability or the Consumer; to' pay, and-- they are how paying about alt. they" vfill stand, , and . second, a price raise of one cent per pound would bring in large quantities of foreign bat ter which would flood tb$ market and in turn would lower the price. "-' ' ' :- ; ' f But. nresent prices -have been profitable to 20. per .'cent of the 100 dairymen in Portland district from whom records .were-obtaln- ed. Coos Bay Is Scared MARSHFIELD, Aug. ! 13.-A cougar Is reported roaming; about the woods of Perham park, right in the city limits ofMarshfield. come lime ago similar r rumors were spread broadcast, i but the scare partially blew over. .; , The alarm, however,' has been. revived, according to George M. Munger, who resides in that sec tion of the city. .He says that Jib heard the cougar calllne ' nizht before last. . - to Seattle. He wl return Thurs- aay or Tiaay. .. j - President Carl G. Donev of Wil lamette university was called to Halsey Sunday to deliver an ad dress. He la to go next Sunday to the Rose City Park church in Portland to speak. ' ' " STANDARD OIL , REDUCES GAS i continued from page 1) tlon of the profits they have been making from operations 4n the Rocky Mountain states, according to officials of; some of the- big companies serving this f territory; i LOS ANGELES, Aug. H 13.A new - rate of seven - gallons ' -:of gasoline for a dollar was announ ced by a number of independent dealers here today. ; The, larger companies still held to their price of 17 cents a. gallon or IS cents with .script, ;: f - : i TOURISTS Ttrr.T.vrj ""TAHBES," France; Aug. 13. (By The I Associated i Press.) Twenty-three tourists, were , killed In a motor bus accident tnAnv n aint-saueur, a Pyrnennes ref sort about 25linlles south ,of here I FOREST ON FIRE WALLACE, Idaho. Air 1S. A forest fire, thought to have broken out Saturday, now burning over 200 acres near the west fork of Pine creek, -was reported at the local forestry office by E. C. Pul aski, rangerin charge. I . . j f "j i '0veKCrovvdeB:)ld&e Greets Offering ;at Grand Theatre ' ; It was an hilarious and at times- tumultuous audience' that saw and heard the presentation of the -Spice of IS 22. Last night the Grand theater was crowded and there was not a dull minute, not a minute without Its laugh'; ter. ; Of course there was no sus tained plot but there was .just one rip-roaring scene after an other, one laugh-provoking joke followed another In rapid succes sion. The play pleased and it was a fine innovation, on the : taut times of the last two weeks. ,. . The world needed to laugh and this plotless play is presented to fill this. need. There " was ', an over-crowded house at the Grand and no better pleased an audi ence- ever assembled in Salem: S Prices Highest Since Middle of July; First Tendency Downward i ; . CHICAGO, Aug. f 13. -Highest prices the fheat market has touch ed since the middle of July were brought about today, chiefly through active buying ascribed to a ; big. eastern trader. ' ' The"ciose was Unsettled at 1 to '1-1-2 net advance with September 1.01 1.01 1-8 and December 1.04 .3-8 t6 i:04 1-2. Corn gained 1-8 1-4 to 1 cent, oats finished at a shade off to 1-4 up and provisions at a rise of 15 to 35 cents., . . Sudden strength In the wheat mkrket developed after prices had drifted f downward Tor ' almost' an hour. The temporary decline Seas ascribed nearly altogether to cur rent news about strained relations between Great' Britain and France and about disturbed conditions In Germany. -"With francs back at a new low level -and-with wheat prices at Liverpool showing a set back, bears appeared ; at first to have an advantage although sell ing was checked by talk of a pro bable shortage of : j bread - wheat this season east of the Rockies. STOCK PRICES IIH European Politics Have Little Effect Upon Trading; Day Is-Dull NEW YORK, tAug. 15.Prices moved within w narrow and Irre gular range in today's stock mar ket, one of the dullest full day sessions thia year. "Trading was almost entirely a professional af fair with little disposition to ex tend commitments being shown by either the bear or bull, specu lators. .: - - r - !;The week-end political develop- low record for all . time ; and brought about some sharp reces sions in the French and Belgian bonds.- -French francs were Quot ed ; as low. as 5.5J W, Demand sterling held steady around 4.5S 3-4 and Belgian francs advanced stock ' prices but resulted . in French francs dropping to a new ments In Europe had. no effect "on nearly 10 points on reports of a 500,000.000 franc loan from France to Belglam. German marks dropped from 35 to 27 cents .a million and then recover- ed to 33 cents. , c ., - Widespread agitation .for lower gasoline prices which has result ed in state Intervention in Sotith Dakota, was held responsible for the liquidation: of till shares by frightened Investors but the re cessions In active issues were held to a point or, less. V The unfavor able trade developments in the pit Industry arising from the heavy over-production of crude oil in the California fields have been well discounted by: the oil shares, some of which are reported to be in an oversold condition. This probably accounts for the caution exercis ed . by professional bear traders in . extending their operations in this group. s Pickwick Staaes Receive Z Rearing at State House 'The Pickwick stages of San Francisco were given a , hearing before the Orgon public service commission yesterday on the bas is ofnnofficial complaints against the company, alleging negligence. The stage company Introduced tes timony to show that their drivers had been cautioned repeatedly to observe all state traffic i laws,, while the state on the other hand Introduced testimony to show that two of the company's drivers- bad been arrested for speeding. An accident near ; Shedd, Or. wuere one stage passenger.; was killed when one. of the stages was run down bV a train was recalled.' The commission took the case un der tdvissment. I j - iw wheat: r i . ; LIVERPOOLT-Aug. 13. Close -f-Wlieat - October1 - 5-8 lower. 8 -. 5 1-4 di" December 7-8d lower IE a. HEATH Highly Successful - Sessions Held Sunday at Court Street Church ; A big home-coming service was held Sunday at the Court Street Christian ' church and $35,00' In pledges and cash was received on the hew building-proposed for con structlon.' George Lee Snlvely o Lewiston, 111., was director of the day. j At : 9:30 he gave an Illus trated lecture entitled "The Can die Drill," using scores and scores of various sized colored candles At the close of this was a de ; -.i ' ! clslon service and four additions to the church were received at tha time. -. i :; . ... ...j.. . . i Orerflow Necessary 4 At 10:30 there was an overflow meeting at J the Central Congrega tional church for children. Miss Grace Von Behren was in charge. Their.' program consisted of read ings and songs, illustrated - talks and an address by Superintendent L. M. Gilbert of the state training SChOOl. . The meeting for adults was held at the church and for them Mr Snlvely delivered his 'address on the relation of the church to the school, home' and state. - 'At the close of this meeting there was a campaign for raising funds, and it was .completed during the rest of the senrlces of the day.; .The building is estimated at 350,000 Isincheon Is Served At the noon hour luncheon was served for the guests. They were seated at - laden tables. At 2:30 In the' afternoon the memorial services and the observ ance of ; the Lord's Sapper took place. 1 Memorial addresses' were made in honor of the following: Alice Baker, J. M. Flake, P. A. Shipley, Maurice Allen,' Mrs. P.'; A; Caspell, Mrs. M. C. .Park, Mr. Belten. Mrs. ! W. N. Ash, Mrs. C. A;. Hoven.' Paul Bennett.; Mm. Mary Howd, Prentiss Simpson and Mark Flike, by Wl AJ Bullock and E. B. Flake. - Special1 numbers were a solo- by Mr. Bruner of S1I- verton and an address by Mayor J. B. Glesy on,"ThS Value of the New Church to the Community." Mrs. W. P. Babcock and Mrs, Slnieral sang a duet on One Sweetly Sol emn Thought.", .... ,-... Epley Tells History The address of this service was given by Dr. ' H. C: Epley. in which ne recited the beginning- andhls tory of the church. ; In the evening an evangelistic meeting was held by Evangelist Snlvely on the higher values of life. . i - The new church; plans 'were on exhibit during the day. Next Sun day they "will be ratified by the, congregation. The plan is to go uueaa wun ine pians for, the con- Btrucuon-'of the building in the very hear future. Some of the Big Ones Some ot the largest givers wer Mary-Martha Society, (women of the church) 35,000; H. C Von Behren. 32,500: C. C. Armstrong s 1,250? R, L. Putnam. 31.O00; W. A. Chute. ; 11.000; W. M. Lee 11,000; N. A- NewbilL- $1,000 and K. F. Long. $1,000. ; ; There wast one $750 gift, two or three $600 gifts, and aU the rest were smaller . ones, making the aggregate amount. !...;- ' ii Ji PeaicH Recipes '-t. Are Given " ' Hot Peach Padding ; cream two tablespoonfuls : ot butter with half a cupful of sugar; aaa one oeaten : egg and . half; a cupful of milk. Beat ; well and blend witn one and a bilf cups ful of !fI'our' sifted .with two tea spoonfuls of Bait... 1 Fold in the stiffly whipped egg whites and turn into' a shallow greased dish.' Cover with a layer of sliced peaches,' sprinkle" with sugar and a bit of grated nutmer and baka half an hour in a rather hot oven berve not With . an Iced custard sauce, flavored with lemon juice. 4 ; . Peach ouffle . " Pare and jress through a rlcer, three peaches from which, the pits have been removed. Add two and a half tablespoonfuls of powdered sugaif and the lightly beaten yolks of three eggs. Then foldf In the stiffly, whipped egg whites, to Which a pinch of sal t has been added, and tarn into a buttered souffle dish. Bake in a quick oven about 15 minutes. Served with thicVcrea&v :,V svJ'V r- ' i Peach MarshmatloW'Ice Cream i i Seald three cupfuls of jich mllk. nd add ..three; eggyolks , beaten with 6ne and a : half cupfuls of ?. sugar and a quarter of a teaspoon rful of salt. Cook brer hot water; stirring constantly. Cool, chill and. 5add ohe , cupful of doable cream. Whipped solid and - a? tea-; 6poonful of ranilla extract. Turn tato.-a, chUled freezer and "when the mixture begins to congeal, -add half a "pound of fresh marshtnaK lows, ; cut in . shreds, and a large' cupful of sweetened .'peach pulp. Continuei toeezelintirniia""attS Slice the fruit after pfeeling and remove the stones. " Add aa -equal amount of sugar, as you have of the prepared fruit. Mix, well and let stand covered for one - hour. Then: add for three quarts of the combined ingredients the grated rind aad laice or two lemons and a dozen kernels taken; from the stones. Cook very slowly for hall an hour over a "moderate heat, stirring frequently, and store when cold like jelly. , - Peach' Surprise ' Peel one quart of peaches, 'cut in bits, add two cupfuls -of sugar, a few drops of sweet almond extract and chill on 'the' ice; for several hoars. Then add the whites of five eggs unbeaten , and a quarter pint t thick double cream. , Turn Into a freezer and: freeze slowly, using three "parts -ice to one, of rock salt.: j i , -: ;--L ".f';. Spiced Peaches ' Make a 'syrup, cooking for 10 minutes, with two, pounds ot brown sugar, one quart of milk, vinegar and one. ounce of broken stick cinnamon. 'Blanch one neck of freestone peaenes,' remove the skins and stick ' each fruit with four whole cloves. ' Cook, a few at a- time, 'in ; the syrup until ; soft, but - not - broken, and transfer to hot, sterilized jars. Cook down the syrup until quite-thick and fill the jars to overflow. . Adjust the rubbers and ' hot covers and seal as for canned , fruit.. Divide the cinnamon equally, among: the? jars. -t . . . - ;-; , Peach Marmalade ;v - Cut the fruit in halves, remove the stones and cut in small pieces after peeling, : Allow ; an equal amount of sugar, measuring after cutting up, mix well and let stand covered for one ; hour, i Then -add tor three quarts of the combined ingredients the grated - rind and juice ot -one lemon and - a dozen kernels taken' from the pits. Cook very slpwly for half an hour, over a moderate heat and stir frequent ly. Store when cold as for Jelly. REALTY EXCHANGE3 I Itepoited by Union Abstract f Corapanr ,1 - - . Salem Deaconess Hospital .to Carl F..Gronke,,Iand ia CU 37-7-2 W., Marion county. Ore, . $,1. : "Jacob Denny and wife to.T&os. E. Andrew and wife, land in CL, 1 and: 12-7-$; W.p Marion, county. Ore.; $900. ; , i r . ; T Jos. Schulte to Emma .Walter. land, in O. ,55-8-1 W' Marion ,county, Ore $"100. . 4. ' David F. Logan and ' wife to E. L. Dale and wife,' lot 4, Blk. 1. Central Add to Salempre.V 1925. T. Slater and wife to Emma Ori-lls and husband, lot 28, Fair-' ioage Add' to Salem, $2t0. - Claude Waters to Ed RlimmQk and ' wife: art of lot 1," BIK C, COwings Add. to j Silrerton, Ore., f z&o. - : r , - .' '! T. L. Benedict and wife to J TT. Crawford, lots 45 and 4$, Ireint What JL M able i. ,.! -it I, .friar.. j4--f ! .I . fi i i.T . i, - - -- n ii . . , . i f TUESDAY, MORNING. AUGUST 14, 1923 J'ruItFafms; Marlon county, Oie:; $10. ' ' "" ' . i Albert Chenoweth and wife to J.-W. DeLap and wife, lot? 40 and 41, , Hampden Park Add to Salemk $10, j : , . . ; Cbas. Hopkins and wife to Bry an H. Conley, lot 4; Blk, 12, High land Add to Salem, $800. . , , J. C Yantls and, wife to, J, A. Burns, lot6, Blk. 3, Richmond Add to Salem,; $400. K. T. Barnard and wife to E. T. Foster, and wife, lot 9, Blk. 21 Highland Add to Salem,' Oregon. flO., .., ' .. ,..;-,: Irwin W. McAdams and wife to' K. T. Barnard and wife, Wt 9, Blk'. 21, Highland Add to Salcoi $900. , S Irwin W. McAdams and wife to K, T. .Barnard and wife, o 9. Blk. 21, Highland Add to Salem J2.1': - j,.,..;w ; . E. A. Hannah and wife to It. A. Harris, lot 3. Blk. l Parrlsh Grove; Add , to Salem. $10. . Albert Dahlen and wife to Os. car Dahlen, part of lot .34. Pn-slts Add to Woodburn, $10. ; ; E.-B Grabenhorst and wife ' to A. J. Wenger, part of lots 11.' 12 Blk. 18, . Falrntount Park Add t Salem $10. . ; ' Pauline Skinner and husband t6 Dwight B. Tibbet and wife.' lot 1. Blk. 7, Richmond Add to Salem $400. V , Jacob Idlewlne to W. J. Page.' lot , Blk.' 2; Idlewlne's Annex Riverside Add to Salem,! $1. 1 W.1 J. Page and wife to Loo Huddleston and wife, lot 6i ik.1 2, ' Idlewlne's . Afenex : to RiTeri.I? Add to Salem; $10. i ' Cornelia JL.' Davis- to John s! Marshall 'and wife; land In CI. 15-7-2 W. Marlon county. Ore.,; $t: L. B. Hansen et al to L. H. Turner, land In CL 38-7-2 ;'W. Marlon county. Ore., $27504. ;' W: ' D. ' Allbright . and wife to Cyrus Butler and wife, land in - -- .jy rv--ev - .".Vy,;,'.: A r It tT)C 1 1 l:fi to A7HY suffer the iricoh- venience and tain' rrom riles when you will be guaranteed a oositive and perrnent cure by my .nonsurgical, pkin iesstxeatnlentr Treatments mav b taken weeldv if it Is inconvenient to be here for daily attention. Write ioJaV for air FKEK hook oa tb ytoym tr f cat ttfOu. - ' - - -' i r it i 2ND A. ' H..SON CKTIANO,0-ZCOM MfMTu ITNH Mt. WHI VITIN9 in Was "Robin Hood' . . T.IGH on to a thousand years ago wealthy wayfarers. tingham, rather than the through Sherwood Forest. a-or .the forest was 'Knhin Hnnri'c 'RiirTiwrirf 7 ." h, doughty Robin and his merry men were eager coin coV; . -lectors. . - People who buy without regard to advertising ndwa- days journey at high cost in rbundabbut ways, to rrTr-i their purchases where values : are idubiotis. For: 1 tlie' shrewd buyer of anything, m our times, sends his Tnbney; to maket the straight, sure way, guided by advertising. I Whatis not advertised niay,' perhaps; be worth buy- ing. But what is advertised simply must be beyond 'ques tion. He would be a foolhardy! merchant," or' a recHess i rrianufacturer,who dared publicity for anything question- s , ; All. the risk these days is: irr going : 'rbUndl Robin Hood's barn. Buying1 on the strength 6f the advertised promise, is the way; to buy with least risk of clrsappcint ment and greatest certainly bf satisfaction. Mdlce tice'of the: C1; i?i-S ' W.,iMarfon ' ' county. ore.,'$,o. r-M' . ; JJN. Jones and" wife' to" W. H. Battlftand wife.4 land in CI. 7.4-1 3 W.," Marion county, Ore., $10.! - L. . Parsons to ETa J. Doh'-JT-ly, part ef Blk. 23, Capitol Park Add to Salem, $19.. : O. H. McElroy et al to Wi V. Taylor and" wife,' part of ' lots ' t and , Blk: 7, Fairmount Park Add. $10. - ' ,. ' . Orange E.' Osburn. by Elehors a: ZlellnSi. lots 10, M. 12..13 aal 14 Bik, 17, Capital Park Add to Salenu $2150. V,,, :; Sofcr : .. . This is the feeling "coraes ove? the home-bwrier .. whfl ' jearrisy after, he , has Completed a lhs'dfespir r :- materials, that he could have built)o-ght.h!s " hbMe bf dura"ble fire safe; cdnlf jrtable' arid 'ith- for such a moderate first , But next time he builds orbuysVrjri He llas yearneu lor me aavaniage, ana enviea t ; j other, people enjoyiiig 'the charm and, economy of . , ; . true1 perxzlanence that: comes from the union of MILESTONE tile and stucco. ; v v ' : Can you afford to jnake-this mistake?: - . We suggest that you change your Tyishirig and ? desires into full realization of permanent satisfac ; ' tibn JbrbuildinoflnEStONE fcondrete hollow v . tile.- '" ;"''-!-'." , ; .. '-v As a "preliminary, stepiet ui' h yOUih; : , , ; your, plans 'and'detaiisl . ; . , - :.'.;..V . , MILESTONE ' : ' . Concrete tucl . : . " ' : l405Front. Father Time Bays: I hhd tliat vaiaa per ootiar estca." - - -i I ...... .... ..; short cut thatIed- ttrdjcht k tviveriiGemeitt -' joTrn Matter Vndv wil !e 'to A. it RamWg- and wife,' part of Bile 2, Schwadder"s Add f ta VWoodlurn, kbd t land in CL 4T-6-i-iW.. $10. v Frank Barber- and wife" to a; M. VasaalL-lota C and 7, Bllu-IS, North Salem. $19.u.ur ,-.: TEETHING XLJ lttZM are very hard on thejlirJev one Summer dworders t .Sach bowsla, weakening dUrrhoj choleta infantum, quickly controCd by r . , CHAMBEHLAlrtte COLIC ana DIAHRIIOSA Helps children and. pUer Jront j-xy -r 'of disappointment that cost. i' r ' . Phone ISO VJpEioVi Tl-Jl lvrs 'fciW 1 1 i ! , u-n.J .0' a'.;; "4 tfA T V 4.- r ii"? .Mi i H t ! . ' r I t. . .'! I f ! i i smooth.' ; - 4 -':.-- - i