. 1 - ' LASSD7K3 AJ&TETJgSMOTa V ;J..;J---': Rat per ywrd : Per Insertion ... - Three Insertions , Una Hk (six iuwtiDM) -.So; One. month , .-20e. Six montha" contract .par .to - 15e (12 montha' contract, pwm rr12: fctiaimiua for any, advertisement .8 5c II I . - f.lMIH.HU,l! i : Norwich union "FIRE INSURANCE SOETY "; W. H. Burghardt. Jr. Resident Ageat S71 State ;8t. i- MONEY TO LOAN On Real EiUU j, , .r: k..fqrd ' Ov 144 A" Bash ; Bank) NEW TODAY FOB RENT SLEEPING ;iKOOM3 and housekeeping apartment. . -Nicely Jura ao.sirs.At, St. ' - - - - - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS -'rTCT KENT on -tao ' aarTiWHbi cold water, hathy elietrie, 5tV"; 7 rcaaoaettei d ildrs fhoao :'J .j- k W ODER ,Jtuu i w; ewj 2t0 Wilson street beautifully f iu- f ; whad, .wilt be reedy td 'move into. u short tim. ,$225U fash, balance mort gage at 5 V 1 interest. Berke & Hen dricks. 20V U. g.vBuk.BII.. -' SPJRELLA CORSETS -SOLD BY. ALICE -A. Miles, .A51 Krll ,12th. Phoae , Eor,Sale : Fiei oae-etre home on Height. South. ' iuat outside' of eKy-linHa. With good ' ' six room. luagakw with basement ad v furnace. Price ,$4500; $5UO( down will i , W H. GRABENHORST CP. ; .,1, - j.v .275,Sta.to at. ,, ; '.- '? WANTED -mEWRITB.;FlST - Haas only. Address J. D. Berwick, rJ55 'orth 5th. - TOES . MCE WHITE NEW PO- &toa. SI oer aark. eixro. yvra Kfc Box 847. Sajea. v " " 1 i 5 fifist-Bu vs and ExchaTKes ? f irajow it ,2105 Center St, ,500 cah; ' - tianr termar ' - I .,neji0 ibaya C acxus jnodern -raatdenee .at - 1615 C9Brt Jit, Jeanti(oI inaida fin I 1th. fen firat eiaaa condition, - 3000 j ca&k" .halanaa .tarma f 15500 ijra tiM modsra 8.. room osi4anc f I rarara. coop, barn, lot 100x200. bear I I log frait. ahntbbory. at 165. Miaaion ' St, $200,, caah; bajaaeo terma. The pricoa on any of the above nomoa J aa yon at leaat 85. - ! ;, Socoiofsky, Realtor 841 State, fPhou 70. TKKilS -500 eaah; fcalaaca $3S per iaomh, baya new 5 room tMpk, 2240 S. Church atreet. f nil . baaement, fireplace, bntlt i kltchan. Beck & . Uoidiiclw, IS05 .V. SB,-J8wt HOL'SL WANTEI to 7 ROOM 8 5ood location, near, achool and Trolley, todeca equipment, with carafe or "plaee to kaild dna. Dowro ta ; Is SPt, i, or 46th. ,Would couaider , porchaae ; a ji7inent v1- T piatei VQK EEST ERRlT.and Fruit farm, Phono 15F3. ,?. W.. Beechcr. t OST- ffWO IXSUEfiO OIECKS OS C. K. gpauldin; $30, and B - wardtrssa Soathieth Jltreet. BuitB cleaned and preaaed 10 Prompt and .-afaci!; ,mco 99efw . .JUS. . . ,v.-: For Sale or Trade 820 acre stoek ranch la Polk conaty. bnildinn. Price for oaiek aale. 97500; 12000 caah down, or. will take Part konaa and lot in Salem op to aouwu. W. II. GBABENH0B8T CO.' i v 275 State St. W1STED AT OKKOON STATE TU berealofia hospital, daainc room relief woman for 1 month. Call 433. VORi BALE GRAIN AND POTATO aacks. for aale 875 X. Commercial. . (Phone 688.- - FOR SALE OSK .MALLEABLE AND a gas range,, 875 If. Commercial St. Phoae 588. 6NAP NEW 4 ,ROOM .BUNGAWW. atrictiy modern, ..garage, paTad . atret. car line, north, a well built houae. a real borne on terma yoa ran handle; Beeka it llendricka. 205 L' B. Haaic " Bldg. V - . , - ' " Why BtfYaw -Wheels 1 Whan yoa caa haTa yoar old wheela tightened for f 1.S0 per wbeeL Guaran teed for reat of season. New ' gears a and axle shaft. Fly wheel gears for lea a. 3cheelar Auto Wrecking Co. .t. ,; 554 Ferry at. WASTED A GOOD. MAN TO BENT a meat market, 1614 N. Commercial. Free Bulbs .From TuIId City la order to iatrodaeo oar bulba wa will distribute as lour as they laat. a few thousand trial packages .containUig 12 flowering Tulips in ataorted colors. - Send name and addraaa with only 25e (no atampa) to cover packing and . mailma oBDenaes to American Bulb - Nuraery Co, Beilingaam, Waah.-Only one nacKaca to aacn applicant, abb priceiist. " -.' ' LOST i SMALL MAURAN GIRL'S wrist watch at playgrounds. Reward for return, rnpaa jww. CLOSE IN HOUSES OF ALL 8IZES ' for aale. Close la lets for sale at reaa-. ' onabie prices by Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. CotUge St. FOR KENT 'IX BOOM BUNGA low, - seven room houae, three apart ments, two room apartment, one room apartment. Gertrude J.-M. Page, 492 N.; Cottage. " ... . ' FLAX PULLERS WANTED - $30 PER acre. It miles out. L. O. HERROLD . M Phone 1097W ' READY TO OCCUPY , APARTMENT bungalow With everything, 4 rooms, . furnace, fireplace, laundry tuba, large , garage, cement basement, cement watka , paring and oa car line. Price $380fl, : terma $750 down, balance like rent. Located 1119 Market street. Vacant sad bread aew. Wky rentf Beck ft - Hendricks. U. 8. Bank Bldg. FOR 8ALE KITCHEN CABINET, $45. Sulkey $13. Phoae 1352W. BEAR IN MIND THE OREGON FIRE relief will write your mercantile stock or- fixtures if located hi brick .build ing. See 8 1 and ley Foley, Agents, Bnah iBank Bldg. found bunch . or , KEYS IN - Willaoa park. Owner caa kave same by describing and .paying for ad. ln - o.uire Statesman. - j- AdTrtiflemeBt ror IHd.4 oa Hcltool W'arranU. The school board of District No. S, Marion county, Oregon, will sell negotiable warrants. Interest 6 per cent, to the amount of 540. on Aatnst 20, 1923.' Bids will be cjened at S p. m. The board re Ferres the right to reject ny or all bid. All bids should be mailed to T. S. Walker, clerk, route 7, THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM OREGON NEW TODAY Continued HORSE FOR SALE PRICE $10. .-Phone, J1947W- ; s DOST "RISK A" FLUE ' I FIRE THAT may .deatroy your house, but ' phone Bay L. Farmer for a chimney sweep. 8ALESJIAK WANTED A GOOD PO- atUoa w opea to aa aggreaalTe man or . jrpBian aa city aalaamaa. - Giro age ' ud previous ocenpatioa. Applica tion . wai be eonstaerea conitaenuai. Address "jt5" care Sutesman. LOT BARGAIN 3 .FULL SIZED 1AT8 corner wBeimont ana n. joiago, uuu . for alK" Becke A Hendricka, 205 U. 8. Baak. BWg. Bargain: Good five room bungalow ' located 11 blocks North. Krice sasw; terms. ( iW. SI. GRABENHOKSP CO. . 275,Sute SL. i : TOR EXCHAXGE 64-acres 7 miles, out. Close to gravel road and. Jt. Btauon, uooa fencas, ' miming water, . some , cteared. balance "pasture and timben iWill make ideal - little dairy farm.., Priee JM50O. '.Wsnts f iunair tract close ia for cltypa-operty I in fialm on Portland..' ' -. 160 acres near, Cbittwood ' Uncola rcoun - ty. Or, fair. Ituildings, some cleared, iauitable , for 4airy or- stock ""raiaing. -Jfrio only aizuo. Am -getung oia ana .want hoeae -or amafl tract .near 8a - loin. -Will . pay. 'soste aeh -difference. See my eotv ChUda ft. Bechtd, 540 STRICTLY MODERN;! BC)OM HOUSE, 4 OlocEs to neaxt 01 town. aaai iruut age. paved street, ' alley, ..garage, ,boau tiial ah rubbery. -, lawn,- (flowers, trait trees.' A bargain at 650' with terms. 6. room Jroose ia fine condition, full ce ment baaement, fireplace, corner lot 75x142 : feet. Paved atreet. : 9 blocks oat .for S45&0: best of terms.. - 4- room plastered bouse, good lot,-"East frontage, now vacant lor only f859 Cash $350; balance $15 per month 6 interest. See Cbilds A Bechtel, 540 State Sc' ' . CAN USE FEW KOBE FAMILIES, 65 acres south of Independence, early and late hops, 60 cents per box, bonus paid : campers. " - tHAS. LIVESLET Phone 62 4 M ; 844 Marlon St. -r Snap ! Good , four room cottage oa Fainnount .till, large Int.- iTice anou. W. ii. ORABriNHORST 4 CO. .275 State St. WANTED Ai GOOD SHOEMAKER TO rent (hop t 1614 N. CommercUI. WANTED MAN WITH TEAM AND track for. logging contract.. Paone Tnr ner, 56. 25 ROOM HOTEL ..BETWEEN iPOBT- Una and Astoria. . Dining room now rented for $50 month." Good income from rooms. Will exchange for 40 acre improved farm, some fruit. Farm not to exceed $8,500; or will sell for $2000 cash. Balance like; rent. Box Clatakanie, Or. ' ; THE. BEST COSTS NO MORE THAN medicine. Come to Salem a beat , an to repair ahop. Jack Doerfer Motor Re pair, '410 8. Commercial .St. SNAPPY ELGP SPORT FOR. SALE cheap, lots ot extras, new paint, uie aoa Auto Exchange, 173 S. -Liberty St. Phone 660. S - FOR RENT THERE ROOX " TCR- ' aiabed apartment, bath. 682 N. Com mercial. WE HAVE BEVKRAL USED CARS WB are anxious to dispose of ' to. .make. ' room lor New Gardners now in 4ran ait. ' ' , i ' -.;:, : t:. We list here a few for your approval 1929 MaxwelL lota of accessories .4735 122 Ford Ooupe, like aew . 490 1921 Maxwell t , , , , U 375 1921 Dodge to or inc. beat buy in Iowa for , 650 Btndebtker Special . 660 1920 Maxwell. Ail dolled to . 275 Mitchell D-5-40 - . JJ60 We hhve several others for you to J lect from. Come . n and look them ever. -, ' '- 219 North Commercial St. Gardner diatribatora for Sontherar'Oregoa APT. -OiOCSB ,PAYS : BIG FOCR . furnished apts. close ja ; must aell Jaow, iom terms; .immediate possession. See ;Becke . Heodrciks. . . A. : . i t . . ii . . J FOR SALE 439 acre farm, one-half .under fence., one quarter under culti vation, balance , in .timber.-Water for 'stock from three lakes. Land suitable for .berries and other vegetables.. D. , ,W. ' Nicholson, Archer,' jFiorida. " 1914 Touring 1917 Touring 191 Touring .$ 65.00 150.00 i 17O.0O . 200.O0 1920 Touring -: isku , uefivery 1820 Touring 245.0O 165.00 245.08 S85.00 415.00 285.00 , 1916 Roadster . ; 1921 Roadster 1920 Coupe . 1922 Coupe '191 Sedan , , 1820, Bedaa S85.00 x 1921 Sedaa. .-.. 395.00 I9t2 Sedaa 635.00 1919 Delivery .:..,......... 195.00 All cars guaranteed ' to be la good raa ning order. 1923 liceese oa every ear. Liberal terms . Opea Sundays VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY 260 No. High. Phone 1995 Good Buys Sererai new baagalowa for sale, on terms, J na snow you: For rent. 9 room house ia good ' condi tion on West side, $1 per xnoath. ? 110 .acres of good .farm land ,railee east of Salem . oa jnaia , road. . Jica $5500. . , Nearly new five room bungalow with full basement and garage, $3875. Several fine lots $500 to $900 On Cea- - ter near 14th St. r i- -. W.-H. GRABENHORST ft COV Bealtera 275 State SWv a, i i i. . in a . -.,. ) i j TEMPUS TODD A Rose !)( ' - - ' - - " CaSt ThLD WBP v ; fSZ"? You-ail SoTTiMLf Does PurnuproK , r? "Trr SPlMaj w To J'I?- ) wZZTr'n I M'Tuh tvod. THIS i S Love CARAMEL BaOUOH to BE J -SPoSlNYout0AD3 T v 1 CARAMEL THAT VOtySTyfi-J ,&yXv ,VBClDBTMpta)lTSLLyS tyHfCH MARRIED TO HER An' I M ClSTL f I CUM yVseVes lZ CrtAXiT hah j is B jf!f; US Z 'CAi. ; oft isk - - f (oa- Mx Lopes j Bouui 7a havg he MAf&soJ. - K ST NEW TODAY Continued WOOD CHOPPERS WANTKD TO cut old and second growth fir. jona H. Scott. 208 Oregon Bldg. J WANTED ;-r- Y OLD ESTABLISUKU i Salem firm, competent ana esprn-nr-r ed bookkeeper. Permanent t position, t Kither sex. AddreM. giving i full ex perience. M25. care Statesman. - ' ' USED CARS 1922 Chevrolet Touring i.$350.00 1921 Chevrolet Touring 300.OO 1921 Chevrolet Touring zo.u 1821, Ford touring, ahocks, spotlight water pump, large ateering . wneel -ete ;J1. i- 25.00 1918 Ford touring li5.oo 4 ton truck, pneumatic - tres, . stsrier. lights, etc, a anap lor . tow.uu Phone 22 or 1752M. CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T. , - 349 N. Commercial St. 4 FdR KENT THREE NICELY FUR- jiitnea rooms, tsii i via vwmtr 1 Stop That Rent . i Good five room cottage, plastered, mod- jern plumbing and lignta. . t'nea tor jqutek sale, $2100; $400 down, bal ance $25 per month. , W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 Slste St. FOR SALE BROOD SOWS, TO FAR- row soon, and some with pig of all ages. John H. Scott, 208 Oregon Bldg. A FEW FJXE LOTS FAVINU ,E pavement now , being put in , oa north Capitol street. Very low prices; your own. terms. : :' .r Dandy little 5 room houae and, lot with 88xlOO additional in creek bottom gar den spot in rear; no rock; great soil. A snap at $38O0; terma. Strictly modern, 6 rooms with attic apace for 2 more; practically new, east front, , . north Capitol between E and Belmopt; 52x100; alley at side and .back; $6300, ' ' terms. Win take good lot In exchange. Splendid valne. '' T: ' Good 6 room bungalow with big lot on Miller street; vopderful view of valley and river; .a delightful . place. Only $2550; terms. ' Splendid 5 room cottage; well located in .North Salem; fall cement basement, , f replace, cozy and complete.- $3200; terms. Fine little new 4 room cottage between paved streets ; just finished ;. never yet ' .occupied; plastered, well boilt, op to . date. . Only. 2aOO. Very easy terma. Big f hotpgraphic. list of exclusive Salem homes.9 Styles to suit almost ; every ' tasfe. Ton osn't . build them for the . money. Let nr show yoa. ; !' ; - .. dIAR&IS 03A N. CapitoL -Phone . 1942J. EMPLOYMENT MAIM LAWNS MADE AND CARED -FOB CALL . 1613M. . ; . .I.;.,.- WANTED TEADY EMPLOYMENT by tnan . and - young man, jaaida work . preferred. Address "D 4" Statesman. FKMALB POSITION WANTED AS HOUSE keeper. Woman with two children " wants good home, t Capable ' of -""full management. Phoaa 1B47M. KALE AND FEMALE HOP PICKERS WANTED FOB WIL liama hop yard. Register at Klett's Billiard Hall. , Pays 60 cents a box. TYPIST EARN $25-$100 WEEKLY, Spare -time. Copying Anthort Msnu- - scripts. .Write B. J- Csrnes, Antbors' Agent, - 0-441, Tallapoosa, ; Ga, for partiaulara. .'''.( WASTED MSN. AOT WOMEN TO V-take farm paper subscriptions. A good ". tpropoaiUon . to the .right people. : Ad v dress the Pad fie Homestead, Statesmaa f Bldg. Saleaa. Or. , t MALE AND FEMALE pOP JPICKEEa-DO YOU WANT A ' place like home, . splendid hops : end ; beet of accommodations, 15 daya pick tag. , Starts about September l.A good ' yard for women and families. 60s per , box. j For other information phone .59T22. C. C. RuscelL ATENTION HOP PICKERS . WB ARE registering pickera for two of -the best yards in Oregon. 117 Acres, Mitoma - yard near Independence and 80 acres Cortia yard near Talbot. .Good camp g-rounda, tents, .tables, benches, wood, and dean straw furnished free. Store on .grounds, si ail delivered daily. A boot three weeks picking beginning about .Sept. 1. .Register early. For further information call ,ar phone BOSTEIN ft GS.EENBAUM -240-246 N. Com'l. t. J- ' DURBIN CORN OYER , Over J. C. Penney store, 160 N. Liberty St. ' Phone 491." Office koora 8:30 a bl, S p. m. V AGENTS WANTED SELL MADIBON "BETTER MADE" . SHHtTS direct from onr factory to wearer. sVo capital or experience re : quired. Easily sold. Big profits. Write for FREE SAMPLES. MADISON MILLS. 503 Broadway, New York. GABT8I DE'S IRON RUST SOAP CO., 677 Preston street, Philadelphia, Pa., want agents to sell the only ORIGINAL IRON BUST SOAP remover Crust, ink, etc, and TUBELU. washing blue in tubes. Reg. in U. 8. patent office. Profit making plan upon request. If trial tubes are desired, enclose 10 cents. FOR RENT FLAT" FIVE ROOM FLAT, MODERN, FULLY furnished, at 66 .Ferry St. , Ground floor. $ja5 a month. Call at Statesman business office or phone 23. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 5 'ROOM UNFURNISH ... , ed apartment. Modern, new, close in. Phone 1404M. ; FOR RENT Continued APARTMENT 3 FOR KENT APARTMENTS. 891 XO. Commercial. ' n i fi f. f .f FOR RENT FURNISH KBy UPART meats. 110 Division. . " ""'' F I V HOOM APARTMENT FOR RENT, Close ia. AdaUs. 465 Center. . . HOUSES ' FOf: RENT SEVEN ROOM RESI- dence for rent. 874 North Hummer. FOB RENT A T room close in at $50, part furnished. Wm. Fleming. 841 State fit. ' FOR RENT MODERN .FIVE JtOOM bouse at 635 N. 16th St. $30 a month. I fall at Statesman business office, or 1 Phoae 23. -i .- t. ROOMS FOR iRENT APARTMKNT8 AND ; sleeping rooms. Leonard Hotel. ,254 N. Front Street. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE. 14' BY .' wording "Furnished Rooms," pries 10 ' cents each. Statesman Business Of I ficew Ground Floor. ,-' - .' 1 PRINTED. CARDS, SIZE 14". BY 16". wording "Rooms to Rent," price 10 ;- rents each. Statesman Bosioeis Of fice. Ground Floor. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY,7", wording "For Kent." pried" 10 cents ; each. Statesmaa Bnsineis Office, on i, Gjround Floor. . : .f . - 1 PIANOS NEW PIANO FOR BENT $6 PER MO. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. . PERSONAL! CATHOLICS WISHJNG TO 7 MARRY, : Booklet fre. Address ,11)ME CLUB. ' L Box 23, Grand Rapids, Mich. GET MARRIED t-BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. 1 Free for atamp. Cor- 1 reapondent, ToJeJo. Ohio, . MARRY IP LONELY MOST STJO cessful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich strictly confidential; reliable; years f experience; - deecriptiona free. "The Successful Clnb." MRS. NASH, Box i 550 Oakland, Cal. , . LEAD1S0 CLC3, LARGEST, MOST reliable for lonely peoples, confiden tial descriptions free in plain sealed envelope- Thousands wealthy mem bers. ' it . sincere ' write. Established 19 - years. Old Reliable -Club, (name f copyrighted), Mrs. Wrutat, .Box,, 28, Oakland. California. . WANTED : WOpD fiAWINO WOOD SAWING, PHONE 1327. WOOD .SAWING. PHONK.,131. MTSCEILAMBOPS WANTED ..GOOD VIOLIN., MUST. Bl? bargain. Address D3. care' Statesman. WANTED EVERYTHING JN HARD ware and f uraitare. Best prices) paid. . ' TUB CAPITAL JiARDWARat - , ft FURNITURE CO.-? 285 N. CpmmarcUl . St. , Phone 947 FOR SADE BTJ8HTE8S OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU GOLD .metaUic window and auto sign . letter work. Phone 776. S to 6 p. m. daily, FOR SALE . GOOD T7SED MAHOGANY piano left with na to sell. Price $200; terms. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co, ifo- sie department. FINANCIAL EXPERTS WILL ADVISE how to invest $50 with absolute safety . with steady increase in valne each year. This expert advice FREE TEN i DAYS ONLY.- NATIONAL FINAN CIAL ENGINEERS, Third floor. Sca rab 15 lag, .uetroit, stica. BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS AIRDALE, FOX TERRIER AND BULL puppies, iflake'a eliaad, 273 State St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15a to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three montha' trial for the best .and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise , menta are ot special interest to the . poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial .atreet. Salem, Oregon. y LIVESTOCK EIGHT CHESTER WHITE PIGS FOR - aale, $5 each. jf. M. Isling, Route 3, . Box 230, Salem. PIANOS GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO, $150 Terms if desired. IL L. Stiff Furni "'. tun Co. '..! ;,. PHONOGRAPHS ' PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS S125.00 Victor $150.00 Victor-.. $150.00 Path S165.03 Columbia 75.00 Victor -$ 95.00 . 115.00 . 67.50 110.00 62.50 Terms aa fow aa $1.00 per week H. L. 8TITy FURNITURE CO. Phoaa 941. : ' - 404-450 Court St. , - WOOD CHOICE 108F3. ' WOOD, FOR SALE. PHONE artd Two Thorns. FOR - SALE : Continued WOOD 1XIR 6AU& 16-INCH OLD FIR . AND second growth 4-foet. . Phone 19F3. "-M. i liayfield. - i v -Best Grade of Wood m d foot aad 16 iaob mill wood. - d Jeot aah and second growth fir. , 4 foot end 16 int-o old fir. : Prompt delivery' and reasonable price. .Fred E, Wells, 305 8. Church, Ph. 1542 , U8CEIiAHXOUS FOR SALE 16x16 (CENTER POLE army tent. Driver, , 2G78 Oak St. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS -10 , cents .a bundle. CJrculstion -department Oregon Statesman. - FOR SALE LARGE CHAMPION prunes ready .row. A.- M. Oliapnmn, Route 3. -Box 110,1 Phone 112F12. FORsSAI& vOOOD GRAVKNSTEtS . apples, 80c- bu. Transparent , crabs. 2c lb. Blue Damson plums 2e," deliv cred. Phone 89F23. ) v t CIDER! C.IDER! CIDER! THE; COM- mercial Jider Works, J010 North Com mercial atreet now making fresh, sweet cider. Apples wanted. We buy dried loganberries and .Llack caps. . Come and see us. j ( ,i ; , FOR SALE UNITARIAN CHURCH building to ha .moved from present site, corner Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Address all communications to the sec retary of the board of trustees, R. A. Moiiney, Mason U Bldg. T. Beautiful Oregon Rose And .eleven other, O re goa songs together with a fine collection of patriotic songs, sacred gongs and maay old-time favor- - .ALL FOR 25c, i , (Special prices la quantity lots) Especially adaptable lor school eommun- ' lty or home singing. Send for " Western Songster ; 10 pagea now in its third, edition , . J.'ahlinhad by , 0REG0X TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Commercial St. , ' ' Salem. Ore. AUTO DIRECTORY BATTXEY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO-LITE -BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. -Ferria Bros, Phone 1803, 418 Court. . . f s ' B. D. BARTON . r EXIDE BATTERIES f atarter and generator work ; 171 South ''-ijCommereial.', I ; i : BADIATOB ft FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES : snade or repaired. J. C. Bair, 349 Ferry TIRES AMD ACCESSORIES USEDJARTS J-3 to 1-3 OFF. MIKE'S ' Auto Wrecking . House; 424 North ' Commercial. Phone 528. TRACTORS A C. HA AG ft CO, 444 FERRY ST. - Phopa 210. Cletrao tractors. Oliver im .plementa. -.. ' .' . .- USED CASS FOB SALE 1923 IIUP.MOBILE SPORT I model. Priced, right for rash. Will con '" sider Ford Coupe in trade. Phone FOR SALE BUICK FOUR" TOUJR iag,' run ' 1200' miles. Has extra cord i mikt. : . : j , i - ;-- , BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. 1 ' .Phone 423 ' FOR-SALE . CHEVROLET CAR. PER fect condition, $250. . $100 down and $30 per jponth. Imu ior cash, .1263 N. Church St. ; -, ' GOOD USED OARS tor Co, 371 Court. GINGRICH HO- FOR SALE - FOUJR WHEEL TRAILER, i Cord tires, $75. ; Chevrolet touring, (' price" right. $5 down; $5 per : week. ' Auto repairing 75c per hour. Hank's ,. Garaget Wacooda. s FOR SALE 1923 DODGE TOURING run 4500 miles. Has spot, light, moter . meter, cut-out, bumper and rims. BONESTEELK MOTOR CO. , Phone 423 ' USED CARS 1921 Fori touring 1920 Ford touring $275.00 325.00 . 150.0O . 150.00 . 400.O0 . 650.00 . 173.00 1919 Ford panel delivery 1921 Chevrolet delivery -" . 1920 Oldsmobile Speed wagon 192 1 Dodge Commercial car 1 1917 Maxwell A 1 shspe ,,. ,. 1919 Baby Grand Chevrolet, A-1 . shape, looks new 500.00 400.00 350.00 1918 Dodge touring 1917 Dodge touring . '5-' Terma r BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. Phons 423 ,1 I - VI OK BROS. USED CAR BULLETIN . 1923 Overland- 1922 Chevrolet ' , ,, , 1918 Ford Touring ....,L. ; Excellent condition. ' New Ford Coupe : . : ', With ' many accessories 1918, Elgin Touring "1919 Oakland Touring 1917 Mitchell Tonring . Excellent condition .$425.00 . 876.04 . 175.00 .650.00 . 150.00 . 850.00 . 300.00 , Ford Delivery 10O.00 Earl Touring, almost near, at a great sacniiee..- 1921 Hupmobile Sedan 900.00 , Like new ,. Buick Touring .: .. 300L0Q VPOK BROS. . High St.: at Trade BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY cles and repairing; 887 Court. SUNDAY MORNING, AUTOTOPS ; x Good, Auto Tops Nfwl tiM be ' expensive. Auto tops, as a visit 4o Gruuert's top ahop will show. ::C Stale St. lpios;te LaJd ft Bufch ' Bldg. . ' " - ; Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS 6 V-K 14" BY 7", wording ''Dressmaking"; , price 10 cents each.' Statesman Bssihess Office - Ground Floor. ' HEMSTITCHING SALE'M ELITE II E M S T I T 0 II t NG pleiitinf:, buttons, stamping Bud needle 1 work; 328 Oregon Bldg, Phone SV3. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING . stamping,. buttons. Room 10, over Mil . ler'a store. Phone 117. . LADIES TAELueuMQ D, H. MOSHElt TAILOR T0K ; and womea. .474 Court St. r MEN W. J. . M.AYER LADIES' -TAl i -l Ui .Vfi. '' long coata and suits. Roo:u 7, MrCor nack Bldg. BUSINESS CARDS ARCHITECTS FREEMAN ft STRCBLE, REGISTERED Architects 510 Bank of .Commerce Building. - ' - AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER I. . .TALBOTT, TUB livestock, furniture and farm sales .' Auctioneer, 203 U. S. Bank BlUa Phone 470 for sale dates. ' CARPET AND BUG WEAVING SALEM OAHPET, CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rage woven any size without seams. New -mattresses made to order. Old - mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated.' I .buy all kinds of ' old carpets for fluff rugs. 131 snd. Wilbur, streets. . Phone 1154. Otto r. Zwicker, Prop. CEMENT , CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT. WORK CALL AT 430 N. Summer St. CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F U R N A CE" - cleaning. F. Councilman. - Salem Hard' .ware Co. ' '.': 'r CLEANERS AND DYERS SPICK 'N' SPAN -dyers. Pbone 19S EANERS AND SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS- Suite cleaned end pressed, $1.50. ' : Suits sponged and pressed, 50c. - 1215 S. Com'L Pbone;i898 CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Constructing Engineer. Surveys, ekti mates. Jno. IL Neef, 319 Oregon Bldg. .Phone 775. , DRUG STORES W1I. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS," 175 N. Commercial. Phone 167. , ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIO CO. MASONIO building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIO FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. - ." 1 HALIK'S ELECTRIC -SHOP ELEC trieal machine repairing, contracting 337 Court. Phone 488. FRATERNAL LOYAL ORANGE LODGE JA SON LEE Memorial No. 530 meets In Odd Fel lows' ball e v e r-y first, t h i r d and fifth Tuesday, of the m onto. All Orangemen welcome. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS "funeral .' Wreaths,' decorations. . C. F. Breithanpt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. 5 Phon 380. - FXNANOIAS, HAWKINS ft; ROBERTS. CITY LOANS. ..lowest rates, , - GOVERNMENT LOANS ON. FARMS 5J per cent, 803 Salem Baa k of Commerce WANTED, A LOAN OF $1500 AT 1 on first class Salem residence. Wm. Fleming, , $41 State St. ' 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on, city or farm property. "Reserve De , posit company, 72 Fourth Street, Port land,' Ot. - . i . FARM LOANS AT 6 PER, CENT and PEB CENT; ANDERSON RUPERT Oregon Bldg, Salem, Ore. Story by OCTAVUS ROY COHEN Illustrations by H.' WESTON TAYtQR C n ass, a, rtm si , u m, i, nm AUGUST 12, 1923 BUSINESS CARD Continued ' FINANCIAL :: FARM LOANS ' Inauraace money, any amount O per rent. for 5, 7, 10, or 20 years, . with . full prepayntept privileges., entire "Willam- etU valley. ' ' s: - .vv.v JI AWKtNS . ROBERTS V , 205 Oregon Bldg Salem, ; Oregon FA K M LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer tirao. " no- com mission Protect gainst , adversity. . City loans, lowest rates, monthly tnatallments, pre-pay- roent privileges. J. C Siegmund, room 2, over Ladd ft ; Bush bank. FURNACES SEAGROYR FOR FURNACES PIPE .and pipeless; 199 8. 12th St. Phone : FURNITURE STORES OlESE FURNITURE CO QUALITY : furniture for leas money.' 873 Court ' PhOne 464. ' ' " , PEOPLE' S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second nana xurnitnre:, Comhieroial. ' -" JUNK JOAX WE BUT AND SELL FURNITURE, tools, and junk. , 975, .North Comnier ft ciaL I'hona 588. . ' LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 810 S. laberty street. Tlione 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY (Juality work; prompt service; ,1264 Broalway. Pbone 165. YALE HAND LAUNDRY PERSONAL bundles a " epedcialty. Also cleaning and pressing.- 1691 Bellvue. Phone 8. MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam boilers, vutcanixera -and tube plates. Perry C. Campbell, 317 N5 Liberty. WECHTEJt ft SMITH -- MACIUNISTS, engineers. welders. Heaid cylinder , grinding service. Phone 562-345 Ferry. MEDICAXt MOUNTAIN" BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W.- - ' NURSERY STOCKS FRUTTLAND NURSERY COMPLETE , line trees. Office 161 8. 14th St. Phone 1140M. . . ' r COMPLETE , LINE , TREES SMALL fruits, ornaments. Capital " City Nur sery Co, 426 Oregon Bldg- Pbone 75. FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES ' Pearcy Bros, 237 State. . FAFERHANGINa AKD PAXNTING ' PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, .etc, Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMININE IN BEAUTI fnl colors; $1 does a room. Max O. ' . Bursa. 179 N. Commercial. PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, KALSOM- ining. E. R. Brock, successor to Aub rey H. dark. First lasa work, 795 N. CapitoL phone 1607R. SCAVENGERS SALEM, - SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse of arf kinds -removed. Cespools ; : cleaned. Phone 167 or 10O7J. -.- SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (SUC l cctsor to- Keai Scavenger) Garhaga and refuse of all kinds removed by the - month. Reasonable r a t e s. Phones : ' Office 529; residence 205S. : n . TRANSPORTATXC7 CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central ' SUge Terminal, Salem, Oregon SALEMEUGENE Leaves Salem 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a. m. ; 11:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. ; 3:15 p m.; 5:15 p m.; 7 ;30 p. m.; to Corvallis only. PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Manager Central State Terminal Salem, Oregon. SALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central State Terminal; 7 a. ni.; 11 a. m.; 5 p. m Leaves Silver'.on Ncwa Stand: 8 a. m.; 1 p. m; 6 p. a. s Salem-TadeiMtndence-MonmoBtb. ' Division : Leaves Salem, ;Ceatral Stage Terminal: 7 a. m.; 9 a. ni.; 11:10 a. m.; 3:10 p. m. -.5:10 p to ' --- - - I.eaVes Monaioulh, Mon month Hotel: 8:15 a. m.; 1 p. ni.;6:15 p. as.. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a m.; 9:50 a. m. ; 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m.; 6:30 "p. m. Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Salem, for Dallas at: - 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. m; 5:10 p xn. Leaven Gait Hotel, Dallas, at 8 a. m.; J p. jo.; 6:15 p. . We make connections at Salem to" all . parts of the valley. Extra tripe by ap pointment, ' . - J. W, PARKER. . General Manager. TRANSFERrHATJXiNG MOVING AND STORAGE REASONA ble , figures, S75.. North Conunerclai. ''phone 688,' "- ' ,. - " .- CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 State St. Phone 933.: Distributing. -for-' warding and storage our specialty. Get ,ur rates. : WE MOVE. STORE AND iSHIP OiOUSE held goods. - Our speoislty is piano and furniture moving. We also make ooua- , try trips. We. hsndle the best coal and wood. . Call on us for .prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phon 930 VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glassware, toys, notions, and mil linery. -. , . ..''; . BUSlNESSCMli-! - 'szcQSp hand qo9DS ; SAIM-BAAINOU, i rvi TV ffliOTH. U.1 Exc-age; 342 North Commercial Phone 13 V ' ' RTOVES AND STOVE BEFAlKINw STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National oiU and varnishes, etc loganberry d hop hooks, f Salem Fenceand Stov. Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO Office, 801 South UOBMuerc-. - per cent , discount .0- VJ J-ate. paid in advance. J- de ductront ' for abaooee or aoy cause unless water i i abut off your. premises. .,.-. A, . COU R8B IN. BUSLN KS3 ' PIANO playing. ' Popular ayneopai- j- muaie. Semi ciaarica a-d aUls; -IS lessons. Waterman Piano, Scheel. e- Cornack ftiig- . '-, r : ' . UUSIO STORES GEO. 0. WILL 1 PIANOfl. JPHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono- graphs and ewwing machines; .432 tstate. Balem, . "... - , . , , SHERMAN. CfY ft CO, PIANOS i Bteinwaya, Duo-Art and others. Moore s Musio House; .415 Conrt street. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. II, I.-Stiff Furni ture Co,. Musi Pet. - ? i . . .'i ' PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING EXPERT REPA1RINO ALL MAKES Of phonographs. Jsy jBaile, Moor.e e Mu sic House. -' i MUSICAL EDWARD WEL'- tXPRlEXCEptr- ., sset -tuf Jtsv: iprtfers , YfiU V I 'J ! . V - ' tll.'- . T 7 ; PR0FEBSlbNAL a A L E M 'AMBCtCE SEljVJCi; -4-; Phone 666; 173 8.. Liberty. ,,,' . CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. Jj. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN diseaae. 153 S. High St. Phone 283. CHIROPODISTS PR. ; fc F. , SCOTT, GRADUATE NA . tional University Sciencei, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Pbone 640. DR. WILLATMS CORNS, CALLOUSES, , ingrown , nails; all foot trouble. .Price ;" ."' Shoe Jo. . Poe' ,.. ' ' .-' -'; ' i 4- C3IR0PA0T0E3 DR. REDMOND, S2S : OREGON BLDO, . Phone 1638. . ' ; ' - " ' PRS. -SCOTT. ' ft SCUOriELD, P. i 8. C Chiropractors. ;4 14-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. : Paene 87 res. 828-R. "v-- . . - I DRTJGLESS PHTSICIAaTS MAGNETIC HEALING DR. A. J. , JranU. Af nte and chronio diseaaee. ' Phone -760. 495 1 N. Commercial. FTJNERAX. . DIBECTOKB SALEit MORTUARY, FUNERAL PIRfC tors, 10 Center; Phone 1656." , , NATUROPATHIC 7HTSICIAN3 DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronio diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg. ' -Phone 110. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. L.; MERCER OSTEOPATHI4, physician and surgeon. Kirksvil - graduate, 404-405 V. 8. National Baa Bldg. Phone, office 919; res, 614. I DR. JOHN L, LYNCH OSTEOPATHIA Physician . and Surgeon. 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phones, office 1394 1 rie. . : 58F5. - - i .$ OPTICIANS MOaUUS OPTICAL COMPANY ORJS , gon Bldg. Rooms 301 to 304. J GLASSES JUTTED BY THE BOW Op tical Co, 325 State atreet, opposite , Ladd & Bush Bank. "IJse Quality Proven Shur-ona.: f REAL ESTATE FOB SALE ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM eotttge close In $U200. $700 ''down,34 halanee like rent? 410 Oregon BWg.' , , A GEN.yiSE BARGAIN . , ' . The finest 'east front loV on B. domett - - V ( J ml L L lhr. . , . . ' iTuunwa. w ti. xJemihr. 341- 6tate St. . " , ; m . ' 1 -. 'Realtor' ' ' ' ' r4.OBSf r L-ANT) sFORs ' RENT '"NEAIS' CUaehjaY' nd Sliak. -Suit4bIe for tall ,20 ACRES , NINE MILES ' POUTO- Alt f?,,l,,0r:,!e rr easy teris. :Sl ertfroite or geaefal; - V. C. Bohrnste'dt ' . ? 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregpn,' tw SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. IwJ chicken house, hedga S -;rt cw- iuick fOOO. For terma call at p63 8, 17th. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE BY 7" wording "Eo, Sale, Enquire at." p2c;: Special - ' f .To Exchange a fine Uttle farm 5 ,ea oVkn'Ttr0,d-0od WrovenTent. tock, machinery and ero Year's Tho mason t 3314 State Street ' ' t.: Court Street Property::::" W, H. Grabenhbrstcl Co. " rooms reserved. TPic 70on ,5 D" W. McLarerf Co. 30 180 N. Com'l S, Phone 430 , ;j - - ' - m.Bungalovv .0(. o.- $sro. hom9 "m o3n'0l 'J, !:! i i t 1; !'l Ii y ! be r $ i i f i t r t r M l 1 I - 1C Z, Oregon.