8 the ohegon status!, r an, salem, Oregon SUNDAY MQUNING; AUGUST 12, 19$3 -r "V j I ' as I 4t COSGBSOATXOHAX. Central Ferry and 19th street. Harry W. Johnson, factor. (Sunday school 9:4. No mornincverriee. Evening vorship at 8. .Mr." lieadlea. a student oC Kimball Setioal of Theology, will preach. Subject. i CHSISTZAK Court Street Corner 17th and Court atreeta. ' R. U. Putnam, 'minister. ' This is the hie Home Com ins; Day. 9:30 a. tn il nitrated lerture, "The Candle Drill." ky Director Geo. 1U SniTely of Lewis town. 1111 noia 10:30 a. m.. two aerrices: Overflow meeting- for children at Central Congregational ebureh. Special program for ekildren of readings, songs, music, iiiustritted talis," lecture by Superintend ent Gilbert of Boys Training school. Several of the boys will take part. . The other- meeting- for adults. Director Geo. I... finitely in charge. Dnet. Messrs. Epler and Wolf. Address: "The Church As Related to America's Schools. Homes sad State. - All attending; the -morning service will be our guests at noon lunch eon. Memorial service 2 :30. ; Commas Ion service and memorial . speeches in honor of deceased Bible school and church mem bers. Addre : "The Old Days, the Old Wave, the OH Friends.'" fcy John-T. p'm b p. an. avangeusue aerrices -Special music, t Sermon : , 'Im , mortalitr, Geo. L. Snively. All come. t '. EPISCOPAL St. Paul's Church Beveread H. D. Chambers, rector. , Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. Morning prayer at 11 a. m. A sermon by the Reverend a Baring Gould, ' MJL will 'be read by the reader. FRIENDS '! Sonth Salem Friend Carl F. Min taio G. Miller, pastors. Sunday school 10 .a. m,i Worship II a. at. Theme; "Crip- pled in Both Feet." Special raaaie bf male quartette. Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. Preaching 8 p. m. : theme: "Jesus Ts Coming (Again. ' , . Prayer meeting, HiehUnd. Triends -HUfllsea Are. and K. Church St. I. G. and Ida J. Lee, . ministers. Bible school at 10 a. m. All Welcome Morning worship t 1 1. ' Chris tian Endeavor at 7 P. St. Evangelistic preaihini; at 8 p. to. Young people's ' braver meet in 7 and Ribla atnd nm Mnn- 1 dayat t p. m. Prayer meeting on Thnrs day at p. m." 'The public is cordially invited. - tV '' XUTMEHAir Christ Church State and Eighteenth etreets. O. Koehler, pastor. Sunday school i a English at 9:45 a. n, Preach ' ing service in German at 10:30 a. m. Young. people's meeting at S:80 p. m.; tonic 'ThristlanitT anl Pmrl" Kn evening serviee. hearty welcome, j . English Lutheran English Latheran services Sunday afternoon at the Bethanv Reformed ehurchi corner of Capitol and . Marian, streets, st 8 o'clock. Hvi 8. J. Lindeeth and Rev. Geo. Henrikscn of Sil- verton,(Oro., will carry on the work. Rev. . 8. 9. lindsetn filling the pulpit tliia com ing Sunday, Aug. 12. Yea are moat cor dially invited to attend. v - KETBODIST , Scandinavian M. E. church 15th and - Mill Sta. David C. Hassell. pastor. Sun day morning service 11 o'clock. Sunday ,; ecnooi .cpwortn l-eagne 7:80, and i evening aervice 8 o'clock. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening 8 o'clock. -Come and enjoy these meetings with na. Leslie Methodist Corner - S. Commer- Sonday school 9:4S. Preaching set vice 11 o'clock: Dr. E. E. Gilbert, dutrict superintendent, will preach. Evening ser vice 8 o'clock; Rev. A, 8. Mulligan will preach. . , Jason Lee : Memorial M. E. Corner' North Winter and Jefferson Sta. Take the North Commercial street car. Thomas Acheson, pastor.' Earl Officer ia charge of the junior church. Church school at 9:45 a. m. ?Pblie worship at 11 a'elock with Junior and senior churches meeting together in the auditorium. The pastor will preach.- In the evening at 6:30 there will be a testimony and praise serviee which will last for half an hour. At 7 p. m. publie service lead by the pastor, Pirst Methodist Episcopal Corner of State aad Church streets. Blaine E. Kirk pa trick, minister. 9:15 class meeting. 9:45 Sunday school. 11 sermon by Rev. J. M. Waltera. pastor of the First Metho dist church of Eugene. 1 No evening ser viee or Epworth League.'' A onion aervice in . Wilson Park at 4 p. m. - Thursday 8 o'clock the mid-week service of prayer and praise. ; PRXSBTTERIAN First "Presbyterian Ward Willis Ioag. minister. 9:45 a. aa Sunday achool.-11 sermon by the Rev. E. W. Warrington, YMCA eecretary at OAC, Corvallia. 4 p. '. m. nnioa gospel services at Willson park under the auspices of the YMOA. Mr. Warrington Will be the tpeafcer. 7 EM Now is the time to buy la used Bicycle ,We still have a few fine rebuilt wheels from $15.00 $22J0 Gome in and look them over Harry W. Scott The Cycle Man 147 SoCom'! St PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY ;FOELSAVER -: ; i , i Get a BEE5GER PIPE 411" PIPELESS FURWACE At Factory Prices . i .l I '4 . I s i 1 i 1 T.Iade in Salera F.H.BERGER Uzzzi adorer 603 N. Liberty Street Phone 1048-M PEPaFECT COUTROL Quality IN PRINTING will (reflect your personality in yourBusiness. - , ' . -.- -. r, Correct office forms and busi ness stationery increases effic iency, accuracy, economy and pleasure in your Business. ; 1 f 't ' ' 1 ' " ' ' " t ' " ' ' Our commercial idepartment is equipped to give you immediate and satisfactory service at prices that are right. , j! Suggestions and estimates given at,your request. The Oregon Siateninan Commercial Printing Department p. m. ChrieUan KMstror soctsties. a p. . evening service, - r uospet aaaress oy Mr. Warrington. 8 pm. Thursday church prayer hoar. .BEFOXMSD CHURCH Bethany Reformed church Corner of Capitol and Marion streets. Sunday school 10 a. in. and J&ngusa preaenmg aervn-o 11 a. m. No evening aervice. M. Denny, pastor. UNITED BRETHREN First United Brethren Corner of llfh ..j Miinn streets. Sunday school 10 o'clock. Preaching 1 1 Vcloek, nubject : ! 'In "The Cneontainable Blessing." -Evening ect: service: - preaching: at 8. aobjoct. "To Every Mas His Work.' Yon aro invited. AU ara waleome. C W.iTibbat, pastor. Cattle Chapel George Ctapman, pag. tar. -Corner of 17th St.' and ' Nebraska Ave. Sunday school aft a. m. f Preaching 1 1 a. at. and 8 p. m. Christian Endeavor V 5k. aw Jasier Endeavor T p.-m.. 'Prayer meetiug Thuraday evening -8 p in. Yoa are invited to all these services. MISCELLANEOUS .Salvation Army services: Holiness meeting 11 a. m. Company meeting (Sun day school) 2 p. ra. YPL. 6.15 Salvation rally 8 p. m. Sermon subject "Misplaced Love." ' A cordial invitation ia extended to all to come. Captain and Mrs. A. M. Holbrook officers in charge. -i Church ' of the Nasarene Nineteenth and Marion Sta. C. Howard Davia. pas tor. Sunday services: -Preaching at 11 o'clock and 8 o'clock. Sunday school 9:45. Young people's meeting 7 o'elok. Cordial invitation to. strangers. " . - v Glad Tidings Mission 343 Court St. C. S. Johnson pastor. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Preaching at 3 p. m., subject: "Incense." Preaching at 8 p. m., aub- Tho Good Way." Services Wednesday and Saturday evanings. Yomng people's i snooting on Thursday -evening. Miasion open every day. Midday prayer service 11 a. at. to 1 p. m. Everybody welcome ' - iChristisn and Mission a ry ' Alliance Tab ernaelo rPerry St. berareen Church and Cottage. , Saturday evening young peo ple ' service 8 o'clock. Sunday scrvieea: Bible achoot 3 o'clock, preaching service 3 o'clock.' evening evangelistic service 7:45. Tuesday evening 7:45 prayer and praise.' Friday evening 7:43. All ara invited. : Rev. H. E. Caswell and Mrs. Caswell pastors, 425 N. Winter. Phono 821-Jt. - . ! , ; Smif t That ' fellow Bjones Is certainly an odd dock. Pegrew What's he been doing now? Smlf fOh, when he's drlTlnr his anto he's Just as polite and considerate to , pedestrians as - he would be If he was on foot, r,' ;PerewWelf f he must be ; a qoeer old craaki - . - . ; 5 - CHURCH HOTICES u . . ' Te monthly business meeting of the Jason Memorial Methodist Episcopal church will be held to morrow evening. All church of ficials of all departments will at tend. - Dr. E. E. lOlbert, district sup erintendent, will attend a meeting of the church members Wednes day evening, The woman's missionary socie ty of the Highland Friends church will meet Wednesday, , u day, across the street from 'the church. . The - Aid society oft the Castle chapel United BretheTan , church will meet Wednesday: afternoon, Big Demand, for Silver May Result in Shortage N. YORK, Aug.: 11. The use of silver in' the motion picture In dustry and amateur photography and the great demand "for silver jewelry are - responsible for ft growing demand of such huge T?ro-; portions that Robert Unton pres ident of the 'North i Butte Mining company, ' predicts ' shortage of the metal in the future: In a statement on' the subject Mr. Linton declares that 5,000, 0 00 1 ounces bf rsllvert are used in photography ? each yearvi : This is the largest single factor in the in creased demand - in ' the United States. .The Orientals ; take, great quan tities of ' silver for adornments. the . white metal helg U tnem ' ior fawa j"""' acts as ' crafty trader ia buying ,np Immense suppi: on alow market and.holdl: nntll. the price 'soars aga: Linton says. In the face of this merer, mand comes the Intelligen the world's production ia t ing. u The rich silver mL v nearly exhausted and no tlz-k have been struck. , Sliver iz Mr. Linton declares, chiefly product of copper- and le: : ing.V and the, larger copp; . lead mines are producing 1 rer. J ' . . ' VHave:you ever stopped to i that this would be a mlghtr old world i If all " the bunk eliminated?. i i Agiam "Western Auto," because of its temendous buying power, is able to give, you an even greater saving onritsiires by announcing a reduction of prices. : ; Motorists all over the West who know and appreciate the quality of these tires will be quick to realize the-advantages of anticipating their tire needs arid make their purchases NOW. , - Lower production costs and a large, timely contraet makes possible this enormous saving which we, gladly pass on , to you. (This year we have distributed through our 70 stori3 about 100 carloads of tires.) REMEMBER, the quality bf these tires is the same ; the mileage is to same ; the service is the same. We are simply cnyirig 'Out our . policy of "More for Your Money." Take advantage of the New Low Prices Now. - ' w Tfrn neciai ii'N 9,000 Miles : 4 l 1 FABMJ Nebraska' 6,000 Mile Guarantee $ 5.05 6.S0 9.95 10.45 1 2.55 12.75 12.95 15.85 16.00 Pilaris .7000 Mile Guarantee $ C.C9 ,,l t. :i 7X0 10.GO 11.95 13.00 13.95 f - Ll; 1425 SEE 30x3 30x3 31x4 r" .. . . f .... :. 32x4 33x4 34x4 "WESTERN AUTO" GUAR. ANTEE ON TIRES MEANS HEAL PROTECTION TO YOU, 32x41 34x4 35x5 Roadgripper 10,000 Mile Guarantee Western Giant Extra Heavy 12,CS0 , K2e Gtunntce ' ? - - A a- $5.75 . ft ft. f 9 ' lataOO 16.65 1 7.75 18.30 10.95 REMEMBER: "Western Auto" Stores carry the most com plete assortment of Standard Accessories and Supplies for all makes of cars, at pleasing prices. Drop in at the nearest Store and see the values we biter. Ask for New CATALOG, at the Store Nearest You "Western : v 3xG I SI 3.35 10160 21;75 CO .05 24.55 29.80 J)aj3 ' ' V'' s' . if t j.- i f' II : ! : 1 s jj ,:-v .,-.?... -.y - - asaBBsSBBBsaBBBaaasBBav V?2& A2 iOJZXi K3. .Guarantee O.il 1 . x 1 Cbriier Crart and IfiRh Sts-Opeit Until B P. M. Saturday ' a W - ... OT ' -m it sw -r M. "iir. ( T3 'A t 1 ! 4 u SUE OUR WIND 3 W. DISPLAY